• Recipes for the best raspberry masks with photos. Homemade raspberry face masks


    It would be a sin in the summer not to take advantage of those vitamins for your tired skin after the cold season that nature itself offers us.

    One of the most nourishing and incredibly refreshing summer masks is the raspberry face mask, which will give your skin health and a radiant look.

    Action raspberry face masks dictated chemical composition this unique berry medicinal properties which everyone knows:

    • vitamin A has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, soothing, antimicrobial, regenerating and rejuvenating effects on the skin;
    • vitamin B9 improves condition problem skin, protects against ultraviolet radiation, develops immunity in cells for the upcoming cold period;
    • vitamin C makes the skin incredibly elastic and elastic, effectively heals wounds and microcracks;
    • vitamin H tidies up metabolism;
    • vitamin PP refreshes skin color, tones it and protects it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
    • vitamin E causes cells to renew themselves, thereby slowing down the aging process; it is a natural antioxidant that prevents cell destruction caused by free radicals;
    • potassium makes raspberries an unsurpassed moisturizer for dry skin, as this element regulates the level of hydration in cells and maintains it at the required level.

    Based on these data, it becomes obvious that raspberries for the face are a natural cosmetic skin care product.

    Raspberry face mask: instructions for use

    Raspberries are an allergenic product, so raspberry masks must be used with extreme caution, adhering to certain rules.

    1. Be sure to test any prepared raspberry mask on the delicate skin of the wrist to avoid unwanted allergic reactions.
    2. Such masks are contraindicated for people with thin skin, whose capillaries are located dangerously close to the skin.
    3. Use only the freshest and very juicy berries to prepare masks.

    To prevent raspberries from becoming an irritating component for your skin, be sure to take these recommendations into account, and then it will home remedy will become one of your most pleasant summer memories. After all, under the influence of these miraculous masks, your skin will bloom with extraordinary beauty and youth.

    The best recipes for raspberry face masks

    As a rule, a raspberry mask is easy to prepare: any of the recipes will come in handy for summer vitamin nutrition of any skin type. Choose, try, search best option and enjoy the result.

    • 1. Moisturizing raspberry mask for dry skin

    Mash the raspberries into a puree, mix (two tablespoons) with the yolk, oatmeal and olive oil (a teaspoon each).

    • 2. Complex raspberry mask for oily skin

    Mash raspberries into puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with protein, wheat flour and lemon juice (1 teaspoon each), yogurt (tablespoon).

    • 3. Classic raspberry mask for any skin type

    Mash raspberries into puree and apply to face.

    • 4. Anti-inflammatory raspberry mask for problem skin

    Mash the raspberries into puree, squeeze out the juice and mix it (2 tablespoons) with chamomile infusion in equal proportions.

    • 5. Raspberry and rice flour cleansing mask

    Mash the raspberries into a puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with rice flour (1 tablespoon).

    • 6. Rejuvenating raspberry mask for aging skin

    Mash the raspberries into a puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with cottage cheese (2 tablespoons) and fresh honey (teaspoon), which is best brought to a liquid state in a water bath.

    • 7. Nourishing raspberry mask for normal skin

    Mash raspberries into puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with oatmeal (tablespoon), pre-brewed with hot milk.

    • 8. Raspberry Brightening Mask for Pigmented Skin

    Mix fresh raspberry juice (2 tablespoons) with lemon juice (teaspoon) and chopped parsley (teaspoon).

    Mash the raspberries into a puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with full-fat sour cream (2 tablespoons).

    • 10. Mint raspberry mask for tired skin

    Mash the raspberries into a puree, mix (2 tablespoons) with mint infusion (1 tablespoon). For thickness, add oatmeal.

    Any raspberry mask you choose will become a real treat for your skin. summer gift. It will not only improve the condition of your skin, but will also protect it from harmful ultraviolet radiation, and also prepare cells for the next cold season. So don’t neglect this gift of nature: a raspberry face mask is exactly what your skin needs right now.

    Common raspberry is a perennial shrub from the Rosaceae family. Raspberries are widely distributed both in the wild and in summer cottages. Fragrant and sweet raspberry-red fruits ripen in July-August. Large healing properties possesses wild raspberries. Raspberries are a well-known healing agent and a favorite delicacy. It has a pleasant aroma and mild taste. But the main thing about raspberries is their incredible benefits for both health and skin.

    Benefit and action

    The benefits of raspberry masks have been known since time immemorial: cosmetics with raspberries were used back in Ancient Greece.
    The healing and cosmetic properties of raspberries for the face are explained by its chemical composition.

