• Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Congratulations on the birth of a daughter to parents in verse Congratulations on the birth of a second daughter to parents


    Article title: Congratulations on the birth of your second daughter. We wish your baby a warm, comfortable life, childhood happiness, attention and adoration from family and friends! May happiness and joy settle in your cozy home forever!

    I can’t even believe that this touching moment has finally arrived and your little angel was born! I would like to wish the baby good health, more parental love and affection, curiosity in exploring this world and of course happiness!

    I wish you strength, patience, prosperity, pleasant troubles, joy and prosperity. Congratulations on the birth of your daughter.

    I want to wish my parents with all my heart, love each other, yourself and your child. And give your daughter a little sister quickly!

    May fate reward your daughter with excellent health and the highest achievements in all endeavors.

    I sincerely congratulate you on your newborn! I wish the baby to grow up beautiful, smart and obedient child, never get sick and make your parents happy.

    There is no greater joy in life than the birth of a child! I want to congratulate the newly made parents on this event, who are now not just a couple, but already real family! Take care of your charming baby, she is your light in life, your little blood, may everything work out for her in the future, and she will be happy, and you will be happy too!

    We wish her to be the healthiest and happiest! Let her give you warmth, positivity and charm you with her smile!

    We are incredibly happy that happiness will now live in your home!

    Love your daughter and take care of her and in the future everything positive will return to you!

    I congratulate you with all my heart on the birth of your baby girl. I wish that the baby grows up happy and cheerful, that her life is bright and kind.

    It's hard to imagine you being parents, but it looks like I'll have to get used to it quickly. I wish the same for you with joy! May your joy last long and your nights be calm.

    There is great joy in your home: a long-awaited baby has been born! I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to grow up healthy, happy, mischievous and cheerful. Let the joyful laughter of children never cease in your home!

    I wish you strength, patience and wisdom to raise a worthy son.

    I wish your baby good health, great happiness and incredible miracles, to which you have a hand.

    Congratulations on the birth of your sweet daughter! Now your life will be colored pink color, there will be dolls, bows, and frills all around. You will have no more important worries than making your daughter’s life more beautiful and happier.

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, your angel and princess! Let her like beautiful flower never fades, health and happiness.

    My dears! Congratulations on the birth of your baby! Let him grow up to be a healthy little man, to the delight of his father and mother! May his companions be luck, luck and pure love.

    To the baby achievements, health, smiles and endless love. Parents have the opportunity to sleep, joy, pride, patience and daily positive emotions. Happy newborn!

    Let the little pink doll turn into a princess and become the pride of his parents!

    May parents always be support and support for their child, and may the child be the happiest.

    A heavenly ray of light has appeared in your life. He illuminates everything with the heavenly glow of true happiness. May all his days be bright, all his achievements great, and his health strong.

    This magical event will fill your life with many happy and responsible moments - this is family happiness. All the best to you, congratulations.

    May your daughter have a long and happy life full of joy and fun.

    Congratulations on the addition to the family, on the birth of a daughter! Let the girl grow up beautiful, healthy and purposeful.

    Let the girl grow up desired and loved! All the best to her!

    I want to wish you to always be happy, raise your baby in love and smile more often!

    Let your daughter grow up to be as charming, sweet and kind as her mother, and let her father take on a cheerful and open disposition.

    Congratulations on your new baby! Daughter is a dress and bows, warm hugs and tender words. May her journey in life be very long and her happiness eternal.

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I wish her good health, let her grow up happy and give positive emotions.

    Congratulations on the birth of a person on planet Earth! Let a person's eyes smile loving dads and mothers, grandparents!

    I wish you and your treasure a speedy restoration of strength and health. Let the little one grow up to be a strong and restless child, develop quickly and enjoy new discoveries with you.

    May your daughter always warm you with the bright light of love and kindness. And her life does not know grief and melancholy.

    Let your daughter be healthy and inquisitive. Let her cope with all difficulties very easily.

    I wish your daughter strong forces, incredible beauty, unique talents and wonderful moments of life.

    Be patient, let this little star light up your hearts and fill them with the most beautiful feelings. Congratulations!

    I wish Manyuna good health and excellent well-being, active development and unquenchable curiosity.

    May everything work out in your princess’s life, may her health be good and her fate easy.

    Congratulations on the birth of such a wonderful daughter. All the best to you, but if you need help, you know where to find it.

    Let your daughter be your gentle and warm sun! Warmth and comfort for your family.

    With the birth of your child, you have acquired the status of new parents! I wish you to go through all stages with dignity, starting from the “diaper” children's education. Let the care always correspond to the age of the baby, and let the love be the most sincere and unconditional!

    Let your daughter's mischievous laughter warm your hearts. Let everything work out for the baby the best way, health and good luck to her.

    I wish for your daughter that the words happiness, love and warmth are familiar to her.

    Let your baby give you a reason to smile and sincere admiration every day.

    Let your daughter grow up healthy, make you happy with her successes every day and become your pride.

