• A win-win lottery at a wedding for guests. Wedding lottery for guests


    All those present are given lottery tickets and with numbers from 1 to (how many guests are at the wedding), it is possible to sell lottery tickets at a certain price and sell them to everyone. The wedding host names the number, invites the lucky person to come out and reads a joyful phrase out loud.

    Lyrics Wedding lottery №1

    Attention attention!
    Please get tickets
    Win-win lottery
    It's starting to entertain!

    And enormous love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Dish sponge set)
    And you are in your prime, in your prime! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice packet)
    And for dessert, we have a tablet for you. (Vitamins)
    And this decoration is just a sight for sore eyes. (Beads from paper clips).
    Eat bananas and coconuts and expect rewards from fate! (Banana)
    Read the souvenir for your tender eyes. (fairy tales)
    You're the best, you'll see, there's a glass for you, you'll get over your hangover. (Glass with vodka)
    You don't need to get excited, mustard will calm you down. (Mustard)
    You got (the postcard), that’s what we hoped.
    You will be desperately lucky to get (sandwich).
    You would like a piano, but you got a calendar. (Calendar)
    You got a rose, a flower, It does not wither from the frost. (Rose)
    Your winnings are quite rare, you are joyful, there is no doubt, you got not three candies, but three pieces of paper from candies.
    Your winnings are special, you will read about everything in the newspaper. (Newspaper)
    Your winnings are like manna from heaven; you got a piece of bread. (Slice of bread)
    In the evenings, don’t get bored, drink some fragrant tea.
    (Notepad) is a small thing, but this is what you wanted.
    Give this book to your future little one. (Children's book)
    Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom).
    In life, anything happens and it can also happen, if you tarnish your reputation somewhere, (a clothespin) will help dry it out.
    In life, you need to keep hope for the best. Take glue if life doesn’t stick. (Glue)
    Receive this tube as a gift, so that any tooth sparkles in the sun! (Paste)
    Pour this into a glass and drink quietly. ( Disposable cup)
    You got this soap to wash your hands cleaner. (Soap)
    We are giving you (a notebook) so you have something to write on.
    A thing that never goes out of fashion. (Laces)
    Perhaps you are thinking of running away, but it’s your lot to continue your work! (Soap)
    Here's the ticket, here's the ticket, don't rummage through the numbers, consider that there is no winning, cry and calm down. (Handkerchief)
    I will not give up (yogurt) for any specific benefit of the world.
    Come on, dear friend, have some (pie).
    Oh, what a great fellow you are, get a light blue lollipop. (Chupa Chups)
    Small business seal. (Eraser).
    There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (Kernel)
    You were extremely lucky: kiss the neighbor on the right!
    While the head is removing the shavings from us, brew a mug of tea properly! (Mug)
    Enjoy it, my friend, you got a little (three candies).
    Receive your winnings quickly as a gift ( balloon.)
    Take your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will give me a ride with it. (Machine).
    We are giving you a piece of chintz, so you again have the opportunity to get married. (Handkerchief)
    It’s a matter of everyday life, as they say, this thing may also be needed. (Cork).
    A treat for your heart awaits you: A huge increase in your salary! (Yogurt Uslada)
    For good people I don’t feel sorry for anything, get it as soon as possible, comrade, (the jump rope).
    Dear comrade, take (a candy), Just don’t eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
    If there is a first aid kit in the house, then you also need a candle. (Candle)
    If the child suddenly starts crying, you must calm him down, beckon him with a rattle and force him to be silent. (Beanbag)
    Success awaits you now, Get your nut. (Walnut)
    For your sweet smile, given to us at this moment, We present you with this (button), let it make you happy.
    Substitute soccer ball. (An old tin can).
    Why should you have a wallet? Put your money in a bag. (Plastic bag)
    The lottery future is evil, The clothespin is only given to you. (Pin)
    Here's a lighter for you, use it, don't mind. (Matchbox).
    You will become cheerful and energetic, and therefore whole year It will go great! (Coffee)
    You won a spoon, go and eat a little. (Wooden spoon)
    You didn't win a penny, but a real (ruler.)
    Forget for a moment how much this joke costs. Said in advance, dear attention. (Kiss the neighbor).
    You will receive a rusty nail, I ask you not to be angry, because in addition, you will need the rustiest nail in the household. (Nail)
    You and your companion will not disappear under any circumstances; you will not come home hungry from any guests. (Spoon).
    You are well versed in your work and will be held in high esteem by us for a whole year. (Horseshoe)
    I hand over your winnings with confidence, put them to use. (Paper).
    Your winnings are yet to come, but for now, look at others. (Additional number).
    Yes, the ticket of joy is yours, so hold it (pencil).
    In addition, the old man Koschey himself swept away the dust from his ears. (Brush).
