• What is the preferential length of service for teaching staff?


    Citizens Russian Federation Those working in the field of education have special privileges when calculating the length of service required to enter a well-deserved retirement. When calculating teaching experience, a number of factors are taken into account: the presence of academic degrees, the amount of workload completed per year in hours, and others.

    What is included in teaching experience

    The list of professions that can be taken into account when calculating such length of service is quite extensive. Let's consider the main positions that an employee holds and the organizations in which they need to carry out their work activities:
    • Organizations of an educational nature, social security and medical direction (sanatoriums, orphanages, etc.): teachers, heads of physical education, methodologists, music directors, trainers, psychologists, directors and their deputies, heads of individual departments of the institution, teacher-methodologists, tour guides.
    • Universities that prepare specialists and masters - the entire teaching staff.
    • Military institutions producing specialists with higher and secondary education are employees holding the positions of professors and teachers.
    • Institutions whose work is related to improving the level of qualifications, methodological institutions (regardless of the department to which they belong): rector's office, directors and their deputies, teachers, heads of individual departments (departments, laboratories, sectors), methodologists.
    • Managing and governing bodies of the education sector - heads of departments, inspectors, instructors (positions related to construction, supply, financial and economic activities are excluded).
    • Technical Training Bureau, Human Resources Departments various organizations, advanced training units - heads of departments, teachers, instructors, methodologists.
    • Organizations related to the field of civil aviation and ROSTO - heads of institutions and their departments, instructors, masters.
    • Dormitories of various organizations, housing complexes for youth, organizational and children's cultural institutions - educators, instructors, psychologists.
    • Correctional institutions for any age categories (children and adults) - group leaders, training inspectors, foremen, methodologists, heads of educational departments (if the employee has a pedagogical education).

    How to count teaching experience for retirement

    Calculation of educational experience when retiring has the following features:
    • Since 2000, the calculation of length of service has been carried out taking into account the number of hours a particular employee has worked - for a whole calendar year the number of such hours must be no less than 240, and their number per working week should not be less than 6 hours.
    • In the event that the person applying for early retirement worked in educational institutions that graduated students with secondary vocational education, the mandatory production rate is already higher - it will be at least 360 hours.
    • There are special positions for which the minimum permissible number of hours worked is not taken into account - these include teachers primary classes and those specialists in the educational sphere who carried out their work in rural areas.
    In addition to the mandatory condition of the number of hours worked, when calculating teaching experience for the possibility of retirement, the following factors are taken into account:
    • Availability of a minimum individual pension coefficient (IPC). In 2017 it should be 11.4 and for each next year its value increases by 2.4 (this methodology will be used until 2025, when the IPC value reaches 30).
    • Availability of the applicant for appointment pension payment an academic degree or working in particularly difficult conditions (in the Far North). In this case, the citizen can count on a pension supplement.
    • Teacher category (according to international classification).
    • Received awards and special titles for activities in the field of education.

    Preferential length of service for teaching staff in 2017

    It is immediately worth noting that all existing norms and rules are valid until 2030, since from this year all persons who worked in the field of education will be able to apply for a pension only on a general basis. Naturally, the very methodology for calculating mandatory length of service and establishing monthly social payments pensioners will also undergo significant changes.

    As of the current 2017, according to the procedure for calculating preferential pensions in connection with the presence of teaching experience, such a right is granted to persons who have worked for at least 25 years in positions related to education. More information about preferential length of service -.

    General categories of labor and non-labor periods that may be included in teaching experience are:
    • the period of work itself (subject to the fulfillment of standard hours);
    • periods of temporary incapacity for work of an employee related to his state of health, pregnancy and childbirth, caring for a sick child or relative;
    • periods of being on annual planned leave;
    • the time during which the mother (father, grandmother, other close relative) is on maternity leave;
    • from the current year, the period during which the employee received specialized education or improved the level of his qualifications is also included in the teaching experience. Required condition V in this case is labor activity in the field of education before and after training.

    Controversial issues and nuances in determining teaching experience

    Let's consider the answers to some controversial questions that arise when determining and calculating teaching experience:
    • When calculating teaching experience, the work periods indicated in the work book are taken into account. If there are discrepancies in any of the specified data, you can contact the personnel department of the organization that made the entry. If the institution has been reorganized or disbanded, conflicts that arise can be resolved by going to court.
    • If the employee worked in a non-state institution, this fact does not at all affect the calculation methodology. Calculations are made according to the general procedure, as for government organizations.
    • If, when calculating teaching experience, periods dating back to the existence of the Soviet Union are taken into account, the calculation methodology is adopted according to the laws and regulations of that period, even if they have now been abolished.
    When calculating teaching experience for retirement, periods of work performed in positions specified in legislative acts are taken into account. If it is necessary to clarify any points, a citizen of the Russian Federation can seek advice from the Pension Fund and receive comprehensive answers to questions of interest.