    I wish the parents family well-being and mutual understanding, I wish to be able to give their princess a real fairy tale life, I wish you to spend every day in the rays of joy and family fun.

    Let your daughter’s life be sunny and bright, and let your life now become more interesting and colorful, because your child will make you look at many things differently.

    Let your girl grow up healthy and smart, congratulations and we wish all the best to your family.

    Congratulations on your daughter! Health, happiness and love to your newborn!

    I wish my daughter carefree days and good dreams. — Congratulations on the birth of your second daughter.

    Congratulations to the happy young parents on the birth of a beautiful little princess. Let it grow in love and care.

    Congratulations to you, my dear and dear young parents, on the birth of your little angel, may he grow up and take an example from you, so smart, faithful and reasonable.

    A beautiful girl was born! So let her be the happiest, smartest and most loved. May good health and good luck never leave her.

    Congratulations to you and your daughter,
    We wish the little one happiness.
    Let your little girl grow up
    He will be more beautiful than anyone else in the world!
    Let him grow up healthy
    Let happiness only wait for her.
    A wonderful child's laughter
    May it bring you success!

    Blinding joy lit up like a light bulb.
    The world is replete with colorful colors.
    Happy birth of your daughter, happy mommy!
    Congratulations, Father Jeweler!
    Smart little girl and the first beauty
    Let it grow, glowing with health!
    And for you, it’s more powerful to melt from your love,
    Having found a wonderful source of hope,
    And give endless fairy tales to your honey,
    Splash all the tenderness of parental souls!
    And by the way, while she sleeps, daddy has
    A chance to find your brother in the cabbage...

    With a newborn baby,
    Congratulations to all the family!
    Let a welcoming smile
    She makes her family happy!
    Grandfather and grandmother, uncle and aunt,
    All acquaintances and friends,
    Surround with only care
    The one who is the cutest in the world!
    Even if the baby is still in diapers
    Will become the joy of the family,
    Growing up little by little
    In a world of happiness and love!

    Like a ray of light, your daughter illuminated your life!
    A treat for mom and dad!
    Awakened new feelings in the souls of relatives:
    Your hearts are filled with tenderness!
    Let this miracle grow without knowing sorrow:
    Serene and cheerful, like a moth!
    To best fairy tales and the songs sounded
    Lighting a fire in her soul!
    You need to take care of this baby tirelessly,
    Constantly protect her from adversity,
    So that the birth of a sweet, desired daughter
    Brought happiness, love, grace to your home!

    A miracle has happened! A daughter is born!
    The world has changed! Sunshine, flower!
    The tender little one will take power over everyone,
    Helpless and tiny little lump!
    And soon it will ring for your joy,
    Like a silver bell its babble!
    Let your memory cherish
    A child's smile, cheerful laughter and chirping!
    I want to congratulate my parents
    Today, on the girl's birthday!
    The whole family is very happy about the baby
    And he sends the best toys as gifts!

    May the savior angels
    Keep your baby
    And strict parents
    They don't scold her too much.
    Let grandparents
    Without anyone's prompting
    To your beautiful girl
    They tell tales.
    And books, toys
    May the house be filled soon,
    Cherished desires
    Those who live in it will be fulfilled!

    You have a great event:
    Your daughter was born.
    And now you happy parents,
    After all, life began completely differently.
    Let the princess make you all happy,
    And you give her love,
    Let him make his discoveries
    And delights again and again!

    Bows and ribbons, polka dot dresses,
    Will your future fashionista wear!
    Congratulations, dears, on your beautiful daughter,
    May her life be joyful and pleasant!

    The birth of a daughter - what could be better? Although they say that most men dream of a son, everyone knows that deep down everyone wants to have a little princess and constantly take care of her. We congratulate you on this significant day, and wish that the girl was beautiful and smart!

    Daughter is bows, skirts and ruffles,
    Dolls and candy wrappers, bright toys.
    Daughter is tenderness, mother's lipstick,
    Feminine elegance in appearance and soul is a joy.
    Let your daughter shine like sunshine in your home,
    Let adults and children admire her.
    Let her be a helper, a good housewife,
    Smart, beautiful, but not arrogant!

    Fate gave you the opportunity
    Become parents again!
    Children are not a problem,
    Children give us love!
    The second daughter was born!
    We congratulate you on this!
    Let the sisters live together!
    What else is needed for happiness?

    Wrist tag
    There is an angel on the arm!
    Your happiness was born
    Princess, your daughter!
    Let it grow
    Beautiful, sweet lady,
    And the beauty will drive you crazy
    Every man on the planet!

    Hooray! You now have a sweet daughter,
    Looks exactly like daddy in profile
    And if you look at it from the front, it’s a copy of your mother.
    Oh, that means she must be the most beautiful!
    Such a princess is a gift from fate.
    And you indulge her in any desires:
    Get ready elegant dresses, earrings!
    From now on you will only be angry for fun,
    After all, girls are fragile and very tender,
    You should always be covered with care!
    Let the little one grow up healthy and happy
    In a family where the impulses of love are so beautiful!

