• House for bees made of plastic bottles. Crafts for the garden: bees made from plastic bottles


    Summer is a time for nature to transform. Each area is covered with greenery and flowers, but in order to make it even more attractive, you can do crafts yourself that will lift your spirits.

    Bees are an excellent option for decorating a country landscape. Making a bee from plastic bottles can be quite simple, and if you have imagination and free time, this craft can easily be supplemented with a beehive.


    If there are trees on the site, then bees and hives can be suspended from a branch using fishing line. This will create the effect of them floating. If there are no trees, then you can independently install a stick on which to mount a horizontal bar and again hang the crafts. Bees can also be placed on the railings of a porch or veranda if they are made with legs. The bees on the honeycomb will look even more interesting. So, let's tell you how to plastic bottle make a bee.

    Required materials and tools

    The material for this craft can be found in every home; you don’t need to buy anything separately. If something is missing, then the acquisition will not affect it at all family budget. For production you will need:

    • Small plastic bottles. The optimal volume is 0.33, but more can be used.
    • Plastic transparent cup. A bottle can also be used.
    • Scissors and stationery knife.
    • Glue.
    • Black electrical tape.
    • Acrylic paints.
    • Any wire that is not too thick.
    • Marker.

    Important! It is best to use acrylic-based paints, since watercolor paints will wash off in outdoor conditions, while oil paints adhere worse to the surface.

    Work technology

    To make a bee from waste material, you need to carry out a series of actions that will lead to the final goal. In particular it is necessary:

  • Wings are cut out from a 0.5 liter glass or a transparent bottle for the future bee. It is better to draw them with a marker before cutting them out.
  • The main plastic bottle is cut with a stationery knife in those places where it is planned to make wings. They can be located on top or on the sides.
  • The wings are inserted into the holes.
  • We color the structure. