• The best congratulations on your wedding. Beautiful touching congratulations on the wedding. Congratulations on your wedding from relatives


    wedding ceremony passes, as a rule, once in a person’s life, so it should be top level. Unusual congratulations newlyweds remember it for a longer period than the most expensive gift, so all those invited before the celebration think about how to congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding. In order to please the bride and groom at the celebration, it is advisable to use your imagination and come up with an extraordinary congratulation. Let's talk about original wishes young people at a wedding.

    Options for original congratulations on your wedding day

    Those guests who are remembered at a wedding are those who express their most heartfelt wishes to the newlyweds. Only a few say congratulations in an unusual and creative way, but there are many options for self-expression:

    • For example, you don’t have to have great talent to congratulate newlyweds in poetic form. If desired, it is easy to remake a well-known song and such a congratulation will be a pleasant surprise for the newlyweds.
    • Or make a fun photo collage by choosing interesting photos newlyweds in different periods life, starting from infancy. Come up with funny comments for them, choose funny music, and give them to the newlyweds cheerful congratulations, which will lift the spirits of everyone present for a long time.
    • An interesting congratulation would be the wishes recorded on video from strangers whom you meet on the street and ask to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding.

    Fantasize - and an original idea will definitely come to you!

    Beautiful words in poetry and prose

    Wishes to the newlyweds in prose are the most common type of formal speech at a wedding, because not everyone decides to write poetry, and a custom poem is expensive. Wishes in prose should not be too long. In order not to lose the attention of those present, the speech should not last more than 1-2 minutes. Usually, solemn congratulations ends with the presentation of a gift that adds significance to the words spoken. We offer several ideas for a formal speech in prose that the newlyweds will definitely like:

    1. If we ask a variety of people what a marriage union is, we will hear many opinions. Some will say that this is the duty of the young before God. Another will assume that this is only one month of love and the subsequent long years of monotonous existence. Someone will add that marriage is a gift of fate. Each of them will be right, because the union of two people is what they think about it. I wish you to think about love, happiness and joy all the time, so that your union will be amazing for everyone!
    2. One wise man said: “There are many who seek in the world, but few who find.” You are the happiest people, because you were able to find each other. Let your family hearth burns with an unquenchable flame, illuminating family life with the light of fidelity and love.
    3. On your wedding day you were told and given a lot of good things. But you received the most valuable prize from the Sun. It gave a piece of its love, from which you created a family hearth. Keep this gift throughout your life so that any wind of change does not extinguish your love, but only inflame it even more!

    How to congratulate newlyweds at a wedding with poetry? Yes, very simple! We offer several poems that you can use in your ceremonial speech:

    The groom is like a swan - strong, slender!
    So noble and smart!
    I chose a girlfriend to match myself,
    To love until the end of time.
    We wish you good luck and patience,
    Happy life and victories!
    And most importantly - family love,
    Love and advice to you!

    Young and innocent, like two doves,
    And life ahead is a clean slate!
    We wish life to give you a smile
    And a flower bloomed on the leaf!
    Take care of him, care for him, cherish him,
    After all, this is a symbol of a strong family!
    Grow together, water together,
    After all, this is the only way you will be happy!

    All your life, just walk next to me,
    Remaining faithful to each other.
    Don't allow an evil look
    Do not know long-lasting grievances.
    May the sun always shine on you.
    And the days will be cloudless!

    Never part,
    May your hearts love you deeply!

    Short wedding congratulations

    Talk at the wedding beautiful toasts or how to present an envelope with money in an original way. You can sign a postcard with already ready congratulations, but it’s better if you congratulate the newlyweds in your own words. It is not necessary to speak beautifully or at length. Let your wish be short - it will not lose its relevance because it is not for nothing that they say: “Brevity is the sister of talent.” Examples of short wishes:

    On this day I can say one thing,
    This is a serious step, I understand.
    I just want to wish you happiness,
    I congratulate you with all my heart!

    A family was born, like a new star in the sky.
    Congratulations, friends, and remember that a wedding is forever!

    You connected your hearts
    Into a reliable and lasting union.
    We wish you to keep your love
    And they were proud of the strength of the bonds!

    Cool congratulations in your own words

    If you are not a fan of memorized prose or other people's poems, congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding in your own words. Tell the bride and groom the most important thing that is on your soul, and if the words are cheerful, then not only the newlyweds, but also the guests will receive your speech with delight. The main thing is to rehearse your phrases in advance so that you don’t blush, stutter, or get nervous at the party. It is better to write the text on a piece of paper or learn the wish by heart.

