• 11 days after the hCG injection 10000. Can an hCG injection help you get pregnant? HCG and its effect on pregnancy


    It is impossible to carry a pregnancy to term without human chorionic gonadotropin. In our article we will analyze the role of this hormone in pregnancy and the principle of its action.

    Purpose of hCG injections

    If the natural interaction of hormones in the female body is disrupted, the process of follicle growth or egg release may be disrupted or even absent. In such cases, after a full examination and establishment of the cause of the problem, an ovulation stimulation scheme is selected, in which hCG injection 10000 plays a significant role in starting this process.

    HCG is a pregnancy hormone. In its natural state, its production begins by the placenta from the moment of its formation and continues until birth.

    It is also able to help the release of the egg from the ovary and support the work of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone until the placenta forms, which then continues this process throughout the pregnancy.

    In what cases is hCG prescribed?

    An injection of hCG 10,000 is prescribed when ovulation does not occur (to trigger it). Preliminarily, throughout the first phase, according to a regimen selected by the doctor, estrogen substitutes stimulate the growth of the follicle to the right size. It is monitored by ultrasound. This study first takes place a couple of days after a course of the hormone and continues at the same interval until the doctor records that the liquid bubble has reached 20-25 mm in diameter. At this moment the drug is administered. The injection is given 2-3 days after the last dose of the stimulant.

    Ovulation after an injection of hCG 10,000 occurs after 24-36 hours. If you are planning a pregnancy, this period of time plus one more day is the most favorable for conception. Therefore, sexual intercourse is necessary on the day of the injection and the next two days.

    The moment of cell release can be determined using urine tests. They begin with the day obtained by subtracting the number 17 from the length of the regular menstrual cycle. If the cyclicity is broken, then 17 is subtracted from its shortest duration.

    It is not recommended to use tests after an injection of hCG 10000, since it will not be possible to obtain an accurate result. In this case, to confirm the fact of cell release, it is better to perform an ultrasound.

    Types of hCG

    This drug is obtained from the urine of women bearing children. Sold in ampoules with solution in doses of 500, 1000, 1500, 5000 and 10000 units. Names may vary:

    • human chorionic gonadotropin;
    • rotten;
    • choragon;
    • ecostimulin.

    HCG price

    The cost is different everywhere. It depends on trademark, dosage and packaging volume (number of ampoules). The price of an HCG 10,000 injection is on average 1000-1500 rubles.

    It should be remembered that the purchase of this medicine is possible strictly according to a doctor’s prescription. Only he decides what dose of the drug and at what time will bring the desired effect.

    So, the hCG injection performs the following functions:

    • maintaining the growth of the corpus luteum until the placenta produces progesterone;
    • helping the formation of the placenta itself;
    • stimulation of ovulation and support of the corpus luteum.

    How much does an HCG injection cost?

    Many people are interested in the question of how long a 10,000 hCG injection takes. It’s difficult to answer. Each female body reacts to medications in its own way, and the elimination period is different for everyone. Only a blood test for this hormone can confirm its current level.

    When pregnancy occurs, it is generally difficult to say how much hCG 10,000 injection is removed, since the developing placenta itself begins to produce it. The analysis carried out in this case shows an ever-increasing value. So, it is almost impossible to determine where the effect of the injection ended and the work of natural gonadotropin began.

    Other uses of hCG

    HCG is used not only in the absence of ovulation, but also in other cases:

    • to maintain the function of the corpus luteum;
    • with a habitual miscarriage;
    • threat of miscarriage;
    • in case of menstrual irregularities;
    • to prepare for IVF.

    If this injection is prescribed, you need to know in what cases it should not be used. Treatment is contraindicated:

    • for cancer of the female genital organs;
    • individual intolerance;
    • for some thyroid diseases;
    • early menopause;
    • tendency to blood clots;
    • with obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
    • during breastfeeding.

    When does pregnancy occur?

    The medicine fulfilled its role, the egg was released from the ovary and moved into fallopian tube to meet the sperm. While waiting for fertilization, the drug continues its action, supporting the corpus luteum, helping it produce progesterone, necessary for conception and preparing the uterus to accept the fertilized egg.