    Continuous teaching experience is maintained if...? Why continuous teaching experience? Based on continuous teaching experience The size of the payment of monetary incentives is determined, which can be perceived as a motivating factor in the work process.

    Maintaining teaching experience

    Continuous teaching experience is maintained if:

    1. When changing jobs, work not exceeding one month
    2. Following the scheme of the history of teaching activity: teaching activity, work in educational authorities - reduction/liquidation of management bodies / reorganization - search for a new job (not exceeding 3 months) - restoration of teaching activity. Explanation: on the condition that before working in educational authorities, teaching activities were carried out, and as a result of a change of job not on the initiative of the activist, continuous teaching experience is maintained upon employment as a teacher for 3 months.
    3. If there is a break between the teacher's device new job did not exceed three months due to dismissal associated with the liquidation of an educational institution or staff reduction
    4. For any period of time, if dismissal on personal initiative from a teaching job was associated with the transfer of a spouse’s work to another location
    5. Subject to following the scheme: beginning of teaching activity - studying at a higher/secondary pedagogical educational institution - continuation of teaching activity (getting a job within 3 months)
    6. The period of time was no more than two months between getting a job as a teacher and completing work in the specialty abroad in Russian educational institutions
    7. Within three months after restoration of working capacity in case of dismissal due to disability
    8. For health reasons, teaching work was stopped, but to restore work in the specialty, the break did not exceed three months
    9. When reinstated to work as a teacher after dismissal due to retirement age
    10. The conditions for maintaining seniority were not violated when returning to teaching within the established period of three months after termination of military service or equivalent service. The scheme is as follows: the process of teaching - military service - dismissal from service - return to teaching within three months.

    For persons working in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, the condition for maintaining continuous teaching experience is maintained if:

    In this article you learned that in what cases continuous teaching experience is maintained. If you have any questions or problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the Sherlock information and legal portal. Just leave a request on our website and our lawyers will call you back.

    Editor: Igor Reshetov

    According to the Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” teaching experience (at least twenty-five years) gives the right to receive a preferential pension. The procedure for calculating such length of service is carried out in accordance with the Rules for calculating periods of work, which give the right to assign a pension early, which are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Pedagogical activity includes work in certain positions in those institutions, the list of which is approved at the legislative level. The exception is the period of work in leadership positions in institutions that are classified as educational.

    Hello. Please tell me if it will be included in teaching experience time to care for a child up to 1 year old?

    Lawyer's response:

    Romashkina Irina Sergeevna(07/09/2014 at 15:11:52)


    Yes, it will come in.


    Article 11. Other periods counted in the insurance period.

    Part 1. The insurance period is equal to the periods of work and (or) other activities that are provided for in Article 10 of this Federal Law, are counted:

    P. 3) the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but not more than four and a half years in total;


    I work as a teacher in a preschool educational institution. From 2008 to 2012 - Experience obtained in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Citizen of R, K). From 2012 to 2014, the teacher’s experience at Doe was already in Russia (CITIZATION OF THE RF). Does it count? teaching experience since 2008 or is work experience in another republic not counted? Thank you

    Lawyer's response:

    Vasily M (07/03/2014 at 10:39:02)

    Hello, …

    The regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation provide for many types of length of service, the availability of which determines whether a citizen is provided with certain measures social support, benefits, guarantees and compensation. All working citizens without exception have some types of work experience (for example, work experience that gives the right to leave), and there are very specific types of work experience (for example, work experience continuous operation with chemical weapons).

    Each type of length of service is taken into account for specific purposes and is calculated according to its own rules.

    Specifically regarding your question, I can say that, according to Art. 4 Agreements on cooperation in the field of labor migration and social protection migrant workers (Moscow, April 15, 1994) it was established that -

    “...Each of the Parties recognizes (without legalization) diplomas, certificates of education, relevant documents on the assignment of title, category, qualifications and other documents necessary for carrying out work activities and their translation certified in the manner established in the territory of the Party of departure into the state language of the Party of employment or Russian language.

    Work experience, including experience on preferential terms and in the specialty, is mutually recognized by the Parties.

