• Birthday boy's day in the classroom: ideas for cheerful congratulations. Birthday day in elementary school. Holiday scenario


    Scenario for the holiday “Birthday Day” in grade 6A.

    Prepared by: Kuznetsova O.N.

      Presenter. Good afternoon, friends and our guests!!!

    Birthday is the most joyful and happiest holiday that you wait for many days, a whole year.

    Today our holiday is dedicated to birthday people who celebrate their birthday in the summer!!! We are all waiting for a competition program, songs, games, we hope that this holiday will be remembered for a long time!!!

    2. Presenter. What is a birthday?

    I will answer without a doubt:

    Day of Boxing, Pies,

    Day of smiles and flowers!

    1. Presenter. So let's all congratulate our summer birthday celebrants together! Congratulations!

    Cl. supervisor: In past academic year we congratulated the guys on their birthday and presented the characteristics of their zodiac signs as souvenirs, this characteristic, I am sure, will help you get to know yourself, develop your positive traits, and think about the negative ones, how to eradicate them, i.e. become better, happier and luckier !

    Now I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle called HOROSCOPE, we work in groups, group commanders will receive tasks!

    Students are guessing the horoscope.

    1. Synonym for the word “flame”. (Fire.)

    2. The sky, open on all sides, is in the form of a dome. (firmament.)

    3. A stream of water flowing in a stream. (Creek.)

    4. Zodiac sign; a person born from January 21 to February 20 can proudly be called... (Aquarius).

    5. An astronomical instrument designed for observing celestial bodies. (Telescope.)

    6. Detail of the ladies' toilet. (Accessory.)

    7. Heavenly body. (Sun.)

    8. The smallest, coldest and most distant planet in the Galaxy. (Pluto.)

    The winning team receives tokens.

    Now let's see presentation about Zodiac Signs.

    (When the summer signs appear, we invite the children who celebrated our holiday.)

    Presenter. We ask the heroes of the holiday to prepare

    So,We invite “Gemini” - this isLastochkin Kolya, Grigoryan Albert !

    Cl. supervisor: Geminis are dual natures. On the one hand - fun, wit, on the other - cynicism and irritability. Charming, most of their life is spent studying. They benefit from everything they learn. Receptive to new things. Life for them is rarely boring and empty. Like air, they need variety; they cannot stand routine.

    They have an amazing ability to change their views and behavior according to their desires or circumstances.

    Gemini is a sign of Air, but changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On their way they act with intelligence and charm and in the same way, if necessary, evade. His motto is "I THINK"

    Leading: We invite "Crayfish" - this is Badmaevs Ksenia and Kirill, Borkina Daria

    Cl. supervisor: Cancers are loving, kind-hearted people. Usually they save emotions for those who are really dear to them: family, friends.

    It takes a long time to really get to know them. Cancers are easily wounded and impressionable, they adhere to public opinion. They are cute and kind. People who need mutual understanding come to them. They always remain themselves, patient.

    The mood of Cancers is controlled by the Moon, determining their ups and downs. Cancers are sensitive to the mood of others and provide help to people who need it.

    Cancer - Water, or rather water vapor, indomitable, energetic. Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity - these are the distinctive features of this sign. His motto is "I FEEL"

    Leading: We invite “Lviv” - this is Dmitry Zeibel, Nikita Kalantaev

    Cl. supervisor: Leaders are usually born under this sign - generous, with feeling self-esteem, persistent.

    At first impression, Leos are confident in themselves, but in reality they are characterized by doubts.

    They are not very susceptible to the mood of others and often do not notice hints. Sometimes they lack tact and do not forgive insults, especially when they are rejected.

    Leos have a poor understanding of people and are won over by flattery and praise.

    Leo is a sign of Fire, symbolizing an even fire that burns evenly and steadily. They are less impulsive, more firm and consistent. But they have an explosive temperament; their lively warmth and ardor attract people. As a rule, Leos are lucky.

    His motto is "I WANT"

    Leading: We invite youTyuryuhanova Maxima . Maxim was born with the sign “Virgo”

    (24 August - 23 September)

    Cl. supervisor: The main character trait is to criticize and improve
    Positive: calm, measured, efficient, attentive to details, practical, dedicated to work, with a developed sense of duty, loyal, intellectual.
    Negative traits: unemotional, attaches great importance to little things, suspicious about one’s health, critical, restless, fussy.

    Element – ​​earth. Even as a child, Virgo must certainly have some big goal in life, which she will stubbornly strive to achieve with all her might.

    Virgo's motto is "I ANALYZE"

    Cl. leader: And our Anton Bastanzhiev was born under the sign of Scorpio

    The main character trait is to manage or inspect
    Positive: purposeful, temperamental, reserved, independent, with developed intuition, able to penetrate into the essence of any phenomenon, firm, patient, decisive, responsible.

    Negative: stubborn in achieving personal goals, headstrong, hidden.

    Element – ​​water. Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity - these are the distinctive features of this sign.


    You turned eleven or twelve -

    The whole world lies at your feet

    You better road find it among all the roads.

    Confidently and boldly look into the eyes of fate

    And choose something that will give you happiness.

    Find reliable friends, find your love.

    Don’t be afraid of difficult paths, always go forward!