    We give you toothpaste so that you have teeth. ( Toothpaste)
    Imported Rowenta hair dryer with nozzle. (Comb)
    Somehow, in addition, it was not skillful, but at the moment for you (carrot.)
    When you go for a walk, so that your trousers do not fall asleep, you need to have a steel pin with you. (Pin)
    Don't be bored now, get some Indian tea. (Pack of Indian tea)
    The tulle was eaten by moths a day ago, it was torn to the point of pain, we are giving (a package) instead, there is nothing else!
    Walking around with your hair will become beautiful, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo)
    We wanted to win a flashlight. You only got a ball. (Balloon)
    Even though people say, as if vodka is poison. We'll give you a glass of poison as a prize. (A glass of vodka)
    Although your name is not Thekla, you still got beets. (Beet)
    Although this cream is inedible, the smell is simply inimitable! (Coconut cream)
    This thing is necessary for lovers of intimacy. (Candle).
    There is no one more responsible for this book, Only you are the writer in it. (Notebook).
    This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon).
    The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. ( Paper boat).
    Whoever takes a can of beer will live happily for a whole year! (Beer)
    Who is the happiest among us? Get this basin. (pelvis)
    The lottery is not a scam, here is a self-assembled tablecloth for you. (Oilcloth)
    It's a small thing, but nice. (A handful of small coins).
    Well done for playing around, get two Ferraris. (Children's cars)
    Don’t get sick, be strong, we give you pills.
    Don’t be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. (Icon).
    Don't be sad, don't grieve, get up, kiss your neighbor. (Kiss the neighbor)
    Don't be mad at us, buddy, you'll need some boxes. (Matchbox)
    You purchased the unlucky ticket, present us with a 50 ruble fine for diapers.
    You don't have striped trousers, but you have a cigarette. (Cigarettes)
    Having taken this present, think for a moment, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
    Get it, hurry up, you need a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook)
    It will help you find an object in your memory in the distant past of past childhood years. (Dummy).
    Is it clear to you what the essence of the gift is? Life will be fun and bright! (Felt pens)
    Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
    Because you got a chocolate bar, it won’t be bitter, it will be sweet! (Chocolate)
    After finishing the glass, have a snack. This is extremely important. Here's a paper napkin instead of a sleeve. (Paper napkin)
    There is no more practical gain than a garbage bag. (Trash bag)
    We'll have to live with the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar)
    Now you will have to take the baby so that you have someone to suck the pacifier. (Pacifier)
    The prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers).
    Accept this (button) and walk around the world with pleasure.
    A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope).
    Extend your hand. Get the onion head. (Onion)
    May your life be warmer from Prometheus’s gift. (Candle)
    Let the bride's smile suddenly touch your eyes, and good mood will not leave you anymore.
    Since you are no longer at your desk, you will need cards in life. (Card deck)
    Nothing will happen to you, you will need this item. (Condom)
    If you want to be rich, be it. (Wallet).
    If you want to be strong, like a gin, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
    To keep the jar full, you need (a lid).
    To write down where your pay went, you will really need this pen! (Pen)
    To save you from suffering, we won hand cream. (Hand cream)
    To avoid eating in the cafeteria, get a bay leaf. (Bag with bay leaf)
    So that the wind doesn’t blow your cap away, here’s a gift for you (a paperclip).
    To determine your income, a notebook will come in handy. (Notebook)
    So that you can keep your money, we give you a wallet. (Wallet)
    To keep your hair in order, you will need a potholder. (Scrunchy).
    To make you look cool, we are giving you a limousine. (Children's car)
    To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush)
    In order to shave very cleanly, you will need a tool. (Blade)
    Open your mouth wider, a roll of paper for you. (Toilet paper)
    With the dream of a lack you will run around the whole city, but you will rarely meet it ( paper napkin.)
    Put on a smart face, you won the egg. (Kinder Surprise)
    Now you are not the hero of the day, the crown of laurel does not shine for you, you better accept from us (A bag of laurel pages.)
    A vessel for consuming strong drinks. (Thimble).
    Pet repellent. (Velcro for flies).
    Antique hanger. (Nail).
    Washing machine Baby. (Soap in a soap dish).
    The future took a quitrent from you to hand over boxes of matches. (Matches)
    Happiness fell into your hands, you got a huge apple. (Apple)
    Happiness fell into your hands. You got two potatoes. (Two potatoes)
    Comrade, believe, keep hope and expect, your winnings are ahead.
    The one who receives this candle will have to travel around the world! (Candle)
    You are a tough nut to crack, so good luck awaits you! (peanut)
    Don't drip on your neighbor, and beat the napkin. (Napkin)

