• Sati Casanova's wedding in Ossetia: first photos from the celebration. Wedding of Sati Casanova and Arthur Shachnev Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo


    Ex-member of the Factory group Sati Casanova is going to marry an Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. As the artist said, they met less than a year back in Germany at her close friend's wedding. According to the singer, she was disappointed in the relationship, so she didn’t even think that she would go down the aisle so soon.

    “It would seem that every woman has a “built-in program” of unconditional readiness for marriage. I'm probably somewhat unconventional in this regard. Whenever I was close to the wedding, I began to have disturbing dreams, all sorts of signs appeared - as if God was taking me away from this step,” admitted Sati.

    During their first meeting, Casanova was skeptical of the Italian, although those around her claimed that they looked perfect together. However, the couple's relationship began much later. Sati and Stefano communicated at a distance. The photographer sent the singer pictures from his trips, and she admired his talent. After a while, they went on Skype and had a frank conversation.

    “When we got in touch for the first time, I fell into a stupor. I saw the same thing happening to him. He said, “If you worry as much as I worry, or at least a hundredth part, it gives me hope that you feel about the same as I do.” I say: “Oh yes! I worry no less than you, and maybe more.” At first they communicated with such half-hints, and then they began to talk very openly, sincerely, without any coquetry. I honestly admitted that I had and still have certain fears about relationships, and he told me about his own,” Casanova noted.

    As Sati admitted, Stefano began to learn Russian, and she is actively mastering Italian. The girl said that she received a marriage proposal very suddenly.

    “One day we suddenly started talking about how we would continue to live. And Stefano said: “It probably makes sense for me to come to Russia first, wait until you learn Italian and adapt to the new situation.” I was surprised: “To what new position?” “Well, we’ll be married... Ah! I don’t tell you... Will you be my wife?” And I answered: “Yes,” the artist shared.

    Sati does not yet know what her wedding will be like. Since both the bride and groom have very busy work schedules, they did not set a specific date for the celebration. According to Casanova, they have already received a blessing from Father Stefano. “He hugged me and told me: “From now on, you are my daughter. I accept you into my heart and into my family." I burst into tears,” said Sati.

    The artist’s chosen one also knows her parents, although he only communicated with them via Skype. As Casanova admitted in an interview with Hello! , for the first time after the wedding, she and her beloved man will live in Russia, but then they plan to move to Italy.

    In an interview with HELLO! singer Sati Casanova spoke for the first time about the fact that she was going to get married. The singer's chosen one was the Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. Introducing the love story of a couple.

    The news that Sati Casanova was getting married has been heard more than once - however, always at the level of rumors. But now everything is serious. A man appeared nearby with whom Sati really intends to connect her life, and now she will be connected with Italy - the country of the sea and the sun. But where can you get them in rainy Moscow to recreate this atmosphere in a photo shoot? We decided to give it a try and it looks like we succeeded. After all, the main thing is the mood. And now Sati’s feeling is extremely elevated.

    A few days after the interview, she was waiting for a meeting with her beloved man, with whom she would very soon get married. The history of their relationship is full of mystical signs and symbols, to which the singer attaches great importance.

    Sati, are you on the verge of important changes in your life?

    Yes it's true. And I decided to tell about it myself - so that the news would come out firsthand, because last years my personal life has become overgrown with too many rumors and gossip. I'm getting married. Although I still don’t quite believe it myself. It would seem that every woman has a “built-in program” of unconditional readiness for marriage. I'm probably somewhat unconventional in this regard. Every time I was close to the wedding, I began to have disturbing dreams, all sorts of signs appeared - as if God was taking me away from this step. Apparently, the wrong people were nearby. Now everything is so easy, joyful and somehow childish! I’m almost 35, and my condition is like that of a 15-year-old. For the first time, I’m not afraid of anything and I’m not complicating anything. Everything is simple and clear. The heart knows - this is the right person.

    Who is he?

    His name is Stefano - with an emphasis on the letter E. He is a photographer, Italian. As one of my friends admitted, she was always sure that I would marry a foreigner. But I couldn’t even imagine this. I believed that such marriages were doomed - due to different mentalities, outlooks on life, and language barriers. Of course, I don’t know how everything will turn out for us, and I don’t want to guess, but at the moment there is absolutely nothing stopping us.