    Cl. supervisor: You have become a year older, and we want to see if you have become smarter and more savvy. For our birthday people we will holdcompetition “Questions for intelligence”, you choose the answer - yes or no, as quickly as possible, silently approaching the table. For the correct answer you get a token. So let's begin, listen carefully! (leaders give out tokens)

    The bats can they receive radio signals?(No)

    Owls can't roll their eyes?(Yes)

    Are dolphins small whales?(Yes)

    Was gunpowder invented in China?(Yes)

    If a bee stings someone, will it die?(Yes)

    Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs?(Yes)

    Do penguins fly north for the winter?(No, penguins can't fly)

    Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before battle?(Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

    Can children hear higher pitched sounds than adults?(Yes)

    Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread?(Yes)

    Presenter. You are all just great - you tried so hard to guess the correct answer. Everyone passed this stage of the test - learning to navigate in different environments - with dignity.

      We congratulate all our friends,And with all our hearts we wish:Don't get sick, don't catch a cold,Temper yourself with us!

      Don't offend anyoneDon't upset moms and dads!

      Grow up as kind childrenTo behave!

      Congratulations to you guysAnd we give you gifts!

    Cl. supervisor: reads congratulations.(presenters present gifts)

      Kolya, hello, happy birthday!
      Let's make you happy,
      And today with pleasure
      We congratulate you!

      More luck and joy,
      So that everything in life is OK,
      learn, dare, we believe in you,
      And don't forget your friends!

    A gift is given.

      Let's not ask Albert,
      Where did he put his smile:
      She disappeared for a moment
      While he was putting on his sweater.

      And now he is in front of us
      Full of enthusiasm and fire,
      Shines on us with his smile
      It's almost half a day already!

      We wish you good health
      And happiness with joy always!

    A gift is given.

      Ksyusha, on your birthday
      We wish you well from the bottom of our hearts,

    You rejoice in the sun, be happy,
    Good luck and success to you!
    Forget about various doubts -
    Problems are solved with laughter!
    Let your life go
    Carefree and calm,
    Only brings joy -
    You deserve good things!

    A gift is given.

      We wish our Dasha together
      Smiles, sunshine in the morning,
      So that every day it becomes more and more beautiful,
      Healthy, happy, kind!

      May there be peace in your soul,
      We wish you long, long days,
      May there be more bright days in life,
      And there will be very, very few blacks!

    A gift is given.

      Kirill, happy birthday to you and...
      We wish you health - it is so often lacking!
      We wish you fun - it never hurts!
      We wish you good luck - she doesn’t come often!
      And we just wish you great happiness!

    Let your dreams come true
    Both in winter and in summer!
    Peace, happiness, kindness,
    And warmth and light!

    A gift is given.

      I want to congratulate Dmitry on his birthday,
      And wish you only joyful days!
      What should I add to the general congratulations?
      To become stronger and braver,

    May you be lucky in everything in the world,
    In studies, sports and business!
    Let there be only a fair wind!
    May your plans come true more than once!

    A gift is given.

      We wish you, Nikita,
      So that everything in your life comes true,
      So that all the doors are open,
      So you don't have to worry,

      May happiness be limitless
      A smile is always sincere,
      And the mood is excellent,
      And never be sad!

    A gift is given.

      What date is today?
      It's our Maxim's birthday!
      What do we wish for him?
      Health, success, good mood!

      Maxim, you are the best, we know it
      An exemplary son, a great friend,
      With which we congratulate you!
      We wish to become a billionaire, but what if!?

      Anton, happy birthday
      Good luck, have fun
      In life we ​​wish

      Let everything work out
      Good luck in your business!
      The way happiness will wake up
      Not only in dreams!

    Presentation "Birthday"

    Cl. supervisor: After presenting gifts and congratulations, we should move on to tea, right!? But, unfortunately, our table is not set yet...

    Therefore, we are announcing the first competition “for the best table setting”, the competition is held between our creative groups, time 10 minutes.

    So, let's start!

    (children decorate and serve their half of the table, parents help them, music plays)

    The results are summed up and the winners receive tokens.

    Cl. supervisor: Guys, we can't start our tea party!

    Children: Why?

    Cl. supervisor: We had another treat prepared for you, but pirates stole a chest of candies, can you help us find it?!

    Children: Of course!

    Cl. leader: The pirates were in such a hurry that they lost the map, there is a mark on it where they hid the chest. You need to move along the route, completing tasks; the answers show the office number, near which there is a hint where to move next. You must mark the entire route on your map and find the chest!!! The winners receive two tokens.

    Ready?! Captains, get a map and your first task! Let's hit the road! We wish you success!!!

    The guys are looking for the chest.

    Competition program continues:

    Game "Fanta"

    Presenter. You've all heard about the game Fanta. You need to complete the task given on the cards. Let's start the game with the birthday boys! With your eyes closed, take out the task card.


    express without words that you want to go to school, but you can’t find your backpack;

    tell the fairy tale “Turnip” on behalf of Repka;

    remember three films that take place on a birthday;

    recite a birthday poem (sing a song);

    name five signs by which we can recognize the Snow Maiden;

    depict without words that you want to buy three birds with one stone as a gift to a friend;

    show a cat who is afraid of something, but is curious;

    depict a car that just can’t start;

    look at yourself in the mirror and praise yourself, but don’t smile;

    portray an adult who is afraid to ski down a hill.

    Presenter. I think everyone deserves an award. Everyone gets a token.

    Competition “We have all sung songs”

    Key manager All people strive for happiness. How to achieve it? Our Chinese neighbors offer a very simple and wise answer: happy is the cat who has the opportunity to hug three people every day and sing a song cheerfully.

    - Do you want to be happy?! Let's break into groups of three, hug, and with this composition we will participate in the next competition.

    So, attention, let's start the competition.

