• Calculation of the preferential length of service of a military personnel program. Police length of service calculator


    The experience calculator is designed to quickly calculate work experience, taking into account military service or parental leave.

    In order to make calculations, you need to have a work book with you, which shows all the dates when you worked, and if you carried out business activities, then tax returns.

    The calculator also has an additional function - you can calculate the average monthly salary for the entire period of production. Please note that if you do not know your average monthly salary for a certain period, then you can use the “Schedule by year” and “Schedule by month” function and the system will automatically display your average monthly income for the specified period. When you open the “Schedule by Months” tab, a list of months appears, where 1 month corresponds to the first month of your work activity. For example, if you got a job in July, then the first month will be July accordingly.

    Calculation of experience

    You can calculate your length of service yourself, but it will take time. To do this, you need to count all the days, and convert every 30 days into 1 month, and 12 months into 1 year. It should be remembered that the day of dismissal is also counted as a working day.

    Along with periods of work, the length of service includes the period of military service and the period of caring for each child until he reaches one and a half years old, but not more than 4.5 years, i.e. for each child you must add 1.5 years to your experience, but if you were on leave for 4 children, then only 4.5 years will be taken into account in your experience.

    If you don’t want to waste time on calculations, then use our online calculator ohm

    A percentage increase for length of service and length of service is provided for by law for various categories of workers and employees. These include teachers, medical workers, civilian workers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel. Let us consider the procedure for calculating such an allowance for various categories of workers and employees.

    The concept of long service bonus

    By bonus we mean regular additional payments employee in excess of the established wages. Such remunerations are provided for by law for length of service and length of service.

    The main purpose of introducing bonuses is to stimulate employees for professional development and reduce staff turnover.

    It is quite logical that the work of two specialists working in the same position, but having different length of service and professional experience, is not paid the same.

    Upon reaching a certain length of service (service), the employee receives the right to an additional payment to his salary, but not to an increase in the salary itself. The legislation does not establish a clear interest rate for such surcharges for the civilian population. They are recorded in the local regulations of the enterprise and in the statutory documents. It does not matter whether the organization is state-owned or not.

    Procedure for calculating the allowance Size percentage increase for length of service directly depends on the length of work or service in any one specific structure or in different ones. The amount of such an allowance is determined by multiplying the official salary by a specified percentage. In addition to the premium, bonuses may apply, regional coefficients, “northern” premiums, etc. may be applied. Read also the article: → “”. Additional remuneration for length of service is necessarily subject to taxation in in the prescribed manner


    Longevity bonus in commercial organizations

    Labor laws do not contain provisions obliging management to implement such allowances. This is the employer’s good will rather than an obligation. The law cannot guarantee that you will receive a salary increase after many years of work in a commercial enterprise.

    • To understand what specific wage increases you can expect from an employer, you should familiarize yourself with the contents:
    • labor agreement;
    • collective agreement;
    • bonus provisions;

    other regulatory acts of the enterprise on labor. The main document containing all bonuses, allowances and compensation due to an employee is the contract concluded during employment. The longevity bonus for employees of commercial enterprises is determined as a percentage of the salary amount.

    If the employee was on a business trip, was sick, or in other cases when his seniority is retained, then the bonus is also paid during these periods.

    The amount of monthly remuneration is set by the employer at its discretion. Typically, the minimum rate is 5%, and the maximum can reach 30%.

    The basis for calculating the amount of the long service bonus is the official salary. No other allowances or bonuses are taken into account. The most common accepted frequency for paying long-service bonuses is 1 month. But it is allowed when, at the initiative of the employer, such payments are made once a year. Even in this case, earnings are adjusted taking into account the time actually worked by the employee during the year.

    The length of service to determine the percentage of such an increase is calculated according to the work book. Sick leave, vacations, and business trips are not excluded from total experience work.

    Allowance for civil government employees

    Additional payments for length of service for this category of workers are regulated by law, in accordance with which the following bonus percentage is established:

    In addition to additional payments for length of service, a civil servant receives other allowances for the nature of the work and the position held. However, they do not exclude each other, and as a result, the total amount of payments based on the results of work for the month can exceed the established salary several times.

    Allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Payments for long service to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guaranteed by the state. As in previous cases, this bonus is determined as a percentage of the official salary. In addition to additional payments for length of service, they are entitled to other allowances, for example, for special conditions of service.

    The following rates of bonuses for length of service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are established by law:

    • official salary – 12,000 rubles;
    • salary according to rank - 10,000 rubles;
    • length of service – 20 years 1 month.

    Since the service life of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in the range from 20 to 25 years, this means that he is entitled to a length of service bonus of 30%.

    Supplement amount:

    (12000+10000)*30% = 6600 rubles;

    Amount of allowance:

    6600+12000+10000 = 28600 rubles.

    Salary supplement for military personnel

    The legislation establishes the right of a military serviceman to receive a bonus for length of service, which is paid monthly and amounts to:

    The procedure for calculating length of service is also established by regulatory documentation (special rules), which indicate categories of military personnel, periods of service included in length of service, preferential conditions of service and other conditions necessary for correct definition service life. The procedure for calculating such a bonus coincides with the procedure for calculating a similar payment to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    The place of service and its nature may make some adjustments to the procedure for calculating bonuses for length of service. For example, military pilots participating in testing airplanes and helicopters with parachute jumps and ejections should consider two months when calculating their service life.

    Allowance for public sector employees

    All public sector employees, including teachers and healthcare employees, are entitled to additional payments for length of service and length of service. This right is guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of ministries.

    Work experience is determined by the work book, which is issued to the employee from the first day of his employment. Length of service includes a certain period of work in the public sector in relevant positions.

    Allowances for employees of public sector organizations depend on many factors. For example, only those employees of the education system who are listed in the List of Positions are entitled to such additional payments teaching staff. The amount of the bonus for length of service also depends on the workload of the education system employee.

    Additional payments for length of service to healthcare workers are regulated by regulations of the Ministry of Health.

    The list of employees entitled to receive such an allowance, the length of service taken into account when determining length of service, and the amount of additional payment are strictly established. For doctors and pharmacists, such additional payment is also made if they are employed part-time. The basis for calculation is the official salary with increases.

    Employees of museums, theaters and libraries are also entitled to additional pay for length of service.

    Answers to pressing questions about the calculation of interest rates Question No. 1. In accordance with the law, a mathematics teacher secondary school

    village Ivanovka has the right to additional payment for length of service. Is it necessary to draw up some kind of administrative document? Yes, in order to accrue and pay bonuses to any public sector employee, the organization’s accountant must have an administrative document. This may be a directive (order) from the manager budgetary institution

    . Since the amount of this payment depends entirely on the length of service, it would be advisable to entrust the preparation of the order to the personnel service. The order must indicate the employee’s salary and the amount of other allowances. Only on the basis of such a document can the organization’s accounting department accrue an additional payment to the teacher for years of service. What document is the basis for calculating additional pay for length of service?

    For the civilian population, the main document that gives the right to receive such an allowance is a work book, drawn up in accordance with established rules. For military personnel, such a document is a military ID.

    Question No. 3. When determining average earnings, should long-service bonuses be taken into account to determine the amount of vacation pay?

    Yes need. Average earnings include all amounts of payments made by the employer, regardless of their source. Thus, when calculating the average salary, one should take into account salary bonuses for skill, combination, work with classified data, for team leadership and for length of service.

    Question No. 4. The length of service in a military unit is 5 years 7 months. Is a military member entitled to additional pay for length of service?

    According to the law, a military serviceman is entitled to receive a bonus for length of service, determined as a percentage of the salary and depending on the length of service. For a period of military service of 5 years 7 months, the bonus will be 15% (from 5 to 10 years).

    Question No. 5. The local documentation of the organization regulating labor and wages does not stipulate the obligation to make additional payments to the employee for length of service. Does this relieve the employer from such a need?

    If the organization does not belong to the public sector, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a military unit, then the law does not determine the direct obligation of the employer to make a monthly additional payment to the employee for length of service. In this case, provided that the obligation to make additional payments is not specified in local regulations, the enterprise is exempt from the need to pay a bonus for length of service.

    But if the organization belongs to the above areas, then the obligation of additional payments for length of service is enshrined in the Resolutions and Decrees of the Government, relevant ministries and departments, which are higher in status than the local regulations of the business entity. In this case, the absence of a fixed obligation of the employer to make payments for length of service in the local documents of the enterprise is a violation and does not relieve the employer from the obligation to make them.

