• Nursery rhymes invented by schoolchildren. Short nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes for kids. Nursery rhymes for tears


    1. Familiarization with samples of children's gaming folklore, learning and reproducing them in a game situation.

    Nenila Pig

    She praised her son:

    - He’s so pretty

    So pretty

    Walks sideways

    Ears upright

    Nose to heels.

    2. Drawing a fable.

    · What did the artist mix up?

    · What else could Goga have messed up if he had to paint other pictures?

    · Draw pictures with nonsense.

    3. Compiling a nursery rhyme based on this beginning.

    1) Read the beginning of the poem and continue. Tell us how you can help the animal.


    The unfortunate cat cut her paw

    He sits and cannot take a single step... (D. Harms)

    2) Continue the tale based on the given beginning and rhyme:

    They say that cats

    Don't eat from a spoon..

    The flies wanted fruit

    In the morning we flew south...

    One day late Saturday

    To our rural areas...

    Three wise men in one basin

    Set off across the sea in a thunderstorm...

    4. Game “Collect a nursery rhyme”

    5. Game “Say the Word.”

    · The squirrel hid in a hollow,

    It’s both dry and... (warm).

    · Under the mountain, they say.

    The gray wolf grazes... (lambs, calves, chickens).

    · They say it on your birthday

    The soup was made from... (jam).

    · The fluff flies and spins in the sky,

    It will melt in your palm, because it’s... (snowflake).

    · Summer is getting closer to us every day,

    Soon we will all be up on... (on skis).

    · The ski track goes around trees, stumps,

    They carry us as if on wings... (skates)..

    6. Restoring missing words in the poem based on this picture.

    1) How beautiful winter forest!

    A bunny on the spruce... (climbed)

    And on the pine tree... (teddy bear)

    What a joke!

    2) We have horses in ... (galoshes),

    And the cows are in... (boots).

    We plow on... (carts),

    And they harrow on... (sleigh).

    7. Recovering missing words or phrases.

    Assignment: The words disappeared in the poem. Let's restore them so that it turns out to be a fable.

    ____ came out hot, hot. (Rain)

    Oh, how stuffy it is in the zoo!

    _____ is missing from the pony. (Crocodile)

    _____ wither on the lawn. (Spoons)

    But the monkey does not suffer,

    ___ _______ flies away. (All boots)

    8. Verbal drawing based on the plot of the poem.

    1) Listen to the poem and paint a picture with your words.

    Beautiful chicken

    I walked around the yard.

    I walked around the yard

    And she took the chickens.



    Let's walk until the morning. (E. Demidov)

    2). Listen to the poem and imagine what is happening. Try to draw a filmstrip for the poem in words. How many picture frames do you need to show all the content?

    9. Composing nursery rhymes and fables using reference words.

    Assignment: Using these reference words, compose a nursery rhyme:

    1) Ladushki, gardens, play, water.

    Okay, okay,

    We were visiting our grandmother,

    Played on pillows

    They baked cheesecakes in the sand,

    We watered the gardens

    Guests were invited to visit us.

    2) A calf, a fox, walking, resting.

    A calf is walking through the forest,

    The little fox is resting in the barn,

    The calf is a red, cunning beast,

    Well, trust the little fox!

    10. Writing nursery rhymes and fables based on the plot of a poem (story or fairy tale.)

    A ship runs across the blue sea,

    Gray wolf on worth my nose,

    And the bear fastens the sails.

    Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,

    The fox looks slyly from behind a bush:

    How to steal a bunny

    It's like tearing off a rope.

    Lesson 3. Composing nursery rhymes (1st grade)

    Lesson format: Hiking in the forest.

    Lesson objectives: 1) Introducing students to small folklore genre- nursery rhyme and its features. 2) Formation of the ability to perceive literary texts in the genre of nursery rhymes. 3) Development of the ability to create a nursery rhyme using reference words. 4) Development creativity students and cognitive interest.

    Setting a learning task.

    – Today in the lesson we will go to a fairytale forest, meet some birds and animals; Let's get acquainted with one folklore genre.

    Familiarization with the genre features of nursery rhymes.