    Upon the final departure of a migrant worker from the Party of employment, the employer (tenant) issues him a certificate or other document containing information about the duration of work and wages per month…"

    Based on the above, your employment teaching experience a teacher in the Republic of Kazakhstan is counted...

    I wish you good luck, I hope I was able to help you...

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    Hello. I work as a primary school teacher in a village school. This year they are recruiting 1st grade, and it turned out that my hourly load will be 17 hours and, since there is no rate, this year is not included in teaching experience. Leading a circle (1 hour) does not count. Is it true? Thank you.

    Lawyer's response:

    Belyakov Anatoly Anatolievich(06/24/2014 at 18:28:18)

    Article 27. Retention of the right to early assignment of a labor pension
    1. An old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law to the following persons:

    19) persons who have carried out teaching activities in institutions for children for at least 25 years, regardless of their age;

    However, you need to take a certificate from work that you were engaged in pedagogical activity throughout the working day.

    In the event of a dispute with the Pension Fund of Russia, this certificate will be evidence when the case is resolved in court.

    More answers from lawyers on this issue

    Good afternoon Is military service included in the preferential teaching experience? Entry in the work book: 06/24/1985 - 05/14/1987. Service in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

    Lawyer's response:

    Belyakov Anatoly Anatolievich(06/24/2014 at 12:28:03)

    Appeal ruling of the Investigative Committee for civil cases of the Moscow Regional Court dated March 14, 2013 in case No. 33-5893/2013. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 dated October 29, 2002 approved the List of positions and institutions, work in which is counted towards the length of service giving the right for the early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out teaching activities in institutions for children, as well as the Rules for calculating periods of work that give the right to the early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out teaching activities in institutions for children, which do not provide for the possibility of crediting special experience teaching staff periods of conscription military service, including preferential calculations.
    According to paragraph one of paragraph 3 of Article 10 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” the time citizens spend in military service under a contract is counted towards their total length of service and is included in the length of service civil service civil servant and length of service in their specialty at the rate of one day of military service for one day of work, and the time spent by citizens in military service upon conscription (including officers called up for military service in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation) - one day of military service service for two days of work.
    From the analysis of the above rule of law it follows that, on a preferential basis, as one day of military service for two days of work, the time spent by citizens in military service upon conscription is counted when calculating the total length of service, length of service in the civil service of a civil servant, not a special one teaching experience when establishing an early retirement pension.

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    Hello. I am moving to another place of residence. I am offered a job at the Youth and Youth Center and part-time at a school to travel with the children. My experience is 23 years, with 2-3 years of service left. Will this work be included in the preferential benefit? teaching experience or not? Thank you in advance.

    Lawyer's response:

    Belyakov Anatoly Anatolievich(06/19/2014 at 13:38:11)

    In order to answer your question, it is necessary to clarify whether work at the Youth and Youth Center is a teaching activity, for which you should contact the Pension Fund.

    More answers from lawyers on this issue

    Employees of the pedagogical sphere carry out their activities in special working conditions. Therefore, a number of state privileges are provided for them. The state guarantees teachers the opportunity to retire earlier than most working citizens.

    In order to receive a teacher's long-service pension, a number of requirements must be met.

    What are the conditions for calculating early pensions for teachers, who has the right to early rest and what nuances should be taken into account, we will consider in this article.

    Who has the right to retire on preferential terms?

    Teachers' long-service pension provided to all teachers who have worked in the teaching field for at least 25 years.

    This is the basic requirement. The age of the beneficiary does not matter.

    But not all education workers can retire early.

    The state has determined the range of positions of educational workers who have the right to early exit for a well-deserved rest.

    According to Government Decree No. 781, these include persons conducting their activities in an educational institution in the following positions:

    • directors;
    • deputy head responsible for the implementation of the educational process;
    • head of academic department;
    • teachers of various levels;
    • educators kindergarten all levels;
    • school teachers, pedagogues and methodologists with combined teaching positions;
    • masters of vocational schools teaching industrial training;
    • specialist organizers of extracurricular activities;
    • teachers who are also psychologists;
    • speech therapists, teachers acting as speech therapists;
    • music school teachers, physical education, social educators, teachers conducting coaching activities;
    • teachers working in additional educational programs;
    • individual specialists.

    In addition to the positions listed above, the educational institution in which the applicant for early leave of service worked or continues to work is important.

    A preferential pension will be assigned only if the applicant has worked for at least 25 years in a particular educational institution.

