• Happy birthday to an older woman. Happy birthday greetings to a woman in prose Woman 67 years old birthday


    Physiology of age

    The body becomes ossified: joints become less mobile, blood vessels harden and can crack under extreme stress, muscles lose their elasticity. The skin becomes hard, cold, wrinkled and dark. The height of an elderly person decreases by several centimeters compared to what it was in adulthood. At the same time, posture changes, as compression of the intervertebral discs occurs. The production of antibodies that resist various diseases, immunity decreases. Memory decreases.

    Age statistics

    The population of the Russian Federation in this age period(65-69 years old) is 7458 thousand people. Of these, 2,766 thousand are men, 4,692 thousand are women.

    From the population of this age group employed in the Russian economy is only 3.3%

    You were born in 1952 or 1953

    1953 - March. A meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was held, at which L.P. Beria made a proposal to reject the construction of socialism in the Eastern part of Germany. He proposed keeping this territory under the military control of the USSR.

    The world's first kidney transplant from a living donor took place. A mother gave her kidney to her son who was injured in a car accident.

    1954 - March 1. The United States announced successful tests of a hydrogen bomb in the Marshall Islands. The power of the bomb was 500 times greater than the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. The radioactive fallout from the explosion and the shock wave caused concern around the world.

    May 18. The first nuclear power plant was built in Obninsk. Nuclear energy is considered one of the cheapest.

    October 18. The I.D.E.A company invented the first serial transistor radio, which subsequently allowed people to quickly receive various types of information.

    1955 - 5 May. A meeting of representatives of Great Britain, the USA, the USSR and France took place. The parties agreed to end the occupation of West Germany.

    the 6th of May. IBM employee Reynolds Johnson created the first hard drive, a new efficient storage device that gave impetus to the development of computer technology.

    1956 - 25-th of August. The first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin" was created in the USSR. Its construction was carried out by the Admiralty Plant in Leningrad.

    1957 - May 15. In the Pacific Ocean, Great Britain tests the first hydrogen bomb, the yield of which reaches 1 megaton.

    1958 — Scottish doctor J. Donald was the first in the world to invent and apply ultrasound diagnostics.

    The first cassette tape recorder was created by the American company RCAVictor.

    1959 - 20 November. The finance ministers of Austria, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and Sweden signed a convention establishing the EFTA - European Free Trade Association - in Stockholm.

    1960 — February 19. For the first time in ruling family Great Britain, a child was born - the son of Elizabeth II, Andrew.

    August 19. Was launched in the USSR spaceship Sputnik 5 with the first animal cosmonauts on board – the dogs Belka and Strelka. They made 17 revolutions around the Earth during a 25-hour flight.

    In one year, 17 states emerged in Africa and became independent. This year is considered the “Year of Africa”.

    1961 - 11 April. Yuri Gagarin made the first space flight on Vostok-1. He returned after spending 108 minutes circling the Earth.

    August 18. By order of East Germany, the Berlin Wall was built around West Germany. It was designed to prevent residents of East Germany from fleeing to West Germany.

    1962 - 5th of December. An agreement on the peaceful use of outer space was signed between the USA and the USSR.

    The Cuban Missile Crisis begins. As a result of the guerrilla war, Fulgencio Batista relinquishes his presidential powers and flees to the Dominican Republic. Meanwhile, the military junta installs Carlos Piedro as president.

    1963 - 5th of August. Representatives of three parties - the USSR, Great Britain and the USA sign an agreement banning nuclear weapons tests. After the treaty came into force, 96 more countries signed it. France refuses to sign the treaty.

    1964 - March, 6. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh are the first to artificially remove insulin.

    August 15. Ukrainian Research Experimental Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after Academician V.P. Filatova was the first to use a quantum optical generator during eye surgery, which, using a narrow beam of light, passes to the very bottom of the eyeball and cauterizes the retina to the choroid. It is painless for humans and takes less than a second.

