• Summary of GCD for paper construction “Bee hive. Summary of the design lesson Middle group “Designing from paper. Making snowflakes from colored stripes


    Author: Shchukina Natalya Yuryevna, teacher of nursery/kindergarten No. 22 of sanatorium type for tubi-infected children, Pavlodar
    Description of the material: I offer you a summary of a lesson on designing from paper in middle group on the theme "Tumbler". This material will be useful for middle school teachers. This lesson summary is aimed at cultivating interest in designing from paper strips and the development of creative imagination in preschoolers.
    Summary of a design lesson in the middle group “Tumbler” (from paper strips)

    Target: Develop the ability to transform strips of different sizes into rings.
    Tasks: Learn to carefully glue parts (head, arms) to the main shape (torso). Strengthen paper design skills. Develop the ability to independently draw a face on a circle with felt-tip pens. Activate children's speech. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate accuracy in work.
    Preliminary work: Games with tumblers, didactic game “Assemble a portrait”, drawing a person’s face (eyes, nose, mouth).
    Material for the lesson: Toy “Tumbler”, toys for the game “Find where she hid”, sample teacher, tape recorder.
    Handout: Colored strips (different sizes), white circles (for the face), felt-tip pens, cardboard rectangles (stand for crafts), glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloths.
    Vocabulary work: tumblers, cuties, stripes.
    Progress of the lesson:
    Part I.Surprise moment
    The teacher asks a riddle:
    “You came to visit us, friends,
    The doll is unusual.
    Doesn't sit, doesn't lie,
    Just know for yourself, it’s worth it.
    Sashka and Natasha know,
    These dolls... (tumblers).
    Children guess the riddle, the teacher shows the Tumbler. The guys say hello to Tumbler.
    Part II. The teacher demonstrates the doll and bends it to the table.
    Question: Why was it called that? Children explain and express their opinions. The teacher suggests looking at what the Tumbler consists of.
    - And I have another Tumbler. Where is she? Let's find her.
    Plays the game “Find where she hid?”
    The teacher hides Tumbler behind various toys, children guess and name (Tumbler hid behind the bear, Tumbler hid behind the pyramid, Tumbler hid behind the doll). The teacher activates the children's speech.
    After the game he asks questions:
    - Why is Tumbler sad? (because she is alone, she has no girlfriends...)
    - How can I help her? (they offer to make her girlfriends).
    - What is it made of? (from paper, from paper strips, from rings).
    - What size are the rings? (different; large, medium and two small).
    The teacher offers to make girlfriends for Tumbler. Explains how to do the work:
    1. Glue the longest strip - this is the body, glue the large ring onto the stand so that it does not roll away.
    2. Glue the second strip - this is the head, glue it to the body.
    3. Glue together two short strips - these are hands, glue one ring on the left, the other on the right, at the same distance.
    4.Draw a face with felt-tip pens on a white circle, glue the face onto the head, you get a Tumbler.
    The teacher shows how to properly glue the strips together to make rings. Reminds me of how to draw a face on a circle. Draws children's attention to the need to plan their activities in advance.
    Children work independently.
    Conducts physical exercises “Roll-Ons”
    -We are cuties, tumbler dolls (hands on the belt, tilts left and right)
    Tumbler dolls - bright shirts (they perform a spring with a turn).
    While the work is being done, the teacher provides practical assistance.
    Part III. The teacher analyzes the children’s work on behalf of Tumbler and sums it up. Reads a poem:
    Well done kids
    Tumblers are good.
    Your Tumblers -
    Adorable cuties.
    The teacher offers to dance with them to the children's song "Tumblers". Children dance and sing along to the song.

    Construction is one of children's favorite activities, along with visual and playful ones. It has enormous developmental and educational potential, and also performs a number of tasks unique to it: it introduces children to technical professions, teaches them how to create voluminous and beautiful objects. with my own hands. In the middle group, design classes are given great attention. It depends on the teacher working with children of the fifth year of life whether the kids will love this activity and whether they will be able to create small masterpieces on their own.

    Construction in the middle group of kindergarten: goals, types and tasks

    Construction is a type of children's productive activity, during which children make various buildings and crafts, displaying phenomena of the objective world and natural objects.

    • Its goals:
    • increasing children's interest in creating designs and models;
    • improvement of design skills;
    • providing preschoolers with the opportunity to express their attitude to the world around them through creative activities.

    A child is a born designer, inventor and researcher. These inclinations inherent in nature are especially quickly realized and improved in design, because the child has an unlimited opportunity to invent and create his own buildings and designs, showing curiosity, intelligence, ingenuity and creativity.

    L.V. Kutsakova

    “Classes on designing from building materials in the middle group of kindergarten”

    Constructive-modeling activity belongs to the educational field of “artistic and aesthetic development”, since it is very close to fine art (appliqué, drawing, sculpting). But the program requirements also reflect the technical side of design, because it is the basis for the development of technical abilities, which serves the comprehensive development of students.

    Types of design

    There are the following types of design:

    • Technical. Display of real-life objects (cars, houses, bridges, etc.) respecting their structure and functionality. In this design they use:
      • building material (sets of geometric bodies made of plastic or wood);
      • constructors with parts with fastenings;
      • large modular blocks.
    • Artistic. Here, what comes to the fore is not functionality and close correspondence to the real object, but beauty appearance products, the child’s opportunity to show his creative and artistic abilities, to express his attitude towards what he creates. Such crafts are made from:
      • paper and cardboard;
      • natural material (chestnuts, nuts, acorns, leaves, branches, straw, etc.);
      • waste material (corks, matchboxes, jars of yogurt, milk and juice cartons, etc.).

    Photo gallery: materials for technical design

    A classic wooden construction set is the best building material for preschoolers. With the help of plastic construction set parts, children will be able to fix the colors and shapes of geometric bodies. A slotted Lego-type construction set allows kids to easily and quickly create strong buildings. The puzzle construction set is gaining more and more popularity, but for now it is mostly used for playful rather than educational activity By modeling buildings from large blocks, children learn to navigate space and use it rationally

    Objectives of teaching design

    The main tasks of technical design in the middle group:

    • improve the ability to recognize and name the details of a building material (cube, brick, block, etc.);
    • learn to choose building materials depending on the size and purpose of the finished product;
    • lay the foundations for an elementary analysis of a sample structure (what parts it consists of, how these parts are connected to each other, what is at the top, what is at the bottom, etc.);
    • develop the ability to compare objects and buildings, apply it in practice (a large car needs a wide bridge, a tall nesting doll needs a high gate);
    • make your own structures using the design principles shown by the teacher;
    • combine large and small details, decorate buildings, play with them.