    Pregnancy after an HCG 10,000 injection occurs approximately 7 days after ovulation. This period of time is necessary for the embryo to descend into the uterus and attach to the endometrium. The placenta is immediately formed, which itself begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin, so its content increases.

    Although a woman really wants to confirm this happy moment as early as possible, it is not worth taking a pregnancy test ahead of time after an HCG 10,000 injection. A high content of the drug can distort the result.

    And even the fact that pregnancy occurs a week after ovulation will not show the full picture if the test is performed on the 10th day after the injection of hCG 10,000. Due to its high content in the blood, you can get a false positive result.

    It is also too early to start testing on the 12th day after the hCG 10,000 injection. You need to wait 1-2 weeks. But if you can’t wait to confirm a fait accompli, you can take a blood test. With a frequency of every two days, growth dynamics are observed. If the indicators increase steadily, this will confirm the successful development of the embryo.

    In any case, when prescribing an injection of hCG 10,000, when to do pregnancy tests, the doctor decides, who develops a regimen and treatment individually, adapting to the characteristics of the female body and the data of all examinations.

    Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone necessary for the fertilization of an egg and maintenance. Sometimes a woman's body produces too little hCG, which prevents her from becoming pregnant. Then synthetic analogues of the hormone are used in the form of an injection.

    HCG preparations are made from proteins in the urine of pregnant women. The hormone stimulates the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen - the main hormones that help form the corpus luteum and attach the embryo to the wall of the uterus, and then preserve the fetus until the placenta forms.

    The drugs are available in the form of an injection solution and have the following names: Pregnil, Menogon, Novarel. The injection is given in the abdominal area with a syringe with a short insulin needle.

    HCG injections stimulate the ovulatory process and are used for the following pathologies:

    • Impaired ovarian function resulting from a malfunction of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
    • Dysmenorrhea (menstruation accompanied by severe dizziness and weakness).
    • Infertility, which is anovulatory in nature. That is, there is no dominant one.
    • Insufficient level of functioning of the corpus luteum.
    • Miscarriage (constant miscarriages or frozen pregnancies).
    • Preparation for in vitro fertilization.
    • Maintaining pregnancy.

    There are contraindications for the use of such stimulation:

    • Various tumors, cysts in the ovaries.
    • Early menopause.
    • Lactation.
    • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
    • Diseases of the adrenal glands.
    • Tendency to thrombosis.
    • Individual intolerance.

    Important! For patients with heart and kidney failure, hormones are prescribed only after a thorough examination!

    HCG injection 10000 for stimulation

    If a woman has impaired egg maturation functions, ovulation does not occur. The reasons for this are: polycystic disease, tumors, prolonged stress. The following situations are usually observed:

    • The follicles do not mature at all.
    • The follicles do not mature completely.
    • The follicle matures, but the egg does not leave the corpus luteum.

    The hCG injection is designed to help the formation of the follicle and stimulate the release of the egg.

    Before using the hormone, a woman undergoes examination:

    • Tests for hormone levels.
    • Pipe patency examinations.

    The hormone is administered when the doctor has determined the development of a dominant follicle on an ultrasound scan at a dosage of 1500-5000 units to stimulate its growth. To stimulate super ovulation in preparation for IVF, hCG is administered once in a dose of 10,000 units.

    Ovulation should occur 24-36 hours after the injection. The process is monitored using ultrasound. If ovulation does not occur, then the amount is increased in the next cycle. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor for each specific case.

    Important! Self-prescription of hormone therapy is prohibited, as this can lead to serious health consequences.

    During ovulation

    After the follicle bursts and the egg is released, to further maintain its vital activity and ability to fertilize, the doctor prescribes hCG injections.

    Injections are given on days 3, 6 and 9 after ovulation at a dosage of 5000 units. This is necessary to maintain the corpus luteum and help implant the embryo.

    During pregnancy

    When advancing pregnancy hCG administered to prevent miscarriage or fading of pregnancy.

    Indications for this are:

    • Risk of miscarriage.
    • A sharp drop in hormone levels.

    The hCG level is checked over time, since low levels may be early stages, then they increase.

    Important! Before the injection, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

    If the pregnancy is intrauterine, then to preserve it, 10,000 units of the drug are first administered, then 5,000 units twice a week. Treatment can last from 8 to 14 weeks, depending on the patient’s condition and hormonal levels. At the same time, Duphaston is prescribed to maintain progesterone levels.

