• The most romantic declaration of love. Declaration of love to your beloved: the most beautiful and romantic words. Confession templates for girls


    You can talk a lot about love. But how to behave when your head is completely confused? Some practical advice will help you look decent in any situation that arises in the way of your feelings.

    Love is passion, excitement, experience. She is so different, incomprehensible, burning and unpredictable.

    What is love? How and when to confess your love? How to behave if someone confesses their love to you? Many questions arise.

    • Don't panic
    • Reading the article
    • Looking for an answer to a question
    • We make a decision

    How do different zodiac signs confess their love? Who should confess their love first?

    Love from a psychological point of view

    This state is designated as perfect harmony and is assessed as great happiness (“one heart - one soul”) and, of course, rightly so... for this is the true experience of the deity, which, having taken possession of a person, extinguishes and absorbs everything individual in him... man and woman become instruments of ongoing life . K.G. Jung

    The biggest skeptic in love, from a psychological point of view, was the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. He considered the cause of love to be only sexual, animal desire.

    Modern psychologists are not so aggressively opposed to humanity. Their reasoning tends to suggest that:

    • Love is when the person who loves gives higher self-esteem to the one he loves
    • Finding a soul mate creates a feeling of harmony and self-sufficiency. All complexes and feelings of imperfection disappear. The person becomes natural. He's liberated. Additional opportunities and talents open up
    • When a feeling of love arises, people understand how mutual improvement occurs. Each of the two liked this transformation. He is satisfied with the place he occupies in this world
    • The longer a relationship lasts, the stronger the love becomes.
    • Young love is abundant, passionate, intoxicating, but not always lasting.

    A good moment to declare your love: when to confess your love

    There comes a time when you no longer have the strength to keep your emotions inside. I want to announce my feelings to the whole world. And first of all, tell your soul mate what fills your soul and heart.

    I love you. When should you say this cherished phrase to your chosen one or your chosen one?

    According to statistics, the male half of the population is the first to declare their love. The reason is banal. To persuade a woman to have regular sex faster.

    Should a guy confess his love first?

    • There is an opinion that a man should be the first to confess his love
    • Men and women do not want to be rejected, so they are equally afraid of declaring their love.
    • For women, this is the fear of being alone.
    • For men, a blow to self-esteem
    • IN modern world the myth that it is inherent in a girl to be unapproachable and proud, to wait for her prince in the tower, is outdated
    • Not every man truly in love will pursue his chosen one. Men are very proud
    • If a feeling of love arises, we don’t wait for the guy to confess first. Taking the initiative into our own hands

    Office romance, relationships at work

    An office romance differs from an ordinary romance in that romantic relationship between a man and a woman arise between colleagues. We spend most of our lives at work. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are a huge number of periodically flaring office romances.

    This has its advantages:

    • An office romance provides an opportunity to save time on finding your soulmate. You already know your colleague. You know, his character traits, preferences
    • The beloved is always nearby. He is ready to come to your aid at any moment
    • There is no reason to be jealous. Everything is always under control
    • The working day ends at the same time. We go on a date right after work
    • Experiencing an affair at work is a reason to strive for service
    • Staying after work is now a pleasure for you
    • No need to wait for everyone new meeting. You see each other in the office every day
    • You and he always look your best
    • You become the object of everyone's attention. All your actions or inactions are heatedly discussed behind your back
    • Office flirting is not liked by management and colleagues. Some are jealous. Others find it awkward to witness
    • An unpleasant situation may arise if your lover (or you in front of your lover) appears in front of you on the carpet. An objective decision will be difficult to make. In the event of a failed romance, where does professionalism disappear?
    • Having an affair at work leads to loss of respect. Expect problems from envious female colleagues
    • An office romance very rarely develops into a serious relationship. Statistically, 60% of breakups are scandalous and painful.
    • Unsuccessful office romance leads to loss of career growth
    • In the worst case scenario, you could lose your job. This, of course, can happen in the most unpleasant situation - a close relationship with your boss. Love itself is very unpredictable. If it is mixed with work relationships, the result can be disastrous

    What to do if you confess your love to your boss?

