• Read poems for little ones. Poems for the little ones


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    Short, beautiful and easy-to-learn poems for kids. And on this page you can find nursery rhymes for mothers (March 8) - the poems are divided according to age groups, including senior (preparatory).

    Geese, geese

    Geese, geese.
    -You want to eat
    -Yes Yes Yes.
    - So fly home.
    -Gray wolf under the mountain.
    Sharpens his teeth, drinks water,
    He won't let us pass.
    -Well, fly as you wish.
    Just take care of your wings.

    The chicken went out for a walk

    The chicken went out for a walk,
    Pinch some fresh grass.
    And behind her are the boys,
    Yellow chickens.
    - Co-co-co, co-co-co
    Don't go far.
    Row your paws,
    Look for grains.
    Ate a fat beetle
    We drank some water
    A complete mess.

    The old hare is mowing hay,
    And the fox is raking.
    The fly carries hay to the cart,
    And the mosquito throws
    They took me to the hayloft
    The fly from the cart screamed:
    -I won't go to the attic,
    I'll fall from there
    I'll break a leg,
    I'll be lame.

    I was stung by a bee
    I screamed: How could you
    Bee in response:
    How could you
    Pick my favorite flower.
    After all, he was to me
    Terribly needed -
    I was saving it for dinner.

    A toad lives by the swamp,
    He sits with his eyes bulging,
    Loudly, loudly says:
    Kwak-kwak, kwak-kwak,
    And I jump like this!

    Frost fell on the meadows,
    Pinches the geese's feet.
    - Geese, geese! - Ha-ha-ha!
    -Put on your slippers!
    Put on your slippers
    Take care of your paws!

    A mushroom grew under the mountain,
    Grandfather Arkhip saw the mushroom.
    He began to pull it out of the moss,
    Only the powerhouse is bad.
    Grandfather Arkhip was exhausted.
    You will help pull out the mushroom.

    Once upon a time there were two cats -
    Eight legs, two tails.
    Got into a fight with each other
    Gray cats.
    They rose like a pipe
    Gray tails.
    They fought day and night
    Shreds flew.
    And left from the cats
    Only the tips of the tails.

    Asks for a pillow in the evening:
    “Put me under your ear,”
    I really want to, Anton,
    see your new dream.

    Invited to dinner
    The insects were walking toward the Bark Beetle.
    You won't be able to get through the labyrinth soon.
    Three hundred and thirty corridors...
    Everyone has come!.. And the bark beetle,
    Without waiting, he ate lunch.

    In the morning mom wakes us up -
    The sun is pouring from the eyes.
    And at the very bottom
    My brother and I
    Like grains.

    A frog came to our house,
    I scattered all the toys,
    Looked around the mess
    And she said quietly: Kwak...

    A goat walked along the bridge
    And she wagged her tail.
    Got caught on the railing
    It landed right in the river.

    Three cats met in a knitwear store
    They sold gloves there, they came in different colors.
    They approached the counter importantly and meowed protractedly:
    - Do you have mouse color on sale or not?

    Polka dot, pea, you're an acrobat!
    How deftly you climb the rope!
    The mustachioed pea immediately became arrogant.
    - Yes, I would, - he says, reached the Sun
    “Yes, I would,” he says, reaching the sky
    “It’s a pity,” he says, the rope broke.

    Among the wide and wild steppes,
    The lonely burdock slept sweetly.
    I slept and had wonderful dreams,
    How he grabs someone's pants,
    In the wolf's tail or hare's chest
    And he will bravely set off on his journey.

    Ate at the edge of the forest -
    To the top of the sky -
    They listen, they are silent,
    They look at their grandchildren.
    And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,
    Thin needles
    At the forest gate
    They lead a round dance.

    Under the porch
    house built -
    Bast roof.
    Who lives in that house
    Well, of course, mice!
    They bake from grain
    Delicious flatbreads
    And they take care of the mouse
    From a neighbor's cat.

    • How to teach a child to learn poetry
      • We will ensure convenience and ease of memorization by dividing the poem into blocks of 2 or 4 lines. For each block, you need to draw the emerging image on a piece of paper. To complete this task, you can draw a sign for the pictures; you can simply place them in a column or line. It all depends on what is more convenient for you.
      • We read the given poem, and for each block we draw an associative image that comes to mind. Of course, it is better if the child himself comes up with and draws these pictures, but you can also take part in the process and help in choosing the image. It is worth noting that the simpler the drawing, the easier it will be to remember and draw, so you should not draw entire scenes, but limit yourself to sketching a simple and understandable picture.
      • After this, ask the child to recite the poem using only associations, that is, drawn pictures.
      • The final stage is the child telling the poem without the help of pictures, only with the help of remembering the drawn images.