    We offer examples funny texts in your own words for the newlyweds:

    • Chinese philosopher Confucius said: “Happiness is being understood.” Now this statement is as relevant as it was many centuries ago. I want to wish the young people love and mutual understanding so that they always feel respect and support for each other.
    • We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding! We wish your life to be neither bitter nor sweet, but in moderation: with sourness, pepper and zest!
    • In the ocean married life a family union is a ship. The wife is the helm of the ship, and the husband is the sail. I would like to wish the bride to always find the right course, and the groom - wisdom and endurance. May your family's caravel always find a calm flow, and even if there is bad weather overboard, may love, peace, and tranquility always reign on the deck of your ship!

    What is an unusual way to congratulate newlyweds from their parents?

    At their children's wedding, parents are the most honored guests. And their congratulations act as a kind of parting word in the future. family life. In order for the wishes to be original and remembered for a long time, parents should prepare in advance. And from us - a few examples sincere congratulations newlyweds:

    • Dear children! We see happy smiles on your faces. Let good mood never leaves you, and the happiness that overwhelms you now will last forever! We wish you to walk the path called family life with dignity, which is still unknown, but so interesting!
    • All parents are happy for their children when they are happy. And we rejoice, because you have found each other and found love. Let them shout at your wedding: “Bitter!”, and we wish that bitter days will never come to life, and happiness will forever settle in your home!
    • A wedding day is a magical time when all wishes come true. We want to wish that there is a lot of love, mutual understanding and respect in your life. If you achieve harmony in your relationship, then all other desires will definitely be fulfilled! May you live happily ever after!

    Video: ideas for creative congratulations

    It doesn't really matter how much creative words will be said at the wedding, the main thing is that they are said with all my heart. If you have not yet decided on the option to congratulate the newlyweds, then watch the video in which they prepare funny wishes for the bride and groom:

    | |
    Congratulations from: | | |
    Congratulation format: | | | | | | |
    Type of congratulations: |

    The world is beautiful great love
    Happy wedding day, congratulations!
    Smiles, joy, health
    I wish you this bright hour!
    Wearing gold rings,
    There is a stamp on the certificate...
    Well, young spouses,
    Should I wish you this day?
    So that music sounds in the house,
    So that the two of you don't get bored,
    Live together, interestingly,
    So that there is happiness - the house is full!

    Beautiful congratulations on your wedding day

    Let none of you break that oath,
    That two wedding rings remember
    Let your souls become inseparable
    And happy hearts beat in harmony!
    May your days be blessed
    So that happiness can be firmly built, and not stolen,
    And my thoughts are pure and frank:
    To get together - forever, and to love - to your heart's content!
    Welcoming the bonding of heart ties,
    Find shorter and more meaningful words -
    Parental blessing to you,
    For life for the rest of your life - advice and love!

    Beautiful congratulations on the wedding

    We congratulate you on your wedding,
    We wish you mutual love,
    Live long, happily ever after,
    So that trouble does not touch you!

    Keep your feelings for a long time,
    Rejoice together with delight,
    Try to live in love and affection,
    In a family, heavenly, wonderful fairy tale.

    Don't quarrel and don't be rude to each other,
    Take care of your love,
    Live together for many years
    Without knowing tears and bitter troubles!

    Beautiful congratulations on your wedding

    Today you are standing at the threshold,
    And the road runs like a smooth ribbon into the distance.
    From now on, you will walk along it together,
    And anything happens along the way...
    So let it be clear every day
    And the shadow of bad weather will not touch you,
    May love protect you on the road,
    Takes troubles and worries away from you.
    Respect each other, try to take care of each other,
    Don't be offended by stupid trifles.
    Learn to appreciate the most important thing in each other -
    It’s not for nothing that you are called “spouses” now.

    Beautiful touching congratulations on the wedding

    We wish you happiness like the huge sky,
    Don't read where it's dark, don't go where it's dangerous.
    And so that you have enough daily bread,
    And there was some left over for caviar and butter.
    So that the sun would warm you and the rain would refresh you,
    May the nightingale trill outside the window constantly!
    So that they accumulate wealth and have children.
    So that the holiday guests would be well-fed and drunk!

    Short beautiful congratulations on the wedding

    Happy wedding day to you
    Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
    Have bright days and good luck
    We wish from our hearts,
    On the table to shine
    Bouquets in smiles,
    Love and health to you
    For many years to come!