    Texts Wedding lottery No. 2

    1. We open the lottery -
    You will be satisfied with us.
    We announce the holiday with ringing sounds -
    Ring the bell yourself! (Bell.)

    2. The dishes break - expect good luck!
    At those moments no one cries.
    Don't be sad and don't be timid,
    Just hit the saucer for luck! (Saucer.)

    3. In life, anything is not uncommon,
    What will happen - who knows?
    So trust us:
    You will need a thermos! (Thermos.)

    4. We have only one prize -
    You got Vaseline.
    So you don't have to go to the pharmacy,
    Give a ruble to a man! (Petrolatum.)

    5. It’s not too lazy to give us gifts!
    Our dear guest, don’t lose weight!
    If a dark day comes,
    Eat and be healthy! (Swift noodles

    6. Friends and girlfriends rejoice,
    The city of Kurgan stands on our ears,
    Let's drink a full mug to love,
    But, it goes without saying, a glass is more ergonomic! (Cup.)

    7. Our fiance has visited many places,
    He noticed a large number and identified a large number.
    So that your flight schedule is busy,
    We present you with the globe - from the newlyweds! (Globe.)

    8. There is a circumstance for the reward,
    We have good news:
    This penknife
    Allow me to present it. (Penochny

    9. You are a reliable passenger,
    Here's a clothes brush.
    But it has gone up in price -
    Give me a ruble first! (Clothes brush.)

    10. If you need it, we’ll give it to you for future use.
    The Shaver.
    It's still expensive, you know that.
    Give a ruble and take it! (Shaver.)

    11. You are not deprived of fate -
    Here are the stars and epaulets for you.
    You take them two at a time,
    Give me a ruble a piece! (Stars on
    shoulder straps.)

    12. We give you free of charge -
    Let happiness not be unsteady -
    We give powder
    What for a cheerful smile. (Dentifrice.)

    13. You, guest, do not regret the ruble,
    No matter what failure awaits,
    Everything will be okay for you,
    You will be warm and dry. (Obi gasket.)

    14. You are the most awarded guest,
    You win, my friend.
    We give you Pokemon,
    It's also a keychain! (Keychain.)

    15. We have such a thing,
    What in the darkness shines like the sun!
    Substitute your pen -
    A pretty bracelet for you! (Bracelet.)

    16. Oh, all the guests are jealous,
    For the game, of course, dice
    We'll give you the cube.
    We’re just waiting for the ruble again! (Dice.)

    17. I will give you free
    This tint balm. /
    Remember our wedding
    And change the coloring. (Tinted balm.)

    18. Galina Blanca sends greetings.
    We don’t believe that there is no money:
    Hurry up and give me a ruble
    And take your soup! (Bouillon cube.)

    19. Hurry up to the lucky one,
    Ask him for pepper.
    If he gives it to you,
    Don't forget to give a ruble! (Pack of pepper.)

    20. There is a liquid here containing alcohol,
    It is possible to smell, but not to eat.
    The young people chose
    Because the ruble was expected. (Nail polish remover.)

    21. Warm greetings to you from the distant taiga.
    What a pity that there are no nuts in the gift.
    But still you are happy with us -
    Buy more nuts yourself! (Cedar cone.)

    22. You will be ready for battle:
    There are mosquito repellent pills.
    They will allow you to nap normally in the summer,
    You are happy and we are happy. (Mosquito repellent pills.)

