• Riddles for a 14th birthday. Riddles for your birthday


    Not a single children's holiday is complete without fun games and competitions. Today we want to publish some birthday riddles with answers for children, which you can offer them in between active competitions, so that the excited children calm down and relax a little. Or you can wish for them directly festive table so that the children are distracted and are not too bored sitting indoors. After all, as you know, from behind a table, even laden with all sorts of delicious dishes, the children try to get out as quickly as possible. Of course, the older your birthday person gets, the more complex the riddles should be.

    Birthday riddles with answers for children aged 3 to 6 years

    This little baby is not even afraid of the wolf. It has sharp needles - they will protect it for a long time. (Hedgehog).

    Dad baked a Sweet Apple Pie for the holiday...(pie)

    They have a trunk and ears, They walk importantly on land, They are huge and strong. They are gray... (Elephants).

    At night he no longer sleeps, he guards the house from mice. He drinks milk from a bowl. This is our pet... (Cat).

    Who walks around very hungry in the cold autumn? From the bush there is a click of teeth, This is a toothy, gray... (Wolf).

    In winter he sleeps in a den and snores a little. And if he wakes up, let’s roar, And his name is. .. (Bear).

    Don’t be bored at the table, drink hot tea with your cake (Tea)

    He sits very obediently, He doesn’t want to bark at all, He’s overgrown with a lot of fur, Well, of course it’s (a dog).

    Every evening, so easily, She gives us milk. She says two words, What is her name - (cow).

    He repeats one thing - ha-ha, Who offended? Where? When? I'm not afraid of anyone, Well, of course it's (goose).

    She buzzes over the flower, flies quickly towards the hive, gives her honey to the honeycomb, what is her name - (bee).

    Like on a sea-ocean, a fish-like fish swims, and does not allow us to swim to a huge fountain! A wave runs from it, Well, of course it is (a whale).

    The king of beasts roars loudly, hurries to gather all the animals, sits gracefully on a stone, Tell me who it is - (lion).

    A huge cat jumps through the forest, She doesn’t hide earrings in her ears, You can’t say the word to her - scat, Because it’s (lynx).

    He sits in a cage all day, And repeats under his breath, But when he hears the door creaking, He shouts “Philip-Philip,” Give Kesha a drink quickly, Who is this (parrot).

    Birthday riddles with answers for children aged 7 to 9 years

    Tell me one secret: Do giraffes live in the tundra? (No, because this animal lives in the savannah).

    The toad definitely doesn't have a tail. Does the cow have it? (Yes).

    There are no clouds on the horizon, But an umbrella has opened in the sky. A few minutes later Landed... (parachute)

    He is in a bright uniform, spurs for beauty. During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a clock. (Rooster)

    I have no legs, but I walk, I have no mouth, but I’ll tell you when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work. (Watch)

    Along the river, along the water, a string of boats floats, A ship goes ahead, Leads them behind it, Small boats have no oars, But the boat is painfully sailing. Right, left, back, forward The whole gang will turn . (Duck with ducklings).

    Twelve brothers wander around each other, do not bypass each other. (months).

    He is always at work when we talk, and rests when we are silent. (Language).

    Thirty-two warriors have one commander. (Teeth and tongue).

    What is it with Galochka? A thread on a stick, a stick in your hand, and a thread in the river. (Fishing rod).

    They beat him with a hand and a stick - No one feels sorry for him. Why are they beating the poor guy? And for the fact that he is inflated. (Ball).

    Admire, look - the North Pole is inside! Snow and ice sparkle there, Winter itself lives there. (Fridge).

    In a linen country A steamboat floats along a sheet river, Back and forth, And behind it is such a smooth surface,

    Not a wrinkle to be seen. (Iron).

    I have a robot in my apartment. He has a huge trunk. The robot loves cleanliness and hums like a TU airliner. He willingly swallows dust, does not get sick, does not sneeze. (Vacuum cleaner).

    In our house under the window there is a hot accordion: It doesn’t sing or play - it heats the house. (Heating radiator).

    The house is a glass bubble, and a light lives in it. During the day he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he will light up with a bright flame. (Flashlight).

    I silently look at everyone, And everyone looks at me. The cheerful ones see laughter, I cry with the sad ones. Deep as a river, I'm home on your wall. The old man will see the old man, The child will see the child in me. (Mirror).

    Birthday riddles with answers for children aged 10 to 12 years

    What question can no one ever answer “Yes”? (Are you sleeping?)

    It can speak all languages. (Echo)

    What is between heaven and earth? (Letter “i”).

    Without what can you not hammer a nail? (No knocking)

    What will happen to the blue scarf if you put it in the Red Sea for 10 minutes? (It will become wet).

    What can't you eat for dinner? (Breakfast or lunch).

    When is the easiest time for a white dove to get into a house? (When the windows in the house are open).

    When it's summer, they dress up, and in winter they undress. Who is this? (Trees)

    He walks around in a yellow skin, very sour. Who? (Lemon)

    One day three penguins were flying across the sky. The hunter shot one. How many penguins are left? (Penguins can't fly)

    What tree does a bird land on during a terrible rainstorm? (For wet).

    Is it possible to bring water in a colander? (You can if you freeze it)

    How many apples can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will not be eaten on an empty stomach.).

    What can be easily picked up from the floor, but cannot be thrown far? (Feather)

    The tree floats above the bush caps. On whose head does it grow so comfortably? A clearing of a forest giant will open to us. (Elk or deer).

    Yesterday everyone called me tomorrow, And tomorrow they will call me yesterday. That’s my whole mystery, It’s time to call me. (Today).

    What kind of guys are on the stumps, crowded together in a tight group? And they hold umbrellas in their hands, Caught by a cloud? (Honey mushrooms).

    There is a mountain behind the clearing, Under the mountain there is a hole, And in the mountain there are two stoves. Day and night they are full of heat, now they sniffle, now they breathe evenly. What kind of mountain is this? It's time for you to give an answer! (Nose).

    The most interesting holiday It's a birthday for children. It is for this celebration that we have made a selection of fun and funny riddles with answers that will amuse even the most boring guest. One of the most popular birthday activities is asking riddles. This is one of the simplest, but at the same time one of the most fun ways to spend absolutely any birthday: an adult and a child, a boss and a subordinate, a lawyer and an unemployed person. There are a lot of birthday riddles with answers. The most popular among them are those where after the answer you should answer the question correctly without any hints. Here are good examples.

    Riddles with answers for children

    - Three ostriches are flying. A hunter appeared and shot one of them. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly)
    – What can be characterized by these parameters: length – 15 cm, width – 7 cm, the object of female passion? (one hundred dollar bill)
    – What can’t you eat for breakfast? (dinner and lunch)
    -What does the hare have behind and the heron in front? (letter C)
    – There were six candles in the candlestick. Three candles went out. How many candles are left in the candlestick? (six)
    - The grandmother was running.
    She was carrying dough.
    Hit a soft spot.
    What do you think? (head)
    – As a rule, each month of the year ends with the 30th or 31st day. What month has 28 days? (every)
    – Who can avoid getting their hair wet in a heavy downpour? (bald)
    - A small, yellow man is picking the ground. (The Vietnamese is digging a trench)
    – A surname that has Georgian roots and sounds like an action: the scissors fell into the water and...? (rusted)
    - Ninety - sixty - ninety. What it is? (driver passing traffic police post)
    “There’s a house hanging on the wall and it smells strong.” What it is? (the cuckoo in the clock died)
    – A word that begins with three letters “G” and ends with three letters “I”. (trigonometry)
    – Which wheel is idle when the car turns left? (spare in trunk)
    – A dead man was found in the heart of the desert. Upon examination, they found something like a satchel over his shoulders and a small flask with water on his belt. There were no animals or people around for many kilometers. What was in the man's bag, and how did he die? (the man died as a result of a strong blow to the ground, and the bag is a parachute that did not have time to open)
    - Cinderella, Snow White, a policeman and an honest customs officer are traveling on the train. To quickly pass the time, everyone present is playing poker, the table is littered with money, when suddenly a train passes through a dark tunnel. When leaving the tunnel, the money disappears. Question: who could have stolen the money? (policeman, because the other three do not exist in nature)
    – Four men are sitting at the table. Looking under the table, one casually counted his legs - there were seven. How could this happen if everyone has two legs and no one even intended to bend them? (the guy just got shortchanged)
    – What plate can’t you eat anything from? (from empty)
    - Big, blue, with horns and full of hares. What it is? (trolleybus)
    – How many peas can fit into one cup? (none, because peas can’t walk)
    – About 50 million men and women do this at night. What is this? (Internet)
    - There is longing in the eyes, a board in the mouth. What is this? (a man who fell into a rural toilet)
    – What kind of phenomenon is it flying and shining at the same time? (gold tooth mosquito)
    – Who and to what question will never be able to answer “Yes”? (any sleeping person to the question “Are you sleeping?”)
    – What happens after the goat turns six years old? (the seventh one will go)
    – Under what trees do hares usually hide from the rain? (like everyone else - under wet)


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    Less popular are quatrain riddles, in which, after reading a humorous rhyme, you should end the last sentence with a word suitable in meaning and rhyme, which the narrator traditionally skips. There are relatively few such riddles, although in terms of guessing words they are much simpler than traditional ones and, moreover, are suitable for people of the most of different ages. For example, the following birthday riddles with answers will be great entertainment both in the company of respectable adults and in the company of preschool children.

    Riddles with tricky answers

    Birthday riddles with answers can be simply asked during the festive evening, or you can use them to organize real tournaments that reveal the smartest or most efficient guest. In general, improvise with guessing competitions, compose your own riddles and spend your birthday in a warm, friendly and fun atmosphere.

    Funny riddles with answers for children

    Abandon all your affairs,
    Come visit us quickly...

    My neighbor gave it to me
    Fragrant roses...

    In new packaging bright
    The room is...

    Everyone who came to visit us
    I'll ask you to go behind...

    Dressed in bright candy wrappers

    Open your mouth wider
    Let's eat delicious...

    You hold the cake tighter
    I'm blowing now...

    Don't be bored at the table
    Drink hot with the cake...

    We solved all the riddles
    Now let's play...
    (hide and seek).

    Interesting logic riddles about birthdays

    The boy celebrated his first birthday when he was 8 years old. How could this happen?

    Answer. The boy was born on February 29, 1896. But 1900 was not a leap year, since years that complete a century are leap years only when the number of centuries is divisible by 4. Therefore, the first after his birth on February 29 fell on 1904, when the boy turned 8 years. On his next birthday he turned 12.

    The riddles have collected all the folk and centuries-old wisdom. It’s not for nothing that heroes in fairy tales so often make wishes. puzzles. The wise and intelligent have always been held in high esteem. And therefore, literally any person (no matter whether he is an adult or a child), having given the correct answer to some riddle, immediately begins to honor himself as terribly smart and quick-witted, well, pride is simply bursting with his own ingenuity.

    The simplest and easy way entertain guests, both children and adults, by solving riddles. You just need to write down all the riddles you like, and as soon as there is any “technical hitch” or just an unexpected pause, you can offer to solve them. In order to interest guests, you can buy a lot of money from the “joke bank” and award them for correct answers. Adults instantly get involved in the game and try to earn a lot of “money”

    Riddles for a child’s birthday will not lose their relevance at any time of the year. They will become a real decoration of the celebration for boys and girls of different ages.

    Below are funny riddles with answers:

    Competitions and funny riddles for children's birthdays

    Young children enjoy exciting competitions that improve their mood and create a special atmosphere. They are great for home celebrations.

    Below are fun competitions for children:

    Comic children's lottery in riddles

    Many children love comic lottery in riddles. It will appeal not only to little guests, but also to adults. The organizers of this competition can select a variety of comic lots.

    If the riddle is about clay, then you can take clay mask for face. Flowers - seeds, animals and sea animals - soft toys.

    The main thing is to stick to the theme of the holiday and prepare prizes for guests.

    Lot Mystery
    Clay If you meet one on the road, your feet will get stuck. To make a mask or a vase, you will need it right away
    Chalk This master is white-white, he uses his work at school. Runs across the board, leaves a white trail. Our ceiling is also white, because it is whitewashed...
    Salt A white stone melts in water. They don’t eat it alone, and without it they eat little. Born in water, raised in fire, meets mother - dies again
    ABC The first book for kids, it teaches - it torments, but when it teaches - it makes you happy
    Album This book is not easy, guess what, but don’t rush! To have pictures there, I took out pencils
    globe The ball is not big, it doesn’t tell you to be lazy, if you know the subject, you’ll show the whole world

    Complex riddles with a trick and answers for adults

    Entertaining, complex, comic riddles are perfect for adults; when solving them, there is no need to rush to answer. Often there is a catch in it, so you need to think carefully.