    • Organic acids rejuvenate the skin, fight aging, and provide antioxidant protection.
    • Vitamin E stimulates regeneration and cell renewal, smoothes wrinkles, restores skin elasticity, eliminates age spots.
    • Flavonoids renew cells, stimulate collagen formation.
    • Minerals and trace elements make the skin healthy, strong, well-groomed.
    • Polyphenols- powerful antioxidants, protect the skin from harmful influences, fight free radicals, unevenness, wrinkles, acne.

    And all this wealth is hidden in the familiar raspberry!

    The benefits of raspberry face masks are undeniable: during the season, be sure to pamper your skin with this berry. It is suitable for caring for any skin type at any age.

    How does raspberry work for the face when we use it for cosmetic purposes?

    1. Raspberries for facial skin are a natural antioxidant that fights aging, which means a raspberry mask is indicated for mature, aging skin.
    2. Raspberry for facial skin is a healing remedy for skin with acne and acne marks.
    3. Raspberry face mask is effective for acne, clogged and enlarged pores.
    4. Raspberry for the face is an excellent product for nourishing the skin, so it is widely used as part of nourishing masks.
    5. Cleanses and moisturizes skin of any type.
    6. Stimulates, refreshes and restores skin tone.
    7. A raspberry mask whitens the face, so it helps well in the fight against age spots.

    Picking and preparing raspberries

    IN home cosmetics use ripe fresh raspberries (in the off-season, frozen berries or frozen juice), leaves and flowers are also suitable.

    For use in folk remedies and home cosmetics, only ripe berries are collected by hand in dry weather. Prepare small containers for this and carefully place dry berries in them.

    Berries should not be picked or stored wet. How long do raspberries last in the refrigerator? About 5-7 days.

    IN winter time you can use store-bought flash-frozen berries - they retain their beneficial features. You can also preserve the juice yourself: a tablespoon of glycerin or sorbitol is diluted in hot water (about 50 ml).

    This water is mixed with a glass of fresh berry juice. The resulting canned juice is tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator.

    How to freeze raspberries for the winter

    The collected berries must be laid out in a thin layer on a towel and dried in the sun. Then they are dried in the oven at a temperature of 40 degrees, or in the sun.

    Dried berries are frozen.

    Raspberry leaves and flowers are very beneficial for the face. They are collected during the flowering period, which occurs in June-July.

    The leaves can also be dried: in a well-ventilated area or under a canopy, then put in bags or paper bags in a dark, cool place. Raw materials can be stored for up to 2 years.

    From raspberry seeds you get the most useful food.

    Raspberry oil for the face is useful because it contains a huge amount of vitamins: A, E, C, group B, folic acid, copper, fatty acids.

    Raspberry seed oil is a very powerful antioxidant. Has a moisturizing, regenerating, restorative effect. Helps with skin diseases.

    Cooking rules

    1. Use only fresh berries: spoiled ones are unsuitable for the skin.
    2. Rinse the berries thoroughly to remove dirt under running water.
    3. Use separate clean dishes to prepare raspberry masks.
    4. Do not make raspberry masks if you have skin diseases, wounds on the face, severe inflammation or purulent acne.
    5. Make sure that raspberry masks do not cause you an allergy: do a test on your wrist or elbow.

    Subtle pleasant aroma, health and skin benefits - all this is raspberry. A face mask made from this berry contains everything our skin needs to be well-groomed at any age.

    We offer you several proven recipes for raspberry face masks.

    Step-by-step recipes

    Raspberry leaf mask

    Raspberry leaf face mask is made from fresh raw materials. The leaves are crushed into a paste and applied to the face, excluding the area under the eyes. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes.

    Raspberry leaves for the face are very effective for aging skin, oily, with enlarged pores. Well toned.

    Raspberry leaves are used for the face and for dry skin: to do this, add either a teaspoon of honey or full-fat sour cream (cottage cheese) to the gruel.

    Fresh raspberry leaf juice mask

    If you have oily skin with acne, try using the juice from the leaves to help it. A teaspoon of juice is mixed with two teaspoons of raw protein. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Course - 15 masks.

    Raspberry healing mask for rosacea

    Raspberries are also effective for rosacea.

    The face mask in this case is made from dried berries. The fruits are poured with hot water (for one part of the fruit, 20 parts of water).

    After 15 minutes, filter the infusion. A napkin or gauze is moistened in it and applied to the face. Course - 15 procedures.

    Nourishing cream of raspberries and semolina porridge

    Natural face cream: raspberries, semolina, milk, honey and butter.

    Cooking semolina porridge on milk. The porridge should be very thick.

    Mix warm porridge with yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of raspberry juice. If you have dry skin, then add half a teaspoon to the mask. vegetable oil.

    We make a very soft face cream with raspberries, which can be applied to the area under the eyes, neck and décolleté.

    Skin whitening

    Raspberry juice is used to whiten skin pure form. The berries are rubbed, the juice is squeezed out, and they are applied to the face.

    If you have oily skin with enlarged pores, then do the procedure with napkins: soak them in juice and apply to your face.

    Moisturizing with cottage cheese

    A cream mask with raspberries and cottage cheese is ideal for dry, wrinkled and sensitive skin. The fat content of cottage cheese depends on skin type.

    2 tbsp. mix cottage cheese with 1 tsp. melted honey. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. raspberries The resulting mask can also be applied to the skin under the eyes.

    Vitamin tonic mixture

    A vitamin mixture of strawberries and raspberries is the best medicine for any skin.

    Mix strawberry and raspberry pulp in equal quantities. If you have oily skin, then first lubricate it with berry juice and put the pulp of mixed berries on top.

    To make the mask have a whitening effect, add a couple of drops of lemon juice to it.

    Yeast and milk


    • Yeast
    • Milk
    • Raspberries

    Pour 10-12 grams of baker's yeast with 1-1.5 tablespoons of warm milk. Place the container in hot water for 5 minutes.

    The last thing to add is mashed raspberries. The face mask should be quite thick and viscous, then it will easily stick to the skin and will not run off.

    Yeast and raspberries for facial skin are an excellent combination for oily skin, with wrinkles and wide pores.

    Berry scrub


    • Ground oatmeal
    • Raspberry pulp

    Raspberry face scrub for oily skin It is prepared as follows: crushed flakes are mixed with the pulp and juice of the berry, the flakes are allowed to soften for several minutes, then the pulp is gently massaged onto the face.

    Raspberry facial scrub for dry skin It is prepared according to the same principle, only the flakes are first soaked in milk and then mixed with berry pulp. To soften the mask, you can add honey.

    Exfoliating Blend

    • Corn flour
    • Raspberries
    • Kefir

    Corn flour in combination with kefir exfoliates the skin well. Benefits of this raspberry face mask: exfoliating dead cells, cleansing pores.

    2 tbsp. mix the flour with kefir until the consistency of a very thick paste. Add mashed raspberries to the mixture. If your raspberry mask is too runny, add more flour.

    Add a pinch of salt to the resulting mixture. Pick up the mixture with your fingers and do a light facial massage, especially carefully massaging areas with blackheads.

    Spread the mask on your face and leave for 5 minutes.

    Clay with berry juice

    Now about how to make a mask of raspberries with clay.

    A cleansing mask made from raspberries with clay is made like this:: white cosmetic clay stir in raspberry juice. Apply the mixture to the face. The mask cleanses and whitens the skin well.

    Softening mask

    Red clay is excellent for dry, sensitive and anemic skin.

    Mix the clay with raspberry juice. For very dry skin, you can add a few drops base oil. The mask is very soft and moisturizes dry skin well.

    We hope that the raspberry face masks we offer will be useful to you. Write your reviews and share your favorite recipes. Let the healer raspberry make your skin even more well-groomed and healthy!

    Fragrant raspberries have long been recognized as not only tasty, but also healthy berries. Being a delicacy for children, raspberries, at the same time, have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects and are effective against many viral diseases. The juice and pulp of fresh berries, an infusion of dried leaves, berries and flowers - everything is applicable in folk medicine!

    The healing properties of raspberries have not gone unnoticed by cosmetology. Thus, raspberry juice is used to whiten the face, and its pulp is used to nourish and moisturize any skin type (including sensitive ones).

    Raspberry face masks smooth out small wrinkles, even out skin tone, help eliminate acne and inflammation on the skin. skin. And after reading today’s article, you will learn how to care for your facial skin with raspberries.

    • Recipe No. 1. Whitening facial skin with raspberries.

    Raspberry juice from fresh berries is a good skin whitening product that can be used at home. For example, you can lighten freckles or pronounced age spots by rubbing the skin with fresh juice 2-3 times a day.

    Suitable as a whitening tonic Fresh Juice berries or pieces cosmetic ice based on it. By the way, raspberry ice not only helps lighten spots, but also perfectly invigorates and refreshes the skin. As an “awakening remedy”, ice made from raspberry juice is suitable for fatty and combined type skin.