    I'm reading the definition to a children's song. The first one of you to guess it gets the winner token, and then everyone sings it.

    A song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits("Chungachanga") ;

    song about a vehicle of heavenly color("Blue carriage") ;

    a song about a shaggy creature performing a musical composition and sunbathing at the same time("I'm lying in the sun") ;

    a song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);

    a song about how fun it is to march with a group(“It’s fun to walk together”) ;

    a song about a small insect whose color resembles a certain vegetable("In the grass Grasshopper sat") ;

    a song about how bad weather conditions can't ruin a holiday(“We will survive this trouble”) .

    Cl. hands We invite our girls to take the test: (hand out pieces of paper and pens)

    So. Test for real princesses.

    1 . A boy you don't really like takes a liking to you. Your actions?

    A. You'll tell your friends everything for a laugh.
    b. Complain to his parents.
    V. Try to talk frankly with him.

    2. It turns out that you and your classmate have the same blouses, so people often make fun of you. Your actions?

    A. You'll get upset and throw away your favorite blouse.
    b. By any means you can force your opponent to change her blouse.
    V. You won’t be upset and answer that you are “Twin Sisters.”

    3. The teacher gave you a bad grade because you didn’t prepare your lessons. What will you do?

    A. You'll throw a tantrum at school about this.

    b. You will take revenge on this teacher.

    V. You will do everything correctly and prepare to retake this topic for the next lesson.

    4. Choose the most beautiful color combination at your discretion:

    A. Blue with green.
    b. Red with pink.
    V. White with gold.

    5. For you, active recreation is...

    A. Excessive consumption of sweets.
    6. Watching sports programs.
    V. Sports, walks, fitness.

    Test results: a large number of answers under the letter “c” indicate that we see a real princess in front of us. She has everything you need and good manners, a gentle character and unsurpassed taste. But don’t forget that in order to achieve something in life you need to constantly work on yourself and constantly improve yourself.

    Cl. hands And now, a competition for boys: “Our Wonderful Planet”

    You need to inflate the balloon and populate it with people (draw as many people on it as possible). Time limited, 3 minutes. The one with the most densely populated planet wins! (tokens are awarded)

    Pop Star Game

    Details: clothes to create the image of a star: skirts, hats, tinted glasses, jewelry, shoes, etc.; CD with modern karaoke songs.

    Girls can try themselves both as a pop star and fashion stylist and create images of your favorite pop stars. You can also compete to see who can better portray your favorite performer.

    Game "Glamour Portrait"

    Props: pictures of people and clothes cut out from magazines, sheets of paper, glue stick.

    The girls must make a portrait of the birthday girl, and the birthday girl herself chooses the winner.

    Game "Princess and the Pea"

    Details: chairs according to the number of girls present, many large buttons, sheets of paper according to the number of chairs.

    Buttons in different quantities are placed on the chairs and covered with paper, the girls sit on the chairs. Their task is to determine the number of buttons without using their hands.
    Competition "Artistic Competition"
    Dramatize the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" if it:
    1) comedy
    2) melodrama
    3) horror movie
    Competition "Twins"
    two people per team
    Having clasped each other around the waist, with your free hands you must first untie and remove the lacing from the shoes, and then, on command, lace it up and tie a bow.

    Presenter.Are you tired of active recreation - competitions and games? Let's count the number of tokens earned. We offer you a win-win comic lottery - on the board there is a prize number on each heart. Each of you takes a heart and calls a number, we will find out what prize you will get. The one with the most tokens starts.

    Comic lottery

    1. In life you have to hope for the best. Get glue if life doesn’t stick.(Glue)

    2.You didn’t win a penny, but a real oneruler .

    3. You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane.(Comb)

    4. Why do you need a wallet? Put your money in a bag.( Plastic bag)

    5. Get it, hurry up, a notebook for you, write poetry.(notebook)

    6. To keep your hair in order, you will need a “pot holder”.( Scrunchy)

    7. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it uppencil .

    8. Do you understand the meaning of the gift? Life will be joyful and bright.(Marker)


    You won't lose your keys. And you won’t forget about them.

    10. ERASER

    Washing by hand is just disgraceful

    It's a shame to rent a car.

    Today we present to you

    Machine "Vyatka-automatic".

    11. We will have to live by the study of grief, Do not forget about the days of the calendar.(calendar)

    12. And it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet, since you got a chocolate bar.

    13 . You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,

    Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.(comb)

    14. While your parent is “removing the shavings” from you, calmly brew a mug of tea.( tea leaves bag )

    15. CANDLEMay your life be brighter from the gift of Prometheus.

    16. LOLLIPOPOh, what a great fellow you are! Have a lollipop!

    17. CANDYDear comrade, get some candy, but don’t eat it yourself, give it to your neighbor.

    18. BIG CARROT. If you want to be strong like Gin, get some vitamins, brother!

    19. SOAP BOX. We give you a useful item and help you out in the pool.

    20. CHOCOLATE. You don't need to spray yourself, here's a bar of chocolate.

    21. BRUSH. Even old man Koschey himself. This swept away the dust from my ears.

    21. STAPLES. So that the wind doesn't blow your cap away. Here's a paper clip for you as a gift.

    22. RULER. To know the size of any. Carry this prize with you.

    23. CANDIES. Someone is eating shrimp. Well, go ahead and chew some candy.

    24. THREAD. Needlewomen always

    The threads will come in handy.

    Art samples

    Let them be born now.