    23. You, dear guest, are not at a loss -
    We would like to give you the threads.
    Don't waste your time,
    Wrap whoever you want! (Threads.)

    24. We have only one prize -
    Multi-colored plasticine!
    What do you want, sculpt,
    Just pay an extra ruble! (Plasticine.)

    25. We don’t mind giving prizes -
    Everything is as good as the guests!
    Get a jump rope -
    We give freely, from the heart! (Jump rope.)

    26. To drink wine more often,
    The grapes need to be grown,
    It's so hard to do -
    Take a small shoot! (Bunch of grapes.)

    27. I continue the lottery,
    I hand over the tennis ball,
    Just give me a ruble -
    Sports equipment is always in price!
    (Tennis ball.)

    28. We know you need a present,
    It's on wheels too!
    Accept it from the heart,
    But you have to pay extra for the wheels! (Toy on

    Texts Wedding lottery No. 1

    Vodka bottle
    Your present is super class,
    So don't worry.
    A bottle from us for you,
    Smell it, admire it!

    Package from wedding bouquet
    If they invite you to a wedding,
    Once, and you're ready.
    Get it here
    There is a bag of flowers.

    Carbon paper
    Please don't be surprised
    A carbon copy from us for you.
    nowadays at night try,
    you will have twins.

    Candy box
    And there is no better gift
    A box of chocolates for you.
    You're the only one who's in trouble
    We chewed the candy a day ago.

    Screw the prize onto your bangs
    And do your hair.
    And men, I know,
    They will fall into piles themselves.

    Massage brush
    So that the suitor is satisfied,
    We give you a massager.
    Lead them here and there
    And please your suitor.

    Huge size men's briefs
    And you'll probably be lucky
    Big man will find you.
    If there is no groom,
    Two beautiful bags will come out.

    Medical gloves
    When you go to work,
    Feel free to wear gloves.
    If our prize helps,
    Give us half.

    You're a good guy
    A rod as a gift for you.
    You suffered no damage
    Suitable for self-defense.

    You took tenaciously as a gift
    Here, at the wedding, don’t yawn.
    We give you a clothespin,
    At least attract someone to you.

    Watch face
    This is an antique.
    Your present is a dial.
    We present it with all our hearts,
    We don’t know where to get the arrows!

    Plastic bag
    And there is no better gift,
    Than a plastic bag.
    You'll get your prize sooner
    And take away whatever you want!

    So that impudent people would not interfere,
    Don't change your habits.
    And instead of a lighter
    Carry matches with you.

    It seems like you are sober at the moment,
    But if you drink too much
    With her in the boot in difficult times
    You'll hit it right.

    They ate a lot and drank a lot.
    They deserve this badge.
    You are a drummer of the Komtrud
    Congratulations to the toastmaster!

    So that you don't have a sweet life,
    We found something for you.
    A very necessary item
    Here's some mustard in a tube!

    Wedding cake Piece of cake
    You're lucky, my friend.
    Here's a piece of cake for you.
    They don’t leave it for later,
    As products become more expensive

    You'll suddenly get rich
    You don't have an envelope.
    We would like to present it to you,
    You will keep the money.

    Suddenly there is tension with the light
    To pull up a skirt
    You will need a candle.
    Give us at least two pieces.

    Our present without a flaw
    Natural blush.

    For amorous pleasures
    We'll need our nut.
    He will add strength to you,
    It will add pleasure.

    Here, for complete beauty
    Imported watch for you.
    We present them to you from the bottom of our hearts,
    Are they coming, no, we don’t know!
    The prize was given to you by virtue of your connections
    So we will make an additional payment.
    Because you are no happier.
    We are expecting five thousand at the moment!

    All guests are given small lottery tickets with numbers upon entering the wedding hall. The lottery is played throughout the evening, interrupted by feasts and games. Prizes are given to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny.

    All guests are given small lottery tickets with numbers upon entering the wedding hall. The lottery is played throughout the evening, interrupted by feasts and games. Prizes are given to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny. For example: pacifiers, thermometers, air balloons, socks, pens, light bulbs, etc. During the game, the presenter shouts out the lot number, the owner raises his hand with the number so that the presenter notices it. Here the presenter announces the winnings. To make the game fun, prizes are given out with accompanying text.

    The presenter announces: “Number 8!”
    Someone responds: “There is such a number!”

