• Dye your hair red with food dye. How to dye your hair a chic auburn color yourself


    There are approximately 140 million people in the world who are natural redheads. If you think that this is a lot, then you are mistaken: in fact, this hair color is the least common. And if you didn’t get this shade by nature, it doesn’t matter - with modern technologies You can get a natural head of red hair without harming your hair!

    We will talk about this in our material.

    Who suits red hair color?

    Colorist at L'Oréal Professionnel Products in Scotland, Alan Edwards, warns girls who decide to go fiery red: “Consultation with a colorist is necessary before any coloring, but in the case of redheads this is especially important! In order to do this, it is necessary to take into account skin color, eyes, face shape, pigment characteristics in the hair and its moisture content, personal style, willingness to maintain color and lifestyle in general. For example, if you prefer to spend time on fresh air, it will be difficult to maintain a vibrant shade because the pigment molecules are smaller and fade faster in open air. This is just one of those tips that you can only hear from a professional colorist and are unlikely to learn on your own or on the Internet!”

    As the master says, one of the most important criteria by which you can understand which shade of red suits you is skin color:

    • Those with a pinkish tint are especially lucky - they can safely experiment with any redhead and be sure that their new hair color will attract attention!
    • For olive skin tones, colorists recommend paying attention to chestnut and golden shades redhead.
    • To those who dark skin, reddish-red colors are suitable.
    • Light shades of red will go well with pale skin.

    You can go the other way and choose a shade of red to match your eye color.

    • Since ancient times, the combination of red hair and green eyes has been considered magical, so if your eye color resembles emerald, dye your hair in bright red and copper shades!
    • Chestnut and reddish shades suit brown eyes.
    • Light (gray and blue) eyes, as you might guess, will suit natural tones of red.

    Also, following the colorist’s advice, the color of red should be chosen depending on the natural shade of the hair.

    • Reddish-red and dark red shades are suitable for dark hair; in other cases, the hair will have to be bleached too much, which will negatively affect its condition.
    • Owners brown hair and blondes are practically unlimited in their choice and may prefer shades from golden to dark, depending on their color type.

    Painting yourself red: fashionable shades – 2018

    Choosing a suitable color palette is not enough; now you need to choose a fashionable shade. Of course, because we girls always want to not only attract the gaze of others, but also be in trend!

    We asked the stylists about the most popular shades this year.

    Strawberry red

    Strawberry-red shade is the most delicate of all. This is a carefully selected mixture of light and pinkish tones, creating perfect color for those who do not want to overdo it with experiments.

    This shade is ideal for girls with light shade skin and blue eyes.

    And with this color, texturing will look very impressive - pay attention to this when styling!


    Although copper does not have the delicacy of a strawberry shade, it also does not look so bright and flashy. Look, for example, at Hollywood actress Julianne Moore (although she is a natural redhead).

    If you are the owner light skin with pink undertones and bright blue eyes- this color will definitely become yours!

    Alan Edwards adds that copper hair look best when styled casually, and recommends L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Hollywood Waves to create texture, volume and shine all at once.

    Classic red

    Rich and deep, this color attracts attention - it is the brightest of all in the spectrum of red shades! Look at Nicole Kidman - she actually has a rare “red blond” shade.

    Choose it if you have cool undertones and green or brown eyes.


    The darkest red shade includes cherry, purple undertones and a touch of mahogany.

    It suits people with warmer, olive skin tones.

    As with other shades of red, don't forget about the volume and texture of your hair. “L’Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Super Dust will help add the right volume to your hair”, advises Alan Edwards.

    People with red hair experience increased attention. Natural color is usually accompanied by freckles, which often leads the owner to complexes.

    Who suits red hair?

    Recently, dyeing your hair red has become popular. It is a common belief that a person has fire not only on his head, but also in his heart, so men, anticipating an acquaintance with a passionate temperament, rush to win the attention of a fiery girl.

    People with a strong character deliberately paint themselves red, so there are not as many of them as there are brunettes and blondes. They are not afraid to attract attention, be at the center of discussions and are ready to maintain the image of a medieval witch who was desired by the strong and feared by the weak.

    Only 2–4% of the inhabitants of planet Earth have been endowed by nature with natural red hair color. However, he wants to stand out from the crowd more people. The thirst for experimentation does not always lead to the expected results, but bright color not so easy. Who really suits red hair?

