• Marriage in Denmark and its consequences. Life in Denmark through the eyes of Russian immigrants


    IN last years Marriage in Denmark is very popular. In particular, German citizens who want to marry citizens of other countries go to Denmark to legitimize their marital relations. In this case, “Danish marriage” is used as a tool within the framework of spouse reunification. Also, citizens of other countries living in Germany often decide to get married in Denmark.

    The main reason for this decision is the ease and speed of this procedure. After all, everyone knows that the process of getting married in the registry offices of Germany can last several months, or even years. In addition, some citizens believe that by getting married in Denmark, it will be possible to bypass the requirements of German law on family reunification.

    The Danish Marriage tool is generally used in two cases: In one case, a marriage occurs between people already living in the EU. In another case, only one of the spouses is an EU citizen, while the other is a non-EU citizen and permanently resides outside the European Union.

    Consider these two cases:

    Marriage in Denmark as a tool for family reunification

    Today, there are many companies offering services for organizing marriages in Denmark. They promise a quick and inexpensive marriage with the opportunity to subsequently stay with a European husband with the opportunity to purchase a permanent residence permit (PRP). However, few know that this kind of action can have disastrous consequences both for spouses and for companies that offer such services.

    “It’s one step from the registry office to the prosecutor’s office.” This is not a joke, but reality. There were cases where, instead of obtaining a residence permit, spouses received deportation, a ban on entry into the Eurozone, and a criminal record. And the companies, in turn, were held accountable as instigators and accomplices of illegal migration. The same fate can await a lawyer who, intentionally or due to ignorance of the law, incites clients to take such a step.

    Using the example of German legislation, we will understand why this is possible:

    The most standard case is when one of the spouses is a citizen of Germany and the other a citizen of the CIS. They set a date for marriage at the Danish registry office and go there. Typically, a foreign spouse travels to Denmark on a tourist visa. After marriage, they go to Germany and apply for a temporary residence permit (residence permit) to reunite the spouses. IN best case scenario The Office for Foreigners' Affairs will refuse to provide a residence permit to a foreign spouse. In the worst case, a criminal case will be filed.

    A criminal case may be initiated for providing false information about the purpose of travel as part of obtaining a tourist visa. This is because a tourist visa can only be used for tourism purposes. For any other purpose an appropriate national visa is required. Consequently, providing incorrect information about the purpose of the trip may result in criminal liability. Further, a criminal case may be initiated for entering the country without the appropriate residence permit or visa.

    Due to the provision of incorrect information, the Office for Foreigners may refuse to grant the foreign spouse a residence permit and threaten with deportation from the country. At this point it should be noted that a residence permit/permanent residence permit for the reunification of spouses is issued only in two cases:

    • if the conditions for granting a spousal residence permit arose after entering Germany. For example, a foreigner came to Germany as a student. After some time, he met a German citizen here and married her. In this case, the conditions for issuing a residence permit arose after entry
    • if the spouse entered Germany on the basis of a spousal visa with compliance with legal order on the reunification of spouses.

    The conclusion is obvious: as a tool for family reunification, “marriage in Denmark” is not only unsuitable, but also dangerous.

    Marriage in Denmark, for people living in the EU

    In this case, a marriage takes place between persons living in Europe, regardless of their citizenship. For example, non-German citizens who live in Germany travel to Denmark and get married there. In principle, this is possible. However, there are many pitfalls here too.

    Firstly, the marriage must be carried out in accordance with the formal requirements of Danish law.

    Secondly, the marriage must comply with the laws of the countries of which the spouses are citizens. Therefore, entering into a marriage without appropriate consultation with the departments of these countries is highly not recommended.

    Thirdly, the marriage must be recognized and valid in Germany. For example, Germany may not recognize a marriage if one of the spouses was married before the marriage in Denmark. In this case, recognition will require the provision of the original court decision on the dissolution of the first marriage with an official translation. Until it is recognized by the German authorities, the first marriage will be considered valid, which automatically leads to bigamy. Recognition is carried out by the Supreme Court at the place of residence. Therefore, it is advisable to involve lawyers to draw up and submit a petition.

    This article is for informational purposes only and does not replace individual legal advice. Using this material in personal matters without prior legal advice from an attorney may cause you irreparable harm. The author does not guarantee the correctness, completeness, timeliness or quality of the information provided. The author is not responsible for damage incurred while using this article. This does not apply to cases where the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence.


