• Nurturing the personality of a preschooler in various types of musical activities. Types of child rearing Raising a child in various activities


    We would all like to see our children happy, emotionally prosperous, successful in business, education, diversified, in a word, to develop a personality. The creative principle of the individual - the ability to set humane goals, find ways to implement them and bring a plan to perfection - is inherent only in a creatively developed person.

    The ability to be creative is a distinctive feature of man, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create without causing harm, multiply without destroying. Human creativity is unthinkable outside of society, because everything created by the creator has always been and will be unique, original and valuable for contemporaries and future generations.

    What will your child become? Psychologists and educators have come to the conclusion that early development creativity, already in preschool childhood, is the key to future success.

    It has been proven that successful development creativity preschoolers take part in the game. Various types visual arts- modeling, drawing, appliqué, design - enable the child to create new buildings, drawings, sculptural and decorative compositions each time.

    Of course, children’s works have subjective value, and not universal novelty, but by creating them, the child joins the world of culture. Not all "children artists" will become painters and sculptors in the future, but they will acquire a unique ability to feel more subtly, to understand more deeply the world and yourself in it.

    The desire to create is an internal need of a child; it arises independently and is characterized by extreme sincerity.

    And we, adults, must be ready to help a child discover the artist within himself, develop abilities that will help him become a Personality.

    Music has an amazing power to influence a person, and therefore it is one of the most beautiful and very strong means for the internal development of the child. The child experiences music as he might experience real life events. And through music the child learns to express his feelings.

    Friendship with music should begin as early as possible, when children are still open to any knowledge.

    Seeing a beautiful, smart, healthy child is the desire of everyone who is close to him, who cares about his future. Fathers and mothers, grandparents constantly think about how, when and how much to work with a child in order to quickly teach him to walk, talk, read, count and write. These worries sometimes make it difficult to replace a loyal and reliable assistant nearby. Its name is movement.

    Movement is a good educator. Thanks to movement, the world around us opens up to the baby in all its amazing diversity.

    The very first life experience little man associated with the movements of his eyes, tongue, hands, and movement in space. And the child also owes his first manifestation of courage, determination, his first victories in life to the movement. An adult who loves children should remember this. What was missed in childhood is irreplaceable. Along with the growth of the child, deficiencies in his physical development are fixed, if you do not follow what is known in medicine "energy rule" motor activity» . As a result of movements, there is not a waste, but an acquisition of body weight.

    The active development of a child’s personality in the process of upbringing is formed by the age of 5-7 years; this is a scientifically proven fact, confirmed by work in the field of pedagogy and psychology. Therefore, the formation of an individual largely depends on how comprehensively different types of child rearing were taken into account in the process preschool age for harmonious development.

    Personality education is a complex set of external influences on the formation of individual qualities, a system of values, beliefs and views using various types of child upbringing.

    Types of education for preschool children

    Professional teachers identify the following priority types of child upbringing:

    • Physical – development of basic physical qualities such as agility, strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and general strengthening of physical health. Parents are recommended to pay attention to the physical development of the child from the moment of birth. Special attention, especially since in infancy physical and mental development are quite strongly interconnected;
    • Intellectual (mental) – the development of the child’s intellect, his imagination, thinking, memory, speech and ability to self-awareness and consciousness. Children's interest and curiosity must be supported and encouraged in order to feed their mental development and stimulate the desire to receive new information and learn;
    • Logical (mathematical) – development of logical and mathematical thinking skills. Formation in the child of skills of analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, abstraction, concretization and comparison of received information. The child should be taught to solve problems in various ways and the ability to explain the course of decisions with reason;
    • Speech - the development of children's speech consists of teaching children the sound, lexical and grammatical components of speech. The task of educators is to constantly replenish both the active and passive vocabulary of children. Teach the child to speak correctly, beautifully, with expressive intonation, pronouncing all sounds, teach the ability to express his thoughts in monologues and dialogues. Speech education is closely related to intellectual and logical education;
    • Moral (ethical) – development of the system in children moral values and qualities, instilling social and family moral norms. Teaching a culture of behavior and communication, developing a personal life position and attitude towards the country, family, people, nature, work, etc.;
    • Labor – teaching a child labor skills, developing a conscientious attitude towards the work performed, hard work, diligence, conscious participation in labor activity;
    • Musical – the formation of musical taste, familiarization with various musical styles and directions, teaching basic musical concepts such as rhythm, tempo, sound and pitch intonation, dynamics, emotionality of the work;
    • Artistic and aesthetic – the formation of artistic taste, familiarization with various types of art, nurturing a sense of beauty in a child, familiarization with aesthetic values, development of personal creative preferences.