    1965 — Tom Van Vleck, together with Noel Morris, created e-mail, an instant means of communication that is used today by most of the civilized population of the planet.

    1966 - 13th of January. For the first time, a representative of the black population of America appeared in the ruling structures of the United States. Robert Weaver has been nominated to serve as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

    1967 — American biochemist Arthur Kornberg developed synthetic biologically active DNA at Stanford University.

    1968 - April, 4. Martin Luther King, leader of the black rights movement, was assassinated in the United States.

    April 9. In the UK, the Race Relations Act has come into force, which prohibits any infringement of human rights on the basis of race.

    July 16-24. American astronauts flew to the Moon for the first time. Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the surface of the Moon.

    1970 - February. In England they are thinking about introducing compulsory secondary education.

    Barcodes, which were created in England and the USA, began to be used in trade.

    1971 - January 31. Telephone communications between East and West Berlin were restored after a break of 19 years.

    December 1. United formed United Arab Emirates, which included Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain and Fujairah.

    1972 - 22nd of May. For the first time, the USSR is visited by an American president, who at that time was Richard Nixon.

    21 December. An agreement on good neighborly relations was signed between East and West Germany.

    1973 - 4 January. Restrictions based on race on immigrants to Australia have been lifted.

    MITS, led by Edward Roberts, created and launched Personal Computer"Altair", consisting of a power supply, i8080 microprocessor, motherboard, 256 MB of memory and front panel.

    1975 — May 8. The USSR completed the construction of the first section of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) - one of the largest railways in the world.

    December. Steven Sasson created a digital camera that simplified the process of creating and processing photographs, improving their quality.

    August 22. The automatic station “Luna-24” has returned from the Moon. It was launched by the USSR with the aim of delivering lunar soil.

    1977 - 1st of January. For the first time, a woman was ordained to the clergy in the Episcopal Church in the United States.

    May. A household video cassette recorder was created by the Japanese company SONY.

    1978 - January 23. In Sweden, for the first time, the use of aerosols was banned because they harm the environment.

    22 of October. In the Vatican, Karol Wojtyla was elected Pope - John Paul II - a man who played a significant role not only in the spiritual, but also in the socio-political life of Europe.

    1979 - May 4th. Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in the British government.

    Elections to the European Parliament took place for the first time. The process of political consolidation of European states began.

    November 12. The Voyager 1 spacecraft flew 185 thousand kilometers from Saturn. In this way, detailed information about the planet, its rings and satellites was obtained, and 13, 14 and 15 satellites were discovered.

    Implementation latest technology, which made it possible to print newspapers without human touch. The first newspaper published using this technology was the leading Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.

    1981 - October 23. Registration begins in South Africa mixed marriages as a challenge to apartheid policies.

    1982 — September 14. The first commercial hearing aid (“artificial ear”), produced by the Australian company Nakleus, was implanted in a patient.

    Scientist Robert Jarvik created an artificial heart. He developed and implanted a practical modification of the Jarvic-7 on December 2, relying on a base of prototypes. Doctors have a new opportunity to save thousands of lives.

    1983 — An artificial human bone was created in Japan.

    American geneticists Andrew W. Murray and Jack W. Shostak created the first artificial chromosome, which, due to the content of the yeast genome, could exist outside the set of chromosomes. This chromosome is used for cloning large DNA fragments.

    1984 — American surgeon W. G. Clewall from the University of Colorado performed a surgical operation on a child in the womb.

    1985 - 16th of May. The beginning of the anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR by decree of the Prisidium of the Supreme Council “on strengthening the fight against drunkenness.”

    November 19. The meeting between Gorbachev and Reagan took place for the first time in Geneva. After this (two years later), “perestroika” began in the USSR - a set of reforms in the social and economic sphere.

    1986 - February 20th. The first manned research orbital station, Mir-1, launched by the USSR, began operating. She operated until March 23, 2001, when she was disabled and sunk in the Pacific Ocean.