    How did you find each other?

    We met less than a year ago. It happened in Germany, at the wedding of my friend Marina Missbach and Stefano’s brother, Cristiano Tiozzo, a famous pianist. The ceremony was held in the Indian-Vedic style, with appropriate rituals and ceremonies. But, despite the amazing beauty and fabulous atmosphere around, I was in a skeptical mood. By that time, I was disappointed in the relationship, sat and thought: “Why all this performance?! People still don’t know how to truly love and understand each other.”

    The first person I saw after the bride and groom was Stefano, who was sitting next to them and taking photographs. I remember the sudden interest that arose in me - who is this guy? Although I usually don't pay attention to strangers. Many of Marina and Christiano's friends performed, and I also sang several songs. And I noticed how Stefano looked at me - a gaze of study and admiration. He knew nothing about me, except that I was a singer from Russia, Marina’s friend. He said, "You have a beautiful voice." I nodded in response: “Thank you.” Then he admitted: “You then looked at me with such a condescending mockery - they say, me too, original compliment"According to him, I seemed to him an arrogant conceit. And he made a similar impression on me. As it turned out later, Stefano was in the same skeptical mood as I was in relation to women and marriage. He also managed to get burned. Apparently , that’s why he and I didn’t see each other that evening.

    When did you see it?

    This was preceded by certain signs. There was a time when Swami, a spiritual master and Brahmin, conducted wedding ceremonies, distributed gifts to everyone from the bride and groom. People stood in line, came up, bowed to him and received a gift. Stefano and I found ourselves in this line next to each other. And while we stood together for about five minutes, three people passing by whispered to me: “Listen, you look great with him! Pay attention to him.” After receiving my gift, I sat next to Swami, on the left side. Stefano sat on the right. And suddenly Swami, smiling slyly, pointed to it and raised it up to me. thumb. And then he drew a heart in the air. Then I thought that everyone around me had definitely gone crazy. And she laughed. This is where our communication with Stefano ended.

    We met a few months later - at a holiday where Marina invited me. That’s when Stefano and I started talking and became sincerely interested in each other. We walked a lot, chatted, and mutual sympathy has already become obvious. I was impressed by his humor, his way of thinking.

    What language did you speak?

    In English, as now. Although I plan to learn Italian, he has started learning Russian and is already speaking very well. He says: “I have a serious incentive: I want to learn the language before the wedding so that I can communicate with your parents.” He does it for them! He speaks with such a touching Italian accent, it's so funny and cute. In my opinion, he accomplishes a small feat - every free minute he sits down and learns Russian.

    At what point did you start to feel like a couple?

    During the second meeting, I discovered how extraordinary he sees the world. I started to take a closer look and realized that he was also infinitely interested in how I think, how I live. Thus a mutual attraction arose. We exchanged phone numbers. Soon Stefano was going on a work trip to India, to the Holi festival in the city of Vrindavan - I was there twice, and it made an indelible impression on me. Stefano is a landscape photographer who shoots landscapes and has traveled to almost all the most beautiful places in the world. He is amazingly talented and has thousands of fans who adore his work and follow him around the world on expedition trips.

    Having learned about his trip to India, whose culture I adore, I immediately made him promise to send me his best photographs from there. Stefano sent pictures every day. Some shots brought tears of admiration to my eyes. I was shocked! Probably at that moment I was surprised to discover that I fell in love. The Italian? Photographer? For so much short term? This is unreal! Returning to Italy, Stefano suggested we talk on Skype. When we got in touch for the first time, I fell into a stupor. I saw the same thing happening to him. He said, “If you worry as much as I worry, or even a hundredth part, that gives me hope that you feel about the same as I do.” I say: “Oh yes! I worry no less than you, and maybe more.” At first they communicated with such half-hints, and then they began to talk very openly, sincerely, without any coquetry. I honestly admitted that I had and still have certain fears about relationships, and he told me about his own. A week later it seemed to us that we had known each other for a hundred years. Our conversations took 3-5 hours every day, we simply could not stop.

