• The coolest compliments for your girlfriend. The most tender and beautiful compliments to your beloved girl - list: how to give compliments in your own words


    Any girl is incredibly pleased to hear about how beautiful and desirable she is for the man she loves. Compliments to a girl about her beauty are not just words, but a statement that she is loved. It is no less important for a man to compliment his girlfriend, because the appearance of his beloved matters.

    Compliments to a girl in verse to delight her

    Do you want to be original? Dedicate poems to your beloved, where you sing about her beauty and your love for her. In a word, compliment the girl in verse. Not all men can write poetry with their own hands. You can use already written poems by classics and modern authors; this will not diminish the pleasant feelings of your beloved.

    Your eyes radiate light to me,

    The kind that doesn’t exist anymore in the world.

    And there is nothing more wonderful than your eyes:

    They can tell you a lot

    Be it a fairy tale, or a dawn ballad...

    But I don’t need those stories:

    I just love looking at this wonder

    From under the eyelashes that looks so beautiful.

    And the color... What a warm color, brothers!

    In your eyes there are sunsets and dawns,

    Spring itself lives in your eyes:

    April tenderness was given to these eyes,

    And May gave those eyes purity,

    And brightness, and flowers, and beauty!

    Smile, smile!

    After all, you are no more beautiful!

    Don't look, no matter how hard you try,

    There is another secret on earth:

    Everything in this world is so fragile,

    Steady and strange.

    Just your smile

    Gives joy all the time!

    Your smile brings sweetness

    (Goosebumps down your spine!)

    And Gioconda Leonardo

    Smoking nervously on the side:

    It's a great mystery

    Not hers - yours now!

    Smile - it's necessary

    Believe me, the whole world!

    The first ray is imperceptible

    Slipped through your window

    And again your curl is tender

    Burns like gold in the sun!

    My God! Nature of you

    She gave me a full cup:

    Hair like waterfalls

    Like a stream of raging water.

    The same waves, only softer

    The same tenderness, only closer...

    Let the envious people gossip

    About your wealth, redhead.

    I know without rumors,

    And girlish gossip:

    Your hair is in pins

    This is a true miracle!

    It's hard for me to find words

    To describe your marvelous figure.

    Maybe you should search first

    Is there a flaw in your appearance?

    So I and so what year

    I admire you frankly

    I was looking for vice, but only here,

    The Lord probably didn’t give it to him.

    You are all beautiful, like spring

    (My head is spinning again!)

    You were created for the joy of everyone,

    To admire and pray.

    Or maybe an angel is you?

    Admit it, I'm not one to talk.

    Be the epitome of beauty

    Consonant with the feeling of being happy?

    There are even roses next to you

    Just pathetic flowers

    What suddenly withered from the frost,

    Having lost its former beauty.

    And you are the very charm,

    That you just can’t take your eyes off!

    Such a title suits you

    Be a beauty queen.

    Compliments to a girl in one word, but impressive

    When you have very little time to express your feelings, words come to the rescue that would make any girl's head spin. You can even say beautiful compliments to a girl in one word. Yes, adjectives can be very eloquent, even alone, and express a whole range of feelings. Here is a small list of such words:

    • Unique;
    • Beautiful;
    • Dizzy;
    • Divine;
    • Sexy;
    • Irresistible;
    • Amazing;
    • Chic;
    • Seductive;
    • Fabulous;
    • Stunning;
    • Flawless;
    • Graceful;
    • Perfect;
    • Exciting;
    • Feminine;
    • Mysterious;
    • Ideal;
    • Mind-blowing;
    • Charming.

    Compliments to your girlfriend that will win her heart

    Do not hesitate to put into words your admiration for the girl, emphasizing the appearance of your beloved. Compliments to your girlfriend should express your pride in having her by your side. Successful original phrases will make your chosen one love you even more. Here are some examples of such phrases, some short, others funny, but all of them are sweet and tender in them:

    • There are many in the world beautiful eyes(lips, smiles), but yours are the dearest and most beautiful.
    • Your lips are like a flower, and I greedily drink its nectar.
    • I dropped my jaw at the sight of such a stunning beauty like you!
    • Could there be something deeper than your eyes!?
    • I like to watch the rays of the sun play in your hair.
    • The best gift for me is your gentle smile.
    • You're so adorable when you frown!
    • This dress successfully emphasizes your figure.
    • Honey, you dressed like that on purpose to make me speechless!?
    • There is love and tenderness in your eyes, and all this is only mine!
    • You always look like a fairy princess.
    • Today I thought that it’s time to start being jealous of you.
    • Do you know what got me hooked? With your unearthly smile and radiant eyes.
    • You are not like others, that's why I love you.
    • Your eyes shine brighter than the stars in the sky.
    • To be so beautiful is a terrible crime!
    • I don’t have to get a star from the sky, it goes next to me.
    • You are so beautiful that the stars fade nearby.
    • Young woman! Shame on you? To be so beautiful...
    • Your voice is like the nightingale singing in the garden.
    • The embrace of your arms makes my heart beat faster.
    • Your lovely legs are just asking to be held in my arms.
    • You are my beautiful flower, your skin is soft like rose petals.
    • You little witch, you bewitched me with your beauty.
    • Your eyelashes are like the wings of a butterfly, every flap and I fly away...
    • When you pass by, time stops...
    • Young woman! Tell your mom she has a wonderful daughter.
    • Your gaze is the source of my existence.
    • I can’t live without your smile, it illuminates my life’s path.
    • Beauty salons will remain without work today - you are incomparable.
    • Your lips are riper than cherries, and the taste cannot compare with nectar
    • All girls are like girls, but I have a GODDESS!
    • Your hair flows like a waterfall, glistening in the sun like drops of water.
    • Neither gold nor gems cannot compare with the radiance of your divine beauty.
    • Nature has given you beauty, take care of it and always be like that.
    • You are an angel in the flesh, a simple person cannot be so beautiful.
    • I am ready to kiss your hands endlessly.
    • There is so much light coming from you that you don’t even need electricity.
    • Your skin is like velvet, your voice intoxicates my mind, and your gaze beckons.
    • I saw your image in a dream, and since then I don’t want to wake up.
    • You are fresh and beautiful like summer, with you it is warm and good in any weather.
    • Intelligence and beauty are incompatible - but you are the exception to the rule.
    • Your movements are as graceful as in a waltz, I’m ready to dance with you all my life.
    • Heaven cries and suffers because it has lost an angel like you.
    • Your gait makes even confident men stumble.
    • Nature didn’t rest on you, nature rewarded you!
    • You are special, unique, beautiful and simply loved.
    • Your beauty cannot be compared with anything, I am incurably sick with you.
    • You are like a princess from a fairy tale, I want to become your prince.
    • You are beautiful in everything, but most of all I like your eyes - they magically control my mind.
    • You are even more beautiful without makeup.