    • Dark girls They are impressed by dark shades of red, caramel and honey tints.

    Not all people can dye themselves such a bright color. It is contraindicated for older people whose hair has lost its own pigment and turned gray. Expression wrinkles are more clearly visible, and age folds are further emphasized by bright shades. Combined with red hair, freckles and dark spots they begin to ripple, and the face merges into one spot with the hair, which develops complexes about one’s appearance.

    Advice!Women with frequent blushing should refrain from bright colors red hair.

    How to choose shades

    To choose the right shade of red, first of all pay attention to your skin tone. Those with pinkish skin can safely dye their hair either light red or dark. Golden chestnut excellent suitable for a girl with olive skin tone. Dark-skinned girls are better off giving preference to rich red-red flowers. Pale-skinned people are advised to pay attention to natural shades.

    Special attention should also be paid cosmetics, they will preserve the color and protect the hair from the effects of external negative factors. Ombre on red hair needs regular correction. You should also pay special attention to cosmetics, they will preserve color and protect your hair from external negative factors. For haircuts, the ladder method, cascade and other multi-layer options are best suited.

    Fair-skinned girls are recommended to play with honey shades; they look the most natural and calm. Blacks should look for colors like mocha, eggplant, mahogany and red. If you have an oriental appearance, you can complement the ombre technique with a chocolate or nut accent.

    Advice! You should not perform the Ombre technique yourself at home. You can ruin not only the color, but also the structure of your hair. It's better to trust the professionals.

    How to eliminate unnecessary redheads

    Red color is the most durable color on hair. Its shimmer remains even after being completely painted over in a different dark color. Going into light colors is completely problematic. However, girls love to experiment with their appearance and the issue of eliminating red hair is also relevant in the world of the beauty industry.

    At home, you can use proven folk remedies:

    • Hair mask of 2-3 lemons. Moisten the hair with citrus juice for several hours. It is washed off with warm water.
    • The crumb of rye bread is diluted with water and applied evenly over the entire length of the hair for an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
    • In the morning, the hair is generously soaked in beer, and before going to bed, it is washed with laundry soap. You can add olive or castor oil to the drink to enhance the effect.

    Unfortunately, home remedies are not always effective. It is better to go to a beauty salon, where specialists will remove the bright color with a special remover. But this procedure can ruin the hair structure and is not cheap. Professional product Apply to hair for 15–20 minutes and lighten it by several tones at a time. Most likely, one procedure will not be enough and tinting will be required after it. Such a complex will harm the hair, so before eliminating the red color, you should think about hair treatment in advance.

    Advice! The only way to get rid of red color without harming your hair is stylish haircut. It will be short, but the hair will be completely renewed.

    About the rules of dyeing red in the video

    Finally: 5 interesting facts about redheads

    1. There is a strong opinion that Adam’s first wife Lilith, created by the Lord from clay just like Adam himself, had red hair. According to her husband, she had a bad character, since she claimed that she was no more stupid than him. As a result, God had to urgently create a second wife for the first man, less demanding and more obedient. According to another version, the first red-haired people began to be born from Lilith and Satan.
    2. In ancient Egypt, people with red hair were sacrificed to the sun god to obtain a good grain harvest. The reason for the association was the golden color of wheat ears.
    3. The Scots believe that underground fairies have fiery hair color, and people with hair of all shades of flame are their descendants and themselves have magical powers.
    4. In Ancient Greece, the attitude towards people with such hair was twofold. On the one hand, fair-haired slaves, including red-haired ones, were especially valued on the slave market. On the other hand, it was believed that it was those with fiery hair who became vampires after death.
    5. There is a hypothesis that the word “Rus” itself was formed from the word “red,” since the Latin “russus,” which was the name for the Vikings, means “red.”
    The story of a red-haired girl or how to ruin your hair in four years.

    This post is a warning to all girls who will ever have the obsession of dyeing their hair red.