    Beautiful wedding wish

    Tenderness, affection, inspiration
    And inspired by two destinies
    Intertwined into one in an instant -
    On the day of the wedding and the birth of a young family.

    Newlyweds, we want to wish you happiness,
    Love and passion, lots of children!
    Let there be only joy in your home,
    And there will be more loyal friends in life!

    Beautiful wedding congratulations to tears

    We wish your new family patience,
    In everything prosperity, success, luck,
    So that everything is with understanding, so that love grows stronger,
    Solving problems so you don't scream,
    So that the plates are both intact and clean,
    If you swear, make up quickly,
    With dignity, proudly so that you survive
    Repairs, trips, buying a car,
    So that you have a lot of everything you need,
    And may they live long, beautifully and amicably!

    Beautiful poem for a wedding

    Everything turned out the way you wanted.
    And now the desired hour has come.
    You put on the chastity rings,
    Flowers and music are for you!
    You are wearing wedding dresses,
    Your merry feast is in full swing.
    All the rituals have been observed,
    Love, advice to you, eternal peace!

    The most beautiful congratulations on a wedding

    The connection of two hearts -
    Great holiday of the young,
    We walked down the aisle in love!
    We wish you all earthly blessings!
    We wish that all moments
    They were only filled with joy!
    And happiness, joy, admiration,
    Accompanied along the way!
    The eyes were shining and laughing!
    May trouble bypass your home!
    Love forever enjoyed
    Two hearts are always side by side!

    Beautiful touching congratulations on your wedding day

    Let Mendelssohn's march sound,
    I will be the first to congratulate you on your wedding day!
    Let your ship not go astray,
    Bypassing reefs and shallows.
    I wish the family to be strong,
    And your love burned like a fire,
    Didn’t burn to the ground, didn’t burn anyone,
    And it became a family center!

    Beautiful short congratulations on the wedding

    Two simple wedding rings
    You are bound to each other forever.
    And for those who love and for those loved -
    These are thousands of happy days.
    Congratulations on your special day,
    Be happy forever together!

    Congratulations on the long-awaited
    The most important day in life!
    Let love warm you
    A warm, gentle ray.

    Let him always knock on your house
    Loyalty, tenderness, kindness.
    Day and night leads through life
    One dream for two.

    Let him wake you up early in the morning
    A child's joyful laugh.
    And fate will shower you with happiness
    A huge bag for you.

    We wish you a long and joyful life:
    The wife should be cheerful, and the husband should be made to laugh!
    And in life the family soul does not grow old:
    The wife needs to be beautiful, and the husband wants to be beautiful!
    And we must, of course, give birth and raise:
    For the wife to become a mother, and for the husband to plow!
    But in general we wish, well what can we say,
    The wife should be loved, and the husband should love!

    You have a lot today:
    Friends, smiles and flowers,
    You have only one road now,
    One dream, one love.
    And this day will not repeat,
    Know how to value your happiness.
    And God grant you, as they say,
    Don't stray from the wide path,
    Don't make a mistake, don't stumble,
    You will fall in love even more.

    We would like to wish the bride and groom,
    May they always be together in everything.
    Take care of love, save it,
    Carry it through your life together.

    Let there be no reasons for quarrels,
    In love and harmony, live to see the wrinkles.
    And if a quarrel accidentally breaks out,
    Let reconciliation end soon.

    We wish there were no mistakes in life,
    So that the children bloom like daisies in a field.
    We wish you great, great happiness,
    Bright, joyful and dear!

    How beautiful is the bride in a love halo,
    And the groom is a match for her: young, daring!
    Today you are taking on new roles,
    And become a strong, happy family!

    Let the sparks of love between you not go out,
    May you live many years among good people!
    Let issues be decided unanimously,
    Happiness in the home, love to you, beautiful children!

    Let's congratulate the young people together,
    Decided to become one.
    Their path lies ahead
    A fleecy carpet, white down.

    So that on the path of life
    They did not know grief, sadness.
    We wish you to go hand in hand,
    The angels themselves crowned you.

    God grant that your new family
    It has always been a strong unit.
    All family and friends today
    Wishing you many years to come

    Mutual understanding in everything
    Patience and wisdom, all the best.
    Let your house always be full
    And your hearth of love will not go out.

    So that loyalty is like a swan,
    The shoulder is reliable. In a round dance of days
    Spouses are the same two wings,
    That they are flying high towards a common goal!

    As if two fast rivers met,
    The feelings of love merged into one.
    Your two hearts, your two faithful hands,
    A strong marriage, intertwined for life!

    On this day you said - YES!
    Before each other, God and the law.
    Let your eyes shine with happiness,
    And the family will become a reliable bastion!

    We wish that the husband and wife
    They knew no other joy,
    How to love each other carefully.
    So that the wife is wise,

    And she's a good hostess.
    And let the husband be the head of the family,
    To cherish his wife,
    So that it’s like behind a stone wall

    She felt like a wife.
    Let the beginning be successful,
    And then - happiness without end,
    How endless are the two rings!

    You have a lot of everything today: flowers, friends, smiles, because this is your biggest and most important day. Two halves merged into one destiny. So let fate be the happiest, kindest and most amazing. May your life be as pure as spring water. Let the house be a full cup, let welcome guests visit it, and let loud, cheerful laughter sound. Cherish your happiness and strong feelings carry each other through life. Advice and love to you, our dear ones.

    Today you are the heroes of the occasion, all wishes and a sea of ​​compliments to you today. May your days fly by in harmony and love. Let every ordinary day turn into a holiday. Hold on tightly to each other, because if you are together, all the problems will not matter to you. Long years keep tenderness, affection, sensitivity. Let the charm of first meetings live in our hearts. May there be only joy in your life, may your wishes always come true, and may your hearts sound in unison. Advice and love to you.

    Our dear newlyweds, today you have united your destinies into one. Now you have everything as one. Live for each other, take care of your love all your life. We wish you all the best, may everything go well for you, may life go like clockwork, may luck always accompany you. May God grant you children that they will brighten your life and always make you happy. May fortune always smile only on you. May the bird of happiness visit you often. All the best to you, prosperity and prosperity. May life be a pleasure for you.

    Today your wedding is the most important moment of your life together. Accept the most my sincere congratulations on this wonderful day. Let the gold rings that you put on each other today be the most reliable talisman of your entire life. May your path be wide and long, may your feelings be reliable and strong, may only joyful moments fill your every day. Fate gives you love as a guarantee; manage to carry it with dignity throughout your life. Good luck and all the best to you.

    Your wedding day is full of excitement and unreasonable worries. But you will remember it, newlyweds! It will give an account of the minutes of family life - let them be long, pleasant and joyful. You are more beautiful now than ever! May God protect your union from destruction, anger and misunderstanding. All problems can be overcome if there is love in our hearts. May everything be wonderful for you! Love, inspire each other to achieve achievements, understand and appreciate the gifts of fate!

    Beloved daughter, as always you are beautiful,
    Son, we always love you too,
    Today you are together and it became clear to us
    That you are going into a new life, hurray!
    And may this life be wonderful for you,
    Health, good luck, warmth for a hundred years!
    Bring us the kids soon,
    Do not know sadness, anxiety and troubles!

    Your family is new, everything is ahead of you.
    We wish you only a good journey.
    Let bad weather and troubles not come to you.
    And happiness, health, warmth and comfort.
    Let wealth and luck await you
    Wherever and always let you be surrounded
    Good, kind, loyal people
    And may everything be good in your life.
    In life, always and everywhere be together,
    And remain faithful to each other for two hundred years!

    Our dear children, we wish you now,
    So that troubles and bad weather never know you.
    If they get in your way, quickly drive them away,
    Well, you always greet happiness and good luck with warmth!
    And when suddenly it becomes difficult, then you will cling to each other,
    Don't show your tears, don't skimp on your smiles,
    And of course, we expect more children from you,
    Well, you can live together happier and longer!

    We want to congratulate you with all our hearts,
    May your marriage be strong and happy,
    For my wife, son, be loved by me,
    And you, daughter, be his favorite.
    Never quarrel or swear
    Always try to be together everywhere,
    Let there be only happiness in your home,
    Let all bad weather pass by!

    My dear young people,
    Congratulations on a wonderful wedding day.
    And let only strangers
    They don't envy your happiness.

    And two wedding rings
    They sparkle on your fingers,
    They are hearts in love
    They are now connecting forever.

    Let the family be built on love, harmony,
    There will be general thoughts, rarely disagreements
    The main thing is trust, without it it will not be possible,
    And also forgiveness. And then everything will work out.

    May the Lord surprise you with miracles,
    Illuminating your thorny path,
    Well, happiness is always near you,
    And don’t let your fire be blown out.