    FOR 2019

    Marriage at Copenhagen City Hall - Documents

    From January 1, 2019, strict rules have been introduced to check your documents and couples for fictitious marriages.From this moment on, all documents are considered not in the communes as before, but in the unified State Administration of Denmark and, upon receipt of a positive decision, are further transferred to the municipality to register your marriage.

    We resolve all issues directly with the State Administrations and the City Hall of Copenhagen for your convenience and are always happy to help you!


    You must provide us by email with apostilled documents with translations into any of the 3 languages ​​listed below, as well as a receipt for payment of the fee to the state administration, having previously agreed with us on the desired date.

    All necessary sample documents and recommendations are available on the website.

    INATTENTION: Documents must be submitted to us for submission to the state administration no later than 2 months before the desired wedding date, since consideration of your application at the state administration, and then at the City Hall, may currently take longer than before, due to the very heavy workload state administration.

    Documents for registration:

    Documents for citizens who have not been previously married and have permanent residence in Russia. CIS and non-EU:

    1. copy of the international passport, all pages, including covers.(no need to notarize!)

    3. a statement of marital status made by a notary strictly according to our sample without unnecessary additions to the text! (that you have not been and are not currently married (include your registration in the header of the application. We have a sample on our website in the Applications and Samples section - Notary Sample) and apostille it plus a translation into German, Danish or English language, certified by the translator of the Translation Agency. Notary translations are not accepted!

    4. If you are registered at one address, then you must provide an apostilled certificate of registration (issued by housing offices, management companies, etc.) or an apostilled copy of the temporary registration certified by a notary with a translation.


    Certificate from the registry office about marital status strictly starting from the age of 18!!! + apostille and their translation Certificate of registration or registration (issued by housing offices, management companies, etc.) + apostille and also their translation or a notarized apostilled copy of the temporary registration with translation.

    5. A receipt for payment of the state fee to the State Administration for reviewing your documents.

    For citizens who were previously married in Russia/CIS and non-EU and have permanent residence in Russia/CIS and non-EU:

    1. copy of the international passport, all pages, including covers. (no need to notarize!)
    2. copy of a valid Schengen Visa
    3. certificate of divorce or death of a spouse in the original along with an apostille and a translation into German, Danish or English, certified by a translator 4. Statement of marital status made by a notary strictly according to our sample without unnecessary additions to the text! (that you have not been and are not currently married (include your registration in the header of the application. We have a sample on our website in the Applications and Samples section - Notary Sample) and apostille it, plus a translation into German, Danish or English, certified by a translator of the Translation Agency. Translations by notaries are not accepted!

    We have a sample on our website in the Applications and Samples section - Sample Certification.

    5. If you are registered at one address, then you must provide an apostilled certificate of registration (issued by housing offices, management companies, etc.) or an apostilled copy of the temporary registration certified by a notary with a translation.


    Certificate from the registry office about marital status strictly starting from the age of 18!!! + apostille and their translation Certificate of registration or registration (issued by housing offices, management companies, etc.) + apostille and also their translation or a notarized apostilled copy of the temporary registration with translation.

    For citizens of Belarus, a certificate from the registry office at the place of residence, form 10. Sample on the website.

    6. A receipt for payment of the state fee to the State Administration for reviewing your documents.

    7. If you have children together, then their birth certificates, where you are listed as parents. Same with apostille and translation.

    Attention: All certificates must be no older than 4 months as of the date of marriage registration. Certificates of marriage, birth, etc. They have no statute of limitations.

    Documents for citizens of the EU, USA and other countries, except the Russian Federation and the CIS:

    1. Certificate of registration indicating marital status, not older than 4 months at the time of wedding.

    2. Valid ID on both sides, or international passport, all pages including covers

    3. If divorced or widowed, then a divorce certificate with a note about entry into force, or a death certificate.

    4. A receipt for payment of the state fee to the State Administration for reviewing your documents.

    5. If you have common children, then their birth certificates, where you are listed as parents.

    Attention: If the language of your documents is other than English, German or Danish, you must have an official translator translate it into one of these languages.

    Pay special attention!

    Translations of your documents must bear the seal of the organization performing the translation and having permission to do so, the company details, signature and date. Several pages must be bound, numbered and sealed. Certification of translations must be done by a translation agency or a certified translator with a seal. The certification must be issued in the language into which you are translating the document!

    Notarized translations are not accepted, since the notary certifies the correctness of the translation and the translator's signature in Russian!!! Translations must be certified only by the translation agency with its seal in the target language!!!