    To calculate the size of a military personnel's pension, it is necessary to answer several questions. Please note that each question has comments, from which you can see the influence of one or another factor on the size of the pension. Begin:

    Salary for military position (OVD)*

    Select category 1 tr. (first dollar) 2 tariff category 3 tariff category 4 tariff category 5 tr. (room department) 6 tariff category 7 tariff category 8 tariff category 9 tariff category 10 tr. . (kom.vzv.) 11 tariff category 12 tariff category 13 tariff category 14 tr. (com. company) 15 tariff category 16 tariff category 17 tariff category 18 tr. (off.administration arm.) 20 tr. (deputy commander regiment) 21 tariff category 22 tr. (znsh.div.) 23 tr. (command regiment) 24 tariff category 25 tariff category 26 tr. (senior office of management of the Moscow Region) 27 tariff level 28 tr. (brig commander) 29 tariff level 30 tr. (deputy chief of department) 31 tr. ( com.div.) 32 tariff category 33 tr. (beginning of department.g/u) 34 tariff category 35 tr. (commercial building) 36 tariff category 37 tariff category 38 tr. (z. beginning of management) 39 tariff category 40 tariff category 41 tariff category 42 tr. (beginning of management of the Moscow Region) 43 tariff category 44 tr. (command army) 45 tariff category 46 tariff category 47 tr. (com.v.okr.) 48 tariff category 49 tr. (deputy min.ra) 50 tr. (first z.min.) Your year of birth:

    Monthly salary in accordance with previously held military position.
    0 rub.

    Increase in air traffic control for class qualification (flight crew)

    For military personnel serving as pilots and having a qualification category, salaries for military positions will increase from January 1, 2012: (click on the "!" sign)

    Pilot (navigator) of the second class, pilot (navigator) - - instructor of the second class - by 15 percent;

    0 %

    -pilot (navigator) first class, pilot (navigator) - -instructor first class - by 20 percent; - pilot (navigator) - sniper - by 30 percent;- second class on-board specialist - by 10 percent;

    - first class on-board specialist - by 15 percent; on-board specialist-master - by 20 percent.

    For military personnel serving as flight test personnel and test parachutists and having a qualification category, from January 1, 2012, salaries for military positions are increased: - pilot (navigator) - test pilot of the second class - by 30 percent;
    0 rub.

    -pilot (navigator) - first class test pilot - by 40 percent;

    - air gunner-radio operator - second class tester - by 20 percent;

    - on-board engineer - second class tester by 20 percent;
    0 %

    - on-board technician - second class tester - by 20 percent; - air gunner-radio operator - first class tester - by 30 percent;)

    0% 50% for 20 years (25 years) 51% - (26 years) 52% - (27 years) 53% for 21 years (28 years) 54% - (29 years) 55% - (30 years) 56% for 22 years (31 years) 57% - (32 years) 58% - (33 years) 59% for 23 years (34 years) 60% - (35 years) 61% - (36 years) 62% for 24 years ( 37 years) 63% - (38 years) 64% - (39 years) 65% for 25 years (40 years) 66% - (41 years) 67% - (42 years) 68% for 26 years (43 years) 69 % - (44 years) 70% - (45 years) 71% for 27 years (46 years) 72% - (47 years) 73% - (48 years) 74% for 28 years (49 years) 75% - (50 years) 76% - (51 years) 77% for 29 years (52 years) 78% - (53 years) 79% - (54 years) 80% for 30 years (55 years) 81% - (56 years) 82% - (57 years) 83% for 31 years (58 years) 84% - (59 years) 85% for 32 years (60 years)

    Calculated using the formula 50% + 3% for each year in excess of 20 years of military service (or 50% + 1% in excess of 25 years of mixed service). These values ​​are shown in brackets sequentially, for example for 20 years (25 years). The maximum allowable amount is 85%. For example, if you have 21 years of service, select 53%=(50+3). Or, with a mixed experience of 27 years, also select 52% = (50+1+1).
    0 %

    Regional coefficient

    0 % 5 % 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 % 30 % 35 % 40 % 45 % 50 % 55 % 60 % 65 % 70 % 75 % 80 % 85 % 90 % 95 % 100 %

    If the pensioner lives in an area where the regional coefficient is established, then the military pension (including increases and bonuses to military pension) are established with a regional coefficient (regardless of where the service took place and where the military pension was assigned). If the pensioner lives in areas with normal territorial conditions, then the regional coefficient for the military pension is retained only if the pensioner served for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North or 20 years in equivalent areas.

