• How to create perfect eyebrows for a round face. Eyebrows for different face types - round, oval and square Fashionable eyebrows for a round face


    Correctly chosen eyebrow shape for round face is able to hide one significant flaw characteristic of persons of this type. It consists in the fact that rounded faces have a fairly significant width. The length and width of faces of this type are actually equal.

    Therefore, girls and women, endowed with naturally round faces, have no choice but to come up with many ways to at least slightly extend the outline of their faces. According to them, this visually brings them closer to achieving the universally recognized standard - the oval contour.

    And the solution to their problem lies on the surface. It is enough to choose the appropriate eyebrow shape for a round face. First of all, let's talk about what eyebrow shape is contraindicated for a round face. They absolutely should not follow the contours of the face, that is, be round. Brows round shape only emphasize its sphericity.

    Now let's return to the search for a suitable configuration. Which eyebrows suit a round face?? They should be broken, significantly raised and have a short, downward tip. Only under these conditions are eyebrows able to switch attention from horizontal to vertical, thereby visually stretching and narrowing the contour of the face.

    When modeling ideal eyebrows for a round face, you need to draw several conditional lines that will indicate where the eyebrows should be located: the beginning of the eyebrows, their highest point and the place where the eyebrows should end.

    To do this, you can take a cosmetic pencil and place it on the side of the nose (to its wing) so that the upper end of the pencil is directed through the inner corner of the eye. The intersection of the pencil and the eyebrow will indicate where it should begin.

    We determine the highest point of elevation as follows: we direct the pencil from the side of the nose through the middle of the pupil. Mark the point of intersection with the edge.

    We apply a pencil to determine the last point: it will be located at the intersection of the conditional line passing through the side of the nose and the outer corner of the eye with the eyebrow.

    All that remains is to connect all the points we have obtained with a continuous line. The model of beautiful eyebrows for a round face is ready!

    Creating perfectly shaped eyebrows

    Now we need to pluck out all the hairs located beyond the line of the ideal eyebrow model we created. It is necessary to take into account that in their central part (gradually rising) the width should remain unchanged, and after the highest point of rise it will gradually narrow. If the natural width of the eyebrows is not enough, you can either paint on the missing hairs or get an eyebrow tattoo.

    So, using special tweezers, we begin to correct the eyebrows. We will empirically determine the width of future eyebrows. This must be done carefully, removing individual hairs until we get an edge of the desired width.

    It is very important to control your actions so that the eyebrows are located symmetrically and have the same size. In order not to make a mistake with the correction, you can use a dark pencil to outline the desired contour of the eyebrow, and paint the hairs to be removed white.

    When performing eyebrow correction, remember:

    • Under no circumstances should hairs growing in the upper line of the eyebrows be removed. Only those growing at the bottom can be removed. This is explained by the fact that the hairs growing at the very top of the eyebrows are brightly colored. By plucking them, you risk making your eyebrows colorless, since the hairs that grow to replace the removed ones will be much paler;
    • Eyebrows for a round face should not have too sharp tips;
    • If the eyebrows are too sparse, you need to use a corrective pencil;
    • Before performing the correction, it is useful to apply a hot compress to the eyelids. This will reduce the pain of the procedure;
    • You can reduce the sensitivity of the skin before correction by rubbing it thoroughly. In addition, we recommend using special wipes designed for hair removal and an anesthetic spray.

    Another successful eyebrow shape for a round face is “winged”. Eyebrows, evoking an association with the flexible wings of birds frozen in a graceful bend, are the best fit for round-faced beauties.

    “Winged” eyebrows visually elongate the face. You just have to be careful about the degree of fracture. An overly broken line will give the appearance a too tragic expression.

    Rounded eyebrows

    Eyebrows for a round face may not have any kinks. It is important to find something between a winged and an arched shape. Only under this condition will rounded eyebrows on a round face not look disharmonious.

    This configuration is dangerous for a round face, since an incorrectly selected relationship between the length and width of the eyebrows can give the face additional roundness. Ideally straight eyebrows will be out of place on a round face, so you should abandon this idea. The best way out will give a slight bend to straight eyebrows. These eyebrows can make your face look deep, feminine and mysterious.