    Scenario for the holiday "Birthday at school"

    Target: congratulations to the birthday people.
    - create a festive atmosphere;
    - develop communication skills students;
    - contribute to the formation of a friendly team;
    - develop attention, dexterity, speed and coordination of movements;
    - bring up friendly relations and mutual assistance.

    The progress of the holiday

    The holiday starts with children who are not birthday people.


    Birthday is great!

    This is wonderful and funny!

    Congratulations accepted.

    And receive gifts.

    Where are our birthday boys?

    Let them sing and dance for us.

    To invite them here,

    We need to start clapping!

    Host: The holiday begins!

    One two three four five!

    Who will we congratulate?

    Whose dreams will come true?

    Who are these poems for?

    And in the eyes of joy - whose?

    Who's ahead today?

    These are the birthday boys!

    And we have a little surprise for you, Birthday Boys.

    Let's congratulate each other with the world famous English song.

    Happy birthday to you,

    Happy birthday to you,

    Happy birthday, dear classmates

    Happy birthday to you.

    Now sing this song to him in Russian.

    With day birthday of you,

    Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy birthday (name),

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Game "YES OR NO"

    Listen to my first command
    Help each other
    Answer the questions
    Only "Yes" and only "No"
    Let me know your answer:
    If "no" you say
    Then knock your feet
    If you say "Yes"
    Clap your hands then.
    Goes to school old grandfather. Is this true, children? ... (No - they knock their feet)
    Does he take his grandson there? Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands)
    Is ice frozen water? We answer in unison... (Yes - they knock their feet)
    After Friday - Wednesday? We will answer together... (No)
    Is spruce always green? We answer, children... (Yes)
    Is birthday a fun day? ... (Yes)
    Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? ...(Yes)
    Are you okay with humor? ...(Yes)
    Are we doing exercises now? ...(No)
    Shall we congratulate the birthday girl? ... (Yes)
    Or will we send it to grandma? ... (No)
    Shall we give her some chocolate? ... (Yes)
    A sweet-sweet kiss? ... (Yes)
    Happy birthday! And, of course, we wish:

    Grow bigger... (Yeah)
    Be sure to be fatter! ... (No)
    Be healthy, smart, strong! ... (Yes)
    Both loud and pugnacious... (No)So that everyone loves her! ... (Yes)With a strap so they can hit you more often! ... (No)To feed you ice cream! ... (Yes)Maybe stop congratulating? Will we continue to play? ... (Yes)

    Competition "Artistic Competition"

    1) Comedy

    2) melodrama

    3) Competition "Artistic Competition"

    Dramatize the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" if it:

    1) Competition "Artistic Competition"

    Dramatize the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" if it:




    Competition "Now let's dance."

    One participant per team


    Russian re-dance

    "Dance with Balloons"

    Children are divided into pairs. Between them - balloon, which they try to hold while dancing. You can hold it with your shoulders, heads, stomachs... but not with your hands. Whoever loses the ball sits on a chair.

    The song “Let them run clumsily...” is performed.


    Teams are asked to answer questions quickly.
    Questions for the first team.
    1. What was the name of the granddaughter who was afraid of the sun? (Snow Maiden)
    2. How many dwarves were there in the fairy tale about Snow White? (Seven)
    3. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-nif, Naf-naf, Nuf-nuf.)
    4 Baba Yaga's flying machine? (Mortar)
    5. What was the name of the girl who lived in the bear’s hut? (Masha)
    6. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother? (Pies and a pot of butter)
    7. What were the names of the caterpillars - Luntik’s friends? (Vupsen, Pupsen)
    8. Who helped pull out the turnip? (Mouse)
    9. Which resident of the swamp became the prince’s wife? (Frog)
    10. What was the name of the girl with blue hair? (Malvina)
    Questions for the second team.
    1. What was the name of the girl who lived in the flower? (Thumbelina)
    2. How many kids were there in the fairy tale about the gray wolf? (Seven)
    3. What was the name of the boy with the long nose? (Pinocchio)
    4. The flower that fulfills all wishes? (Seven-flowered flower)
    5. What was the name of the huge dinosaur with three heads? (Dragon)
    6. What thing did Cinderella lose at the ball? (shoe)
    7. What were the names of Luntik’s grandparents? (Kapa, ​​Shishulya)
    8. Who destroyed the tower? (Bear)
    9. Which animal did not like to walk barefoot, but preferred to wear boots? (Cat)
    10. What is the name of the little man with the propeller who lives on the roof? (Carlson)
    Teams are asked to guess a fairy tale using a set of objects or fairy tale hero. All items are covered with scarves. The team captain himself chooses which scarf to take off.
    1. Boots, bag...(Puss in Boots)
    2. 3 plates, 3 spoons, 3 cups...(Three bears)
    3. ABC, cap...(Pinocchio)
    4. Basket with pies...(Little Red Riding Hood)
    5. Pumpkin, slipper... (Cinderella)
    6. Towel, soap, washcloth...(Moidodyr)
    "Say the word"
    A hut on chicken legs)

    Carpet plane)

    Wand... (lifesaver)
    Princess Frog)

    Ivan the Fool)
    Fly Tsokotukha)

    Swan geese)


    Brother... (Ivanushka)
    Koschei the Deathless)


    Invisible hat)


    Did you guys have fun today? Interesting? I'm glad!
    Be healthy and happy,
    Have fun on weekdays and holidays!
    Grow big, big,
    Like this! Like this! Like this!

    Congratulating birthday students in the class is always difficult to organize. It’s easier if the whole class wishes one child a happy birthday, but often you need to single out a whole group of children. For example, in early September, all summer birthday people are usually congratulated at once.