    Compliment a girl on a photo to start a conversation

    Compliments are not always given to those they know. Sometimes there is a desire to express your admiration for a girl, seeing only her photographs in social network. It will be better to write compliments to the girl in your own words. Words should not carry flattery or falsehood, but convey those sincere feelings that arise when viewing a photo. Here's how it could be:

    • This photo shows incredibly expressive features of your cute face.
    • You look like you're from the cover of a glossy magazine!
    • I will remember these two blue oceans of your eyes for a long time.
    • Not a girl, but a real magnet!
    • Your face is beautiful on its own, but scarlet lipstick suits you very well.
    • Children, animals and you can be organic in any situation.
    • A real lady! This is emphasized by both your pose and the look from under your lowered eyelashes.
    • Unapproachable and sexy - it will be noticeable even under modest clothes.
    • Can a man exchange this angelic smile for another!?
    • In this photo you look as if you know all my secrets.
    • The most important thing in wrapping clothes is you, sweet candy!
    • One look at you and all men will lose their heads!
    • This photo is the cutest thing you can imagine.
    • Who said that only Hollywood stars can look amazing!?
    • You incredible combination– a mysterious smile, depth in the gaze, grace in movement.
    • Your smile is like the most desired prize for the winner.
    • Now I'm sure that nymphs exist.
    • The one who will be with you will certainly become a terrible jealous person!
    • Brilliant and captivating – that’s all you!
    • You are the most beautiful creation of the Universe.
    • Your eyes are like a drug - you want to look at them all your life.
    • If I were Leonardo da Vinci, then instead of Mona Lisa I would portray you.

    Short compliments to a girl about her beauty

    The beauty of a girl often needs to be said briefly, but beautifully. In this case, short compliments to the girl will come in handy, which, if you can’t come up with it yourself, you can take from our selection.

    • I'm intoxicated by your beauty!
    • I froze when I saw you, baby!
    • You are heaven's perfect creation.
    • The most precious thing I have is you!
    • Your smile heals the soul.
    • One look from you and I lose consciousness.
    • Your figure doesn't leave my head.
    • Hollywood has long dreamed of your smile.
    • I don't deserve such beauty!
    • When you walk next to you, everyone bites their elbows.
    • I can't live without the smell of your hair.
    • You look like you're from the cover of a glossy magazine!
    • One such smile and I’m at your feet!
    • Your smile is a ray of sunshine!
    • Charming girl, you can’t take your eyes off her!
    • You look like a star!
    • You're lovely!
    • Great, keep it up!
    • You are beautiful like a goddess!

    Sincerity is the key to success!

    The most pleasant words- these are those that are said sincerely. It is worth mentioning a few simple rules in the art of dedicating compliments to your other half:

    1. The most important thing is to never suck up. The subtle female soul will sense false notes in the gentleman’s voice, and this will not work in his favor.
    2. Don't speak in cliched phrases. Your compliments should come from the heart and express only true emotions.
    3. Remember, here the phrase “there is never too much of a good thing” is not considered a rule. Even if you really like a girl, you don’t need to shower her with compliments. It will be beautiful, but still flattery.

    Beautiful, and most importantly, appropriate compliments can and should be said to all girls who arouse awe in their souls. This is true, of course, when there is no girlfriend. Any nice lady will appreciate your sincerity and ability to choose an appropriate phrase.

    Don’t forget to give your loved ones wonderful moments by reminding them of your feelings via SMS. You can write how you miss her smile or accidentally remembered that you forgot to tell her in the morning what a magnificent figure she is. Such a message will make your beloved smile warmly and make you even more sure of your feelings.

    Just talk Nice words to your loved ones. After all, the female soul is really looking forward to this. But you shouldn’t start saying those very necessary phrases spontaneously and in large quantities, because this will only alert your chosen one. It’s better to start with confessions in prose, the main thing is to do it at the right moments. The main thing is to be patient and attentive, and everything else is a matter of technique.

    Be sure to watch the video!

    My affectionate and tender,
    Kind and always snow-white.
    Darling, stay beautiful
    Always clean and clear.
    Your eyes are like two oceans
    Which always makes me drunk.
    And your body is like silk fabric,
    Be beautiful, become magical.

    Please accept flowers from me,
    I give them as recognition,
    And my confession is not about love,
    I admit that you are a charm!

    All doors are open for you,
    And I can’t help but admire you,
    After all, in your unimaginable beauty
    Tenderness can be combined with strength.

    You are a princess - it's no secret
    Looks can turn anyone's head,
    Reason is your main testament,
    Modesty serves you as a necklace...

    You are beautiful, like a blooming garden,
    In moments of bright spring,
    And your voice, singing like a stream,
    Filled with wondrous beauty.

    You are beautiful in face and article,
    Features rich in tenderness,
    And unspeakable grace
    This world is filled by you.

    The sea shimmers in your eyes,
    Caresses the gaze with its wave.
    In the ultramarine expanse
    The pupils of the blackening surf.

    Your smile is brighter than the sun
    A gentle laugh will blind you.
    I love the flow of your emotions
    He will boil with hot passion

    And it will take me to the bays,
    Will cover you with the joy of avalanches.
    With you I feel happy
    I'm melting with love!

    I want to forget in your arms
    And listen to the whisper of the heart every time.
    I always want to fall in love with you
    And plunge into the sea of ​​blue eyes.

    Your hair is linen
    Goddess, I can stroke you endlessly.
    Your beauty is pure and flawless,
    She intoxicates me like wine!

    There is no more wonderful beauty in the world,
    Than your beautiful features.
    You are fresh, refined, tender,
    You are as gorgeous as spring!

    You can be, like autumn, sophisticated,
    Like a summer day, you can be languid.
    Sometimes as dazzling as winter!
    How cute you are!

    You are the best, coolest, cool!
    You are gentle, sweet, simply beautiful!
    Unsurpassed and incomparable,
    You are the brightest and most awesome!
    Spectacular, fashionable, irresistible,
    You are the most beloved with my heart!

    Dreams are hidden in your smile
    The flowers are jealous of your beauty -
    The pearl of a smile, the sparkle of the eyes!
    There are no such worthy phrases in this world,
    To describe you in detail!
    And that is why I will repeat again:
    You are more beautiful than the dawn over the rose garden!
    You are higher than the farthest stars in the sky!