    Paper design tasks:

    • expand children's ideas about paper as convenient and beautiful material for crafts (it can be easily glued, changed shape, it can be crushed and twisted, cut with scissors);
    • give an idea of ​​the difference between whatman paper and cardboard from paper (they are denser, they are difficult to deform, but products made from them are stronger and retain their appearance longer);
    • learn to create crafts from paper, using its colorfulness and aesthetic appearance;
    • teach students a new way of constructing - from paper squares by folding them diagonally and in half with opposite sides aligned;
    • give the craft a finished look by gluing small additions (wheels, windows, decorative elements).

    In the middle group, children master a new skill: they learn to fold a square of paper in half, matching the corners

    The use of natural material in constructive-model activities poses the following tasks for the teacher:

    • developing ideas about the gifts of nature and using them to create beautiful crafts;
    • developing the ability to consider, study existing material and imagine what it looks like and what can be made from it;
    • learning the skills to embody a plan, create a complete artistic image, combining different types of natural materials (cones, dry leaves and branches, maple wings, nut shells, etc.), and using glue and plasticine for fastening;
    • introduce children to the natural world, cultivate environmentally appropriate behavior while collecting natural material on walks.

    The main goal of designing from natural materials is to create artistic image on an existing ready-made basis

    In addition to special problems, design solves a number of general ones, such as:

    • speech development (children must describe what they built and how the product can be used);
    • development of memory, imagination, logical thinking, ability to navigate in space;
    • improving ideas about color and shape;
    • fostering neatness, hard work (we always put the construction set and materials in place), thriftiness (when using waste material), love for nature and respect for its gifts;
    • strengthening the sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;
    • the formation of a strong interest in the professions of a builder and designer, the desire to protect the results of their work.

    Organization of constructive-model activities in preschool educational institutions

    Children can design and model during games (role-playing, directing), independent artistic activities and organized classes. In the creativity corner there should always be materials available from which children could create simple crafts themselves, using previously acquired skills and abilities. These can be squares, circles and strips of paper, large plant fruits (chestnuts, acorns), glue, plasticine, a small supply ready-made forms

    and details (faces and paws of animals, flowers, leaves, fruits cut out of paper, which kids could use to complement the finished work). It is necessary from the very beginning to teach children to put away everything that was used for construction, when finished, and carefully put it away workplace

    . However, if the teacher noticed that the children spent a long time and diligently erecting some kind of structure, it turned out beautiful, harmonious, and the children do not want to dismantle it, you should not insist that the building material be immediately put away in a box. The building can be left for a day or two, used for play, transformed into other structures, but in the future the building materials can still be returned to their proper place, and the children can be praised for their diligence and accuracy.

    Children should be taught to carefully put construction sets and other materials back in place after finishing an activity or game.

    • In addition, you need to remember:
    • Little craftsmen get special pleasure and awareness of the need for their work when they use their crafts to decorate a playroom or locker room, or the lobby of a preschool institution.
    • Over time, natural material becomes unusable, so it must be checked periodically to remove damaged material. Children can also be involved in this type of work.
    • Only fallen natural material is collected, and no branches, leaves, or fruits should be plucked from trees and shrubs.

    A child can turn collecting natural materials for crafts into an exciting game.

    Techniques used in working with children of the fifth year of life

    The main techniques for teaching design are:

    • Sample demonstration and analysis. The teacher shows the children the finished product (bridge, basket, bucket), discusses with them what parts the object or structure consists of, what is necessary for its manufacture, analyzes the shape, material, future use of the craft or building.
    • The teacher demonstrates the process of making a toy and building it. The guys must see the sequence of actions that must be performed to get the desired result.
    • In the second half of the year, a detailed demonstration can be replaced by a demonstration of individual, most complex operations in combination with verbal explanations, since children have already accumulated experience in creating products on which their activities are based.
    • Statement of the problem and definition of conditions without demonstration. This technique is introduced if the topic being studied is based on material familiar to children and the product is made by analogy with what is already known, for example, after constructing a cup from paper, a bucket is made according to the same pattern.
    • Step-by-step analysis of children's work performance. After completing each operation, you should check whether it was done correctly, whether it corresponds to the sample, and, if necessary, correct errors that can significantly affect the appearance and shape of the finished product. For example, if a child was unable to accurately align the sides of a square when bending, the teacher should assess how deformed it will be. finished craft, and help the little designer correct the defect. Children should also be taught to analyze a craft, compare it with a model, eliminate the discrepancy on their own, or seek help from a teacher.

    Using these techniques, the teacher teaches children, guiding them through the following stages of construction:

    • According to the sample or its image. The sample can be solid or consisting of individual parts or parts.
    • According to the conditions. It is introduced when children have mastered the work according to the model well.
    • By design. The most difficult, but also the most interesting stage, giving scope for creativity and imagination. It is introduced after children have successfully mastered the first two.

    Thus, one can notice that the importance of abstract thinking and independence in the manufacture of a product is increasing, children learn free choice, master general methods and principles of design.

    Construction classes in the middle group of kindergarten

    Direct educational activities (DEA) in design are necessary in the learning process because they:

    • allows the teacher to work simultaneously with the entire group of children and fulfill certain program requirements;
    • to develop skills and abilities in the most complete and systematic manner;
    • monitor the level of mastery of design skills in children and, if necessary, carry out individual work;
    • diversify design with other types of activities (drawing, applique), supplement with reading poems, riddles, listening to music.

    Lesson structure and time plan

    Classes (GCD) are held in the middle group 2 times a month, and leading methodologists recommend devoting one lesson to technical design, and the second to artistic design, alternating work with paper, natural and improvised materials.

    The approximate duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, and it consists of the following stages:

    1. Organizational part. Explanation of the topic and objectives of the activity. It may be advisable to conduct psycho-gymnastics to create a positive emotional background (1–2 min.).
    2. Main part.
      1. Motivation constructive activity(3–4 min.).
      2. Demonstration and explanations by the teacher (2–3 min.).
      3. Finger gymnastics or physical education (1–2 min.).
      4. Independent work by children (6–8 min.).
    3. The final part. Examination. discussion of work, summing up (1–2 min.).

    An indispensable condition for a successful lesson is preliminary work with children. On a walk, during excursions around the city, the teacher draws the attention of preschoolers to the buildings and architectural structures that exist in their city or town, teaches them to notice them characteristic features(what parts they are made of, what size, color, material from which they are made, how they are decorated, what they are used for).

    It will be great if you can observe the work of builders, repairing fences, installing and painting benches in the park, etc. Children of the fifth year of life have a highly developed imitation of adults, and they want to imitate, creating a certain useful result. An analogy with the creative activity of adults will increase children’s interest, expand their horizons, and give impetus to playing out what they see after class.

    To get children interested in construction, they need to be introduced to the work of builders in as much detail as possible.

    Before designing equipment (ship, plane), it is advisable to consider plot paintings, which will give children an understanding of the work of aircraft builders and shipbuilders. When planning the construction of baskets, toys, and furniture from paper or waste material, the teacher organizes the examination and discussion of real objects, preferably of different colors, models, and sizes.