    Someone invites animators or presenters with an entertainment program (we often hold such holidays), but in this case, the birthday people do not feel that the holiday is dedicated to them, since everyone is frolicking in the same way.

    There is another reaction, especially in grades 1-2. Suddenly, someone is given gifts, and someone else “not today.” Like, you will have a birthday someday, congratulations.

    I have collected ideas that will please everyone - both the birthday people themselves and those who congratulate. We don’t focus on gifts (they can be distributed at the very end), all attention is on entertainment program. We add targeted congratulations so that the heroes of the occasion feel that the holiday is organized in their honor.

    Immediately noticeable!

    Let's start with the design. Even a few helium balloons tied to weights on the birthday party’s desks create a festive mood. You can buy and hang ready-made paper garlands, And . All this is sold in holiday supply stores and is quite cheap. The decorations are straightened in a second, you can easily decorate the whole class in 10 minutes.

    Attach it to the board with double-sided tape. Compared to them, they look very beautiful pictures. They are also sold ready-made; decorating with them is easy and pleasant.

    Let it be joyful from the very morning. You can also write on the board that today...

    "Summer Birthday Day"

    Addressed congratulations

    Children's names or photographs must be displayed prominently. Tie the photographs to balloons hanging from the ceiling (you can print their names on a color printer and hang them up instead of the photos). Names can be added from a box of syllables or cubes, written on a board or wall newspaper. You can make flags on stands or make a personalized garland for each birthday person.

    The essence is the same - the whole class should see from the very morning who is being congratulated today!

    Ideas for congratulating birthday students in the classroom


    Even small ones unexpected surprises very uplifting! I'll give you a few examples that will awaken your imagination.

    • Towards the end of the last lesson, a door suddenly opens and multi-colored balls or a bunch (cloud of balls) fly in. The author of the surprise never appears, but I’ll tell you a secret that this is a representative of the parents’ committee.
    • The teacher receives an SMS and tells the children that he will go out into the corridor for a minute. Instead of a teacher, ... well, Baba Yaga, for example, comes into the classroom. Or Darth Vader. Someone orders an animator for such congratulations, although anyone can be a mummer. A high school student, someone's dad, another teacher, etc. He can congratulate you in words and distribute envelopes with postcards.

      It’s good if children take a selfie with a costumed character, it’s important for them to post such a funny shot on social networks.

      Once upon a time, Father Frost congratulated our summer birthday people. To be honest, at that moment there was simply no other costume at school, but the children were very amused by such a character. He came and said that he had never been able to congratulate them on their birthday, but this time he still managed to escape for a few minutes. They even danced around a floor flower: “A palm tree was born in the forest.”

    • Even on the day of the birthday boy, the speakerphone was turned on in the dining room, and the Barbariki loudly sang “And I, and I, and I congratulate you.” There is a whole selection of birthday songs, play them. Well, if the school is not very large, you can announce who exactly has a holiday today - all the names and surnames.
    • If the teacher goes out into the corridor for a minute and returns with a cake with candles according to the number of children who have a joint holiday that day, it will not seem trivial. Delight, beauty and deliciousness.

    A little intrigue

    To compile personalized congratulations It will take very little time, but you need to write them not just on postcards, but encrypt them using a special program in the form of a QR code. How exactly this is done is described in detail on the Internet.

    To decipher the code, you need a special application on your smartphone, so you can use one device, simply transfer it to each other and read it out loud.

    The square itself with QR codes can be attached with adhesive tape to a desk or gift box, hung from balloons, or even placed in different parts schools: in the dining room, in other classrooms, in the dressing room, etc.

    General gift

    I'll tell you from my experience. Nowadays, anti-stress coloring books are very common. These are beautiful small patterns collected into one recognizable design. It could be just a mandala or a beautiful animal, a city landscape or a still life.

    We printed out several drawings in A3 size and passed them along the rows with a pack of felt-tip pens during class hour. Each person painted a small piece of the picture, and in the end it turned out to be a magnificent color image, which we then inserted into a frame. For two out of three birthday people, these paintings still decorate their rooms.

    Pictures must be framed with glass. This is not just a gift! This is a gift from the whole class, made with love!

    The boy who was given the charming sloth was very pleased, although he understood the hint)).

    Presentations and congratulatory videos

    It is necessary to appoint those responsible for preparing such presentations for the birthday person’s day. Children for school subjects They make a lot of presentations and can handle it easily.

    Ask your classmates to write a congratulation on a piece of paper and take a photo with it in their hands. Those. everyone writes their wishes: “Dima, I wish you to win everyone at the Olympics,” “Dima, be strong and healthy,” etc.

    You can ask them to write one letter at a time on pieces of paper, and then place all the frames side by side to create the inscription: “Katya, happy birthday!”

    Even simpler - a memorable video. If no one knows how to do editing in a special program, just shoot everything in one take. Place 3 people next to each other, let them film themselves on a smartphone and, interrupting each other, wish the birthday boy happiness. If you need to congratulate 5 people, let there be 5 video congratulations, which the whole class will then watch on the big screen.

    For convenience, transfer everything to YouTube to quickly follow the links.

    Assignments for classmates

    You can come up with a couple of “Guessing Games” so that someone in the class also receives a gift. The game is always fun and exciting, you just need to write down the answers so that everything is fair.

    For example, put all the birthday kids next to each other and ask the class to guess their total height. To do this, of course, you will need to find out this yourself, measure it in advance. The one who gives the closest answer to the correct one wins. For example, the total height of five seventh-graders is 8 meters, 25 cm.