    A. Usachev. Snail.

    The rain was pouring down like buckets. I opened the gate and saw the Silly Snail in the middle of the yard.

    I tell her: “Look!”
    You're getting wet in a puddle...-
    And she told me from the inside:
    -It's outside!
    And there is spring inside me,
    It's a wonderful day! -
    She answered me
    From a tight shell.
    I say: “There is darkness everywhere...
    Can't escape the cold! -
    And she answered: “Nothing.”
    It's outside!

    And there is comfort inside me:
    Roses are blooming
    The wonderful birds are singing
    And the dragonflies shine!
    -Well, sit with yourself!-
    I said with a smile
    And said goodbye to the funny one
    Silly Snail...
    The rain stopped a long time ago.
    The sun is halfway around the world...
    And it's dark inside me
    Cold and damp.


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    Babies develop rapidly, instantly absorbing information about everything that happens around them. Music, fairy tales and poetry come to the aid of mothers. All poems in the collection are selected taking into account age characteristics. Their heroes are familiar and familiar toys, little animals or children just like the little listener. With such poems for kids it is easy to interest even the biggest fidget.

    One of the important tasks of poems for kids is to make life more interesting. After all, it’s much more fun to wash your face in the morning when mom recites a poem. And the porridge will be tastier, and the compote will be sweeter. And the rainiest weather won’t seem so gloomy if you choose Right words.

      Teddy Bear

      Teddy Bear
      Walking through the forest
      (We walk briskly)
      Collects cones
      Sings songs.
      (We squat - collect cones)
      The cone bounced off
      Right in the bear's forehead.
      (We hold our foreheads with our hands)
      Mishka got angry
      And with your foot - stomp!
      (Stomp our feet)

      Gray bunny

      Gray bunny sitting
      (Sit like a bunny)
      And he wiggles his ears,
      That's it, that's it!
      (We move our ears and palms)
      It's cold for the bunny to sit
      We need to warm our paws,
      Clap-clap, clap-clap.
      (Clap your hands)
      It's cold for the bunny to stand
      The bunny needs to jump.
      Skok-skok, skok-skok.
      (Jumping like a bunny)

      Two funny sheep

      Two funny sheep
      We frolicked near the river.
      Jump-jump, jump-jump!
      (We jump happily)
      White sheep galloping
      Early in the morning near the river.
      Jump-jump, jump-jump!

      Up to the sky, down to the grass.
      (We stand on our feet, stretch up. We squat, lower our arms down)
      And then they spun
      (We're spinning)
      And they fell into the river.
      (We're falling)

      The horned goat is coming

      The horned goat is coming
      (We put “horns” to the head)
      For the little guys.
      Legs - stomp, stomp!
      (We stomp our feet)
      With your eyes - clap-clap!
      (Close our eyes and open our eyes)
      Who doesn't eat porridge?
      Who doesn't drink milk?
      (We shake our fingers)
      I'll gore, I'll gore!
      (We butt)

      Two beetles in the clearing
      They danced hopaka:
      (Dance, hands on the belt)
      Right foot stomp, stomp!
      (Stomp with your right foot)
      Left foot stomp, stomp!
      (Stamp with your left foot)
      Hands up, up, up!
      Who will rise the highest?
      (We stand on our toes, stretch up)

      Top-top - Learning to walk!

      Legs, legs,
      Run along the path
      Pick some peas.
      Big feet
      Walked along the road:
      Little feet
      Running along the path:

      Like Masha has two teeth.
      Don't bite them, daughter!
      Don't bite, eat
      Listen to mom and dad.

      “Top-top” - Learning to walk!

      Our spoon is naughty:
      Instead of the mouth it got into the ear!
      Ay-ay-ay, what a spoon!
      I'll punish her a little.

      While falling asleep

      The eyes are sleeping and the cheeks are sleeping
      Tired babies.
      Eyelashes and palms sleep,
      Tummy and legs sleep.
      And tiny ears
      Sweetly dozing on the pillow.
      The curls are sleeping, the hands are sleeping,
      Only their noses are sniffling.


