• Prose to a beloved husband from his wife in her own words. Love SMS to your beloved husband in prose. SMS to my beloved husband


    In my hands is the hearth of love,
    In yours is the fire of our entire bright life.
    For happiness and goodness, our union is like a beacon:
    Reliable, full of joy, impeccable.

    I am grateful for the generous mercy of heaven,
    And only a miracle I can call that meeting,
    When a sparkle suddenly appeared in my eyes,
    And from then on, he remained in my soul forever.

    In your eyes I also see the sparkle of love,
    Protected by a ring and an oath of faithfulness.
    Keep, my beloved, our light, keep,
    Let its flame be hot and immense.

    I confess my love to my dear husband!
    Your embrace is so warm,
    And kisses are sweet like honey
    And your image enchants and attracts!

    You are the most sincere and the most gentle,
    You are like a boundless ocean to me,
    Deep, inspiring, beautiful...
    My most best man Darling!

    Like two wings of an angel with you,
    We are inseparable, like two in one.
    Married by both God and fate,
    We live with you one day after day.

    Beloved husband, fate is a sure gift,
    Thank her very much for you!
    To you because my character is bad,
    You endure understanding and loving!

    How many years! But it feels like yesterday
    We met. And the memory is so fresh.
    I keep our first kiss to myself,
    And the heart says: “I love you! I love!".

    And now, children, home! And day after day
    It goes on as usual.
    But that fire inside will not go out.
    My favorite person and husband is you!

    And early in the morning I pray for us.
    Let's sit down together. I'll cuddle up to you.
    And we will talk about everything
    Until late this evening.

    A kind husband like you,
    You can't find anything else in the whole world.
    I love you with all my heart,
    Happy and faithful wife!

    With you it’s so easy and so pleasant for me
    Chat every day, cook breakfast.
    And meet me again in the evening from work,
    Look into happy eyes again.

    Thank you, my dear husband,
    That you forgive every day, dear friend.
    And sometimes you put up with me being capricious -
    Out of everyone in the world, only I love you!

    You are the best on this planet,
    With you it is calm, easy and reliable,
    In winter I don’t think about summer at all,
    When you're nearby, it's easy to forget!

    You are my only, most desired,
    I want to live my whole life with you,
    I repeat to you tirelessly
    That I love you very much!

    Years pass, and I still fall in love with you.
    What was sent to me - I thank fate.
    I am proud and admire you.
    I give myself all to you without reserve.

    Please, dear, don’t be surprised at my tears:
    They are from women's happiness and love.
    With me I want you to be happy and smile more often,
    I can't live without tender eyes yours.

    You can handle any problem
    Solid, beautiful, and most importantly mine,
    You are a real, desirable man,
    And you stand for me like a strong mountain.

    I love you with all my soul,
    With you I tasted happiness
    You call me your Queen
    Everything sounds so sweet and tender from your lips.

    You are my special, incredible,
    With you I can forget about everything
    The man of my life, my favorite,
    I don't want to lose you for anything!

    All I can tell you is
    It will be true
    That I love you
    This is also true!
    You are the bravest, the best,
    And without further ado,
    I know, and you know,
    You are ready to do anything for me.
    I'll tell you one more time
    That I love you, my hubby,
    You are very important to me
    You are my protector, my hero,
    And I will always be with you!

    You are no longer dear or closer,
    My only one in the world.
    I prefer you
    To all men on the planet.

    Without you in this life I
    Something would be missing.
    Expensive will not be replaced
    Neither a vocation, nor a job.

    As easy as breathing
    You give me your love.
    I know if it gets difficult
    You will always lend your shoulder.

    We are family, which means
    We complement each other.
    That our bonds are growing stronger,
    We have a common merit.

    To give marriage ties a new round of relations, it would be nice to arrange romantic dinner in a one-on-one format in some unusual place. Or can we limit ourselves touching SMS to my husband, written albeit in my own words, but very sincerely.

    Touching SMS to your husband, in your own words

    What do you think is the key to happiness? family life? I’ll tell you a secret.) Start writing love message from the name of your beloved in combination with some kind of affectionate diminutive epithet, which will not cause irritation. But if today is your muse’s day off, then you can choose from templates that are not at all trivial, touching SMS messages for your husband.