    On this warm, gentle day,
    I want to wish you:
    To be like a shadow to each other
    Never lose heart.

    So that your marriage shines with a smile,
    Like the sun on a warm day.
    Be happy, dear ones.
    Be stronger than strong walls.

    You are breathtakingly beautiful now
    In a fit of ecstatic feelings, spouses!
    The lights that shine from your happy eyes,
    Perhaps we can burn everything in the area.

    Well, what are you doing, young husband, kiss your wife, don’t stand there!
    So much so that we could lose count!
    And may, before your wedding, that which is marked golden,
    The honeymoon continues tirelessly!

    A wedding is only the first step,
    A rich and bright path awaits you,
    May every day be on the road
    Sounding like dew, hot like summer.

    I wish you more smiles
    Eternal happiness, lots of warmth.
    And let there be smiles in this world
    Kindness will remain in the soul.

    This drink is an elixir of health,
    Love, smiles, great joy,
    We wish that the bride and groom
    We were able to live until the golden wedding.

    I wish you a sea of ​​happiness for your wedding,
    Family life to avoid bad weather.
    Let two little doves go to the sky with a smile.
    You found each other, it was not a mistake.

    Let your hands squeeze even tighter
    And together you will overcome all difficulties more courageously.
    Love simply, infinitely, purely,
    May your union be bright and radiant.

    We wish you love and advice.
    Live together for a century.
    Meet the dawn every day -
    Let the whole world be surprised.
    Adversity is all along the path of life
    We wish to go hand in hand.

    The day was lit up with kind glances,
    Today you are nearby, without concealing feelings.
    As if the Almighty was bending over you,
    Your family was born.

    I want to wish you patience
    A clear conscience, a strong family,
    Kindness, beauty, inspiration
    And, of course, eternal love.

    We congratulate you, dear ones,
    With what you have connected our hearts with!
    So that we go the same way
    We decided together until the end!

    And let the road lead you
    To wonderful fairy-tale worlds!
    Let troubles pass you by!
    We wish you eternal love!

    Young, beautiful couple,
    We hasten to wish you soon,
    So that your life becomes a fairy tale,
    Which you can only dream of.

    So that over the years the union becomes stronger,
    The house was full of true friends
    Let them hug you by the shoulders
    Your life will be more fun with them.

    We wish you children's laughter,
    Tender hands and love of children's eyes.
    We sincerely congratulate you,
    Raising a glass to you!

    Now you are bound by fate
    Your paths are intertwined.
    And step by step - into the big world,
    Forward with an open soul!

    Let every month be remembered as a honeymoon,
    Your life will be filled with joyful children's laughter.
    Happiness will be your companion, your wishes will come true.
    Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day!

    An unforgettable day, a happy one for two.
    He will remain forever beautiful in my memory.
    A sea of ​​words and tenderness, the scent of roses.
    Let me express our wishes.

    Well what can I say? And so everything is clear:
    It's sweet time.
    Happy wedding day to you! You are so charming.
    Love, advice and praise to you.

    Happy wedding to you, my friends!
    Much family love to you!
    Beautiful children, sweet little ones,
    Smart, kind and beautiful!

    Good friends, interesting meetings,
    And have a pleasant weekend,
    And wonderful work,
    So that you can go after it eagerly!

    Successful endeavors in life!
    Serious cash injections!
    And understanding, because it
    The family should be good!

    Don't take your eyes off today
    From our young people:
    The bride is a true diamond
    And the groom is so good!

    Let your feelings every day
    More and more blossoming
    Prosperity decorates the house,
    And joy increases!

    We wish the young family now,
    So that your wedding day becomes the main day for you.
    Love, patience, happiness for many days,
    So that the house is filled with children's laughter as soon as possible.

    And let them certainly live in the house
    Consent, care and comfort,
    Without hiding tender feelings, without hiding,
    You remember now that you are family.

    Today, inspired by rare happiness,
    And are enveloped in great joy,
    Beautiful, and forever in love,
    You have become a new and strong family!

    So let the heavens open today,
    To pour out my grace on you,
    Let the flowers wash themselves with dew,
    To give you my beauty.

    And let your moments of bliss
    Will stretch out for many years,
    Let your destiny be perfect,
    The Lord will always protect you.

    You put rings on each other,
    To find joy together
    And in the new status of spouses
    Get on the path of life.