    Receive your present!
    100 g of sweets from us!
    The game continues further.

    Here are more examples of poetic texts for the presenter announcing the winnings.

    Well, there you go!
    For you - dried roach!

    For an overgrown baby
    Wonderful pacifier!

    So that you always have a hairstyle,
    You are given a comb!

    Number three? Here you go!
    A bottle of wine for you!

    Did you get the fourth lot?
    You have a ticket on the ship!

    Who is so joyful there?
    A thermometer for your memory!

    ABOUT! You have a lucky lot!
    Money transfer for you!
    (The presenter takes out an envelope in which the change is jingling.)

    The Magnificent Seven
    Here's a grater for your dishes!

    Receive your present -
    We give you a hundred grams of coins!
    (The presenter takes out a bag of pennies).

    You, "nine", do not be sad,
    Get a pack of tea!

    So that the gait is smoother,
    We're giving you a bottle of vodka!

    So that a sore throat does not torment you,
    We're giving away a pack of aspirin!
    You will live to be 100 years old
    With the best blend-a-honey paste!

    Lot 13, what a surprise!
    You have won a service!
    (At the same time they hand over a cup and saucer).

    Cleanliness is a sore point
    Get a vacuum cleaner! (The lucky winner is given a broom).

    To always be very sweet,
    Wash your face with soap more often!

    You don't need to spread yourself thin
    Here's a chocolate bar for you!

    It's your turn
    A fresh Mars bar for you!

    There is no better remedy for stress,
    Than buying a Mercedes.
    (The lucky winner is given a toy children's car).

    Whether you need it or not,
    Here's your lipstick!

    So that washing doesn’t shock you,
    Take the valuable powder!

    You are our welcome guest:
    A valuable gift for you - a nail!

    By chance, your ticket included Georgian tea.

    So that your face and hands are clean,
    A piece of fragrant soap fell on your ticket.

    Are you a smoker or a non-smoker?
    You have found a suitable win.
    And we present it to you without argument
    We urgently need a pack of Belomor.

    Are you a boy or a girl?
    How long will it take for you to get married?
    Let me give you the winnings.
    You will receive a rattle.

    So that with love you write off,
    You received the envelopes.

    Happiness fell into your hands,
    I got three potatoes.

    Should be happy in abundance
    From the lottery you are now -
    Three wonderful cards
    Lottery drawn for you.

    You should not be upset, you have new luck.
    Here's a jar of mustard - delicious, table-sized.

    Your winnings are quite rare,
    You got a birch branch.
    And let her make you beyond all doubt
    Participate in gardening!

    This is a very good ticket for you,
    This means there is a gain in it.
    Let me give you a glass of fruit water.

    Use them on your back
    Don't get sick or sneeze! (mustard plasters)

    You got the wrong ticket:
    This is not a bottle, but a bouquet!
    The winning is universal -
    Drink a mineral glass.

    Anything can happen
    This will come in handy for you too! (handkerchief)

    There are very few of them
    But this is power.
    They will help you
    Be forever beautiful! (hairpins)

    In the middle of winter you feel summer
    Let this brooch remind you! (daisy flower)

    Since they came to us to have fun,
    We won't let you get bored.
    And if you get tired of frolicking,
    You can sit down and read! (newspaper)

    You can come up with a bunch of the same funny comments, it’s a matter of your imagination and desire to please your guests. As you understand, it is not the gift itself that is valuable, but the attention, so try not to deprive anyone and do not forget to give some little thing.

    People should definitely have a good and warm memory of the wedding, and it’s good if it is supported by something material. Especially for this purpose, the hosts of the celebrations often use a comic wedding lottery. How to organize such entertainment and what is it for?

    What is entertainment for?

    Main enemy any wedding is boring. It entails another unpleasant factor. People begin to feel that they have been forgotten, that they are superfluous here. As a result, the guests' mood deteriorates, they become isolated and go home early. I can't imagine anything worse.

    How to prepare for a wedding without going crazy? Download the free checklist. He will help you organize your preparations and do everything calmly and on time.

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    "Wedding lottery" – funny game, which will amuse the guests. But this will require a lot of props. Although if only 10 people come to the wedding, then the task of creating and finding props is greatly simplified.