    All these types of child upbringing are aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual even before school age. Therefore, enough effort and time should be devoted to all aspects of the educational process. IN modern world parents, and often grandparents, are busy at work. To ensure the harmonious development of children, some types of child rearing are entrusted to professional teachers, tutors, preschool institutions, and nannies. In such cases, close cooperation of all educators is necessary to create an atmosphere of safety and love in the education process, joint control of the content and quality of processes, competent, coordinated, systematic and consistent conduct of classes, taking into account age characteristics kids.

    The task of parents is to responsibly prepare for the birth of a child, become familiar with the types of child rearing and decide on preschool development your child, so that it is comprehensive and complete at every stage of his growing up.

    Japanese child rearing system

    Japanese parenting is of great interest all over the world. This system is based on three educational stages:

    • Up to 5 years - “king”. The child is allowed everything, the parents only take care of the baby and try to please all his desires;
    • From 5 to 15 years old - “slave”. Standards of social behavior are laid down, compliance with all rules and fulfillment of work duties are required;
    • From the age of 15 - “adult”. Having received adult rights in society, after 15 years of age, children are required to clearly know and fulfill all responsibilities, obey the rules of the family and society, and honor traditions.

    It should be understood that the main task of Japanese pedagogy is to educate a person who can work harmoniously in a team; this is a very important quality for life in Japanese society. But a child brought up on the principle of group consciousness faces great difficulties when it comes to thinking independently.

    Ordinary Japanese live their entire lives under a system of rigid rules that dictate how to act in various situations. life situations, deviating from which a person falls out of the system and becomes an outcast. The basis of Japanese morality is the interests of society above the interests of the individual. Japanese children learn this from early childhood, and the biggest punishment for them is the so-called “threat of alienation.” With such punishment, the child is opposed to any group or ignored (boycotted) by the family; this is the morally most severe punishment for Japanese children. That is why, having such a cruel measure in their arsenal, parents never raise their voices at their children, do not lecture them, and do not use corporal punishment or restriction of freedom.

    These facts should be taken into account by adherents of the Japanese child-rearing system in order to understand that, while allowing their child everything until the age of 5, he will need to be placed within strict limits after that. Such a sharp change in the educational process, which is not based on historical traditions and national mentality, can have a detrimental effect on the fragile child’s psyche.

    kindergarten No. 82 combined type Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

    Article on the topic:


    Compiled by:

    Suprun L.B.

    music director

    Saint Petersburg

    Spiritual life of a child

    complete only then

    when he lives in the world of the game,

    fairy tales, music, fantasy,

    creativity. Without this he -

    dried flower.

    V. A. Sukhomlinsky.
    Musical education in kindergarten is one of the most important educational tools. The subject of the theory and methodology of musical education of children is fundamentally based on music as an art form. The subject of the theory and methodology of musical education of children is the issues of purposeful management of the process of musical education, child education, and the establishment of relationships between musical education, training and development.
    The subject of study also includes children’s experiences that arise during active contact with musical art. Introduction to music is one of the important ways aesthetic education child.

    When mastering any form of musical activity, it is important to consider the following principles:

    comprehensive solution of the main tasks of music education;





    The main type of musical activity, which plays a leading role in the implementation of the cognitive and communicative functions of music, is its perception and analysis.

    Listening to music– one of the best forms of work for developing the ability to actively perceive music and listen carefully to its various features. Children get the opportunity to hear great vocal, instrumental, orchestral works in good performance. Listening provides the opportunity to hear music of different genres, forms, styles, eras performed by famous performers and composers. The flow of musical information is almost limitless. The more important becomes the problem of organizing purposeful listening to music, which helps to form selectivity in the consumption of musical impressions in accordance with the level of educated artistic taste. Observations show that teaching children to actively listen to music is a difficult task. The task is precisely to ensure that the process of perception is active and creative. The perception of music and the ability to analyze its expressive means activate many other techniques and methods. Among them, comparison of works plays an important role: identifying contrasts, identifying similarities and differences. Therefore, you can suggest listening to two or three works.

    When selecting works for listening, one should rely on the fact that they meet two leading principles - high artistry and accessibility. Then music arouses interest and positive emotions in children. All this helps to develop the skills of active perception of music, enriches the musical experience of children, and instills in them knowledge.

    Another form of introducing children to music is creative performing activity, which can be carried out in the most various types(playing musical instruments, participating in an orchestra, solo, ensemble and choral singing, rhythmic movements and dance). Of all the types of active musical activity that can reach the broad masses of children, choral singing should be highlighted.

    Choral singing is the most effective means nurturing not only aesthetic taste, but also initiative, imagination, and creative abilities of children, it the best way promotes the development of musical abilities (singing voice, sense of rhythm, musical memory), the development of singing skills, promotes the growth of interest in music, increases emotional and vocal-choral culture. Choral singing helps children understand the role of the collective in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of children's worldview, has an organizing and disciplinary effect on children, and fosters a sense of collectivism and friendship.

    The correct selection of song material (with the inclusion of works by classics, Soviet and foreign composers, as well as modern composers, folk songs) helps to educate children in feelings of patriotism, internationalism, and broadens their horizons. An indispensable condition for the quality of the repertoire is the variety of themes and genres of song material. Compliance with this condition helps to increase children’s interest and desire to perform songs. The constant change in the nature of tasks, the alternation of various types of activities require them to react quickly, be organized, and willful efforts.

    Singing improves pronunciation, develops coordination of voice and hearing, strengthens the children's vocal apparatus - it is a kind of breathing exercises.

    Learning to play musical instruments takes place in an individual form. Various musical instruments are used when working with children. They have different structures, their expressive capabilities depend on the method of sound extraction. This type of musical performance enriches children's musical experiences and develops their musical abilities: modal sense, musical-auditory perception and sense of rhythm. The most important thing is that the child expresses himself through playing a musical instrument. But this type of activity requires patience and perseverance in order to develop the necessary performing and technical skills. Consequently, playing musical instruments develops the will, the desire to achieve a goal, and imagination.

    When talking about raising a child through music, we must not forget that we are dealing with a growing organism. On music lessons Children develop dexterity, coordination and beauty of movements. Under the influence of music, movements become more precise and rhythmic. The quality of walking and running improves, and correct posture is developed. Dynamic and tempo changes in, affecting their speed, degree of tension. The relationship between music and movement, as it were, builds a bridge from the emotional-spiritual to the concrete-physical.

    Musical and rhythmic exercises help the child learn to control his body, coordinate movements, coordinating them with the movements of other children, teach spatial orientation, strengthen basic types of movements, promote the development of elements of dances, dances, games, and deepen skills in handling various objects.

    The diversity of the content of musical works determines the development of curiosity, imagination, and fantasy of the child. Perceiving music requires observation and intelligence. Listening to music, the child compares sounds by similarity and contrast, learns their expressive meaning, monitors the development of musical images, has a general idea of ​​the structure of the work, pays attention to the connection between the text of the song and the title of the piece with the content of the music, and determines its character. His primary aesthetic assessments are formed. In the process of creative tasks, children are involved in search activities that require mental activity: they operate with sounds, combine dance movements, look for expressive means to convey game images. Based on existing experience, children plan their course music game, the behavior of the character in the sketch. They make value judgments about their actions and the actions of their comrades. Each type of musical activity, having its own characteristics, presupposes that children master those methods of activity without which it is not feasible, and has a specific impact on the development of children. Therefore, it is so important to use all types of musical activities in musical education.
    The importance of musical education for preschoolers
    Different types of art have specific means of influencing a person. Music has the ability to influence a child in the most early stages. It has been proven that even intrauterine period is extremely important for subsequent human development: the music that the expectant mother listens to has an impact on the child’s well-being.

    Music is one of the richest and effective means aesthetic education, it has a great power of emotional impact, educates a person’s feelings, and shapes tastes.

    Modern Scientific research indicate that the development of musical abilities, the formation of the foundations of musical culture - i.e. Musical education should begin in preschool age. The lack of full-fledged musical impressions in childhood is difficult to compensate for later. Music has an intonation nature similar to speech. Similar to the process of mastering speech, which requires a speech environment, in order to fall in love with music, a child must have experience in perceiving musical works of different eras and styles, get used to its intonations, and empathize with the mood. Famous folklorist G.M. Naumenko wrote: “... a child who finds himself in social isolation experiences mental retardation, he acquires the skills and language of the one who raises him and communicates with him. And what sound information he absorbs in early childhood will be the main supporting poetic and musical language in his future conscious speech and musical intonation. It becomes clear why those children who were rocked to sleep with lullabies, brought up on nurseries, entertained with jokes and fairy tales, with whom they played while performing nursery rhymes, according to numerous observations, are the most creative children, with developed musical thinking...”

    Musical development has an irreplaceable impact on overall development: it forms emotional sphere, thinking is improved, sensitivity to beauty in art and life is cultivated. “Only by developing a child’s emotions, interests, and tastes can he be introduced to musical culture and lay its foundations. Preschool age is extremely important for further mastery of musical culture. If in the process of musical activity a musical-aesthetic consciousness is formed, this will not pass without leaving a mark on the subsequent development of a person, his general spiritual formation.”

    When engaging in musical education, it is important to remember about the general development of children. Preschoolers have little experience in understanding human feelings that exist in real life. Music that conveys the full range of feelings and their shades can expand these ideas. In addition to the moral aspect, musical education is of great importance for the formation of aesthetic feelings in children: by becoming familiar with the cultural musical heritage, the child learns the standards of beauty and appropriates the valuable cultural experience of generations. Music develops a child mentally as well. In addition to various information about music that has cognitive significance, a conversation about it includes a description of emotional and figurative content, therefore, children’s vocabulary is enriched with figurative words and expressions that characterize the feelings conveyed in music. The ability to imagine and reproduce the pitch of sounds in a melody also involves mental operations: comparison, analysis, juxtaposition, memorization, which also affects not only the musical, but also the general development of the child.

    As already mentioned, music develops the emotional sphere.

    Emotional responsiveness to music is one of the most important musical abilities. It is associated with the development of emotional responsiveness in life, with the cultivation of such personality qualities as kindness and the ability to sympathize with another person.

    The development of musical abilities is one of the main tasks of musical education of children. A cardinal issue for pedagogy is the question of the nature of musical abilities: whether they are innate human properties or develop as a result of exposure to the environment, upbringing and training. B.M. Teplov in his works gave a deep, comprehensive analysis of the problem of developing musical abilities. He recognizes certain characteristics, predispositions, and inclinations of a person as innate. “The abilities themselves are always the result of development. Ability by its very essence is a dynamic concept. It exists only in movement, only in development.” Abilities depend on innate inclinations, but develop in the process of education and training. All musical abilities arise and develop in the child’s musical activity. “The point,” writes the scientist, “is not that abilities are manifested in activity, but that they are created in this activity.”

    This statement has become generally accepted in pedagogy and psychology.


    1. Baturina G.I., Kuzina G.F. Folk pedagogy in the education of preschool children. M.: Association of Prof. education., 1995.

    2. Folk art in raising children / Ed. T.S. Komarova. M.: RPA, 1997.

    3. Naumenko G.M. Folklore alphabet. M.: Center. Academy, 1996.

    4. Radynova O. P.
      “Musical education of preschool children”
      Moscow 1994. Musical education in the family

    Age-related characteristics concern not only the mental, but also the emotional, volitional, and motivational spheres: in the first years of life, children’s behavior is regulated mainly by immediate feelings, but already at this age it is necessary to begin to cultivate the will, to teach them to obey generally accepted norms and rules.

    Knowledge of age and individual characteristics is necessary for the timely and comprehensive development of children, for comprehensive education starting from early age.

    The influence of different types of activities on mental development baby

    The activities themselves are part of socio-historical experience. By mastering this or that activity, by being active, the child simultaneously masters the knowledge, skills and abilities associated with this activity. On this basis, he develops various abilities and personality traits. The child’s active position in activity makes him not only an object, but also a subject of education. This determines the leading role of activity in the upbringing and development of the child. At different periods of development and upbringing of children, different types of activities coexist and interact, but their role in the upbringing and development of a child is not the same: at each stage, a leading type of activity is identified, in which the main achievements of development are manifested. Various types of activities, formed in the conditions of upbringing and training, are not mastered by the child immediately: children only gradually master them under the guidance of educators. Each activity includes the following elements: need, motives, goal, subject of activity, means, actions carried out with the subject, and, finally, the result of the activity.