    Beautiful compliments to a girl about her beauty

    I'll tell you, having driven out doubts,
    That she is very pretty
    When you believe: our strength
    The fact that we met you.
    And it's good that there is an opportunity
    A simple verse to send to you.
    I will say that there is both spirit and pride.
    In your immodest beauty.

    I'm drowning in your bottomless eyes,
    And in the darkness of tender eyes,
    And in sincere and modest gestures
    And in a quiet song of wise phrases...

    Admiring your beauty,
    I thank the Creator again,
    That he created you like this
    Which I absolutely love!!!

    Tender as butterflies, aspiration
    To get to the calling flower,
    You inspire admiration
    And you multiply beauty.

    You are the ideal of a love night,
    Your smile has no equal
    You inspire these lines
    Love bringing a gentle light into them.

    Like acacia honey
    A lock of your hair.
    I will admire
    With them I reach the stars.

    Until the tender dawn
    Tea rose juice
    From your boundless lips I
    I'll drink at your feet.

    And crystal eyes
    They're looking at me
    Like crystal dew,
    Pure, innocent look.

    You are the goddess of sakura,
    Pink bud.
    I am your posture
    Admired by Tonka!

    How cute you are in your snowy attire!
    The Snow Maiden appeared before me
    With a riddle in the cool blue gaze...
    Truly, your image is unearthly!

    I hope that when winter passes,
    The coldness of your eyes will go away with her.
    Your appearance, attractive and pure,
    Shocked me to the core!

    I can't stop looking at you,
    I look and admire it, I can’t take my eyes off it.
    Tell me where you got this product
    To become more beautiful than a star in the night.

    The fairy probably gave you
    A gentle blush, taken from fresh roses,
    And the night gave its colors
    Eyelashes, eyebrows, curls of hair.

    You stand and shine with your beauty,
    And my head is spinning.
    Then suddenly you illuminate the earth with a smile,
    Then suddenly you push back your curls slightly.

    You are as beautiful as a star
    What was created only for the sky!
    Your glance enchants everyone,
    Any outfit suits you.

    I can admire you
    And you can’t take your eyes off your feet,
    Will you make me obey
    Bring flowers to your feet!

    Tender and sweet, the most beautiful,
    Kind and honest, very interesting,
    Smart and bright, like a cherry, sweet,
    Sincere, subtle, like a bird, ringing.

    There is no relative or better than you.
    And even if there are clouds in the sky,
    Shine the sun for me
    You are my beloved!

    And roses envy scarlet lips,

    Compliments to the most beloved girl

    Darling, you are my flower,
    Sweet love and joy sprout.
    How I miss you,
    My body suffers until my heart hurts.
    Not a second of peace, not a step back,
    I see that without you my life is nothing.
    Your beauty is like honey, like an elixir,
    Which will heal the wounds and fill the world.

    Like a sunny bunny, playful...
    Like a gentle, gentle wind...
    Like an earthly ideal, beautiful
    And I need you like air!
    I am ready for a feat for you,
    You are the most important thing to me!
    For your beautiful, pure appearance
    I won't regret anything!
    Just give me your attention
    Bless with your warmth...
    Give me hope, understanding
    And only part of your love!

    You alone are the mystery of the world
    Contained through the eyes,
    Truly beautiful
    You are alone in the entire Universe.

    The soul and become one in you,
    All life admires you!
    From such artists, paintings
    They create at any time.

    There is so much light in your eyes!
    I'm surprised at their depth!
    They will warm you up like summer
    In a distant fairyland!
    Fluffy curls of hair -
    Like the sun's bright areola.
    And a scattering of mischievous freckles -
    Left the gold grind.

    You are flawless and harmonious,
    Hospitable, kind, cheerful,
    Diplomatic in communication
    You can handle any task.

    You are a wonderful mother
    A wonderful wife and daughter.
    Where necessary, she is firm, stubborn,
    Always ready to help everyone.

    You are delicate and patient
    Caring and faithful.
    You are very feminine and beautiful
    Your soul is full of warmth.

    Smiling, sweetheart,
    Sheer charm
    Like a cat, playful,
    Sheer charm.

    Tender as a lotus flower
    Beautiful, amazing,
    Hair like shiny silk.
    You are very seductive...

    Your eyes are like gentle poison.
    They beckon me even more,
    When you look so playful
    And you speak slowly...

    Your figure is just "ah"
    You're getting better before our eyes!
    Lovely waist curve
    It will drive you crazy! Oh, I'm dead!

    You definitely amaze me
    I'm telling you seriously.
    Your kiss is hot, like
    Wonderful chic of Dutch roses.

    You are more beautiful than the angels, by God!
    It's hard to compare them with you!
    And the tenderness of a stern smile
    You can conquer anyone!
    Your hair is a lovely cascade -
    Like the silk of a pure river.
    The cheeks are flushed and have a wonderful shine
    In the eyes, like a reflection of a light.

    A beautiful compliment to a girl you like

    My beloved, you are my ray,
    I hold on to you, I see the sky without clouds.
    My blood boils from love for you,
    I am constantly drawn to you by love.
    Bloom every day like a flower,
    Affectionate, gentle petal of orgasm.
    I will be a bee collecting nectar from you,
    Thus create a fire of love.

    You are amazing, desirable,
    You are a role model
    You are feminine, always beautiful,
    It's just dangerous to joke with you.
    You captivate your gaze forever,
    In which everyone drowns, like in the sea,
    You are the embodiment of the goddess Venus,
    And if you haven't seen it, it's hard to believe.
    And your inner world is even more wonderful,
    You are worthy of both poems and songs.
    You are incredibly kind and welcoming,
    She is sympathetic and caring.
    You will find a true friend in you,
    With you you are not afraid of either the heat or the blizzard!

    You are the poet's inspiration,
    The light is filled with your beauty,
    The Universe is warmed by you,
    There are no people like you in nature.

    You are more radiant than the sky
    And more romantic than the moon,
    You are pristine nature,
    You are the beauty of spring.

    There's a piece of heaven in your eyes,
    Moon particle in hair
    Anyone with you wouldn't be unhappy
    But you stand alone in tears.
    You are silent that life is unfair,
    Do you dream of starting everything from scratch...
    We could be together with you,
    But you know, you're not for me.
    Or maybe let chance decide?
    Let's change the story
    I will send you a ray of smiles,
    I will see the shine of sad eyes.
    You smile back
    You blush a little by accident,
    I'll hear a quiet "hello"
    And I'll invite you to tea.

    It's impossible not to give a compliment
    Such a fabulous lovely lady,
    They can do anything for you,
    And the words are born all by themselves!

