• What to cook for a child's christening. Festive table for christening. Table setting


    Today we will tell you how the christening of a child is celebrated by those who are ready to organize a real holiday for themselves and their guests!

    We will offer you interesting and original ideas for baptism that will make your holiday special!

    Invitation to a child's baptism

    Any holiday begins with bright and original invitations! Christenings are no exception and that’s why we have prepared some interesting preparations for you!

    These can be either standard-shaped cards with interesting scrap elements, or stylish christening invitations. original form and content.

    Don’t forget to fill out the invitation to the child’s christening beautifully, writing the place and time of the holiday, the possible style or dress code for the guests, as well as wishes for gifts.

    Christening menu: what to cook

    One more important factor is the table for the baptism of a child. Depending on what type of holiday you want - standard gatherings, a summer barbecue outdoors, a buffet or a tea party - you must determine for yourself the most delicious and satisfying menu.

    We recommend paying attention to such neutral foods as chicken and salads, cold appetizers and juicy fish. Of course, you can create a festive table for a child’s baptism using ours.

    We have also prepared a sample menu for you:

    • A dish with cold cuts and vegetables - boiled pork, tongue, chicken rolls, sausage, laid out with sweet peppers and cucumbers
    • a fish dish
    • fruit plate
    • Marinated mushrooms
    • Other marinades to taste (for example, Korean cuisine)
    • Cheese slices
    • 3-4 types of salads
    • The main course is potatoes with chops (cutlets, steaks, beefsteaks, hams) or fish.
    • Cold drinks.
    • Tea, coffee, dessert.

    It is worth remembering that the christening table directly depends on the format of the party and the number of guests. If you are planning a celebration of a child's christening in a small circle, perhaps you will be satisfied with the tea format of the holiday with several types of desserts and homemade pastries.

    Decorating the christening table is up to you. You can use small flags and garlands, signs for products, and also decorate the surface of tables with small compositions on a children's theme.

    Blue or pink pinwheels look very stylish.

    You can also decorate the table for your child’s baptism with interesting details related to childhood.

    When thinking about how to decorate the table for a christening, do not forget about beautiful, themed food - sweets or cake.

    Christening: design ideas

    When planning how to celebrate your child's baptism, pay attention to how best to arrange the christening. Perhaps you use interesting figures of angels, colored garlands, paper pom poms, flower arrangements and other decorative elements.

    We have selected inspiration for you that will help you make your own christening decorations!

    You can also use ready-made decor for christenings - letters made of wood, figures from balloons or paper elements.

    In general, how to decorate a christening depends only on you. A budget option Celebrating a child's baptism will allow you to make a modest celebration with inexpensive decorations.

    If you want to implement interesting ideas for a child’s christening, you can use the services of a children’s animator, mime, magician or caricature artist. Don’t forget to also invite a photographer who will capture a bright and unforgettable holiday!

    Christening competitions for guests

    When deciding how to celebrate the christening of a boy or girl, remember that entertainment– an important factor have an interesting evening. If you are planning a christening celebration for a girl or boy in a restaurant or cafe, we recommend that you contact the host. Having such a person will allow you to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family without any problems.

    Are you thinking about how to celebrate your child's christening economically? Then prepare your own baptism contests!

    • Quiz competition. Ask everyone present questions about the baby. Weight, height, foot length in mm and other tricky questions, including time and date of birth. Let everyone scratch their heads :).
    • Game "Determine the weight." Anyone can weigh a child in their arms and try to guess the most accurate weight of the baby.
    • Guessing children's riddles
    • Children's or adult "Crocodile"
    • Karaoke performance of lullabies for the baby
    • Writing a letter to the future, where everyone can wish the baby something special. The mother will give the letters to the child for 15, 16 or 18 years.

    • An interesting moment will be filling out the first questionnaire for the baby or playing Prophecy

    We hope that with our advice we not only suggested how to celebrate the baptism of a child, but also found ideas and solutions interesting for you! Remember that the idea of ​​how to celebrate a christening depends on your personal wishes!

    You will also be able to find a large number of themed holidays and use them as a basis for deciding how to celebrate the baptism of a child. Perhaps it will be an exciting or all-male party in the style of a Little Gentleman!

    We are accustomed to the fact that every holiday has some kind of symbolic dish. For example, on New Year— Olivier or herring under a fur coat; summer holidays They smell like kebabs and vegetable salads.