    The fidget is motley,

    Long-tailed bird,

    Talkative bird

    The most chatty one. (Magpie)

    – Magpie brought one piece. I will read it, and you think about what genre it belongs to.

    The teacher reads by heart using facial expressions and gestures. IN teamwork The nursery rhyme is analyzed.

    – Who is the text talking about? What is said about the magpie?

    – How is the magpie described in the text? Why is it called the “white-sided magpie”?

    – What pictures did you imagine when you listened to the nursery rhyme? What illustrations would you draw for the nursery rhyme?

    – Why do you think the genre was called a nursery rhyme? What does this word mean? Compare the words: fun and nursery rhyme. (Rhyme rhymes are used to amuse, entertain, amuse someone.)

    Conclusion: Nursery rhyme is one of the folklore genres. Folklore is folk art or something that was created by the people themselves and passed on from generation to generation.

    Secret 1. A nursery rhyme is intended to amuse and amuse someone. Nursery rhymes entertain and amuse.

    -Who is the nursery rhyme about? (About the magpie.)

    – Why didn’t the magpie give one chick porridge?

    – The nursery rhyme has an instructive meaning. What does this nursery rhyme teach us? (The magpie nursery rhyme teaches hard work.)

    Secret 2. A nursery rhyme teaches something.

    – Once again, let’s say the nursery rhyme about the magpie and draw it with our fingers. (Children say and point with their fingers.)

    Secret 3. When pronouncing a nursery rhyme, you can play and move.

    – The nursery rhyme about the magpie has several various options. Listen to one of them and think about how they are similar and different.

    -What is this nursery rhyme about? What does it say about the magpie?

    – How are the two nursery rhymes about magpies similar? How are they different?

    – What does the second nursery rhyme about the magpie teach? (Generosity and caring for others.)

    – Pay attention to the words and expressions in the nursery rhymes. What words are used in the text? (Words with diminutive suffixes: baby, spoon, cooker and others.)

    Familiarization with the rhyme and rhythm of nursery rhymes.

    The teacher says a new nursery rhyme.

    Boasted fox:

    - I am beautiful to the whole world!

    Boasted bunny:

    - Go and catch up!

    They boasted hedgehogs:

    - Our fur coats are good!

    Boasted bear:

    - I can sing songs!

    - Compare how each line ends. Say the nursery rhyme again and clap. (Children pronounce and clap for each syllable.)

    Secret 4. A nursery rhyme has rhyme and rhythm.

    Restoring a deformed nursery rhyme.

    – The Owl scattered one nursery rhyme. Help her collect a nursery rhyme.

    Oh you little owl -

    You're a big head!

    sat on a tree You,

    you were turning head

    the grass fell down in,

    the pit rolled V.

    Children make up a nursery rhyme from scattered words:

    You were sitting on a tree

    You turned your head -

    She fell into the grass,

    She rolled into the hole.

    Write a nursery rhyme using these words.

    – Now let’s try to compose a nursery rhyme about an owl ourselves. On the board are the words:

    owl - head, sits - twirls, clap-clap - stomp-stomp.


    Big head,

    Sits on a stump.

    He turns his head.

    Eyes clap-clap,

    Legs stomp stomp!

    Please help me write a nursery rhyme based on the picture. 2nd grade

    1. Grandma walked on the water
      Her granddaughter followed her,
      Suddenly, out of nowhere,
      Hare, apple, rooster
      Caused a commotion....
    2. Apple tree, apple, buckets of water, animals, woman and girl. Why torture parents like this?
    3. The apple fell from the branch,
      The hare got hit right in the forehead.
      Where to where? Where to where?
      All the water splashed out.
    4. oh lyu-li, oh lyu-li - we all walked on water...
      granny and granddaughter, hare and chicken,
      the mouse is a mischief maker and a friend to everyone...
      They ran through the water - they watered the apple tree,
      so that the apples ripen...
      liquid apples, golden apples...
      the mouse ran with a bucket and touched an apple tree,
      The apple fell - the bunny was hurt...
      the chicken flew up - dropped the bucket,
      the granddaughter runs towards them, and the granny does somersaults...
      oh lyu-li, oh lyu-li, let’s go into the water like that!)))
    5. the bunny and the mouse were having fun -
      They threw buckets at people.
      A chicken crawled past
      She killed the bunny with an apple.
    6. This is not a lie! Copy this to 5 comments, clap 5 times, close your eyes for 10 seconds, look under the pillow there, iPhone!

