• A letter to a friend moved me to tears. Touching poems for a friend to tears


    Good afternoon.:)) The snow has fallen, life has become easier. Lighter. I read your letters carefully. Correspondence with you is one of the important stages for me. There is so much I want to write about, but everyday affairs distract me a little.

    The day before yesterday I held a tea ceremony rehearsal with the children. My plans for the 19th do not change. Choose a time, preferably finish before 21-00 because of your daughter. I will come with my husband (he will take me and tea supplies), with my daughter, it goes without saying that wherever we go, she will go there too. The son most likely will not come, he has his own plans. If something suddenly changes (my husband goes to work), then I will inform you additionally. We can come at any time, I suggest we agree on 15-00.

    Your vision is not that bad. It can be worse. Can he be trained? I shouldn't have asked the question. Of course you can. Do you know Victoria from mine? former job? So, she also strives to develop spiritually. And quite successfully. She had an episode in her life when she improved her vision through exercise and the power of thought. Thanks to Norbekov's book "The Experience of a Fool or the Key to Insight." By the way, have you damaged your eyesight by trying to work at night? At night, the eyes become more strained under an artificial light source. So nature takes its own. I haven’t been given the ability to see at night, which means I need to sleep.

    I haven't checked mine. I am 100% sure of it. It’s good that I saw everything from birth, now I’m not afraid of going blind, my hearing remains :)) Black humor. The truth is that there is still infinitely more to explore and consider.

    Thoughts come true. I'm sure my vision is good. I wish I could develop such confidence in other parts of the body!

    I am for the right way of life. For the education of will, the power of thought. But everyone has their own educational path, as you correctly noted. Victoria, for example, is a big supporter of the views expressed in the book “Anastasia”. She accelerates her power of thought through love. She goes to work and thinks only about good things. That’s why she works with interest. She does not look for injustice or dirty tricks, but takes on the work entrusted to her with joy and gratitude. And interest in work awakens, and the quality of work improves.

    My healthy lifestyle is exercise, nutrition. What comes in should give us energy, and not take it away. Energy for spiritual development, which consists of cleansing the entire human structure (body, thoughts, feelings). Purification helps us rise above the “devil,” as it were. We are bodily, therefore, in order to educate ourselves spiritually, strengthen creative thought, and hear the all-consuming voice of love, we must take care of our bodily shell.

    The healthier we are, the easier it is for us to cope with the task of our life’s journey set before us from above.

    Health is not only in the body, health should be in thoughts and feelings. The purpose of a person is to live as long as possible a healthy and fulfilling life in order to benefit society. Healthy benefits.

    Now I'm trying hard to lose weight. I don't eat after six. My will in this regard is ironclad. But I won’t budge from 59 kg. My height is 158 cm.

    I'm reading "The Art of Loving" by Erich Fromm. You know, he writes about sadism as a desire to know the secret, the deep essence of one’s own and others’ existence. "We know ourselves, and yet, no matter what efforts we make, we do not know ourselves. We know our neighbor and yet we do not know him, because we are not a thing and he is not a thing. The deeper we penetrate own or someone else's existence, the further the goal of knowledge moves away from us. And yet we, at all costs, want to know the secret of the human soul, to penetrate the holy of holies, which makes him what exactly “he” is... It is this. the desire to penetrate into the secret of another person, and therefore into one’s own secret, largely explains the depth and intensity of cruelty and destructiveness.” I couldn't help but quote. This is very important. I myself have encountered sadism in myself and observed it in others. Somewhere deep down, analyzing my sadistic actions, I came to the thought that I wanted to get to the worst, to cross the threshold. Take a swing against life. Find the breaking point, determine the threshold of human resource. Turn a person inside out with his thoughts and feelings. This thought even visited me at the moment of the actions themselves. Something was stopping me. Control of thoughts and actions. I did not escape this experience. I came across him when I started self-improvement. Meditation is one of the techniques that allows a person to look inside himself. You have to be prepared for it. There is a fine line here between love and not love. Meditation helps reveal the human essence.

    I reached the answer through bad actions and their analysis. This is not the most the best option. But this is also a path and has a right to exist.

    Now I understand my mother, who attacked me with her fists when she could not reach me, I deliberately “closed myself,” did not answer anything, and ignored me. I myself rushed at my husband, trying to break his silence. She threw herself at her daughter, trying to silence her screams. I analyzed the reason for my actions. Love must be cultivated. Work on it. Nourish her. Give away. Clear thoughts, monitor feelings, control actions. I never went far in meditation, I was afraid of collapsing my psyche. But short meditation exercises help me improve emotional background. I will write about my practices in another letter.

    That's not what we're talking about now. Fromm understands the meaning of love in a person’s life as well as possible. Frankl carried everything he wrote deep within himself. Due to the profession, or maybe due to childhood experience, parental education. Genetic predisposition? I don't rule it out. But this is not a fulcrum. You can always turn 180 degrees. Start the “re-generation” process. Frankl simply knew “another way to find out the “secret” - love.” He knew Right way and I didn’t doubt him. Profession played a big role, because it was not by chance that he chose for himself the path of a psychologist - a person who comprehends the soul, the holy of holies.

    Love of life. The Russian language is great and powerful. Combine two words: life and love. Here is the solution. There is no other way to sustain life. Only love.

    Therefore, he had a different attitude towards sadism. Frankl understood his essence, and cruelty could not break him, but only gave him confidence in love as knowledge of himself and others. Love united him not only with the prisoners, but also with the Nazis. And even when he left the concentration camp, he lived by love. Everything in this world is one and nothing is lost. This is an inexplicable feeling - when your loved one is not around, but you continue to love him through the stars, through the trees, through a dream, through another person. Through your life you extend the life of another person, whether he is dead or not. This is our immortality.

    School days have arrived, and homework assignments are in full swing. And once again, schoolchildren have to think about free topics for their essays, including Letter to a Friend. This topic is interesting, because it allows you to plunge into the last century, to the times of our parents, when they did not call their friends, but wrote letters.

    Today, in our essay, we will write a real letter to a friend, telling about the events that happened.

    Letter to a friend

    It's been so long since we've seen each other. This is a huge distance, these kilometers separated us, but did not kill our friendship, because we still continue to communicate. To be honest, I was very upset when I found out about your move abroad, but I really hope that we will meet again. I really want this. Now all we have left is correspondence.

    I received your letter. It brought me joy, because it was nice to learn about you, to read about life abroad from your point of view. I'm glad you're doing well. However, so do I.

    With the arrival of autumn, school work began. Now lessons and various tasks have burst into my life, but the summer time is moving further and further away. Yes, it’s still warm outside, but in the mornings and evenings you can already fully feel autumn, and the leaves on the trees begin to change their colors. I try to walk outside, in the park, as much as possible. After all, very soon you won’t want to go out there because of the cold weather.

    My life is varied and interesting. Besides school, I have many clubs. I go to an English club, where I really like it. In addition, I signed up for dance group. I also have a small hobby. While all this is on initial stage, but I really like it. What am I interested in? I started knitting toys. Very interesting activity, because you not only create different characters, but also give joy to small children. I have already managed to knit three toys that I gave to the children in the yard. And you know, adults approached me with a request to knit similar toys, but for a fee. Maybe soon my hobby will also turn out to be a profitable business. But, I'm kidding. In fact, I started knitting toys only because it interests me. In the future I plan to knit them not according to ready-made schemes, but come up with your own. You know, I will definitely succeed.

    Writing letters in the 21st century, when the world is full of new technologies, would seem impractical. Nevertheless, waiting for this simple envelope for two weeks, opening it and reading a letter from my school friend is important to me. It always intrigues, inspires and fascinates. Agree, this is the feeling you get from reading messages on social media. You won't get it on networks.

    Here is an example of one such letter.

