• Do-it-yourself textile Baba Yaga patterns. DIY soft toy Baba Yaga. Master class with step-by-step photos. Baba Yaga from plastic bottles


    Whether you braid your hair or create tousled hair depends on the image of Baba Yaga you are creating. We tie the scarf on the head so that the knot is in front.

    If desired, Ezhka can wear a vest and hang beads around her neck.

    In this master class, the fairy-tale heroine was given a broom in one hand and a bag with the inscription “Luck” in the other. The whisk was made from ordinary thin branches wrapped with twine around a sushi stick.

    The bag is very easy to sew. A rectangle is cut out of a piece of fabric, stitched along the edges, filled with padding polyester, and pulled together at the top. The inscription (“Luck”, “Happiness”, “Wealth”, etc.) is written on a separate piece of fabric, which is then glued or sewn onto the bag.

    So we sewed a charming and youthful Baba Yaga:

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    Those who have experience in making textile dolls will easily understand the presented patterns and be able to make this wonderful witch doll. Well, by changing the doll’s outfit, you can make not an overseas Halloween witch, but our dear Baba Yaga. All you have to do is lengthen the dress, replace the flirty boots with wicker shoes, and replace the pointed hat with a scarf with knots on the forehead. Oh, and don't forget the apron!

    And you can also sew such a Yagushka 0, the most charming, attractive and not at all scary.

    The hanging doll “Baba Yaga” from the “Doll” series is kind and sweet, and not at all harmful. It carries the magic and beauty of the holiday. Create an atmosphere of fun and joy in your home.
    Dear customers! A custom-made doll may differ slightly from that shown in the photo.
    Dear Clients! The product made to order may differ slightly from the photo, general form remains.

    The unique author's rag dolls of the artist Lyubov Lavrentieva, which have won many awards at international exhibitions, are now available to everyone on the pages of this book! What makes them unique? They are very simple, even primitive, but incredibly positive, joyful, sincere and very modern. A unique combination of simplicity of execution, fashion, the most modern style and the ancient traditions of Russian protective dolls makes these dolls unique! Detailed step-by-step illustrations and master classes, a gallery of fairy-tale characters and great pleasure from both the process of creation and the result. Dolls that create a mood, infect with positivity, bring joy, are warm, funny, stylish! And at the same time carefully preserving the tradition of the Russian folk doll! It is precisely these dolls that the famous puppet artist Lyubov Lavrentyeva offers to learn how to sew on the pages of this beautiful book! Multi-colored shreds, scissors, needle and thread, acrylic paints, and your home will be protected and protected by an amazing creation that you sewed with your own hands, bearing your features, your character, your individual taste! Such a doll will delight your guests, comfort and lull your child to sleep, and become an unforgettable gift for dear ones and loved ones.
    Sewing them is very simple, even for beginners, but only the most creative people can breathe soul into them. Good luck in your creativity!

    The charming soft toy Magic Bear Toys “Cat Amantis”, made of high-quality non-toxic materials in the shape of a black cat with a bow, will bring tenderness and a smile to everyone who sees it. This amazingly soft toy will bring joy and give its owner moments of tender hugs and pleasant memories.
    Excellent workmanship makes this toy a wonderful gift for any occasion.

    Purpose: making a gift, amulet and toy with your own hands.

    The target audience: teachers and school educators, pedagogues additional education, parents. For a wide range of readers interested in Slavic culture.

    Master class: Amulet doll “Baba Yaga” (from the series of master classes on the topic “Folk doll” during the implementation of the “Rainbow of Creativity” program)

    Target: Transfer of personal professional experience in the field of creative and pedagogical activity. Improving the professional skills of teachers in the process of mastering the experience of making the “Baba Yaga” amulet doll.


    · formation of ideas about production folk doll, as an attribute of the spiritual culture of the Russian people.

    · instilling interest in making amulet, ritual and gaming dolls;

    · creation of a play doll using traditional technology.

