• Long best friendship quotes. Friendship. New Quotes About Friendship


    Among human feelings there are those that we value above all else. They are much more important than money, and material well-being. You can give a lot for them, the main thing is to understand that it is these feelings that rule our minds and souls at one time or another. How to figure it out? Wise thoughts from good works will help us. For example, friendship. Is it easy to understand how strongly we are attached to a person who walks next to us along the path of life, perhaps since childhood. How strong is his friendship? It’s good that there are quotes about friendship, which, sometimes allegorically, and sometimes directly, allow us to understand whether it is strong feeling, for which you can give up a lot.

    In fact, quotes about friendship can be gleaned from many works. This feeling leaves neither writers, nor poets, nor journalists, nor directors alone. Whatever we do, quotes about friendship allow us to understand where to look for help. Or - they allow us to express our feelings towards those who have become true friends for us. Or - allegorically, but it is quite clear to say to those who did not live up to our expectations that our paths in life have since diverged from them. After all, quotes about friendship are whole treasures of real life wisdom.

    In our modern fast-paced age, it is sometimes very difficult for us to express our emotions in words. But without saying what’s in our hearts, we risk being misunderstood. And lose friends. To prevent this from happening, you just need to use other people's words to determine your feelings - quotes about friendship are what we need. A couple of phrases are enough to make a person, our sincere friend, feel necessary and happy for us. Are you afraid of looking funny, of pompous words that have long gone out of use? Just unobtrusively use quotes about friendship in your intimate conversation. They will understand you.

    Or - insert quotes about friendship into your holiday toast or congratulations to your friends. Tell them what they are waiting for, let your friendship be strong and last a lifetime. This is how she should be if she is real.

    Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends.

    Where things get rocky, friends are at the door.

    Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.

    A friendship that ended never really began.

    It is better to refuse a sharp word than to refuse a friend.

    Don’t be cheeky with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities.

    Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.

    Your true friend is the one who is honest and straightforward.

    A friend hears the song of my soul and sings it to me when my memory fails me...

    In trouble you know a friend.

    When a friend asks how you are, he really expects an answer...

    Friendship is the cement that holds the world together...

    A friend is someone who believes in you and is ready to rely on you...

    It's easier to make friends by showing interest in other people than by trying to get them interested in you...

    A friend is the one who takes your hand and touches your heart...

    Friendship is a thread that binds hearts...

    One of the advantages of old friends is that you can allow yourself to be stupid with them...

    Don't save it nice words about my friends before their death...

    No vocabulary can express what a friendly hug says...

    The decoration of the house is the friends who visit it...

    True friendship? one of those things that, like giant sea serpents, it is unknown whether they are fictional or exist somewhere.
    A. Schopenhauer

    A friendship that ended never actually began...

    There is nothing more tender than the correspondence of friends who do not want to meet again.
    M. Proust

    First love is so fragrant because it forgets the difference between the sexes, because it is a passionate friendship.
    A.I. Herzen

    Love your friend, but remember that he can become your enemy.

    Unfortunately, the condescending tenacity with which we try not to notice the vices of our friend is overcome by the tenacity with which our friend indulges in these vices - either because he himself is blinded, or because he considers others blind.
    M. Proust

    God gives us relatives; Thank God, we choose our friends ourselves.
    E. Mumford

    Whose ears are closed to the truth and who is unable to listen to it from the lips of a friend, nothing can save him.

    Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness increases.
    W. Shakespeare

    True friend is found to be in the wrong business.
    K. Enniy

    When friendship arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing other than an alliance against the cook (Stefan Zweig)

    A friend is one soul living in two bodies.

    Friendship between people is true when they feel good together in silence.
    D.T. Gentry

    Selfless friendship is only possible between people with the same income (Paul Getty)

    A. Oxenstierna

    Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls.