    A miracle has happened! Congratulations!
    A cherished dream has come true!
    How was this day, we wait -
    Your daughter has been born!
    Princess, honey, flower,
    The most beautiful fairies in the world,
    Wonderful, sweet angel,
    What is dearer and dearer to everyone!
    With care, tenderness and affection,
    Give her a sea of ​​warmth,
    So that a girl, in a wonderful fairy tale,
    I didn’t know troubles, illnesses, evil!
    She grew up beautiful and smart
    In smiles, joy, love,
    The sun was shining with happiness
    And she became the pride of the family!

    Mom and dad are happy about the baby girl,
    The cap and the pacifier suit her!
    Dad is delighted - happiness sleeps in the crib,
    Like an angel, her dreams are so sweet!
    Beautiful fairy tales for her, the best toys for her,
    Bright gifts for her, lots of girlfriends!
    Let her grow up perky, sweet and beautiful,
    Kind and sincere, smart and happy!

    Let the flower of love grow,
    Better every day
    Life is a tiny sprout,
    Happiness of mother and father.
    For my daughter and for those
    Who came to congratulate us,
    For the cheerful children's laughter
    I'm raising a toast now!

    Snub nose from a diaper,
    And a gentle child's voice.
    You say: “I have a girl.”
    And invite us for an hour.
    But an hour is clearly not enough for us,
    To wash your girl.
    We are ready for three days
    Congratulations to you.

    Recently your house was illuminated with happiness,
    After all, it now sounds like a baby’s laughter!
    Let your daughter grow and have fun,
    And it will be a consolation for everyone!

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Let this little bundle of happiness bring you only smiles, joy and good emotions! Don't forget that parents sound proud. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the opportunity to experience this status. What a score! Therefore, prove to everyone that you are the best parents!

    We wish you health, we wish you well,
    May your daughter grow up beautiful and smart!
    So that the sun always shines for her,
    May your heart make you happy
    You have been waiting for this joyful day for a long time,
    And she kept her child close to her heart.
    So let it grow as a reliable support,
    Bring love and luck to your home!

    Happy Birth of the second miracle,
    I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
    And the eyes are like emerald,
    They reflect the whole world in themselves!
    Give her tenderness, affection,
    Surrounded with warmth and care!
    And let her life be like in a fairy tale
    He will reward you with good health!

    Congratulations to my mother on the birth of her daughter!
    Let the princess grow, bloom,
    Plays with rattles and dolls
    And love only evokes in everyone!

    Happy birth of your daughter, dear,
    We would like to congratulate you and wish you happiness
    To you and your beautiful princess!
    We wish you long and joyful days,
    We wish you a peaceful, peaceful night,
    Let your daughter grow by leaps and bounds,
    Gives smiles and songs to all of you,
    Let her be smart beyond her years!

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
    Let her be as beautiful as her mother,
    It grows and develops for the joy of all of you,
    And she will be happy herself!

    Mom's daughter was born
    I congratulate my mother!
    We now have a baby -
    And I wish her

    So that you don't be stubborn!

    And be happy yourself!

    Dear friend, with your daughter,
    May fate give you two happiness,
    May good luck come to your cozy home,
    To make the world seem like a colorful circle!

    Let your daughter grow up healthy,
    From my heart I wish you peace and goodness,
    Bright days of beautiful, fabulous miracles,
    The heights of the beautiful blue skies.

    Congratulations, dear, on your angel,
    After all, she is like the sun, God bless her!
    May girls' dreams always come true,
    So that you are proud of your precious daughter!

    Mommy is a heroine today
    She gave birth to a baby daughter!
    The most beautiful name for her
    Let her choose with daddy.
    Let the girl be happy
    The most beautiful of all.
    And let all people love her,
    Let success surround her!

    You have waited for a happy moment -
    Your baby daughter has been born!
    Flowers, gifts, joy, sentiments
    I congratulate you with great happiness!

    A pretty daughter was born
    Mom is waiting for her baby!
    I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,

    My dear friend,
    Your daughter is just awesome!
    I congratulate you with all my heart,
    Today is your holiday!

    May he give his daughter a birthday
    A festive bouquet of smiles,
    And let every day be bright,
    And God protects her from troubles!

    May joy, happiness and luck
    The baby will be with you all the years,
    And the eyes never cry,
    They always shine with happiness!

    Tiny girl, little daughter -
    A new chapter in life's novel!
    Let it be on the pages of this novel
    Her life will begin with happiness without blemish!

    What a beauty you gave birth to!

    I've already learned how to blow bubbles

    Happy! You have become a mother!
    A cherished dream has come true!
    I'm tired after nine months,
    And then the daughter was born!
    Let the baby grow up
    And greedily sucks milk,
    At the same time, it gains strength,
    And the rest will come!
    I wish you for a girly
    Be a smart, gentle mother!
    Give wonderful toys
    Cherish, pamper and love!