    In the first years of life, the main activities of children are communication with adults and actions with objects. During communication, teachers introduce children to the world of objects. It is in this way that children master specific objective activities. At the same time, communication itself becomes a necessary need for the child.

    Organization of objective activities is one of the tasks of raising children in the first two years of life both in the family and in preschool institutions, because in it the development of all cognitive processes, goals and motives of behavior occurs.

    By the second half of the third year of the child’s life, objective activity and communication reach sufficient high level development, the basis is created for the transition to gaming and visual activities. In communication and activities organized by adults, children develop the very first forms of self-awareness. The child begins to distinguish himself from the people around him and realize his capabilities. At this stage of development of independence, children seek to partially limit the care of adults.

    If the activity and independence of young children is caused by the direct presence and influence of adults, then children 4-6 years old are increasingly involved in a variety of activities on their own, on their own.

    Scientific research has shown how the social and cognitive activity of preschoolers develops in play activities, which become leading in preschool age. In games under the guidance of teachers, children learn various ways actions, knowledge about objects, their properties and characteristics. Children also comprehend spatial and temporal relationships, connections by similarity and identity, and master concepts. Outdoor games contribute to the development of movements, their qualities, and spatial orientation. In joint games, children realize and assimilate relationships between people, the importance of coordinating actions, and expand their understanding of the environment. In a game situation, during the learning process in the classroom, the preschooler manifests strong-willed character traits. The formation of moral consciousness is characterized by the emergence of a sense of duty and other social feelings.

    In children of senior preschool age, the content of play activities becomes more diverse and the possibilities for the comprehensive development of children expand. The game promotes the development of imagination, deepening knowledge about the surrounding reality, about people’s work, and the formation of collectivistic personality traits.

    Along with play, productive activities develop at this age: drawing, modeling, design. They are sources of development of imagination, constructive thinking, artistic abilities, and creativity.

    Regular work assignments educate and develop the ability to subordinate one’s activities to public interests, be guided by the public benefit, and enjoy the overall results of work.

    Elementary educational activities in the classroom contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about the surrounding nature, public life, about people, as well as the formation of mental and practical skills. If at 3--4 years of age the attention of children in the learning process is fixed on specific facts and phenomena from the life of nature and people, then the education of children 5--6 years old is aimed at mastering essential connections and relationships, at generalizing these connections and forming the simplest concepts that leads to the development of conceptual thinking in children. Acquired knowledge and developed mental capacity used by children in a variety of games and work. All this influences the development of the child’s personality and forms his interest in new content of activities.

    Young children are characterized by weakness, helplessness, and vulnerability. At the same time, this is the age of the highest rates of growth and development. Therefore, in order to ensure full development, it is necessary to protect and strengthen the health of children, take care of proper organization their lives, about creating conditions conducive to the emotionally positive state of each child.

    At primary school age, learning becomes the main thing, and children recognize it as a socially significant activity. The child’s new position in society determines how he evaluates his own behavior and the behavior of his peers, now from a different perspective—the position of a schoolchild.

    Based on the literature studied, characterize the stages of child socialization in early and preschool age

    Today's rapid pace of life, the development of the media, communications and transportation give rise to difficulties in the field of “the only true luxury - the luxury of human communication,” as Antoine de Saint-Exupery accurately put it. People rarely see their neighbors, see few friends, and lose closeness with their loved ones. The combination of these conditions creates difficulties for the younger generation, especially in the process of entering social life society.

    In childhood, a person develops self-awareness and begins to form his first ideas about himself. Steady forms of social interaction gradually emerge. The norms of one’s culture, both social and moral, are internalized, giving the opportunity to independently build behavior.

    Compare two statements of great people and formulate your position. “Education can do anything” (Helvetius). “From education, my friend, escape with full sail” (Voltaire)

    Helvetia's statement is not entirely true, because... There are those areas of a person’s life where education will not occupy the main position and cannot become a guarantor of a successful solution to the problem. Voltaire's statement is not suitable for every person, because... For some, one word is enough to understand, but for others, continuous control and educational influence are needed, otherwise they become discouraged.