    The translation is not made for your state, but for the competent government authorities of Denmark! Please only complete statements of marital status with a notary!

    Translations must also be accompanied by copies of the documents being translated or originals.

    All samples are on the website! Please pay close attention to the correct execution and certification of translations, so as not to have to redo everything several times later!

    All your documents, translated into English, Danish or German, must have the same spelling of all your personal data, as in your travel passport!

    Marriage registration is carried out in next days and hours:

    Monday. from 11.00 - more than 10 couples

    on Wednesday. from 11.00 - max. 10 pairs
    Friday. from 11.00 - no more than 12 pairs
    Saturday. from 10.00 - max. 20 pairs

    "Please note that as of January 1, 2014, the Copenhagen City Hall administration requires that you and your future spouse provide original documents in person to the Copenhagen City Hall.The deadline for submitting original documents is the working day before the wedding date before 12:00.This is prerequisite for the marriage of non-residents."

    If you want to register your marriage on Monday, you and your future spouse must arrive at Copenhagen City Hall on Friday, no later than 12 o'clock.

    If you wish to get married on Wednesday or Friday, you and your future spouse must arrive at Copenhagen City Hall the day before, i.e. Tuesday or Thursday before 12 noon.

    If you want to register your marriage on Saturday (without issuing an apostille, since the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not working on this day. If you wish, we can issue you an apostille yourself on Monday and send it to you on the same day by express mail DHL (postage service is paid for by you ) You and your future spouse must arrive at Copenhagen City Hall on Friday before 12 noon.


    The Document Legalization Office of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is open on weekdays from 10:00 to 12:30, as well as on Thursdays from 14:00 to 16:00, where immediately after your marriage registration we accompany you and help you fully prepare this document.

    The cost of 1 Apostille for 1 Marriage Certificate is 200 DKK and is paid by you separately in cash to the cash desk of the Legalization Bureau. Unfortunately, they do not accept credit cards from foreign banks.

    Translation agency "AT YOUR SERVICE"

    Translation agency Amira-Dialect

    Translation agency Translate Studio, Minsk, st. Sukhaya 4, office 21A

    What is an apostille?

    Apostille is a special form of certification of documents intended for presentation to foreign embassies, consulates, various government agencies or educational institutions. This form of certification of documents complies with the provisions of the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961. Apostille is used only in countries that are parties to the Convention.

    When affixing an apostille, a stamp is placed on a document with the inscription: “APOSTILLE (Convention de la Haye du 5 October 1961)”, which is a mandatory attribute of this procedure.

    Value your time and ours!

    We also reserve the right to completely refuse clients the provision of our services or initially demand full prepayment of our services without specifying reasons.

    If you want to know how to get married in Denmark, then it would be a good idea to learn more about this country. Almost each of us has been familiar with Denmark since childhood. Exactly. After all, we have known the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen since we were preschoolers. And Hans Christian Andersen lived in little Denmark, and glorified it throughout the world.

    If you look at the number of Danish grooms, there are much fewer of them than Americans or Germans. And no wonder. The entire population of this country is just over 5 million.

    Full name: Kingdom of Denmark. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy (the Danes treat their queen with great respect), the capital of the country is Copenhagen. Language: Danish.

    All cities in Denmark are small. And there are many small villages, which, by our standards, can be called villages rather than towns. But amenities in such “villages” are at a very high level. And all because at this time Denmark is a country with one of the most high levels life of the population.

    True, their prices are the highest, as are taxes. For comparison: travel on a city bus costs 15-20 CZK (70-100 rubles). Gasoline and car maintenance are also very expensive, so the most common method of transportation is a bicycle. Get used to it.

    If it happens that you meet a man from Denmark and your relationship develops, try to go visit him and see how he lives. There are many texts on the website www.site dedicated to national characteristics foreign grooms. And it is important to understand that not all women manage to adapt to life in a new country.

    Denmark is an industrial-agrarian country. Despite the almost complete absence of mineral resources, the Danes managed to create an excellent chemical industry. The country produces high-quality building materials, textiles and porcelain, and sews high-quality clothes.

    The pride of Denmark is agriculture. This country ranks one of the first places in the world in the production of milk, meat and butter per capita. And the quality of the products is beyond praise.

    But here, for many women who want to get married in Denmark, there is a surprise, and for some, an unpleasant one. It is precisely because of this surprise that I advise you to first come to Denmark to meet your prospective fiancé.