    First, understand a few simple truths:

    • Henna for coloring dries the hair very much. You may not notice it after the first use, but if you use it constantly, your hair will become coarse and dry, like a washcloth. I am now talking about ordinary cheap Iranian henna in powder, without the addition of Basma and other evil spirits.
    • Hair dyes from the mass market are absorbed into the hair, gradually corroding your own pigment. If you just decide to stop dyeing your hair, your head will turn into an ordinary haystack.
    • The red color should NOT be COVERED with a dark color. Even after rinsing. At first they will stubbornly have a reddish tint, and then gradually wash out into red. If you wear makeup regularly, I don't mean tinting.
    • Red color does NOT suit girls with dark skin.
    • Cheap hair coloring tonic DOES NOT wash off completely. Never. Especially beware of girls with light color hair.
    • Never lighten your hair with Blondex to make the color “brighter”! The principle “I’ll apply it and immediately wash it off, just to lighten my hair a little” will certainly work, but after that, you can immediately say goodbye to your hair and get ready to cut it off after a while. For they will become like a washcloth.
    • If red really suits you, be prepared for the fact that even if you ever go back to your color, or change your color, you will DEFINITELY want to go back to red. It's like a drug if it really makes you happy.
    • If you want to get your color back after going red, no methods other than cutting your hair will help. The red color is unkillable.

    Everything that was said above was tested on myself. My natural hair color is brown. Neither dark nor light.

    Let's move on to my example - look and learn from my mistakes. Get ready, it will be long and tedious. Lots of photos and explanations.

    The beginning of my "red story". Hair dyed with henna:

    Everything here is very decent, but this is just the beginning... Unfortunately, there are no photos of henna-dried hair.

    I apologize for the quality of the photo, but there are no others. Immediately after dyeing, the hair is dark, with a copper-reddish tint, but then the tint is washed off and you get the usual normal dark red color.

    Same color after several washes:

    I look at this photo with tears, well, WHAT didn’t suit me then???

    When I entered my first year, I furiously cut off my length, on the advice of a crazy hairdresser, who said that my hair was splitting along its entire length. NOTHING helped. The hair split and continued to split, this is due to coloring, the length has nothing to do with it. And my hair only began to look worse, although I became considerably younger)

    The photo shows the washable color Palette XXL Fiery Phoenix:

    After that I decided not to wear makeup for a while. I also got a Dolbon haircut.


    After some time, I painted Palett XXL Fire Phoenix and bangs again:

    Color again with Palette:

    You can observe that each time the color became more and more thermonuclear, and without any lightening. The hair was lightened by the dye itself. The quality of the hair became worse, but only when without dye. After each new dyeing, the hair became smooth and began to shine. This is due to the fact that the pigment completely disappeared from the hair and the dye filled the porous hair.

    Afterwards, I got to Miss Yekaterinburg, where I was forbidden to dye my hair red, although before the casting I still managed to dye my hair, but this time Copper Titian from Londa, which was mentioned above.

    After Miss Yekaterinburg, I put up with it for quite a long time and didn’t wear makeup, and then I decided to quit the red color. Naive Chukchi girl. I painted myself with paint Estel Love, color like Dark ash blonde:

    As you can see, in the sun the hair turns red

    At first everything looks very nice:

    But then it seemed to me that my hair was too dark, and I wanted to become a “tangerine.” And then it occurred to me " brilliant idea" - spread Blondex on your head and rinse immediately. Like, I won’t ruin your hair, and the color will become brighter.

    Photo after lightening and painting from above with the Fire Phoenix:

    through several washing procedures:

    And here the quality of the hair deteriorated completely:

    Beauty, isn't it?

    And then I went to the south even before the heap, burned my bleached hair in the sun improper care. I don’t have the most deplorable photo, because as soon as I returned from the south, I immediately dyed my hair, and again dark. But this time professionally Estel Essex paint, color like medium blond dark ash, something like that.

    At first it was darker, without shine, but it washed off quickly enough.

    That's all! From that moment on, I didn’t wear makeup anymore. But six months later my hair looked like this:

    The top seems to be of decent quality, but the bottom is a sucky washcloth.

    Why didn't I get my hair cut? I'm terrified short hair. Since they are thin and like to curl and puff up different sides. And in general, for me this is unfeminine and unacceptable... Well, you saw what my length was before the experiments began.

    But at this length I am FINALLY! I decided to get my hair cut.

    And now my head looks like this:

    The photo shows just a clean head, washed with shampoo and conditioner, and blow-dried.

    Of course, you still need to cut a lot of hair to get it back initial quality hair. Now the ends are dry, split and bleached. Compared to your own hair growing back:

    So I will cut and cut and cut...