    Sati Casanova in a photo shoot HELLO!

    How did this virtual communication develop into real communication?

    In April I had a concert in Geneva. Now I travel a lot around Europe to various ethnic festivals with my project Sati Ethnica. It is much more interesting than my pop projects, but is not as commercially successful yet. Stefano, a little embarrassed, asked: “How would you like it if I came to you in Geneva?” I agreed. And again we felt completely natural next to each other, everything was transparent and understandable. Then the relationship began in earnest. A few weeks later we spent four magical day in Riga, wandered around the city, talked a lot. For the first time I felt that there was a person nearby who did not want to change me one bit. And I perceive him as he is. All previous relationships, unfortunately, were based on the fact that “everything is great, but I would correct this.” And sometimes - as in the song: “I molded him from what was.” We women often get carried away by our own fantasies. I always made the same mistake - I saw in a person something that was not there, but I really wanted to see it.

    Many will subscribe to these words.

    And then I firmly decided to look at things without rose-colored glasses. And as soon as another illusion creeped up on me, I immediately threw it away and asked Stefano directly. And I always received a clear, specific answer. I didn’t have to think of anything, I saw what kind of person he was... Yes, we’ve known each other for less than a year... But, as it turned out, it’s not a matter of timing. And it seems to me that if everything happens like this (snaps fingers), then it’s real.

    How did he propose to you?

    Do you know his parents?

    Certainly. We met at Marina and Christiano’s wedding. And during one family dinner, Stefano solemnly announced: “Dear mom and dad, I have news for you. Remember that beautiful girl named Sati? We have love with her and very serious relationship". Mom exclaimed: "Of course, yes, I remember her. Bella! Bellissima! But how are we going to communicate with her, she doesn’t know Italian!” Later, I promised her that I would learn the language for her sake. And I will do it. Just like Stefano learns Russian for the sake of my parents. Especially if we are talking about marriage, then, I suppose, it will also be about children, God willing. But this is the culture of my future husband!

    Have you already informed his family about your decision?

    Yes, sure. I got a few free days, and Stefano invited me to his place in Italy, in Turin. He said that he wanted to introduce him to mom and dad better and tell them the news about the wedding. They live outside the city, Stefano's house is next door to his parents'. He met me, showed me the city, and fed me a home-cooked lunch. He made me delicious gluten free pasta just the way I love it. It was topped with pesto that his mother made, as well as basil and tomatoes that she grew. I stayed there for several days, and everything was incredibly emotional. How my mother tried to set the family table in honor of my arrival! Cristiano, Marina and Stefano are vegetarians, like me, but my parents are not. The table was laden with an incredible amount of vegetarian dishes, the brothers vied with each other to tell and demonstrate the dialects of various regions of Italy, we laughed a lot. Overall, we had a great evening. And all this time Stefano was pushing me under the table: “Come on! Come on!” With his help, I learned several phrases in Italian, which sound something like this: “Dear Mom and Dad! We want to tell you important news. Stefano and I love each other and want to get married. We ask for your blessing.”

    By the end of dinner, Stefano was already looking at me anxiously and questioningly, but I still couldn’t make up my mind. I felt my heart pounding and realized that I was unable to do this. She whispered in his ear: “Listen, I can’t. Please do it yourself.” And he stood up and began to speak, Marina translated his words to me. Stefano's father speaks good English. He said: “If you love each other so much that you are ready to face any difficulties, if you believe in each other, go ahead. Boldly! Here is my blessing for you, I will always support you. If you doubt it, better stop ". Stefano and I exclaimed: “We believe! We love!” He hugged us and told me: “From now on, you are my daughter. I accept you into my heart and into my family.” I burst into tears, of course.

    How did your parents perceive your future son-in-law?

    When they found out about the wedding, they were incredibly happy! They don’t know each other personally yet, but as soon as Stefano flies to Russia, we will go to them. Of course, they had already seen him, we all talked together on Skype. He even learned some funny phrases in Kabardian. They really liked Stefano right away. Maybe because they saw how I glowed with happiness, how calm and confident I had become. Of course, there are some formal things left ahead - a ring, a knee, petals. (Laughs.)

    Where will the wedding take place?