    Education can do everything. I completely agree with the author's statement. Imagine if there was no upbringing. What would happen? People would not have been brought up without culture, chaos would reign in the world. Education can make a person a full-fledged personality, and bad Education- a bad person.

    From any upbringing, my friend, escape with full sail (Voltaire). I do not agree with this statement. Good upbringing will never give a bad result.

    A person depends entirely on his upbringing. He is what his environment and upbringing made him. He emphasizes that there are no desirable human traits that cannot be obtained through education. That is, everything that is bad or brilliant is a product of upbringing. Helvetius absolutizes education.

    Helvetius emphasizes that a person’s education continues throughout his life. Man is born ignorant, but he is not born stupid. And only education can make a person stupid and even drown out his natural abilities. education, Helvetius claims, is unique, because no two people receive the same education. It is subject to chance, to an unknown combination of causes. According to Helvetius, education and its rules will always be vague if they are not connected by some single goal. And such a goal should be the greatest public good, the greatest happiness the largest number citizens. Therefore, Helvetius, unlike Rousseau, defends the advantage of public education (Rousseau mainly home education). Only public education and training can instill strong discipline and the spirit of competition. Also, the advantage of public education lies in the professionalism of the educator and the firmness of education. By the way, Helvetius believes that courageous education is necessary, because under the influence of effeminacy the nation is sinking. He opposes the one-sidedness of education, since full development requires physical health, intelligence, and virtue. Therefore, education should be carried out in three directions. These are intellectual training, moral and physical training. By the way, it was Helvetius who first suggested that special arenas should be built at schools where courage could be cultivated.

    Helvetius declared that “education makes us what we are,” and even more: “Education can do anything.” He overestimated both the role of education and the environment, believing that a person is the student of all the objects around him, the positions in which chance puts him, and even all the accidents that happen to him. This interpretation leads to an overestimation of spontaneous factors and an underestimation of organized upbringing in the formation of a person.

    Helvetius believed that a scholastic school, where children are stupefied with religion, cannot educate not only real people, but also a sane person in general. It is therefore necessary to radically restructure the school, make it secular and state-owned and destroy the monopoly of the privileged caste of nobles on education. Widespread education of the people is necessary, people must be re-educated. Helvetius hoped that as a result of enlightenment and upbringing, a person would be created, free from prejudices, from superstitions, a true atheist, a patriot, a person who knows how to combine personal happiness with the “good of nations.”

    Irina Kurylenko
    Raising a child in various activities.


    subject: Raising a child in various activities.

    Formation moral qualities in children, it requires parents to daily work, tact, endurance, and unity of demands. Child education, in particular obedience education, is formed in activities by practicing good deeds.

    As psychological and pedagogical research shows, strong emotional impulses are born in children in practical activities, V various life situations. IN activities moral experience accumulates child.

    Play, work, communication child have a big role in his mental development. To raise a child- means to lead him activities, communication, reinforce activity, success.

    Game - leading child's activities preschool age. she is independent activities, means education and the form of organization of children's lives. It is known that child plays most of the time.

    Joint games between parents and children help:

    To set up a contact,


    Achieve compliance with requirements without much pressure.

    Parents who treat the game with indifference, indifference, deprive themselves possibilities:

    Gets close to as a child,

    Find out his inner world.

    Parents often underestimate the role of play and classify it as fun and pranks. child. They strive to prepare their children for school from an early age, read to them a lot, regardless of age, and are passionate about early learning. Subordinating the game only to the task cognitive development child, they buy toys for older people. as a result small child, having imagination, a large number of toys, do not know how to play.

    Teach child adults should play.

    The role-playing game is very popular and loved by children, it prepares them for future life. For child Parents' approval and their participation in the game are very important.

    Parents don't play with their children differently reasons:

    - "hiding" for your age

    - refer to employment: They think that playing together takes a lot of time.

    Adults often have the opinion that for child It’s more useful to sit in front of the TV, at the computer, listen to recorded fairy tales, play computer educational games, etc. And in the game the child can:

    To break something, tear it, get dirty,

    Scatter the toys “then clean up after him, and he will receive knowledge in kindergarten anyway”.

    It is important to find the strength, time, desire to teach child to play:

    You can watch him play, ask questions, pick up toys;

    Children should be taught in playful ways reproduction of reality;

    Unobtrusively intervene in the game, encourage child act according to a certain plot, pay attention to who is doing what. For example, pronounce dialogues with an imaginary interlocutor, conduct simulation games with children, contact to the child through the role, encourage independent invention and initiative.

