• The deceased senator Tyulpanov was expecting a grandson: Milan’s daughter is pregnant with Kerzhakov’s child. Milana Kerzhakova's father, Senator Vadim Tyulpanov, died


    A few days ago, a misfortune happened in the family of pregnant Milana Kerzhakova, the wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov: her father Vadim Tyulpanov died suddenly due to a domestic injury. As the portal Passion.ru reported, the St. Petersburg senator slipped in the bathhouse, fell and hit his head. The ambulance crew that arrived at the scene pronounced him dead.

    Some time later, Milana Kerzhakova dedicated a touching and heartfelt entry to her deceased dad on her personal blog, publishing an archival photo.

    “At first I didn’t want to write anything, but then I decided, because this doesn’t happen every day and not to everyone. Let everyone get their own. It is impossible and unbearable to realize that a person simply no longer exists,”- began the wife of Alexander Kerzhakov.

    I can’t say that throughout my life my father and I were very close, but the older I got, the better our relationship developed, because he saw in me a personality and an intelligent person, which he himself said.

    “He loved Sasha, despite the many things that happened in our family life- and, listening to my grievances, he always said: “No, well, overall he’s a normal guy.” And, of course, he loved his mother very much, no matter what. Not long ago, he brought her a national local carpet from a business trip to Turkmenistan. But my mother wanted some other carpet, which she told him about. He called me, worried that he didn’t bring something, that his mother was unhappy and wouldn’t talk to him, and besides her, he could only speak to me,”- Milana Kerzhakova shared family moments.

    And he was also really looking forward to his grandson, asked if I would let my mother babysit him, took part in arranging the room, discussed about the name. In general, it was great and family-like, and cozy in our common life.

    “I can say that the attitude towards everything is changing 360 degrees, human communication and life are being revalued at once. And, believe me, the point is not in money, not in status, not in bags, dresses and shoes - the only meaning in the people who make up this very life. Just hear me"- Milana called.

    “We are really given little, and in an instant it will all be over, and often you will not be, and cannot be, prepared for this. I used to think: “How, for example, might a person feel whose relative died in a car accident or accident? What feelings does he experience, knowing that he did not have time to say anything to him, to say goodbye? How can one accept this psychologically?” And now I know. And I know what it’s like to physically feel the most terrible feeling possible in this world. Misunderstanding, rejection, rejection of what is happening. It seems that great grief will never touch you specifically - and then it happens, and you begin to look with different eyes at people who survived, did not become embittered, were able to survive it and move on,”- Kerzhakov’s wife concluded her bitter post.

    Note that Milana Kerzhakova is currently expecting a child. For Alexander Kerzhakov future baby will become the third heir. In his first marriage, the athlete had a daughter, Daria, in 2005. In 2013, in a relationship with ex-lover Ekaterina Safronova, the star father had a son, Igor. In October 2014, the court deprived Safronova of the right to participate in his upbringing. In 2015, Kerzhakov married the daughter of politician Vadim Tyulpanov, Milana.

    Letidor expresses its deepest condolences to the family.

    Photo: Instagram @milana_kerzhakova

    The wife of famous football player Alexander Kerzhakov, Milana, gave a frank interview. She talked about how she suffered the sudden death of her father, the birth of her son, and the apathy that replaced these events.

    In the spring, Milana Kerzhakova’s father died. For the girl, the loss of her father was the most severe stress she had ever experienced. “I didn’t know how this condition could affect a child. You can't drink or take a pill. I couldn’t get out of this state for a very long time. I went through various psychological stages: rejection of this fact, aggression, humility, acceptance... It’s impossible to just take it and realize: there was a person - and now he’s gone,” said Milana.

    Then the girl was about to become a mother. “We always think that a person is something important and big. But in the end it turns out that all his activities, projects, plans become worthless one day. Perhaps that is why at first I had apathy, I could not communicate with my son. For me, death and birth are mixed into one thing. At the same time, it was necessary to support my mother and brother; there was simply no time for Sasha and my son,” admitted Milana.

    Sometimes she dreams about her father. “When my mother’s father and my grandfather died from cancer, I dreamed about him more and more often. But one day I dreamed that my father came and said: Mom has cancer. I woke up in a cold sweat with the thought: “Surely this will become clear now.” We checked mom. Thank God, everything is fine,” Starhit quotes Milana Kerzhakova.

    The footballer’s wife does not hide the fact that she visited a specialist with her mother. “Yulia Baranovskaya advised us very a good psychologist. She turned to her when she had a difficult time life situation. This also helped us,” said Kerzhakova.

    Milana admitted that because of her father’s death, she did not immediately realize that she would soon become a mother. “The realization came about four months ago. At first, I couldn’t even calmly approach the child. Now I’m looking at the first photographs of Artemy and the current one. And I see how it grows. I am very curious to observe the changes in facial features. Who does he look like? It's not clear yet. Although the baby, when he falls asleep, crosses his legs. I do the exact same thing. So interesting!" - said Kerzhakova.

    Now her and Alexander’s son Artemy is eight months old. He is looked after by a qualified nanny. The boy is already beginning to take his first steps. “This is generally very early for his age, but he has already started to get up and try to walk. Now we are still teething, so we are going through a restless period. In general, it doesn’t seem to me that Artemy - problem child"- noted Milana.

    Despite the fact that the spouses rarely see each other, they correspond a lot and often. Their favorite thing to do is spend time at home together. Milana and Alexander have quarrels. After them, she is the first to make peace. “We can go a day without talking (maximum!), and then I take the first step. I really don’t like being in negative emotions. It doesn’t matter to me who was right and who was wrong, I still start talking first. Sasha is a rather categorical person, and I’m more of a diplomat,” noted Milana Kerzhakova.