    • Every morning I miss your kiss, and every minute I miss your voice.
    • Every day I want to do something special for you: either dinner or a postcard.
    • I don’t understand why all wives complain about their husbands, but my husband is gold.
    • My heart, as before, longs only for your love.
    • I love every part of your body. Especially the brain, so I often try to take it out.
    • The more days we are married, the more I want...time to stop and happiness not to end.
    • As soon as I put the ring on, my happiness knew no bounds.
    • Every day, falling asleep with you and waking up in your arms is my dream, which has already come true.
    • I want our life to be as sweet as our wedding cake.
    • Himself to the best man I gave everything that was most valuable: my heart, soul, hand... and the rest of my body.
    • I'm looking forward to the weekend when we won't have to be separated from you for a minute.
    • I miss your hugs every second.
    • The most precious thing to me in life is your love and attention.
    • The more gentle the SMS from you, the tastier the cooked borscht will be.
    • There is no happier moment for me when you return home from work.

    Appreciate your husband and he will move any mountains for you! Ask what currency to value? It can also be written in letters) addressed to him - exactly what the doctor ordered!). By the way, in the provided link there are verses with the same meaning.

    • My love does not fade over the years, it becomes stronger.
    • I want every moment we live together to be nothing but beautiful. Even if at this time we just sit silently and drink our morning coffee.
    • This SMS is dedicated to the sweetest, smartest and most beloved husband.
    • You have become a part of me, without which I cannot live a day.

    • Before I met you, I didn’t know what love was. Now she always lives in my heart.
    • I want to cuddle up to you now, gently caress you with my hands. Beloved husband, I miss you. I want to hug you soon.
    • The longer the separation, the more I want... to cook you some delicious borscht.
    • I miss you so much that I even fell in love with the rare calls from my mother-in-law.
    • Never forget that a loving wife who misses you immensely is waiting for you at home.
    • My beloved husband! Never forget that your wife misses you at home, so the sooner you come from the corporate party, the less I will pour out all my longing on you in words.
    • May there always be magic, fabulous happiness and the magic of attraction between us in our home.
    • But I’m not waiting for the New Year, Santa Claus lives in my house, and he himself is like a gift to me. I also call him husband.
    • Today I saw a shooting star, but I didn't even try to make a wish. I have you, and I don’t need anything else.

    If you don't dare to do it erotic massage to your husband, then they will come to help you no longer with touching SMS in their own words, but these are quite

    My husband is the best in the world!
    The sweetest and dearest!
    I'm sad again without you,
    Come home quickly!

    My dear husband, you are my happiness!
    You are my joy and dream.
    You will brighten up any bad weather.
    Believe me, I love you so much.

    Let the SMS be mine
    Will make you smile!
    Don't be sad at work
    Write an answer to your wife!

    I won’t get tired of texting you!
    I won’t stop talking about love!
    You are the dearest to me in the world!
    My most tender and dear!

    We've been through a lot together -
    There was both joy and misfortune.
    We are walking the same road with you, -
    Love is in hearts forever.

    We've been together for so long
    But I still miss you!
    We've been together for so long
    And I love you just as much!
    We've been together for so long
    And I understand better and better
    That alone, and not together,
    I can't do it anymore!

    It's so simple and reliable with you,
    With you, we’ll say no to all troubles.
    I want it to be possible
    Live in love for many years.

    You are the best husband in the world,
    I'll say it openly now!
    I'm writing you an SMS,
    I envy myself!

    You are my hope and support.
    You are my beloved, kind person.
    And there is happiness between us, there is no discord.
    May God grant that it will be like this forever.

    You lead me through life by the hand!
    You protect, you protect!
    You never forget about me!
    I’ll write to you thank you for this,
    I’ll write that I love you madly!

    I am grateful to you for everything:
    For your affection and your support,
    For your kind heart,
    For giving me hope in life.

    You are my king and lord,
    I agree with you on everything
    Just touch me in the morning
    And call me wife.

    Only your beloved,
    I dedicate the poems!
    I know you miss it too!
    Just don't be too sad,
    Better write an SMS!

    Once married,
    We have become one.
    I'm grateful to God now
    What made me so happy.

    Thank you for loving me
    What do you still idolize?
    That you will forget all the bad things, -
    You won’t reproach, you’ll just sigh.

    And our little one said “aha”!
    A neighbor gave us a ball.
    I want you to be at home.
    I love you, I miss you - I can’t!

    Hello my beloved husband.
    I feel so good with you!
    I cherish and care for you,
    I love you madly!

    I keep the warmth of my soul for you,
    I carry you through the days and through the years.
    I ask you only one thing, -
    Be with me always.

