• Happy Missile Forces Day. Congratulations on Missile Forces Day

    My rocket troops
    You are the most secret!
    And I, of course, don’t understand your strategy.
    But I'll tell you it's fun,
    What are you doing tonight
    Surely you will go to celebrate your holiday!
    I wish you good ones,
    May there be nice days,
    And the service-friendship never ceased to please you!
    May eagle vision
    Will not let you down, dears,
    And life will dance a sunny and very kind waltz for you!

    Congratulations to you today
    Artillery of the country!
    On this holiday I wish you happiness,
    We all always need you!
    May good luck and luck
    By your side endlessly
    They remain, without a doubt!
    Peace, joy, goodness!

    Rocket Forces and Artillery
    Today they celebrate their holiday!
    I wish you to always believe in yourself,
    And they knew in any situation -
    You will definitely succeed,
    You just have to really want it!
    Always, always hope for the best
    And be able to achieve your goal!

    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
    On the holiday of artillery,
    And we wish that you
    They believed in their strength!
    So that there is a lot of happiness,
    There was a mood
    To like the work
    So that doubts go away!
    We also wish you
    This holiday is wonderful
    Receive a service medal
    Or a badge!

    May you be lucky on artillery day -
    A shell of love will hit the funnel,
    A rocket of happiness will fly to your home
    And your life will be illuminated with success!
    I wish you good luck now,
    I wish only the best for you!
    Let the fire of dreams burn in your eyes,
    And every moment will reward you with a good one!

    Today is a holiday, the day of the missile forces
    And the artillery of our native country!
    I wish all the best to come true,
    And troubles passed by!
    Let fate help you always
    You knew how to solve problems easily!
    And, of course, never be sad!
    And never be discouraged in life!

    Happy Missile Forces Day to you
    I hasten to congratulate you!
    Get to your goal in life,
    And don't betray your friends.
    May you always be lucky -
    Every day and all year round!
    Let your dreams come true
    You will be forever happy!

    Happy Missile Forces Day! Hooray!
    Happy Russian Artillery Day!
    It's time to celebrate
    We believed in you!
    May you always be lucky
    Celebrate in a big way!
    May good luck await you in business,
    And have no fear!

    Darling, happy holiday to you
    Artillery shell
    I will send it to your heart -
    After all, you are the closest to me,
    Let from my projectile
    Sorrows will burst!
    I wish you the best
    Let things work out!

    My friend, today is the day
    What a time to congratulate you
    It's here. On holiday with all my heart
    I would like to wish you good health.
    Our fatherland's faithful son,
    Let the artillery live!
    Full of reasons to be proud -
    You are brave, smart - honor to you!

    I will congratulate my husband
    Happy Artilleryman's Day!
    And I want to wish
    Be nimble and fast
    Strong, brave, never
    Don't give up in life!
    And for many years
    Stay the best!

    Dad, happy holiday,
    Happy Russian Artillery Day!
    I wish you a lot of strength
    Joy, good luck!
    I want to win
    In life's battles,
    Never lose heart -
    Inspiration in life!

    Today is a holiday for the Missile Forces,
    And I want to wish my dear
    I have fewer different conflicts,
    There are no problems in the service.
    Everything will come true - I know for sure
    Of course you'll be lucky
    And life will be the way you want it to be,
    And only the best will come!

    Artillerymen for a couple of hundred years
    They defend their native country,
    And the secret of its popularity
    They explain it easily and simply:
    Whoever joins the artillery is glad in his heart
    Defend your native country with dignity.
    I congratulate you on this holiday, brother,
    I wish you to serve faithfully and calmly!

    I congratulate you on this holiday,
    I want to wish you happiness soon!
    Let them fire rockets in your honor,
    Fireworks rockets, so as not to lose heart.
    And on artillery day I wish the same,
    May joy touch you quickly!
    Let the sun's rays warm you,
    Let your life be brighter, more wonderful, more cheerful!

    I will congratulate my uncle
    And from the bottom of my heart I want to wish
    Good luck, happiness and goodness,
    So that life is fun.
    The day of the missile troops is coming to us,
    May you always be lucky -
    Let your brain be happy to accept
    This wine and vodka charge!

    Artillerymen, you have done this more than once before
    The country was saved in battles
    And the names of many fallen then
    Forever written into the book of glory.
    Now we live in the world, and already
    For a long time now, shells have stopped singing.
    Let the main task for you
    All that will remain is the festive fireworks.