    So may fate be without delay
    Will make your best dreams come true!
    Please accept our wishes
    Love, good luck, kindness!

    They say when you meet your love,
    Then fate is decided there in heaven,
    Only angels sometimes know the outcome
    And a spark of passion will ignite in the hearts.

    You have found each other in the vast world,
    Among the gray days, the fire of love was lit,
    Let the blizzard and blizzard not extinguish it,
    Carry its lights through life.

    And today before people and before God
    You seal the union with an oath of allegiance,
    Let the road be happy,
    Preserving the strength of marriage bonds for years.

    And so that your life, like honey, would be sweet,
    And the union, like a fortress, would not be destroyed,
    Stealthily looking at you with admiration,
    We will shout “Bitterly” to you all today!

    The bride is shining like a diamond today,
    She's beautiful, like a princess
    A smile like the sun illuminates the whole world,
    Awarded an honorary title: “Wife”

    And next to him is the groom, like a prince, smiling,
    He also changed his status today,
    Now proudly calling her “husband”,
    He won the bride's heart forever.

    May your life be filled with happiness,
    Let the union of two loving hearts grow stronger,
    Let the wind not cool the fire of your feelings,
    You took an oath to love when you walked down the aisle.

    Family is your castle, take care of it,
    You are each other's support and support now,
    So carry the flame of love through life,
    Without whirlwinds and storms, without the slightest loss!

    How can you wish a lot in a nutshell?
    After all, a wedding is the crown of mutual love,
    May the journey be happy and long
    Let the union of two hearts grow stronger over the years.

    And there will be obstacles along the testing path,
    But don't let anyone into your world,
    Family happiness will be your reward,
    Keep it, take care of it.

    You are two halves, supporting each other,
    So be a support everywhere and always,
    May each of you be faithful to your spouse,
    Never leaving each other in trouble.

    There are many temptations and attractions in the world,
    They will call, conquer and beckon,
    Remember, there are no such relationships in the world
    What can replace your family and your home?

    Well, we shout “Bitterly” to you today for happiness,
    May your life be honey-sweet,
    And so that there is no bad weather along the way,
    Hold each other's hand tightly!

    I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding,
    Always be happy in your family life!
    I, bride, wish you good luck,
    Keep love in your soul forever!

    Love, be loved, don't quarrel forever,
    After all, life is not given for this at all!
    You found it dear soul person,
    May God grant that your dream comes true!

    Hundreds of miles of travel.

    To be bitter from the wine,

    I wish you understanding, happiness,
    Smiles, joy, warmth,
    So that bad weather avoids the house.
    May your life be bright.

    I wish you a full cup at home,
    A whole round dance of kids,
    Let your love remain,
    Live long, without worries!

    Newlyweds - we congratulate you!
    We wish you strong love and happiness,
    We wish the husband to obey his wife,
    And just love her alone.
    We wish our wife to give birth to children,
    And always respect your husband.
    So that the house is filled with love and affection,
    And so that your children live like in a fairy tale.

    We would like to congratulate you on your wedding day,
    And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you:
    Manage to glorify your duet,
    And divide everything in half!

    When people meet each other
    And the soul freezes inside,
    Behind them appear
    Weightless wings of love.

    All lovers are kept from falling.
    Woven like an openwork thread.
    It is very important to be patient
    Keep these wings forever.

    I wish you peace and joy,
    So that your life is long,
    And let them tremble without fatigue
    Behind her are two light wings.

    Today is January __ (September-December).
    It was not in vain that we gathered.
    Congratulate the bride and groom.
    With the stage of their life together.

    We wish you happiness and fun,
    Harmony, love, happy moments.
    So that you can always be proud
    The child that will be born to you.

    So that you never feel
    Which means: “No shit.”
    And may your union last a long, long time,
    So that everyone feels like they are falling in love for the first time.

    And there are rings on the hand
    After all, it means sincerity of hearts.
    And in conclusion, congratulations to the bride and groom,
    We: “Bitter!”, we will shout together with you!

    Close your marriage with a kiss,
    And put on two rings.
    All the guests at the table are rejoicing,
    They shout “bitterly” at you from the bottom of their hearts.

    We wish you goodness and happiness,
    Huge love, without boundaries.
    May all adversity and bad weather
    They fly only past a flock of birds!

    Congratulations to the newlyweds,
    We wish them love and happiness,
    For a husband to obey his wife
    And love her alone
    And for the wife to give birth to children,
    Dear, glorious naughty girls!
    We expect heroes from you
    And beautiful daughters.
    And we also wish you
    To be young forever
    Us for the golden wedding
    Don't forget to invite.