    False friends, like shadows, follow us on our heels while we walk in the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we enter the shadow.
    Caroline-Anna Bovi

    How much we do for our friends that we never did for ourselves!
    M.T. Cicero

    The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. Deprive them of these benefits and friendship will cease to exist.
    P.A. Holbach

    He is a low soul who is ashamed of his friendship with people whose shortcomings have become known to everyone.
    L. Vauvenargues

    There are people whose indifference and contempt do more honor than their friendship.
    A. Oxenstierna

    Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.
    I.V. Goethe

    The hardest thing in friendship is to be equal to someone who is lower than you. If you are able to provide any service to another, consider first whether it is up to him.
    M.T. Cicero

    There is only one case in which we have nothing to fear from offending a friend, and that is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him.
    M.T. Cicero

    The bonds of friendship are immeasurably stronger than the bonds of kinship and property, for we choose our friends ourselves, and relatives are sent to us by fate.
    D. Boccacio

    A person who lives alone exists only half.
    P. Buast

    What makes friendship inseparable and its charm is doubled by the feeling that love lacks: confidence
    O. Balzac


    Quotes and Aphorisms 14.04.2018

    Dear readers, agree that friendship is something without which it is unthinkable full life person. It is from friends that we often receive support and consolation that we cannot receive from loved ones, we share joys with them, together with them we seek wisdom that helps us in life.

    And quotes and aphorisms about friendship so accurately describe the value and importance of friendly relationships for a person. The Bible also said: “Move away from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A true friend is a strong protection: whoever finds him has found a treasure.”

    What does friendship mean

    How does this phenomenon arise, that at first a person you don’t know suddenly becomes incredibly important to you? Quotes about friends help to express in words how much a person needs to have a sincere, understanding and selflessly devoted friend next to him.

    “I won’t tell you what friendship means, it seems to me that words are unnecessary here. Just ask me what you need, and I will come when others don’t come.”

    Anastasia Kalugina-Elkina

    “Every friend of ours is the whole world to us. A world that might not have been born and that was born only thanks to our meeting with this man.”

    Anais Nin

    “A friend is one soul living in two bodies.”


    “My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything.”

    Vissarion Belinsky

    “A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.”

    Benjamin Franklin

    “The advice of a friend is the best support against the enemy.”

    William Shakespeare

    “Friends should live in complete harmony. Violence can stifle friendship.”

    Geoffrey Chaucer

    “You can never do too much for a loyal friend.”

    Henrik Ibsen

    You can't have too many friends

    Can a person have many friends? It's a difficult question. One thing is certain: friendship is not a case where quantity turns into quality. Do not confuse the concepts of “buddy” and “friend”. Quotes and aphorisms about friendship only confirm this.

    “He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend.”

    Samuel Coleridge

    “To have many friends is to have none.”

    Erasmus of Rotterdam

    "You can't have too many friends."

    Alexandre Dumas the father

    “A man has few true friends among his many.”

    Titus Maccius Plautus

    “People usually call friendship spending time together, mutual assistance in business, exchange of services, in a word, such relationships where selfishness hopes to gain something.”

    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    “I make friends only with very few, but I value them.”

    Karl Marx

    “We have three kinds of friends in the world: some love us, others hate us, and others simply don’t remember.”

    Nicola Chamfort

    “Friends are not always friends.”

    Mikhail Lermontov

    “He who wants more than one friend does not deserve one.”

    Friedrich Goebbel

    "Friends are thieves of time."

    Francis Bacon

    “One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.”

    Abu Abdullah Jafar Rudaki

    “It is better to have one friend of great value than many of little value.”


    “A friend to everyone is a friend to no one.”


    “Whoever is a friend to everyone, I do not consider him my friend.”

    Jean Baptiste Moliere

    “In life there is only one true friend. The rest, one way or another, are just good acquaintances and people who are just around you at the moment.”

    We see our reflection in friends

    Quotes about friendship with meaning make us think once again that friends are not only the greatest value, but also our reflection, because a person can be judged by his close circle.

    “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.”

    "Who himself good friend, he also has good friends.”

    Nicolo Machiavelli

    “The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our own friends.”

    Ethel Mumford

    “Friendship is like a treasury: you cannot get out of it more than you put into it.”

    Osip Mandelstam

    “Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and your enemies become friends.”

    “Close friendship occurs among people who are similar to each other.”

    “Whoever wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends.”

    Biant Priensky

    “He who is looking for an ideal friend will be left without friends.”

    Helena Blavatsky

    Friendship is a priceless gift

    All quotes about friends with meaning contain the idea that friendship is a priceless gift that must be protected and preserved.

    “Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure insults.”

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    “There is nothing more precious than friends. Therefore, do not lose the opportunity to acquire them whenever you can.”

    Francesco Guicciardini

    “They look for a friend for a long time, find it hard, and it’s hard to keep him.”

    Sir Publius

    “In times of wealth our friends are with us, in times of trouble we are with them.”

    D. C. Collins

    “It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.”