    How long will it take to ovulate?

    Usually occurs 24-36 hours after administration of the hormone. During this time, for pregnancy to occur, sexual intercourse must occur every day.

    Ovulation does not always occur after the injection; sometimes the corpus luteum continues to grow and turns into a cyst. Also, stimulation does not guarantee the onset of your own ovulation in the following months.

    Thus, the hCG injection is a one-time stimulation procedure, and not a treatment for infertility.

    When to take the test

    The level of the hormone increases already on the first day after the injection, so it makes no sense to carry out ovulation tests within three days, as they will be false positive.

    You need to check the onset of ovulation 3 days after the procedure.

    When to test your hCG level

    When pregnancy occurs hCG level starts to grow. A strong decrease (20%) indicates serious problems:

    • Risk of miscarriage.
    • Ectopic pregnancy.
    • Delayed fetal development.
    • Placental insufficiency.

    To identify these pathologies, an ultrasound scan is necessary before starting hormonal treatment.

    Normally, the hormone level constantly increases until the 11th week, then gradually decreases and remains unchanged throughout the entire period of gestation. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take repeated tests in the same laboratory.

    HCG norms in honey/ml:

    • Non-pregnant - 0-5.
    • 1-2 weeks - 25-155.
    • 3-4 weeks - 150-4800.
    • 4-5 weeks - 2500-82000.
    • 5-6 weeks - 23000-150000.
    • 6-7 weeks - 30000-230000.
    • Week 7-10 - 21000-290000.
    • 11-14 weeks - 6000-100000.
    • 16-21 weeks - 4000-80000.
    • Weeks 21-39 - 2700-76000.

    The first increase is recorded after 11 days of conception, the level doubles every 48 hours. At the level of 1000 units, it is visualized during ultrasound ovum. To confirm the normal course of pregnancy, tests are performed every two days. Indicators may be above normal if:

    • Multiple pregnancy.
    • Gestose.
    • Diabetes mellitus.
    • Down syndrome.

    This may also indicate an incorrect determination of the gestational age.

    Before donating blood for the hormone, you must meet certain conditions:

    • Take the test at the same time.
    • Do not drink alcohol or smoke.
    • Stop taking medications.
    • Avoid physical activity.
    • For several hours you should not take food or liquids other than water.

    Possible complications

    A hormone injection is an intervention in the natural processes of the body. Therefore, the following side effects often occur:

    • Ovarian cyst.
    • Vein thrombosis.
    • Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).
    • Hyperstimulation syndrome, which causes breathing problems, palpitations, abdominal pain, and dropsy.

    Individual reactions may also occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, indigestion, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, mood swings, and depression. These symptoms disappear after treatment ends.

    Important! Hyperstimulation syndrome requires urgent medical attention and is treated in a hospital.

    An HCG injection is a necessary support for ovulation and subsequent pregnancy. It is prescribed if a woman does not produce the hormone in sufficient quantities for some reason.

    The dosage and regimen of use are chosen by the doctor, depending on the goals and health status of the woman. Typically, pregnancy after such stimulation occurs in the first two months. It should be remembered that the hCG injection is not a means of treating infertility, but a one-time stimulation.

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    - a hormone produced by the embryo after its attachment to the endometrium. It promotes the normal progression of pregnancy and ensures its smooth course. The main functions performed by the hormone are:

    • Stimulation of the functioning of the corpus luteum. As a result, a sufficient amount of progesterone is provided, which remains the main substance that supports the development of pregnancy.
    • Activation of growth and formation of the placenta, due to which contact between mother and child occurs.
    • General control of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman and fetus.

    Considering the above functions of hCG, it becomes obvious that it is one of the main regulators of normal gestation. That is why its synthetic analogue is used in medicine to increase the chance of getting pregnant and prevent a number of pathological conditions. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injection May Help Conceive and Pregnant healthy child. However, everything depends on the specific circumstances of each individual case.

    The standard determination of pregnancy occurs by using a classic pharmacy test. When the urine of a pregnant woman gets on it, the treasured 2 stripes appear on the tablet, which confirm the fact of the development of a new life in the womb.