    You can prepare a quiz script, which will help to include logic and non-standard thinking.

    Below are difficult riddles with a catch:

    • A disease that makes people afraid of Santa Claus? (Claustrophobia).
    • A popular and sought-after method for transporting people on Earth (on foot).
    • What should you drop when you need it and pick it up when you no longer need it? (Anchor).
    • Doesn't bark or bite, is that exactly what it's called? (@).
    • What comb is impossible to comb the hair on your head? (Petushin).
    • What disease cannot be contracted on land? (Nautical).
    • What should you do when you see a green man in front of you? (To cross a street).

    The mystery is interest Ask, to which children must mentally select the correct answer. The guys' thinking begins to actively work.

    You need to carefully prepare for a children's party so that children have fun and interesting. Logical fun puzzles are suitable for children over five years old.

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    Child's birthday - an important event both for the baby and for his parents. If you work hard and are not afraid to spend personal time preparing the event, you can create a bright holiday with many positive emotions. This is a day that the birthday boy and his guests will remember for a long time.

    Children's birthday is a fun and joyful holiday. This day must be filled with many adventures, surprises, jokes and gifts. To celebrate your child’s birthday, you don’t have to hire a professional animator and spend crazy amounts of money on decorations, paraphernalia and prizes. All you have to do is be smart, be patient, and then you can create everything you need yourself.

    Children's Birthday

    A variety of competitions based on solving riddles will give the birthday boy and his guests vivid emotions and a spirit of competition when everyone wants to earn the coveted prize.

    Competition “Guess the cartoon” with answers for parents

    In this competition, one presenter (one of the parents) reads “ catchphrases» cartoon characters. The second parent watches who gives the answer the fastest and hands him a special chip made of bright cardboard.

    Based on the results of the competition, the child who has collected the most chips receives a symbolic prize (candy, keychain, notepad or markers).

    modern children are well versed in cartoons and love everything connected with them
    • "Freedom for parrots! Freedom!" ( Kesha from Return of the Prodigal Parrot)
    • “Maybe we can have dinner already” ( Masha from "Masha and the Bear")
    • "It seems the rain is starting…" ( Piglet from Winnie the Pooh)
    • “Man is a dog’s friend—everyone around knows that” ( Barbos "Bobik visiting Barbos")
    • “You come in if anything happens!” ( Wolf from "Once Upon a Time There Was a Dog")
    • “I’m a man no matter what! In full bloom!” ( Carlson from "Baby and Carlson")
    • “Come out, you vile coward!” ( Mice from Leopold the Cat)
    • “Congratulations, Sharik! You are a dunce" ( Cat from "Prostokvashino")

    Competition "Edible Something" with answers for parents

    In this competition, children will only need to guess an edible vegetable or fruit based on descriptions and riddles. The promotion takes place in the same mode: active players are given chips for which a prize is ultimately awarded.

    prizes - The best way encourage your child to participate in competitions
    • This fruit grew in the garden and ripened in sunny weather. The fruit attracts wasps and is called ( apricot)
    • It is a large fruit and heavy, it tastes very sweet. Attracts children ripe and striped ( watermelon)
    • This fruit is the food of monkeys; it comes from warm southern countries. It is the favorite fruit of children, bright sunny ( banana)
    • It grows as a family on branches, there are vines and fruits, like children. Anyone is so happy to eat it, it's juicy ( grape)
    • Juicy and ripe, tanned in the sun. Wasps are circling next to her, because she is called ( pear)
    • Everyone knows this vegetable, it is curly and very important. Without him, the borscht is so empty and it’s called ( cabbage)
    • We are used to eating this vegetable every single day. It grows in the ground in a garden bed and prefers shade. You add it to okroshka, because it’s delicious with ( potatoes)
    • Everyone knows this citrus, although it is sour, it is important to everyone! ( lemon)
    • Kids don't like it, it hurts their eyes too much. It is so juicy and elastic, onion and white ( onion)
    • We know this fruit intimately, it is all of us. New Year pleases with its sourness and invites you under the Christmas tree. He is orange's brother, it's boring to live without ( tangerine)

    Competitions can be held immediately after the feast, when children are in the mood for fun entertainment. Such activities will be able to organize all the children and not make anyone bored, develop logic and associative thinking.