    Hi, Olya!
    How's life, how's it going?
    Exactly 10 years have already passed since our last meeting. Remember, we ourselves had just finished school then. We successfully passed the exams and went for a walk. And now, before we know it, we ourselves have become mothers. How is your son Artyom? Does he like to go to kindergarten? Which school do you plan to send to? My children will soon finish first and second grades. They don't like school at all. They say it's boring there. I understand them, but I'm trying to prove the opposite. This is probably what all mothers do. Yes, time flies. I especially began to notice this when the children went to school.
    Where are you planning to vacation in the summer? Maybe we can cooperate somehow and relax as families? I wouldn't mind flying to Egypt or Tunisia. But the current dollar exchange rate wishes you good luck. Let's see if everything can work out and stabilize.
    How is it on the personal front? Doesn't it offend you? Kidding! Knowing your character, you definitely won’t let yourself be offended. I, too, thank God, am doing well in this regard. There are, of course, some minor disagreements, but in my opinion you can’t avoid it, especially when you’ve been married for 9 years. Nightmare, 9 years old, but it’s as if there was just a wedding recently.
    By the way, I saw Lenka a couple of days ago. She finally gave birth to a girl - Katya. Of course, Lenka has gained weight, very much, about 20 kilograms. But she’s as happy as an elephant.
    In general, there is a lot of news. I would sit and write. But it's time to finish. You can't write much anyway. I would like to see each other as soon as possible, to have a heart-to-heart talk, as before. Look at you, what are you like, have you changed?
    Write often and don’t forget!

    Hello my dear beloved friend!

    We haven't seen you for so long... It's a shame, right? The closest ones are often far away. Yes, yes, you read correctly, you are one of the most dear people to me. You are not my first friend, but you are the first to whom I became so attached.

    You know, Even though sometimes we don’t communicate for weeks, I always remember you. When I feel bad, when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I’m happy, I always remember you and think: “How good it would be, if she was able to share these feelings with me. If she was there and we would get through it together. How I miss her. Confident, without complexes, cheerful, critical and simply a wonderful friend in the world. Toy, that without a single doubt would take my side. Toy, who would always support me in difficult times. Toy, that would always be able to “sober up” me if I doubted myself. Toy, that would always be able to move me, make me active, walk and just have fun. Toy that she became so close...”

    You know, I can’t remember you without a smile on my face. You are not just a ray of sunshine in my life, You- the same thing "Sun" which you want to always enjoy. You- the same ones "stars" that you want to achieve. You- the same ones "unexplored regions" that you want to open. You- the same one "true", which you want to comprehend. You- the same one "magic" that you want to understand. You- the same thing "supernatural" what you want to explain. You- the same thing "magical and wonderful" what you want to have.
    You are just an ordinary person, but for me you are the whole world. A world you want to enjoy.

    You know, but I have many friends with whom I seem to have known since the very cradle. But nobody of them, doesn't know me. Nobody doesn't understand me perfectly. Nobody can't really cheer me up. Nobody doesn’t know my life and my character in such detail. Nobody doesn't tell me the whole truth, even if I ask. Nobody can't surprise me. A You can.

    You know, But thanks to you, I found those close friends who go with me through life. After all, this exactly you helped me. Exactly you pushed me to do this. Exactly you helped me adapt to a new environment for me. Exactly you I have to give thanks for these wonderful people I interact with every day.

    You know, It’s time to stop, but you don’t want to?.. No, I rather don’t want to say goodbye to you. After all, sitting at my black table, I was so carried away by writing something about you that I no longer want to stop. I want to, How can I accurately describe how dear you are to me, how much I love and respect you. I want to, pour it all out in a letter and send it to you. I want to, so that you smile while reading this. I want to so that you are at least a little happy with this letter. I want to, please you. I want to… there is so much more to tell you. But I'm at a loss, I don't know how to describe what I think and feel. My life has changed thanks to you better side. Thank you for this!

    Looks like it's time to finish.
    I'll be waiting impatiently for your response. I'll be looking forward to it.
    See you soon! It will definitely happen, you'll see!

    A collection of texts with words of gratitude to a friend for her friendship, written in prose (not in poetry). As they say - in your own words. These warm, soulful, beautiful words will be useful both on a holiday (for example, on a friend’s birthday, on the anniversary of a friendship, etc.), and for support in difficult times and for decorating the most ordinary ordinary day. You can also use them to sign a postcard, a gift (a box of perfume, for example), or a card for a bouquet.

    Adding words of love to the text will help you.

    All names in the texts are mentioned only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the name of your friend.