    Common sense and experienced friends will tell you that declaring your love to your boss will not lead to anything good. Don't create illusions. The only thing that can add optimism to your mood is to think that your relationship will have a successful conclusion if:

    • The boss is free. Has no predilection for office romances
    • He agrees not to hide your relationship
    • You discussed everything together negative sides office romance. We mutually agreed to comply with certain requirements at work.
    • In the office, it does not distinguish you from the bulk of workers. Tries to treat you impartially
    • The boss introduced you to relatives and close friends
    • When you leave the office, you immediately forget about chain of command. Don't talk about work. You have a lot more significant topics for communication

    A colleague confessed his love: a guide to action

    True love can even happen at work. Who knows, what if the colleague who confessed his love is your destiny? Maybe it's worth taking a closer look at it?

    How to confess your love to a girl in an original way?

    Words of love are beautiful in themselves. But sometimes they can be turned into something more - prepare a surprise that will pleasantly surprise your soulmate:

    Making a flash mob:

    • We invite our acquaintances and friends. For a more spectacular spectacle there should be at least 25 people
    • While walking with your lover on the street, suddenly you are surrounded by a group of people, lined up in the shape of a heart.
    • People hold flowers, a poster or paper letters in their hands
    • With the help of an advertising agency, we select a suitable topic for recognition
    • We place the billboard so that it is in the field of view of your loved one. For example, on the way to the office, opposite the windows of the house where your partner lives or works

    We organize recognition under the windows of the one to whom your feelings are directed:

    • We arrange our acquaintances and friends in the shape of a heart or the name of a beloved
    • We take burning candles or balloons into our circles

    Or you can do it like this:

    Video: He surprised her, or an original declaration of love

    Video: How to confess your love to a girl? Ways to confess your love to a girl

    How to get a guy to confess his love?

    How to get a guy to confess his love when all the signs of falling in love are already evident:

    • We are not persistent. This can only push a man away
    • Let's be patient. Don't rush your loved one

    So that he would relax and say three cherished words creating the right atmosphere:

    • A man should be at ease with you, but at the same time, he should be afraid of losing you
    • Invite him to watch a romantic movie. Squeeze his hand at the most touching moment
    • Hint at romantic dinner. When you are having a good time, tell him that he means a lot to you. If you receive silence in response, it means it’s too early.
    • If you understand that a guy has real feelings for you and at the same time he does not have enough confidence in your devotion to confess his love to you. Surround him with reverent attention. Wait a little and show with all your appearance how much you appreciate everything he does for you

    How to confess your love to an older man?

    • Frankly, a very brave and decisive woman can decide to fall in love with an older man.
    • If a man is older, it means he has some experience Serious relationships. Perhaps there was love, and disappointments, and suffering
    • A mature man values ​​his freedom, so he treats relationships with a woman very carefully
    • It takes a lot of effort to awaken the deep feelings of an adult man. It is very difficult to make a confirmed bachelor believe in the sincerity of his feelings

    But probably:

    • We confess our love to an older man with our eyes, without words
    • We look after and protect him
    • We make pleasant surprises
    • We become indispensable to him
    • We do everything right, then the man will feel love. His heart will open. And only then do we pronounce the cherished three words
    • If a man is married, then it is better to avoid these relationships
    • But sometimes love will come, long before you find out that he is married
    • In this case, the declaration of love depends on how close you are
    • If you are lovers, feel free to confess your love in any way acceptable to you.
    • If the relationship is just forming, do not rush to notify him of your love. Married man will not be delighted with your confession. From you he only needs tenderness, attention, warmth and affection. Family problems he doesn't need anything

    How to confess your love to an older woman?

    • Modern emancipation of women has led to the fact that currently, in every third couple, the bride is older than her chosen one
    • Many unmarried ladies start relationships with young men.
    • Such relationships cause universal silent condemnation
    • If you love your adult lady and you are not afraid of the opinions of others, the form of declaration of love does not matter
    • Just don’t be surprised if suddenly, after declaring your love to an older woman, she doesn’t throw herself on your neck
    • She's an adult. Knows how to manage his own emotions. Doesn't like big words

    Psychology of teenage love

    • The purest, gentlest, brightest, most reverent love arises in adolescence. This feeling in adolescence ready to work miracles.
    • The psychology of teenage love is very fragile
    • When a young man or girl experiences new emotions for the first time, it is very difficult to cope with himself. Psychological trauma received from unrequited love, is very deep
    • Physiological and psychological development occurs during adolescence. During adolescence personality formation is formed
    • Boys' first crush is associated with uncontrollability and a surge of emotions. Physiological processes sometimes lead their feelings towards various personalities lust
    • For girls, first love has the effect of a hidden fairy tale. It is platonic in nature. This gentle touch of hands languid glances, oohs, sighs, poetry about love. It's pure romance
    • Since boys at this age develop more slowly than girls, young ladies prefer older guys
    • Teenage love is those feelings that never come back

    How to confess your love to a classmate

    In order to confess your love to a classmate, you don’t need to look for ways to meet:

    • We decide whether he feels mutual sympathy
    • We unobtrusively offer to be friends
    • During communication, we find out whether you are suitable for each other. Do you need this relationship?
    • Make sure the feelings are reciprocated. This will become clear during communication.

    Is there a future for high school love?

    School love very rarely develops into the creation of a strong friendly family. Most often, only pleasant memories remain from her for many years.
    The main reasons for the short duration of school love:

    • Complexity, embarrassment
    • Illusory perception of relationships. Love is perceived as a fairy tale
    • Maximum emotionality of lovers
    • Incompetence in many matters in adolescence
    • Misunderstanding of the feelings of love and infatuation

    Friendship or love? Best friend confessed his love

    When your best friend confesses his love, the most important thing is to understand that the previous relationship is not possible.

    • You can pretend that there was no conversation. Nothing happened. But this is not a solution to the problem
    • It might be worth reconsidering the relationship. After all, very often friendship develops into a real fiery feeling
    • To clarify the circumstances, we talk to our friend again. Deciding what kind of relationship we stay in

    How to confess your love on the Internet?

    The easiest way to confess your love on the Internet, through a social network:

    • Go to your page and send your loved one a love message
    • We send original gift, available in the catalog social network, with a confession of his feelings

    We make a status entry on our page about how you love your one and only.

    How different zodiac signs declare their love

    Representatives of the fire zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are very emotional and active people. Their declaration of love will not be traditional and boring:

    • Aries will conquer mutual love in a terrible fight with the object of one's passion or with a competitor
    • Leos will not miss the opportunity to seduce their beloved with all kinds of compliments and gifts, in front of a large audience.
    • Romantic Sagittarius declares his love when you are on a romantic trip together

    Earth element signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are stable and practical. They don't like to take risks. Express their feelings through actions:

    • Taurus people confess their love by doing physical work.
    • Virgos will let you know about the seriousness of their relationship.
    • Capricorns are not romantic, but they value position in society. Recognition will be in a chic, expensive environment

    Representatives of the air element Gemini, Libra, Aquarius love everything new. They are very active:

    • Geminis easily confess their love. They can just as easily go back on their words.
    • Libras are romantic and always in doubt. To win a heart, all acceptable methods are used - from sweets to diamonds

    Aquarius is always busy with his ideas. He will express his feelings in the abstract, without specifying the object of his affection
    Water signs of the zodiac Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are vulnerable and emotional:

    • Cancer easily admits his feelings if he is sure of reciprocity
    • Scorpios easily win love. Using the entire romantic arsenal
    • Pisces will begin the declaration of love with hints. Then he expresses his feelings on paper

    How do the peoples of the world declare their love?

    Each country has its own traditions and mentality. Depending on these qualities, the peoples of the world confess their love in different ways:

    • Italian men do not hide their intentions. They are trusting and open. Generous with gifts and compliments. If an Italian falls in love with you, you will immediately know about his feelings
    • Mercantile Frenchmen can court several women at once. Without spending a lot of money, French men court beautifully and romantically. It will be possible to find out about the seriousness of his intentions at the last moment. Despite his commercialism, he will give his chosen one everything he has.
    • Spaniards are jealous. They are calculating and pedantic, just like the Germans. Both men are capable of passionate relationships. But marriages are strictly of convenience
    • In the Nordic countries, men prefer to get to know a woman better. A man and a woman from the Baltic states, Finland, Sweden, and England have been living as a full-fledged family for years. They register an official marriage when they decide to have children. Frankness is not their nature. There will be no declarations of love
    • The Japanese take declarations of love very seriously. A girl and a guy first confess their love to each other, and then they can appear together. They are very conservative. Once you start dating, it means you're in it for the rest of your life.
    • All religions in China recognize that sex is given by God. Therefore, they have no need to confess their love. These men are free and unpredictable. Women are always subordinate to them. There can be no talk of a declaration of love here.