    Sounds of Mendelssohn's March
    Inspire you today!
    There is no more beautiful couple in the world
    The one bound by love!
    Look how they shine
    Their loving eyes
    The parents are overjoyed
    A tear runs down your cheek!
    Peace, goodness and light to you
    We wish today!
    May this road of life
    It will be passed with love!

    Let the blizzards of love give you good luck,
    Not only a car, tablets and a dacha,
    And joy and happiness, warmth and love,
    May the holiday be joyful for you again and again,
    Give each other flowers and snowflakes,
    Don’t forget happiness - fluff,
    So beautiful, light, pure,
    Intoxicating you like expensive sparkling Champagne!

    New stage, new chance for success,
    May it give you a marriage as pure as the first snow,
    We wish you good luck, fun,
    And a soon, desired housewarming to you,
    So that snowflakes fly around you,
    So that parents don't get bored,
    So that there is peace and tranquility with everyone,
    Every day was wonderful and vibrant!

    Let lilies bloom in your soul,
    The rose of love opens,
    May there be happiness on the palm of your hand,
    They will give roses in January,
    Let it be joyful and bright,
    Your holiday, your celebration,
    Good friends, gifts, pleasant words,
    And life is like in a fairy tale at Christmas!

    Let it be a bright, bright holiday,
    Opening the doors to a fairy tale for you,
    Let the mood be wonderful
    Your heart will burn with fire,
    Let the holiday become bright, bright,
    Will give you many years of happiness
    And every day is sweet, interesting,
    Without quarrels, insults, obstacles, storms and troubles!

    May your celebration be sweet,
    And this is just the beginning of a bright fairy tale,
    Let there be magic in this fairy tale,
    Give you tenderness, understanding and caresses,
    Let luck cross your threshold,
    Having given money, children and gold,
    Let the house be bright and warm,
    And let good things come easily for free!

    We wish you good luck, joy and happiness,
    More light, tenderness, warmth,
    Let love warm you in bad weather,
    Having opened my 2 wings to you,
    May happiness become endless,
    Like tenderness, like magic,
    Let the world become beautiful, sinful,
    And may you always be lucky in everything!

    A new day and light will give you happiness,
    May your celebration be successful,
    Expect happiness and success in life,
    So that you are lucky, like in a fairy tale,
    We wish you light and warmth,
    A lot of tenderness and night for two,
    May the cup of love always be full in your home,
    And let the nightingales give you memories!

    May luck make the bed and cover love with a blanket,
    Let the door open again to your bright fans of love,
    Let oriental tales and speeches will become a bright beacon for you,
    May your candles become beautiful, filling your life with goodness!

    Let the tenderness in your eyes not fade away,
    Even if there is happiness and peace in the house,
    May the candle of love not go out for you,
    And let the feast become a mountain in the house,
    We wish you good luck and fun,
    More tenderness, luck and dreams,
    So that you drink wine without a hangover,
    And so that we can see colorful dreams together!

    Let your holiday become a bright fairy tale,
    Gives good luck, hopes, dreams,
    Let the day turn out to be bright and passionate,
    Flowers will bloom in my soul,
    May it give light and inspiration,
    A new day, and a bright day of dreams,
    Let the years not diminish your fun,
    Making your wildest dreams come true!

    We wish you light and warmth even in autumn bad weather,
    Love each other and always support - then all the songs of happiness will sing to you,
    We wish you all good luck, a lot of light and love today with your friends,
    Let the holiday not go out until dawn, and let the evening fill the day with sweet tea!

    Dear guests, I invite everyone to drink for a kiss! After all, it was invented by a resourceful man who could not find any other way to shut a woman’s mouth.

    Life for you is a wide road,
    Hundreds of miles of travel.
    You are now on the threshold of happiness,
    Wedding door to enter.
    So open this door wide
    To be bitter from the wine,
    To be you the best couple in the world,
    To drink happiness all your life to the bottom.

    We wish our newlyweds,
    So that the marriage is strong and successful,
    So that the house is always a full cup,
    Life is brighter and more beautiful every day!
    Let the sun shine more often in life,
    May your children bring you joy.
    Save love at any cost
    Must be golden before the wedding!