    Tanya, I am happy that you are my friend. I envy myself and am proud of our friendship. You are real, bright, fresh as a breath of air and alive. I adore you and thank fate that we met. Thank you for always supporting me in difficult times and sharing joyful moments with me.

    Katenka, I hope that life will one day give me the opportunity to truly thank you for your friendship, support and joy, which you generously share with me. With such a friend, living in the world is not scary, joyful and interesting. I am proud of you, my bright man. I hope that we will carry our friendship throughout our lives. I wish that nothing destroys it (friendship), that no one stains our relationship... that she lives forever. Thank you, dear, for everything.

    Svetlanka, until I met you, I thought that female friendship does not exist. And I'm glad I was wrong. Now I know for sure that it (friendship) not only exists, but can also be one of the most beautiful things in the world. Thank you for being my friend. I will never stop thanking life that I met you and that our friendship is still alive.

    I have already told you “thank you” for a lot of things, my friend. And I’ll probably say a lot more. But today I want to thank you simply for being always there and for existing. I am very happy about this and only dream that you remain my friend forever. I have never met such sunny people and every time I am surprised - how did I get so lucky? I wish you to always remain with the same pure heart and bright soul. And may life protect you from any evil.

    Dear friend! I have been preparing the words for today’s event for a long time. I want to tell you so much and I am grateful to you for so much that I would have to read my speech for several hours. So I’ll just tell you: I’m grateful to you for being with me. I remember every minute I spent with you and they were all happy, joyful, interesting and unique. I didn’t think that such friendship was possible between girls (women, girls) and I never tire of being amazed by it.

    I thank life for such a gift (friendship), I appreciate it, I enjoy it, I cherish it as the greatest treasure and I hope for your reciprocity.

    Olenka, I want to tell you that our friendship is the best thing I have. And I want to thank you for it. She brings into my life only joy, warmth, pride and support under my feet. I wish you to always remain as beautiful, joyful, bright, interesting and “not like everyone else.” I love everything connected with our friendship and don’t want to lose you.

    Girlfriend, thank you for your friendship. For a pure heart that never lies (lies). For a clear look. For lack of self-interest. For not being jealous. Because you forgive. For supporting me in difficult times. For the joy that you share with me and for difficult moments, in which you never turned your back on me. I love you for this, and even if our friendship ever ceases to exist, I will still never be able to say that the time spent with you was a mistake, that it was unhappy, or that I wasted it. Because such a bright time cannot be called empty. It will forever remain for me - valuable, warm and sincere. Thank you for being with me.

    Ksyusha! I want to say a huge “thank you” to you for your friendship! If all people had friends like you, there would be many more lucky people in this world. Because you are an unearthly, unreal, reliable, smartest, most talented, kindest and brightest girl and simply a fabulous person. I am never bored, sad, empty or bad with you. Whatever, I wouldn’t be apart from you 24/7. I drink light, warmth and kindness from you, as from a holy spring, and I can’t get enough of it. Thank you for sharing our friendship and generously sharing with me the brightest things that are in you. I will never stop admiring you and the life that gave me you.

    I want to thank my friend (insert name) today for her friendship and her amazing human and feminine qualities who strengthen, help and develop this friendship:

    • For sensitivity and tact - a natural talent that is not taught anywhere;
    • For the ability to listen and hear - a rare skill these days;
    • For the absence of egoism - thanks to this quality, friendship (and not only ours) is real;
    • For the hellish patience with which she is able to listen to my cries in difficult times and cries of joy in moments of happiness;
    • For the wisdom that helps her give me the best advice for any life situation and make amazing decisions;
    • For the kindness that does not dry out in her and which she so generously shares with those around her (and most importantly, with me);
    • Because she is able to forgive and not be petty when something went wrong between us;
    • For the dexterity and ingenuity with which she knows how to dodge troubles and pull me out of them;

    But most importantly, I want to thank her for the rarest talent for a woman in our time - the ability to be friends with another woman. Be happy dear, don't leave me. I promise that I will always be the same friend to you as you have become to me.