    You are beautiful, there is no doubt about that!
    And sparks of happiness sparkle in the eyes,
    That they give everyone a gentle, kind light,
    What protects you from bad weather!

    And may your charge not run out,
    To make everyone happy!

    You are amazing and so beautiful
    And I’m not saying it in vain,
    After all, your charm and beauty
    They drove me crazy for a long time!

    You're so intoxicating with yourself,
    And you immediately understand clearly
    What got into your network,
    And you won’t have the strength to get out!

    You are so tender and so smart,
    Believe me, you are the only one.
    I admire you so much
    And I’m not trying to embellish it!

    You are like a beautiful flower on top,
    Like a sweet peach, juicy apricot,
    Like grape juice and the taste of raspberries,
    Like the smell of apples on rosy cheeks.

    Like the freshness of the sea and the radiance of the sun,
    Like a petal, like a gentle moth.
    You are like the warmth from the window in spring,
    Like a stream of cool water on a hot day.

    And your hair is like waterfalls,
    And lips are like roses and a tulip.
    The eyes are like beautiful topazes.
    My love for you is like an ocean.

    Beautiful, slim and very brilliant
    With whom you need to be polite, with whom you need to be impudent.
    Order with taste, tip-top with a sense of proportion,
    At your feet there is a whole regiment of cavaliers
    And the old women look after you with envy.
    Cutie, keep up the good work!

    What a beautiful girl - compliment

    My love, you are beautiful.
    So melancholy and passionate
    Dual, flighty and sexy,
    Elegant and sentimental.
    Your beauty is never enough
    Your eyes melt my heart.
    Meeting you fills me with orgasm,
    Let me love you and fill you with affection.

    You are the breeze of the sea plains,
    Golden ray of sunshine,
    You are a fortress for men,
    Flower, my pure spring.
    You are incomparable in beauty,
    Good, endowed with intelligence.
    You are flawless, perfect
    And, amazingly modest.
    You are just one charm:
    Full of charisma and fire.
    You are the best creature of heaven,
    My irresistible!

    You are amazingly beautiful
    There is no brighter beauty than yours,
    And all the poets are not in vain
    Dreams filled with you.

    There is no falsehood or pretense in you,
    You are seductively pure
    And the space still rings with you,
    And you are full of tenderness.

    Transparent skin is softer than jasmine,
    And roses envy scarlet lips,
    They look from under the roof of your long eyelashes
    The eyes are as majestic as a Greek temple!
    The curve of your waist excites my heart
    Anyone who also appreciates beauty.
    And the beautiful voice is magically enchanting!
    And next to you – daisies are blooming!

    I admire you every day
    Compared to you, the sun is a shadow!
    You are always more tender than any flower,
    The moons are always more mysterious, cuter!

    You will conquer the whole world with beauty,
    You will always understand everything and forgive everything,
    You with your tenderness and kindness
    Protect the world from gray, dull everyday life!

    As a connoisseur of beauty,
    I will say: you are beautiful!
    And the smile and the soul,
    And the gait is good,

    Subtle mind, sharp as a razor,
    It's not easy to get around you!
    Everything is fine, everything is fine,
    I am convinced every hour

    I like everything about you
    I send my gratitude to fate,
    For the success of our meeting,
    That I was, and am, noticed,
    What is captured by beauty,
    Why are you next to me!

    You are as beautiful as a princess
    You are beautiful, good,
    You are smart, gentle, wonderful,
    You're driving me crazy!

    You are like a scarlet flower,
    You are the Goddess, the whole world,
    I dedicate these lines,
    Your number one fan!

    Your eyes are like a clear day
    It's like the sky is blue in them.
    Eyelashes are like the shadow of the night,
    They beckon with their blackness.

    You are as mysterious as the night.
    There are so many secrets hidden in you.
    And if you smile, it’s a clear day
    Shines on your cheeks.

    Coral-pearl smile,
    And a pretty oval face -
    Perhaps an angel fell from heaven by mistake
    I kissed you on the forehead once!
    Since then, the eyes have been filled with radiance,
    And the hairs of the eyelashes fluffed out,
    Struck by your wonderful charm,
    Even Zeus would have fallen on his face before you!

    Nice compliments to a girl

    You are beautiful, like a fairy - no doubt
    And sparks of happiness flash in your pupils,
    They give my heart the necessary light,
    They protect my soul from bad weather.
    You are magic, nirvana, a dream that is in reality,
    And from you the melody of love flows throughout the world,
    I can’t imagine winter and spring without you,
    Without you there is neither autumn nor summer for me.

    She is beautiful and gentle
    Spring lives in her eyes,
    The mystery of the years was hidden in it,
    There is no more beautiful woman in the world.

    Born small and weak
    I was once a little alive
    But unexpectedly over the years -
    Shed forth wonderful beauty.

    The men freeze after her,
    The poor don't sleep at night,
    Ready to give everything in the world,
    For the inviting glance cast.

    Eyelashes long like arrows
    They pierce the heart on the fly,
    Her captivating tenderness
    She ruined more than one fate.

    Looks with brown eyes
    Will sparkle with a gentle smile,
    Any heart is certain
    It will fall into her palms.

    She is so envied in the area,
    Her mysterious beauty
    The woman will already be forty,
    And youth burns in the soul.

    They give her twenty years without laughing,
    The years have no power over her -
    She's a princess, a queen,
    Came down from the mysterious heavens.

    Fall in love with her younger
    Not knowing how old the lady is,
    They forget about caution with her,
    There is no longer one like this in the world.

    You were made to be perfect
    Do great good
    And make people happy
    Giving them joy and warmth.

    You, like a flower, are tender to the point of trembling,
    You have the scent of blossoms,
    What gives skin smoothness
    Like, the smell of sincerity, a garden.

    You know, I want to be strict -
    It doesn’t work, oh gods!
    You smile - I'm smitten:
    Smiles sparkle amazed!

    You can see childhood in your sweet smile.
    I see a bit of coquetry in her:
    Teeth shine, lips curve -
    Save! I'm already dead!

    And your perky young laughter -
    A harbinger of future pleasures!

    Today you smiled charmingly,
    Spring in my soul immediately woke up!
    You are so good - everyone is amazed
    Pure, charming, beautiful,

    That I’m immediately ready at your feet
    The whole world, without any hesitation, should be laid down,
    Give warmth, love and happiness,
    Without wasting unnecessary big words!

    I have prepared a compliment
    And I'll send it to you,
    I will say, you are incomparable,
    Frankly speaking!

    You are kind, smart, beautiful,
    You are insanely good
    And your smile
    Drives me instantly crazy!