    There's a new addition to your family - a daughter!
    There is no more tender, more beautiful flower!
    Let her blossom only with happiness,
    Only love smells!

    You are the queen today!
    All flowers at your feet!
    Take it soon and boldly
    Congratulations Hurricane!
    They are all yours by right -
    You became a mother today!
    You gave birth to a daughter -
    Gave new life!

    Congratulations to my dear friend and her daughter,
    I wish her a fairy tale in life!
    Let your baby grow up obedient,
    Sings, plays and reads books,

    So that she would be inquisitive right away
    And she made us happy with her achievements!
    Let your cherished dream come true,
    And beauty blooms with a delicate color.

    May there be many friends in life,
    Have wonderful days and fabulous nights,
    So that everyone around you is proud and admired,
    And you only met kind people along the way!

    Congratulations on your daughter,
    Showed up at a good time
    For parents - a gift
    Wonderful and bright.
    And we wish you and her
    Be happier and friendlier
    After all, more valuable than family,
    You can't name anything!

    Today is mommy's holiday,
    The stork brought her a daughter.

    And they kiss the girl on the nose.
    Such rosy cheeks
    I really want to touch it again.
    And fingers and nails

    Sleepless nights don't count!
    There are so many sorrows.
    Behold, your joy is born,
    Darling baby, sweetness!
    We wish you patience
    And in the life of family luck.
    Let your little daughter grow up quickly,
    And may it bring you joy!

    Chubby cheeks, bow lips,
    Perfection baby, sweet dove,
    Mommy glows with happiness above her,
    Let bad weather pass you by.
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter,
    I wish you both good health,
    Have a nice day and tender caress,
    To your princess from a fairy tale.

    You've all been waiting for this day for a long time,
    And then a miracle was born.
    The baby won't let you get bored.
    May your every day be full of happiness.

    You've dreamed about her for so long,
    I bought toys and dresses.
    And now the happy hour has come -
    You have become our mother!
    We sincerely congratulate you,
    There is no more happiness - we know that!
    May your daughter grow up to be a beauty
    How a scarlet rose blooms!

    We wish you health, we wish you well,
    May your daughter grow up beautiful and smart!
    So that the sun always shines for her,
    May your heart make you happy
    You have been waiting for this joyful day for a long time,
    And she kept her child close to her heart.
    So let it grow as a reliable support,
    Bring love and luck to your home!

    Eyes and smile - everything is like mom’s,
    Relatives stand solemnly, as if in a temple.
    A small miracle, the baby has appeared,
    Happiness was reflected in my mother's eyes.
    We wish you all the best and joys,
    May there be many sweets in life.
    We wish much happiness to mother and daughter,
    Now all I have to do is think about my son.

    I wish your daughter
    Be as beautiful as flowers.
    Well, my mother is young
    I will give this advice:

    Don't spoil your child
    Always be strict, though -
    Hide a bag of sweets in the closet
    And feed the children!

    Sing songs, looking at the night,
    May your daughter sleep sweetly.
    And let the world know
    You better than mommy No!

    Here new life came into being -
    Today you became a mother!
    You have become older, you have become wiser,
    You have become the happiest one!
    And may this bright and joyful moment
    Will go through life with you
    We wish your family so much love -
    Can't express it in words!

    My mommy!
    Family expanded:
    You gave birth to my sister -
    And I wish you
    In all matters of agreement,
    Reciprocity, love,
    And a lot, a lot of happiness,
    Be healthy!

    Today you became a mother -
    Your dreams have come true!
    You are holding your daughter in your arms,

    Let him grow up healthy
    Love and happiness will be found!
    Give her tenderness and warmth,
    Great purity of goodness!

    Let her grow beautiful
    Healthy, kind - so,
    Looks a lot like my mother.
    We wish her to find love!

    Let mom appreciate this moment.
    Second daughter! A moment of victory.
    Let's extend the beautiful moment.
    We wish her to walk without troubles!

    All the sorrows in life pay off.
    There is a simple answer to all problems.
    Congratulations! This happens sometimes.
    Two daughters - mother! What's the secret?

    Congratulations and wishes to the mother,
    So that my daughter grows up worthy,
    So that only you and her cry with happiness!
    We want it to bloom.

    We wish that your mood
    Never fell again.
    We wish you not to be abandoned by love!
    Two daughters – joy and happiness!

    On this day we wish you to realize:
    Now you are a parent to two daughters.
    And from now on we wish to sing more cheerfully
    All the songs you want!

    If you didn't know how to win,
    Then it's time to forget about it!
    Two daughters - just as you wanted!
    We want to be happy.

    May your support not weaken,
    But it will only become more reliable.
    Let all troubles dry up to a drop.
    Congratulations, you are not poor!

    You have a family, that's cool.
    You know how to control fate.
    We wish you on this holiday,
    May you move on again!