    Let the missile troops
    Constantly thriving!
    I am good luck and goodness
    I wish you today!
    May all the best come -
    What you have always dreamed of!
    May good luck always await you,
    So you don't have to wait for her!

    May the blue sky be clear
    And children will not look war in the eyes.
    “Thank you!”, we will say to the artillerymen
    Because they are dedicated to the cause.
    And on this cold November day
    Let fear not disturb courage.
    Your potential is undoubtedly enormous.
    He will help you in any battle!

    I wish artillery -
    Rocket Forces -
    Health and happiness to you!
    May life be bright
    To lead you forward,
    May the best come true!
    And suddenly happiness was found!

    Happy Missile Forces Day
    I congratulate you!
    On holiday I will say from the bottom of my heart -
    Close friends
    Let them always help,
    And good luck awaits!
    May you have many years to come
    Endless luck!

    Artillerymen and rocket men
    Today the holiday is celebrated!
    I wish you a happy life,
    I wish you luck in business!
    May everything work out for you,
    May the joy of life come to you!
    Let your wishes come true
    Day after day, year after year!

    Let happiness be fast, like a rocket,
    Let the shell of love lift your spirits!
    Be happy in winter, spring and summer,
    Today, on your holiday, I congratulate you.
    Those who fell in battle receive glory and honor,
    To those who are alive and well, we wish you strength and prosperity!
    May all the good things in life await you,
    Any wishes come true!

    Happy holiday, happy artillery day!
    May you be lucky in life!
    So that your loved ones believe in you,
    Know that only the best awaits!
    Believe - you will succeed,
    You just need to want it!
    On holiday - all the best,
    You can achieve a lot!

    Congratulations on the Day of the Missile Forces,
    And artillery, of course, dear!
    We wish that everything comes true for you,
    So that every day promises a successful battle -
    But not with the enemy - we don’t need enemies,
    Join the battle for your dreams again!
    For the benefit of our dear country
    We wish you to live and prosper!

    On the day of artillery, rocket troops I hasten
    I sincerely congratulate you, my friend!
    May all your wishes come true! Ask,
    I ask you to glorify your profession -
    May peaceful times never go away,
    And of course, try your best for this!
    Let good luck and fortune await you,
    Live well, achieve your goals!

    I congratulate you on this festive hour,
    Let the artillery mark all the strangeness,
    You guys mean so much to us
    Like everyone who defends their native country.
    And I want to wish you never to be sad,
    And of course, always strive for victory!
    And be patriots of your beloved country,
    So that our homeland can be proud of you!

    Rocket Forces and Artillery
    Today they celebrate their holiday.
    And in this truly wonderful moment
    I want to wish you with all my heart:
    May the sky be peaceful, bright, joyful
    And the time for the red button will not come!
    May fate's surprises be sweet,
    And all good things will happen to you!

    From the first cannon we have reached the missiles of today.
    Artillery Day is a big Russian holiday.
    The artillerymen did not let us down in the war.
    Don't we have the right to raise our glasses on this day?
    The caliber of one of our guns was one hundred millimeters.
    They called that gun ‘SOTKA’ a long time ago.
    And in honor of the fact that it was the best,
    It’s really not a sin for us to drink a hundred grams.
    Let there be peace based on parity.
    The missile forces are a bastion of peace.
    Let the St. Petersburg cadets know no wars,
    And let the cannon in the city only fire at noon.

    Happy Missile Forces Day
    Faithful defenders of the country,
    We sincerely wish you on this day,
    So that there will be no war forever.
    Protect the Motherland as it should,
    Be on your guard, but let it continue
    There will be no war in life, but joy,
    To love, create and do everything.

    It takes and surprises all the people.

    Your fame is great among the people.
    'Katyushas' made the country famous
    In a harsh war with the Nazis.
    And after convincing victories
    Cover with fire from new troubles,
    You will surely save the country...

    And again the joy will be great.
    Thank you, Rocket Forces!

    The battery is always ready
    Maintain the inviolability of borders,
    There is, my friend, your merit,
    No wonder you are an artilleryman.
    Be a brave son of the Motherland,
    And cherish honor sacredly,
    And no matter what happens in life,
    Maintain dignity in everything.