    Just like strawberry, raspberry juice has the ability to eliminate oily shine and tighten pores. If you have problematic, inflamed skin, the Beauty Pantry recommends diluting raspberry juice with a decoction of chamomile flowers in equal proportions and treating your face with such lotions.

    • Recipe No. 2. Raspberry mask for normal to dry skin.

    To prepare a moisturizing mask for normal/dry skin, several raspberries (1 tablespoon) must be mashed and mixed with egg yolk. Add 1 tablespoon of available vegetable oil and a little oatmeal to the resulting mass to obtain a thicker consistency.

    The components of the mask are thoroughly mixed and then applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.

    • Recipe No. 3. Raspberry mask for face with dry or combination skin

    To care for combination/oily skin, Beauty Pantry recommends mixing 2-3 tablespoons of raspberry juice (or mashed berries) with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and egg white.

    To obtain a thick mass, add a little starch (1 tablespoon) to the raspberry mask. The mask, stirred until the mixture is homogeneous, is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

    • Recipe No. 4. Raspberries for sensitive skin.

    Raspberries are also suitable for caring for sensitive skin. In this case, you should select the ingredients for preparing the mask as carefully as possible.

    In our recipe, we suggest mixing 1 teaspoon of liquid honey (if you are not allergic to it) with 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese and 2 teaspoons of raspberry juice. A raspberry face mask is applied in a thin layer to the face and washed off after 8-10 minutes with water at room temperature.

    • Recipe No. 5. Raspberries for problem skin.

    For problematic, inflamed skin, cosmetologists recommend trying a decoction of dried berries, leaves or flowers of raspberries. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of leaves and flowers into a glass of hot water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

    A gauze napkin is generously moistened in the prepared, slightly cooled (warm) broth and applied to the face. After 8-10 minutes, the napkin is re-moistened in the broth. The procedure is repeated daily or every other day until a visible improvement in the condition of the skin.

    • Recipe No. 6. Raspberry scrub for any skin type.

    Raspberry scrub is an excellent solution for additional skin cleansing. To prepare the required mixture, mix 3-5 mashed raspberries with 1 teaspoon of chopped oatmeal.

    Add a few drops of water to the resulting mass and begin to gently massage the wet skin for 1-2 minutes. The remaining mixture is washed off the face with cool water. For dry/sensitive skin, apply to face nutritious cream. The optimal frequency of using this scrub is 2-4 times a month.

    Raspberries for wrinkles

    Whipped egg white mask helps smooth out wrinkles. Add mashed raspberries (2 tsp) to the protein, mix, apply to the face for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

    Wrinkles will appear later if you wipe your face every morning with cosmetic ice cubes made from a decoction of raspberry leaves and linden blossom, or cubes of frozen raspberry juice. Existing wrinkles will begin to smooth out; It will be even better if you wash your face not with tap water, but with the same decoction, diluting it with boiled water.

    A mask of raspberry juice with milk refreshes any type of skin. Milk and juice are mixed in equal parts, gauze wipes are soaked in this mixture and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water. In the same way, a mask is made for dry skin, if after sunbathing your face feels tight.

    For problem skin, prepare a lotion by diluting the juice (1:1) with a decoction of celandine and chamomile; They wipe their face with it every day.

    Fat and combination skin can be cleaned with raspberry lotion infused with vodka. Raspberries (1 tbsp) are poured with vodka (300 ml) and kept in a dark place at room temperature for 10 days. The finished tincture is filtered. Use in parts, adding 2-3 parts of clean water.

    Raspberry scrub is suitable for all skin types. 3-4 mashed berries should be mixed with ½ tbsp. crushed oatmeal and apply to damp facial skin; massage lightly for a few minutes and rinse with cool water.

    Approximately the same composition as nourishing mask for the face - it can be applied to the face after cleansing. Oatmeal (1 tbsp) is mixed with hot milk and left for 10 minutes. When the flakes swell, they are thoroughly mixed with 1 tbsp. mashed raspberries into a paste. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes and washed off with lukewarm water. For very dry skin add to the mixture olive oil(1 tsp).


    Raspberries are a tasty berry that is beneficial for the whole body, which is not only eaten, but also actively used in cosmetology and for medicinal purposes.

    Benefits of raspberry face mask huge- thanks to berries you can cope with wilting, greasy shine, pigmentation, dullness of the skin.

    Homemade cosmetics prepared from berry pulp and freshly squeezed juice.

    Composition and properties

    What are the benefits of raspberries for facial skin?