    Secrets of exquisite eyebrows

    Just 5 secrets to the beauty of your eyebrows:

    • The main condition for creating attractive eyebrows is correct selection decorative cosmetics. The color of mascara or corrective pencil should match the color of your hair. We hasten to debunk the belief that black eyebrows suit everyone. This is not true. Black eyebrows are the prerogative of brunettes. They are strictly contraindicated for fair-haired and red-haired girls.
    • You should always take into account that the eyebrow is conventionally divided into three parts (the beginning, the body of the eyebrow and its tip). The beginning of the eyebrows should not be colored too brightly: this will give a sullen look. The effect of natural eyebrows can be achieved by applying light strokes using a pencil to imitate short hairs.
    • If the eyebrows are very thick and very dark by nature, they do not need to be colored at all. It is enough to make them more shiny and emphasize the elegance of the form. Specialized wax and transparent mascara will help with this. This technique is especially appropriate in the hot season, when it is customary to make do with a minimum amount of cosmetics.
    • Bold experiments are best done in a beauty salon. If this is not possible, it is better to buy a professional template, with which you can model the graceful shape of the eyebrows on your own. Such templates are very popular in the West and are sold in boutiques selling professional cosmetics. Templates that perfectly copy the eyebrows of famous film stars are in great demand.
    • If you have problematic eyebrows that do not want to grow or their hairs stick out different sides, they should be tamed little by little. This will be facilitated by a simple procedure. From evening to evening, before going to bed, your eyebrows should be combed with a special brush with heated oil (castor, olive or linseed) applied to it. The direction of combing is according to hair growth. Be sure to take vitamins E, D, A.

    Using the recommendations outlined in this article, you can create beautiful eyebrows for a round face. You just need to remember that eyebrows grow very quickly, so they need regular correction. It should be done at least once a month.

    If you don't have round type faces:

    Watch your eyebrows and they will reciprocate.

    By using proper makeup You can highlight attractive facial features, distracting from flaws. The eyebrow line also plays an important role here. Depending on the type of appearance, you should choose it correctly, and then you will be able to see a magnificent transformation. As for chubby girls, when choosing the shape of their eyebrows, they should strive to visually stretch it vertically. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to invent something new, because today there are already options that look like a win-win in this case. If you doubt your own abilities, then just turn to to an experienced master. And after that, you can start learning how to correct your eyebrows at home, according to the intended shape. In addition, no special skills or devices are required for this. A few simple tips below will help you in this matter.

    The most suitable eyebrow shapes for a round face

    The shape of the eyebrows for a round face should be such that the proportions are visually close to ideal. In this case, other components are also important - makeup and hairstyle. If you follow all the rules, you can achieve excellent results.

    But the first thing you need to determine is your face shape. Take a close look in the mirror and evaluate your reflection. A round face shape is characterized by approximately the same height and width combined with rounded corners. At the same time, chubby girls are characterized by wide cheekbones and a wide angle of the chin. A snub nose often complements features.

    For this type of appearance, three options for eyebrow shaping are most suitable:

    • Smoothly ascending from the middle to the edge and ending with a slight rounding in the area just above the temple;
    • In the “gull wing” shape, when on the inside the line moves upward, and in the last third it makes a bend and rounds down;
    • Triangular eyebrows with a slight bend in the central part closer to the outer edge.

    These rules are not reference rules - they only indicate the direction. Much depends on the natural shape of the eyebrows and other features of appearance. If you have doubts and are afraid of ruining your appearance, you should first consult with a specialist and make the first correction in the salon. This service is available to everyone, and at the same time you will gradually understand what suits you best. If you manage to find an experienced specialist, then you will also receive a number of useful tips, suitable for your individual case.

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    Rules for shaping eyebrows

    The eyebrow shape for a round face is quite simple. In most cases, it is not difficult to create it yourself at home. To make the process as comfortable as possible, and to please you with the result, you should arm yourself with all the necessary knowledge and tools.

    Choosing a correction method

    First of all, decide how you will remove hairs. When correcting eyebrows, shaving or plucking is most often used. Professionals sometimes use thread, but this requires experience. For home correction, it is best to choose plucking with tweezers. This method allows you to remove hairs for a long time, and your eyebrows will look very neat.

    Eyebrow shaping process

    Eyebrows that meet a certain rule regarding proportions are considered ideal. It is as follows. It is necessary to pick up a knitting needle and apply it to the wing of the nose to determine the points of the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrow line. First of all, draw a straight line from the nose through the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow - this is the beginning. Look straight ahead and position the needle so that it extends from the wing of the nose through the pupil - this is the middle of the eyebrow where it is best to make a bend. And the edge of the eyebrow is on a line running from the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

    When shaping your eyebrows, try to touch only the lower part. It is here that the hairs are thinner and lighter, while in the upper part they grow thick and dark - it is with their help that you can create a clear, expressive shape. If they are constantly removed, as a result they will become softer and more inconspicuous, and over time they may stop growing altogether. The fact is that every hair on human body has its own resource - it can grow back only a limited number of times. Therefore, if you constantly correct your eyebrows in the same shape, over time you will have to spend less and less effort on it. It is for this reason that lines that are too thin should be avoided.