    Beauty, tell me where
    Did you appear on earth?
    You are just an angel, just a miracle,
    I've never seen a cuter girl!
    Smiles of glorious charm,
    The hair is heavy, delicate silk!
    You are sweet charm
    Capable of defeating even a regiment!

    Your lips are a pink dawn,
    Your eyes are the most delicate velvet of the night,
    There is no other like this in the world,
    You sparkle like a diamond among others.

    Your hair is a sparkling waterfall
    I'm ready to kiss you both day and night blue,
    From under winged eyelashes a gentle glance...
    What could be more beautiful in this world?

    But perhaps only the heart and soul,
    What the gods put into angelic flesh...
    Darling! Oh, how beautiful you are!
    My goddess, the touchy fairy.

    How is it possible in modern world It is important to pay attention to those people who are dear to us. We always need to try to do everything for them in the best possible way. the best way so that everything goes well for them. And if you have a girlfriend, then you should always compliment her. And if you don’t know what exactly to say, then just go to our website and use ready-made compliments for your girlfriend. And let everything be exactly the way you want it. Love the people who are around you, and then you will never be disappointed in life. And let everything work out for you the way you want it. Good luck to you in everything you do.

    You are the most fun and the most beautiful,
    Good, gentle, most beloved,
    The most attentive and unique,
    Simple, charming, happy.
    You can be kind and strict, weak and strong,
    Let all bad weather fade into impotence,
    Let everything you want come true,
    May your path be illuminated by a bright star.

    You are worthy only of admiration
    Slender, beautiful, kind, smart,
    You give me happiness, without a doubt,
    You are charming, like an angel always.
    I feel good only with you next to me,
    And breathe, as they say, easily,
    You are the limit of all my dreams,
    May success await you in everything, my love.

    You are the most beautiful in the world,
    I'm always happy with you,
    There is no better person on the entire planet,
    You are my bright and guiding star.
    I just adore you, my love,
    I can't live a day without you,
    Because you and I met,
    I always thank the Lord.

    The kindest, gentlest, sweetest,
    I'm just fabulously lucky to have you,
    I feel so comfortable with you, my love,
    When you're around it's warm and light.
    You are my tender bunny,
    I always admire you
    You are the sweetest in the world, my joy,
    May your dreams always come true.

    A swiftly bright moment,
    Sparkling with a cheerful smile,
    You are a priceless wonderful gift,
    She burst into my bachelor life.
    You are my tender, beloved,
    Wise, beautiful, dear,
    I live, protected by your love,
    I simply adore you, my angel.

    I will fulfill any of your wishes,
    With you, my love, I am very lucky,
    I'll get a star from the sky for you,
    And I will become an unsurpassed poet.
    You are the best, most beautiful, kind,
    You are the most beloved, sweet tender,
    In the whole world there is no one more beautiful than you,
    You just inspire me, my sunshine.

    You're the girl of my dream,
    You are just ideal
    I am very grateful to fate,
    For meeting you.
    Your eyes are blue lakes,
    I'm drowning in them with happiness,
    There is no one better than you in the world,
    I love you madly, honey.

    I adore you, my love,
    I admire you, I breathe you,
    You are my brightest star
    I always feel good with you.
    You, my joy, you are my sunshine,
    You are the warm light in the window,
    With you, my love, I'm just lucky,
    You are my angel, my baby.

    You are the most tender, the most beautiful,
    You are the kindest, sweetest, beloved,
    You are my ray of sunshine, you are my star,
    You are my angel, my dream.
    I dissolve in love in your eyes,
    Sometimes I surprise myself,
    That I’m losing my head because of you,
    I love you, appreciate you and adore you.

    In the whole world there is no one dearer than you,
    There is no more beautiful, no kinder,
    You are my most cherished dream,
    You are the gift that fate gave me.
    I will make you happy myself, I promise,
    In your love, like snow in warmth, I melt,
    My joy, I adore you,
    I simply cannot imagine life without you.

    All compliments to you today and flowers,
    But the most delicate and beautiful flower is you,
    You are my treasure, my dream,
    I'm only happy with you.
    I will fulfill all your whims,
    I’ll ask the sun to shine brighter for you,
    May God grant you never to lose heart in your life,
    Always be the center of attention.

    I will become a poet for you,
    I'll get a guiding star,
    You captivated me with your beauty,
    I'm incredibly happy only with you.
    I adore you, my love,
    I fulfill all my whims without complaint,
    I love you, my sunshine,
    I truly adore you.

    The brightest star of all is you,
    You are gentle, kind, beautiful,
    You're the girl of my dream,
    I will do everything to make you happy.
    You have become the most important thing in the world for me,
    I look forward to our meeting again and again,
    May your dreams always come true,
    Let our love bloom.

    Every day is wonderful with you,
    I confess sincerely, lovingly,
    I am grateful to fate for the royal gift,
    Because, my love, I have you.
    I adore and adore you,
    You are a ray of sunshine, my ideal,
    I, like a wizard, will fulfill all your wishes,
    So that every moment becomes the happiest.

    In your arms, honey, I want to forget,
    Hear the quiet beat of the heart every time,
    See how the smile on your face sparkles,
    Again plunge into the bottomless pool of your eyes.
    Your infectious laughter brings me happiness,
    The silk of your hair caresses my hands,
    Your gentle voice carries me into the distance,
    How dear you are to me, let the whole world know!

    Your hair is like silk,
    I can, my love, I can stroke you endlessly,
    Your beauty, dear, brings only one happiness,
    Pure and unusual, she is gentle and flawless.
    You are my perfection, I want to tell you,
    And with great pleasure I will hug your slim figure...
    Kiss you, feel all the sweetness of your lips,
    And from your closeness comes indescribable joy!

    I'm looking at the most beautiful figure right now,
    The dazzling smile just drives me crazy!
    If only you knew, dear, dear,
    How I value you, my princess!
    All the treasures in the world will fall empty at your feet,
    You are becoming more and more beautiful by leaps and bounds!
    I envy myself because you are mine,
    Of course, I am the happiest person on earth today!

    A graceful gesture, the curl of an eyelash, everything about you is charming,
    Every little detail in all the outfits is so pleasant and appropriate!
    How divinely beautiful you are, my princess,
    Sometimes she’s gentle and cheerful, and sometimes she’s a little dangerous.
    You are my most precious diamond in the world,
    I know better than a girl, not on this planet,
    I really want to hug your slim figure,
    I want to kiss your sweet lips!

    All emerald palaces and the most beautiful flowers,
    You are worthy, dear, there is no one better than you, I know.
    With just one flutter of your eyelashes you can conquer a heart,
    And give a lot of happiness with your presence!
    I will throw all the most beautiful flowers at your feet,
    And I will fulfill any whim, my beautiful madam!
    You are so natural, sweet, every whim suits you,
    Such a surprise from you will be pleasant for me!