    26 April. At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located near Kyiv, a power unit exploded. The Soviet authorities released a message about this only after Finland, Denmark and Sweden reported an increased background of radiation in their territories. About 600,000 people were involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident, many of whom died from radiation sickness and other diseases associated with the results of radiation.

    1987 - May 29. A small plane piloted by Matthias Rust, a 19-year-old West German citizen, landed on Red Square in Moscow.

    The first experimental laser vision correction operation was performed. It was performed by Columbia University doctor Steven Trockel, who, in collaboration with other scientists, published several papers describing the benefits of an experimental laser for corneal tissue in surgery to correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

    Yasser Arafat, leader of the PLO, recognized the existence of the State of Israel.

    1989 - January 11. The Declaration prohibiting the use of poisonous gases, chemical and bacteriological weapons was signed by representatives of 149 countries.

    March 27. A state of emergency has been declared in the United States after the Exxon Valdez tanker was damaged in Prince William Sound. As a result of this damage, approximately 64 million liters of oil leaked into the sea on March 24.

    November 9. The East German government announced the opening of the border with West Germany. On November 10, East Germany began demolishing the Berlin Wall.

    1990 — August 6. The UN Security Council approved a resolution imposing a military and trade embargo against Iraq. A protracted oil and military conflict with Iraq began.

    November 22. The “Iron Lady” of world politics, Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of Great Britain, publicly announced her resignation.

    December. A referendum was held in Croatia regarding secession from Yugoslavia. The overwhelming majority of citizens voted to leave. The formal disintegration of Yugoslavia began.

    1991 - The 25th of January. Iraq is dumping oil reserves into the Persian Gulf. This threatens an environmental disaster.

    December 8th. Representatives of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine sign an agreement on the Creation of a Commonwealth of Independent States, to which 5 more countries of the former Soviet Union join on December 21.

    December 25th. USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev resigns. The USSR officially ceases to exist.

    1992 - February 2. In many CIS countries, economic reform began, which consisted of price liberalization - the abolition of centralized price controls.

    The beginning of the era of GSM communications. This year, Germany launched a GSM communication system, which was subsequently used as a prototype for many operators around the world.

    The 4th of October. Government tanks are shooting at the White House in Moscow. As a result of the incident, 150 people die. The system of power in Russia has changed dramatically. This marked the beginning of the creation of a presidential-parliamentary republic.

    12 December. Referendum on the adoption of the Constitution Russian Federation. 58.4% of citizens were in favor of adoption.

    1994 - January 31. The first images from the Hubble Space Telescope, which photographs galaxies on early stage their development.

    the 6th of May. The Channel Tunnel, connecting England and France, was opened. The total length of the tunnel is 50 kilometers, 38 kilometers are laid under the sea itself.

    December 11th. Fighting began in the Chechen Republic. The troops of the Russian Federation begin fighting. Fighting did not stop until the agreement to end the war in Khasavyurt was signed (until 08/30/1996).

    The first book on CD appeared in the USA. By the end of the year, most encyclopedias had been created or translated into this format.

    1995 - 20th of March. Nerve gas was used in the Tokyo subway in Japan, killing 5,000 people and killing 12. On May 16, Soko Asahara, the leader of the religious sect Aum Shinrikyo, was arrested.

    The first artificial liver was tested, performed by German surgeon Peter Neu Haus.

    1996 - 4th of July. B.N. Yeltsin becomes President of the Russian Federation for the second time. This is the first time the same person has been re-elected to the post of President of Russia.

    A test began to be used to detect AIDS. Proteins produced by the virus were detected in the blood, which made it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

    1997 - February 22. Scottish scientists announced the birth of the only surviving embryo, a clone of an adult sheep. Dolly was born on July 5, 1996 without any abnormalities and lived until February 14, 2003 as an ordinary sheep.

    4th of July. A rover designed to collect and analyze Martian soils has landed on the surface of Mars.