    If you have to make a forest boy or other fairy-tale character from natural material, preliminary work can be done using fragments of the corresponding cartoons. You can learn in advance a funny song about a gnome, a hedgehog (on the topic of the upcoming lesson) and sing it in the introductory part of the lesson.

    Motivating start to class

    It is known that proper motivation is half the success. Both the course and the result of the lesson depend on how the teacher gets the children interested in the upcoming activity. Most good options motivating stage are:

    • The appearance of a fairy-tale hero, a character from a favorite literary work, forest guests (animals) who ask the kids to help them. For example, a hedgehog needs a basket for picking apples, a paper doll needs new furniture.
    • Making riddles, reading poems, nursery rhymes.
    • Surprise moment. He must certainly carry something unusual, surprising. The appearance of a beautiful, attention-grabbing object (a decorative snowflake with sparkles, a model of an airplane or ship, a gift from a fairy-tale hero) would be appropriate here. A surprise should evoke an emotional response in children and stimulate creativity and imagination. It will come in handy in an art design class.
    • Problematic situation. She will be voiced by fairy tale hero, it can also be contained in an audio message or simple letter character (pre-designed by the teacher). For example, a sad monkey comes to the group; she misses her family, who lives in distant Africa, overseas. To help her see her family, the children decide to build a ship that will sail across the ocean. Or Spring sends a letter to the kids asking them to make flowers as a gift for their mothers and grandmothers.
    • A didactic game of simple content (“What do people ride?”, “Flies, rides, floats”, “Forest inhabitants, children and parents”, “Which branch are these children from?”, etc.).
    • Examination of illustrations, paintings, brief conversation on their content.

    This kind and funny monkey can motivate children to build a ship to sail across the ocean.

    The motivating stage should be logically combined with the topic of the lesson and the time of year.

    Technical and paper design is carried out in a group room. Crafts from natural materials are made indoors in spring and autumn, and in winter the construction can be taken outside and a slide, a snowman, or a snow fortress can be built.

    Table: examples of motivating beginnings to design classes

    Topic and author of GCD Contents of the fragment
    Fragment of a lesson on the topic “Bridges”, author Kolomenskaya L.A. Game situation: the teacher contributes beautiful box and asks you to guess what's in it. (Listens to the children’s suggestions). Asks a riddle:
    • I have a box
      My friends live there
      They are very different
      Yellow, red,
      Green and blue
      Everyone is friendly and strong.
      They like to get together
      And turn into buildings. (Cubes).

    V.: Would you like to listen to a fairy tale about cubes? (Yes). I will tell you, and you will help me. Story with showing:

    • Once Kubik went into the forest,
      I found Brick there,
      Details joined hands,
      They ran along the path.
      And towards - hop-hop -
      Brusok ran up to his friends.
      And Brusok asked for details:
      “Have you seen Cylinder?”
      The Cube turned sideways:
      "I'm not familiar with the Cylinder"
      And Brick was surprised:
      “Did he roll towards us?
      Well, now it's time to go,
      We need to find the Prism.
      I saw her - idle.
      She sat with Cone
      Visiting Plastin's friends
      And with a diagram in hand."

    Children find the corresponding geometric shapes and name them.
    V.: Some friends got together Geometric shapes to your favorite holiday park, come to the river and don’t know what to do.
    On four tables united together there is a river laid out - a strip of blue paper closed in a ring; in the center of the ring there is a park (trees, benches, swings, etc.).
    Problem situation: how to get to the park, how to get across the river? (Children's suggestions: on a boat, swim across, build a bridge).
    The teacher praises them for their suggestions and suggests that it would be better to build a bridge so that all residents can enter the park via a durable bridge.
    There are several options for building bridges. The drawings are analyzed: what needs to be built first, what parts are needed during construction.

    Fragment of a lesson on the topic “Dog Kennel”, author Suvorova L.A. There is a ball game called “Who Lives in Which House”. Children stand in a circle facing the teacher. The teacher has a ball in his hands.
    V.: Guys, I will throw the ball and name the animal or bird. And the one who caught the ball names where this animal or bird lives.
    Throws the ball:
    • Fox (in the hole),
    • crow (in the nest),
    • squirrel (in a hollow), etc.

    The game is played several times.

    Fragment of a lesson on the topic “Trucks”, author Shtareva N.A. The teacher brings into the group a chest containing a toy truck.
    V.: Guys, look what a beautiful chest. Do you want to know what's there? Then guess the riddle:
    • Not an animal, not a bird, rushing down the street.
      It drives, buzzes, the motor makes noise.
      There is a body, a cabin, and four wheels.
      Carries a heavy load,
      Such miracles!

    V.: Correct. This is a truck (takes out a toy from the chest). Why is it called that? (Transports various cargoes).
    Let's see what the truck brought us today? (Different figures). Which? (Children name some of the figures from the Dienesh blocks that the teacher shows).
    Now take one figure at a time and sit on the chair where there is a picture depicting exactly the same figure.
    Well done guys, you found it right necessary pictures(The teacher collects module blocks and pictures).
    Look, I also have a truck on my easel. Let's build a similar truck! And to make it big, we will make it from modules. Let's start with the cockpit. What shape is needed for the cockpit? (The teacher calls the children one by one to choose the desired figure from the modules, and together with the children makes a model of a truck).
    This is how big and beautiful our truck turned out to be. Compare - does it look like the car shown in the picture?
    Do you like to ride in a car? (Children's answers). Then let's now take a ride in a car and play the game "Cars".

    • Quickly take the steering wheel in your hands and start the engine.
      Let's pump up the tires together,
      Let's get into the cars together.
      We press the pedal and the car goes into the distance.

    (Children, together with the teacher, perform the movements mentioned in the poem and “ride” to the music “We are going, going, going...” in the group).

    • Stop, car, stop, motor,
      There is a traffic light on the road (The teacher shows the layout of the traffic light).
      The red light came on -
      This means there is no way for us.
      Yellow - be careful
      And the green light is on -
      So the way is open again!

    All the cars go to the parking lot, to chairs at tables, on which a set of Dienesh blocks and a diagram with a picture of a truck are prepared for each child.