    It doesn’t matter who in your relationship is the first to take the initiative and declare their love. The main thing is that your feelings are mutual, sincere and bring you happiness.

    How not to confess your love, video

    On Valentine's Day, you want to confess your feelings - for the first time or again and again to talk about love to the one without whom you cannot imagine your existence. And the more heartfelt our words sound, the greater the chance that they will reach the very heart of a loved one, so if you are not good at impromptu, then it is better to prepare your speech in advance.

    And today the site brings to your attention, which can be voiced during the celebration of Valentine's Day or written on a Valentine's card (or in an email, in an SMS).

    Men's declarations of love in verse

    Romantic declarations of love

    Even in the modern and rather cynical world, women value beautiful words And romantic confessions. If you cannot independently compose a poem in honor of your beautiful lady or a speech in order to confess your love to her, then we will help you - just use our tips.

    Let me say those words
    Which the heart beats.
    They make my head spin
    I can't escape them.
    Believe me, I'm timid and languishing,
    But I no longer have the strength to remain silent,
    Love you! I love you so much!
    And I hope for your reciprocity.

    You are my beloved, sweet, kind,
    I always admire you.
    I certainly won’t hide it from you -
    Your image is forever in my heart.
    I promise to love you sincerely,
    Protect you from adversity.
    I won’t offend you even mentally.
    Be with me. Happiness awaits you and me.

    I wasn't looking for princesses and queens,
    I didn’t believe in purity and the light of the soul,
    But you gave me confidence,
    That there is love in the world, since you are in it.
    And I’m ready to make a fairy tale out of them -
    - Kill the dragon, build a palace,
    So that you can be with me without fear
    Put on the veil and wedding crown.

    I won't serenade you
    And spend the night under your balcony.
    Love needs to be proven differently!
    And I'm ready. Order it to begin.
    Do you want me to cook dinners?
    And wait at the fitting room for days.
    Or I’ll go to the dacha with you,
    To dig up beds for carrots.
    Do you want three kids and a dog?
    Family outings on weekends
    Just tell me what I can do to please you.
    Everything you want will be yours!

    Men's declarations of love in prose

    Romantic declarations of love

    My world narrowed to just you, but at the same time I gained the entire Universe, because you discovered for me beauty that I had not noticed before. I want to live because I breathe the same air with you and can touch you best girl in the world - to you. I love you!

    If you feel cold, call me, and I will warm you with my breath; if someone offends you, call me, and I will be able to protect you; if sadness comes to you, remember that you have me. But it’s better just let me always be with you, and then you will never be cold, sad and lonely.

    I look into your eyes and see a world there that was previously unfamiliar to me. I didn't know it was possible to stay awake at night imagining that I could hear you breathing. I didn't realize that everyone, even friends, would be perceived as competition just because they looked at you. And, of course, I didn’t expect that all the other women would suddenly merge into one gray faceless mass. You changed me and I am grateful to you for that. I love you! And that makes my life amazingly wonderful.

    I want to tell you something that I have never told any woman in the world - I love you. And even if it seems to you that I’ve already had it all, just consider that with you I started life from scratch. After all, you are the perfection that you want to strive for, you are a bright and kind person, next to whom thoughts become purer and actions become nobler. Trust me and I will do everything to justify your trust.

    Women's declarations of love in verse

    Romantic declarations of love

    Romantics among modern men not much, but, probably, even the most skeptical realist is pleased to receive a reverent declaration of love from his lady. In addition, perhaps the words we suggested will help you make your relationship with your loved one more trusting.

    Look into my eyes
    There's one secret flickering there,
    There you will see a confession
    That I love you.
    Declassify me, please,
    And answer me in kind,
    Your soul is in that secret
    I bring it on my palms.