    Cooking is an art; you have to put your soul into it. And imagination: in painfully familiar dishes, for example, add a pinch of something unusual or prepare extravagant salads or from ordinary products.

    Boat salad is very easy to prepare. Despite this, it has a twist.

    • One large cucumber - 150 grams;
    • Fetta cheese or cottage cheese, you can take feta cheese - 100 grams;
    • tomatoes - a couple, depending on their size;
    • lemon juice;
    • olive or sunflower oil;
    • sesame seeds or sunflower seeds;

    You need to take a cucumber, divide it into two equal parts, cut out the contents with a spoon and you can fill it with ingredients.

    Slice the cheese, add cottage cheese or crumble Fetta cheese. Finely chop the tomatoes. Sprinkle a little with seeds - this will add piquancy to the salad.

    This salad goes well with.

    Season it all with olive or sunflower oil with lemon juice. Basil can be added as a decoration or used as an ingredient. The “Boat” salad is suitable for.

    Goat in the garden

    This salad will fill your body with nutrients and useful substances; it’s bright and unusual, and the range of products couldn’t be simpler.

    • Beets - 250 grams;
    • carrots - 250 grams;
    • cabbage - 150 grams;
    • fried French fries - 100-150 grams;
    • sausage - 150 grams;
    • a jar of canned corn;
    • mayonnaise or sour cream;
    • salt.

    Beets and carrots need to be washed, peeled, and grated. Cabbage - cut into thin strips.

    Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, lightly dry and deep-fry. We chop the sausage, like everything else, into strips.

    “Goat in the Garden” is good as an appetizer for strong alcoholic drinks.

    Place the ingredients in heaps on a dish, pour mayonnaise or sour cream inside, corn on top, add salt and serve a refreshing salad.

    This salad is a frequent guest on.

    Chicken with a twist

    The salad got its name for its zest - secret ingredients.

    • Chicken fillet - 600 grams;
    • Chinese cabbage - 650 grams;
    • White quiche-mish grapes - this is what raisins are usually made from, hence the name of the salad;
    • pistachios are the second secret ingredient;
    • olive oil.

    First you need to boil the meat, cut it into small squares. Grate or finely chop the cabbage.

    Cut each grape in half. Peel and chop the pistachios.

    The salad goes well with hot vegetable side dishes.

    Mix everything, season with oil and salt.

    This salad will be original.

    drunk ship

    The “Drunk Ship” salad contains wine and is served on lettuce leaves - “ships”.

    • Meat - 500 grams of pork;
    • 3 peppers, which should be sweet;
    • olives - 200 grams
    • a bunch of lettuce, a little basil;
    • sunflower oil, salt;
    • red wine.

    Cut the meat into thin strips and fry in sunflower oil.

    Add basil and wine to it, simmer until the wine evaporates.

    Separately from the meat, fry the pepper into strips.

    Grilled meat provides nutritional value to the salad.

    The dish is ideal for strong alcoholic drinks.

    Place meat on lettuce leaves, top with pepper, and garnish with olives.

    The “Drunken Ship” salad is suitable for a celebration.


    A salad that is suitable for such a special event as the christening of a girl - “Princess”. You can also check out suitable christening gifts.

    • Boiled beets - 250 grams;
    • bananas - 2 pieces;
    • 100 grams of raisins;
    • garlic to taste - a couple of cloves;
    • mayonnaise, walnut.

    Finely chop the garlic. Pour boiling water over raisins for 4 minutes, cut bananas into cubes.

    Boil the beets, peel them, grate them on your favorite grater.

    The first layer is beets. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. There should be bananas with garlic and raisins in the middle.

    Children really like the unusual combination of beets and bananas. And raisins and nuts make it piquant and tasty.

    The last layer is also beets. Top with mayonnaise and a sprinkle of walnuts.

    For any holiday, especially children's, prepare bright, memorable salads. An example of this is the following recipe.

    • Chicken fillet - 150 grams;
    • the same amount of hard cheese;
    • pitted olives - half a jar;
    • one cucumber, two tomatoes;
    • mayonnaise, salt.

    Boil and finely chop the fillet and olives into slices.

    Add this to the grated cheese and mayonnaise and mix. Leave some olives and cheese for decoration.

    Place the ingredients on a large flat plate in the form watermelon slice: The tomatoes are carefully laid out, flesh side up, after soaking the salad.

    The original presentation of the dish attracts both kids and adults.

    Throw pieces of olives onto the red “pulp”; they will act as seeds.