    The funniest and most fun contests for a child's birthday

    Current on children's party There will be active competitions that will allow all guests to participate and win prizes. The variety of existing competitions and tasks is impressive. For the event, you should prepare some paraphernalia, decorations and incentive prizes.

    Quest “Treasure Island” on Adventure Island

    To conduct this competition, you should stock up on the necessary paraphernalia:

    • draw a treasure map (map or plan of an apartment, house)
    • hide clues and a valuable prize
    • stick signs on room doors and place directional arrows throughout the house
    • prepare costumes for children: hats, cardboard swords, parrots and others
    children's pirate quest

    Parents need to hide the secret prize in the most unexpected place: on the mezzanine, in the closet, on the balcony, in the bed. For the kids, an extremely confusing map is drawn, which shows the entire territory of the apartment, divided into zones:

    • dead man's beach
    • wild jungle
    • dark cave
    • Aboriginal settlement and others.

    It’s good if there is one leader for each point on the map (room of the house). You can involve your family and friends in organizing the competition. Leaders are needed to give children tips if necessary, but not just like that, but for completed tasks. Eg:

    • tell a poem
    • Sing a song
    • perform physical exercise
    • assemble the puzzle
    • solve the puzzle

    When the map is completed and the treasure is found, celebrate. In modern stores you can easily buy chocolates in the form of coins wrapped in gold foil.

    A kilogram of such chocolates will be a wonderful treasure that children can share among themselves and get vivid impressions.

    chocolate coins for holding a competition, they can be easily bought in a store or ordered online

    Competition for children's birthday "Holiday Lottery"

    The secret and success of this drawing is that each child will draw the coveted ticket and be able to receive his own funny prize. You won’t have to spend a lot of money on prizes, since they should all be symbolic and funny, designed to bring joy and a smile. There should be exactly as many lottery tickets as there are children invited to the party.

    example of a children's lottery ticket, in the middle of the star you need to write a number

    Lottery prize options:

    • You need to get better grades in school. Here you go now notebook in a small cage
    • You are undoubtedly a great guy and a bright guest today. Hold the gift - lollipop and be happy with yourself!
    • You will need this prize so as not to lose your keys. We wish you to remember this birthday. ( keychain)
    • Here's a sweet one for you Chupa Chups, children's candy. It tastes good to everyone both in winter and summer
    • I give you as a gift little animal, very small toy
    • This is a very important thing, you will always need it flashlight. Darkness is no longer a barrier, it is the most pleasant gift
    • Here cookie - it will come in handy, you can eat it
    • Here barrette, without a doubt you need this decoration
    • You have a rare prize today - this wet wipes
    • Success is following you, here it is notebook for your amusement

    Interesting and fun birthday games for kids

    Outdoor games will allow kids not to sit still, and logical ones will be able to develop thinking and evoke a spirit of competition.

    funny Games for a birthday

    Game "Color Perception"

    They need to be placed in a ring on the floor in the largest room. Assignment: collect things in the house that match the color of the ribbons and put them in the center of the circle.

    All children are divided into two teams and the winner is the team that was able to find the most items.

    Game "Put on a Tail"

    To do this, prepare whatman paper size A1. You should beautifully draw a donkey or any other animal on it. The donkey should be without a tail (like Eeyore in the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh). Each child is blindfolded and given a ponytail made of thread (braid the yarn into a braid and fluff it up).

    Children take turns approaching the poster and using a needle to attach the tail. The end result always pleases and evokes happy emotions, since rarely does anyone manage to attach the tail to the right place.

    game “Put on a tail” for children and adults

    Try to capture joyful moments in this game with your camera, as it always pleases children and makes them smile and laugh.

    donkey template without tail

    Funny and cheerful birthday riddles with answers for children

    Riddles are a favorite among children. They always hide the answer that everyone knows, but they don’t always guess about it. You can choose a wide variety of riddles for the competition and give out chips for each correct answer. The winner will be the one who has the most chips.