    Table: approximate card index of activities for children of the fifth year of life

    Author Khabibullina A.N., teacher of the Berezka Medical Educational Institution, Kogalym, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
    Month Kind of activity GCD theme GCD tasks
    September Fences and fences
    • Exercise children in closing space by arranging planar figures (square, triangle, circle, rectangle);
    • consolidate ideas about the main construction parts and parts of the designer (cube, brick, block);
    • teach to understand an adult, think, find your own solutions.
    Carpet of leaves
    • Learn to make a composition from autumn leaves;
    • creatively complement the composition with details;
    • develop imagination and creativity.
    October Construction from building material Houses, sheds
    • Exercise children in fencing small spaces with plate bricks installed vertically and horizontally;
    • develop the ability to make floors;
    • exercise in mastering spatial concepts (in front, behind, below, above, left, right);
    • practice distinguishing and naming colors;
    • develop independence in finding design methods;
    • promote playful communication.
    Paper construction Cars
    • Master the method of folding a square in half, ensuring that the sides and corners match;
    • develop the eye.
    November Construction from building material Terema
    • Develop children's design skills;
    • practice in the construction of strong buildings with floors using the framing method paper models with bricks, making floors from plates and boards, constructing buildings on floors, decorating roofs with various details;
    • practice distinguishing and naming basic geometric shapes and shading;
    • develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find commonalities and highlight differences.
    Construction from natural materials Hedgehog
    • Teach children to see images in natural materials;
    • use plasticine to secure parts;
    • make crafts neat and stable.
    December Construction from building material Forest kindergarten
    • Learn to organize space for construction;
    • plan activities, model;
    • design various items furniture;
    • unite buildings with a single plot;
    • encourage the creation of new versions of already familiar buildings;
    • involve in joint activities;
    • develop constructive abilities;
    • form ideas about geometric shapes;
    • develop spatial thinking.
    Construction from waste material Christmas tree decorations
    January Construction from building material Trucks
    • Give children a general idea of ​​freight transport;
    • exercise in its design, in analyzing samples, in transforming structures according to given conditions;
    • give an idea of ​​the construction part - the cylinder and its properties (in comparison with the block);
    • clarify children’s ideas about geometric shapes;
    • encourage you to find your own solutions;
    • develop the ability for planar modeling.
    Paper construction Christmas tree
    • Practice tearing paper along the contour;
    • practice rolling paper balls;
    • develop the skill of composing an image from parts on a plane.
    February Construction from building material Bridges
    • Give children an idea of ​​bridges, their purpose, structure;
    • practice building bridges;
    • consolidate the ability to independently select the necessary details by size, shape, color, and combine them;
    • introduce children to a stencil ruler (with geometric shapes), practice working with it, comparing shapes, highlighting their similarities and differences.
    Paper construction Dog booth
    • Continue teaching children to fold a sheet in half;
    • work carefully with glue;
      decorate the craft with small details.
    March Construction from natural materials Flowers for mothers and grandmothers
    • Teach children to make simple compositions from natural materials;
    • develop hand motor skills;
    • develop imagination.
    Construction from building material Ships
    • Give children an idea of different types ships, that their structure depends on their functional purpose;
    • bring to a generalization: all ships have a bow, a stern, a bottom, a deck;
    • practice analysis of structures, planning activities;
    • develop design skills;
    • practice planar modeling, composing a whole from parts according to a model and design;
    • develop the ability for visual analysis.
    April Construction from building material Aircraft
    • Give children an idea of ​​airplanes, their types, and the dependence of their structure on their purpose;
    • to summarize: all airplanes have wings, a cabin, a cockpit, a tail, and a landing gear;
    • practice in designing aircraft according to a model, transforming an image according to certain conditions, in planar modeling using diagrams, in coming up with your own variants of buildings;
    • develop the ability to outline the sequence of construction of the main parts, distinguish and name geometric figures, reason, draw independent conclusions.
    Paper construction Basket
    • Strengthen the ability to fold a square in half;
    • make cuts, connect and glue them.
    May Construction from building material Construction according to drawing
    • Learn to determine the sequence;
    • select material;
    • coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.
    Construction from natural materials Bees
    • Continue learning to create familiar images using natural materials;
    • develop imagination;
    • develop fine motor skills of the hands.
    Quote from: http://kladtalant.ru/publikatsii-pedagogov?publ=23023

    Photo gallery: diagrams and finished buildings made from building materials

    By building bridges, children become familiar with the concept of balance. A boat is one of the most popular figures when working with building material. An airplane made from building material is a rather unstable structure. Children cannot always make the construction of a tower stable. When building a bridge across a “river”, a child should take into account the size of the boats. material, you can make a truck, but you won’t be able to move it from place to place. The building material makes a variety of arches and towers. By combining the buildings of several guys, you can get a ready-made thematic composition

    Individual approach in class

    In technical design classes, it is permissible to give multi-level tasks if children work in pairs, 4 at one table, constructing a common structure. Then the one who manages to do his part of the work earlier can help the others or perform some actions beyond the planned plan (select and install additional decoration parts, build a small building next to the main one, if there are materials left).

    Art classes usually involve all children doing the same craft, but active kids may get bored if they finish the job early. The teacher should have several options on how to keep such a child occupied: offer him to make another simple craft on the topic of previous classes, give him the opportunity to decorate the work with some details if desired (glue or draw something). It is quite possible that a child, having finished a craft before the others, will just want to look at it or quietly play with it; this should not be interfered with either.

    Sometimes a child wants to decorate his craft with special details, and sometimes he just wants to play with it

    Children’s individual preferences should also be taken into account when choosing materials for crafts. Children already have their favorite colors and decorative elements, so it’s worth giving them the right to choose. Some people will want to make a yellow basket and decorate it with a pink flower, while others will like a blue base and red berries for decoration.

    It is always worth preparing several more decorative elements than is required for the group, and varying them (if flowers, then of different configurations, if mushrooms, then of different types).

    Decoration and size of crafts

    Decorating crafts is an important stage in the development of a child’s aesthetic taste and worldview. It is necessary to give the preschooler as much freedom and choice as possible in this matter, so we will raise an active, thinking person, capable of making his own decisions and defending his opinion. In addition, teaching children how to decorate finished products, the teacher develops their sense of symmetry and proportionality of parts, teaches them the harmonious combination of colors.

    For decoration paper crafts you can use drawings with felt-tip pens or wax pencils, they give a bright saturated color lines and easy to use. Baskets, buckets, houses, etc. can be decorated with appliques made of fabric or lace braid. Beads and sequins can be easily attached to crafts in which plasticine was used. Scraps of yarn, cut cocktail tubes, buttons, corks, pieces of mica, straw, moss, dry herbs and ears of corn - all this can also be used as an addition to create a solid artistic image, the most complete embodiment of the idea.

    Even corn on the cob can be used as the basis for a fun craft.

    Crafts made from paper and improvised materials should not be designed to be too large and bulky; it should be comfortable for the child to hold, play, and manipulate them. Buildings made from cubes and blocks must correspond in size to the intended function (we build a bridge wide enough for a large car to pass, we make a ship of such a size that all the toys that want to travel can fit in it).

    Video: lesson on paper design in the middle group

    Video: lesson on Lego construction in the middle group

    Features of conducting an open design lesson

    At an open lesson on constructive model activities, the following points should be taken into account:

    • The relevance of the topic of the lesson (whether it reflects the topic of the teacher’s self-education or the problem that the preschool educational institution team is working on).
    • Use of innovative techniques, teaching materials, equipment. These can be Dienesh blocks, non-traditional materials (boxes, corks, pasta, plastic plates). It is useful for colleagues invited to a lesson to see something new and interesting for themselves, which will contribute to their professional growth and self-improvement.

