• Sign language in love: gestures of sympathy for men and women in love




    Girls have always been mysteries for men. Girls have up to 50 different gestures with which they flirt with men, demonstrating their sympathy and interest. What are the secret body language signals of flirting girls?

    1. First impression

    1.1 Pay attention to her gaze. A woman who is interested in you will not only look at you carefully, but will also allow you to notice it! Repeated eye contact from across the room is a reliable sign that a woman is inviting you to come up to her and say hello (especially if her glances are accompanied by a smile).

    1.2 Watch her face. When a woman is interested, her face becomes more animated. Pay attention to her eyebrows, lips and eyes - they will give you information about how the girl will react to what you say. Pay special attention to the following signs:

    Raised eyebrows. This sign can be used in many different situations, but most often it is a good signal. When raised eyebrows are accompanied by a smile and a nod, it means she agrees with what you're saying—even if it's just you saying it. Women also raise their eyebrows after making eye contact to show that they like what they see.

    Moving lips. If a girl bites her lips when she listens or thinks, it means that she is trying to draw attention to her lips, and therefore, most likely, she is interested in you. Also, pay attention to whether the girl is licking her lips. This is no longer just an unconscious way to draw attention to the lips - when a girl is excited or excited, her mouth becomes dry.

    Dilated pupils. In both men and women, dilated pupils indicate that the person is interested in the interlocutor. This is especially true if you are in a bright room (in dark conditions pupils dilate naturally).

    Eyelids are too mobile. If a girl bats her eyelashes, she is definitely flirting. Although this movement is a common cliché, it did not come out of nowhere. If a woman is interested in you, she will blink more often than usual.

    Widened nostrils. When a woman is excited or excited, her nostrils will flare. This is an involuntary response to excitement, and like dilated pupils, it is a genuine sign of interest.

    1.3 Pay attention to where the girl is in relation to you. The interested person will try to get closer to you. If you are sitting at a table, she may rest her head on one or both hands to move closer to you.

    Beware of crossed arms. If a girl is sitting on a chair with her arms crossed, there is a chance that she is bored or uninterested. Try to regain her interest by starting a lively conversation about her and her life. If all else fails, you will have to look for another girl.

    On the other hand, if a girl touches your hand and immediately takes hers back, pressing it to her chest area, she is showing her interest.

    1.4 Pay attention to how the girl touches her hair. Gentle, careful movements, such as carelessly twirling a strand around your finger or running your fingers through your hair, are all signs of interest. Quick and abrupt movements are a sign of embarrassment or impatience, especially if accompanied by a wandering gaze.

    Quick, sudden movements do not mean the situation is hopeless. If you're pushing too hard, take a step back. Be careful not to dominate the conversation or shower too many compliments.

    1.5 Pay attention to her fingers. When a woman feels interested, she caresses the erogenous zones of her body with her fingers, twirls jewelry or plays with her glass.

    Weasel erogenous zones. If a woman touches her lips, neck or collarbone frequently, it means she is sending you a signal that she wants you. Most often, this is an unconscious way of drawing your attention to these places to remind you that she is sexy.

    Spinning in hands jewelry. When a woman is next to a man she is interested in, her heart begins to beat faster, she becomes excited and nervous. As a way to release this tension, a woman can twirl her rings, play with her earrings, or pull on her beads. She may also pump her leg or foot to release excess energy.

    Playing with different objects. If a woman strokes the stem of her glass or runs her fingers along the rim of a glass of water, it means she is trying to get your attention. If the movements are slow and controlled, the girl is most likely interested in you. However, if she taps her glass or purses her lips, it's likely that she wants to leave quickly.

    1.6 Pay attention to her legs. Most often, girls who are interested cross their legs. It is an exceptionally good sign if the leg is pointing in your direction. She may also caress your lower thighs or smooth down your pants (either before or at the same time) to keep your attention on her legs.

    2. During the meeting

    2.1 Pay attention to physical contact. Each person has an intimate space - 50 cm in all directions. If a girl invades this space or even finds a reason to touch you, we can be sure that she is interested in you. Be prepared for the "tests" she may make: moving closer to you to let someone pass, touching your arm as a gesture of sympathy when you are sad, or placing her hand on your knee to emphasize your wit - all this quick ways break personal distance to see how you react to it.

    If you are interested in a girl, respond to her with small “checks” on your part. This way the girl will understand that you are also interested in her, and this will open the door to longer touches.

    2.2 Don't forget about eye contact. To show you that she thinks you are the most interesting person in the room, a woman will look you in the eyes. If you just met, she may linger only a couple of seconds longer than usual. However, if you know each other well, she may be comfortable enough to look into your eyes long and deeply.

    It takes two to play this game. A girl can't look you in the eyes for long if you look away. If you are uncomfortable with her “steps towards rapprochement,” do not be afraid to immediately look away. However, if you're interested in a girl, make eye contact for a few seconds before looking away (or letting her do it).

    2.3 Pay attention to her laughter. Notice how often she smiles or laughs in your presence, compared to other people. More often than not, women who are interested in you find it difficult to stop laughing in your presence. This can happen in a conversation with you (during which the girl can look into your eyes a lot, smile, laugh even at your slightest joke) or simply in a situation when you and the girl are in the same room. Also pay attention to loud speech and noisy behavior when the girl is communicating with someone else - this is a clear sign desire to be noticed by you.

    2.4 Pay attention to “nice” gestures. There are several gestures a woman can use to increase your desire to embrace her. The most important one is the shrug. Open palms turned up are also a reliable sign that the girl is interested in you.

    If a girl, sitting on a chair, leans forward and turns slightly towards you, she is showing off her curves and wants you to appreciate them.

    If she moves her hand down your back and barely glides across the top of your buttocks, then her interest in you is incredibly strong.

    2.5 Assess her heartbeat. If you're close enough to hug, place your head on her chest. If her heart beats all speed records, it means the girl is interested in you. If you're not close enough for a hug, check her pulse on her wrist. Lightly take her hand and place your finger on her wrist. This technique is not easy to master, but if you detect an accelerated heartbeat, this will be a more than reliable sign that the girl has feelings for you.

    You can also assess her heartbeat by observing her breathing. This is no less difficult (if not more so) than feeling the pulse, but does not require prolonged touch. If you're nearby in a movie theater, try moving lightly towards her. If a girl is breathing very quickly, it is likely that she is interested in you. If she tries to hold her breath, it is possible that she is trying to hide its rapidity.

    2.6 Observe whether the girl mirrors your movements. It often happens that a person who is interested in you unconsciously mirrors your movements. This shows that the two of you are on the same page, which means intimacy between you can increase. This is why dancing is considered an intimate or sexual activity - it makes you mirror each other's movements!


    If a girl looks you up and down without moving her head and then smiles, it means she likes what she sees. With her smile, a girl can silently acknowledge the fact that she likes you.

    Head tilt to the side is a primary indicator of interest; girls often do this during a conversation to show that they are involved and agree with you, and also to expose their neck, thereby showing you that she is comfortable with you.

    You can also use the clock trick. Take a quick glance at your watch, and then return your gaze to the girl (unless you were looking at her out of the corner of your eye). Any item will do for this. If a girl looks in the same place where you were just looking, it means she was watching you. But keep in mind: the girl might think that you saw something dangerous or interesting and want to find out what it was.

    Pay attention to the tension in your facial muscles. It is directly proportional to sympathy. The most noticeable places are around the lips, chin, forehead.

    Girls, not all guys will reciprocate and reciprocate your flirting. You recognize such a guy by his reaction: you laugh at his joke or flirt with him, and in response to this he looks at you strangely or with bewilderment. Guys, don't be afraid to say “thanks, but no thanks” to a girl who's flirting with you. This way, she won't waste time on you and can start flirting with someone else.

    If a girl stares into space, smiles and looks at you, then she thinks she is flirting with you.

    If a girl takes out her lip balm and spends more time than necessary putting it on her lips while constantly looking at you, she's flirting.

    Not all women have the same body language!

    Don’t make hasty conclusions: just because some gesture seems sexy to you, this does not mean that the girl wants you. If you go for rapprochement, but the girl doesn’t want it, it’s unlikely that everything will end well.

    Don't look at the neckline, even if the girl is wearing a rather revealing outfit. Some men have developed a bad habit of looking at their décolleté, but if a girl catches your gaze, she will almost certainly be offended (especially on the first date).

    Prostomen will talk about the psychology of female body language and teach you to “read” a girl through her gestures. Women gesticulate a lot more men for two reasons. Firstly, they are more emotional, and secondly, the rules of decency, which have been formed over centuries, impose many “don’ts” on the behavior of beauties: you can’t be the first to take the initiative, you can’t show sympathy too clearly. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex are forced to invent and look for other, non-verbal methods of communication.

    Women's bodies, unlike their tongues, always tell the truth. Gestures are almost impossible to control. A man's success in love directly depends on his ability to pick up these signals. So, what do girls' gestures mean?

    When communicating with a man, women use gestures of sympathy, sexual gestures and gestures of irritation.

    Gestures of a woman in love or gestures of sympathy

    She stands or sits and her feet are facing you.

    She “points her skis” in your direction and says: “I’m interested in you.”

    Dilated pupils (cases of chemical, drug and alcohol exposure are excluded).

    “In your presence my pulse quickens, what does that mean? I guess I fell in love..."

    Blush (except when you are standing outside in thirty-degree frost), rapid breathing, dilated nostrils (if she does not run away from you at night in the park).

    “..., it’s at least 40 degrees, I’m squeezed to the maximum. I'm drunk today because of him..."

    He preens himself: he smooths out non-existent folds on his clothes, in front of you he looks at himself in everything that can reflect, he paints his lips.

    “I want to look good... for you.”

    Looks into the eyes.

    "I'm trying to look into your soul."

    Shakes his hips.

    A presentation whose purpose is to demonstrate your bottom as best as possible.

    A sidelong glance, furtive.

    She teases you: “Cuckoo, honey!”

    She smiled at you several times.

    “I invite you to meet me.”

    She flirtatiously crossed her legs.

    “Don’t mind flirting!”

    Plays with a shoe (the heel then dives into it, then emerges), knocks with its toe on the leg of a chair or table.

    These gestures signal the girl’s playful mood, that she is in the mood for a romantic wave.

    Often touches hair, straightens it, throws it from one shoulder to another.

    Hair is a sign of femininity, so she says that she sees a man in you and asks you to see a woman in her.

    Invades your personal space.

    It doesn’t matter if she stretches her legs in your direction, leans towards you, puts her bag on the table between you, or “accidentally” touches you, all these gestures say: “I want to be closer!”

    Wrist demonstration

    “With you, I can afford to be weak.”

    Gestures of sexual arousal

    Widely spaced legs, regardless of whether the girl is sitting or standing.

    “I don’t mind continuing the banquet.”

    Strokes your knees, calves or thighs.

    “I love affection, perhaps I won’t mind accepting it from you if you play your cards right, but for now... you have to deal with it yourself.”

    Licking his lips.

    “You’re so sweet, I’d love to eat it!”

    Open mouth.

    “Delighted with you!” The girl's jaw literally dropped. You made an indelible impression with your valor, and she just can’t come to her senses.

    Strokes cylindrical objects (glass, glass stem, lighter, pen).

    She hints at the continuation of the evening.

    Gestures of irritation

    She clenched her legs tightly or crossed them.

    In addition to the fact that a person expresses feelings through words and actions, he does this on a subconscious level through body language. This is one of the non-verbal methods of communication by which you can understand how someone treats you. Nowadays, sign language in love is especially popular. Neither a gesture nor a glance can be faked, since we do them involuntarily. Moreover, men and women express sympathy differently and depend on the stage of the relationship.

    It can be difficult for girls to understand what is in men's heads, because they rarely express their feelings in words and prefer to keep everything to themselves. We have to focus on nonverbal gestures sympathy.

    • When you are around, he will try to discreetly adjust his clothes in order to look more attractive in your eyes.
    • Pay attention to the posture: the body can be tense and stretched upward to appear taller, one leg is put forward (it indicates the subject of his sympathy), and hands are on the belt so that you can see and admire him physical strength.
    • Your eyes will definitely tell you whether he likes you or not. If a man looks at you for a long time, turns away when his eyes meet, and his eyebrows imperceptibly lower and rise, then you should not be afraid of such strange behavior, because these unconscious gestures of a man say that he likes you.
    • When a man says something to a woman he likes, he does not control his hands and can rub his chin, touch his eyes, twist a ring on his finger or a button on his jacket - all this betrays his excitement and desire to please.

    When you are trying to determine a man’s sympathy for a woman by gestures, it is worth looking at the combination of several signs. After all, he may adjust his clothes or twist a ring simply out of self-doubt or out of habit.

    How to find out if a man is in love with you

    As already mentioned, representatives of the stronger sex do not like to talk directly about feelings. Why, when this can be conveyed through body language and gestures? Especially for a man in love, whose head is only occupied with thoughts of his beloved, they can be identified unmistakably. After all, when he is in love, behavior and gestures change dramatically.

    • A young man in love gazes intently into the face of his beloved. Periodically, his gaze drops to his lips.
    • He will not miss the opportunity to touch your body. For example, he will put his hand on your shoulder, accidentally put his arm around your waist, or accidentally touch your hand.
    • A man in love can also show various sexual gestures: straightening his shoulders or stretching when you appear in his field of vision, walking back and forth, glancing (“undressing”) along the entire body, and others.
    • You will learn about his sympathy by his behavior - he accidentally ends up in the places where you go, catches every word, began to love what you do, and began to give gifts. Believe me, he chose them very carefully, consulting with people who knew a lot about gifts.

    Remember that these techniques are used by pick-up artists who know the body language of men very well. Their intentions are mainly sexual in nature. But now you also know what reveals a man who is sincerely in love.

    How to understand that a woman likes you

    It's not so simple with women. You can definitely find out whether she likes you or not only if she herself tells you about it. After all, many do not hide their sexuality and lure men with their looks, behavior and other non-verbal means. It is extremely difficult to understand them, but you can still find out that a woman is interested in you.

    • Women in love are also possessive. When there are a lot of other girls around you, she secretly gets jealous. What gives her away is simply a withering look and resentment towards you (she can get angry or go off topic when it comes to other girls).
    • Their eyes speak volumes. During close contact, the woman looks into the eyes of her lover without looking away.
    • A girl likes you if she always has time for you. You want to take a walk, talk, you’re sick and ask to come - she’s right there. This is how women's care and attention are manifested. If she really can't come, she feels guilty and apologizes to you 1000 times.
    • Pay attention to behavior in your presence. Every girl quits short glances about your crush. Catching that look, go up to her and simply ask: “How are you?” If she starts to fuss, get nervous and don’t know what to do with herself, this is sure sign sympathy.
    • A woman’s smile should be given great importance, especially if the girl responds to her gaze or address.
    • A girl definitely likes you if she gives you gifts. There are no obligations or sexual innuendos here - she just wanted to please. What if it's a gift self made, you definitely have no choice!

    Reading women's body language is easy, but understanding what their every gesture and glance means is difficult. After all, for some, flirting, gifts and sexual non-verbal hints are the norm. You can find out about 100% reciprocal sympathy only by asking directly.

    Useful literature about body language

    D. Givens “Body Language - the Language of Love” is a wonderful book that will help you learn sign language in love. She will tell:

    • how to find out about someone else's sympathy;
    • how the sign language of men and women differs;
    • how to say “I love you” using gestures;
    • about ways of flirting and seduction;
    • how to understand whether your lover or lover likes you.

    To study the gestures of a man or woman in love and learn to see them, you need to spend a lot of time. But why is this necessary? It’s easier to come up, say: “I like you” and see what he or she will do with your confession.

    Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings. Think about what could happen in the worst case scenario. Will someone die? Will the world end? No! Everything will be as usual. Well, in best case scenario you will be happy and loved.

    You probably know thatBody language, facial expressions and gestures can tell us a lot about a person, his thoughts and feelings. And these are not fairy tales, but a real and accessible way for everyone to look into a person’s soul and find out the innermost. With such a skill, you could solve a lot of problems - find out whether a person is lying to you, what he feels, what he thinks about. But there is one more question that guys often ask themselves - “How do you know if a girl likes you?” To find out the answer, read on.

    We meet girls every day at school or work. We communicate with them, invite them on a date, but do not notice the signals that the beautiful half of humanity sends us every second. And if we had been more attentive, we would not have been tormented by the question “how to know that a girl likes you,” we would not be embarrassed and would not wonder what would happen if she refused. After all, all you need is to observe the facial expressions and gestures of your chosen one. It is “gestures of love” that will reveal all her innermost secrets.

    How does this happen? Remember the feeling of fear. You don’t control your heart, which is about to burst out of your chest. And also dilated pupils, trembling voice. When you experience a feeling, the body always reacts regardless of your desire. Sympathy, sexual arousal and love are no exception. Then the question arises, how to recognize this feeling? What gestures are signs of sympathy? What to look for?

    Among the many gestures from the female arsenal, there are also those that directly hint to you that a girl likes you and will answer the question - how to determine a woman’s sympathy? Let's go in order.


    When a woman straightens her hair in front of you, shakes her hair, or simply runs her hand, without obvious reasons, then this is a gesture of preening. A girl wants to look good in the presence of a man she likes. However, it is important to remember here that women, in principle, love to be liked, so don’t rush into the arms of your sweetheart, look at everything as a whole.


    Women's gestures of sympathy are often very unique. For example, sometimes girls try to keep their wrists visible so that the man they like will pay attention to them. A frequently encountered gesture is when a girl, sitting at a table, crosses her fingers and places them on top back side palms chin. This obvious desire will please.


    If you notice that a girl is looking at you furtively, this means that she is interested in you. Don't look away, watch the reaction to the fact that she got caught. If a girl, having met your gaze, looks away in embarrassment and blushes, this is the second sign of sympathy. The girl thinks about you, wants to see you, but when she is caught, she gets embarrassed out of surprise and hides her eyes.

    There is another situation, if the girl is less shy, then she will simply smile at you. Both options are signals of sympathy, it’s just that different characters the reaction manifests itself individually. But the absence of a smile and any reaction at all means that you observed a banal look “out of nothing to do.”

    It is very important to monitor not only your gaze, but also your eyes specifically. Sympathy, in its external manifestations, is very similar to fear and excitement. Signs of arousal in women are very trivial - the heartbeat quickens, breathing becomes difficult, the eyes are wide open, the pupils are dilated. We are interested in the last two signs. If a girl has no reason to be afraid, then she is excited. If you are sure that this feeling is associated with you (for example, you notice them while talking with a girl), you are in the know.

    Interesting fact:

    When everyone in a group is laughing, people first look at those they like.


    When walking, women can sway their hips quite openly, this is how their charms are demonstrated. Again, this happens and with a simple desire everyone likes it, so don’t forget the main rule - look at everything in its entirety. If you see that a woman’s gait is openly staged and the girl is trying to walk as elegantly as possible in your presence and show all of herself, then you can rest assured that these are all hidden sexual signals.


    This is a completely different story. There are conscious poses designed to seduce a man, as well as unconscious ones. Let's start with the first ones. We all remember the movie “Basic Instinct” and the famous cross-leg pose. The woman tries to keep her back straight, sticking out her chest. Thus, she focuses attention on her charms. Why do you think?

    Of the unconscious ones, this is a pose that can be called “bent knee.” In this case, the woman sits with one leg tucked under the other and points the point of her knee at the man she likes. The fact is that this is a free pose that removes any formalities and also allows, as in the previous example, to focus attention on the legs.

    A woman’s voice will quickly help you figure out how to understand that a girl likes you, because it is the voice that will be the most striking signal of sympathy. When a girl communicates with a man she likes, her voice becomes lower, sometimes even hoarse. If this happens, there is a clear sign sexual desire. Usually the pace of speech also changes, it becomes slow and drawling, in order to convey information more clearly.

    If a girl is embarrassed to express her sympathy so as not to be rejected, then her gestures and tone are completely different - the pace of speech is fast, her voice trembles or even breaks. Sometimes a girl prefers to remain silent altogether, because her excitement makes it difficult to speak. This behavior is often paired with a childish smile and a slight blush.

    Facial expressions

    One of the most inviting gestures a woman can use is a smile. She lets the man know that the woman wants to be approached and that it is safe. Of course, these are not yet signs of love in women, because everything needs to be assessed in context. If a woman licks or bites her lips, her mouth is slightly open, this indicates mild arousal, and when it is associated with you, congratulations.

    The woman’s body language is very peculiar, but still easy to read. Don’t forget that you need to look at everything at once - facial expressions, gestures, timbre of voice, behavior. This is the only way to accurately determine your attitude towards yourself. Therefore, be careful, ask questions that can cause a reaction (sympathy, excitement) and watch - the woman’s body will give itself away.

    Body language can tell a lot about a person, his thoughts and feelings. The body, without words, non-verbally, unconsciously, with the help of special gestures and movements, speaks about the characteristics of a person.

    Specialists of professions such as “Human-Human” can non-verbal cues understand: who he works for, what his illnesses are, what his mental capacity, temperament, the basic emotion of a person, what he feels at the moment.

    It is easy for anyone to see fear, anger, joy and all other vivid emotions. Complex emotions and feelings are more difficult to deal with. Falling in love sometimes manifests itself in subtle gestures and poses.

    How to find out about sympathy without asking about it directly? How do you know if a person is really in love? Are the words about love true?

    There are gestures of love that are made consciously, their meaning is clear, these are gestures of love with which it is customary to express one’s feelings in society. The danger may lie in the fact that such gestures of love can be demonstrated by a person who does not experience feelings, only for the sake of seduction and seduction.

    The article will discuss those gestures of a person in love that are performed unconsciously, instinctively, without intent and therefore are true.

    To recognize body signals you need to be attentive, watch your partner, but do it unobtrusively; take into account the situation and mood of the person during communication; each gesture must be interpreted in conjunction with others. It is important to remember that body language is more important and truer than his words.

    Gestures of sympathy common to both sexes

    1. Preening, straightening clothes, hair,
    2. The person turns his entire body towards the interlocutor,
    3. Prolonged and frequent eye-to-eye visual contact,
    4. Dilated pupils, blush on the cheeks,
    5. A sincere smile.

    A man in love always tries to be closer to a woman, strives to communicate, watches her, tries to show care and help.

    Gestures of a man in love

    Gestures of a woman in love

    1. Flirty “shooting” with the eyes. The woman looks furtively, then modestly looks away, smiling at the same time, and throws it back at the man.
    2. Preening, straightening hair and clothes.
    3. Dilation of the pupils and redness of the facial skin.
    4. Turn your whole body towards the man or point your feet towards him.
    5. Shaking your head to get your hair out of your face.
    6. Showing the wrist and neck and other attractive parts of the body.
    7. Particular smoothness of movement and grace. The woman sways her hips, arches her back, and pushes her chest forward.
    8. The voice becomes more gentle, melodic, and deep.
    9. Relaxation of the legs, they are slightly apart or crossed so that one knee is directed towards the man.
    10. Mouth slightly open. A woman's lips are naturally relaxed and moisturized.
    11. Playing with details of clothing, jewelry, hair.
    12. Lip tinting. While the man is not looking, the woman corrects her makeup and applies a fresh layer of lipstick.

    When a woman is in love, she “blooms”: she becomes more feminine and beautiful.

    To perfectly master the art of understanding a person without words by his behavior and gestures, read books on this topic. There are a lot of them! Here are some:

    1. Allan Pease, Barbara Pease “Sign Language in Love”
    2. Allan Pease, Barbara Pease “Body Language”
    3. Allan Pease, Barbara Pease “Body Language at Work”
    4. D. Space “Truth detector: Reading thoughts using facial expressions and gestures”
    5. E. Atay “Reading by faces and gestures for beginners”
    6. S. Stepanov “Language of appearance. Gestures, facial expressions, facial features, handwriting and clothing”
    7. N. Rom “Kama Sutra of Communication. The magic of words and gestures”
    8. J. Messinger “Dictionary of Gestures”
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