    • Lottery tickets and lottery machine. You can buy standard tickets in a wedding store, made according to a template, but it is better to order an individual design with photographs of the newlyweds. It is inexpensive, but such tickets will make an indelible impression on guests. By the way, they must be numbered or named.
    • Cards with greetings and wishes. There should be exactly the number of guests, and it should be written down on paper what prize the guest receives. You can encrypt a gift in the form of a picture shown on a Wedding Lottery ticket.
    • Prizes. This is where the hardest part is. In most cases, newlyweds limit themselves to pens, magnets and chocolates. As an option for useful functional prizes - homemade soap, hand cream, with a touch of irony and humor - a glass, a piggy bank, a nail.

    Wedding planner

    Gold-plated medals can be used as prizes. The inscriptions on them are very diverse: “to a real man”, “to a charming fairy”, “to the best worker in the tourism sector”. They need to be chosen specifically for each guest, emphasizing his strengths.

    Elena Sokolova


    Try not to include alcohol in lottery prizes. If there is an element of chance, then the bottle may end up with a person who has problems with alcohol, or vice versa - with a non-drinker.

    Svetlana Reznik

    If finances allow, then organize the presentation of a super prize. It could be a good gift edition of a book, an expensive Parker pen (Zippo lighter), and if you have a broad soul and a thick wallet, you can also give them a smartphone.

    How does the prank work?

    The guests arrived from a walk and gave the young wedding gifts And . Can we start? No, it's still early. Let them rest and have a drink.

    All competitions should begin only 20-30 minutes after the start of the feast– by this time the guests are overcome with excitement and enthusiasm. But it wouldn’t hurt to remind them about the lottery. This is necessary so that the participants of the feast prepare their tickets and become “infected” with curiosity.

    And now that very moment has come. The toastmaster goes to the middle of the hall and loudly announces the start of the drawing. At the same time, he has in his hands a list of guests indicating who each of them is to the newlyweds. By calling the ticket numbers, the presenter invites lottery participants to his place. Congratulations and wishes are read out, a handshake is required, after which the guest receives his prize. As practice shows, people remain equally satisfied, despite the value of the item received.

    Some guests may be seriously upset that they did not receive a super prize. If you know that there are such “sensitive” people in the company, then everything should be made equal so that no one feels deceived.

    The “Lottery” competition for weddings is held quite often. Therefore, you can probably imagine what gifts you can choose for those present at the special event.

    If possible, take the time to make pens or notebooks with images of the bride and groom according to the number of guests. They will go as a mandatory prize. Everything else is additional gifts.

    To create an element of chance, you can use a lottery machine. The guest himself will put his hand into it and pull out a piece of paper with a wish and a prize.

    If there are children in the company, then buy sweet gifts for them separately. Give them not instead of the main prize, but as an addition. More ideas for entertaining little guests.


    Have a nice time and please the table society with memorable comic gifts a wedding lottery competition will help. For a nominal fee, the toastmaster or his assistant distributes beautifully designed lottery sheets with numbers according to the number of guests at the table to the participants.

    Number of participants

    If there are many guests at the wedding, it is recommended to hold prize drawings throughout the celebration. This will add intrigue and also arouse interest for wedding table. If there are few participants, then it is easy to hold a wedding fun lottery at a time, reading funny poems for each lot accompanied by cheerful music. Helpful advice: The fewer guests, the more valuable the gifts can be. If the holiday takes place in a narrow family circle, a wedding lottery lottery can be a bottle of expensive alcohol, toys, souvenirs. At large quantities For participants, more humorous prizes are prepared - clothespins, combs, candy, nails or small coins.


    To hold a wedding joke lottery you will need:

    Tip: it is convenient to initially assign a specific gift to each number, signing it with a comic poem. The presenter will only need to read it and hand over the winnings.

    • Gifts for every lottery ticket.
    • A selection of fun music to which the lot will be played.


    Since the lottery is a joke, the gifts should bring a smile and lift the spirits of those gathered at the table. Accompanying each lot with an interesting poem or text, the presenter gives the lucky winners:

    A competition in the form of an exciting drawing is a great way to entertain a dinner party after dancing and other active competitions. A small gifts will cheer you up and leave pleasant memories of the wedding celebration. The lottery will give guests the opportunity to receive them as a souvenir as a part of the holiday. The drawing process will look great in a photo or video, will attract attention, and will preserve memories of the holiday on the wedding day of the newlyweds for many years.