    Once again in November the whole country is in fireworks.
    We congratulate you, rocket troops!
    Artillery strikes, salutes chord
    It takes and surprises all the people.
    Artillery and rocket troops,
    Your fame is great among the people.
    "Katyushas" made the country famous
    In a harsh war with the Nazis.
    And after convincing victories
    Cover with fire from new troubles,
    You will surely save the country...
    We believe in you, Missile Forces.
    Fireworks will sound in honor of the Victory,
    And a parade of lights will flash in the sky,
    And again the joy will be great.
    Thank you, Rocket Forces!

    On your holiday I want to wish you,
    To shoot I had to once -
    Just to show my ability
    Well, then stand on guard!
    So that you look beautiful at parades
    They showed us their power,
    And your life would be peaceful,
    So that there are many parks, groves,
    Forests, and rivers, and sunshine...
    And there was no war!
    And I wish you many years
    You live in kindness and love!

    Happy Rocket Troops Day, glorious congratulations
    We will put together the most beautiful bouquet!
    This day is also celebrated by artillery -
    Let's tell the whole world about gratitude!
    Defenders, accept admiration
    And wishes for eternal goodness!
    In profession and personal luck,
    Immeasurable love, light and warmth!

    Happy Missile Troops Day, I congratulate you,
    Artillery too - hello!
    From my heart I wish today
    Long and joyful years to you!
    And in this beloved profession,
    Always achieve success
    Become irreplaceable forever
    And never be sad!
    May good luck not only work,
    But in life there is always a waiting for you,
    Let your worries be pleasant
    And your health will not let you down!
    Any wishes come true
    Let yours hurry quickly,
    You live and do not know suffering,
    Let your soul not hurt for your loved ones!

    “Hurray” for the Missile Forces today,
    And artillery - three times praise!
    Good luck to you on all fronts:
    At work, at home and in dreams!
    Let happiness hit with an artillery salvo,
    Success is definitely waiting for you everywhere!
    Congratulations fly to you like a reward,
    What else do you need for happiness?
    Let there be more peaceful things to do,
    Everyone succeeded in the service!

    Russian artillery and missile forces.
    Congratulations today! After all, we are calm until
    Your glorious sons stand guard over the borders,
    The native country can sleep and dream peacefully.
    Fireworks sound, buglers sound, everyone is fit, strong,
    Clouds, move a little, let the moon shine
    May the world be in our power, you still exist,
    Russian artillery and missile forces!

    Professional holiday of a separate branch of the military Armed Forces Russia, ground strategic nuclear forces.

    The Strategic Missile Forces were formed on December 17, 1959. The holiday is celebrated on the basis of Decree of the President of Russia No. 1239 of December 10, 1995. In the same year, the holy Great Martyr Barbara was declared the heavenly patron of the Strategic Missile Forces. In 1997, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Military Space Forces, the Missile and Space Defense Troops of the Air Defense Forces of the Russian Armed Forces were united into a single branch of the Russian Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces. On June 1, 2001, the Space Forces were separated from the Strategic Missile Forces into a separate branch of the military.

    Strategic Missile Forces Day in Russia celebrated annually on December 17th.


    Congratulations on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces)

    To you, with an instant reaction,
    With a strategic purpose,
    Can I pay my respects?
    In a lyrical congratulation?
    Everything is ready, everything is aimed,
    The consequences are deafening;
    Let it not be commanded to you
    Put it all into action!

    You are a stately and formidable rocket scientist,
    You are the dream of many girls!
    In wind, rain, hot and frosty days
    You guard the gates of heaven.
    And for your work we wish you
    Be successful everywhere and always,
    People like you and I know for sure:
    Our native country sleeps peacefully!

    Be calm, dear country!
    Swallows soar peacefully in the sky.
    After all, everywhere, from edge to edge,
    Troops of missile soldiers are standing.

    You are heroes of sacred Russia,
    Sons of the legendary land!
    Let all evil disappear from life!
    Let the cranes fly above the earth!

    Like rockets reaching for the sky,
    So I wish you to win!
    On the day of the missile forces - love to try,
    Those who are next to you again.
    I sincerely wish you good luck,
    And let your dreams come true,
    Joy - to the point of dizziness,
    Go towards your goals every moment!

    Rocket Forces Day is today.
    Please accept congratulations,
    Wish you good luck
    For you in my poem!
    Happiness, joy, health,
    And for promotion.
    From relatives - love and affection,
    From the authorities - respect!