    “Vadim Albertovich was waiting for his grandson, saying that he would definitely become a football player and a champion”

    One of the friends of Milana Tyulpanova, the daughter of a woman who suddenly died on Tuesday, warned that Milana is now in the most large group risk. The woman is soon to become a mother. The child's father is the famous football player Alexander Kerzhakov.

    Milana loves her father very much, moreover, they are very close in every sense. He helped her both at work - with her foundation, and in life - with advice and communication. They often spent time with the whole family - Milana and Alexander and her parents - going to visit and events. On February 4, for example, everyone was visiting Yana Rudkovskaya together; Milana even posted a family photo on social networks. And in general, there are a lot of photos of her father on her pages. I don't know how she will bear the news of his death! She's about to give birth. Now the main thing is to protect her.

    This is a huge loss,” a friend of the Tyulpanov-Kerzhakov family told MK, “and now the main thing is to support his family - Vadim Albertovich’s wife Natalya Anatolyevna, daughter Milana and son Vladislav, he is only 12 years old. Fortunately, the family remains a real man- This is Vadim's son-in-law Alexander. This is very Friendly family, with common interests, both personal and public. Vadim Albertovich headed the commission for preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. And he was really looking forward to his grandson, saying that he would definitely become a football player and a champion. On May 8, Vadim would have turned 53! He left very early, very early! Maybe the stress from the tragedy in the St. Petersburg metro is to blame for this; he was there today and was very worried.

    Just a few hours ago, a politician laid flowers on the wall of the pavilion of the Technological Institute metro station in St. Petersburg to honor the memory of those killed in the terrorist attack.

    “Terrorism is a threat to the whole world and we must understand that we are at war. St. Petersburg has not known such a threat for many years... It is necessary once again to comprehensively analyze the available counter-terrorism methods - legal, security, and technical. Perhaps a solution will be found to use new ways to counter the terrorist threat. Obviously this is necessary. Neglect in in this case nothing is impossible,” his press service quoted the senator as saying.

    We also add that the daughter of Senator Milan Kerzhakov has repeatedly spoken about how much she loves her parents. The young woman had very warm relations with Dad. She regularly posted on social networks joint photos with the parent and admired his inner qualities. “This is the person who always supports me everywhere and under any circumstances, be it the desire to suddenly transfer to another specialty in the middle of the first year or a flight to the moon. Only as you get older do you begin to realize how important this support is and how important it is to realize that they will always stand up for you and give advice. I love you, Pa,” Milana wrote about her father.

    Today, a sad poem appeared on the microblog of the football player’s wife, which, according to fans, star couple, dedicated to her father:

    How fragile the world is, and life is fragile,
    You will understand this only then
    When the hour of loss strikes,
    When a tear touches your eyes.
    Start now to appreciate what you have.
    And ask God to save
    Home, family, children,
    Few friends
    Parents who offended
    When I didn't take any worries.
    Ask for health, long years,
    So that the Light shines in their souls...
    And so that everyone realizes
    Until the hour became sad.
    How fragile the world and life is fragile!
    Understand now, not then!

    My father never allowed me too much, saying that “I can only allow my wife too much, but your husband will allow you, if he deems it possible.” He never showed as much love towards children as he showed towards our mother, and this love was always exceptional, he never hid his genuine reverence for her. My father has been next to my mother for almost 30 years only because she has always been the main meaning of his life, his priority and his greatest love. “A man must, above all else, love a woman to such an extent that he is ready to live with her all his life, otherwise such a life will sooner or later come to an end, which will entail the suffering of everyone who managed to appear in it or was already present.” - very often I heard this phrase from him, and I believe that this is the only and most correct form love from all possible. #a few thoughts out loud #love them #dad is a smart man of course

    Senator Vadim Tyulpanov died on April 4. Investigators' first version: he slipped and died by hitting his head. It later turned out that the cause of death was acute heart failure.

    “It is impossible and unbearable to realize that a person simply no longer exists. “I can’t say that throughout my life my father and I were very close, but the older I got, the better our relationship developed, because he saw in me a personality and an intelligent person, which he himself said,” writes Milana.

    Kerzhakova told how her father protected his son-in-law. “He loved Sasha, despite a lot of things that happened in our family life, and, listening to my grievances, he always said: “No, well, in general he’s a normal guy.”

    But Tulipov also supported his daughter always and everywhere.

    “Whether it be the desire to abruptly transfer to another specialty in the middle of the 1st year or a flight to the moon,” Milana once said. “Only as you get older do you begin to realize how important this support is and how important it is to realize that they will always stand up for you and give advice.”

    But most of all Milana is bitter that she will not be able to show her son to his father. “He was really looking forward to his grandson, asked if I would let my mother babysit him, took part in arranging the room, discussed the name. In general, it was great and family-like, and cozy in our common life.”

    The point is not in money, not in status, not in bags and shoes, Kerzhakova admits. The meaning is in the people who make up your life.

    “I used to think: “How, for example, might a person feel whose relative died in a car accident or accident? What feelings does he experience, knowing that he did not have time to say anything to him, to say goodbye? How can one accept this psychologically?” And now I know. And I know what it’s like to physically feel the most terrible feeling possible in this world. Misunderstanding, rejection, rejection of what is happening. It seems that great grief will never touch you, but then it happens, and you begin to look with different eyes at people who survived, did not become embittered, were able to survive it and move on.”

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