    For 3-4 year old children it is necessary to create a variety of playgrounds. situations: "The bear is sick", “Let’s go to the country” etc. Parents should:

    Pay attention to the characters' conversation;

    Minimize the number of story toys;

    Use substitute items;

    Act with imaginary objects.

    Child The 5 year old also needs to play with an adult. When children are at this age, then parents recommended:

    Guide children’s play without destroying it;

    Keep amateur and creative character;

    Maintain the spontaneity of experiences, faith in the truth of the game.

    With children 5–6 years old you can use indirect methods:

    Suggestive questions,


    Introduction of additional characters and roles.

    According to experts, it is enough to play with as a child just 15 – 20 minutes a day. Children 4–5 years old should be played with at least 1–2 times a week.

    Don’t miss the opportunity to develop children’s play habits skills:

    While walking,

    Family holidays,

    Everyday household chores.

    How rich and varied will it be? role-playing game child, largely depends on adults.

    In addition to gaming activities development and education of the child carried out in labor. Hard work is invaluable for the formation of personality child.

    Play and work are the most important means of moral education, formation of positive relationships between children, first social qualities. This is practical activity, leaving child satisfaction, joy.

    Positive attitude towards activities(including labor) is formed at child in a family of two ways:

    Firstly, it is a conscious, purposeful upbringing when parents form child love labor, useful skills and habits;

    Secondly, this happens by imitation child parents' work activities, his educate the living conditions themselves families: everyday life, traditions, interests and needs, parental relationship styles.

    Upbringing, including labor, should be built primarily on positive examples and facts, vivid and convincing. It is necessary to involve children in ways that are understandable to them. educational-valuable family problems, accustom to independent work activities. Should be given child knowledge about who works for whom, to develop respect for work and its results.

    Basic methods and techniques necessary to lead various types of work of children in the family:

    Determine the purpose of work (if the child decides for himself what he wants to do, what the result should be, you can clarify the goal or make another proposal);

    Help to kid motivate your work, discuss with him why and for whom this work is needed, what is its significance;

    Teach elements of work planning (for example, first prepare a bowl of water and a cloth for washing toys, then choose a place for clean toys, etc.);

    Show and explain (or remind how to do the job better, advise on how to more successfully complete an assignment or duty;

    Arouse interest in the upcoming task, maintain and develop it during the work;

    Find out what has already been done and what else can be done to achieve a better result;

    Remember with child basic"labor rules"(everyone must work diligently, it is necessary to help seniors, juniors, etc.);

    Encourage independence, interest in business, the desire to overcome difficulties, achieving the intended goal;

    Check systematically with as a child the progress and results of the work, evaluating it, paying special attention to the manifestation of patience, independence, initiative, and perseverance in achieving the goal;

    Attract child to adult labor, set an example of a conscientious attitude to business, helping with advice or action in case of difficulty (but don't do the work for him);

    Organize joint work with older and younger family members, discussing together the motive and expected result of the intended task, determine the share of work of each, advise how to help a younger brother or sister, remind the rules of behavior and relationships during common work (demonstration of personal diligence, conscientiousness, friendliness);

    Use encouragement, teach child fulfill requirements, check, evaluate and discuss the results of everyone’s work and contribution to the common cause;

    Arouse initiative and resourcefulness by asking questions (what and how best to do, encourage independent decision-making;

    Put child when faced with the need to make a choice and help make the right decision (for example, you can go play, but first you need to finish your work, otherwise you won’t have time to prepare a gift for tomorrow);

    At education labor needs of child adults should remember What:

    The pleasure achieved through labor creates a need;

    U child there must be permanent work assignments;

    It is especially important to timely and correctly evaluate work child(overpraising or presenting unreasonably high demands on work child has a negative effect);

    It is necessary to evaluate the result of work and attitude to work, and not the work itself child;

    When assessing work it is important to help the child understand what he did well and what he did wrong;

    When evaluating work, one must take into account individual characteristics child;

    It is important to observe tact when communicating with easily excitable, vulnerable, shy children.

    Children feel the need to share activities with parents. The source of joy lies not in the work itself, but also in the communication that work or any other activity.

    Development and Raising a child outside of activities is impossible.

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