    Provincial Denmark is where low-rise construction is thriving. Houses are often scattered at considerable distances from each other. The Danish groom may tell you that he works at some enterprise and also has several hectares in his possession.

    This usually means that the man lives in his own house, with a garden, field or small farm nearby. Consequently, communication is mainly only with your husband, even neighbors may not be close, but try to get along with them... Danish agriculture is famous for its excellent mechanization and automation. But if you marry a Danish farmer, you will have to light the boiler in the house at least from time to time to keep it warm. Houses most often have an autonomous heating system.

    When your husband is at work, it is quite possible that you will sometimes have to give food to cows or other animals. This does not mean that you will use a pitchfork to demolish silage or anything else. You will press buttons or pull levers, but you will have to go into the room where the cattle are. If a man has fields where he grows oats or barley, then you will not have to weed or mow, but you and your husband will take care of the harvest, worry about the weather, etc.

    These warnings are not pulled out of thin air. This is the sad experience of many women who went to Denmark in the hope that they would go shopping there, lead a social lifestyle, and someone else's aunt would wash the dishes. Some of them returned to their native places, not wanting to lead the usual Danish lifestyle, and it was difficult for them to find work. With a Russian medical diploma (without retraining), you can at most get a job as a nurse in a hospital, but with a teacher’s diploma - in kindergarten, which, of course, is better, but still does not suit women with very big ambitions.

    In Denmark, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit and then citizenship is quite complicated. New citizenship laws are currently being discussed. That's why when the time will come To prepare documents for departure to Denmark, you need to contact the embassy of this country to find out all the rules at that time. Do not rely on outdated information from other sources.

    Danish men are distinguished by their sedateness, hard work and well-developed sense of self-esteem. They make faithful and caring husbands. But only for those women who sincerely love their husbands and are ready to share all their worries and joys with them, adopt their traditions and pacify their own.

    For example, one of my friends for a long time could not get used to the scrupulousness with which the Danes treat issues of cohabitation. And we are not talking about living in the same apartment, but just about the entrance. She was very annoyed by the fact that before any more or less noisy holiday she was obliged to post an entire petition on the bulletin board and apologize for the inconvenience caused by their joyful event.

    Marriage in Germany - why is it difficult?

    The German bureaucracy is known throughout the world. List necessary documents To get married in Germany it is very long, you need a lot of apostilles and certificates from your homeland and months of waiting for the term. But the person has been living in Germany for several years, so obtaining a whole host of documents poses serious difficulties.

    For example, a birth certificate. How many adult citizens still have it? Some Danish registry offices will not accept your documents without this certificate.

    What do you think about the marital status certificate? For example, in Russia there is not even such a standard for certificates, and even more so there are no government bodies authorized to issue these certificates.

    For German citizens, it is also required to collect a package of permits and certificates. Their number is determined by each amt (governing body in Germany) individually.

    Marriage in Denmark - why is it beneficial?

    But marriage in Denmark is a simple legal way to obtain a legal opportunity to live in Germany (or another EU country) for citizens of all countries of the world.

    The Danish kingdom has a federal structure. Therefore, each commune has different requirements for the marriage procedure and package of documents.

    We cooperate with all the “popular” Registry Offices: Copenhagen, Ribe, Tonder, Eisberg, etc.

    However, the closest cooperation is with the Civil Registry Office, whose marriage registration procedure is not complicated, with a minimum of waiting and bureaucratic difficulties.

    Marriage in Denmark in this commune takes place with a MINIMUM of documents and without long waits and knowledge of the language. Usually, if everything is in order with the documents, you can sign 8 days after submission!

    List of required documents and instructions.

    In Denmark there is a minimum of bureaucratic quibbles regarding the list of required documents. No birth certificate, Ehefähigungszeugnis, or certificate of marital status are required, and witnesses are also not needed at the ceremony.

    Recognition of Danish marriage in Germany

    Marriage in Denmark for German citizens is recognized as legal without legalization according to the German-Danish Accreditation Agreement of June 17, 1936 (RGBl. 1936 II, S. 213)

    For foreigners (non-EU citizens), a Danish marriage certificate requires legalization (according to the Hague Convention (1961) through an apostille.

    Clients of our agency Hamburgtours can order the service of certifying a marriage certificate with an apostille from us. You will receive your marriage certificate with an apostille 10 days after the wedding (or 2-3 days if you order an urgent apostille).