    May she always find
    Good luck in life along the way.
    Let her be like her mother!
    We wish her to always bloom.

    We wish her more flowers.
    Let them bring warmth!
    We wish you bright days too!
    She is the princess here today.

    Congratulations, your daughter is a miracle.
    Let the sun shine on her along the way.
    Let life sing beautiful songs to her!
    We want to bring joy to her.

    A new angel has appeared in the world.
    She is beautiful, there is no doubt about that.
    Second daughter, how this marriage developed!
    And this is a remedy for various ills.

    What a blessing it is to have two daughters!
    They are like two rewards from heaven.
    This is the mazurka in the family now.
    It's so good that you exist in the world.

    When there are two daughters in a family -
    Life is like a mess!
    Now you are for sure
    Find out, friends.

    We wish you to be a mother,
    May we all be proud!
    Work tirelessly!
    It's time to forget about dreams.

    Today you became a mother -
    Your dreams have come true!
    You are holding your daughter in your arms,
    You see the world in little eyes!

    Let him grow up healthy
    Love and happiness will be found!
    Give her tenderness and warmth,
    Great purity of goodness!

    I congratulate my mother today,
    I wish my daughter health
    So that you are always happy,
    So that your loved ones love you!

    With your daughter, the most beautiful!
    Let her grow in happiness
    And kind, talented, sweet
    It only brings joy to the family!
    Give carefully, with affection,
    My daughter has a sea of ​​love,
    May her childhood be bright
    A page of wonderful destiny!

    Today is your holiday -
    A daughter is born!
    Warmth, health, happiness
    I hasten to wish her!
    Let your daughter bloom
    Like a rose in May
    And with a ringing voice,
    Let the family be happy!

    You are the queen today!
    All flowers at your feet!
    Take it soon and boldly
    Congratulations Hurricane!

    They are all yours by right -
    You became a mother today!
    You gave birth to a daughter -
    Gave new life!

    A new flower has blossomed on earth,
    A new child has appeared in the family,
    A pretty daughter was born
    Mom is waiting for her baby!

    I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,
    So that you and your daughter are always good,
    Wishing you a lot of fun and happiness,
    There is great joy in life to experience!

    You even came up with the name in advance
    I knew that you were expecting a girl,
    And spring came so early,
    Now you're walking with a stroller.
    Congratulations on your beautiful daughter,
    Your life is now all for her!
    You can cope with any difficulties,
    Your child would be happy!

    With a baby born, with a little happiness,
    With a gift from God, my dears!
    Let her life not be disturbed by bad weather,
    And the girl’s family makes her happy!

    There's some news in your family:
    A little daughter is born!
    I congratulate you on this happiness,
    I’m happy about the baby without hiding!

    May she always be healthy
    She is growing into a beautiful fashionista!
    Let people adore the baby,
    Let her bloom like a rose!

    There is nothing more important for a woman
    Than a newly born child.
    Caress him, and caress him, and cherish him
    Anyone wants a mommy from the cradle.

    So your dream about the main thing has come true!
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
    Become the most tender, kindest mother,
    We wish you with all our hearts!

    I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
    You are the best in the world, you will become a good mother!
    Give the little princess always warmth,
    So that she can be calm, good!

    Mom's daughter was born
    I congratulate my mother!
    We now have a baby -
    And I wish her

    Grow and bloom to the joy of everyone,
    So that you don't be stubborn!
    Be healthy, have no problems
    And be happy yourself!

    Sweet, wonderful princess
    Was born from you,
    She looks at the world with interest,
    And she looks so much like you!

    I congratulate her mother,
    I wish my daughter to grow up!
    To wake up and enjoy life,
    She was healthy and cute!

    You look like a girl yourself
    With his little daughter in his arms.
    But femininity still appears
    In soft movements, awkward for now.

    Mom's heart will tell you how to do it
    Pick up, swaddle and feed,
    Like endless happiness and joy
    Share equally with your beloved husband.

    What a beauty you gave birth to!
    The princesses turned green with envy!
    She is small, like Thumbelina,
    But how much energy is in a tiny body!

    I've already learned how to blow bubbles
    And even snoring in a crib.
    And it seems to me that she is in three days
    Fans will start giving chocolates!

    My mommy!
    Family expanded:
    You gave birth to my sister -
    And I wish you

    In all matters of agreement,
    Reciprocity, love,
    And a lot, a lot of happiness,
    Be healthy!

    Today is mommy's holiday,
    The stork brought her a daughter.
    Everyone rushes with congratulations at once,
    And they kiss the girl on the nose.

    Such rosy cheeks
    I really want to touch it again.
    And fingers and nails
    Just kiss all day!

    With a newborn baby,
    Congratulations to all the family!
    Let a welcoming smile
    She makes the family happy!
    Grandfather and grandmother, uncle and aunt,
    All acquaintances and friends,
    Surround with only care
    The one who is the cutest in the world!
    Even if the baby is still in diapers
    Will become the joy of the family,
    Growing up little by little
    In a world of happiness and love!