    Unsur al-Maali

    “There is no more desolate desert than life without friends. Friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; the joy of the soul, it is the only cure for hostile fate.”

    Baltasar Gracian y Morales

    “A friend is a person in whose presence you can think out loud.”

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    “No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, without sharing them with friends.”

    Erasmus of Rotterdam

    Why is friendship valuable?

    Many outstanding and famous writers, poets, artists and scientists spoke about friendship. They all considered this feeling to be the greatest gift for man. Quotes from great people about friendship are an inexhaustible reservoir of wisdom.

    “How does a saint live who has not known friendship? He is like an empty pearl.”

    Alisher Navoi

    “We use neither water nor fire as often as friendship.”

    “Without true friendship, life is nothing.”

    “There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship. Eliminating friendship from your life is like depriving the world of sunlight.”

    “Friendship can unite only worthy people.”

    “Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never."

    Janusz Wisniewski

    “Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows.”

    Henry George Bon

    “The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves suffering.”

    Joseph Addison

    “Of all that wisdom gives you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important is the possession of friendship.”

    “The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.”

    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    “Without friendship, no communication between people has value.”

    “The eyes of friendship are rarely mistaken.”

    “A friendship that has stopped never really began.”

    Quotes about best friends

    Best friends occupy a special place in our lives. These are people who sometimes know even more about us than we know about ourselves. Quotes about best friends reflect this very accurately.

    “A best friend is a person who will tell you everything that he doesn’t like about you, and tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person in the world.”

    “A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.”

    Mark Twain

    “Only the hand of a friend can tear the thorns out of the heart.”

    Claude Adrian Helvetius

    “Know, your true friend, if shame happens to you, he will cover it, and not hide himself!”

    “I don’t need a friend who, agreeing with me on everything, changes views with me, nodding his head, for a shadow does the same thing better.”

    “Many treat friends, not friendship.”

    “All the honors in this world are not worth one good friend.”

    “It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who would be worth dying for.”

    Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

    “Only those who are friends, not in words but in deeds, are the ones who would put our shackles on themselves.”

    Nosir Khisrow

    Female friendship

    It is impossible to fully cover the topic of aphorisms about friendship without paying attention to quotes about the friendship of girlfriends. After all, for us women, there is no an important event will not be fully experienced until it has been thoroughly discussed with a friend, right?

    “The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who has no close friend.”

    “I’m not strong, she’s not strong, but together with my friend we are stronger than anyone in the world.”

    Linda McFarlane

    “How can you tell if your life is a success? If you're dying and five real ones are gathered around you, true friends, it means your life was not lived in vain.”

    Lee Iacocca

    “A friend is a friend. You will call her at night and tell her that you have fallen in love. And she will simply say in a hoarse voice: “Sleep!” - and hangs up. After which he will call back and say: “Open the door for me. Just be quiet.”

    “The best friend is a person to whom you don’t even need to tell anything; she sees in her eyes what is happening.”

    “Men come and go, but girlfriends stay.”

    Milla Jovovich

    "Sometimes have coffee with best friend“This is the best psychotherapy.”

    “She sometimes imagined a world without men, but she could not imagine a world without these two friends of hers. They were “always” in her life. And although, or maybe because all three of them were completely different, it seemed to her that without them the world would have lost one dimension. I would become flat."

    Janusz Wisniewski

    “For most women, experiencing love means talking it over with your best friend.”

    Leszek Kumor

    Different views on female friendship

    They doubt her existence, they deny her, they make fun of her... They believe in her, they make films about her and write books... Yes, yes, it’s all about her, about the friendship between us women. I offer a selection of quotes about female friendship, which reflect diametrically opposed views on it.

    “The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.”

    “When friendship suddenly arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing other than an alliance against the cook.”

    Stefan Zweig

    “Men play with friendship, like soccer ball, and she remains intact. Women play with friendship like a glass vase, and it breaks.”

    Anne Lindbergh

    “In conversations with each other, women imitate the spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this appearance of friendship there is so much vigilant distrust, and, admittedly, it is justified!”

    Andre Maurois

    “A lot is said about how fickle women are in love, but not enough about how constant they are in friendship.”

    Gaston Levis

    “Let them say that there is no such thing as female friendship, let them chatter... I already know that you and I will not exchange the heartfelt friendship that fate has given us for anything.”

    Friendship between a man and a woman

    Another interesting section is quotes about friendship between a man and a woman. In the debate about the existence of this type of friendship, a great many copies have been broken, but this has not led to a consensus. But maybe there shouldn’t be a clear answer here?