    I am to my beloved husband,
    I dedicate the poems!
    I haven’t been in love with him for a long time!
    My love will never die!
    We will be together forever!

    Time flies like the wind with you!
    I won’t notice any sad moments!
    I live with you without sorrow,
    It means we were married in heaven!

    Familiar and reliable
    Next to your shoulder.
    You kiss passionately
    And also hot!

    Let the planet fly
    To unprecedented worlds.
    Our love and happiness
    We're splitting it in half!

    Love has carried through the years,
    Giving each other your tenderness.
    The sparkles are dancing in the eyes again, -
    We are inevitable for each other.

    My faithful husband,
    I'm harnessing the plow.
    The evening will bring us together,
    And we will continue our flight.

    You and I live in perfect harmony,
    You and I have gone through the years.
    Nothing will destroy our union!
    We will never be separated!

    Men love compliments and attention from their significant other.

    Therefore, it is very important to spend at least a little time with your husband to remind him of the emotions you feel for him.

    You should talk and write to your lover about your love and lift your spirits when you are apart from him.

    It is not necessary to write only love messages, which will undoubtedly be pleasant to him, but also to send them so that his feelings warm up well and flare up with renewed vigor.

    You can say a lot in the message, and not in a serious form, but in a humorous way, which greatly simplifies your goal.

    If you want to express how much you miss your husband, then it is quite possible to hint about this through a humorous message.

    You can send a message to remind your loved one about how it's been a while since you spent time just the two of you under romantic circumstances.

    Love messages for husband with jokes

    1. My dear, you will owe me 1000 kisses and large bouquet flowers, if you don’t have time to answer me this message in a second... Well, I didn’t have time.
    2. Eat matchbox, in which there are a lot of matches. They will burn forever if you take care of them. Also, take care of my love for you so that it will be eternal.
    3. Darling, well, you understand that I’m very busy at work. Therefore, could you please leave my thoughts for a while, otherwise I can’t concentrate at all because of you!
    4. Just as a dog loves his bone, just as he loves the sun on a spring day, so I love my husband!

    Family life does not mean living together and having a bunch of responsibilities, since it contains love, passion, care, tenderness and other feelings that need to be shown regularly.

    Some women are not very relaxed in their relationships with their chosen one, but this can be easily corrected by sending a cool SMS to your beloved husband with an erotic hint.

    This will help you express all your desires and emotions that you cannot say out loud. You can be sure that after such a message, your husband will fulfill all your dreams.

    Cool and passionate SMS messages to your husband

    1. My dear! I really want to tell you something, but I don’t know how... I want something very badly... I WANT it incredibly badly! I want this like crazy... I want you to smile when you read this SMS.
    2. Sometimes you are lukewarm and sometimes you are hot. You can always cool me down or warm me up... I adore you, my favorite shower!
    3. I dedicate these beautiful poems to my cat: “Meow-purr-purr-meow-meow-purr!” Your pussy.
    4. My dear and most beloved! I really want it! You can't even imagine how much!!! I can't wait for the evening to come! Well, come on already! Write me a message!

    Cool messages to your husband, which you wrote with love and originality, will be a very pleasant and unexpected surprise for him.

    You shouldn’t be embarrassed or afraid that such an act will be misunderstood by your husband, since he will definitely be able to appreciate such an act. After all, you remember how much you corresponded with your betrothed at the beginning of the relationship and how long you talked on the phone.

    Family life should not interrupt the strong love connection between you, but only strengthen it. In particular, such a manifestation of feelings is necessary if you and your husband are in forced separation.

    Surely at this time he is very worried because he cannot see you. Therefore, an SMS to your beloved husband “I miss you, I’m waiting for you and I love you” will come in handy.

    Cool SMS for your husband when you are apart

    1. You are my air and you are my life
      I miss you very much!
      And although we only separated for an hour
      I don’t know what to do anymore!
    2. I want to come to you to have fun!
      I want to come to you to be more cheerful!
      I hope you don't get angry
      Hurry up and open the door for me!
    3. Good afternoon, dear subscriber! If you don’t write to your loved one right now, who really misses you, then your account and phone will be blocked.

    As you can see, you can please your husband with your attention in different ways. If you really miss him, then you should definitely tell him about it. Moreover, it is better to do this not in a serious form, but in a humorous one.

    You can rest assured that your other half will be very pleased that you miss him, but don’t be sour, but try to turn this fact into a joke.