    How beautiful she is, you can’t take your eyes off her,
    How unique, Angel in the flesh!
    Rosy cheeks, gentle voice,
    Congratulations on your daughter and I wish you for the future -
    Cheerfulness, health, joy to the family,
    To raise the baby in kindness and kindness,
    So that my daughter’s eyes shine with warmth,
    So that everyone can have a happier girl!

    Let the mistress and beauty grow,
    At any age, men like it
    Helps, loves mom and dad.
    Let your daughter be the happiest one!

    Cheerful eyes and lace-shaped eyebrows,
    The little daughter has thick eyelashes.
    We hasten to congratulate you on the birth of a miracle,
    Let your daughter be a real beauty.

    Let everything work out as it should for the baby,
    So that my daughter is a source of pride and joy.
    May her life be full of success,
    Let the wave of mutual love cover you.

    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
    Let her grow up in warmth and kindness -
    Cheerful, diligent, bright, beautiful,
    Talented, smart and the happiest!

    As in a fairy tale, a daughter was born,
    There is a new flower in God's bouquet,
    She was born for happiness,
    Let health be a strong and clear voice.
    We gladly congratulate you on your daughter,
    We wish you all the best, health and good luck,
    May she be happy in life
    May the golden angel always protect her.

    A beautiful daughter was born to you -
    You are the happiest parents now!
    Let your daughter never upset you,
    And her gift will be a happy destiny.

    These cheeks are simply adorable!
    How white they are!
    Congratulations on your baby!
    We wish you happiness!

    Let her grow up happy
    And a little mischievous
    And cheerful and beautiful,
    Charming, simple!

    Little, tiny, heavenly angel!
    Your birth is a miracle of miracles!
    And each of the relatives today wants
    Find out your height and weight immediately!
    You don’t yet know how happy you are
    You are all our best friends!
    You will be a joy for your parents!
    The whole family congratulates them!

    A girl - a daughter was born,
    Mom was glowing with happiness at that moment!
    This is wonderful, everyone is immensely happy,
    Let's love her devotedly, right!
    Let it be bright, like a summer flower,
    Let her voice be clear!
    Let him be affectionate and tender, like a mother,
    Let her be proud, let her dad admire her!

    We will hasten to congratulate
    With my parents' firstborn.
    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
    He has a long life.
    Don't let your parents sleep
    (Far to retirement) -
    There will be a dozen guys
    Your best song.

    Congratulations on your birthday
    Your dear daughter!
    Not a child - a sight for sore eyes!
    Everyone wishes her happiness!
    Grows up and becomes a fairy tale
    White light for the baby!
    And while he’s lying in the stroller -
    Cheeks are like the color of poppies!
    Don't get angry if you're stubborn
    There will be a daughter some other time!
    Become an unsurpassed mother!
    Here is your order from us!

    Congratulations on your sweet daughter!
    The best and most beloved,
    The most tender, the meekest,
    Charming, desirable,
    Smart, affectionate, dear!
    Let him always grow like this!

    Happy birthday girls!
    Happy birthday to your daughter!
    The path is slightly unsettling
    There will be days and nights!

    Let her grow up to be a beauty
    Clever, assistant,
    Good-natured girl
    And a bit of a fashionista!

    A beautiful daughter was born to you,
    There is nothing more beautiful in the world than these sweet eyes,
    We want to protect our daughter from grief,
    Give her a huge sea of ​​joy.

    A small hand clasped the finger,
    And a tear runs down your cheek with happiness,
    And a small cloud of doubts left,
    Mom's eyes glowed brighter.

    You gave the baby the joy of life,
    Let her not know what evil is,
    So that the angels can keep her sleep,
    And may your baby always be lucky.

    Please accept congratulations
    Let's fill the lines with warmth
    Delicate beauty, good luck
    We wish your daughter!
    Where are daddy's eyes from?
    Mom's voice is clear
    May you be happy in life
    This sweet girl!

    A baby daughter was born,
    Mom's copy, exactly,
    Let him walk and let him laugh,
    Let her have fun!
    She will be smart and smart,
    Kind, polite and modest!
    Let her be a beauty
    Everyone in the world likes it!

    Today great joy came to the house,
    A miracle angel was born.
    Your hope and your delight,
    It's like a miracle, little daughter.
    Let her grow, to the joy of her mother,
    Let him cry less often and laugh more often,
    Always calm, sleeps sweetly at night,
    May there be peace and happiness in your home!

    Today the long-awaited miracle happened,
    A little daughter appeared into the world,
    And a ringing cry pierced the silence,
    It was as if the whole world was illuminated with light.
    And suddenly you suddenly became a mother,
    So caring, so happy.
    We wish you success in your business,
    Let the house be filled with children's laughter!

    One child is not a child.
    Isn’t that what our people say?
    And a stack of fresh diapers
    It's on your table again.
    We welcome you on the birth of your second
    We hasten to congratulate you at this hour!
    Became parents again!
    And we are very happy for you!

