• A break from cosmetics - «


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    Today many celebrities post on social media photographs with naked faces. The trend is supported by both very young Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, and older Christy Turlington, Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez. Tired of accusations that they look great in magazines and at special events only thanks to Photoshop and makeup, the stars decided to reveal their true faces. It is clear that everything is not entirely fair here either. .

    Successfully falling light and Instagram filters hide minor imperfections, make the complexion even and give it radiance. But this does not change the general mood.

    Some went even further. They appear without makeup on TV shows, interviews, presentations... Following them, ordinary girls also stop wearing makeup. But let’s not go to extremes, because refusing obvious makeup does not mean a complete taboo on cosmetics.

    Time and youth

    It’s clear with the stars: following the hashtag #nomakeup, they want to be closer to the people. But what makes you and I give up such a pleasant ritual as improving ourselves? Most often it is a banal time saving. Although makeup artists claim that it takes much longer than usual to create “no makeup makeup,” five minutes is enough for many women.

    “A year ago I got up half an hour earlier, to do office makeup,” says 35-year-old Veronica. – Now I can manage it in a couple of minutes. I moisturize my face with a serum to make my skin glow, apply foundation on top (without even looking in the mirror, it spreads so easily), a little cream blush, mascara, and I’m ready.”

    This trend helps get rid of complexes

    Others admit that they look younger without makeup.“This trend has helped me get rid of my complexes,” admits Alisa, 26 years old. – In high school, I wore very bright makeup, without makeup I looked like a gray mouse. Everything changed when a friend posted our vacation photo on the Internet. Acquaintances who did not see me a la naturel showered me with compliments. And some were surprised that I was so young. Now all I need is BB cream, brown mascara and lip gloss.”

    Clean face

    Facial fashion in nude style due to the development of cosmetic technologies. Modern serums and creams instantly give the face freshness, mesotherapy restores tone and youth, and contouring and peelings correct imperfections. The advanced ones finish the job foundations. They are almost invisible on the skin and perfectly mask problems.

    Gel and cream blush and shadows are more popular than ever. They apply in a thin layer, are easy to shade and give the most natural effect. Translucent tone, delicate highlighter shine, detailed wide eyebrows, a light blush and lips slightly touched with pink or beige lipstick - this is what current makeup in the nude style consists of. With it, the face looks almost clean, well-groomed, youthful and very attractive.

    We want to feel free, healthy and happy. Without dependence on bad habits and pressure from outside

    “When I start creating makeup for a client, I feel like a carpenter, holding a piece of untreated wood,” says Lancôme artistic director Lisa Eldridge. – And there are two options here. The first is to disguise imperfections under a layer of paint. And the second is to cover clear varnish to highlight and highlight the natural beauty of the tree. And if I don’t have a special task, I always choose the second option. But even here it is important to be able to use foundation, concealer and highlighter correctly. Only in this case can you afford to do without other accents.”

    Life is Beautiful

    In fashion natural makeup, which transforms the face, but itself remains invisible. This trend fits well with the general postulates current style life: we want to feel free, healthy and happy. Without dependence on bad habits, without falsehood and outside pressure.

    Yoga, dancing, skiing and cycling have long replaced grueling workouts in the gym and brought us closer to nature. Healthy food is not eaten out of compulsion, but because it tastes better and is easier than fast food. And they don’t paint over their faces because they love them the way nature created them. Well, maybe with some adjustments.

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    Perhaps the vast majority of girls use cosmetics. Some to hide emerging pimples or wrinkles, others to draw on themselves Beautiful face, and some simply because everyone does it, and they don’t want to stand out from the crowd. People are so accustomed to women wearing makeup that they look at girls who don’t wear makeup with suspicion - is she sick? By the kind of makeup a woman puts on herself, you can say a lot about her character, lifestyle and others. important aspects. However, in reality, cosmetics are not so necessary for women, and there are several important reasons refuse it.