      I made! I have an iPhone 5s!
    7. This is not a lie! Copy this to 5 comments, clap 5 times, close your eyes for 10 seconds, look under your pillow and iPhone!
      This was tested by 200 people, verified.
      I made! I have an iPhone 5s!
    8. crow, crow!
      grandma fell into the river
      She went to fetch water and stepped on a mouse,
      screams, noise, commotion,
      the poor hare almost died
      the little gray one got a bump,
      loved apples very much

      Something like that.

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    My youngest daughter and I do homework in the evenings in the kitchen when I come home from work. My daughter Sanechka is a scratch child; when she was born, the older children were already finishing school. And everyone was immensely happy about her birth, and nursed her together from the first days of her life. And now, when the older kids have all become independent and scattered in all directions, Sanechka and I are left alone, and I have to go through the school journey with her all over again from the very beginning. First grade was difficult for us; there were more worries and failures than joy and pride from success. Sashka entered the second grade with confidence, she had a desire to study, and finally had school friends. The child is ripe for school.

    Of all school subjects Sasha loves reading most of all. Moreover, it is difficult for her to read large texts on her own; we always read them together, but poems, nursery rhymes, and tongue twisters cause her a sea of ​​joy and emotions.

    After work, what I want most is to switch off for at least half an hour, but when I open the door, it immediately becomes clear that this is impossible. Our kitten meets me first; he jumps sideways around the corner, jumps at me, and immediately rushes to the bowl screaming. My dear Sanechka is jumping after him. Her ponytail is askew, her elastic band has become tangled during the day, and she still doesn’t know how to tie her hair on her own. He has a reading textbook in his hands and rushes to hug me with it.

    After feeding the kitten, we both sit down to dinner ourselves. Sashka chatters, talking about all his daily adventures, school successes, homework. The reading topic they are currently studying is oral folklore, or folklore. This word doesn’t come easily to Sashka, and I don’t understand why second-graders need it. The theme itself is very good, there are riddles, and epics about Ilya Muromets. I tell my daughter that Ilya Muromets really existed, that he really was a man of great strength, that in epics there is a lot of fiction and fairy tales about him, but he really was a defender and a hero, and therefore he was preserved in people’s memory. That Ilya Muromets rests in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, where he died as a schema-monk, and where he was canonized.

    My daughter falls silent for a while, digesting dinner and the information she received from me.
    - Mom, we were asked this today interesting task! But I can’t do it without you. We have a funny picture in our textbook, we need to come up with a nursery rhyme for it, but my rhymes are all over the place.
    -Have you eaten? Don't you want to eat anymore? Let's clear the table then, and we'll make up a nursery rhyme...
    - Mom, hurray, you caught the rhyme!
    - It happened by chance, when on assignment - then the rhymes really run wild, daughter.

    We clear the table, take a textbook and notepad, and start thinking.
    In the picture for which you need to come up with a nursery rhyme, it’s unclear what is drawn. Granny, girl, hare, chicken and mouse are running in different sides, scattering buckets of water and apples. Go ahead, come up with something worthwhile...
    We think for an hour. We twist this way and that, we both laugh until we cry. The result is a masterpiece:

    The grandmother ran with buckets,
    slipped and fell.
    Grandma scared her granddaughter
    And she lost the bucket.
    And the animals fled, and they also lost the buckets.
    Hare clap - apple in the forehead!
    Chicken shvah - cluck-cack-cack!
    The mouse makes a break - she has a bruise!

    We especially laugh at the poor mouse, and we go to bed laughing. At night, my daughter smiles in her sleep. She dreams of a mouse with a bruise on her butt, and a grandmother with buckets. Or maybe also Ilya Muromets, about whom I talked so much this evening. It’s such a joy when you can do homework together, drink tea and laugh. And then watch your child smile in his sleep. Simple moments of true happiness.