    You are experienced parents,
    Nothing will surprise you.
    So we'll just say:
    Let the baby be happy!
    He's your second child, after all.
    The youngest member of the family!
    Let him bathe from the cradle
    He is in parental love!

    Your son was born
    He's the second child!
    So that dad would be proud of him,
    Let him be a champion!
    So that mommy loves,
    May he be kind
    We wish him strength
    Let him grow, champion!

    So everyone around is happy,
    Loving you, mom:
    We are with the birth of twins
    Well done, I tried
    Even though I had to limp
    Get rid of the fatigue of childbirth -
    The little ones demand their mother!
    May luck be with you
    It's not just hard work that awaits,
    And to my mother's songs
    The kids are growing up nicely!

    Your second baby has been born!
    I solemnly congratulate you!
    And the past experience was not forgotten,
    Opening the way for new things!
    Let the baby grow up healthy,
    Giving you joy and a smile,
    Getting ready for new achievements,
    But only without mistakes!

    I congratulate you on the birth of your child!
    You have become parents for the second time!
    And I wish you with all my heart,
    So that affection and love are not lost!
    Let the baby grow healthy, strong,
    May the world give care and kindness!
    And let happiness grab hold of it tenaciously,
    So that from birth I see beauty!

    The stork has brought you a new addition!

    Let your baby grow up
    Let life go smoothly,
    I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart today,
    May your daughter have good luck in the future!

    A girl was born,
    Future bride, know!
    Who is she, pray tell?
    Will you get it? You choose!

    I wish her to grow up beautiful,
    So that you can’t count the suitors!
    Be gentle in your soul, sweet in your heart,
    But be able to stand up for yourself!

    Happy birth of your third child,
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!

    I wish you good health to your honey!

    Surround with care and affection,
    Giving her all my love!
    And reward with knowledge,
    Giving a magical dream!

    I wish your family from the bottom of my heart
    Of course, it’s very happy to be,
    Let the soul sing without getting tired,
    To love your beautiful daughter!

    You should raise her with dignity,
    You will be able to save it,
    Protect your dear daughter,
    So that she can be happy!

    Be a worthy brother to your sister,
    And set a good example for her,
    But the fact that this is a fragile girl,
    Never forget this.

    Always protect her as best you can
    When she becomes an adult,
    And teaching wisdom is not difficult at all -
    After all, this is someone’s wife in the future.

    Grandmother has a special task -
    And pamper, and strictly scold.
    And feel sorry when the baby cries!
    We will congratulate you today!

    We wish grandma great happiness,
    And don’t spoil your granddaughter at all,
    And do everything that is in grandmother’s power,
    To convey great wisdom to everyone!

    You, sister, have become a mother!
    I gave birth to a daughter today!
    And now to herself
    Becoming should help with everything.

    The smartest and smartest,
    The most passionate in life,
    The most feminine and sweetest,
    The most tender and beautiful!

    Happy Birth of the second miracle,

    And the eyes are like emerald,
    They reflect the whole world in themselves!

    Give her tenderness, affection,
    Surrounded with warmth and care!
    And let her life be like in a fairy tale
    He will reward you with good health!

    I wish her health and love,

    Her adversity will never touch her,
    She gives everyone a sweet smile!
    Let the happy give only worries,
    It grows as beautiful as spring itself!

    You are a great family!
    And here are these lines for you.
    Congratulations, friends,
    We are happy with the birth of our third daughter!

    Three beautiful sisters
    Your life will be filled with meaning!
    Stars looking from above
    All wishes will come true!

    She will love her grandmother, getting better every day,
    Life's little sprout,
    Happiness of mother and father.

    Diapers and undershirts are waiting,
    Your daughter was born!
    He reaches out to you with his little hands,
    He wants to eat right now!

    Very soon he will grow up,
    I'll get married, he'll say, I'm getting out,
    I'm 3 years old - I can do everything,
    I walk in heels!

    And your eyes are full of joy,

    Let the baby grow up to be a beauty,
    Knows the world, learns to walk,
    Will abandon his pacifier forever,
    And he will thank his mother!

    Congratulations to the grandfather and granddaughter!
    Take her in your arms!
    Hug me tightly,
    Gently press it to your heart!

    Drive away traces of fatigue,
    Where there are grandchildren, there is no old age!
    There is only cheerfulness, a lot of laughter!
    Happiness, joy, success!

    Congratulations on the new addition,
    And we suggest you mark it!
    Let's raise a toast,
    I wish your daughter:

    So that you don't grow up to be a fool,
    And with a good figure!
    To achieve so that I can
    Just with ease yourself!

    Mom's daughter was born
    I congratulate my mother!
    We now have a baby -
    And I wish her
    Grow and bloom to the joy of everyone,
    So that you don't be stubborn!
    Be healthy, have no problems
    And be happy yourself.