    You can't apply eye shadow without lining your eyes with eyeliner or pencil. You can’t just put on lipstick, or they will look strange and provocative on a face that doesn’t have foundation or powder on it. To create the perfect everyday makeup, you need a huge number of different components, and each of them costs a lot. And if makeup is required for a festive occasion or a woman prefers expensive and high-quality cosmetics, she will have to spend more more money. Typically lipsticks, mascara, eye shadow and foundation creams- the pleasure is expensive, and they tend to end quickly. Therefore, do not forget that your desire to be beautiful people earn a lot of money, while you only lose it. Of course, you can try to force your man to give you gifts, but this will not change the fact that the lion's share of your savings will still be spent on makeup.

    Free time

    For many women, going out without makeup is akin to a crime, so the morning begins not even with coffee, but with creams, lipstick and mascara. But those minutes that you devote to creating the perfect make-up could be spent getting enough sleep and having a proper breakfast. Of course, there are those who have developed the skill of applying makeup to the face to such an extent that they devote only ten to twenty minutes to it. However, there are also women for whom this process never lasts less than an hour, who use several lipstick options to create perfect color, and do other “obligatory things”. Calculate for yourself how much time it takes you every day to create the desired image, and think about what else you could spend these minutes or even hours on.

    Like many women, you probably spend most of your morning getting ready, which means a long makeup routine. But have you ever wondered what it would be like if one day you just stopped wearing makeup every day?

    Keep in mind, though, that allowing yourself to look natural for a few days doesn't mean you have to stop wearing makeup completely. After all, special events usually require a certain amount of appearance and including special makeup. And if you're afraid to give up your makeup entirely, you can always start by taking the easy route and removing just a few elements.

    Regardless of the reasons why you decide to stop wearing makeup every day, if you do manage to do so, you will most likely experience the following undeniable benefits.

    1. You will notice an improvement in your skin

    Every now and then, your skin just needs a break. Makeup that is left on all day can lead to the appearance or intensification of acne and skin irritations. Makeup is much more detrimental to your health than you might imagine.

    Strong chemicals found in cosmetics (including those that are still not officially banned) can be absorbed deeply into the skin. Additionally, products that claim to be “eco-friendly,” “herbal,” or “natural” are not always best choice for you, as there are no regulations on how companies can use these terms for their marketing purposes.

    Give up makeup at least for a while - and your skin will thank you!

    2. You will become more confident

    While some women claim that makeup makes them feel more confident, others feel more comfortable without it. Giving up makeup can be quite difficult at first, and confidence will not appear immediately. But after a certain period of time, women gradually begin to feel more comfortable in their natural appearance and prefer it to “war paint.”

    Many women who give up makeup begin to realize that they don't have to worry too much about how they look, which gives them more time to think about other important issues. This doesn't mean that women who wear makeup are insecure. But if you try going makeup-free for a week or two, you may notice that you feel more comfortable and confident in your natural look.

    3. It will save you a lot of time

    How much time do you spend applying makeup? Half an hour every morning? And per day, or per week? If you decide not to wear makeup, you can sleep extra hour or use this time for your business.

    Perhaps giving up makeup may not suit some women. But even if you just don't put on makeup while you're relaxing at home or alone, you'll start to notice that you have more time for other more important things.

    4. You will begin to appreciate your shortcomings.

    Do you wear tons of makeup to hide your freckles? Or maybe you think your eyelashes are too light? When you stop wearing makeup, you begin to get used to your flaws, and instead of trying to hide them in every possible way, you begin to appreciate your unique features. Because your so-called flaws are part of you as a unique person.

    5. You will realize that very few people care about your makeup at all.

    When a woman finally makes up her mind and appears without makeup, many of her friends or beloved husband do not even notice it. In fact, many men believe that women look great without makeup. This may not be suitable for every woman and requires a purely individual approach, but believe me, most people will not notice any difference or will even think that you look more confident and sexy without makeup.

    Giving up makeup can be a little difficult at first, because you may still feel awkward without it and be highly dependent on what others think of you. But once you become more comfortable without face paint, you will realize that no one looks at you askance, and most people do not even notice that you are missing something.

    So, is it worth stopping wearing makeup if it means you can sleep extra time in the morning and let your skin breathe? Keep in mind that you are the only person who notices such minor changes in your appearance.

    So, what conclusions have you drawn for yourself? Will you be able to stop wearing makeup or is it unbearably difficult for you to part with makeup? Share your opinion with us in the comments.

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