    You serve in the strategic missile forces,
    You keep watch both day and night,
    You have become a reliable defense for the Fatherland,
    The pride of us and all humanity.

    On the day of the missile forces, accept congratulations,
    Have a fast career and good luck,
    You will rise to the rank of commander,
    Remember, we will always be proud of you.

    I wish you obedient missiles,
    And nuclear will, and forces,
    Deployments, but not boring ones,
    And may the god of war love you.
    So that the goals are clearly amenable,
    So that Topol-M obeys,
    So that the rear is always reliable,
    Happy home, love fervor!

    Strategic-tactical missile forces,
    May fate always be favorable to you,
    You are reliable protection for the country,
    But we wish you service without war.
    Brave and brave guys,
    May your life be full and rich.
    So that your courage can be an example to everyone,
    And the fame of the Strategic Missile Forces will go around the whole world.

    Hail rocket troops

    Glory to the great country,
    Glory to the great Fatherland,
    Hail rocket troops,
    Heroes of the world, without whim.
    I want to congratulate you on this day,
    I am officers, colleagues,
    Those who, the heroes, saw the shadow,
    And no one was looking for compromises.

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    We congratulate the missile troops!

    We congratulate the missile troops!
    You serve for the good of the Motherland and us.
    Ready to defend Russia
    At any moment from enemy attacks!

    We wish you courage and patience.
    Let the fighting spirit always be in your soul!
    And may you be brave
    At every difficult turn in life!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Rocket Forces

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Happy Missile Forces Day!

    You proudly serve your Motherland,
    The Missile Troops will always be held in high esteem!
    On this day I sincerely congratulate you,
    I wish you health and success!

    Thank you for keeping our peace,
    Sometimes you don't sleep at night,
    May luck always accompany you,
    Any problem can be easily solved!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Cool congratulations Happy Missile Forces Day

    Attention: publication in open sources is prohibited! All works in this section were purchased and belong to us.

    Girls love to watch
    For the military guys,
    Because they love it very much
    Strong, healthy!

    Congratulations now
    And we kiss tenderly,
    And we want to serve
    Successful to the end!

    Congratulations from the girls
    I send you my love,
    And we miss you
    More every day!

    Happy Missile Forces Day
    We desperately want
    This verse is for you guys
    We create with a fiery heart!

    We wish you a date
    Near the river, under the moon,
    So that all your girls
    They were beautiful!

    To have commanders
    Fair for you
    Receive our congratulations,
    We kiss you now!

    Guys in the artillery
    Everything is as per selection:
    Shoulders - a fathom, height - two meters,
    And an eagle's gaze!

    All rocket scientists today
    Gently congratulations,
    Peaceful sky forever
    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

    And love, big and bright,
    And smiles too
    Please accept congratulations from us,
    It's more expensive than anything else!

    You are the harbingers of Victory
    And defenders of the country.
    Let the grandfathers be proud, crying
    We all go to bow!

    Shown in Stalingrad
    I zealously wield my might,
    Became an example for children
    Songs of glory, let them sing!

    We wish you joy and goodness,
    So that there is sun during the day.
    Congratulations to all Russia
    Let's clear the clouds with peace!

    Today is the day of the missile forces and we congratulate all missilemen,
    We wish good luck and happiness to all those who defend the country.
    And so that all your dreams come true,
    And so that you would never know that war is a terrible sound!

    And to yours main holiday we send congratulations.
    Let it fly to you like a rocket
    It contains a wish for love and the power of happiness,
    And so that rockets never explode in the world!

    The Katyushas sang songs for them,
    The God of War favored them,
    Managed to survive the battles
    At the borders of our native country

    Artillerymen! And today
    Guarding the borders of the State
    Covered with national glory,
    They're with the missile troops

    The sky is reliably guarded
    From enemy invasions.
    For service and hard work
    We send them congratulations today.

    And wishes for peaceful everyday life,
    Health, long life,
    Honorable service, but not difficult,
    Training rocket launches!

    Happy holiday, guys!
    We want to congratulate you
    And quickly on the wings of happiness
    We fly to you in our dreams!

    May you always be healthy
    The service will be more fun
    Do physical exercise
    You will run faster!

    We are waiting for you at home, we miss you,
    And we want to see you
    We send our congratulations,
    To congratulate you now!