    You've dreamed about her for so long,
    I bought toys and dresses.
    And now the happy hour has come

    Happy birthday, daughter. our dear kitten,
    Beautiful and smart, the fruit of great love.
    We wish you happiness and health,
    May all your wishes come true.

    Your tender princess
    She was born into the world!
    Like an angel, lovely,
    Like a delicate flower!
    New life comes
    Happiness will settle in the house!
    Let my daughter grow up
    A real beauty!

    All goals in life were instantly achieved,
    We made our deepest dreams come true.
    So that you always enjoy a bright life,
    And everyone around gave you flowers on the holiday.

    So that everything works out easily and simply in life,
    Whatever you wish will come true as quickly as possible.
    So that you don’t have to part with your loved ones at all,
    And be happy so that you always have to.

    So that the twins will certainly smile,
    So that you receive only the best from life.
    The eyes always sparkled brightly,
    So that you bathe in gifts on this holiday,

    So that every day is accompanied by luck,
    And the mood remained excellent.
    The daughters were lucky in business,
    And there was a smile on his lips, to boot.

    Congratulations to my daughters, two cuties,
    May life be as sweet as chocolate.
    You are beautiful, two beloved twins,
    I can't take my eyes off you.

    So that my daughters can enjoy this wonderful life,
    And they certainly strived upward every day.
    So that you smile endlessly on this holiday,
    And all their innermost dreams came true.

    “I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!”
    I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
    The stork has brought you a new addition!
    Please accept these lines as congratulations,
    I wish you more laughter, less tears!

    "At the birth of my second child"
    Second child, tiny daughter,
    I was born into a good family,
    So let her live very well,
    May her life be a success, of course!

    "Congratulations for brother"
    Beloved brother, I congratulate you!
    Happy Birthday to your little blood daughter!
    I wish her health and love,
    And may you enjoy many days!

    "Happy birth of your third child"
    Happy birth of your third child,
    Congratulations on the birth of your daughter!
    Let diapers bring happiness,
    I wish you good health to your honey!

    "Congratulations for sister"
    Happy birthday to your daughter, sister, congratulations!
    And your eyes are full of joy,
    I wish her health with all my heart,
    May trouble never touch you!

    "Happy Birth of the second miracle"
    Happy Birth of the second miracle,
    I congratulate you on the birth of your daughter!
    And the eyes are like emerald,
    They reflect the whole world in themselves!

    "To my sister"
    We wish you a little sister
    Always love, always protect,
    She is completely helpless, in diapers,
    And we need to protect this beauty.

    appeared in your house
    Little miracle - daughter!
    Let her grow up happy
    And as beautiful as a flower!
    You became parents -
    Be happy, the three of you!
    So that now I don’t know sadness
    Your cozy, warm home!

    Warm little bundle
    Lacy funny little bag,
    Even if there is little weight in it,
    Daughter is daddy's princess.

    No error! By order
    We were waiting for a girl - and here we are
    In the nursery, the door is immediately to the left,
    The sun lives with us!

    Let your daughter grow up smart
    AND beautiful princess such.
    Let your health not be wasted thoughtlessly,
    Let the warmth surround her.

    Happy birthday baby
    We congratulate you!
    Happy family
    We wish you great things!

    Grows for your joy
    Perky and sweet,
    Healthy, smart
    And very happy!

    Children's laughter, parental joy,
    Successful growth, honey sweetness,
    May the angel protect your happiness,
    Leads to success and protects from troubles!

    We hasten to congratulate you on the birth of your baby! Let her be as brave and smart as dad and a gentle beauty like mom. Happiness and prosperity to you!

    On this wonderful day - your daughter’s birthday, I would really like to wish you strong love and mutual understanding, parental patience and respect. And for the little one - good health, beauty and kindness. Let children's laughter always sound in your home! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

    I would really like to congratulate you on the birth of a wonderful girl! We wish her health, happiness and immense parental love. Let her grow up to the joy of her parents and all loved ones!

    We cordially congratulate you, our dears, on the birth of your daughter! From this day on, you are parents, and this is unearthly happiness. Let your home be real family hearth and with a full cup, let joy, warmth, love and mutual understanding settle in him, and let troubles, sorrows and misfortunes pass him by. We love you and hug your little one!

    May this day - the day when another little angel - your daughter - be born, may birds sing everywhere, the sun shine, and people smile at each other! We cordially congratulate you on this day, and sincerely wish that the baby grows up strong, healthy, smart, beautiful and kind to the joy of mom and dad!

    May your daughter bring joy to your life,
    Let it become your pride forever.
    After all, this is an amazing sweetness -
    See how your person grows!
    Your daughter is the fruit of joint love,
    What have you carried through the years together?
    This is how it is covered everywhere
    River of smiles, ocean of love!

    Our dears! I really want to congratulate you on this wonderful day- the day when your daughter was born, and in honor of this, another bright star certainly lit up in the sky! So let her light the path for your baby, let him always be lucky in life. And you, parents, support your baby in all her endeavors!

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