    When preparing for a lesson, the teacher should:

    • Consider the goals, objectives, methods and techniques that will be used in the GCD demonstration.
    • Make a detailed summary indicating all types of activities, games used, literary works, small forms of folklore, etc., as well as their remarks and possible answers from children.
    • Calculate the expected result, possible difficulties and ways to eliminate them (children may become confused in the presence of strangers, hesitate to answer, you need to be prepared for this, encourage the child, ask a leading question).
    • Prepare finger exercises and physical education.
    • Arrange demonstration and handout material so that it is convenient for children to use it and is clearly visible.
    • Think about the organization of the space: where to seat the children, where the guests are so that they do not distract the kids (it is better to place the guests behind the seated children), how to arrange large equipment, where to hang a multimedia board if it is used.
    • Inform your parents a few days before class. Prepare the children, tell them that they will have guests, teachers from other kindergartens, who will see how the kids can work with the construction set.
    • Prepare a speech explaining to your colleagues the goals and objectives of the lesson, and methods for achieving them.

    What not to do:

    • Conduct grueling rehearsals. It is better to break the entire GCD into parts ahead of time and use it in different types of activities, either a didactic game or a physical education lesson. Then the lesson will not look rote and artificial.
    • Extend the duration of the lesson beyond the norm. If you are planning a GCD with the integration of different educational areas, then it is permissible to extend it by 5–6 minutes.
    • Carry out more than one open class in a day. Both the children and the teacher should rest and relieve stress. Having remained in the group after colleagues left, the teacher once again praises the kids, recalls good moments classes. This helps to establish emotional intimacy and helps children gain satisfaction from what they have accomplished, because they also felt responsible and worried.
    • Giving children more workload or offering them types of work that are not age appropriate, wanting to “amaze” guests. Children must perform actions and gain knowledge that is given to them in a regular lesson.
    • Overload the activity with colorful visuals, visual effects, expensive decorations. On open display they come to see and learn from experience that they can use in their work.
    • In case of failure, torment yourself with self-criticism. Any failure gives impetus to move forward.

    Colleagues should also be correct and treat the teacher with understanding, since for him an open show is a big responsibility and a nervous burden.

    Table: example of a summary of an open design lesson in a middle group

    Author Mavlyutova G.Ya., teacher of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 6 “Vasilyok”, Kuvandyk urban district, Orenburg region
    Subject "Houses on the City Streets"
    GCD stage Contents of the stage
    GCD tasks
    • Educational:
      • continue to consolidate children’s knowledge of the construction of buildings and houses with ceilings;
      • learn to identify the main parts (walls, foundation, roof);
      • distinguish and name the names of parts: prism, cylinder, cone, block, plate;
      • select the parts needed for construction;
      • learn to analyze a finished graphic model of a house;
      • teach to observe symmetry and proportions;
      • continue to learn how to design according to a diagram, practice arranging parts;
      • consolidate knowledge about road signs, rules of conduct on city streets.
    • Educational:
      • develop creative thinking and imagination;
      • develop creative initiative, visual memory and attention, communication skills, ability to work in a peer group;
      • develop children's design skills;
    • Educational:
      • cultivate children's interest in independent work;
      • encourage children to search activities;
      • cultivate hard work and love of creativity in the design process;
      • to form a respectful and caring attitude towards the beauty of the surrounding world.
    Equipment and materials
    • Pictures and diagrams depicting buildings according to the number of children in the group,
    • magnetic board,
    • multi-colored magnets,
    • construction material,
    • cards with building diagrams,
    • additional material (trees, road signs),
    • cardboard tiles for reflection,
    • projector, laptop, USB flash drive with music video and pictures.
    Preliminary work
    • Construction of residential and public buildings.
    • Conversations about the work of a builder.
    • View slides "Different houses".
    • Individual conversations on the topic: “Buildings and structures of the city.”
    • Individual work: construction according to diagrams.
    Organizational part IN.: Good morning, Guys! I am glad to see you again so beautiful, healthy, with kind eyes. Exciting games and many more interesting things await us today. Let's say hello first.
    Communicative game with articulation gymnastics “Hello” (according to M. Kartushina).
    • Hello, palms! (Children stretch out their arms and turn them palms up.)
      Clap-clap-clap! (3 claps.)
    • Hello legs! (Spring.)
      Top-top-top! (They stomp their feet.)
    • Hello cheeks! (Stroke cheeks with palms.)
    • Chubby cheeks! (Circular movements with fists on cheeks.)
      Plop-plop-plop! (Lightly pat the cheeks 3 times.)
    • Hello sponges! (They shake their head left and right.)
      Smack-smack-smack! (They smack their lips 3 times.)
    • Hello, teeth! (They shake their head left and right.)
      Click-click-click! (Click their teeth 3 times.)
    • Hello, my nose! (Stroke the nose with the palm.)
      Beep-beep-beep! (Press the nose with the index finger.)
    • Hello, guests! (Extend their arms forward, palms up.)
      Hello! (Waving hand.)

    Determination of the psychological state of children.
    V.: Now sit down more comfortably on the mat. Choose each picture you like and explain why you chose it.
    Children are shown cards with images of the sun, a cloud, the sun behind a cloud, lightning, rain.
    Children's answers.
    V.: Okay, but do you want the sun to always be next to you, so that you don’t be sad or quarrel? And to do this, smile more, do interesting things and please each other. After all, every smile is little sun, which will make you feel warm, light and joyful, fun. Let's show how happy they are funny people.
    Finger game “Merry Men” (Children stand in pairs and perform actions in accordance with the text).