    In this lesson you will get acquainted with pestushki, nursery rhymes and jokes, find out for what purpose they are used, and learn how to read them correctly.

    This is a comic quatrain that contains funny words. And to find out what people call such poems, you need to decipher the following word:


    Read it from right to left:

    Nursery rhyme

    Nursery rhyme - This is a cheerful folk song. Word nursery rhyme comes from the word make fun of(to laugh without malice; to make fun of someone or something). Nursery rhymes are called folk because they were created by the people. When children were lulled to sleep or cheered up so that they would not cry, such nursery rhymes were told or sung to them.

    Read some of them:

    Knocking, strumming along the street:

    Foma rides a chicken

    Timoshka on a cat

    Along a crooked path(Fig. 2) .

    Rice. 2. “Knocking, strumming down the street” ()

    There was a clock hanging on the wall,

    The cockroaches ate the arrow

    The mice tore off the weights,

    And the clock did not start ticking.

    And the cat, the cat, the cat,

    Curly pubis,

    I stole a ball from my grandmother,

    And hid it in a corner,

    And grandma caught up

    She picked me up for my forelock(Fig. 3) .

    Rice. 3. “And the cat, the cat, the cat...” ()

    Read a few poems:

    - Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

    - The caftan burned through.

    - Can I sew it up?

    - Yes, there is no needle.

    - How big is the hole?

    - One gate left(Fig. 4) .

    - I caught a bear!

    - So bring it here!

    - It doesn’t work that way.

    - So lead it yourself!

    - Yes, he won’t let me in!(Fig. 5)


    - Dog, why are you barking?

    - I scare the wolves.

    - The dog has its tail between its legs?

    - I'm afraid of wolves.

    Think about how the poems you read above differ from nursery rhymes? Both are funny, but the last poems are built in the form of a dialogue (a conversation between two people or animals). These are not nursery rhymes, these are jokes.

    People call little fairy tales, short funny stories sometimes in the form of dialogue jokes .

    Jokes differ from pesters and nursery rhymes in that they are not associated with any game movements. But they have some kind of fairy-tale plot. For example:

    Fidgety baby

    Light head,

    He pours out, sings,

    Just like the nightingale!

    It doesn’t matter that there is no skill,

    Much joy from singing(Fig. 6) .

    Get out of the way cat!

    Tanya the doll is walking,

    Tanya the doll is walking,

    It won't fall for anything!

    The Russian people, like any other, have their own priceless wealth - folklore. Mothers, grandmothers, and nannies composed jokes, songs, and nurseries for their little children.

    Pestushki - these are small poems that were accompanied by movements small child arms, legs.

    Word pestles comes from the word nurture- to groom, cherish, nurse.

    When the baby wakes up and stretches, they stroke his tummy and chant:



    mouth talking,

    grasping hands,

    A child’s knowledge of surrounding objects is formed depending on what they tell him, so little animals are endowed with human qualities.

    Nursery rhymes, jokes, and nurseries need to be told in a special voice: affectionately, tenderly, so that the child understands that they are addressed specifically to him, and so that the child understands what the mother, nanny or grandmother wants to tell the child with these nursery rhymes or nurseries. Read them slowly, in a sing-song voice, gently. For example:

    Dog in the kitchen

    Bakes pies.

    Cat in the corner

    Rusks are pushing.

    Cat in the window

    Sews a dress.

    Chicken in boots

    Sweeps the hut(Fig. 8) .

    Rice. 8. “The dog is in the kitchen...” ()

    This is how a baby grows:

    • pestles - we rock them in our arms, lull them to sleep;
    • nursery rhymes - we play with hands and feet;
    • jokes - we teach to understand the world around us.


    1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
    2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook to the textbook for grade 2, part 2. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
    3. Kubasova O.V. Guidelines for textbooks of grades 2, 3, 4 (with electronic supplement). - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
    4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2nd grade. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
    1. Detyam-knigi.ru ().
    2. Nsportal.ru ().
    3. Doc4web.ru ().


    1. Define pestles.
    2. Explain the difference between nursery rhymes and jokes.
    3. Learn your favorite nursery rhyme by heart.