    The Orange Paradise salad is truly orange on the outside and truly heavenly in taste.

    • Hard persimmon - 4 pieces;
    • onion - 1 piece;
    • one large apple;
    • lettuce leaves, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
    • the same amount of lemon;
    • sugar, salt, pepper to taste.

    Wash the persimmons, remove excess, cut into slices. Now you need to wash the apple, cut it in half, remove the middle, and chop it like a persimmon.

    It is better to choose sweet persimmons for salad, and sour apples. Purple onions will add a special piquancy to the salad.

    Cut the onion into half rings and mix all the ingredients with oil and juice, add salt, sugar and pepper to taste.

    • Crab sticks - 200 grams;
    • 200 grams of hard cheese;
    • a couple of apples, 4 eggs;
    • one onion, several olives;
    • mayonnaise to taste, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, herbs.

    First of all, you need to marinate the onion in vinegar: it should not become spicy - 20 minutes will be enough.

    Boil hard-boiled eggs. The white must be separated from the yolk and grated. Grate cheese on top.

    For romantic dinner The salad is best served in portioned transparent dishes.

    On a layer of onions with mayonnaise, lay out layers of yolk with apples, grated crab sticks, coat everything with mayonnaise.

    We lay out a rosette from the cheese, decorate with herbs and olives.

    New Year's toys

    For the New Year, surprise your guests with an easy-to-prepare but pompous salad.

    • 300 grams of beef, 3 eggs;
    • about 150 grams of hard cheese;
    • mayonnaise, salt;
    • mixture various types pepper, one onion;
    • several bunches of dill, one carrot;
    • A little bell pepper and a piece of beetroot.

    We cook the beef for a couple of hours and pass it through a meat grinder.

    Chop the onion and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.

    Now you need to boil the eggs, chop them coarsely, grate the cheese, and add salt.

    After combining with meat, add a mixture of peppercorns, onions and season with mayonnaise.

    Place the resulting mass on a flat plate in the form Christmas decorations any shape.

    Decorate with colors on top - grated or stripes: beet yolk, egg white, carrots.

    Your unforgettably bright and extraordinary salad is ready to be served on the New Year's table.

    Don’t forget to please your guests with both new salads.

    If you are tired of fatty and fried foods, eat this wonderful dish and others.

    • Shrimps;
    • tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers;
    • feta cheese, olives;
    • lettuce leaves, greens;
    • lemon juice, olive oil and salt.

    Scald and clean the shrimp. We cut tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, tear the salad.

    A light salad goes well with potatoes and any alcoholic beverages.

    You need to pour the shrimp into a transparent bowl, add cheese, mix with citric acid And olive oil, add chopped vegetables and season.

    The best salad means tasty, unusual, made from available products. For any holiday, prepare any of the 10 salads - they won’t go unnoticed!

    Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add chopped cheese and garlic. Mix, adding sour cream, gradually adding starch. Place in the cold and let stand for 30 minutes.

    Place the meat mass into the heated oil in a frying pan using a spoon dipped in water. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

    Beverages. For sweet drinks, you can serve juice cocktails, garnished with a sprig of mint, or lemonade based on sparkling water with jam syrup. Here is the composition for 3 liters: syrup 200-250 g, water is added up to the neck of the jar. Drinks are left to stand for 5-10 minutes until ready. in a cool place.

    You can prepare anything for a child’s christening, focusing on the children: buy nuts, candies, and other sweets.

    Recipes for baby christening

    Baptism refers to important events, which happens only once in a lifetime. For a long time it has been celebrated among a wide circle of relatives and friends. Grandma's pies are considered one of the obligatory treats.

    In many families, recipes for a child's christening are passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, it takes a kindred hand to make grandma’s pies and cookies.

    In addition to baking, there must be porridge on the table. The remaining dishes for the child's christening are chosen by the parents at random. Guests sit down at the table after the baptism ceremony taking place in the temple.


    Salads for a child’s christening should be prepared on the same day. In this case, they will retain their delicate aroma and pleasant taste. The “Caprice” salad can be called hearty.

    Baptism of a child: what parents need to know

    How is the sacrament of baptism performed? What spiritual meaning does it carry? What do parents of a baby need to know? What is required from godparents? What are the basic requirements and main taboos?.... These questions concern those who themselves are going to accept the rite of baptism or baptize their children. Answers these important questions Orthodox priest

    , Archpriest Vasily RUSINKA
    What do parents who want to baptize their baby need to know? Why is Baptism necessary?