    • Cheerful people ran past the river.
      We jumped, galloped, greeted the sun.
      We climbed onto the bridge and hammered in a nail.
      The hammers are knocking: t-t-t, t-t-t.
      What's that noise, what's that thunder?
      We will hit with an ax: d-d-d, d-d-d.
      We smiled, became friends and hugged.
    Main part V.: What funny people! And everyone has their own home, where they are loved, welcome, and they all live as one family. Animals have houses, even insects. Let's see who has what house.
    Didactic game “Who has which house.”
    Multimedia presentation. Slide No. 1.
    V.: Look how the ant and the bee carry building material. Maybe we can also try to carry sticks without hands?
    Experimental game “Pressing upper lip to the nose, we carry tubes and sticks.”
    Q: What does a people’s house look like, what parts does it consist of? (From the foundation, walls, windows, floors, roof).
    What parts are needed to build a house? (Bricks, cubes, plates).
    Let's see on the screen.
    Slide No. 2. Multimedia showing how geometric shapes turned into construction parts.
    Q: On which side did you place the brick? (On a narrow long edge).
    What professions do people work in construction? (bricklayer, painter, plasterer, crane operator).
    Do you want to build a house? (Children's answers. Then they put on their uniform: helmets, aprons, sleeves). Follow safety rules.
    Dynamic musical pause “I want to build a house.”
    Q: Do you think you can put your house anywhere you want? (No). You will be shown special areas and an area. Now everyone will take the site number and the diagram of the future construction and find their own site.
    Tell me, Emil, about your drawing. (Child's story).
    Let's get to work. Make buildings strong and stable.
    Independent work children according to the scheme.
    Final part V.: We have finished the construction. When there are a lot of houses, what do we call it? (Street). What if this street is very long? (Avenue).
    What would you call this avenue? (Prospekt Mira, Children's).
    How will you cross the street? (On the pedestrian crossing). If you have a sign, put it where the sign should be. What to look for when crossing the street? (At a traffic light). Where will we put the traffic light?
    What is this sign? (“Careful, children!”).
    Near which building should we put such a sign? (Near school, kindergarten).
    To make it always beautiful on the street, near the house, what should you do? (Plant flowers, don’t litter in the yard).
    V.: Guys, you tried so hard today, you did your best. Thank you for your hard work. You have made people and residents so happy with your work. There is always a small path that leads you into the house. If you liked this kind of work today, put down a green tile; if something didn’t work out for you, something didn’t work out, put down a red tile.
    Residents will soon move into these houses. There will be a housewarming party, a holiday. Let's make a festive fireworks display. (Bubble).

    Analysis of the lesson and diagnostics of the design skills of children in the middle group

    After each lesson, an analysis is carried out. Children share their impressions: what was interesting for them to do, what was easy, and what caused difficulties. The teacher gives a positive assessment of the work as a whole and praises the most successful ones. original products. Comments about errors and shortcomings should be made in general, without naming names, since children of this age perceive criticism very painfully.

    The teacher must analyze the lesson for himself and draw conclusions to improve subsequent work. Anything that failed, caused difficulty or was not clear to the children requires careful study and individual lessons with the kids.

    Twice a year, children’s skills and abilities are diagnosed, drawing up a diagnostic chart. This work will also help the teacher improve children's learning to design.

    Table: example of a diagnostic card

    Design as a topic for teacher self-education

    If the constructive-model activity of children is close to the teacher, and he wants to develop his knowledge and skills in this direction, then construction may well become a topic of self-education.

    • The teacher’s work on his professional development will take place in the following areas: Studying innovative technologies
    • , the use of non-traditional materials for the manufacture of crafts themselves and their decoration.
    • Study and analysis of recommended general education programs.
    • Reading the latest methodological literature on the topic.
    • Participation in methodological associations, attending open events at the city level and preschool educational institutions.
    • Participation in thematic exhibitions, seminars, master classes.
    • Researching children's capabilities in this area, stimulating their search and experimental activities.

    Work with parents (consultations, individual conversations, involvement in participation in craft exhibitions, enrichment of the group’s developmental environment).

    Target: Conducting design classes and their full, in-depth analysis will help the teacher make his work with middle-level preschoolers even more productive, and in children, a teacher who is passionate about design will develop both creative and artistic abilities, as well as the makings of future inventors, architects, and craftsmen. creating conditions for education moral qualities


    , feelings of empathy, desire to do good deeds. Educational: continue to introduce children to one of the ways to design from paper: create a craft based on paper accordion

    Educational: , complementing it with characteristic details.

    improve the ability to cut a round shape from a square sheet of paper, the technique of symmetrical cutting from paper folded in half. Educators:

    develop skills of co-creation, mutual assistance, and the ability to create a collective composition. Material: Laptop, screen, rectangular blank (beehive). Presentation. Handout according to the number of children: stripes of black and yellow color size 2×15 cm, paper yellow color 2x2 in size, yellow rectangular paper folded in half 3x6 cm, glue, scissors, napkins, felt-tip pens.

    Children go to the group.

    Educator: Come on, guys, sit down. Is everyone seated comfortably? Guys, where is Vasya?

    Children's answers: Vasya got sick.

    Educator: What a pity, guys, that Vasya got sick. How do you think a sick person feels?

    Children's answers: He has a fever. He feels bad.

    Educator: You’re right, he’s probably sad and lonely alone. Guys, I wanted to tell you a fairy tale today, but now I have another idea. Come on, we’ll all give Vasya a gift together. He will be happy, his mood will lift and he will recover faster.

    Children's answers: Let's do it. He will be very happy.

    Educator: What can you make a gift from?

    Children's answers: From paper, from fabric, from boxes.

    Educator: Let's make it out of paper. I wonder if there was always paper?

    Children's answers: Yes.

    Educator: No, guys, the paper on which we write and draw today did not appear right away. And now I’ll show you how it all happened.

    The teacher's story is accompanied by a presentation.

    In the beginning, there was stone and clay. They wrote on stone with clay. Then wooden planks appeared, covered with a layer of wax. Later papyrus appeared. The plant was cut, stacked on top of each other, smeared with glue, dried in the sun and then rolled into tubes. As time went on, people began to use animal skins (calves and sheep). The writing material was called parchment. And only then paper appeared - the most convenient material for writing. What do you think paper can be used for?

    Children's answers: For drawing, writing. You can wrap toys and food in it. Making toys out of paper...

    Summary of the conversation. The teacher summarizes the conversation.

    Educator: We have already said that paper can be used to make beautiful gifts. Please look, I have such a blank (hive).

    How do you think this could be? What does she look like?

    Children's answers: To a house for bees.

    Educator: Correct. What is the name of the bee house? Who knows?

    Children's answers: Beehive.

    Educator: Guys, let's make bees out of paper and put them in this hive. Will we get a wonderful gift for Vasya?

    Children's answers: Let's do it!

    Educator: Do you know how to make bees? I'll teach you now.

    Show sample: This is the kind of bee each of you will make. Let's look at it. What does she have? (torso, head, wings).

    In order to make the body, you need to make an accordion like this. To do this, we take two strips of paper: black and yellow flowers. The black strip of paper lies on the table like this - horizontally, and the yellow one - vertically. Spread the end of the black strip with glue and glue the end of the yellow strip to it, aligning the corners and sides. Now we wrap the bottom strip over the black one and iron the fold line. Then we wrap the yellow strip over the black one and iron the fold line. And so we fold the strips one by one until we get an accordion. The body is ready.

    - Anya, what figure are we going to cut the head from?

    Children's answers: Their yellow square.

    Educator: Okay. Tell the children how to do this (the teacher involves the children in explaining already familiar cutting methods).

    Educator: How are we going to cut out the wings? How many wings should you get? We hold the paper together without unfolding it (cutting from paper folded in half).

    Children's answers: Glue the parts together.

    Educator: Correct. Glue the head to the front of the body. Where are the wings? Along the edges of the body on both sides. Well, is everything clear? If anyone has any difficulties, I will definitely help. I think you'll all do great.