    Complements and poems, all the most beautiful flowers,
    You are worthy, dear, I know this better than anyone.
    With a cool riddle in your open gaze,
    Truly a gorgeous, unearthly image appeared,
    I will be by your side in joy and sorrow,
    Only with you I find happiness and peace!

    I want to say to my beloved beauty,
    You simply cannot find a more beautiful girl in the world!
    A magical smile sparkles on your face,
    Looking at you, happiness is knocking on life!
    For the first time in this life, when I saw you,
    I fell irrevocably into the pool of your eyes,
    Your wonderful image, natural and sweet,
    It shocked me to the very depths of my soul!

    We offer examples of compliments in prose, in your own words, in the form of SMS and some others in this article.

    Its relevance is also an important factor.

    Compliments to a girl you like

    Compliments to a girl you like

    When a young man likes a girl, but he doesn’t know. how to express it. It is enough to remember the first meeting. Scroll through your head why she attracted attention at that moment.

    For example, if at the first meeting:

    • The look fell on the bright, provocative clothes; it’s worth saying: “I like your bright image. Your ability to stand out from the crowd attracted my attention to you at the first meeting.”
    • Maybe, on the contrary, the girl’s modesty attracted attention: “I really like your modesty and good manners. This is such a rarity these days.”
    • Or the girl’s demeanor caught her attention: “I’m simply delighted with your subtle and graceful manners. In your every movement and spoken word, you can feel the notes of Princess Diana’s manners.”

    Compliments to your girlfriend

    Compliments to your girlfriend

    When the heart burns with love, the compliments are the most sincere and correct. There is no need to rack your brains for a long time and invent something. Just talk, talk and talk.

    After all, it is so important for your beloved to know that she is the most, the most for you!

    You are my love, you are my happiness, you are the dream of my whole life. I have never met anyone more beautiful, kinder in the world. Love love love…

    Compliments to a girl about her beauty

    Compliments to a girl about her beauty

    A compliment about beauty will cheer up any girl. It will increase her self-esteem in the eyes of you and others. Here, the appropriateness of the spoken words is more important than ever.

    If a compliment is given in an intimate setting: “Your naked body is incredibly beautiful. And the graceful mole on your beautiful chest just drives me crazy” - it will delight your partner.

    Then, uttering these same words, in the presence of even the closest people, will put the most uncomplexed lady into a state of shock.

    Compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

    Compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

    Write to a girl about her beauty in prose The best way, if you don’t have the courage to tell her about it out loud.

    My dear little man! When I met you for the first time, your extraordinary beauty took my breath away. There is not a single flaw in your appearance. Beautiful blond hair, so sweetly emphasizes the delicate and delicate features of your face. Curved, clear eyebrows look so touching when you are surprised. And your fabulous smile is like a bright sun that illuminates everything around. Not to say about your perfectly proportioned figure is to say nothing. Thin fingers on perfectly groomed hands just beg for a tender, modest kiss. I admire you every time we meet. You are the most beautiful girl our planet. These are not empty words. It's true, believe me.

    Compliment a girl in your own words

    Compliment a girl in your own words

    Simple compliments in your own words can be said in any setting. After all, they do not oblige you to anything.

    The compliment should just sound natural and relaxed. And the main thing is to bring positive emotions to both you and the girl.

    • It’s rare to find a girl who can communicate with a man on any topic with such ease. It’s so easy and pleasant for me to be with you. There is something about you that I have never seen in any girl. This evening inspired me to continue our further meetings. Do you mind?
    • I haven't seen you for a long time. You are also aware of everyone fashion trends. Perfectly chosen wardrobe, hairstyle, manicure. Everything, as always, is top notch.
    • With such beauty, I never tire of being amazed by your business qualities and subtle practical mind. These two things are very rarely compatible.

    Compliment a girl about her beauty in your own words

    Whenever I meet you, I always want to say: “How beautiful you are!” But when I see you once again, I’m speechless. You can’t be so beautiful, otherwise suddenly seeing you again, I’ll forget how to speak completely.

    Compliments to a girl about her beauty are short

    Now is the time to show attention and compliment the ladies.

    Best short compliment about the beauty of a girl, this is a comparison of her with the most famous beautiful girls:

    • You are beautiful and sexy, like Lara Stone
    • Your bright, extraordinary appearance is like Megan Fox
    • Your angelic beauty surpasses even the famous model Olga Abramovich
    • Your incredible figure reminds me of Kate Moss
    • A beautiful oval, cat-like eyes and plump lips - are you by any chance Angelina Jolie?

    Compliments to a girl are short

    • You look like a top model!
    • Did you happen to come out of a beauty salon?
    • One look from you is enough and I'm ready to dance all day!
    • Extravagance is your strong point!
    • How do you manage to always be in great shape?
    • Your subtle and inventive mind is simply not compatible with your beauty!

    Funny compliments to a girl

    Cool compliments to a girl

    • You may not have the best character, but your eyes and figure are perfect
    • And you are happy, it feels like fortune is tripping over you at every step
    • You look like a thousand bucks. The crumpled banknotes are true
    • You're like the flu virus. Being next to you, it is impossible not to be infected by your cheerfulness and positivity.
    • You are always so happy, as if you win a million every day!
    • Nightmare! Wherever you appear, all work stops. Everyone wants to admire your beauty. Are not you ashamed?

    Funny compliments to a girl

    Compliments to a girl about her eyes

    Compliments to a girl about her eyes

    • Your sparkling eyes, like two diamonds, adorn your already impeccably beautiful face.
    • Your incredibly beautiful green eyes, every time we meet, they pierce my heart like fire.
    • Your sky blue eyes are like clean transparent lakes that you want to plunge into again and again. Enjoying this bliss endlessly.
    • The universe has created such a miracle - your eyes. Every time I look, my heart skips a beat with admiration.
    • From one look into your fabulous eyes, I feel great happiness and joy.

    SMS compliments to a girl

    SMS compliments to a girl

    • You are beautiful and beautiful, positive, good.
    • Most beautiful girl on earth, I wish good morning. Wake up my dear. It's time to delight the world with the presence of the kindest, gentlest and most amazing person.
    • My most wonderful and dearest. Your sensitive heart and rich knowledge have helped me out more than once. difficult situations. It's so good that you exist!
    • Your sweet lips are still like honey on my lips. I miss you my fairy.
    • Sweet, chic, intelligent. You have so much charm and unpredictability. I'm just going crazy about you!