    Without what is Baptism impossible?
    Without faith! For an adult, baptism without faith and repentance is impossible. Children are baptized according to the faith of their parents and godparents, who, in turn, must themselves be baptized. In order not to get confused on the day of christening, it would be very useful for future godparents to read the Holy Scriptures in advance, in particular, the chapters about the earthly life of Christ and His Baptism. If you have been invited to become a godfather, do not be confused, but go to the temple. Approach the ministers; no one will refuse you advice or help. And if your soul is not ready for active interaction with representatives of the church, you can simply stand silently at the icon, ask for help and admonition.

    What happens during the sacrament?

    At the very beginning, a prayer “for naming” is said, in which the priest asks God to little man bore his name with dignity, did not scold it and thereby did not offend his patron saint. A person’s name distinguishes him from billions of other people and affirms the uniqueness and uniqueness of his personality, for our Lord Jesus Christ suffered for him too. The naming ceremony recognizes the uniqueness of this particular child who has acquired the Divine gift of personality. At all times, the name of a Christian was considered holy, and therefore from childhood he was taught to respect his name.

    Thus was born the tradition of giving the baptized person the name of a saint, who thus becomes his heavenly patron and intercessor. It is unreasonable to give children names and nicknames, calling them pretentiously exotic overseas names of TV series characters. The priest will give such children a second name, Orthodox. (It is important to know that after baptism a person acquires a guardian angel, the baby can already be given communion. Find out on what day the memory of this saint is celebrated - do not forget to congratulate the baby on Angel Day. It is best to purchase church calendar.)

    Further, through a visible action - immersion in water and anointing - the supernatural grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit are invisibly communicated. Immersion in the font can be complete three times (which is preferable), if, of course, conditions in the temple allow, or three times pouring over the head, for example, for children.

    At this time, the main words (formula) of the sacrament are pronounced: “The servant of God (name) is baptized.” In the name of the Father. Amen. And the Son. Amen. And the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Thus, the baptized person becomes completely new, reborn for a new life dedicated to goodness and God. After the font, the forehead, hands and feet of the person being baptized are anointed with holy myrrh. The patriarch prepares myrrh once a year, during Holy Week (before Easter), from oil, wine, fragrant herbs and aromas. After anointing, a lock of hair is cut from the head, which remains in the temple as a pledge of dedication and a symbol of sacrifice to God. If a child is baptized in the cold season or conditions do not allow him to undress ( low temperature in the baptismal room), free the baby’s arms and legs in advance.

    By the way
    The Church prays for its children, people who have been baptized, but for the unbaptized, people of other faiths (people professing other religions), as well as those who died as a result of suicide, you can pray at home, privately.

    How to choose godparents?
    A godfather in Slavic culture is a godfather. After immersion in the font, the priest transfers the baby from his own hands to the hands of the godfather. The meaning of this action is very deep. By acceptance, the godfather takes upon himself the honorable, very responsible mission of leading the godson along the path of ascension to the Heavenly inheritance.

    When choosing a godfather for your baby, find a person whom you completely trust, preferably an Orthodox believer. (Nepotism should not seek only material benefits.) These could be your close friends or relatives with whom you constantly support a good relationship. According to church tradition, godparents become the child's guardians in the event of the death of the parents. For a girl you can find only one “mom”, for a boy - “dad”. At your request there can be two, four, six...

    Separately, it is necessary to say about the clothes of the godparents.
    In the traditions of the Slavic peoples, women always had their heads covered and long dress(little girls may be an exception). Let the good old order not become burdensome for you, because your beautiful trousers and new fashionable haircut can be demonstrated in other places. In church, it is better not to attract attention to yourself, focusing on the purpose of your parish, that is, on prayer.

    Don’t take the comments of local old ladies too seriously - they often do not stand on ceremony with fashionistas, so it is better not to provoke them, respecting their advanced age.

    Give your godson your time
    Unfortunately, not every godparent understands why his new “position” is called that way. Visiting your godson and giving gifts on an angel’s or birthday day is, of course, good. However, this is far from the most important thing. Caring for a growing godson involves a lot.

    First of all, this is a prayer for him. Learn to turn to God once a day - before going to bed. It's actually not difficult at all. Ask the Lord for health, salvation, help in raising your own children, the well-being of godchildren and relatives. It will be useful to master the path to the temple together with your child, religious holiday reduce it to communion. It would be great to play educational games with your baby and read books to him. For example, many adults enjoy reading the children's Bible. It clearly describes all the main events of Sacred History.