    We haven't decided yet. We are at the stage of studying this issue. We compared our work schedules and realized that earlier than autumn do not have time.

    When planning your future life, did you and Stefano come to some common decision?

    For now we will live in two countries. Stefano says this: “My work does not tie me to any specific place. I can go anywhere in the world from Moscow just like from Italy. But for you it is important to be in Russia, here is your career and your life.” I don’t know Italian, I don’t know how to drive a car - without this it will be very difficult for me in Italy. We need to prepare. Therefore, for the first time we will live here in Russia. I understand what Stefano sacrifices by leaving his friends and his hobbies, but he is ready to do it.

    And yet it is impossible to ignore the issue of differences in cultures and religions...

    Stefano is Catholic, I am Muslim. We can't have church marriage. To do this, some of us would have to change our faith. We discussed this too. But we are both absolutely satisfied with everything, we respect each other’s faith, and each will remain with his own. As for national traditions, as it turned out, our cultures are very similar. Both Italians and Kabardians have a developed family culture, reverence for parents, and love for children. We are equally emotional and love to discuss everything verbosely and loudly, while gesturing wildly. Even our kitchens are similar in many ways, surprisingly. So, if Providence brought me and Stefano together, it did for me the best choice of all possible.

    Photographer's assistant: Pavel Notchenko. Producer, stylist: Yuka Vizhgorodskaya. Stylist assistant: Alina Frost. Makeup: Victoria Schneider. Hair: Anfisa Kiryanova/Redken. We express our gratitude to Yulia Tikhomirova, General Director of Royal Bar, for her help in organizing the shooting

    The media are confused about the number of weddings of Sati Casanova - a party in Moscow, a chic costumed Caucasian wedding, a wedding in Italy... Like three? But Sati’s husband Stefano Tiozzo shared his wedding experiences with subscribers and outlined a different figure:

    “4 weddings in two months, on the one hand, is simply wonderful, but on the other, frankly, very traumatic... In Ancient Greece, there was a word that gave the exact definition of all this: “deinos.” It means "beautiful" or "terrible" depending on the context. Four weddings were terrible and at the same time brought an immeasurable amount of joy. The nice thing is that now life begins".

    Photos of the wedding in Italy have already appeared online. They are not as fancy as those from the Caucasus, but they are also beautiful.

    Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo met a year ago at the wedding of Stefano’s brother and Sati’s friend. The young couple talked about their wedding in August - since the bride and groom are from different countries, then they were going to have at least two weddings. One in the Caucasus, the second in Italy. But what about making friends in Moscow? It turned out to be three. Where was the fourth? Or is Stefano so shocked and “traumatized” by the wedding marathon that he lost count?

    And now the moment has come when we can talk about the fact that the famous singer Sati Casanova got married. The girl decided to walk down the aisle at the age of thirty-one. Sati's chosen one was Arthur Shachnev, who is one year older than his wife. It is known that he is a producer. Arthur said in one of his interviews that he asked his beloved to marry him. But the prerequisites for this were already in April of last year. It was from that time that one could see a beautiful diamond ring on Sati’s hand, which the girl is incredibly proud of to this day. Let us note that it was difficult not to notice the changes in the bride’s behavior in connection with the upcoming event.

    How did the romance between Sati and Arthur begin?

    Sati was lucky enough to meet her current husband during her first steps on the career ladder. A man who was then working as a music producer noticed the singer during her next concert, which took place at White Clouds, and offered her cooperation. Arthur Shachnev holds the position of general director at a production center called Artur V. Shachnev Production. He previously worked on introducing the famous musical Notre Dame to the public in France.

    At the beginning of last year, fans were glad to learn about the engagement of Sati and Arthur. After some time, the lovers announced their intention to get married. The date and place where Casanova and Shachnev would get married remained a secret. All that was known was that the wedding would not be luxurious. Sati Casanova spoke only about her desire to register a marriage in solitude. To do this, she looked after the islands so that no one could interfere with her, and only her loved one was nearby. In general, it was planned to hold two parts of the wedding. One part was planned to be played in a small circle somewhere far away, and the second – directly in Russia with friends and family.