    SMS compliments to a girl about her beauty

    SMS compliments to a girl about her beauty

    • The sun pales in comparison to the brightness of your beauty.
    • Distant stars cannot compete with the depth of your eyes.
    • Delicate lips are more beautiful and juicier than even the most divine ideal.
    • If you offer me a thousand gold coins, I wouldn’t trade it for anything for at least one more meeting with such an elegant and sophisticated girl. You combine intelligence, dignity and beauty so harmoniously that I doubt that I will find at least one more such princess on earth.

    Poems compliments to a girl about her beauty

    You know, you're just beautiful!
    Tender, modest, sweet
    Worthy of many gifts
    Praise, royal compliments!

    Video: Poem for your beloved

    • The best compliment, spoken from the bottom of my heart.
    • A skillfully given compliment helps to improve relationships. If there were conflicts, smooth them out.
    • A compliment in the form of flattery is not always pleasant to everyone. It can further strain the relationship. Or spoil the overall impression of the person who said it.

    Video: How to compliment a girl on a date? Good and terrible compliments

    Most beautifulcompliments for your girlfriend

    Men, not many people know that in addition to open compliments, there are also closed ones, which (my personal opinion) sometimes give a more positive effect. And here you can find them in quite large quantities...

    Gait... Your gait is like a light sea breeze... Which gently walked through my dreams...

    The sweet taste of your gaze sends my consciousness into a deep knockout from which I don’t want to rise...

    You are beautiful, like a sunrise, everything is so harmonious, gentle and unimaginably beautiful!

    The combination of your eyes, lips, hair is perfect. You are the golden ratio

    You are like a bouquet of the most exquisite flowers... You evoke a sea of ​​emotions and everyone is on the verge of bliss!

    Your hair, lips... You are simply beautiful!

    After all, my heart is subject to Cupid’s arrow...

    If one day I had not found myself at the crossroads of loneliness, I would never have been able to drown in such charming eyes kah!

    The green color of your eyes, like a lighthouse on the ocean shore, raises the tone of my entire consciousness...

    An incredible smile, an easy gait, a graceful figure... And all this in a cocktail of a delicately piquant look...

    Drops on the roof, thunder rumbles, hail pours...

    And I sit by the window and think, what a blessing it is to have the most charming look next to me!

    You are like semi-dry red wine in a crystal glass... So tender, playful, intoxicating to the soul and at the same time priceless!

    Your smile is like a summer ray of sunshine... It warms and blinds at the same time!

    Never in my life have I been able to meet such a bright, affectionate and at the same time charming girl!

    Your eyes are like an ocean in the desert, they drown you and make you feel hot...

    I looked at your hair under a microscope and read the word “beauty” between the DNA strands!

    You are gentle, charming, you have a lot of warmth...

    You won my heart, I'm crazy about you!

    You are incredibly beautiful, your beauty directly flows into my soul with classical music...

    Petite, delicate, feminine...

    Your affectionate smile throws me off balance!

    Your gaze flows into my soul like yellowish nectar... How sweet it is...

    Angelically lovely

    Delightfully incredible

    Hot and burning











    I want to get very close,
    And whisper in your ear:
    You are my sun, you are the world

    (Name), you are like the moon... You are so far away, but I really want to be closer!

    The incredible taste of your lips reminded me of several sips of Chablis... Unique!

    When I go to our meeting, I am blinded even before meeting you. Tell me, how do you manage to do this?

    Your kiss is a sip of water among the sultry dunes... So much pleasant, but still not enough!

    When the name (name) appears on the phone display, the most beautiful eyes on the planet immediately appear in my mind!

    Your Divine appearance makes my heart dance and my soul sing...

    As if with the notes of classical music, you touched my soul with your charming gait...

    Such graceful nails... Tell me, how do you manage to keep them so beautiful? (Is it difficult to keep them so beautiful?)

    Tell me how you manage to have such long and beautiful hair? This must be a huge amount of time, labor and attention?

    The velvet of your skin is like rose petals...

    Just as smooth edges outline and give a diamond incredible grace, so your eyes, nose, lips, hair and everything, everything, everything makes me once again compliment you.

    I won't exaggerate, I'll tell it like it is! You are simply the standard of my ideal of beauty (name)!

    Get rid of the desire to smoke with...

    I don’t know any more beautiful girls than (first name, last name) whom I miss now!

    Your eyes are like a beautiful dream... Which I want to see every night...

    How happy I am that the world gave me the brightest eyes, tender cheeks and an incredibly pretty smile!

    Your graceful smile is like an earthquake, making me shudder and stumble out of the blue...

    Everything about you is simply brilliant, I don’t even know what else to pay attention to!

    Gentle, harmonious, ideal - these three words characterize you almost completely!

    The satiny tenderness of magnificent orchids flew from their thinnest petals, and by an immeasurable miracle was embodied in your ardor, my dear, which cannot be sweeter!

    One look into the mystery of your charming eyes, dear, gave me weightless wings, spreading which I can comprehend the heights of pearly bliss!

    You are as delightful as the first rays of spring, giving the world an amber sweet rapture. You are as tender as the sentimental snowdrops that adorn the graceful soul of Spring.

    Your charm is so perfect that the silver queen herself, the Moon, envies you, sliding a thin stream of light over your silky breath.

    My dear, your palms are filled with sunlight, and my soul is not afraid of the moment when the golden luminary darkens in the sky! You will illuminate the world for me!

    When a mischievous breeze caresses your silhouette with its velvety touches, my beloved, I desperately want to be transformed into its satin breath in order to fully enjoy your splendor.

    You could captivate the endless colors of the Universe with your soulful gaze. After all, it contains more enchanting radiance than the intangible philosophy of Eternity!

    Your heart, my precious, with its ruby ​​coal warms the space around you. Let it shine with a soft purple tint, captivating with its immense sincerity.

    The secrets of your beauty, beloved, cannot be unraveled even by the eternally shining Sun. It only sends diamond sunbeams to waltz on the violet of your uniqueness.

    Amazing happiness dawned on my life, baby, when your smile reigned in it! You conceal so much sweetness in the nectar of your soul that time has become a river of amber honey for me.

    You can stop the clock hands with your unearthly charm, my love. They slowly freeze when you are far away, and with a titanic effort I bring the moments of our languid meeting closer.

    When your lips, dear, are illuminated by the strawberry sparkle of a smile, I want to taste their delicious juiciness and dissolve in the ambrosia of boundless bliss.

    More than once I have observed, my beauty, when you step on the gray asphalt, rainbow fireflies flash in your footprints and moon jasmine blooms.

    My beloved, your radiantly tender image is the embodiment of ideal impeccability, the creation of which was a masterpiece of a skillful, magical Creator!