    In addition, godparents can make life much easier for young mothers who find it difficult to find time to spend with their baby. For example, in the first months our godmother tried to use her break at work to come running to us - to take a walk with the baby, to give me the opportunity to do work or just relax. She also devoted her free days or weekends to us. I think that if everyone, to the best of their ability, spends their free hours communicating with the child, they themselves will enjoy it.

    What prayers do you need to know?
    Every conscientious Christian needs to know the basic prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God”, “Creed”. During baptism, the godparents say the “Creed” prayer for the baby. All these prayers are in a short prayer book, which can be purchased at the church store if desired.

    What to bring to the temple, church?
    As already mentioned, baptism is birth into a new sinless life. Receiving the newly baptized from the holy font, God-parents accept an absolutely pure being, without sin. The symbol of such purity is white clothes- kryzhma, which is brought to the temple along with a cross on a chain or thread. Who should buy a cross and who should buy a chain, let the godparents decide for themselves. At the end of the ceremony, the priest will bless them and put them on the baby.

    Kryzhma for small child An openwork diaper or a new towel that has not yet been washed will serve. There are very cute baptism sets for children in supermarkets these days. In Greece, for example, Christian culture was deeply embedded in life, and baptism, like others church ceremonies, always looks very elegant. There they prepare for the sacrament of baptism in advance: they collect suitcases with baptismal robe. For boys, these suitcases with yachts, for example, for girls with flowers. Children are baptized when they are already grown up: at 6 months or at 1-1.5 years. When everyone returns home after the christening, the suitcases are placed near the entrance so that gifts for the newly baptized person are placed in them. On the tables there are tall baptismal candles with baptismal bows on them; they are also available for a boy or a girl. Baptismal candles burn all day. On the tables there are vases with sweets or small toys for guests who came to the christening.

    But let's return to Russia.
    So, if the baptismal room is warm, then most likely your baby will be dipped naked. But when it is cold in the temple or an adult is being baptized, only the neck, arms and feet are exposed for anointing.

    In some churches there is a tradition: to bring red wine or bread to baptisms as a symbolic donation, and also to hold lit candles during baptism. Ask the temple servants about these details in advance. Many godparents are embarrassed when the baby cries at baptism. Do not forget that children are “nervous” in an unfamiliar environment, often due to the absence of their dear, irreplaceable mother nearby. If she (the mother) is still there, and the baby is at risk of becoming hoarse, let her calm the child down. The priest can interrupt the ceremony and give the baby the opportunity to come to the “appropriate” state of mind. But during the baptism of the child, only godparents hold the child.

    Keep the baby's baptismal cover and clothes as a keepsake. Do not use it for household purposes. Since drops of myrrh could remain on the clothes, you cannot wash them, so as not to commit a sin - keep them as a shrine!!!


    Girls, help, please! On Sunday we are baptizing our youngest daughter. What do you prepare for a christening? What traditional dishes are served on this holiday? SHARE your experience, since I only know about chicken and pies...


    Many treats are usually prepared for christenings, for example
    Grandma's pies are small baked goods made from rich yeast dough of various shapes: buns, bagels, buns, bows, hearts, lilies, roses, sheaves, pretzels, horseshoes, bunny ears, lamb horns.
    Porridge, which was cooked by the midwife and brought to the house by the woman in labor, also played a special role in births and christenings. This was the main dish on the table; people treated themselves to it and ate it heartily. Unlike ordinary porridge, baptismal porridge was prepared with milk; even cereals were soaked in milk. They put a lot of butter in the porridge. Who knows, maybe the saying “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” came from baptismal porridge. In any case, for grandma’s porridge they did not skimp on additives such as milk, cream, butter, eggs. The finished porridge was decorated with halves boiled eggs. A chicken or a rooster was baked in baptismal porridge, depending on whether a girl or a boy was born. Along with the porridge they brought scrambled eggs, jelly, baked ham, drachena, cheesecakes and, of course, grandma's pies.


    “Babina’s” porridge was served at the end of the festive dinner. Porridge most likely symbolized procreation, which is confirmed by this custom: if there were young, childless friends in the house, the pot had to be broken so that as many shards and porridge as possible would fly in their direction . According to popular beliefs, this was supposed to “ensure” the continuation of the family line for the young.