      Stomp, stomp -
      The footsteps are gone!
      And I’ll also trample -
      I'll stop the slippers!
      I won't back down
      After all, there are only stompers left!
      And I'll go, I'll go again
      I'm stomping on my heels!

      Boy - finger

      They finger the child’s fingers one by one, saying:
      - Boy - finger,
      Where have you been?
      I went to the forest with this brother,
      I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
      I ate porridge with this brother,
      I sang songs with this brother.

      Two cheerful geese

      Lived with grandma
      Two cheerful geese.
      One gray
      Another white one -
      Two cheerful geese.

    By the age of three, a child is able to remember short nursery rhymes and poetry. Learn poems by heart for 3-year-old children, teach them to recite them with expression. They are great for these purposes. Or these poems and nursery rhymes:

    Once upon a time there was a bunny -
    Long ears.
    The bunny got frostbitten
    The nose is on the edge.
    (V. Khorol)

    The sled rolled down
    Hold on tight, doll!
    Sit and don’t fall,
    There's a ditch ahead.
    (O. Vysotskaya)

    We play with toys
    We call toys:
    Tumbler, bear, gnome,
    Pyramid, cube, house.
    (L. Smirnova)

    We bought Egorka
    Sleds for slides:
    “All winter, Egorka,
    Ride the slide."

    Nursery rhymes by heart

    Okay, okay!
    Grandma baked pancakes.
    I poured oil on it,
    I gave it to the kids.

    The boletus mushroom has grown -
    Neither small nor large.
    He hid in the shadows
    On a hot summer day.

    Small bird,
    Come on, drink some water.
    If you want, babes
    I'll give it to you in the palm of my hand.

    Cockerel, cockerel,
    golden comb,
    Silk beard.
    That you get up early
    Sing loudly
    Don't you let the kids sleep?

    Early in the morning
    Shepherd: “Tu-ru, tu-ru!”
    And cows suit him well
    They sang: “Moo-moo-moo!”

    Tili-bom! Tili-bom!
    The cat's house is on fire!
    A chicken runs with a bucket
    Flood the cat's house!

    Katya, Katya, little,
    Katya is a remote girl!
    Walk along the path Katya,
    Stomp, Katya, little foot.

    Bye-bye, bye-bye,
    You, little dog, don't bark.
    Whitepaw, don't whine,
    Don't wake up my Tanya.

    There's a cat with a mustache
    Wanders around the garden
    And the goat is horned
    Follows the cat.

    Clack, clack, clack, clack!
    I am a horse - gray side!
    I'll knock my hoof
    If you want, I'll give you a ride!

    The goat grinds flour,
    The goat falls asleep
    And the little goat
    He scoops out the flour.

    Hare Egorka
    Fell into the lake.
    Run downhill!
    Save Yegorka!

    Our scarlet flowers
    The petals close.
    Quietly falling asleep
    They shake their heads.

    Here sits a bunny
    Little gray coward.
    The bunny wants to play
    Jump between the trees.
    Don't scare the bunny
    Jumping bunny.

    The horse is waiting for me on the road,
    Hoofs at the gate.
    The mane sways in the wind,
    Lush. fabulous. beautiful.
    I'll quickly jump on my horse
    And I’ll go and jump.
    There beyond the distant river
    I'll wave to you.

    What poems can be read to the youngest children? They should be short, understandable, with a simple plot and easy rhyme. We offer you poems that your child will enjoy and will introduce them to animals, plants, and natural objects. Read with pleasure!

    Khryushka's girlfriend
    A pig saw a pig in a puddle:
    - This, of course, is not me, but a friend!
    Well, my friend is dirty!
    It's just wonderful that it's not me!

    Hippopotamus in a muddy puddle
    No resort is needed.
    He can swim in mud.
    The mud softens his skin,
    Replaces cream and ointment.
    Wonderful mud!

    Teddy dog
    Guard dog.
    He may bark
    Like alive.
    But he doesn't bark because
    That he liked you.

    sick doll
    Quiet. Quiet. Silence.
    The poor doll is sick.
    The poor doll is sick
    She asks for music.
    Sing what she likes
    And she will get better.

    Don't be lazy, my shovel,
    There will be a dug up bed.
    Let's smooth the bed with a rake,
    Let's break all the lumps,
    And then we'll plant flowers,
    And then we’ll pour water on it.
    Watering can, watering can!
    Lei, lei!
    Bed, bed!
    Drink, drink!

    Rain, rain, drop,
    Water sabre.
    I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,
    Cut, cut, didn't cut,
    And tired
    And he stopped.