    IN primary school we measured height in bananas. Remember how in the cartoon “38 Parrots”? There are parrots, and we are bananas. They also asked to guess, then double-checked by placing a banana on each birthday person. At the end of this action, someone's mother came into the classroom with a large basket of bananas. It was fun, everyone remembers it to this day.

    You can also offer to guess which of the summer birthday boys is the eldest and who is the youngest. Prize for the correct answer!

    Congratulations to the cast

    Find a few of the simplest banal quatrains with birthday greetings. Print them out or write them on the board. “Happy birthday, I wish you happiness and joy”

    Birthday day in 2nd grade. Scenario.

    Birthday in primary school for 2nd grade

    Goals: develop Creative skills children; to cultivate a culture of behavior at public holidays.
    Celebration progress:
    To the melody of T. Bulanova's song "This holiday is a birthday," children enter the hall decorated with posters and balloons. They sit on chairs. The readers remain.
    How smart you are
    beautiful, neat!
    Today is a special day for us:
    The holiday has come to class today!
    It's time to start our holiday,
    Sit down, stop standing!
    Addresses the readers.
    No, it’s not for nothing that we’re not sitting,
    We are standing in front of you here.
    We want to read poetry
    To your classmates.
    Name day! Name day!
    At Alyosha, Vika, Lisa,
    For boys and girls.
    Everyone is happy to celebrate!
    After all, today is happy birthday
    We want to congratulate you!
    You both winter and spring
    Congratulations 2nd grade!
    We all love birthdays
    And although he is full of worries
    How nice on your birthday
    Become a whole year older.
    Happy holiday today
    Happy birthday
    They are expecting birthday people today
    Gifts and congratulations!
    And gifts and congratulations
    They get everything from us.
    Whose birthday is today?
    You will find out now.

    The melody “Heppi” sounds. Children read congratulations to the birthday boy, and when his name is heard, he goes to the middle of the class. They are given a card with these wishes.
    We congratulate Anton,
    We wish you a lot of joy,
    Don't get sick or sneeze
    And get straight A's!
    And we wish Albina
    Live without grief and without troubles
    And it’s not very long to live,
    Well, at least 200 years.
    Our dear Nastya
    We are pleased to congratulate

    And we want a lot of happiness
    Wish her today!
    Hey Alenka! Do not snooze!
    Never be bored
    Always be beautiful!
    Our Nikita is strong, brave,
    Energetic and skillful.
    May good luck shine on you
    Be healthy and full of strength
    And fate, how kind to us!
    We would like to wish Yegor
    Live without hardships and adversity
    Always be as nice as you are
    Smile all year long!
    We have girls in our class.
    This is Elya and Vikushka
    We want to wish them
    Never lose heart.
    And always on your birthday
    Receive 100 gifts.
    But we wish you, Lisa,
    Smiles, a bouquet of joy.
    Reliable and cheerful friends
    Happy life many years.
    To you, Karina,
    We wish you health, we wish you success
    So that tears shine only from laughter.
    So that joy and happiness
    The smile glowed
    May all wishes come true!
    They sing I. Nikolaev's song "Birthday". There is a knock on the door. An enraged Baba Yaga bursts in.
    Baba Yaga.
    What I see? Everyone is having fun, celebrating, but why didn’t anyone invite me? Well. Well, I’ll give you a name day. You will dance with me! Now I will cast a spell, and yours good wishes evaporate. Ha ha ha! I start!
    Grandma-Yagusya! No need to do magic! You are a kind grandmother, we invite you to the holiday! Bring the chair of honor for the guest! Faster!
    Baba Yaga.
    OK! Persuaded! What kind of holiday is this?
    We celebrate the birthdays of winter and spring birthday people.
    Baba Yaga.
    So then I have gifts for them that you won’t be able to take your eyes off! I’ll show them to you now. Here’s a dress, almost new. I wore it in my youth, when I was a beauty!
    Shows the dress all full of holes.
    Baba Yaga.
    Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. True, it has become thinner, but it is still good. Or here's a frying pan to fry the guys!
    Having come to his senses, he grabs his head. Waving his hands.
    Baba Yaga.
    No, no, I wanted to say something else! Now, if you clean it, you can look in it like in a mirror. Do you like my gifts?
    Baba Yaga.
    Once I wanted to be kind, but even then I didn’t please. Well then, at least accept congratulations from me and my girlfriends.
    Grandmothers-Hedgehogs (boys in disguise) run out and sing ditties.
    Actually, I'm cunning
    In the sense of the meanness of the gut,
    But the chavoy hasn’t cast a spell on me this morning.
    We wish you, girls,
    Happiness and success,
    To be forever young,
    Like Edita Piekha.
    I want to congratulate you all
    And a pat on the shoulder.
    Let everyone give you gifts
    Just like Yakubovich!
    I go out to dance in a circle,
    Move aside, dear friend!
    We wish birthday boys
    One hundred friends and one hundred girlfriends!
    Birthday girls
    Both beautiful and smart!
    They sit like queens
    They all delight!
    Happy birthday
    and we wish you everything,
    May they live a hundred years,
    You, not knowing evil and troubles.
    Baba Yaga.
    Well, good! And now, birthday boys, pass my tests.
    1. Tell me all the fairy tales that cannot do without Baba Yaga.
    2. Guess my riddles:
    -Which month is shorter than others? (May)
    -Why do people often walk and never drive? (ladder)
    -What does half an apple look like? (the other half)
    -When is a fool smart? (when he is silent)
    -What happens on February 30? (nothing, there is no such day)
    Baba Yaga.
    Well done! We passed two tests! Oh, you made me happy!
    And now your parents want to congratulate you.
    Parents sing the song “Magic Houses” by Oleg Mityaev. The wishes of the parents are heard. Then a lottery is played for the birthday people.
    I’d really like to see how you compete with your classmates. Two teams will be formed: 1st “Birthday Boys”, 2nd “Friends”
    Competitions are held:
    “Banana” - peel, bite and pass on to another, bite and pass on. Whose team will eat faster?
    “Make a bouquet” (one player per team). Petals from 2 flowers are laid out on the floor. each one collects its petals near its own flower. Who is faster.
    “Transfer the leaf” - move the leaf on your palms without dropping it.
    "Hit the Hat"
    The holiday ends with the dance-game "Waltz-Friendship".
    Look, someone needs to help us blow out the candles on the cake. Let's give this right to our birthday people.
    The cake comes out to the accompaniment of solemn music. Birthday people blow out candles.

    Birthday boy's day

    (summer-autumn, 1st grade)

    Tulinova Elena Dmitrievna, teacher primary classes Maryinskaya secondary school I-III stages No. 1.
    Description of material: This material will be useful to primary school teachers. Birthday is a special date that every child wants to celebrate in a fun and unforgettable way. It is advisable to hold the holiday in a classroom where children feel calm and free.
    Target: Congratulations to birthday people born in summer and autumn.
    - create a festive atmosphere;
    - develop students’ communication abilities;
    - contribute to the formation of a friendly team;
    - develop attention, dexterity, speed and coordination of movements;
    - cultivate friendly relations and mutual assistance.
    Facilities: “Birthday medal” (14 pieces), fake banana, 2 plates, bananas, toothpicks, handkerchief (or scarf), several rolls toilet paper, balloons, birthday gifts, memorable prizes for all participants, musical accompaniment.
    Methods: songs, games: “Congratulations.” “Wishers”, “Cake”, “Catch up with the banana”, “Who can eat the banana faster”, “Recognition”, “Swaddle the baby”, dance with balloons, balloon fireworks.
    Participants of the holiday: leading clowns (girls from 9th grade) Igrinka and Veselinka, 1st grade students, parents of birthday boys.
    Class design: balloons, posters: “Happy Birthday!”, “Congratulations!”, on one side of the board there is the inscription “Summer” and photographs of summer birthday people, crowned with flowers, on the other - “Autumn” and photographs of autumn birthday people on multi-colored leaves.

    Progress of the holiday.

    The holiday starts with children who are not birthday people.

    1.Attention! Attention! Attention!
    A fun party is starting!
    2. Hurry up, honest people,
    Our holiday is calling you!
    3. Many things await us:
    You can play games
    Mind, show your wits.
    4.Have fun from the heart
    Have some sweet tea!
    5.Today is our birthday day
    And we have gathered here for a reason.
    6.To sing songs and congratulate you as soon as possible
    Happy Birthday to all of you, friends!
    7. For someone to bake a birthday cake,
    And someone brought gifts.
    8. Well, where are the gifts, surprises, friends?
    We are tormented by this question!
    Teacher. Let's not rush and guess
    Everything will reveal itself to us.
    Let the heroes of this celebration
    Present to you immediately!
    The teacher names one birthday person at a time, they go out and receive the “Birthday Boy Medal”.
    Everyone sings the song “Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles” together.

    Igrinka runs in.
    Igrinka. Hello kids, girls and boys! I am a cheerful and mischievous Igrinka. By the way, have you seen my friend Veselinka? No? It's always like this! As soon as he starts getting ready, dressing up, ironing bows, choosing a dress, polishing shoes... He will miss the whole holiday. It's just me:
    One or two and you're done! And without it it’s even better. I'll get more treats!

    Veselina comes in.
    Veselinka. How is it better without me? And also called a friend!
    Igrinka.Oh, guys, look, Veselinka has come! Hello, buddy!
    Clowns greet each other funny.
    Veselinka. Oh, Igrinochka, how many guys have gathered here! And I didn’t even say hello!
    He begins to greet each child and introduce himself.