    How to entertain a baby who does not yet know how to play, walk and talk? It’s very simple - you yourself need to talk to your baby more often, because the child’s hearing develops first. The child, even in the womb, knows and recognizes your voice, he needs to hear it now. After birth, the newborn is not yet accustomed to the new world for him, and everything that is not familiar seems alien. Help your baby get used to a new life, a new world, a completely new atmosphere. For now, a monologue on your part will help the baby adapt faster and begin to develop. Nursery rhymes are a saying song that accompanies playing with the baby's fingers, arms and legs. Nursery rhymes help in game form develop your child's skills such as fine motor skills, getting used to hygiene, order. Thanks to nursery rhymes, the baby also develops emotionally, which is important for his overall development.

    Geese, geese!
    Ha, ha, ha!
    Do you want to eat?
    Yes Yes Yes!
    So fly home!
    Gray wolf under the mountain
    He won't let us go home!

    Lived with grandma
    Two cheerful geese.
    One gray
    Another white one
    Two cheerful geese.
    Washing the geese's feet
    In a puddle near a ditch.
    One gray
    Another white one
    They hid in a ditch.
    Here's grandma screaming:
    “Oh, the geese are missing!
    One gray
    Another white one
    My geese, my geese!”
    The geese came out
    They bowed to grandma.
    One gray
    Another white one
    They bowed to grandma.

    Grandma, grandma,
    Torn slippers,
    Give us some porridge
    Little porridges.
    Who will you give the porridge to?
    He is our prince!
    Grandma, grandma,
    Red Hat,
    Give us pancakes
    Give me some hotels,
    Sweet porridge
    In golden cups.
    If there is no porridge,
    Then give me some candy!

    Bye, bye, bye!
    The geese have arrived.
    The geese sat in a circle,
    They gave Vanya a pie,
    They gave Vanya some gingerbread.
    Sleep quickly, Vanechka!

    The birds have arrived
    They brought some water.
    We need to wake up
    I need to wash my face
    To make your eyes sparkle,
    To make your cheeks burn,
    So that your mouth laughs,
    So that the tooth bites!

    Like on Vanka’s name day
    We baked an epic pie -
    Such a height!
    That's how wide it is!
    Eat, Vanechka-friend,
    Birthday cake –
    Such a height!
    That's how wide it is!
    Eat, eat well,
    You'll grow big soon -
    Such a height!
    That's how wide it is!

    Okay, okay!
    Where were they - at grandma's!
    What did you eat - porridge?
    What did you drink - brew!
    Okay, okay,
    We're going to grandma's again!

    You are water, water,
    Queen of all seas,
    Let the bubbles
    Wash and rinse!
    Wash your eyes, wash your cheeks,
    My son, my daughter,
    Wash the cat, wash the mouse,
    My gray bunny!
    Mine, mine at random,
    Let's kill everyone!
    Water from a swan goose -
    Our baby is getting thin!

    Am! Am! Am! Am!
    I'll give you candy
    But first for our mother
    Eat a spoonful of semolina porridge!
    Am! Am! Am! Am!
    Eat the porridge yourself, Vanya!
    Eat a spoonful for daddy
    You will grow up a little more!
    Am! Am! Am! Am!
    If you don't eat, I'll eat it myself.
    And for a whole mile
    I'll grow with every spoon!
    I'll become very big
    And then I will eat you!

    Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word
    Don't lie on the edge!
    The little gray top will come
    And he grabs the barrel,
    Let him drag you into the woods,
    Under a broom bush.
    You, little top, don't come to us,
    Don't wake our children!

    The top has been sleeping in the forest for a long time,
    Sleeps without fussing
    Yes, without cradle,
    Without rocking,
    No babbling!
    Come on, go to sleep!

    Let the cat get sick
    The dog will get sick
    The cat will be disabled
    And the dog is disabled!
    May you be lucky -
    All your illness will go away!

    Bye-bye, bye-bye!
    Babai came into our house!
    He crawled under the bed
    He wants to take the baby.
    But we won’t give Vanya,
    We need Vanya ourselves.
    Bye-bye, bye-bye,
    Get away from us Babai!

    One two three four five!
    No place for bunnies to roam!
    There's a wolf walking around everywhere!
    He clicks his teeth!