    The chemical reaction is based on interaction with the hormone in the urine. An alternative is to test the blood for the presence of a bioactive substance. In the absence of pregnancy, there is very little or no hormone in the body, however, if conception occurs, the hormone will begin to sharply increase its concentration in the blood. For the study, venous blood is used, in which hCG itself is looked for. First positive results usually appear on days 7-10 in the blood and on days 10-14 in the urine.

    Does an HCG injection affect the chance of getting pregnant?

    Considering the functions of the hormone, as well as its fairly widespread use in medicine, women often ask: “Should we expect pregnancy after an hCG injection?” To answer, you need to understand a little more about the features of its application.

    The hormone injection actually helped more than one woman get pregnant. However, there are only a limited number of situations in which it is effective.

    HCG injections are prescribed for:

    • Continued functioning of the corpus luteum. If it is insufficient, the endometrium may be inferior and the uterus will not be ready to accept the fetus. HCG changes this situation for the better.
    • To speed up the process of placenta formation.
    • To stimulate ovulation. This is what hCG is most often used for.
    • To prepare for in vitro fertilization.

    Considering the goals pursued by doctors, a number of indications for the use of hormone injections can be identified:

    • Insufficient functional activity corpus luteum.
    • Infertility caused by anovulatory menstrual cycle.
    • Habitual miscarriage.
    • High risk of miscarriage.
    • As part of the process when using a variety of assisted reproductive technologies.

    In all these situations, the use of hCG injection will be justified. This is confirmed by the many years of experience of doctors and reviews of those who have been helped by such an injection to become pregnant.

    How is hCG used?

    If a representative of the fair sex experiences anovulatory infertility, then an hCG injection may be one of the ways to solve the problem. It will also help those who, for one reason or another, have a hormonal imbalance, which leads to insufficient maturation of the follicles in the ovaries.

    Those women who long time could not get pregnant, they note the positive effect of gonadotropin. Often, even with the progression of anovulatory infertility, it was possible to successfully conceive a child.

    If the hormone is used during pregnancy planning, then a single injection of hCG 10,000 is considered standard. This dose is prescribed for a reason. Before the actual injection, an appropriate preparatory stage, which involves the use of hormones to stimulate follicle growth. Only after they develop and the dominant follicle reaches a size of 20-25 mm, can an HCG injection be used. This is usually days 14-20 of the cycle. The size of the follicle is monitored using ultrasound.

    This procedure stimulates ovulation, the follicle ruptures, and the mature egg begins its journey towards sperm. HCG in this case “helps” natural conception occur. Typically, ovulation occurs 12-36 hours after the injection. Therefore, to achieve desired result It is during this period of time that you should actively try to conceive a child. In most cases, everything goes well.

    Sometimes, to stimulate ovulation, it is enough to give an injection of hCG 5000. However, you need to understand that only the attending physician should calculate the dose. He will be able to comprehensively assess the patient’s condition, her hormonal balance and prescribe the appropriate amount of hCG.

    The most popular drugs:

    • Gonal (also Gonal F);
    • Chorionic gonadotropin;
    • Puregon;
    • Menogon.

    After successful conception Progesterone is additionally prescribed to maintain pregnancy.

    What will a blood test show after an hCG injection?

    Many women are interested in when they can perform an ovulation test after an hCG injection, and whether it is worth doing it at all. Basically, doctors recommend monitoring the process of egg release from the follicle using ultrasound. However, if you want to use the appropriate tests, then they should be carried out virtually every day after the injection itself to monitor ovulation.

    The dynamics of the increase in hCG in the blood after the intended act of conception will help determine its success. It is reasonable to do a pregnancy test after an hCG injection after 1-2 weeks. It takes approximately this long for a fertilized egg to begin to synthesize its own hCG. If you carry out diagnosis earlier, you can get a false-positive result, which is due to the preliminary administration of the drug in the form of an injection. In any case, you should consult your doctor to receive appropriate recommendations.