    “What difference does it make whether it happens female friendship, male friendship or friendship between a man and a woman? It happens that without a person it’s impossible. And it doesn’t matter what gender or height you are. Closeness of souls is what happens. The rest doesn't matter."

    Friendship and love

    Friendship and love are two similar feelings, without both of them human life boring and bland. In quotes about love and friendship, one often comes across the opinion that friendship is a feeling even more necessary for us than love.

    “Friendship unites people much more powerfully than love.”

    Marlene Dietrich

    “Remember, friend: it’s harder to find a friend than a girlfriend.”

    Lope de Vega

    “Friendship is love without wings.”

    George Byron

    "No matter how rare it is real love, true friendship is even rarer.”

    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    “Friendship should be infinitely more tolerant than love.”

    Stephanie de Genlis

    “Perhaps in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love.”

    Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

    “Romantic relationships are not as different from just friendly ones as people think. Friendship, like love, presupposes sympathy and support and just as often poses a choice. Friendly relations require the development and application of positive abilities and relationship skills: sharing, honesty, empathy, listening and communication - all of which are required romantic relationship. We can assume the following: a person who has difficulties with girlfriends and friends will have difficulties in the most important relationships- romantic."

    “When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, the larger of which swallows the smaller.”

    Madeleine de Scudery

    “Love is higher than everything, isn’t it? And higher than love is only friendship..."

    Bella Akhmadulina

    About real friends

    True friendship is a great and priceless gift; happy is the one who possesses it. Maybe these quotes about true friendship will be useful to distinguish real friends from just buddies?

    “A true friend is someone whom I would trust in everything concerning me more than myself.”

    Michel de Montaigne

    “Only a true friend can tolerate his friend’s weaknesses.”

    William Shakespeare

    “A true friend is the greatest of goods and at the same time the good that one least thinks about acquiring.”

    “True friendship knows no envy.”

    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    “Consider a true friend to be the person who removes stones and thorns from your path.”

    “True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have actually proven it to each other.”

    Philip Dormer Stanhall Chesterfield

    “A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand from a friend anything other than what is morally beautiful.”

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    The worst thing is a bad friend...

    Unfortunately, sometimes we have to be disappointed and become convinced that the person next to us was not at all the one who could be called a true friend. It's always very painful. It is these experiences that quotes about bad friends express. I don't think there's a better way to say it...

    “A bad friend is like a shadow: run on a sunny day and you won’t run away; look on a cloudy day and you won’t find him.”

    Abay Kunanbaev

    “Unfaithful friends are like swallows that you meet only in the summer; It’s a sundial, useful only as long as the sun shines.”

    Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel

    “You have nothing to lose when you lose fake friends.”

    Joan Jett

    “Friendship is like a diamond: it is rare, it is expensive, and there are a lot of fakes.”

    Friendship is a treasure whose value and importance has been recognized since time immemorial. No matter how strong and self-sufficient a person is, there are moments in the lives of each of us when we cannot do without a friendly shoulder and support.

    I wish you, dear readers, to find your wealth - true friends and never lose them. And don’t forget that friends are our reflection. However, there are exceptions to this rule: “Do not judge a person only by his friends. Remember that Judas’s friends were impeccable.”

    And as a sincere gift I invite you to listen to a song performed by the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky , one of his most powerful things - "Song about a Friend".

    see also

    Giving, taking, sharing secrets, asking questions, giving treats, accepting treats - these are the six signs of friendship.


    People on earth should be friends... I don’t think it’s possible to make all people love each other, but I would like to destroy hatred between people.

    Isaac Asimov

    Sincerity of relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.

    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

    Each of our friends is a whole world for us, a world that might not have been born and which was born only thanks to our meeting with this person.

    Anais Nin

    A friend is one soul living in two bodies.


    Friendship is content with what is possible without demanding what is due.


    Choose your friend slowly, and be even less in a hurry to change him.

    Benjamin Franklin

    A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.

    Benjamin Franklin

    He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends.


    Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows.

    Henry George Bon

    Like-mindedness creates friendship.


    Those who illuminate the lives of others will not be left without light themselves.

    James Matthew Barry

    When you light other people’s candles from your lamp, you do not lose a single particle of flame.

    Jane Porter

    Happiness is incomplete until you share it with others.

    Jane Porter

    The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves suffering.

    Joseph Addison

    True friendship is a slow-growing plant, which must be experienced in trouble and misfortune before it deserves the name.

    George Washington

    Anyone looking for an ideal friend will be left without friends.

    The one who has never sought either friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than the one who has lost both of them.

    Jean Paul

    Know how to be a friend - you will find a friend.

    Ignatius Krasitsky

    Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, because if you have to tie it again, a knot will remain.

    Indian proverb

    Truly, there is nothing better in life than the help of a friend and mutual joy.

    John of Damascus

    Friendship is not such a pathetic flame that it can go out in separation.

    Johann Friedrich Schiller

    True friendship is truthful and courageous.

    Johann Friedrich Schiller

    Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart.

    Claude Adrian Helvetius

    In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.

    Kozma Prutkov

    He who is humane gives others support, wanting to have it himself, and helps them achieve success, wanting to achieve it himself.


    When mistrust arises, friendship disappears.


    This is what I liked today from Hekaton: “You ask, what have I achieved? I became my own friend!” He has achieved a lot, because now he will never be alone. And know: such a person will be a friend to everyone.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    We should always have a friend in our soul, and our soul should always be with us: it can see whoever it wants every day.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    Having made friends, trust, judge before you become friends.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

    People are born to help each other, just as a hand helps an arm, a foot helps a leg, and the upper jaw helps the lower.

    Marcus Aurelius

    Most the right way to achieve happiness for yourself is to seek it for others.

    Martin Luther

    Let people see the kindness shining in your face, in your eyes and in your friendly greeting. Let us all be one heart, one love.

    Mother Teresa

    In friendship there are no other calculations or considerations other than itself.

    Michel de Montaigne

    A true friend is someone whom I would trust in everything concerning me more than myself.

    Michel de Montaigne

    There seems to be nothing to which nature would push us more than friendly communication.

    Michel de Montaigne

    Nothing is more an expression of our free will than affection and friendship.

    Michel de Montaigne

    There is no asceticism equal to patience, no happiness equal to contentment, no gift equal to friendship, no virtue equal to compassion.

    Wisdom of Ancient India

    He who is a good friend himself has many good friends.

    Niccolo Machiavelli

    Look at whether you love others, and not at whether others love you.

    Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

    Two people can save each other where one dies.

    Honore de Balzac

    Friendship is like a treasury: you cannot get out of it more than you put into it.

    Osip Mandelstam

    In trouble you know a friend.

    Petronius Arbiter Gaius

    In order to live long, save for yourself old wine and an old friend.


    Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and your enemies become friends.


    By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own.

    Close friendship occurs among people who are similar to each other.

    The only way to have a friend is to be one yourself.

    A person needs another person.

    Food and friendship are the small miracles that love can accomplish.

    Rita Schiavone

    To be friends is to love rather than to be loved.

    Robert Bridges

    Friendship is brotherhood, and in its most sublime meaning it is its most beautiful ideal.

    Silvio Pellico

    The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong.

    Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire

    Miracles are beautiful, and to console a brother, to help a friend rise from the depths of suffering, to forgive an enemy for his errors—these are the greatest miracles in the world.

    Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire

    Anyone who refuses to forgive another, as it were, destroys the bridge over which he himself will have to cross, for every person needs forgiveness.

    Edward Herbert

    Of all the things that wisdom gives you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important is the possession of friendship.


    In all sorts of ways and ways, nature teaches people consent. Not content with expressing mutual affection in words, she made the community not just pleasant, but also necessary.

    Erasmus of Rotterdam

    A friend should take on part of the friend's grief.

    Erasmus of Rotterdam

    We truly live only when we give ourselves to others.

    Ethel Percy Andrews

    The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong.

    Only in youth there is a desire for friendship and the ability for it. It is quite clear to the elderly man that most of all he is afraid that his friends will survive him.
    Emil Michel Cioran

    In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are capable of doing, and lead them to goodness without violating decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope of success. Don't put yourself in a humiliating position.

    Friendship unites people much more powerfully than love.
    Marlene Dietrich

    A good friend is a great treasure.
    Unsur al Maali Kay-Qaboos

    A treacherous friend is the most dangerous enemy.
    Henry Fielding

    Friendship is not a service. They don't thank her for it.

    Friends should live in harmony. Violence can stifle friendship.