    You are like a quiet sublunar wind,
    You give peace with coolness,
    You are like the smell of honey from heather,
    I can't get enough of you.
    You are like the cry of a crane in autumn
    You make me sad about the past,
    And how is the last chance in this life
    It's impossible to stop loving you.

    I see you in my dreams every night,
    Your face covers the world for me,
    Pulsates your name in the temples,
    Your voice sounds like the sweetest of lyres.
    I won’t be silent, I’ll tell you, I’ll shout
    About how madly I love you,
    About how I want to be next to you,
    Sharing your fate.

    You are dearer to me than anyone in the world,
    There are no flaws or lies in you,
    Your gaze is so certainly bright,
    You are happiness, rapture, life!
    I won't get tired of loving you,
    I will go with you to the ends of the earth,
    If you want, I will become your shadow,
    May you always live in love.

    Love for you gave me wings,
    I regained my faith in happiness and miracles.
    I have never loved anyone so much in my life
    And I didn’t wait.
    I will trustingly open my heart to you,
    I will cling to you, from the tenderness of grief,
    And I will whisper holy frankness:
    Love you!

    Every man at least once in his life thinks about how to confess his feelings to his girlfriend. And do it beautifully, in your own words, so that the woman touches the soul. In order to assure your beloved of the sincerity of your feelings and intentions, it is not at all necessary to be a poet or a master of words. Short SMS or several kind words, written from the heart and independently, can do this no worse than laudatory odes copied from a book.

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    Preparing to explain

    A guy who has decided to openly declare his love to a girl must first think carefully about everything and understand for himself whether this is really a real feeling or just a hobby . After all, the impressionable girlish nature will definitely take the words of love seriously and begin to think about the wedding. A man needs to think through such things in advance so that a possible separation does not bring too much pain and disappointment to his current lover.

    If a young man is confident in himself and his feelings, he should approach his first confession very responsibly. One of the most important conditions for a declaration of love to be received favorably is appearance men, choice the right moment, romantic setting and the sincerity of the words spoken.

    How to prove to a girl that you love her

    How to choose the moment to confess?

    If a young man doubts whether he should confess his love right now, he needs to watch a little the development of his relationship with his beloved. Discussion of joint plans for the future, care and attention to each other, planning of common affairs - all this indicates that the time has come.

      The process of uttering words of love, beautiful and bringing to tears, is in itself very romantic. It is not appropriate to confess your feelings in everyday life. A man needs to create a special, gentle and sensual atmosphere so that his explanation is perceived correctly.

      Compliments to a girl

      Choosing and decorating a meeting place

      Decorating a house with candles and strewing flower petals is classic version preparation for declaration of love. A man can also cook a romantic dinner or order it at a restaurant (if his culinary skills are not up to par). An optional but important attribute of dinner is wine or champagne. You shouldn’t skimp on it by purchasing a bottle of an expensive, high-quality drink for your table. A man who decides to pamper his beloved with delicious food needs to inquire in advance about the girl’s preferences in gastronomy. This will help avoid dissatisfaction and unnecessary stress.

      A romantic confession at home will allow the couple to feel comfortable and free, but this is far from the only option. Can:

    1. 1. Have a date on the roof. You first need to find a cozy place there and prepare it accordingly. Wine and rose petals will work here too.
    2. 2. Take your beloved to an unusual place (for example, to an ancient dungeon or picturesque ruins).
    3. 3. Invite a girl to the cinema for a romantic film. The ideal option would be an empty hall, then no one would bother you to say sincere and sincere words love.
    4. 4. Hire a limousine and ride it around the city. The pleasure is not cheap, but original date secured.

    Touching confession

    Choosing a place for a date and decorating it correctly is very important. But no less important are the words that will be spoken. The phrase “I love you” is already quite worn out and everyday. It is heard everywhere: in films, songs, conversations. A girl may perceive these three words in a completely different way than a man would like. An original love confession, beautifully spoken in your own words, is a completely different matter. It can be in prose, poetry, letter or SMS (the last two are suitable for recognition at a distance).