    Individual reviews

    Examples include reviews from visitors to one well-known clinic who were given an hCG injection (the survey was conducted anonymously, names have been changed):

    • Anna: “At first I was stimulated with Clostilbegit. In the 1st cycle, the follicle reached 18 mm, but did not rupture. On the second attempt it was 19 mm, and then they administered an hCG injection. We more than a year We were waiting for pregnancy, and after hCG it came! We are now six months old.”
    • Victoria: “We couldn’t have a child for a long time. We've already tried everything. We studied these follicle sizes and tried different methods, they stimulated me as much as possible and injected me with hCG, but without effect. Although the follicles matured, it still did not come out. In general, gonadotropin did not help us, nor did anything previously used. I ignored the doctors’ recommendations and decided to adjust my weight. And it really helped me."
    • Sofia: “We conceived the first time we took hCG injections. Tests were taken 10 days after the injection. They immediately showed 2 stripes. It’s sad, but we were unable to maintain the pregnancy. Now we want to try again."

    As you can see, the hCG injection is not a panacea. Yes, it significantly increases the chance of conception, but a lot depends on individual characteristics the body of each woman and the specific situation.


    1. Women's consultation. Management, Editor: Radzinsky V.E. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
    2. Emergency care in obstetrics and gynecology: a short guide. Serov V.N. 2008 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
    3. Atlas by ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics and gynecology. Dubile P., Benson K.B. 2009 Publisher: MEDpress-inform.

    Many patients are concerned about the answer to the question: “The hCG 5000 injection was performed, how long after ovulation?” To understand the principle of action of human chorionic gonadotropin, you need to carefully understand its properties.

    This hormone is indispensable if a woman plans to conceive and carry a child. However, there are situations when not enough of it is produced naturally, and it is because of this that pregnancy is impossible. In such a situation, a doctor may prescribe an injection of a synthetic analogue of this hormone.

    Ask your gynecologist when ovulation occurs after an hCG injection. Here, a lot depends on the amount of active substance and the individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body.

    HCG injections for ovulation are made from a protein structure contained in the urine of a woman carrying a baby. The substance can activate the natural production of sex hormones. HCG for injection can have different medical names - Menogon, Novarel, etc. The doctor performs an injection with a special insulin syringe into the groin area. The main indications for such a procedure can be considered:

    • Pathologies accompanied by ovarian dysfunction.
    • Painful periods, clear signs of PMS.
    • Infertility is associated with the lack of release of an egg or the formation of a dominant follicle.
    • Suppression of the corpus luteum.
    • Frequent cases of spontaneous abortion.
    • Stimulation of the formation of an active egg during preparation for the IVF protocol.


    With some ovarian pathologies, ovulation is impossible and the patient is unable to become pregnant. This situation is possible due to polycystic disease, neoplasms, and even prolonged stress.

    The follicle with the egg may not form at all or may not form completely. In some patients, a mature egg is not able to exit the corpus luteum. It is recommended that the patient be given an injection of hCG to activate the production of follicles and the formation of a healthy egg.

    Immediately before the procedure, you must undergo diagnostic test. If during an ultrasound examination the physician discovers that follicles are beginning to form, a hormone injection is prescribed, with a dosage of 1500 - 5000 units. If the patient is preparing for artificial conception and superovulation is needed, a substance with a volume of 10,000 units is administered.

    How long does it take for ovulation to occur after an HCG 10,000 injection? Doctors say that the egg is fully formed and leaves the ovary within 1-1.5 days after the procedure. To monitor the patient's condition, an ovulation test and ultrasound are performed. If the egg is not mature, it is recommended to increase the dosage in the next menstrual cycle.

    A maximum of 36 hours after the injection of hCG 10,000, full ovulation should occur. If you are planning a pregnancy, try to have as many sexual acts as possible in a given period of time.

    There are cases when, after the administration of the hormone, ovulation does not begin, but the corpus luteum continues to develop and gradually transforms into a cyst. An hCG injection is a single stimulation procedure, but not a method of treating infertility.

    There is no need to take an ovulation test within 3 days after the injection, as it is guaranteed to be positive. If conception has occurred, hCG hormone begins to grow in the body. A decrease in the concentration of the substance in the blood may indicate a threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, placental insufficiency or pathologies of embryo development.

    To determine the exact cause of the decrease in the production of the hCG hormone, the patient needs to undergo an ultrasound examination. At normal development In the fetus, the concentration of the hCG hormone increases until the 11th week, and then decreases and stops at a certain level until the birth of the baby.


    Any introduction hormonal drug disrupts natural processes in the body. As a result of an incorrectly selected concentration, the patient may experience complications - a cyst, fluid accumulation, thrombosis, hyperstimulation, accompanied by shortness of breath, abdominal pain, and strong heartbeat.