    I will overcome the icy continents, break through the veil of thunderclouds, push apart the walls of rocks along the shores of azure oceans... All in order to dissolve in the euphoria of your embrace, dear.

    Don’t look, dear, into the mirror surface, your true charm is not noticeable in it. Only a heart that knows your true perfection will tell you about your exceptionality in its frequent beats...

    You are like a sister of emerald summer - radiant in soul, frank in rainbow dreams, sunny, affectionate and beautiful, like the attractive aquamarine distance of the summer skies.

    When crystal, sparkling dew falls from the petals into your palms, beloved, they turn into sparkling diamonds, under the influence of your enchanting touches.

    Walking under the veil of the starry sky, you, my dear, stun the guardians of the night's fairy tale with the beauty, and instead of a billion flowers, they shower you with diamond gems.

    Rays of light are entangled in your golden locks, my princess. And you, with the dignity of a solar queen, illuminate the vastness of the colorful world with your outlandish radiance.

    You emerged from the pearly dawn flood, carrying pearls of cosmic happiness in your soul. I dissolved in this precious miracle, never tired of admiring you!

    The wonder of the azure spring probably came from your heart, dear. You exist - and the days bloom with elegant lilacs, and the dial of the times is crowned with golden mimosa.

    Your hugs, baby, are more tender than the sunbeam that dances on my cheek in the morning. And the thrill of kisses is as dizzying as the whirlwinds of the Milky Way!

    The bright richness of field poppies pales before the splendor of your blush, dear. And the azure scattering of little forget-me-nots is lost in the abyss of your eyes.

    A multi-colored rainbow, washed with crystal drops, will give you, my beloved, its colorful ribbons, just to become an adornment of Lady Perfection named (name)!

    Let the stars evaporate from the sky, and the sun lose its playful rays... I will plunge into you, my love, because I know how much light your heavenly soul stores!

    You must, my dear, illuminate the wondrous brilliance of the era, regardless of time, an inexhaustible stream, because your heart is a diamond of sincerity and purity!

    Fairy-tale dreams told me about you before I met you.. You are an airy, golden-haired fairy.. light, graceful.. Your eyes, the color of heavenly azure, are full of an infinitely gentle radiance.. You are amazing.. magically beautiful!

    Swift gait! Proud profile. The open look of smart, beaming eyes... You are the only girl who makes my pulse beat faster! Any word you say means a lot to me. You are wonderful!

    Mysterious and sophisticated.. You are unique! Only you can motivate me to achieve accomplishments with one smile), instill confidence, lift my spirits and.. completely lose my mind!)) Sincere.. inaccessible.. charming..)

    Daring.. Dazzlingly beautiful.. Your voice excites me, appealing to primitive instincts..) I want to get a mammoth for us) and bring its skin to your feet!) I want to conquer you again and again and see your smile!)

    I saw you.. From the very first minute of our unexpected meeting, a desperate Knight awoke in me, dreaming of conquering the heart of a beautiful Lady! Amazing.. You look like you are from an antique Renaissance painting covered with patina..

    The most sensual and alluring girl on the planet!) You have the languor of a drunken cherry and the teasing irony of self-sufficiency.. You have the luxury of intellect and the spontaneity of self-confidence. You are special and unlike anyone else...

    You are the only one who knows me as I am.. You are the exception who accepts and understands me at just one glance.. You are perfection, next to whom I want to become better.. You are you! Best girl in the world!

    You are the image of my dreams and dream-inspiring perfection.. You, changing the usual and destroying stereotypes.. The bottomlessness of your brown look is healing..) I feel good with you.. my wonderful dream.. my happy reality!

    Your charm has no limits and knows no restrictions.. You are a wonderful gray-eyed Miracle), gentle and cheerful.. optimistic and very kind!) You warm my every day with warm sunshine.. You surprise me and make me happy!) You are very sweet!)

    Movements of long nervous fingers.. Chiseled features.. An aristocrat.. In the naturalness of her dignity, responsive and exquisitely beautiful.. I am amazed.. I am smitten.. I am ready to kneel before you.. You are amazing..

    Your voice resonates in me with chords of love.. You are the most romantic and unforgettable girl out of millions.. The smell of your hair intoxicates my mind and excites my imagination. I dream about you.. My thoughts.. dreams.. dreams.. - it’s all about you.

    Erudite.. desperate.. incomprehensibly creative and infinitely close.. I have never seen so many advantages in one person! You are a marvelous diamond, the most priceless chest of the treasury of my emotions...

    If it were not for your stunning attention, careful care and gift of foresight, I would never have been able to achieve the opportunities that I have now! You are the matrix of classic feminine properties!) You radiate kindness, love and calmness!

    Persistence in achievement and many talents are yours distinctive properties. I don’t need to come up with flattering words for you - the obvious doesn’t need embellishment!) I’m proud to have such a successful and sympathetic friend!

    The goodness of character that you generously share with everyone will never dry up.. You are generous with compassion and attention to people, girl! Surrounded by your understanding, I myself have become kinder.. You are special and also very, very pretty..)

    Your blond hair smells like wildflowers and the freshness of rain... When I go through your strands, vanity and worries leave me) I am happy with you, my feminine, romantic and tender. I want to be near you all the time!)

    Your ability to behave is like raising heirs to the throne!) Your character is gentle... and your appearance is amazing! Your manners are impeccable! You have innate taste and positioning skills!) You real Lady Perfection!

    It seems that Heaven created you as a role model for others..) You are amazingly harmonious.. beautiful and smart! Communication with you gives the energy of joy... And even this alone is a rare quality and worth a lot!

    Your smell is a sea breeze, warmed by the sun.. bitterish and excitingly hot.. Your laughter leaves me no choice!) I am carried away and absorbed by you.. Fascinating.. teasing.. I want to breathe you.. be close.. give myself. you!

    The lines of your silhouette are perfect.. your face is charming.. Every movement of yours is filled with natural grace..) Honey, you made me an esthete!) It is impossible to be indifferent to beauty, watching next to such a perfect creature as you!)

    The sight of your exciting gaze, hypnotizes with the dream of the captivating shackles of your embrace.. When you are near, I begin to believe in the wildest fantasies!) Optimistic.. Unexpected.. Funny.. You are beautiful and smart. You are unique!

    SMS compliments to your beloved girl The combination of your eyes, lips, hair is perfect. You are the golden ratio female beauty. You are perfect. ... When I look at your image... not...

  • Poems to my beloved dear girl Good morning the most beautiful to tears Good morning, my happiness I sent nightingales under your window... Tell me, do you like it...
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