    The benefits of raspberries for the face are due to: chemical composition of berries, in which:

    • magnesium;
    • vitamins - B groups, A, PP, C, E;
    • potassium;
    • iron;
    • manganese;
    • copper, zinc and other necessary elements.

    The above substances cope with dry skin, make it elastic and soft, and can saturate it with vitamins, increase protective qualities. In addition, raspberries contain:

    1. Catechins- antioxidants that preserve youth.
    2. Salicylic acid- dries and has antibacterial properties.
    3. Flavonoids- help education.
    4. Polyphenols- antioxidants that protect the dermis from harmful influences and fight rashes, acne, and unevenness.

    For the manufacture of cosmetic product Fresh and frozen berries can be used.

    Such cosmetics are suitable for absolutely any skin type, but it is permissible to use them only if there is no raspberry allergic reaction.

    Efficiency of application

    What are raspberry face masks good for?

    They help in the fight against aging, promote regeneration skin, get rid of acne and the traces remaining from it, nourish skin, eliminate other inflammatory rashes, cleanse dermis, refreshing and, bleach and lighten.

    In addition, raspberry masks help smooth out small facial and age wrinkles, so their use is relevant any age.

    Raspberry juice no less useful than masks.

    If you simply wipe your face, cleansed of cosmetics and impurities, a couple of times a day, then small wrinkles and pigmentation will become almost invisible in about a week.

    Important tip from the editor

    If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


    On oily skin A mask made from 100 grams of raspberries and one bread (black) crumb has a beneficial effect:

    1. The ingredients are mixed.
    2. Apply the mixture to the skin with leisurely, gentle, gentle massaging movements.
    3. Leave on the face for a third of an hour.
    4. Wash off the mixture with warm water, and then wipe the face with a pre-prepared and cooled infusion of chamomile decoction and raspberry juice (4 to 1).

    Moisturize the skin fatty type A mask from:

    • a teaspoon of natural yogurt;
    • one ;
    • a small spoon of lemon juice;
    • half a glass of raspberries;
    • a small handful of oatmeal.

    Making it is quite simple - everything should be mixed by hand, the mass should have a porridge-like consistency. Then it is applied to the skin and left for a minimum for 15 minutes. You can wash off the mixture with either warm water or cool milk.

    For normal skin type A mask with the following composition is suitable:

    • a quarter cup of raspberries;
    • yolk;
    • a spoonful of rolled oats and the same amount of vegetable oil;
    • a quarter of a glass of milk.

    Prepare the mask gradually - first the milk is heated, ground flakes are placed in it, the mixture is left to steam for several minutes. Then the yolk is added to the porridge, the berries are poured out and everything is ground. After this, the oil is poured in, everything is mixed and applied. for up to half an hour.

    From freckles and age age spots a mask taken in equal proportions will relieve:

    • lemon juice;
    • just squeezed raspberry juice;
    • finely chopped parsley.

    The mixed ingredients must be applied carefully, avoiding the area around the eye.

    Leave it on the dermis no longer than 30 minutes, after which the composition is washed off with chilled water.

    After applying this cosmetic, wipe your face with an ice cube and apply moisturizer.

    Dry skin A mask of heavy cream and raspberry juice will help you recover and get the necessary moisture. It is prepared and applied according to the following algorithm:

    1. The ingredients, taken one large tablespoon at a time, are mixed.
    2. Small pieces of gauze are well moistened in the mixture (you can take cotton swabs).
    3. The moistened gauze is placed on the face for 25-35 minutes.
    4. Wash off this mask with warm water.

    Contraindications and frequency of use

    Summer berry masks are contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to them.

    There are other factors that should not be overlooked if you want to avoid inflammation and irritation on the skin of the face:

    • for masks it is preferable to use freshly picked berries, but if this is not possible, be sure to check it for freshness before adding it;
    • Before applying the mask to your face for the first time, you should make sure that the skin on it will react normally- to do this, apply a little of the prepared mixture to the wrists or elbows;
    • should not be used masks containing raspberries if the capillaries are extremely close to the upper layer of the dermis.

    Raspberry masks are enough effective, but you should not apply them to the skin before leaving the house - if the skin is light, pale, then the mask can lightly color.

    Raspberry cosmetics are applied to the face no more than once a week, and left on the skin for no more than 20 minutes per session.

    Regular use Raspberry face masks will help cope with various skin problems - from acne and age spots to blackheads and aging.

    Main- do not apply homemade cosmetic products too often and make sure there are no contraindications, then raspberry masks will bring maximum benefit.

    Recipes raspberry face masks in this video:

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