    After you have plucked all the hairs, look at the result and evaluate how satisfied you are with the density. If necessary, you can apply a few short strokes with a pencil diagonally along the eyebrow line. This will give a volume effect.

    Preparing for home eyebrow correction

    Before starting the procedure, you should prepare everything necessary tools- this includes tweezers, a clean, comfortable mirror, antibacterial lotion for wiping the eyebrows before plucking, and alcohol to disinfect the tweezers. In addition, make sure that there is enough quality light, preferably natural.

    First, you should wash your face with soap and wipe your eyebrows with antibacterial lotion. To remove hairs easily and painlessly, apply a warm, damp compress.

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    thick dark eyebrows with a soft bend under blonde hair

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    The correct eyebrow shape for a round face can make your appearance more harmonious. Remember that the secret of beauty lies in attention to detail. Take every detail of your appearance seriously and you will quickly notice changes for the better.

    Today, makeup artists agree that eyebrows play almost the most important role in the overall perception of the face. To agree with them, just look at photographs of celebrities who have transformed themselves along with changing the shape of their own eyebrows. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to this part of the face.

    What eyebrow shape is suitable for a round face?

    How to choose the right eyebrows for your face type? First of all, you need to look for an option that will make the proportions more harmonious. In the last few years, the fashion for eyebrows plucked with a thin thread has faded into the background. Whatever your face is - round, oval or rectangular, they should be wide enough and natural.

    The most suitable option for a round face is a slightly curved wing shape. The kink should not be unnatural, it will give your face a surprised look. Remember a simple rule: the larger the facial features and the larger the eyes, the steeper the break can be. If you have a low forehead, give preference to a straighter line of medium length.

    The straight shape is also suitable for some types of round faces: it helps balance out facial features. In this case, there is a danger of visually making the cheekbones wider, so experiment with a straight shape more carefully.

    We can definitely say that a round shape is not suitable for chubby girls. Just like a straight line, it makes the face wider and even visually adds weight.

    3 basic principles of eyebrow care

    1. Find your shape. This can be done with the help of a specialist. Even if you plan to take care of your eyebrows yourself, the first time you should contact a professional makeup artist who will teach you how to apply makeup and correct the shape correctly.
    2. Don't get a tattoo. There are simply no examples of successful tattooing of this part of the face. Most likely, you will very much regret what you did, and your face will look as unnatural as possible.
    3. Pick up

    Girls with round faces sometimes consider themselves not attractive enough and even have complexes about their appearance. In reality, there is only one problem - they do not know how to correctly place accents in makeup. But this can be easily learned.

    Many show business stars have a round face shape, but they don’t even think about being upset. The correct eyebrow shape for a round face helps to achieve an ideal appearance. It will help smooth out the deficiency and turn you into a confident and attractive lady. People around you will compliment you every day and say that you have perfect shape faces.

    What is the best shape for eyebrows?

    There is one rule that absolutely all owners of a round face must adhere to. It consists in the fact that the line should be curved with a slight break. This shape is a bit like a wing. It is important that the break be smooth, without sudden changes in height.

    A round arch, on the contrary, is absolutely not suitable for a round face. It focuses attention on the rounded outline and deprives the girl of the sophistication and grace that can be easily achieved with a curved line.

    The eyebrow tail should not be too long

    The length and height of the eyebrow line must be selected individually for each girl. It varies depending on the height of the forehead and the size of the eye. The following recommendations will help you determine the correct form:

    • A high forehead requires a gentle line to achieve a flawless look.
    • For owners big eyes and large facial features, the ideal eyebrow should be made with a characteristic crease.
    • It is better to leave the line length average. There should be no long tails.

    For some chubby girls, . It balances facial features well, but you have to be very careful. Lines that are too long or too low will visually make the forehead wider.

    Quite often it happens that a girl’s right and left eyebrows are asymmetrical. The differences can be anything, but most often a lot of trouble is caused by protruding hairs at the bridge of the nose, which cannot be removed and are very difficult to position in the required direction.

    Eyebrow correction is a real art. Even for specialists, it is sometimes difficult to achieve the ideal the first time, and at home it will take a lot of time, patience and, of course, practice.

    Eyebrows according to face type

    Steps to creating flawless eyebrows

    It is necessary that the shape of the eyebrows for a round face balances the rounded outline, visually lengthens it, and corrects the proportions. The first and quite important thing to do is to mark the distance between the two eyebrows. The average standard value is equal to the width of two fingers, but if you have some features of appearance, this parameter may vary slightly.