    A true friend is found in the wrong business.
    Ennius Quintus

    In joy our friends recognize us; in sorrow we recognize them.
    John Collins

    You need friends who don't care about your title or title, but only that you are the kind of person they want to be around.
    Barbara Jordan

    In life, selfless love is more common than true friendship.
    Jean de La Bruyère

    A true friend is not a mattress, but you can rely on it.

    Without a comrade, no happiness brings joy.

    We have three kinds of friends in the world: some love us, others hate us, and others simply don’t remember us.
    Nicola Chamfort

    In a circle of friends you feel limited, alone with yourself - closed.

    In conversations with each other, women imitate the spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this appearance of friendship there is so much vigilant distrust, and, admittedly, it is justified.
    Andre Maurois

    Everything should be shared between friends.

    Your friends must trust that you are completely sincere with them; but your friendship requires that you not be completely sincere with them.
    Minion McLaughlin

    Consider as faithful not those who speak according to your word, but those who oppose what you say incorrectly.

    Selfless friendship is only possible between people with the same income.
    Paul Getty

    In the bustle of this world, friendship is the only thing that matters important in personal life.
    Karl Marx

    In friendship, as in love, people are happy because they do not know the truth about a loved one.
    Dmitry Nagiev

    A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.
    Benjamin Franklin

    In friendship there are neither debtors nor benefactors.
    Romain Rolland

    Don't judge a person by his friends. Judas's were perfect.
    Paul Valéry

    Here's a coin for you - call all your friends.
    American proverb

    If we talk about mistresses, then I certainly prefer the wives of my friends to all other women: if something happens, you know very well who you will have to deal with.
    Alphonse Allais

    You don't have to be a dog to be a friend.
    Mikhail Zadornov

    How can a saint who has not known friendship live? He is like an empty pearl.

    Great common hatred creates strong friendship.

    Choose your friends carefully, and your enemies will choose you themselves.
    Robert Lynn

    Even grief has its charm, and happy is the one who can cry on the chest of a friend, from whom these tears will evoke sympathy and compassion.
    Pliny the Younger

    Where things get rocky, friends are at the door.

    A renewed friendship requires more care and attention than a friendship that was never interrupted.
    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own.
    Francois de La Rochefoucauld

    I have seen so much grief from friends and washed away so many troubles and torments with tears that at the hour of death it is better to die than to survive and live again with friends.

    For high friendship, one condition is necessary - the ability to do without it.
    Ralph Emerson

    There is a beauty hidden in true friendship that is incomprehensible to ordinary people.
    Jean de La Bruyère

    You will make more friends in two months by being interested in other people than you would in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.
    Dale Carnegie

    Violation of friendship is, with wisdom, discord.
    Shota Rustaveli

    We all experience double the bliss when we can share it with friends.

    Time, which strengthens friendship, weakens love.
    Jean La Bruyère

    Collect the bones of your friends - it's scrap.
    (Ilya Ilf

    All the nasty things your worst enemy can say to your face are nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back.
    Alfred Musset

    For friendship, any burden is light. The universe is eternal, meetings with friends are brief.
    Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky

    For a friend, our thoughts are correct in general, but incomplete in particulars. For a potential enemy, they are funny in particular, but disgusting in general.
    Elena Ermolova

    In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a reliable refuge.

    I can make new friends and teach them to be crazy to make them wise. I'll tell them not to live by textbooks good manners, but opened their own life, own desires, adventures - and lived!
    Paulo Coelho

    In friendship there are no calculations or considerations other than itself.
    Michel de Montaigne

    Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness increases.
    William Shakespeare

    Both in friendship and in love, sooner or later the time comes to settle scores.
    Bernard Show

    The greatest blessing in life is friendship, and I have achieved it.
    Hubert Humphrey

    What happiness is friendship like the one that exists between us. You know that I don’t value any relationship so highly.
    Karl Marx

    The best way to make true friends is to congratulate them on their failures.
    Emil Michel Cioran

    You have found a devoted friend if, having risen, he has not become acquainted with you.
    Jean de La Bruyère

    There is little friendship in the world - and least of all among equals.
    Francis Bacon

    Let neither friendship about your friend's shortcomings blind you, nor hatred about good qualities your enemy.

    Important friends are for important things... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money.
    Baltasar Gracian

    The one who forgets a friend in wealth is foolish.
    Gregory the Theologian

    He who does not look for friends is his own enemy.
    Shota Rustaveli

    Without true friendship, life is nothing.