    1998 — August 17. In Russia, the ruble depreciated, which led to an aggravation of the economic crisis. The country's government resigned.

    September 24. The first transplant of a limb from a deceased patient to a living one took place. A hand and forearm were transplanted in the city of Lyon, France.

    12 December. The first organ transplant to a child was performed in the United States. A three-year-old Florida boy received a heart, lung and liver transplant at a Pennsylvania hospital.

    1999 - 1st of January. Most countries of the European Union have switched to paying in the new European currency – the euro.

    March 24. The first NATO air raid was carried out on Yugoslavia. The US invaded a sovereign state that was not threatened by a third party.

    2000 - 26 March. Election of V.V. Putin to the post of President of the Russian Federation. The official inauguration took place on May 7.

    A robotic developmental doll has been created in the USA. She knew how to talk, laugh, cry, blink, make grimaces. In the process of communicating with people, she increased her vocabulary and reached the development level of a two-year-old child.

    The first medicinal products were created in Novosibirsk, the prefix “Bifido” was added to the usual name. They contain a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria, which have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, prevent the development of pathogenic microbes and nourish the body with B vitamins and vitamin K. Such products quickly gained popularity among buyers.

    2001 - January 15. The official launch of the English site Wikipedia took place - a resource that today has become an assistant in quickly obtaining encyclopedic data in all areas of life.

    11 September. The largest terrorist attack in world history was committed in the United States. As a result, the Pentagon was damaged and destroyed Shopping mall, and human losses amounted to about three thousand people.

    2002 - 1st of January. The European Union introduced euro coins and banknotes, which became the single currency for most EU countries and played an important role in stabilizing the global European economy.

    October. After 50 years, the restoration of the railway between North and South Korea began.

    October 23. In Moscow, Russia, Chechen terrorists took hostages at the Nord-Ost theater center on Dubrovka. Three days later, on October 26, all the terrorists were killed during the assault by special forces. One of the hostages died from a bullet wound, the remaining 116 people died from exposure to the gas used during the assault.

    2004 — Bloodless revolutions took place in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which more democratic leaders came to power.

    1st of May. The European Union has expanded its scope with the inclusion of ten new countries.

    2005 - 5 January. Eris has been discovered, the largest of the dwarf planets in our solar system.

    2006 - March 29. The first total eclipse of the sun in the 21st century could be observed in Russia.

    24 August. Scientists have stripped Pluto of its planetary status. This decision was made at the congress of the International Astronomy Union in Prague, Czech Republic.

    2007 — Genetics have discovered modifications in the human body that are responsible for the development of certain diseases. After DNA analysis, it became possible to identify a predisposition to certain diseases.

    November 4. Presidential elections took place in the United States. The first black president in the history of the state, Barack Obama, became the head of the state.

    2009 — August 17. A disaster occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Hundreds of people became victims. The cause of the problems was a series of shortcomings and a failure in the redistribution of electricity in the power system.

    2010 - 18th of March. Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman proved the Poincaré conjecture, which was considered one of the unsolvable Problems of the Millennium. For this, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a prize of $1 million, which he refused.

    April 10th. A plane crash occurred over Smolensk, in which Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland, his wife Maria Kaczynskaya, the high military command, Polish politicians, as well as religious and public figures (97 people in total) died.

    The first living cell was created in which its own DNA was replaced with DNA created artificially. Humanity has received new tools for developing technologies for artificially growing organs.

    2011 - 11th of March. In Japan, off the northeastern coast, an earthquake occurred, the magnitude of which reached 8.9. As a result of the earthquake, a devastating tsunami arose, as a result of which over 15 thousand people died, several thousand are considered missing.

    May 2. Osama bin Laden, the “No. 1” terrorist in the world, the leader of Al-Qaeda, who, in particular, is considered responsible for the September 11 terrorist attack, was killed.