    Try to choose a symbolic gift that meets the specifics of the competition - a notepad, a crossword puzzle or a “The Smartest” figurine.

    Children love riddles, especially if they are rewarded with prizes.


    • The pine tree has a hollow, and it is warm in this hollow. The round one accumulates nuts, the furry and redhead lives in it ( squirrel)
    • In winter he sniffs sweetly, and in summer he searches for honey in the forest Bee hive stirs ( bear)
    • He snowy winter cold, a hungry man wanders through the forest ( wolf)
    • A small gray prickly ball, dragging mushrooms into its hole ( hedgehog)
    • Very soft paws with a thick sharp claw, a shaggy tail like a hat, we call him ( cat)
    • It flows all the time, it carries water ( river)
    • It just so happens that it is important to others. Without him we cry, we hide from him ( Sun)
    • He is used to wearing a green striped jacket, it is scarlet inside like a poppy and it tastes sweet ( watermelon)
    • You put it on the table - it will be very filling, it is golden like the sun and it is round like a sieve ( bread)
    • You love her for breakfast and for lunch too, gobble her up with butter on both cheeks with a large spoon ( porridge)

    children's birthday

    Giving a holiday to a child is very simple if you try to put all your effort into the organization and are not afraid to spend your time. Children are creatures not spoiled by money and stereotypes; inflated balloons, competitions and symbolic prizes will become great happiness for kids and will leave them with a lot of impressions.

    Video: “Competitions, dancing games for children’s birthdays”

    All children's wishes come true,
    All boys and girls’ favorite holiday is...

    Birthday is around the corner - we baked...
    Not sausage, but cake

    Birthday is coming
    How much joy for everyone!
    We're in a great mood
    And it sounds fun...

    Dressed in bright dresses

    Cook Egorka tasty slide
    Baked for our birthday -
    Fly in without hesitation!

    Dad baked it for the holiday
    Sweet apple...

    Sweet, tender and airy.
    Sometimes we all need it.
    Not a single celebration
    Doesn't work without him.

    Fulfillment of all desires -
    Cool holiday...

    We're rustling in the candy store
    Bright candy wrappers.
    And for the holiday we want
    To come to you with gifts.

    On a happy name day
    They bake bread alone,
    And everyone sings: “Choose,
    Someone you love, …!"

    The bow on the box is bright,
    In that box lies...

    In new packaging bright
    The room is...

    Our oven is broken.
    But mom still refused
    Name days are cancelled.
    Which pie should we buy?

    Sugar shirt
    On top is a bright piece of paper.
    Sweet tooths love this.
    What kind of delicacy?

    You hold the cake tighter
    I'm blowing now...

    Don’t be bored today, drink it hot with your cake...

    Abandon all your affairs,
    Come visit us quickly...

    Sorry, Birthday
    Once a year he comes into the house.
    A year later by invitation
    We are visiting again...
    We'll come

    Baked for the holiday table.
    It is decorated with cherries.

    Let's go to the birthday boy
    And we bring gifts!
    And also for beauty
    We bring him...

    I'll be baked
    On your birthday,
    With nuts, cream
    And even with jam.

    The table is set and waiting for guests.
    There are so many delicious things here!
    We all love a treat
    And candy and...

    We didn't forget about the birthday cake,
    Mom will bring it to us now,
    With cherries, cream, nuts
    And, of course, with burning...

    Birthday boy, come in a circle,
    We dance around!
    Sing along with us
    Our song...

    At the celebration he is the most important,
    It is always served with dessert.
    It has a lot of cream, very sweet,
    They will cut it and give it to all the guests.

    What kind of beauty is this?
    Layer by layer - height.
    All covered in white cream,
    I'll definitely eat it!

    It's twisty and twisted
    Baked in a hot oven,
    It’s on the table if it’s a holiday,
    He is always a participant.
    It's a sweet pie. Delight,
    How is this decorated...

    On holiday I will come to everyone,
    I'm big and sweet.
    I have nuts, cream,
    Cream, chocolates.

    He is ruddy, he is fragrant,
    Like the sun, golden!
    And the filling in it is jam,
    Birthday treats!

    We are buying for the holiday
    This is a wonderful still life
    Oh, how delicious
    How much we love...

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