    And the most annoying thing is that I had already absolutely decided that I would be tinted red again. Professional paint, and only from a good master.

    So, think before you dye your hair red and never lighten your hair with Blonde, especially before traveling to the South.

    Everyone beautiful hair! I hope my post was helpful!

    Red-haired beauties are seductive and cheerful. They always attract the attention of others and stand out in the crowd. Such women are mysterious, inimitable and insidious. However, they also have the problem of obtaining the desired shade and maintaining it, if this is not a natural gift. , you should consider your appearance, skin tone and hair color.

    1) Light shades

    These shades of red are close to blonde. This includes golden red tones, ginger, and even peach. A light red tone will be an ideal solution for girls who want to change their image, but without attracting excessive attention from others. A palette of light colors is perfect for blue-eyed beauties who enjoy rich red colors contraindicated.

    2) Bright shades

    A rich redhead always attracts admiring glances. Its owners look unusual, bright and bold. The shades of rich red include the following tones: copper-red, carrot, orange. These flashy colors will do owners green and dark eyes. But eye color is not the main criterion in choosing a tone, since bright red highlights all the imperfections of the skin. Therefore, for girls with “autumn” and “winter” skin color types, choosing such shades will be the ideal solution.

    3) Dark shades

    The fiery palette is no less popular than the light one. It includes burgundy, cherry and red-copper tones. Owners with similar hair color are enchanting mystery and luxury. A dark red shade can only be afforded by girls with the “winter” color type, who naturally have dark hair color and.

    4) Sequence of dyeing hair red

    Having determined the appropriate shade of red color for your appearance, you can safely start coloring your hair.

    Hair lightening

    This procedure is necessary if the hair has been previously dyed or has a natural dark color. The first one is best done in the salon. The following can be done at home, for this you will need:

    • hydrogen peroxide 9%;
    • ammonia;
    • Bowl ;
    • tassel;
    • gloves ;
    • towel .

    Mix peroxide with ammonia and apply to hair with a brush. Then wrap your head with a towel and leave for 20–45 minutes, depending on the condition of your hair. After this, we wash our hair and be sure to use restorative hair mask.

    Hair coloring

    A week after lightening your hair, you can safely use hair dye in the desired shade of red. Having carefully studied the instructions, prepare the mixture. We put on gloves and apply dye to dry hair. It is worth remembering that there should be no styling product on your hair. Initially the hair, moving to the temporal part, and then to the occipital part. Then we divide the hair into strands and paint each one along the entire length with a brush. After this, leave the paint for 20–30 minutes, in accordance with the instructions, and wash off with warm water. We will definitely use it to lose gloss and beauty.

    518 03/08/2019 6 min.

    Redhead is one of the most fashionable shades hair this season. Let's figure out who might be suitable various options such a tone, how to choose the right hair color, dye for yourself and apply it at home to get the best dyeing result.

    What color type suits red hair color?

    Red hair color is most suitable for representatives of two color types: spring and autumn. And if in the first case, predominantly light, golden shades of red look very good on women, then in the second, rich red tones, up to the darkest color, are more suitable. These are the hair colors that are natural for representatives of these color types. For women, autumn or red hair color is one of the most flattering, it sets off the color of their face and eyes well, and also usually goes on very well with their hair.

    Representatives of these color types can choose almost any shade of red and any coloring options, including the use of natural dyes. The risk that the result will be extremely bad, in in this case minimal.

    Who should avoid this hair color?

    Red hair color in all its variations is strictly not recommended for representatives of the other two color types: summer and winter. For them, it is not natural and disrupts the overall contrast of appearance, which is why ladies who have dyed their hair in this tone may look sickly.

    An exception to choosing such a tone for your own color type can be made only in one case - if a woman decides to wear colored lenses and selects options suitable for red hair color foundation for face. In this case, she will be able to imitate the color type of spring or autumn, for which this shade of hair will definitely suit.

    Current shades of red

    This season, several interesting shades of red have appeared in the face. Among them:

    • ginger red. One of the softest reddish shades and easiest to maintain on hair. Allows you to create the image of an intelligent girl;

    Ginger red

    • natural, strawberry-red color. This tone is most suitable for blondes with pale skin;
    • medium red. Such an intense tone will look good on those ladies who have decided to dramatically change their hair color. Suitable for brunettes;
    • red. This is the most radical coloring option, which is most suitable for young ladies. However, only those who do not have skin problems can choose it, since this hair tone will highlight any unevenness and redness;
    • caramel red. Another option for an intelligent red tone. looks very natural and highlights healthy color faces;

    Caramel red

    • brown with red. Like, they are considered the most advantageous options for girls of the autumn color type. This color looks noble and can suit ladies of any age.