    Usually it is necessary to increase the distance if the girl’s eyes are close-set, and decrease it if the distance is disproportionately large.

    It is very easy to check the correctness of the given distance; just frown your eyebrows. If at the same time there are excess hairs behind the natural fold, they must be removed with tweezers, and then proceed to the next steps of adjusting the shape.

    Working on creating perfect eyebrows involves:

    Some girls find it difficult to determine the symmetry of their eyebrows by eye and correctly set the required shape. You can use a little trick: cover up all your eyebrows foundation, draw the necessary line with a pencil, and then remove excess hairs.

    When removing unwanted hairs, it is better to focus on the area under the eyebrow, where they are always light, are removed painlessly, and do not leave a mark. The upper follicles are well developed and when they are removed, they can cause Negative consequences in the form of blackheads or severe irritation after the procedure. Without unnecessary need, you should not touch the top hairs.

    A beautiful eyebrow shape is a necessary condition, without which it is impossible to achieve ideal appearance parameters. Not one even the brightest and brilliant makeup will not cause delight if you have sloppy eyebrows on your face.

    Eyebrows emphasize the beauty of the eyes, being, according to makeup artists, the most important part female face. The absence of eyebrows makes the face faded and inconspicuous, and excessively thick eyebrows give the face a frowning, disapproving look. That is why the correctly selected shape and clear line of the eyebrows help achieve the effect “ open eyes", making the face feminine and beautiful.

    Well-defined eyebrows help visually correct a face shape other than oval. The oval is considered the generally accepted standard for a woman's face, but not all girls have ideal facial proportions. Round female face It is possible to get closer to the cherished oval ideal using the correct eyebrow shape, makeup techniques and a suitable hairstyle.

    First let's look at main features of a round face, because many girls find it difficult to determine their face type.

    • A round face is characterized by a significant width of all its parts;
    • Moreover, its length and width are approximately the same;
    • All lines are rounded and smooth, and the cheekbones diverge from the rounded chin at a wide angle.

    Choosing the right eyebrow shape for a round face

    In order to narrow the wide part of a round face, the eyebrow line must be curved, with slight breaks and a high rise. This way the emphasis will be shifted to the vertical line, lengthening the proportions of the upper part of the face. Arched eyebrows may look like:

    1. Eyebrows in the shape of a gull wing;
    2. Ascending in shape with a slightly upturned tip above the temporal line;
    3. A rounded line with a slight bend towards the outer edge of the eye.

    Which form should you avoid? In this case, the most inappropriate eyebrow shape will be straight or arched lines. An arc above the eyes will add even more roundness to a round face, and a straight line will only emphasize the width. Therefore, such configurations should definitely be avoided.

    Beautiful eyebrows are, first of all, correct proportions. To correctly and proportionally outline the eyebrow line, you can first make a small marking on the face. To do this, just apply a pencil to several points on the face and mark them with a cosmetic pencil, and then proceed directly to correcting the shape.

    Proportional eyebrows are made up of the following three points: the starting point, the bending point and the ending point.

    1. The widest part of the eyebrow should be at the level of a straight line drawn from the outer wing of the nose to the bridge of the nose and forehead. If the eyebrow begins before this mark, the face will look gloomy and unnatural;
    2. The bending point should begin at the level of a line drawn from the corners of the wings of the nose to the outer border of the iris.
    3. The end of the eyebrow should be at the point formed by drawing an imaginary straight line from the wings of the nose to the outer edge of the eye.

    If you want to have curved eyebrows, like those of some famous film actress, you can purchase ready-made stencils at a cosmetic store and use them to depict beautifully outlined and curved lines.

    Eyebrow correction for round faces

    After determining the proportional and correct form for chubby people, you can proceed directly to the correction itself. It consists of plucking hairs that extend beyond the boundaries of the outlined contour and giving visual thickness to the eyebrows using cosmetic pencil or permanent paint if the eyebrows consist of sparse hairs.

    1. If your eyebrows are sparse or light, it is best to pre-color them special paint for tinting eyebrows (henna and basma are also suitable for this purpose), and only then proceed to correcting the shape.

    2. The color of the eyebrows should match the shade of the hair. Black eyebrows suit only brunettes and dark-haired brown-haired women. Blondes and redheads should choose more light colors: brown and taupe.

    3. You only need to pluck the lower hairs, since the upper hairs are the basic ones, setting the contour and direction of the eyebrow line. They can be touched only at the bend, and also remove any excess hairs that stick out separately.

    Video “Visual correction of the shape of a round face, eyebrows and makeup”

    What eyebrow shape do you choose? Share in the comments!

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