    The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose our own friends.
    Ethel Mumford

    A wise friend will not abandon his friend, despite all the hardships.
    Shota Rustaveli

    On the road and in prison, friendship is always born and a person’s abilities are revealed more clearly.
    Lope de Vega

    Blessed are the poor, for they can have selfless friends.
    Marc Gilbert Sauvageon

    Friendship needs time, love needs space.
    Mikhail Zadornov

    Let's be friends as families.
    Valery Afonchenko

    If friendship knows no boundaries, it is already expansion.
    Leonid Leonidov

    Throughout my life I have become convinced that conversations with friends take up the most and most imperceptible time; friends, great robbers of time...
    Francesco Petrarca

    The only sacrament of a strong connection between worthy friends is to be able to forgive misunderstandings and promptly enlighten in shortcomings.
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

    Time strengthens friendship and weakens love.
    Jean de La Bruyère

    Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

    In face-to-face conversations between close friends wisest people very often they express very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud.
    Joseph Addison

    For friendship, mere good will, harmony and practical kindness are not enough, for friends live not just in harmony, as some believe, but in melody.
    Henry David Thoreau

    Choose your friend slowly, and be even less in a hurry to change him.
    Benjamin Franklin

    Time will reveal a friend like fire reveals gold.

    In trouble you know a friend.

    “Is a friend better or a brother?” - “A brother, when he is also a friend, is better.”
    Unsur al Maali Kay-Qaboos

    Fear the friendship of an evil man as much as the hatred of an honest man.
    Francois Fenelon

    The invasion, under the guise of participation, turned out to be almost true friendship.
    Yulia Leontyeva

    My friend is the one to whom I can tell everything.
    Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

    Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love.
    Nicola Chamfort

    You can never do too much for a loyal friend.
    Henrik Ibsen

    A true friend is always one who is never fake.
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

    Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.
    Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

    Thoughts and quotes as well as sayings and aphorisms about friendship for adults and children on the site

    It is better to sort out a dispute between your enemies than between friends, because obviously after this one of your friends will become your enemy, and some of your enemies will become your friend.

    Best friends are ready to give their lives for each other, but when it comes to chewing gum... fuck it, it's the last one!

    A best friend is always a very good friend, but a good friend is not always the best.

    A best friend is a person who is ready to give his life for you. But he will never do this only because his life already belongs to another, along with his heart

    A best friend, like love, is a completely inexplicable thing. You can quarrel at any moment, or you can tell each other everything you think, but he still won’t be offended by you.

    The winner has many friends, and only the loser has real friends.

    It is not difficult to die for a friend; it is difficult to find a friend worth dying for.

    It's good to have a friend who cheers you up just by smiling at you.

    It's good when a dog is a friend, but it's bad when a friend is a dog.

    It is better to have one friend of great value than many of little value.

    Better few friends and strong friendship than many “friends” and spitting behind your back...

    When friends tell you about their problems, they are not complaining, they just trust you!

    Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the closest one will hear. But only a true friend will hear you when you are silent...

    A best friend doesn’t get angry with you over trifles, doesn’t get offended over trifles, doesn’t notice your shortcomings... But, nevertheless, you shouldn’t test the strength of her good attitude towards you.

    Consider a true friend to be the person who removes stones and thorns from your path.

    Important friends are for important things... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money.

    "Baltasar Gracian y Morales"

    A best friend is a person who knows everything about us and still loves us.

    "Elbert Hubbard"

    A best friend is someone you can sit with without saying a word and walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

    True friendship is possible only when silence does not strain the interlocutors.

    The sage was asked: How many types of friendship are there? Four - he answered. Friends are like food - you need them every day. Friends are like medicine; you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves look for you. But there are friends like air - you can’t see them, but they are always with you...

    Quotes about best friends

    A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.

    "Mark Twain"

    A true friend is someone who holds your hand and feels your heart.

    You can never do too much for a loyal friend.

    "Henrik Ibsen"

    A true friend is someone who will walk through your door...even if the whole world has walked out.

    Good friends will never let you do stupid things... alone.

    Nothing replaces old friendship. Years do not add friends, they take them away, take them along different roads. Time tests friendship for rupture, fatigue, and loyalty. The circle of friends is thinning, but there is nothing more valuable than those who remain.

    He who is a good friend himself has many good friends.

    "Niccolò Machiavelli"

    Money can't buy you a true friend.

    True friends exist only in childhood. So naive. They still don’t know flattery, betrayal, envy...

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