    September 7. An international charter flight crashed near Yaroslavl. On board the plane was the team of the Lokomotiv hockey club, which was flying to Minsk. 44 people died, one survived.

    2012 - February 21. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scandalous punk prayer service of the PussyRiot group took place, three members of which were detained by the police.

    December 1. Russia has led the G20, a forum of representatives of countries with the most developed economies: Australia, Japan, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, UK, France, Germany, Turkey, India, USA, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Mexico, Canada, China.

    2013 - February, 15. A meteorite fell in the Urals - the largest celestial body that collided with the surface of the Earth after the Tunguska meteorite. Because of the “Chelyabinsk” meteorite (it exploded in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk), 1,613 people were injured.

    February, 15. Asteroid 2012 DA14 flew by at the minimum distance from planet Earth (27,000 km). This was the closest distance in the entire history of astronomy.

    18th of March. Putin V.V. signed an agreement on the admission of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol to Russia. This agreement comes into force from the moment of ratification by the Federal Assembly - March 21.

    2015 - Jan. 7. A terrorist attack took place at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, based on a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed previously posted in the magazine. 12 people were killed and 11 people were injured.

    Years are like pennies
    The piggy bank is ringing,
    You have 67 coins.
    Don't hold her in your hands
    Leave it to the others
    Birthday fun
    Celebrate with your friends.
    Cheerfulness in life
    I wish not to lose
    Old age is your age
    Please don't call me.
    Will not be subject to
    May the soul of the years
    Happy birthday
    I wish you.

    You're 67 at your age
    I wish you a lot of happiness
    Living beautifully is the envy of everyone
    And don’t face bad weather!

    Only healthier and more energetic
    All the time becoming
    Look at life more cheerfully
    And strives for the best!

    A good date - 67 years old, I wish you to be proud of your life and continue to live with inspiration and the desire for the best. May peace reign in your home and harmony in your soul, may your loved ones love and appreciate you, may your care return with kindness and smiles. Be healthy and truly happy.

    You look great
    You won't think at all
    What are we celebrating today?
    We are 67 of yours.

    I wish you optimism
    And there is enthusiasm in my soul.
    So that there is energy,
    Like a matador.

    67 To you, who would have thought!
    After all, there is enthusiasm and sparks of light in the eyes.
    We wish you not to think about bad things.
    And let summer reign in your soul all the time,

    So that roses bloom beautifully in it,
    Giving only bright joy moments.
    What worries you so that you forget it,
    Happiness sparkled brightly! Happy Birthday!

    Life experience and optimism
    We respect yours very much,
    Sixty-seven years today
    We celebrate you!

    Love of life, good health
    We would like to wish you
    Always be on the move
    And in in a great mood abide!

    Life is beautiful at any hour,
    You understand now,
    That the years are not scary for you -
    They are just funny.

    I wish you success,
    Lots of joy and laughter.
    So that there is joy in love
    And the envious are a hindrance.

    Happy Birthday,
    Don't change at all
    At least today we celebrate
    You are already 67.

    I wish you good health,
    Fortresses, happy days.
    May it always give you joy
    The agility of grandchildren, the laughter of children.

    Congratulations on a wonderful holiday, your birthday. On this wonderful day, you can wish that this year will not be worse than the previous one, but, on the contrary, much better. Sixty-seven is not extinction, as some might say, but a new beginning. Let this beginning be exciting and open new horizons.

    Every year your strength
    Only become stronger.
    Happy birthday
    Blessings to you at 67.

    May there be prosperity in the family,
    Enjoy every day.
    Just build harmony
    In its fairy-tale world.

    To a woman

    Let your perfection surprise
    And may your beauty never fade.
    And may your years not be afraid,
    Life will be a full cup.

    Let there be a place for love and happiness,
    And there will never be bad weather in the relationship.
    You are a woman - a role model,
    At 67, consider our wishes.