    The list of such institutions is specified in Government Decree No. 781. These include educational institutions:

    • primary, secondary schools, specialized lyceums and gymnasiums;
    • general education schools for orphans, children with physical and mental defects and developmental delays;
    • paramilitary schools for boys;
    • educational centers for gifted children;
    • orphanages of various legal status, including family ones;
    • sanatorium schools;
    • correctional and special educational institutions all types, including closed type;
    • kindergartens, nurseries, kindergartens;
    • institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, including schools, technical schools;
    • schools in special areas, for example, music or art;
    • diagnostic centers, for example, a correction center;
    • rehabilitation centers for children recovering from injuries and illnesses;
    • educational institutions that teach children additional programs.

    Labor activity in certain specialties, it is counted towards the teacher’s preferential length of service if the load on teaching hours was fulfilled during working hours.

    If the name of the position or educational institution does not coincide with that indicated in the list, then early retirement will not be possible.

    Be sure to check the entries in your work book with the positions and institutions indicated in the lists. If there are discrepancies in the current period, the HR department can make corrections. If inaccuracies arose at an earlier period, then all arising conflicts are resolved by going to court.

    The procedure for registering early pensions for teaching staff

    Since 2019, actual retirement for teachers has been delayed by 5 years. The deferment years will be added gradually and will reach 5 years in 2028.

    Let us explain how this will work in practice. If a citizen works out required experience in September 2021, then his pension will be assigned in accordance with the generally established transition period for raising the retirement age - after 3 years, that is, in September 2024.

    A preferential pension for teachers is issued in accordance with the general procedure, so documents must be submitted in advance, at least a month before the date of retirement.

    To assign a payment, you must contact the Pension Fund authorities with an application.

    Before submitting an application, it is advisable to study all regulations that were in force during the period included in the teaching experience.

    Documents for obtaining a teacher's pension

    To apply for early retirement in 2019, the applicant must collect a certain list of documents:

    • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • Work book;
    • Certificate of personal income tax for the last year;
    • Birth certificates of children (if available);
    • Military ID (for men).

    This is a standard list of documents. If there are discrepancies in the information in the work book, the Pension Fund may require additional clarifying documents.

    Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

    Periods taken into account in the length of service

    To calculate the preferential length of service, the following periods of work of the teacher are taken into account:

    1. Full time job.

    Since 2015, the requirements for standard hours per week are as follows:

    • 36 hours - university professors, educational psychologists, labor workers, physical education teachers, senior counselors, librarians, methodologists,
    • 30 hours - senior teachers in preschool educational institutions;
    • 25 hours - teachers, educators, educators working with disabled children;
    • 24 hours - music teachers;
    • 20 hours - speech therapists and defectologists in preschool educational institutions and schools;
    • 18:00 – school teachers, teachers and additional teachers. education, teachers in sports schools and art schools, foreign language teachers in preschool educational institutions;
    • 720 hours per year - teachers in secondary specialized educational institutions.
    • Work as a primary school teacher at an educational institution or as a rural teacher is included in the work experience, regardless of the volume of workload performed.

    2. Period of sick leave.

    3. The length of time a woman spent on maternity leave (up to 1.5 years), if it was before October 6, 1992.

    4. Period of annual emergency leave.

    5. From 2017, when calculating special experience, the period of obtaining specialized education and advanced training will be taken into account. To do this, the applicant must work in the teaching field before and after training.

    All periods are counted in calendar order.

    If the teacher began his activity before September 1, 2000, then this period will be taken into account as a preferential period. The main condition is the presence of appropriate entries in the work book.

    Procedure for calculating early pension

    When calculating the amount of the preferential pension in 2019, information is taken from the provided income certificate. Its size depends on the ratio of funded and insurance pensions.

    Compulsory the condition for assigning an early pension is the presence of an individual pension coefficient(pension points). In 2016, its value was no less than 9, in 2017 – 11.4; in 2018 - 13.8 and so on, with a subsequent annual increase of 2.4 until reaching 30 in 2025.

    All calculations are carried out by PF employees. Therefore, for all clarifications, you should contact the Pension Fund authorities at your place of residence.

    On the official website of the PF there is pension calculator, with which you can calculate the approximate size of the future teacher's pension.

    In addition to the principal amount the future pensioner may receive additional bonuses. To do this, they take into account the presence of an academic degree, work in the Far North or in similar conditions.

    From 2030, employees of the educational sector will retire on a general basis. The procedure for calculating and establishing pensions will also change.

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    Last changes

    If a service pension is assigned, the beneficiary must stop educational activities and subsequently the right to official employment is lost. This requirement does not apply to work in private educational institutions.

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    Work experience to receive a pension in 2019

    January 10, 2017, 22:33 March 17, 2019 13:55

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