    If you're lacking excitement in your relationship, then funny and passionate messages will help ignite the fire in your relationship. This approach helps you relax and tell your husband about secret desires, which you cannot do directly.

    And love ones funny sms messages from your wife will always come in handy for your husband, as they will not only tell you about your feelings, but will also cheer up your chosen one.

    This section contains: romantic words I miss you and love you for SMS messages to your beloved husband, spouse; SMS to husband from wife, tender in your own words.
    The man performs the most difficult work in the world - he has to earn and support his family, pay bills, protect his home from adversity, and increase his wealth. You multiply to support your man, nice SMS declarations of love.

    Come back soon, my dear husband. I miss you so much and am really looking forward to seeing you. There is very little left, and we will be together again - you and me.

    My dear husband, thank you for everything you do for us. Your patience is limitless and it always saves us from any problems. Remember: I’m waiting and I miss you very, very much!

    You know, sometimes I feel like I'm strangling you. Yes, yes, I will strangle you! I'll strangle you in my arms! I miss you so much, I love you.

    A diamond, compared to you, is a dull pebble! I love you!

    My beloved husband, there is no price for your golden hands, your wisdom, your strength and strong character!

    Dear husband, don’t be offended that I can lose my temper in the morning. Try to understand me - I miss you so much.

    Beloved husband, you are the best, caring and most gentle.

    Beloved husband, if only you knew with what pain and longing I part with you every time! And from the first meters of our separation, a new painful life of waiting begins. I kiss every cell of your heart.

    Beloved husband, you are like a strong rock, protecting the calm of my sea of ​​tenderness from the harsh winds of doubt and uncertainty. I am calm, in love and relaxed, thank you for that!

    Darling! Native! The most tender! The kindest! My dear husband! What grief has befallen me! Distance has torn our lips apart, and I am expiring in the terrible suffering of longing and pain for you!

    Dear husband! You are a protector, support, happiness, joy for me. I miss you! I need your hands, lips, eyes, I still can’t sleep. I hug my pillow and introduce you! Come back soon my love!

    I feel bad and sad without you... The eyes, without you, cry, the heart, without you, yearns, the soul, without you, weeps.... I'll die if you're not around.

    My dear husband, you know how long we have been together. All this time I keep true love and only the most sincere feelings for you. I want to tell you a huge “thank you” for the fact that in happy and sad moments you are next to me, trust me and endlessly support me. Love you. (SMS to husband from wife, gentle in your own words)

    My only man is my husband, I am grateful to you for your prosperity, kind words, gifts and the time you spend with us. Thank you for arranging our home and life. Thank you for the love we feel! Health to you, my love, we are very happy next to such a man and dad like you. (to my husband about love in my own words)

    Beloved husband, dear husband, I miss you, but love gives me the strength to wait and endure all the difficulties of fate. Thank you to God for life, to your parents for you, to you for love!

    My dear husband, my dear. I turn to you with sadness. My soul is always with you. I believe, I hope, I love. Come back quickly, I pray.

    In the world I need one man - the one who once became my beloved husband. My dear, I thank you for your affection, tenderness and love.

    It’s probably strange, but every evening I listen to the silence, because I know that you will come soon. I'm waiting for you so much, I constantly look at my watch. I’m ready to run to you and all because I miss you very much, my beloved husband.

    Thank fate that now you are my husband. And it’s not easy for my husband, who is endlessly loved. I miss you, dear, and I love you immensely, and I reach out to you again with frantic strength.

    You are a man who has won my heart, a man with whom I want to be close, when I’m happy and when I’m sad, whom I want to hug, kiss…..just loves.

    You are my beloved husband and support. There is simply no one more precious than you, you are my light, my hope.

    You were simply beautiful this night, you drove me crazy, you pulled me into the abyss of madness. My beloved husband, I miss you very much, but I’m holding on. And now you hold on.

    I love you, my tender sun. Just like many years ago, you remain my inspiration, my support, my reliable support. You are very gentle and attentive, caring and delicate, understanding and reliable.

    I’m slowly turning into an icicle, I miss your warmth! Come quickly, dear one, and warm your “kitten”!

    I miss and dream about the touches of your hands and your tender lips, beloved husband. If only I could, I wouldn't let go.

    Topic of the section: tender SMS to my beloved husband, I miss and love him, at a distance, from his wife, short and not very long. SMS to husband from wife, tender in your own words.

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