    The apple is ruddy
    I won't eat alone
    Half an apple
    I'll give it to my beloved mom.

    The refrigerator is close though -
    You can't see sour cream on your pussy,
    Do not open the steel door.
    What should she do now?
    So be it, I’ll make sour cream
    I'll get it for my pet.

    Wash my hands, wash my feet,
    Wash our cat's back.
    The cat was very angry -
    I've already washed my face.

    In daddy's palm
    Terrible scratch.
    Oh, what a brave dad!
    I would have been crying a long time ago.

    Stomp with one foot, stomp with another,
    I'm already big
    And they walk on their own
    Feet straight to mom.

    The cat walks without clothes
    Can't handle the clasp -
    Instead of hands the poor cat has
    Just two extra legs.

    Morning order
    Tap, open!
    Nose, wash your face!
    Eye, bathe!
    Dirt, wash away!

    By secret…
    Between us…
    The cockerel confessed to his mother:
    "You know, I can already
    talk to the crow! »
    By secret,
    by secret,
    where are the big mugs,
    secretly to the whole world
    He said:
    “KI-KI-RE-KI!!! »

    If someone moves from their place,
    The kitten will attack him.
    If anything goes wrong,
    The kitten will grab onto it.
    Jumping gallop! Scratch-scratch!
    You will not escape from our clutches!

    Mom sewed a dress for her daughter.
    And there were shreds left.
    We'll take the scraps
    Let's sew a dress for the doll.

    - But! - we said
    And they rushed off without looking back.
    The mane curls in the wind.
    Here is the house. Horse, whoa!

    Cow; cow,
    Horned little head!
    Don't butt small children
    Better give them milk!

    Little bull
    Yellow barrel,
    He steps with his feet,
    Shakes his head.
    -Where is the herd? Mooo!
    It's boring to be alone!

    Cloud and sunshine again
    They started playing hide and seek.
    Only the sun will hide
    The cloud will burst into tears.
    And when the sun is found,
    Immediately the rainbow laughs.

    The cockerels have fluttered,
    But they didn’t dare to fight.
    If you get too cocky,
    You might lose your feathers.
    If you lose your feathers,
    There will be nothing to fuss about.

    Teddy Bear
    The bear gently rocks her son.
    The baby is having fun. The baby is not bored.
    He thinks it's a funny game
    Not knowing that it was time for the cubs to sleep.

    White socks
    On the puppy's paws.
    Apparently he crossed
    A river of milk.

    Midges stuck around the lamp,
    Thin legs are warm.
    Be careful, midges!
    You'll burn your feet!

    - What are you, cat, guarding?
    - I'm guarding a mouse at the hole.
    A mouse will come out by chance,
    I'll invite her for tea.

    Mosquito mosquitoes,
    Red sudari!
    They are milling and milling everywhere.
    And where do they come from?
    And from the dark forest,
    From the sleepy swamp,
    From under a shaggy willow tree,
    From under a bearded tussock.

    Little gray cat
    Little gray cat
    Sat by the window
    She wagged her tail,
    She was waiting for the children:
    "My children, children,
    restless children,
    Stop frolicking
    It's time to go to bed!"

    A hedgehog climbed onto the chest of drawers.
    His legs are not visible.
    He's so mean,
    The thorns are not combed,
    And you can’t figure it out -
    Is it a brush or a hedgehog?

    Dear mothers! I propose to share poems for our children and collect them in one place, different ones... I'm posting what I found.


    We sat down at the table
    They put on aprons,
    We will eat fruit -
    Delicious products.

    Oh yes pear! What a wonder!
    And blush and beautiful.
    The pear begs:
    "Eat me, Vanyusha."

    Dear apple,
    Ours, liquid.
    It will grow in our garden,
    I'll go get him in the fall.

    And the raspberry is so small:
    I just took it in my mouth,
    Immediately everything melted
    Small balls.

    Lilac plum,
    Ours is a garden one,
    Delicious, tender,
    Very useful.
    And also from a ripe plum
    We can make jam!

    Ripe, juicy orange -
    Fruits contain the first vitamin.
    How good is he?
    And he looks like the sun.

    Look, watermelon
    What a funny little fellow!
    From above, important, smooth,
    But inside it's sweet.

    Melon, melon - duchess,
    Melon doesn't grow here.
    This friend is here for us
    Coming from the south.