    I want to thank you for your friendship, my precious, and tell you that I dream of seeing you always happy and joyful. So that you always just smile. So that all troubles will bypass you (otherwise they will have to deal with me). May the sun never leave your life. May all your dreams come true and your plans come true. So that you always have reliable helpers - it’s easier to live with them. In general, I want nothing to ever overshadow our friendship and I promise you that I will always be there to ward off any adversity, support and please.

    Lena, every day I bless the one who invented friendship. And now I want to thank you for it. You create a miracle every day, probably without even knowing it. And I want to wish you to live a long, long time so that the miracle does not end. And so that the sunshine does not disappear from my life. You are very dear to me, I appreciate every minute spent with you - be happy and let those who are dear to you be happy.

    Today, Lyudochka, I have prepared a special present for you. I give you this medal (certificate, souvenir, memorable gift, etc.) for friendship. Take it with mine in sincere words gratitude.

    I thank you for being amazing. Because I can be silent with you endlessly and chat incessantly. Because I am sure that you are not capable of betraying on the sly. For the fact that it is always a pleasure to be with you, even when you are going through the most unpleasant moments in your life. Because it’s not scary to go with you not only on reconnaissance, but also to generally rush to the ends of the world without a return ticket. For the fact that there is always something to be proud of next to you. I think such people are almost never found, they are only written about in books and films are made. I am happy that I met such a person and even happier that I managed to make friends with him.

    Mashenka, I am sure, no matter what difficult times friendship goes through, it will forever remain in our hearts as the brightest time of life. I will always remember you and the time we spent together. And even if someday we find ourselves far from each other, know that I remember you, I keep you in my heart and I will help you in any way I can if you call. Thank you for your friendship and I hope that I don’t disappoint you either.

    Thank you best friend that your smile and laughter brighten my life. That you lend a hand when I need it. Thank you for your congratulations on all the holidays and even for giving me a kick when I stop, not knowing how and where to go next. For inviting me to visit, and for always waiting for me. Because I can see you whenever I want. Thank you, my precious one, you are a battery in my little world, you don’t let it stand still and you warm me.

    My dear friend, thank you for the fact that I can chat with you about trifles and be absolutely happy at such moments. For your concern about me and for your care. Thank you for feeling my soul as if it were your own. For your endless, same question in messages: “Where are you, my friend?”

    For everything, for everything, I thank you, and most importantly: I thank you for being my friend, girlfriend, close person and kindred spirit.

    My beloved friend, I want to tell you why I appreciate you, cherish you and will not tire of thanking you... I appreciate you for keeping my secrets and not regretting revealing yours. I adore you for your sharp tongue and excellent sense of humor. It warms me when you worry about me. I’m not angry that you dump your troubles on my head suddenly and without warning (it’s so tonic). It invigorates me when you don’t leave me alone with my thoughts.

    I am glad that you share my successes with me, because it is very difficult to carry them alone. I am happy when you rejoice at our luck and swear at our bad luck. In general, my friend, I live with you! Full life. And for this I sincerely thank you.

    Looking into your radiant eyes in the photographs, girlfriend, I warm up from your warmth and am charged with the joy that they radiate. And having touched your hand, I find again vitality. Remembering our nightly gatherings, I am filled with joy from the fact that you exist in the world. I thank you for your friendship, my dear... even after years and distance, it helps me, supports me, and does not let me get lost. Thank you and be happy, friend.

    I can’t imagine my life without you, friend, and I thank you for you. And because you are my friend. You are my closest person, my world without you is simply impossible and incapable of existing. Well, can a stranger laugh so loudly when I stumble and yell: “you clumsy cow, watch your step!”

    How can someone other than a true friend extend his hand when I fall into a puddle, cheerfully saying: “come on, come on, get up, you fat creature, why did you lie down... don’t think you’re at a resort.”

    And who else, besides a friend, can eat all the food in the refrigerator and, without thanking or apologizing, fly away in an unknown direction for an indefinite period? And after that, show up again as if nothing had happened, and, as if nothing had happened, demand more?

    But can a stranger and cold person enter my home by opening the door with his foot and outside of school hours?

    In general, my dear, I am grateful to you for always toning me up, not letting me relax and stimulating my nervous system.

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