    Happy birthday greetings always bring only joyful emotions! It doesn’t matter whether it’s personal presence or congratulations by phone or mail. You can send your words to the birthday person in any way. 67 years old, there is something to be proud of! At this age, material wealth is in the background, the most important thing is attention and warm attitude! Attention can be expressed with the help of affectionate and kind words! Be it a poem or just a beautiful speech! All this will be pleasant! If you want to please the birthday boy and prove how important he is in your life, do it through words! Pleasant wishes health, love, happiness, all this will not go unnoticed and will be a very pleasant reason to remember you! Be sure that the speeches chosen with meaning and good intention can be half the success depending on the gift! And if you have nothing to give, give attention through the kindness of congratulations! Here you will find the most beautiful congratulations Happy 67th birthday.

    You turned 67 today,
    You don't look your age at all
    In my soul, as before, spring sings,
    Smart, beautiful, kind, slim.
    Please accept my sincere congratulations,
    Let life give you only inspiration,
    I wish you many successes and victories,
    Long, long and happy years.

    The years pass quickly, irrevocably,
    But there's no need to count them,
    Each of us is so pleased
    Celebrate your birthday.
    Congratulations on your 67th birthday from the bottom of our hearts,
    May all your dreams certainly come true,
    Let your children and grandchildren surround you with care,
    Let happiness know no boundaries.

    With your energy you will wipe everyone's noses,
    Although you are a respectable age - 67,
    We always come to you for wise advice,
    We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday.
    May your personal holiday bring you good luck,
    Good health will give you in addition,
    All the best to you, joy and happiness,
    May all bad weather forget your address.

    Today you turn sixty-seven,
    I wish that you don’t have any problems at all,
    Let the sun shine brightly from heavenly heights,
    And life will be beautiful and bright, like flowers.
    May the sky always be peaceful above your head,
    May all your loved ones be warm with you.
    I wish you good luck, success on your journey,
    Walk through life very firmly and confidently!

    And now sixty-seven is on your doorstep.
    May your road ahead always be smooth,
    I wish love for children and grandchildren,
    From all relatives and friends, care and understanding.
    Let laughter sound in your home and joy never go away,
    And may old age never come to your soul,
    I wish you success in your creativity and business,
    Live another day, at least until you are a hundred, without losing heart for a day.

    I wish that the whole family loves you,
    So that your pension increases,
    So that the house is clean and warm,
    So that you always have luck in any business,
    Always live only in peace, without war,
    So that medications are not needed,
    So that there is always food in the refrigerator.
    Sixty seven? Don't worry, it's nonsense!

    Everyone needs to congratulate you in the morning -
    You have turned sixty-seven.
    And everyone brings gifts and flowers,
    And make all your dreams come true.
    We also congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
    Hurry up and accept words of love quickly!
    Let there be a life without any worries,
    Let you be her, and not the other way around!

    Even if this date is not round at all,
    But everyone came to show you respect.
    It's not scary that it's not an anniversary. Sixty seven, -
    This birthday only happens once.
    We wish you health like granite,
    We wish you love - all ages are submissive to it.
    And may the angel protect your life all the time,
    And there will be no winds or menacing storms!

    They make good houses out of stones,
    And everyone in this wide world knows
    What are strong and very beautiful,
    All these mighty stone buildings.
    Today, out of sixty-seven stones,
    A life-long temple of wisdom was built,
    But don’t even dare think about old age,
    Everything interesting is ahead, just hang in there.

    You turned sixty-seven today,
    Let someone say that there is very little left,
    But I have other thoughts on this matter,
    After all, this is just the beginning of a new poem.
    You've only become a year older,
    And although time has left its inexorable mark on you,
    Over the years you are only wiser, deeper, more beautiful,
    And there are still many bright and interesting years ahead.

    Happy sixty-seventh birthday,
    We are happy to congratulate you and wish you health,
    So that with a smile and only a wonderful mood,
    You could continue your long journey in life.
    May every ordinary everyday day of yours
    It will turn into a bright and cheerful holiday,
    So that never grief or sadness is a shadow,
    Your beautiful forehead or gaze did not light up.