    Despite the list of trendy shades of red, when choosing a color for yourself, it is very important for you to start from your own type of appearance and, of course, the expected result. To avoid mistakes, carefully study the shades fashionable color and, of course, ask your hair stylist how it will look on your hair immediately after dyeing.

    How to choose the right paint

    For dyeing red, both persistent and tint balms(if your original hair color is light red or golden). To choose the best shade from the entire palette on sale, you need to initially (since the coloring result depends on it) and carefully study the information on the packaging of each product. However, in this case, what should interest you is not the declared basic tone, but the predicted result of dyeing: usually on each package of dye there is a diagram that helps determine what the shade of hair will be on curls of different colors.

    The result of staining in various shades colors

    You should also study reviews of this product on various forums on the Internet before purchasing paint. Your task is to make sure that dyeing with such a product is easy and successful, and also to determine what shade the dye gives on hair that has the same color as yours. Only after this you can buy paint.

    According to reviews on the Internet, it is also worth choosing henna for coloring, since different kinds give this dye different shade on the hair.

    If you cannot independently determine which tone is right for you, seek help from specialists. A good stylist will easily select the right tone for you, taking into account your color type, as well as original color hair.

    Dyeing technology

    If you are using ready-made dyes for dyeing red, you will only need to prepare the mixture for dyeing according to the recipe on the label of the product itself and distribute the dye over your hair. If you are dyeing your hair for the first time, you first need to color your hair along the entire length, and after a few minutes apply the dye to the roots; if you use dye constantly, it’s the other way around. Next, you need to wait the time specified by the manufacturer and wash off the paint. After this, you need to apply a special protective developer balm to your hair.

    To protect your skin from paint, be sure to use special gloves for your hands, and apply a rich protective cream to your face and neck. If paint gets on these areas, it will wash off very easily.

    Also, if you have previously dyed your hair a different color, you will need to lighten it a week before the procedure, otherwise the dye may simply not adhere to your curls. If you were painted dark black or, both lightening and coloring are best done in a salon.

    Salon hair coloring

    You can also use it to dye your hair red natural dyes. Henna is suitable for this purpose. You need to buy henna dye, brew it with boiling water, let it brew for up to 10 minutes, distribute it through your hair, put on a shower cap or wrap your hair with cling film. It is advisable to cover the top of the dyed strands with a towel. You need to keep this dye on your hair for an hour or longer, depending on how intense the tone you want to get as a result.

    If you want a more chocolatey version of ginger, add in home paint some coffee. You can also add two tablespoons of tea leaves to the mixture.

    Remember also that henna should not be applied to hair that has previously been dyed with regular store-bought dyes and vice versa. Otherwise you will get green or purple hair that will simply be impossible to wash off.

    Hair care after the procedure

    Immediately after dyeing your hair red, you must follow the basic rules of hair care so that it maintains its new tone and recovers faster after the dyeing procedure. Among these rules, the most important are the following:

    • cannot be done immediately after dyeing perm and other similar procedures. This can ruin your hair;
    • It is necessary to choose new hair care products that are designed specifically for colored curls. Special attention you need to pay attention to the choice of masks and balms that protect color fastness;

    Treatments for colored hair

    • It is very important to protect your hair from intense exposure to sunlight immediately after dyeing. It is not recommended to take long daytime walks at this time or appear on the beach without a hat;
    • Also, immediately after the coloring procedure, you should temporarily abandon thermal devices or at least use special ones when styling with a curling iron or flat iron. This step will help you avoid drying out your hair.

    Violating these rules for caring for colored hair can result in drying out curls, as well as a change in hair shade (so your rich golden color can turn yellow or even green). It will be extremely difficult to restore your strands after such changes.


    For more details about dyeing your hair red, watch the video.


    As you can see, getting a fashionable one is not so difficult for any girl these days. You just need to determine your color type and choose one for it good shade red, and also carefully select the dye and apply it strictly according to the instructions. And then the result of such coloring will pleasantly surprise you.

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