    Physical education minute:

    Our bees have flown

    Collect nectar and pollen.

    Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu.

    I'm circling over the flowers.

    Even though our bee is small,

    But her deeds are great.

    A little time will pass

    And there will be the sweetest honey.

    Before you start, you need to remember the rules for working with scissors.

    The children begin to complete the task. The teacher provides individual assistance and monitors posture.

    Everyone who finishes their work carries their bee to the hive, cleans the work area and helps other children.

    Result: Children sit at tables.

    Well, guys, do you like our craft? Do you think Vasya will like it?

    Yes, I'll like it.

    I think she will cheer him up and he will get better very soon. This evening I will give our gift to Vasya. Thanks to all.

    List of used literature:

    1. Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Foil crafts: Toolkit for preschool educational institutions and primary schools. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2003. – 128 p. – (Series “Together with children”).

    2. Kozlina A.V. Manual skills lessons in kindergarten and elementary school: Lesson notes. – M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2004. – 64 p. – (Series “Teacher's Library”).

    3. Chernysh I.V. Fun crafts for the holidays. – 2nd ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2004. – 192 pp.: color. ill. – (Attention: children!).

    Video lessons

    Self-analysis of the teacher

    When planning directly educational activities, I determined solving the following problems:

    Educational: continue to introduce children to one of the methods of paper construction: create a craft based on a paper accordion, adding characteristic details to it.

    Developmental: improve the ability to cut a round shape from a square sheet of paper, the technique of symmetrical cutting from paper folded in half.

    Educators: develop skills of co-creation, mutual assistance, and the ability to create a collective composition.

    But my main one target - creating conditions for the development of moral qualities, feelings of empathy, and the desire to do good deeds. The plot of the lesson itself is tied to helping a sick friend, which became a good motivation for the upcoming activity. When presenting educational material about paper, I used a presentation. I think that this was a more effective method than, say, a traditional conversation with looking at illustrations. The children watched the presentation with interest, and, what pleased me, they answered all the questions without any preliminary work. If we take into account that these are children with mental retardation, it is even more gratifying. This means that the material was perceived and understood.

    When making the bee, I used a diagram - a hint, paper accordions - a partial demonstration, because here the goal was to consolidate previously acquired knowledge. The children themselves told how to cut a circle from a square sheet of paper, as well as the technique of symmetrical cutting from paper folded in half. These paper cutting methods are well known to them and my goal was to reinforce them.

    Physical exercise not only contributed to a change in static movement, but also brought joy to the children.

    During the children’s independent activities, I tried to create a situation of success for those children who were experiencing difficulties. She unobtrusively guided and helped, because the main thing is that everyone makes their own bee.

    The children coped well with the task. Everyone made their own craft, and in general it turned out to be a common teamwork. The desire to help a sick friend and a feeling of empathy united the guys in a common impulse. When looking at the overall composition, the children reacted emotionally to the craft; everyone wanted to talk about their bee. One child failed the task and glued a square head to his bee. This boy initially did not want to participate in our common activities. The reason is personal rejection of the sick child and open conflict between them. This is open provocation, protest and a desire to attract attention, and not ignorance of cutting techniques. Together we found out that such bees do not occur in nature. And her head should still be round. From the children’s responses, I found out that the children liked the lesson and mastered the proposed material.

    GCD design from paper “Cup”

    Target : Formation of the ability to make crafts using the origami technique.

    Tasks :

    1. Practice the ability to carefully fold paper and iron the folds.

    2. Consolidate knowledge about dishes.

    3. Develop memory, attention, general and fine motor skills.

    4. Activate the dictionary by lexical topic"Dishes"

    5. Practice using prepositions.

    6. Cultivate a caring attitude towards surrounding objects.

    Move GCD :

    Educator : Guys, let's say hello, which means we wish each other health and good mood.

    Come on kids, stand in a circle! I am your friend and you are my friend.

    Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

    II. Main part.

    Educator : Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Today I have prepared a riddle for you.

    Escaped from the dirty

    Cups, spoons and pots.

    She is looking for them, calling them

    And she sheds tears on the way.

    Who will call grandma?

    Children : I think this is Fedor's grandmother.

    VIDEO excerpt No. 1 “Fedora sighs”

    - What happened to Grandma Fedora?

    Children : The dishes ran away from Grandma Fedora.

    Name the dishes that escaped from Fedora?

    Children : A samovar (saucers, spoons, glasses, etc.) ran away from Grandma Fedora

    Why do you think the dishes ran away from Grandma Fedora?

    Children : The dishes ran away because Fedora didn’t wash them (beat them, etc.)

    That's right, Fedora's grandmother didn't take care of her dishes, so she ran away. Let's teach Fedora how to take care of the dishes.

    Finger gymnastics “Helpers” by T. Petukhov

    One two three four!Let's clap our hands

    We washed the dishes:

    Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon.Bend your fingers, one at a time

    And a big ladle!

    We washed the dishes and dried them.One palm slides over the other.

    And then they put them on shelves.We knock with the edge of the right palm on the left palms


    Look carefully and tell me where the samovar is?

    Children : The samovar is on the table.

    Where is the plate?

    Children : The plate is behind the tree.

    - Where is the saucepan?

    Children : The pan is under the tree.

    A miracle happened to her, Fedora became kinder. I put the house in order. The dishes took pity on her and returned.

    Physical education lesson N. Nishcheva

    Here is a large glass teapot,inflated the tummy with one hand on belt

    He is a very important boss.the other is curved like a spout

    Here are the porcelain cupscrouched down with one hand on your belt

    Very fragile poor things.

    Here are the porcelain saucers,spinning around, drawing a circle with their hands

    Just knock and they will break.

    Here are the silver spoonsstretched, hands up, close above your head

    The head is on a thin stalk.

    Here's a plastic traystretched out your arms in front of you, touching your pads

    He brought us the dishes.fingers and forming a circle

    But sometimes there are situations when the necessary utensils are not at hand. When you're thirsty but don't have a cup, what do you do?(Answers)

    You can make a cup out of paper. Now we will learn how to do it.

    SLIDE paper cup folding diagram

    (Shows the children a square of paper)

    What is the name of this figure?

    Children : This is a square.

    Educator : Let's turn the square into a triangle. Fold the sheet in half. What kind of figure did you get?

    Children : Triangle

    Connect the right corner to the side of the triangle

    Then we turn the part over and again connect the corner to the side of the triangle.

    We bend one upper corner down towards ourselves and hide it in our pocket.

    We turn the part over and hide the other corner in the pocket, downwards from us.

    Our cups are ready. Let's give them to Fedora.

    Lesson summary

    What can we wish for Fedora?

    VIDEO excerpt No. 2 “Oh, I won’t hurt the dishes”

    What did we do in class today?

    Who did you give the cups to?

    Which fairy tale is Fyodor from?