    I congratulate you on your 67th anniversary,
    You are a wonderful and special person,
    I wish you warm love in my heart,
    Let her live there for at least another century.
    May your family always be near you,
    Let all bad weather go away from home,
    Let me kiss you soon,
    To be your friend, you know, is a great happiness for me!

    On this day and at this hour
    We want to wish for you
    A lot of sun and goodness,
    Human kindness, warmth,
    Don't grow old every year,
    Be cheerful, don't lose weight,
    So that you live without looking back
    Everything would be fine in the family!

    You are so beautiful at this hour -
    An outfit suits your face, a smile suits your face!
    To the face and the look of crafty eyes -
    It’s no wonder we love you so much!
    Let your star shine
    Star of love and inspiration,
    Never goes out in life
    Doesn't fade even for a moment.
    Look at the sky. Where the milky way is
    You will see a great cluster of stars,
    Take one of them and don't forget,
    That it's your birthday today.

    I wish you to be blooming and strong,
    Don't notice gray hairs and wrinkles,
    To appreciate all your efforts
    The husband and son are beloved men.
    So that the most cherished things come true,
    Health never betrayed
    And memorable, joyful, bright
    I walked next to you every day!

    You are the essence of the family, you are devoted to the family,
    Wherever you work, you are the foundation of the house,
    You try as hard as a man,
    Having experienced both the heaviness and delight of the ascent.

    And what a miracle? Music and poetry -
    Nothing without you, without your participation,
    Without your hands, without your living eyes -
    Living happiness is simply impossible!

    Your secret is simple:
    May the day of worries be difficult,
    Rapidly, stretching time,
    But there, in the house, awaits your care
    The coming native generation...

    Don't say the world is sad
    Don't say it's hard to live
    Be able to amidst the ruins of life
    Laugh, believe and love.
    Don't be sad, be happy
    So that everyone always says:
    “How beautiful this woman is,
    How endlessly young!”

    We measure time by minute,
    And how quickly the years go by
    We congratulate you on your birthday,
    We wish you to always be kind.
    We wish you good health,
    Good luck in life and work.
    Love, consent, luck
    Let them accompany you.
    Even today we wish
    Live happily for a hundred years.
    And all the bad weather and sorrows
    Always stay away.

    How old are you there today?
    Nothing at all? That's it!
    If there was anything, it's long gone,
    You are one year old today!
    Nothing is lost yet
    No reason to shed tears,
    But fate has destined for you,
    So much so that you even get tired of living.
    And fun and desires
    The cups are full, right over the edge,
    And torments and dates,
    And April, after April - May!
    There will be joys and sorrows,
    There will be a little grief, but
    Believe me, it doesn’t matter
    It doesn't have it now!
    Today there will be drunken holidays
    And there will be hangover days
    And the ugly cupids
    The arrows will not be released alone.
    We wish you, beauty,
    Pounds of money, tons of health,
    And get your figure a little better,
    And let your soul be white with roses!

    Let it stay forever
    And your beauty and strength.
    And let the years go by -
    You are like spring! You are young, tender.
    It doesn't matter how many years have passed!
    You, a man with a restless soul,
    Able to overcome everything in life,
    And because I believe you are worthy
    Have this huge world at your feet!
    You are worthy of love and admiration,
    You are a woman with such fire in your blood,
    What about a hundred years from now on your birthday?
    Someone confesses their love to you!

    Let the sun please you with a smile,
    Let spring sing in your soul.
    And let there be women's happiness
    Accompany you all year.

    May your wishes come true
    And the problems will be forgotten,
    Good luck in your endeavors,
    Good changes to you.

    We wish you eternal beauty,
    Love and patience to you.
    We sincerely congratulate you
    Happy birthday!