    Igrinka. Not so, Veselinka! You go out to the middle and shout loudly: “Hello.” Got it?
    Veselinka. Yeah. I'm going to try now (goes out into the middle and shouts)
    Hello, okay?
    Igrinka. But there was no need to say “understandable.”
    Veselinka.(To some child). But there was no need to say “understandable.”
    Igrinka. Yes, I’m not telling him, but you!
    Veselinka.(to another child) Yes, I’m not telling him, but you!
    Igrinka. To you, Veselinka!
    Veselinka. To me? What do I need? Gifts? Let's!
    Igrinka. Why are you getting gifts?
    Veselinka. She herself said that today is a holiday. And on holidays they always give gifts.
    Igrinka. Do you even know what holiday we have today?
    Veselinka. New Year.
    Igrinka. Hello, Snow Maiden! New Year happens in winter.
    Veselinka. Then March 8th. All girls are given gifts! Great!
    Igrinka. I guessed wrong again! The guys and I will tell you now. For children and adults, thin and fat, we are starting the coolest, most beautiful performance called...
    Children. Birthday!
    Veselinka. Hooray! So today is your birthday? Great! Only you have the wrong birthday. At birthday parties there are all sorts of chants, congratulations, noise makers and games.
    Igrinka. There will be congratulations for you!
    Game "Congratulations"
    The little girl divides the children into two teams: “Karapuziki” and “Chumaziki”. At the signal, one team shouts “happy birthday” and the other “birthday”. The little girl confuses the children by giving commands to the same children several times. At the end, everyone shouts “Happy Birthday” in unison.
    Igrinka. So congratulated, so congratulated! Is it our real birthday now?
    Veselinka. No. There were congratulatory cards, but what about wishes?
    Igrinka. There will be wishes for you too! Guys, I need your help again. You need to say “Yes, yes, yes!” or “No, no, no!”
    Game "Wishers"
    Igrinka. Happy birthday! Yes Yes Yes!
    And, of course, we wish you! Yes Yes Yes!
    Be beautiful, kind, sweet Yes, yes, yes!
    Both loud and pugnacious? No no no!
    So that mommy loves! Yes Yes Yes!
    Use a strap to hit her more often! ? No no no!
    OK OK! To give gifts! Yes Yes Yes!
    Maybe stop congratulating? Should we play games? ! Yes Yes Yes!
    Veselinka. Wait with your games. First, guess the riddle: who is the most important person at the birthday party?
    Igrinka. Oh, I made you laugh! Who doesn't know this? Of course it's me!
    Veselinka.You? No way! The most important people at a birthday party. Really, guys?
    Igrinka. How (offended)? Are these girls and boys the most important? (Walks aroundbirthday people). These are the ones in beautiful outfits, with such cute hairstyles, with such funny eyes? Are they the most important ones on Birthday Day? For this I won’t tell you which one new game I know.
    Veselinka. Aren `t you ashamed? The guys are having a holiday, and you are being capricious! You're Igrinka, so tell us about your game!
    Igrinka. So be it, I’ll tell you. The game is called "Cake"
    Game "Cake"
    Rules of the game. All children join hands and line up in a chain. Ahead is Igrinka, the last Veselinka. To the music, the children begin to “bake a cake.” The game turns around itself, winding the entire chain. Condition: do not release your hands!
    Igrinka. This is how the cake turned out! Children, what is our cake with?
    Children. With pineapple, jam, cream, berries, banana...
    Igrinka. What's missing from a birthday cake? Of course, candles! Raise your hands up. That's how many candles!

    Now let everyone take a piece and sit in their place.
    Igrinka. This is the kind of cake we made: with pineapple, jam, cream, berries, banana...
    Veselinka tries to call Igrinka, but she doesn’t hear her.
    Veselinka. Ig-rin-ka! How long can I call you? Do you have bananas in your ears?
    Igrinka. Bananas? Where are the bananas? Who has bananas? (Looks in the children’s hands, under the chairs.)
    Veselinka. And here he is! Catch up! ( Veselinka takes out a fake banana).
    Game "Catch the Banana"
    Veselinka throws the banana in a circle, Igrinka tries to catch up with him, you can be tricky and throw the banana in the opposite direction. At the end of the game, the banana still ends up in Igrinka’s hands.
    Igrinka. Ooh! This is not a real banana! I do not play like that!
    Veselinka. Don't be upset, Igrinochka. We also have real bananas. It's time for our guys to get some food. And at the same time, let’s check whether the guys gathered here are friendly?
    Game "Who can eat a banana faster"
    Veselinka divides the children into two teams. Teams line up in two lines. Each team receives a plate of sliced ​​bananas.
    Rules of the game. On command, you need to prick a piece of banana with a toothpick, treat it to the person standing next to you, and pass the plate. The team whose team eats all the bananas the fastest wins.

    Veselinka. Look, Igrinka, the guys ate all our bananas and immediately became so big that their mothers hardly recognize them now.
    Igrinka. So let's check whether mothers know their children well.
    Game "Recognition" (for birthday boys and their parents)
    Rules of the game: all birthday people are seated in one row. The mother is blindfolded with a scarf and the children are transferred. The little girl leads the mother along the entire row, strictly making sure that the mother recognizes her child only by his hands (knees, nose, ears, etc.).

    Veselinka. And I know another game about kids.
    Game "Swaddle the Baby"
    Rules of the game: birthday people are chosen as “babies”. Parents are given a roll of toilet paper. (these are diapers). At Igrinka’s signal, the “babies” begin to be swaddled from the legs to the neck. The couple who completes the task faster wins.
    Igrinka. So, are you comfortable in diapers? Oh no? Then quickly take off your swaddling clothes. At Igrinka’s signal, the “babies” tear the “diapers” and free themselves from them. The one who does it first wins.
    Veselinka. Now who will clean up the trash faster? Who makes the biggest lump? (As a rule, children take great pleasure in removing scraps of paper after themselves, quickly clearing the area for the next games. Children take their places.)
    The little girl comes out with balloons.

    Igrinka. Veselinka, what is a holiday without dancing? I propose a competition for the best dancing couple.
    "Dance with Balloons"
    Children are divided into pairs. Between them is a balloon, which they try to hold while dancing. You can hold it with your shoulders, heads, stomachs... but not with your hands. Whoever loses the ball sits on a chair. The game girl collects all the balls.

    Veselinka. Look at you, Igrinka! Are not you ashamed? She took all the balls from the children. Just a real greedy person.
    Igrinka. Oh, really, how embarrassing! But now I’ll give all the kids a balloon and we’ll arrange a real fireworks display in honor of the birthday boys.
    "Balloon fireworks"
    Children, on command, throw the balls up and shout “Hurray!”

    Igrinka. You see, Veselinka, how great everything turned out!
    Veselinka. I see I liked it too. Igra, you are no longer greedy, bring our gifts to the birthday boys.
    The game girl gives gifts to the birthday people.
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