    Who wrote?

    Do you think we succeeded?

    Technological map of direct educational activities in the middle group “Fidgets”

    "Paper Adventures"
    Compiled by: Baranovskaya Irina Leonidovna, teacher
    “Paper Adventures” integrated activity
    (cognitive activity, artistic work)

    Clarify and expand children’s understanding of paper, its different types, properties and qualities;
    Strengthen paper skills ( ready-made templates);
    Strengthen the skills of cutting paper in a straight line;
    Strengthen the skills of attaching parts (gluing, pressure on paper);
    Learn to work according to the scheme;
    Introduce the word “kaleidoscope”;
    Reinforce the signs of winter - learn to select adjectives;
    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
    Develop curiosity and interest in productive activities;
    Contribute to the creation of a positive attitude and good mood;
    Develop children's creative abilities;
    Support children's independence and initiative;
    Cultivate accuracy when working with materials;
    To cultivate children’s ability to accept a common goal and the conditions for achieving it;
    Cultivate kindness towards others;
    Develop the ability to complete a job;

    Equipment and materials
    For motivation: m/f “Paper” (episode 64); skating rink layout; characters – Aristotle, Tyuk; easel; sheets with a blue and white background; kaleidoscope.
    For creative activities: preparing triangles from foil; sheets of thick multi-colored paper; glue stick; oilcloth; napkins; beads; mugs; colored paper; scissors; confetti.
    Equipment for GCD for paper construction "Paper Stories".
    Tabletop theater. Characters Tyuk and Aristotle.
    Preparatory work
    Didactic game “Bend along the line”;
    Together with the children, prepare triangles from foil;
    Making attributes for board game"Ice rink". 1. Surprise moment.
    Educator: Guys, it’s no coincidence that I invited you to these tables today. I'm here at the request of my friends from unusual country. And in what country they live and what will be discussed, you will now find out. These are my friends.
    View the film "Paper". Introduction m/f.
    Educator: guys, today we have paper adventures with our friends again. Please check if everything is ready. Look at the diagram and compare whether you have laid out the material and tools correctly on the table.
    What's on your table?
    Children: Paper.
    Educator: what paper?
    Children: Colored, light, heavy, shiny, smooth, rough, etc.

    2. Episode from the film. Introduction to the plot.

    3. Table theater “At the Skating Rink”. Characters: Aristotle and Tyuk.
    Aristotle: Tyuk, why did you invite me here?
    Tyuk: Winter is a great time of year to play sports.
    Aristotle: What sports can you do in winter?
    Tyuk: Well, with this. Hockey.
    Aristotle: And also? Guys, tell me.
    Children answer: Ski racing. Figure skating. Bobsleigh - sledding, etc.
    Tyuk: Great. But still, the best game is hockey.
    They play hockey. Aristotle barely moves on skates and falls.
    Tyuk: Why didn’t you tell me that you don’t know how to skate? Let's go to the doctor quickly.

    Educator: Yes, guys, any sport requires skills and exercises. Let's do a little warm-up so that our arms and legs are more accommodating.

    4. Fizminutka
    Oh, oh, oh – how it hurts! - clasp your knee with your hands
    Aris cries and screams - we jump on the other leg
    I fell while playing hockey - we squat down and blow on our knee
    What a scratch! - blow on our knees
    The doctor put the glasses on his nose - connect the thumb and index finger and “put on the glasses”
    We examined the moose's leg - we stroked the knees
    I took out iodine, anointed the wound - we stroked the knees
    Aristotle plays again - let's jump.

    5. Aristotle and Tyuk appear again.
    Aristotle: Yeah... A slight sprain prevents us from enjoying winter fun. Tyuk: What should I do?
    Aristotle: Can I draw?
    Bale: It’s possible. Paints with blue paint.
    The teacher turns to Tyuk: Something is missing in your drawings.
    Bale: What?
    The teacher addresses the children:
    Guys, what is missing in Tyuk’s drawings?
    Look what color they are?
    What can we say about winter? A lot of snow. What is she like? Snezhnaya.
    What holiday happens in winter? New Year. What winter? Magical. Fabulous. Festive. Dressy.
    How do people dress? Fur coats. Bright hats. Scarves and mittens. What winter? Furry, fluffy.
    Aristotle: Exactly! You're missing color.
    Tyuk: I can only draw what I see. And I see that everything is white all around. We'll have to wait until spring when everything turns green. Long wait.
    Aristotle: Don't be upset, Tyuk. Guys, I have an idea. Let's give Tyuk a gift - a kaleidoscope.
    Educator: A kaleidoscope is a magic tube that always contains a lot of color.

    6. Film episode – algorithm for making a kaleidoscope.

    7. Cooperative activity.
    Educator: Guys, do you remember? Let's try to give a gift to Tyuk together.
    Please remind me of the rules for safe work with these materials and tools.
    Children look at the diagram and remember:
    You need to work on oilcloth so as not to dirty the table;
    Do not leave scissors open;
    Pass the scissors rings first;
    Do not play with scissors, do not bring them to your face;
    Do not leave the glue open, close the cap tightly;
    Try not to get the glue on the skin of your face or hands;
    Do not take small items(beads, beads, etc.) in the mouth, nose, ear;
    When finished, clean up your work area.

    Children make a kaleidoscope according to the teacher’s instructions.
    The teacher pays attention to pressure and accuracy when connecting the paper.
    8. When the work is done, the teacher turns to the children.
    Educator: Look through the kaleidoscope. What different fun patterns. Let's choose the neatest kaleidoscope that we wouldn't be ashamed to give to Tyuk.
    Children choose and explain why they like this or that kaleidoscope. They give it to Tyuk.
    Bale looks through the kaleidoscope: Hurray! How papery! A new winter season has begun for me! Color!
    How's your leg, Aristotle?
    Aristotle: Gone.
    Tyuk: Then let's go to the skating rink as soon as possible!
    Aristotle: No, no, we need to finish the job we started. Your blue and white drawings... You can't leave them like that.

    9. Final part
    Educator: Don’t worry Aristotle, go for a walk with Tyuk. And the guys and I will finish what we started.
    Our paper adventures continue.
    Let's remember what we learned today and remember what kind of paper is there?
    Children answer:
    What did you and I do with the paper?
    Children answer:
    We were folding
    Guys, I suggest you look through the kaleidoscope again and remember the brightest pattern. Now take glue and draw your pattern on a blue and white sheet.
    Now take the paper you like and sprinkle it on your design. Press with a napkin. Look what happened?
    Educator: Examines children's work. Now our paper winter has truly become colorful and joyful.
    10. Episode from the film – ending, farewell.
    Educator: and these kaleidoscopes will be useful to us more than once in our games.


    We make a tube out of cardboard or take a ready-made one (I used a paper towel tube) and cover it with colored paper.

    We fold a triangle out of foil and insert it into the tube.
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