    Beautiful wedding day of Sati Casanova

    It should immediately be noted that Casanova is very reluctant to talk about his personal life. Only recently the singer opened the curtain of secrecy and showed everyone her beloved and her feelings for him. Like the girl, Arthur says little about their relationship.

    The most interesting thing in this story is that the fact that Sati Casanova got married became known only from photographs published on one of the singer’s social pages. Casanova commented on them very modestly. The girl appeared before everyone in a luxurious white dress with a rather happy expression on her face. The singer did not tell anyone about the wedding, but only skillfully hinted at it with thematic photographs. All subsequent questions asked were ignored by Casanova.

    Judging by the photo, we can state the fact that Casanova got married in a charming dress, which has its own characteristics and distinctive features. The main emphasis was placed on Sati's open back. In this regard, the design solution looked more than successful.

    In addition, the large belt, which had a caramel color, catches the eye. It looks great in combination with the rest of the dress. Special attention was given to the bride's hairstyle. The singer's hair was neatly styled, and the image looked very cute. The bride's bouquet consisted of peonies and was made by florists taking into account all the new trends in this matter. The attention of the guests was certainly attracted by the cake, which was made in three floors.

    Many people believed that Sati Casanova had a relationship with the son of the well-known Joseph Kobzon. Unfortunately, this information has not been officially confirmed. The reason for this is that the girl prefers to remain silent about aspects of her personal life and everything connected with it.

    How Sati Casanova celebrated her bachelorette party

    In addition, while celebrating her next birthday, the singer decided to diversify the festivities with a small bachelorette party. A Russian beauty salon was chosen as the venue. Having asked to turn on oriental music, the girls enjoyed wonderful rituals aimed at maintaining natural beauty faces and bodies. It should be noted that during the bachelorette party, the girls abandoned clothes and makeup in order to feel more free.

    It was heard throughout the country in 2002 after participating in the most popular musical project of Channel One “Star Factory”. In December of the same year, she, Sasha Savelyeva and Irina Toneva became part of the female trio “Factory”. This project became very successful - compositions performed by its participants “About Love”, “Factory Girls”, “Fish” and others soared to the top of the Russian charts. According to Sati, the sudden dizzying success led to the fact that she caught the “star” disease. The newly minted singer lashed out at her colleagues, drivers and housekeepers. It was this difficult character that became the reason for failures in his personal life.

    “I remember about 15 years ago, shortly after the explosion of the very first “Star Factory” (and there were many of them after), these same “star” and “crown” syndromes were discovered in acute form... My drivers, poor ones, suffered from me. The housekeeper got it too, and I also put a lot of strain on my colleagues (I mean Ira and Sasha)... I’m still not a gift, but believe me, it’s a lot better than before! (That’s why they “didn’t marry me” before!) At that dangerous “star” time, only my sisters and parents could put me in my place. And thanks to them for that!” - Casanova shared on her microblog on Instagram (the author’s spelling and punctuation are unchanged. - Note ed.).

    Sati Casanova with colleagues in the “Factory” group - Irina Toneva and Sasha Savelyeva

    Now Sati Casanova is engaged in a solo career and is a happy wife loving husband. In early October, in her native Kabardino-Balkaria, the singer married an Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. The ceremony was held in traditional Caucasian style. The wedding was attended mainly by friends and numerous relatives of the lovers. It is known that Sati and Stefano performed a Kabardian dance. The bride appeared in a stunning national snow-white dress with golden embroidery. The groom also tried on a Kabardian suit. Sati has repeatedly said that Stefano respects national traditions Caucasus, therefore I am ready to comply with them both during wedding ceremony, and in everyday life.

    The lovers immediately announced their intention to hold two weddings: in the bride’s homeland and in the groom’s homeland. Therefore, two weeks after Caucasian wedding Sati and Stefano went to Italy, where they had a second wedding. The newlyweds flew from Italy on their honeymoon so that after a series of wedding celebrations they could finally be together. For their honeymoon, they chose one of the most romantic places on Earth - the Maldives.

    Wedding of Sati Casanova and Stefano Tiozzo

    At the Caucasian wedding ceremony, Sati and Stefano were dressed in national costumes

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