    Nowadays, when celebrating christenings, sweets, cookies, and cake are given as grandma's porridge, which are traditionally served in a pot. Today at the christening, cover the festive table with a starched white tablecloth. Place a low vase with delicate flowers in the middle, and extend from under it in different directions narrow ribbons pinkish or blue color. If you place the cake in the center, then flowers in low vases look good on both sides of it. If twins were born, decorate the table with two cakes. Place the cutlery on the table taking into account whether you will be serving a full meal or just snacks and sweet dishes. On each plate, place a napkin folded into a square with one curved end, on which place a card recording the new family “title” of the relatives in connection with the birth of the child: mom, dad, grandma, sister, brother, aunt, etc. If parents, with the help of close relatives, want to organize a christening, we offer them the option of a festive lunch.


    If the parents’ plans do not include hosting a lunch, we recommend limiting yourself to a sweet and snack table.


    This question also worried me, so at one time I found these excerpts:

    On the day of baptism, parents usually arrange a festive dinner to which they invite their closest people. In the old days, it was customary to serve special porridge (buckwheat or millet) for such a dinner. The cereals for this porridge were soaked in milk and cooked in milk with the addition of cream. Sugar and jam were added to the baptismal porridge, and it was decorated with halves of boiled eggs - symbols of fertility. In some places, a chicken or a rooster was baked in baptismal porridge (not sweet, of course), depending on the gender of the child. But for the newly baptized father, they also prepared a special porridge, to which they added a lot of salt and horseradish, so that he could feel the torment his wife experienced during pregnancy and childbirth.


    In order for the baby’s life to be successful, on the day of christening it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

    · During a festive dinner, the food should be plentiful, but do not put a lot of food on the guests’ plates. If there are leftovers on the plates, the child will be unlucky.

    · Never serve pancakes to your guests. It is best to serve pies with chicken or rooster meat.

    · On the day of christening, pork dishes are not served.

    · Guests are not allowed to get drunk on the day of christening, especially godfathers, otherwise the child will become a drunkard.


    (hu) Oh-oh-oh, girls..... soooo much trouble..... That I baptized the first one, that the second one, and this is the first time I’m reading about all this.... It’s probably better to bother less, go with your godmothers, order table, and it’s good to sit quietly.


    This is barley porridge, cooked with beans or peas.
    Grind a handful of boiled peas (beans), dilute with broth. Add barley grits, add bacon, salt, cook for 20 minutes. This porridge is eaten with vegetable oil, honey or sugar.

    Peas - 400 g, meat broth - 200 ml, barley grits - 400 g, salted pork fat - 50 g, vegetable oil - 50 g.


    This most common and unsophisticated ancient Lenten dish is a bowl of cold salted water with pieces of bread and chopped onions floating in it. However, you can try to diversify this dish a little.

    Raw vegetables (they can be brought to a boil), leaves, roots, herbs, edible wild plants, as well as almost all types of dairy products - sour milk, fermented baked milk - are also added to the turya. Mayonnaise will also work. Before serving, finely chop the onion and season vegetable oil and add crackers.

    1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of small rye bread crackers, 1 onion, salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


    Boil the cherries and rub through a sieve. Grind flour, sour cream, sugar (honey), add to cherries.

    Cherries - 800 g, flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar (honey) - 1 tbsp. spoon.


    Cherry jellied meat

    Grind ripe cherries together with their pits, add cinnamon, 2-3 crushed cloves, potato flour and rub through a sieve. Add sugar, red wine, lemon juice, dilute with cold boiled water, cool in the cold.

    Cherries - 800 g, cinnamon - 0.5 g, cloves - 0.5 g, starch - 30 g, sugar - 200 g, red wine, dry - 1-1.5 glasses, lemon juice - 60-70 g, water - 200 ml.


    Buckwheat porridge makes a delicious krupenik. In a large bowl, mix 4 cups of crumbly buckwheat porridge, 2 cups of cottage cheese, grated through a sieve, 2 eggs, 50 g of softened butter, salt, sugar (to taste). The mass is laid out in round shape, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, smeared with sour cream (1/2 cup) on top and baked at 180 degrees until golden brown.


    These dishes were prepared traditionally on Christina. The rest you can cook as you please ;-)


    THANKS A LOT, EVERYONE! I will definitely make a table! and as for “booking a table” - it’s not convenient for us! We will have 8 (!) children of different ages, where can we go with such a kindergarten?! (fr)

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