    Here are some examples of the best confessions:

    View Examples
    • Darling! There are many works in literature that glorify the love of a man and a woman. But even all of them taken together cannot compare with my feelings for you.
    • My heart stopped beating when I saw you and trembled with redoubled force as soon as you looked at me. My love for you is huge, like the universe, and at the same time, all of it fits in just one person. And it’s you, dear!
    • Before I met you, the word "love" meant nothing to me. Now I will give all the treasures of the world for you, my love
    PoetryGirls love it when people confess their love to them in poetry. To do this, you can use the works of great poets, or you can try to write a poem yourself. It's not as difficult as it seems:
    • I've never loved so much
    • So passionate, tender and boundless.
    • If I have enough strength now,
    • Recognition will be inevitable.
    LetterIn the age of high technology, letters have become archaic, but girls like to receive love messages written by hand. And some men find it easier to express feelings in writing:
    • My love! Sometimes I feel like I've gone crazy. I see your beautiful eyes in every drop of dew, I see your sweet image in every woman. In the whispering of the wind I hear your voice. Every minute of separation seems like an eternity to me.
    • My dear beloved! You can't even imagine how huge my love for you is. For the sake of your smile, I will take a star from the sky and go down to the very bottom of the ocean to get a beautiful pearl for you. I look forward to meeting you, counting every second and hoping to see your eyes as shining with love as mine shine.
    SMSA short confession sent in the form of SMS is perfect for those who are far from each other:
    • I don't need anything but your love. Happy to be with you.
    • In your arms I knew true happiness. I love you.
    • Kitten, you are my only joy. Far from you I can't enjoy life

    No matter how the recognition of the beloved is made, the main thing is that it is sincere and from the heart.

    Not every man can confess his love so sensually... Ben Neil touched every corner of the soul with his confession. What does your loved one say when he confesses his feelings to you?

    In a universe of infinite possibilities, on a planet with 7 billion people, I want you.

    I love you. Not a day goes by that I don't say this to you.

    But the silent poetry that lurks in my chest cannot be expressed in just these three words or even three thousand words. No matter how I try to describe what I feel for you, not a single word can contain the power with which this fire burns in me.

    But I’ll try...Perhaps when I write this and you read it, these words will make sense for you too...

    When I say I love you, I mean I want you. From the very first time you ran your hand through my hair, I longed for you - your touch, your hug, your taste on my lips.

    You turn me. And I can't resist. This is chemistry.

    When I say I love you, I mean that you are beautiful. You look amazing in heels and dresses and all that tinsel, and even more amazing in pajamas and jeans. When you don't even try to be beautiful, when you are carefree, natural, it takes my breath away.

    When I say I love you, I mean I love your curves, your body, your curves. I love your neck, your chest, your back, your hips. You are the epitome of a pure woman from the locks of your hair to your ankles and toes. Like no one else, you awaken the man, the beast, the passion, the hunger and the lust in me.

    I love the way you move, your easy grace. I love the way you walk, your rhythm and the sway of your hips. I like the way you dance. I love the way we make love - the way we breathe, the way we feel each other. One pulse, one pleasure, one ecstatic climax. Complete unity.

    When I say I love you, I mean all of you, just the way you are. I love your recklessness and playfulness, how easily we can laugh at ourselves and at life. I love your courage, your strength. I love your jealousy and insecurity. I love your honesty (even though it hurts sometimes). I love how you can take responsibility for your words. I love your willingness to face your fears and grow.

    I love you for who you are, deep inside - the endless innocence that I see in your eyes. Behind everything you say and do, I see pure and selfless intentions, a kind and compassionate soul.

    When I say I love you, I mean that I trust you, that I respect you, that I admire you, that I adore you.

    When I say I love you, I mean I will forgive you. I apologize for those moments when I took you for granted. When I was too busy, too distant and self-absorbed to make time for you. I'm sorry for not being the man you deserve.

    When I say I love you, I mean that I love the way we love each other. How it motivates me to grow, to become better, to face my fears. I love sharing life with you: victories and defeats, laughter and pain.

    When I say I love you, I mean that my life is better with you in it. I am a better person thanks to you. And the more I get to know you, the more I want to know more. I miss you when you're not around. I am grateful for every moment together.

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