    Pineapple, pineapple,
    Let's put it bluntly, without embellishment -
    You're a foreign fruit
    But it tastes great.

    Bananas grow in Africa
    Monkeys eat them there.
    And when we eat bananas,
    They also look like... monkeys!

    Grapes, grapes,
    Lots of berries in a row
    Grew on a branch -
    Lunch, kids!

    Apricot, apricot,
    How long did you grow up in the south?
    And he got to us -
    We got it in our mouths.


    The sun is dancing on the bed.
    Everything is fine on the crib.
    We didn't forget in the morning
    And the bed was made!

    We pulled the sheet over
    We shook the dreams off the pillow,
    Lay down a blanket
    So that the pillow doesn't get bored.


    I eat lunch myself.
    I open my mouth - and AM!
    So that there is strength
    We cooked some soup.

    My good appetite
    One sits in the stomach.
    Stomps his feet,
    He wants dinner!

    Here's a spoon bringing me
    Pea soup.
    And the cutlet right into your mouth
    The fork carries quickly.

    Appetite whispers quietly:

    At the table

    We will wash our hands together.
    This is important, this is necessary.
    Only with clean hands
    We sit down at the table with mom.

    We don’t rattle the spoon and fork,
    We don’t play, we don’t want to laugh,
    We are sitting on a chair
    We eat happily in silence.

    We don't swing our legs
    And we don't count crows
    We don't look around
    After all, we need to have lunch!

    Table suffering

    If you pour soup on the table,
    Then mom will have to wash it.
    If you drop the meat -
    Wash our mother again.

    This is not suitable:
    Mom might get angry.

    If porridge is in your pocket,
    And the jam is on the shirt,
    This is very unpleasant.
    The child ate untidy!

    Need to clean up again
    And wash all your clothes!

    Don't have fun at the table
    So as not to suddenly choke.
    We are silent at lunch
    We just knock with spoons.

    Everyone knows that lunch
    We spend without conversation.

    The clear morning has come
    The morning brought breakfast.
    A fluffy squirrel
    Nuts on a plate.

    In a kitten and puppy
    Two glasses of milk
    The mouse has delicious cheese,
    The fox has thick kefir.

    The rabbits have cookies
    The bee has jam.
    And on our plate
    We'll put some porridge!

    Everyone gathered for lunch.
    And what’s not there!
    Little mouse cooks
    Pea soup.

    Red borscht for a pig.
    Gosling's grain soup.
    The bunny is delicious
    Cabbage soup is cooked.

    Ox hay soup
    The cat's is made from milk.
    The child has lunch
    Soup and a couple of cutlets!

    The animals are all hungry
    They gathered together to have lunch together.
    Bunny quickly, deftly
    Gnawing on a carrot on a stump.

    The crucian carp ate the bun in the pond,
    Hedgehog - apple in the garden.
    The calf ate the grass
    The grains are chicken.

    The bee ate sweet honey
    The goat drank milk.
    The foal ate flowers
    The child ate the casserole!

    It's time to go to bed soon,
    We need to eat for the night.
    All animals need
    Delicious, filling dinner.

    The bear eats fragrant honey,
    And the sheep is chewing grass.
    The little fox has it in his bowl
    There are a few pies.

    Bunnies on a plate
    Vegetable salad lies.
    We chew with gusto
    And we are growing faster than anyone else!

    The shortest poem (universal).

    Finger, finger!
    Where have you been?
    Cute boy,
    Where did you wander?
    Show me your nail!
    Let's cut his hair: clack-clack!
    Shear and shear, clack and clack!
    Neat nail!

    Poem for older children.
    Who is this? Little finger!
    I ran to the store with a friend!
    I bought toys
    Sweet cheesecakes!
    Give us a nail!
    Come on, scissors - click, click!

    Hello, ring finger!
    Like a tin soldier
    Always on duty
    And he looks menacing!
    Give us a nail!
    Come on, scissors - click, click!

    Who is this? Middle finger!
    Played with the puppy in the front
    They were hiding, laughing,
    They were tumbling on the floor!
    Give us a nail!
    Come on, scissors - click, click!

    Index finger -
    Very inquisitive!
    Who is this? How's that?
    He's an expert at answering questions!
    Give us a nail!
    Come on, scissors - click, click!

    This is our big finger!
    I'm glad to get my hair cut with all my heart!
    He's in a good mood
    Ate strawberry jam!
    Give us a nail!
    Come on, scissors - click, click!

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