    The day of the missile forces has come,
    Let's congratulate!
    Well done you guys
    How can I not say this?
    Stand guard over the Motherland,
    We can be calm
    We are very grateful to you,
    You defend with dignity!
    Let's read the congratulations,
    And a sip of wine for you!

    If you are artillerymen,
    So, let's congratulate
    And great happiness
    We will wish you, friends!

    To serve you calmly,
    And I loved it - passionately,
    To always support you
    Another faithful shoulder!

    To bring you girls home
    We waited with tender melancholy,
    Please accept our congratulations,
    Come back home!

    The artillery strikes a chord,
    Fireworks are fired into the sky by rockets.
    Today is Rocket Forces Day
    And let's celebrate the artillery!

    This congratulations from the bottom of my heart
    We wish them a warm welcome today.
    To everyone who was able to strengthen their valor
    Rocket Forces! Glory to them forever!

    Congratulations to Cool congratulations on Rocketman's Day
    Cool congratulations on Rocketman's Day, how to congratulate?
    text of congratulations to Cool congratulations on rocket scientist's day

    Cool congratulations on rocket scientist's day

    Happy Missile Forces Day, we congratulate all the heroes of the occasion. Let the sky be only peaceful, let our country not know what flying rockets and shooting from machine guns means. We wish you promotion and new achievements.

    Happy Missile Forces Day
    I congratulate you
    You are a hero for us,
    I am proud to say this!

    On this day I wish
    Smiles, moods,
    Save for us, for everyone
    Strength and patience.

    You defended the Fatherland
    Furiously and smartly,
    May all your dreams come true,
    Just don't lose heart.

    Congratulations to a tough guy who is an artilleryman by vocation. I wish you to always strive forward towards your goals at the speed of a rocket and achieve your goals. Always remain as courageous, strong, noble and faithful to your duty. Be an example of honor and glory, because in our eyes, you are a real hero. Happy Missile Forces and Artillery Day.

    Celebrate, gunners
    And rocket troops
    So that it doesn't overtake you
    Surprise, melancholy.

    Be our protection
    From aggressions and attacks,
    To be very scared of you
    An incredibly arrogant enemy.

    Be strong and healthy,
    So that the service goes well;
    So that everyone respects you,
    Forgetting how to attack.

    For range and accuracy, for valor and honor
    For those whose victories in our past are countless,
    Whose guns fired at the walls of Stalingrad,
    Whose chest is decorated and who is still without a reward.

    For all the veterans, for the glorious sons,
    That they chose the glorious work of their fathers -
    Serve in the missile forces with faith and truth,
    And always value your service.

    For those whose weapons are always ready -
    In peacetime, in study and in battle,
    Who knows the enemy's forces from afar,
    Who instantly sets goals and achieves them.

    For military duty, which we remember and honor,
    And we always keep this feat in our hearts,
    For the artillerymen, for our troops,
    Let's raise a toast to the heroes, friends!

    Rocketeers, artillerymen,
    Today is a holiday for all of you.
    We sincerely congratulate you!
    Military, you are simply class!
    Strong, fearless and beautiful.
    All of Russia is proud of you.

    Congratulations to all rocket and artillerymen on professional holiday. We wish you peaceful skies above the heads of your compatriots and happy smiles on the faces of your relatives. Let there not be a scratch on your body, and not a drop of sadness and longing on your heart. I wish you unlimited health, decent earnings and public respect.

    If suddenly a fight starts,
    We are no longer afraid
    You are with the rocket, you are a hero,
    All so brave.

    You launch artillery fires into the sky,
    The enemy will not defeat you, a formidable neighbor.
    Today, take a rest and read the newspaper.
    Today is your holiday, look at the note.

    I hasten to congratulate him,
    Give a postcard.
    I'll tell you in words:
    Open the gate.

    Let the shells not fly and explode,
    We want peaceful artillery
    The rocket scientists will find work here too,
    Without them, the holiday will not be the same.

    Who else will we trust with fireworks?
    And festive hot fireworks?
    We're counting down the last minutes
    So that our sky becomes more beautiful than all!

    All fireworks rise into the sky today in your honor, dear rocket and artillerymen! You are persistent and courageous soldiers, worthy sons of your Motherland, provide a calm sky for its citizens. We wish you good health, great success and precise fulfillment of assigned combat missions! Hooray!

    Today is the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery, the day of those people who now really decide the outcome of the war. So let us express to them our greatest gratitude and joy that they are willing to risk for our safety. Thank you for your courage and dedication!

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