    · development in children's master classes fine motor skills and primary handicraft skills.

    · development of individual inclinations and creative abilities.

    Russian Baba Yaga is a famous fairy-tale character, controversial and mysterious. Many believe that Yaga is an evil, scary witch who lives in a dense forest. In fact, this is the first assistant, a wise adviser, and sometimes a hospitable hostess. He will tell you where to get living water, and where to get the Firebird, how to hide from enemies and make true friends.

    To understand the role of Baba Yaga, you need to read fairy tales and legends again, comparing them with the knowledge of the rituals of the ancient Slavs. Folk wisdom argues that for any knowledge we must turn to our ancestors. Where are the ancestors? From the point of view of folk culture - in the other world. Baba Yaga is the head of this other world. And in order to gain some knowledge, you need to turn to the other world, to the experience of your ancestors, which is what they do fairy-tale heroes, because only those who follow traditions, turn to the wisdom of their ancestors, gain all the benefits on Earth.

    In not a single fairy tale did Baba Yaga kill anyone. There is not a single text recorded where she ate at least one person. Threatened - yes. But all her hostile actions were only precautionary in nature.

    IN ancient times this complex ritual could also be led by a female sorceress, who was later replaced by a male teacher with the disappearance of matriarchy. Probably, such a woman symbolically represented the same Great Mother, the goddess - the ruler and ancestor of animals, associated with other world dead. The image of such a “knowing” woman could well serve as the basis for creating the fairy-tale image of Baba Yaga, coming from the forest, kidnapping children and trying to fry them in the oven (“kill” the child so that a man will be born). Once upon a time in Rus' there was another wonderful ritual - “baking” a sick child. The midwife placed the child on rolled out dough (a spell was cast into this dough) and wrapped the child in it. After that, she placed it on a bread shovel and stuffed it into a warm oven, symbolizing the female womb. There the baby “fostered”, became stronger and more vital. It was believed that diseases were burned and came out through the chimney along with the smoke, and the “rebaked” child became healthier. Here is Ivanushka on a shovel by the stove.

    Baba Yaga is an echo of that distant past when women ruled the world. But since with the departure of matriarchy men took everything into their own hands, they almost all female images demoted and made them secondary. So all that was left of the beautiful Female Ancestress was an old, wrinkled, bony shell. But the spirit in her is still alive, she has not lost her magical knowledge.

    Therefore, the Baba Yaga Doll can become an excellent home talisman, a keeper of the hearth, like a brownie.

    Materials and tools:

    1. Light (not white) fabric for the face 17x17 cm.

    2. Filler.

    3. A piece of a match or stick 1 cm.

    4. A stick or twig the width of a finger, 14-16 cm long.

    5. Thick fabric for twisting (for stability of the doll).

    6. Two strips of light colored fabric 13x13 cm (for hands).

    7. Two strips of light fabric 4x9cm (for palms).

    8. A piece of light colored fabric for an undershirt, 18x25 cm.

    9. Dark fabric for a skirt 13x35 cm.

    10. A scrap of fabric for an apron.

    11. A piece of fleece or fur for a vest, 7x19 cm.

    12. A scrap for a scarf.

    13. A broom twig, dry grass or washcloth.

    14. Linen or hair thread.


    Step 1.

    Place a piece of matchstick in a piece of fabric for the face to form the nose.

    Step 2.

    We wrap the thread around the nose.

    Step 4.

    We wrap the head to the base branch.

    Step 5.

    To stabilize the doll, we wrap a support-twist made of thick fabric onto the lower part of the base stick; the diameter of the twist should be 4-5 cm.

    Step 6.

    Fold the piece of fabric for the palms lengthwise 4 times.

    Step 7

    We bend the palm blanks in half and tape them to the sleeves.

    Step 8

    Turn it inside out.

    Today, various dolls and figurines made by hand are very popular. They can serve as interior decoration or an excellent souvenir for connoisseurs of this type of art. Most often, craftswomen make amulets and fairy-tale characters. For example, Baba Yaga can be made from different materials. Moreover, there are techniques available for children preschool age, but there is also a more complex design of such figures.