    May all your days be happy
    Full of laughter, joy, light,
    May you have enough novelty
    The mood is cheerful and playful!
    A sea of ​​joy and admiration,
    Interesting, useful acquaintances,
    And your wishes come true,
    Relationships - without lies and pretense.
    Be beautiful in any moment
    Let the smile never leave your lips!
    You are worthy of love, worship,
    Without oppressive mental anguish!

    Let worries and sorrows
    Your house is being avoided.
    Let the sun shine brightly
    Your beautiful world will warm.
    Flowers of the universe bloom
    Today just for you
    And never fade
    Your soul and beauty!

    I wish you to forget about illnesses, adversities,
    Stay healthy for many years to come,
    So that people give you complete joy,
    May peace and spring reign in your heart!
    We wish you health, we wish you success,
    More smiles, more cheerful laughter!
    We wish you spiritual personal happiness,
    So that trouble and bad weather do not knock on the door!
    We wish you to love and dream,
    Let trouble pass by,
    So that the soul remains beautiful,
    And you would always be young!

    A bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant,
    An unexpected, wonderful gift,
    And a compliment - refined, pleasant,
    And the conversation is sincere and interesting...

    Smiles, sounds of beautiful music,
    Exciting bright moments
    And everything that can make life happier,
    Let him give this birthday!

    Bright and directed look,

    I am incredibly glad to learn from your experience.

    But on your birthday I will say,

    And at 67 years old, I wish you happiness in being friends.

    Throw all your problems into the sea deep,

    And it’s easy and active to follow fortune.

    May you always be loved in the family,

    And among friends they are irreplaceable and valued.

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    2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

    Laughter and fun - everyone is comfortable,

    We celebrate your 67th birthday!

    You are young and proud, like an eagle in the sky,

    Such men are only in dreams!

    You are hot in heart and blood, like a horseman,

    Tell me, who can stand before you?

    Everything will be fine, everything will be ok,

    And you accept congratulations from me!

    Live like in paradise, say: I love you

    And the grief will only be equal to zero!

    15 236

    2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

    Life is beautiful at any hour,

    You understand now,

    That the years are not scary for you -

    They are just funny.

    I wish you success,

    Lots of joy and laughter.

    So that there is joy in love

    And the envious are a hindrance.

    15 236

    2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

    Are you sixty-seven today?

    Doesn't seem like the truth, otherwise

    You are synonymous with the words “style” and “fashion”

    In the rain - with an elegant and fashionable umbrella,

    Beautiful warm shoes in the snow,

    And in the heat the style matches.

    I would definitely like congratulations

    Deliver it in person, no matter how many miles later!

    15 236

    2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

    It's sixty

    Seven years - and life has stopped,

    Like a spring, a key -

    And it doesn't matter what was there.

    No problems and no worries

    All the people close to you are nearby,

    Read our congratulations -

    Everything will be great right away!

    15 236

    2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

    Great news of this day,

    And instantly ringing the bells.

    We will announce a birthday today,

    And it will be great fun.

    On all local TV channels,

    The birthday will be announced in the news.

    And there will be a short introduction here,

    Let's put our worries aside.

    The presenter of all our news,

    He will quickly announce the situation in the country.

    “The country is fine. We are not expecting crises.

    Well, in general, our life is in full swing.

    And the news of the day will be this:

    Good, interesting and kind.

    After all, an hour ago it became known to everyone,

    Why is someone here sixty-seven?

    And we congratulate this man,

    We wish him all the best.

    Be happy and live to be a hundred,

    And the relatives joined in the congratulations for a reason.

    That's all. All news is completed.

    Now everyone should just congratulate you.”

    We turn off the TV and put it in a corner,

    In the meantime, read our congratulations.

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    2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

    Congratulations on a wonderful holiday, your birthday. On this wonderful day, you can wish that this year will not be worse than the previous one, but, on the contrary, much better. Sixty-seven is not extinction, as some might say, but a new beginning. Let this beginning be exciting and open new horizons.

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