    Wearing gold rings,
    There is a stamp on the certificate.
    Well, young spouses,
    Should we wish you this day?
    So that music sounds in the house,
    So that the two of you don't get bored,
    Live together, interestingly,
    So that there is happiness - the house is full!
    Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
    And only at the wedding let it be “Bitter!”


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    Your friends or relatives who have decided to get married have invited you to the wedding. What should I wish them on this happy day? Each union is unique, and standard wishes will not work for this.

    The newlyweds will be pleased to hear from you not common phrases, but beautiful and warm congratulations for the wedding in their own words, intended only for them. Composing such a text is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

    On this page of our website you will find wedding congratulations in your own words, which are perfectly suited for this occasion.

    Congratulations to the newlyweds in your own words

    Dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this significant event - the creation of your family. Be happy, love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. May your family happiness be filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with your other half, understand and forgive each other. And let your home be filled with children's joyful laughter in the near future!

    Dear bride and groom! It is very important that people find each other, find their love! You were lucky - and you met each other! I congratulate you on your wedding, with love, with new life! I wish you strong, faithful, all-conquering love, and also patience and humility that will help save your marriage. Understand each other, forgive each other, learn to get along with each other. Enjoy your long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! And also - you have a house full of kids!

    Our beloved, dear newlyweds, please accept congratulations on this wonderful wedding day! Love each other, understand the difficulties of family life. Let comfort, tranquility and understanding reign in your home. May your relationship become stronger over the years, may the flame of love never fade, and may you be happy every day you live together.

    Wedding congratulations in your own words

    Choose suitable wedding day greetings in your own words to wish the young family all the best on this special day. Congratulations to the newlyweds in your own words can be heard both during the wedding and at the festive table.

    Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event. They say: living life is not a field to cross. We wish your field to be wide, endless and full of miracles. May your love be strong like granite and withstand all tests. Let only sunny weather be in your family life. Let your home be a full cup, let the joyful laughter of children be heard in it!

    My dears, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. Carefully preserve the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, surround each other with care. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life, and I also wish you to be a reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Happiness and prosperity to you!

    Our dear newlyweds! Today you started a family. A strong and durable family is a reliable ship in the stormy waters of a stormy ocean, where the husband is the captain of the ship and the wife is his navigator. I want to wish that your family ship does not run aground in the ocean of everyday problems, so that it can get out of the most difficult and dangerous sea storm and moor to a quiet peaceful harbor where cloudless happiness awaits you.

    Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words

    Congratulations on the wedding in your own words do not have to be learned by heart, because the main thing in your speech is sincerity. For wedding congratulations expressed in their own words to touch the newlyweds, they must come from the heart.

    All nice words and compliments today for you, our dear young people! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your wedding day. May your life together be long, long and happy. Let only pleasant moments fill every day. May the union born now warm your souls and hearts, may the flame of great love never cool down. May fate always smile on you!

    Dear newlyweds, we sincerely congratulate you on your wedding. Live together, love each other and appreciate every moment spent together. Now you are one, husband and wife. We wish you great happiness and success in all your endeavors. Carry your love through your entire long life. Divide everything in half - both anxiety and joy. Let your life flow like a full-flowing river, without knowing any obstacles in its path. May your path be illuminated by the constellation of love. Be happy, advice and love to you!

    The family is like a fragile musical instrument. Disharmony in the family is not uncommon, and to achieve harmony, you have to try very hard. We wish you that in music based on the harmony of loving hearts, notes of disappointment and falsehood will never sound. Let the cacophony of scandals and strife never break into your home. Let your hearts always beat in unison!

    Wedding congratulations in your own words

    If the heroes of the occasion live far from you, you can send congratulations on your wedding day written in your own words by email or SMS. Or you can post congratulations in your own words addressed to the newlyweds on their page in social network, accompanying this text with a suitable photograph.

    Congratulations on a wonderful, unforgettable family birthday! It’s not easy work to create, store and cherish love. I wish to turn it into a game and easily cope with this and other tasks: please your soul mate under any circumstances, treat with humor life situations. Show each other understanding and patience, walk through life hand in hand. Be the most unique couple on Earth and a role model!

    Dear newlyweds, we are happy to congratulate you on the birth of your family! Live in peace and harmony, remain faithful to each other like the apple of your eye. Take care of your love, and only let it be “bitter” for you at the wedding. Let love and peace reign in your family nest. You have put on not for months, but for the rest of your life wedding rings, and may the road of your life together be long. May good luck visit your home, may it soon be filled with cheerful children's laughter. Advice and love to you!

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