    The horned goat is coming
    For the little guys.
    Who doesn't listen to mom?
    Who doesn't eat porridge?
    Who doesn't help their father?
    Gored! Gored! Gored!

    The goat has horns
    Small goats at home.
    They jump merrily around the shops,
    They don't play around, they don't cry.
    Mom will come from the forest,
    He will bring them milk.

    A goat walks in the meadow
    Around the peg in a circle.
    Eyes clap-clap!
    Legs stomp stomp!
    He's wagging his tail,
    And he sings and dances.
    Small children are amused
    Mom tells you to obey!

    stretch marks,
    Grow up little ones!
    Grow your legs -
    Run along the path
    Grow your arms -
    Reach the cloud
    Squeeze the rain out of the clouds,
    Water our garden!
    Grow big
    Don't be a noodle!
    Eat porridge
    Listen to mom!

    A goat walks at night,
    Closes everyone's eyes.
    Well, who doesn't want to sleep?
    The goat will butt those!
    Close your eyes quickly
    Bye-bye, bye-bye!

    A goat walks at night,
    Closes everyone's eyes.
    Well, who doesn't want to sleep?
    The goat will butt those!
    Close your eyes quickly
    Bye-bye, bye-bye!

    A goat walks at night,
    Closes everyone's eyes.
    Well, who doesn't want to sleep?
    The goat will butt those!
    Close your eyes quickly
    Bye-bye, bye-bye!

    Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with my grandmother.
    One-two, one-two! Little gray goat!
    Grandmother loved the goat very much.
    One-two, one-two! Loved it very much!
    The goat decided to take a walk in the forest.
    One-two, one-two! Take a walk in the forest!
    Gray wolves attacked the goat.
    One-two, one-two! Gray wolves!
    What's left of the goat is the horns and legs,
    One-two, one-two! Horns and legs!

    I'm a dereza goat
    There's a storm all over the world!
    Who will beat Vanya?
    Life will be bad for him!

    The goat-goat was walking,
    Having opened my eyes,
    With an unshaven beard
    With an unwashed face
    Tumbled over a stump -
    The horns stood on one side.

    She burst into tears again.
    This is how tears flow -
    You might choke.
    Quiet, revushka, don't cry,
    I'll give you a kalach!
    Stop crying, little crybaby,
    Howler cow!

    You grow and grow, son,
    How wheat ear,
    So that your father loves you,
    I didn’t scold you for mischief,
    For mother to take care of
    I baked pancakes every day!
    Well, I'll tell you bye
    I'll give you some fresh milk!

    Stop crying, stop crying,
    Look, look, a cow!
    She says: “Moo-moo!
    Why are you crying, I don’t understand?
    I came from afar
    I brought milk
    Enough for us to eat
    And another cup!
    Drink my milk
    You’ll immediately become more cheerful!”

    Bye-bye, I need to sleep,
    Everyone will come to rock you!
    Come horse - calm down,
    Come pike and lull me to sleep
    Come catfish - give us sleep,
    Come little one, give me a pillow,
    Come piggy - give me a feather bed,
    Come cat - shut your mouth,
    Come weasel - close your eyes!
    Bye-bye, I need to sleep,
    Everyone will come to rock you!

    Early in the morning
    The horn sang: “Tu-ru-ru-ru!”
    And cows suit him well
    They sang: “Moo-moo-moo!”
    You, Burenushka, go,
    Take a walk in an open field,
    And you'll come back in the evening,
    Give us some milk.

    White-sided magpie,
    Where were you? - Far!
    I lit the stove,
    I cooked porridge,
    I interfered with my tail,
    I jumped on the threshold,
    She called to the children:
    "You children, children,
    Collect the wood chips
    I'll make some porridge
    Golden cups!

    Magpie white-sided
    Cooked porridge
    She fed the kids!
    Gave this one
    Gave this one
    Gave this one
    Gave this one
    But she didn’t give it to this:
    “You didn’t carry water,
    You didn't chop wood
    You didn't light the stove
    You didn't wash the cups!
    We'll eat the porridge ourselves,
    But we won’t give it to a lazy person!”

    Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi!
    Look, bagels-rolls!
    Look, bagels-rolls
    Hot from the oven!

    Magpie Crow,
    Not a feather on the tail -
    Snooped around the field,
    I lost my tail.
    Hid under the bridge -
    She grew a ponytail
    And now he’s snooping around -
    The tail does not lose.

    You dance, dance, dance,
    Your legs are good!
    Good - not good
    Still dance!
    Stomp your feet
    Clap your hands!

    Grow your braid to your waist,
    Don't lose a hair!
    Grow your pigtail to your toes,
    Beautiful maiden until the ridges!

    This finger wants to sleep
    This finger went to bed
    This finger took a nap
    This little finger is already asleep!
    And the last one is the fifth finger
    He jumps quickly like a bunny.
    We'll put him down now
    And we’ll fall asleep with you too!

    Kitty-kitty, cat,
    Kitty, gray pubis,
    Come, kitty, to spend the night,
    Rock our baby.
    Bye-bye, bye-bye,
    Sleep quickly, fall asleep!
    The cat goes to market,
    Buy the cat a pie
    The cat will bring it to us
    And put it right in your mouth,
    Bye-bye, bye-bye,
    Sleep quickly, fall asleep!

    Like a cat, like a cat
    Cradle of gold
    At my child's
    Yes, make it more beautiful.
    Like a cat, like a cat
    Perinochka Pukhova
    At my child's
    There are softer ones.
    Like a cat, like a cat
    The curtain is clean.
    At my child's
    There is something cleaner than this.
    There is something cleaner than this
    Yes, make it more beautiful.

    Tritattoos! Three-ta-ta!
    Cat met cat!
    The cat is calling the cat,
    Walks and purrs.
    Tritattoos! Three-ta-ta!
    A cat married a cat!
    For Kot Kotovich,
    For Pyotr Petrovich!

    The cat abandoned the cat
    I bit off half the tail,
    And the cat is offended -
    Half the tail is not visible.

    The cat went into the woods, into the woods.
    The cat found a belt, a belt.
    To pick up the cradle, pick it up.
    Put Katya in the cradle, put her.
    Katya will sleep soundly, sleep soundly.
    Kitty Katya to rock and rock.

    Like our cat
    The fur coat is very good.
    Like a cat's mustache
    Amazingly beautiful.
    Bold eyes,
    The teeth are white.
    The cat is walking on the bench,
    He catches everyone by the paws.
    Tops and tops on the bench,
    Scratch-scratch paws.

    Cat, cat, cat!
    Don't steal your breath,
    Our child
    No souls in the bed!

    Hiccup, hiccup,
    Switch to the cat!
    And from the cat to Jacob,
    From Jacob to everyone!

    Scoop, owl, owl,
    Big head,
    Little black legs,
    There are boots on my feet,
    Flew through the forest -
    Scared the mouse.
    She flew around the yard -
    Scared the cat.
    You, owl, don't fly to us,
    Don't scare our baby!

    Oh you, Owl-owl,
    Big head!
    She was sitting on a stump,
    Turned his head,
    She fell into the grass,
    She rolled into the hole.

    Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!
    I can not take it anymore,
    Calm down in the cradle
    This capricious girl!

    Let's go, let's go
    For nuts and cones!
    Over the bumps, over the bumps,
    By berries, flowers,
    Stumps and bushes,
    To the little green leaves
    In the hole - bang!
    And there's a rooster! He'll peck, he'll peck!

    Cockly-wet! Cockly-wet!
    The owl's feathers are wet!
    Enough, stop crying
    Enough tears to fall.
    It's already in the pillow
    Frogs croak.
    I don't want to live with a crybaby!
    I'll fly into the dense forest!

    Oh! Wow! Wow! Wow!
    There is burdock growing in the yard!
    Wow! Wow! Wow! Oh!
    There are thistles in the yard!
    Oh! Wow! Wow! Oh!
    There are peas growing in the yard!
    Wow! Oh! Oh! Wow!
    A rooster is sitting on the fence!

    Like Savishna Owl
    There are two heads on the shoulders
    And eyes like saucers.
    Everyone laughs at her!

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