    Some patients may experience nausea, vomiting, or depression after administration of hCG. As soon as the treatment is over, the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

    An injection of the hCG hormone is necessary to stimulate ovulation and further support pregnancy. This treatment is prescribed to patients who do not have enough natural hormones or have certain pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries.

    The physician individually selects the appropriate course of therapy and dosage of the drug for each patient. Pregnancy should occur in the first few cycles after the injection.

    The level of the pregnancy hormone produced by the placenta (hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin) increases in the female body every day from the moment of fertilization. Thanks to modern medicine, this hormone is created artificially to help treat anovulation in women (a disorder of the menstrual cycle, as a result of which the long-awaited conception does not occur). What is a hCG injection, and in what cases is this method of treatment used? When to do tests after an hCG injection? How many days does it take for the hCG 10,000 injection to be completely eliminated from the body?

    With regular absence of ovulation applying for medical care a woman is often recommended to carry out stimulation of ovulation . A few days after stimulation, the first procedure is prescribed Ultrasound , after which this examination is repeated every few days to monitor follicle growth to the required dimensions (twenty to twenty-five mm). Once the required follicle size is reached, an hCG injection is prescribed.

    • The hormone “triggers” ovulation.
    • Prevents follicle regression that can develop into follicular cysts.

    Injection dose taken - from 5000 to 10000 units . Ovulation usually happens one day after the injection .

    The production of the hCG hormone begins from the moment the embryo is implanted in the uterus and continues for all nine months. Based on the presence of the hormone in the female body, we can say about pregnancy . Next, based on its quantitative content, they judge possible violations ongoing pregnancy. Thanks to hCG test , you can confirm the fact of pregnancy as early as possible (already on the sixth day after fertilization). This is the most reliable and early method pregnancy detection, compared to traditional test strips. The main function of hCG is to maintain pregnancy and control (in the first trimester) over the production of estrogen and progesterone. Stopping the synthesis of hCG leads to disruption of the production of substances necessary for the fetus. In these cases, the hCG deficiency is replenished artificially, through intramuscular injection. These hCG injections are prescribed in the following cases:

    • For nutrition and maintaining the viability of the corpus luteum until the placenta begins to independently produce the hormones necessary for a successful pregnancy.
    • To form the placenta itself .
    • To stimulate ovulation and supporting the viability of the corpus luteum during pregnancy planning.
    • To prepare for IVF .

    The onset of ovulation after an hCG injection occurs within a day (maximum thirty-six hours), after which additional support for the ovaries is prescribed with the help progesterone or utrogestan . Based on the male factor, the timing and frequency of sexual intercourse are assigned individually. If the spermogram is normal - one day (every day) after the hCG injection and until the formation of the corpus luteum. When to do tests?

    • The day of testing depends on the cycle. As you know, the first day of the cycle is the first day of menstruation, and its length is the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the first (inclusive) day of the next one. With a regular cycle, tests begin seventeen days before the start of the next menstruation (after ovulation, the corpus luteum phase lasts about two weeks). For example, with a cycle length of twenty-eight days, testing is carried out starting from the eleventh day.
    • For different cycle durations, select the shortest cycle in six months. Its duration is used to determine the testing day.
    • If there are delays of more than a month, and the cycles are not at all constant, then it is irrational to use tests (given their high cost) without control over follicles and ovulation.
    • Preferably start application of tests daily immediately after diagnosis by ultrasound, achieving the desired follicle size (twenty mm).

    It should be remembered that ovulation tests are not informative immediately after hCG injections due to the possible influence of TSH, FSH hormones and dietary habits on the results. Therefore, you should not rely only on tests. It is preferable to use more reliable diagnostic methods (for example, ultrasound ).

    When to take pregnancy tests after an hCG injection?

    How many days does it take for the hCG 10,000 injection to be completely eliminated from the body? This question worries many. For ten to twelve days after ovulation, pregnancy tests used after an hCG injection may give false positive results. Accordingly, it is necessary wait one or two weeks . Second option - take a blood test for the hCG hormone in dynamics . The doctor who prescribes treatment and performs stimulation must determine the exact time at which the use of tests can be started.

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