    On the Internet you can find many video tutorials on making various dolls. Baba Yaga is the most interesting character and textured in terms of execution. We bring to your attention several options for making this figurine.

    DIY Baba Yaga from pine cones

    Baba Yaga made from natural materials looks quite original. For this we need:

    Paper cup;


    Pine and fir cones;

    A piece of fabric;



    Paste over paper cup branches on the outside - this will be Baba Yaga's stupa. Then we will make a broom from a twig and several pine needles, tie them to each other with a thread. Now let's start making the head. Take a cone with a tail, where the tail will be the nose. We place knitting threads (hair) between the scales of the cone. The eyes must be drawn on paper and glued to the face.

    We put a scarf on our head, which we will make from a piece of cloth. Hands are twigs. Now to the body ( fir cone) we attach the head and arms using plasticine.

    We seat our Baba Yaga from cones in a mortar, at the bottom of which we put paper. We glue the broom to the hand and our Baba Yaga in the mortar is ready. Photos of this craft can be easily found on the Internet.

    DIY Baba Yaga using stocking technique

    Baba Yaga, made using the stocking technique, looks very naturalistic. Typically, such dolls serve as interior decoration. There are collectors of such figurines who greatly value exhibits made using this technique. To make it you need to take:

    • Nylon material;
    • Sintepon;
    • Pieces of fabric;
    • Wire;
    • Gray knitting threads;
    • Eyes.

    Description of work

    We start work from the head. To begin with, we make it from padding polyester (ball the right size). Now a nose blank is made from wire, which is wrapped in padding polyester and attached securely to the head in the right place. Now we cover this blank with nylon (from tights or stockings), form the chin and cheeks (protruding places).

    Then we proceed to the screed. First we form the nose, then the cheeks and lips. Lastly, we tighten the area of ​​the eyes and forehead, forming wrinkles on it. For the screed, we select threads that match the color of the nylon and a needle of the required size.

    We decorate the eyes with pieces of nylon, thereby creating wrinkles around the eyes, and glue them to the face. We make hair from knitting threads. You can watch a master class that shows in detail the technique and diagrams of the screed.

    For the hands we make a wire frame, which we wrap with padding polyester, focusing Special attention every finger. Now we cover this blank with nylon and stitch the spaces between the fingers. For the torso and legs, you can take stockings and stuff them with padding polyester. We form a hump on the body. We shape and stitch the foot. Now you need to put all the parts together.

    Sew clothes for the doll from pieces of fabric and don’t forget about the headdress; a vest made of burlap will look very good; you can make a broom from twigs. The nylon doll is completely ready.

    Baba Yaga from plastic bottles

    We bring to your attention a description of how to make a doll. large sizes, which will look very good in the local area. It can be any size you need. What do we need:

    1. Plastic bottles of 1.5 and 5 liters.
    2. Polyurethane foam.
    3. Glue.
    4. Paints.
    5. Boots.
    6. Broom.
    7. Bandage.

    Let's start making the doll's frame from plastic bottles(torso and legs). The joints between the bottles are secured using polyurethane foam. We put boots on our feet. We put foam scraps into the bag and form the head. Now the entire figure needs to be covered with polyurethane foam. We cut out the face on the head, and give the body the necessary outlines of the figure and clothing.

    We make hands using stockings or tights made of nylon. We stuff them and attach them to the body.

    The entire workpiece must be wrapped in a bandage and covered with a mixture of adhesives (PVA and tile). After which you need to paint the figure and create a hairstyle for it or simply tie a scarf. A doll made from plastic bottles must be varnished. Give her a broom. Figure big size ready. Now you can install it anywhere.

    We have offered you several examples of making Baba Yaga from scrap materials that will undoubtedly interest a creative person.