    Federal Law of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-I Art. 48 "Oh" pension provision persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families"

    0 %

    Year of pension accrual (reduction factor)

    Select year 2012 2013 from 10/01/2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035

    The monetary allowance taken into account when calculating the pension from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54 percent and starting from January 1, 2013 increases annually by 2 percent until it reaches 100 percent of its amount.
    0 %

    Would you like to take care of your future yourself and make a deposit in a bank with a much higher return than accumulative part pensions? Take advantage

    In accordance with the existing calculation formula, military pensions in 2014 will increase by approximately 9-12%. The basic amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions is set at 54%. Since 2012, its size is subject to annual increase by 2% until it reaches 100%. Today it is 60%. In 2016, the amount of monetary allowance will already be 62%.

    The site administration hopes that the online military pension calculator turned out to be convenient to use, since it takes into account current prices, which allows you to see the real picture. The introduction of new data immediately adjusts the final result of calculating the approximate pension.

    How to count?

    We provide a convenient calculator especially for retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The pension of police officers is calculated differently than that of ordinary citizens. So, in order not to get confused in these complex operations, we offer our own calculator for calculations. Below there will be a description in full detail of how to use it.

    It is worth understanding that laws do not stand still, and perhaps we made a little mistake somewhere. This calculator should be used to roughly estimate the size of your future pension - the calculator will definitely not go wrong with this.

    Attention! Dear reader, if you notice any inaccuracy, have a question or addition, feel free to write a comment. We will help as much as we can. Let us not refuse gratitude either. Thank you!

    In the meantime, let's look at all the mechanics of use.


    Here we have already written about the features of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs -.

    Formula used when calculating for the current year:

    RPO = 1/2 × (OD + OSZ + NVL) × 72.23%

    where RPO is the amount of the pension, OD is the official salary, OSZ is the salary for a special rank, NVL is the award for long service. About the coefficients 1/ and 72.23 will be a little lower; they also change in the calculator. The expression OD+OSZ+NVL is also called “cash allowance.”

    For simplicity, the calculation in our calculator is divided into 2 phases:

    1. Calculation of monetary allowance.
    2. Calculation, directly, of the pension amount.

    The pension itself is calculated based on the first point, so just fill out all the fields one by one, and the result will appear at the very bottom of the form. Below is more detail on each point on how to calculate the pension of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in case you get confused.

    Calculation of monetary allowance

    Salary by position

    The main thing here is to indicate your latest salary for the position of a police officer. The list already contains positions held, if you don’t remember, you can choose an approximate salary that suits them. There is also an item “Indicate your salary yourself.” By selecting it, a field will appear below for manually entering your exact salary.

    Promotion for flight crew class

    Pilots' salaries are slightly higher. This list provides possible adjustments for increases. If you haven’t flown, feel free to skip it.

    Salary by rank

    The pension of police officers also depends on their rank. Similar to the first point - titles are also presented.


    Establishing a bonus for length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - all points are in place. All that remains is to count.

    Regional coefficient

    Depending on the place of service, it affects the amount of allowance. Feel free to search for your region on the Internet. If it is very difficult, we will specifically insert your region into the table.

    Pension calculation

    Here we have 2 main influencing coefficients - dependence on length of service and a reduction coefficient.


    To calculate your pension you must have:

    1. From 20 years of pure experience.
    2. or 25 years of mixed experience.

    For this, the coefficient of 50% begins to work (the same ½ in the formula). At the same time, for each year of service over 20 years, 3% is added, and for mixed service, for each year over 25% - 1%. All this is reflected in the list. The maximum percentage is 85.

    Reduction factor

    Another constant value established by law for government employees. The reduction factor is gradually decreasing, now it is 72.23%, and in 2035 it will completely disappear. This coefficient is indicated for edits for early exit. If you don't know, don't touch it.

    That’s all, below in the column “Final amount of pension” the approximate value of the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be calculated. Take it for comparison. That's all, use our online pension calculator. Any questions - ask below.

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