    After the wedding in Denmark...

    So, you have received a marriage certificate in 5 languages.

    You contact a lawyer in Germany who will help you obtain a residence permit in the EU. The lawyer advises on what to do after marriage in Denmark, how to arrange family reunification and obtain a residence permit in Germany WITHOUT LEAVING your homeland!! You can find such a specialist yourself, or we provide the contact details of a lawyer who has extensive successful experience in obtaining residence permits for our clients who are not residents of the European Union.

    If you have any questions, please contact us in any convenient way: Contacts.

    Here are some useful tips for a foreigner in Germany after getting married in Denmark:

    • The foreign spouse must submit documents to obtain a residence permit in Germany. Contact the Foreign Citizens Registration Department. Please check the package of required documents at the place of submission.
    • You need to take the original marriage certificate (yours and your German spouse’s) and go to the address office at the place of registration of the German spouse to notify the state about your marriage. You automatically receive tax class 4-4. If you want to do 3-5 or 5-3 you must do it at the tax office.
    • Medical insurance. The foreign spouse is included in the German spouse's health insurance.
    • Change of surname after marriage. A change of surname after marriage in Denmark since 2006 cannot be made at the place where the marriage certificate was issued. To change the surname, a foreign spouse must contact the embassy of his country in Germany. For detailed information, see the embassy website.
    • Family book. In the German Registry Office (at the place of registration of the German spouse) you can register a family chronicle (book). Thus, if you lose your marriage certificate, you will be able to obtain a new certificate from the German Civil Registry Office. To register at the Civil Registry Office, present your marriage certificates, for a foreigner - with an apostille.
    • Upon arrival in your homeland, based on the apostille, you affix a marriage stamp to your internal passport. Thus, your marriage is legal both at your place of registration in your country and in all countries of the European Union.

    Marriage with foreign citizen- this is always a troublesome, bureaucratic process that can deprive the entire event of its characteristic romance. The ideal solution in this situation is to register a marriage in Denmark, which is less demanding for newlyweds. Mixed couples, students, and simply seekers of romantic places come here. Today, the Kingdom of Denmark has become the European Las Vegas for those getting married.

    Features of marriage in Danish

    The first reason that tips the scales in favor of this country is the minimum documents that need to be provided in order for your marriage to be registered. Any Danish commune (administrative unit in the Kingdom) can take on the responsibility to do this.

    Moreover, many communes even provide their witnesses to perform this ritual. The whole process will cost you 500 CZK - this is a fee that will need to be paid to the authority registering you.

    From the point of view of legality, a marriage entered into in this country is considered valid, and there should be no claims from the authorities in your homeland. But you should remember that only your spouse will not need to take any additional actions if, say, he is a German citizen.

    But if you are a citizen of Russia, then you need to put an apostille on the marriage certificate issued to you. Only on the basis of it will your marriage in Russia be recognized as legal, and you will be able to put the coveted marriage stamp in your passport.

    Marriage to a German citizen in Denmark does not involve an immediate change of surname. This can be done after the wedding in the country of residence of one of the spouses. But if you don’t want to overshadow your cloudless marriage with paperwork, then everyone can stay with their last name.

    Getting ready for the wedding

    You should start preparing by finding a commune. Their addresses can be found on the Internet, a request can be sent by mail or contacted by phone. Check to see if they register marriages between a Russian citizen and a German citizen. The answer will most likely be yes, but let you hear it for yourself. A government employee should give you a list of documents that are needed to complete the procedure.

    In addition, the proven and high-quality service of our partners will help you find out whether you have a travel ban, which will provide you with information about the presence of debt on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services, etc., and will also assess the likelihood of a ban on flying abroad.

    Danish law states that newlyweds must live in the country for at least 3 days before getting married.

    This is explained rather by economic reasons. After all, during this time you will be able to spend a certain amount of money, and given that you are having a wedding, then, most likely, the amount may turn out to be quite decent. For those who are in a hurry, there are special agencies that will help organize everything within one day.

    Upon arrival in Denmark, you must register with the local government. The procedure will take 10 minutes, no more. After this, you can safely go to registration.


    The list of documents that you will need to get married in Denmark with a German citizen is formed depending on the country of citizenship of each party.

    For a German spouse

    1. Passport.
    2. Birth certificate.
    3. Help indicating it Family status and registration.
    4. For widowers and divorced people - a document confirming this fact.

    For a Russian wife

    On the bride's side you will need:

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