    Video on the topic of the article

    MASTER CLASS: We sew a little Baba Yaga For work you will need: - printed cotton fabrics and flesh-colored ; - padding; - yarn for hair; - felt; - beads; - sewing accessories; - cardboard, glue. We print the pattern on sheet A-4. We transfer the details of the head, torso, arms, and nose onto a flesh-colored fabric folded in half. We sew, leaving the holes for stuffing unsewn (indicated by dotted lines on the pattern). Cut with an allowance of 2-4 mm. We also sew and cut out the details of the hat, and duplicate the brim of the hat with padding polyester. On the head and crown of the hat we baste the allowances along the bottom edge, this will make it easier to connect them with the brim of the hat. We turn the head, nose, crown, and stuff it. In the brim we make a slit for turning inside out at the place where the head is sewn on, turn it inside out, iron it, and trace the inner circle. We sew the head and crown to the brim of the hat, focusing on the marked inner circle. We sew on the nose, you can shape the face at this stage. We fix the thread on the back of the head, bring the needle to the place where the eye will be located, sew on the bead, bring the thread to the mouth, make the first cross stitch, bring the thread to the location of the second eye, return to the mouth, make the second cross stitch, slightly tightening it. We bring the thread to the back of the head and secure it. At the same stage, think over the hat accessories and sew them on. I remembered this when the doll was ready and sewing it on was not very convenient. Let's start with the legs. We sew stockings. We cut two pieces of wire, 20 centimeters longer than the height of the legs and torso. At the end of the wire we make loops for the foot. If the stockings are made of knitwear, then we wrap the wire with padding polyester tape to the height of the stocking and put it on. If the stockings are made of fabric, then we put the stocking on the wire and stuff it so that the wire is surrounded on all sides by stuffing. We cut out the parts of the shoe from felt and sew it with a buttonhole stitch. From cardboard we cut out the insole a couple of mm smaller than the sole around the entire perimeter. We insert the insole into the shoe and stuff it. We put the shoe on the foot and sew it in a circle. We close the seam with a strap with a buckle. At the bottom of the body we sew the corners and turn it inside out. We use an awl to pierce holes in the bottom of the body. We insert the legs and sew them in a circle. We stuff the body, cut off the excess wire, and sew the hole in the neck over the edge. We sew pantolons, first we sew the side seams, then the step seams with one line. For the dress, we cut out one part of the bodice with a fold in the center and the shoulders, two parts of the skirt measuring 25x14 cm. We gather the parts of the skirt, sew them to the bodice, and sew the dress along the sleeves and side seams with one line. We put pantolons on the doll. Sew to the legs and torso. We stuff the hands, sew up the holes for stuffing with a hidden seam. At the back of the head we make a slot for the neck. We strengthen our hands. At this stage it is better to put a dress on the doll, do not repeat my mistake. The dress, of course, will fit, but with difficulty. We insert the neck into the slot prepared for it. Sew on the head. We shape the face and bring it to life. Let's do our hair. For braids, insert a thin wire into a thick needle and stitch it through. We wrap the yarn around the finger and attach it to the ends of the wire. We sew the end of the yarn on the back of the head and begin to wind the yarn onto the wire until we close the back of the head, then we wrap one pigtail back and forth. We wind the yarn onto the wire again, but we make several turns in front. We wrap the second braid and make a few more turns around the hat. We fasten the thread. We sew along the parting at the back and front. Let's move on to the raven. We trace the details onto the fabric without cutting. We sew, cut out, stuff the body and beak tightly, the wing and tail lightly. We sew feathers on the wings and tail. We sew everything to the body. For the eyes, we cut out two circles from white knitwear, pull them together with a thread over the edge, stuff them, and sew on a bead. Sew the eyes over the beak. Raven is ready. For the cardboard book, cut out two rectangles measuring 8.5x15.5 and 20.4x2.5. We bend the long rectangle, departing 6.2 cm from the edge on both sides, slightly rounding the edges. We cover the rectangles with fabric and glue them together.

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