    One of the win-win ideas for organizing any wedding is a wedding lottery. Why is this entertainment so popular? Firstly, as a rule, it is very funny. You just need to select the right items, skillfully play with them, and comments from guests will help make the competition even more fun. Secondly, believe me, everyone loves gifts. Let your wedding be organized in a luxurious palace, a country restaurant or in nature; appropriate souvenirs (from and to sweets or toilet rolls) will delight your guests and make the celebration memorable and unusual. So, let's look at the main points of the popular competition.

    Wedding lottery: prizes

    The basic principle of the competition: each guest receives a gift. Sometimes organizers use dummy tickets or make, say, every fifth ticket a winner. But it is better to refuse such savings.

    A variety of things can serve as souvenirs. It is interesting to play with office supplies (paper clips, notepads, envelopes, felt-tip pens, erasers), and “soap and shaving” accessories (massage or toothbrush, wet wipes, mirror, washcloth, deodorant, small towel), and household goods (corkscrew, needles, bags, clothespins, candles and candlesticks), and food (fruits, candies, packets of spices and drinks, sweets), and much more.

    Come up with special souvenirs related to the life of the newlyweds. Is the bride originally from Orenburg? Magnets, calendars and postcards with city views will be a great prize! The groom used to practice as a child. In this case, ping pong balls are a wonderful gift for guests. And newlyweds will undoubtedly enjoy such a “personalized” lottery.

    Do you have a lot of guests for your wedding, but are you on a limited budget? Who said that souvenirs are necessarily something material? Guests can be “gifted” with smiles from the mother-in-law, a kiss from the witness, an invitation to dinner at the newlyweds’ house, or a song performed by musicians. In case of particularly tough savings, most prizes can be made exactly like this. Agree, an unusual lottery!

    For a wedding dedicated to a specific theme, souvenirs should be selected accordingly. For a French-style wedding, almond dragees, keychains in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, or CDs with French songs are suitable. Prepare a red scarf, orange oranges, yellow toilet paper, green comb, blue pen, blue phone case, purple sequins. The Soviet-style celebration will require items from recent shortages as prizes: buy buckwheat, bananas, a pack of elephant tea, nylon tights.

    Wedding lottery: tickets

    The easiest option is to indicate the lottery ticket number directly on the invitation. True, they are often sent to the whole family. And souvenirs should go to each wedding participant. Therefore, it is better to print tickets separately according to the number of guests. The design is arbitrary. If you wish, you can make them in the style of the entire wedding. Sometimes “lotteries” become downright works of art. Photos of the bride and groom are placed on them, and the wedding day is indicated as the drawing date. Especially “handy” newlyweds even make a “magnetic strip” on tickets, covering the indicated number with a mixture of silver acrylic paint and in a ratio of 2 to 1. Well, those who have the means order exclusive lottery tickets with a scratch stripe from printing companies.

    Tickets can simply be distributed to guests before the start of the celebration. But you can offer invitees to purchase real “lotteries”, which they will exchange for tickets upon entering. And “SuperLoto” or “Keno” tickets will go to the newlyweds and, perhaps, will bring something valuable to the family budget.

    What kind of lottery do you need for a wedding? Cool!

    Simply giving away prizes will not bring much joy. To successfully conduct the competition, it is necessary to prepare humorous descriptions of the items being played in advance. “With this item, the world will become brighter and brighter” (light bulb). “Such a remedy will instantly stop the most severe runny nose" (pin). “No matter how fashion changes, no matter what designers come up with, this item will never become outdated” (laces). It turns out to be a very funny wedding lottery! In poetry, you can come up with an even more fun “anti-advertising” for the items being awarded. “Unfortunately, you have a rusty nail, although you are a very valuable guest.” “We’ll have a lot of fun: You get a kiss from the neighbor on the right!” “There is no more necessary souvenir than a garbage bag.” “Whether you need it or not, here’s lipstick for you.” “You’re lucky, you’ll see that there’s a glass for you - you’ll get over your hangover!” (a glass of vodka). You can come up with such rhymes yourself or use ready-made examples.

    Usually the host takes charge of running the competition. A good toastmaster will turn the lottery not into a free gift giveaway, but into fun entertainment for the whole company.

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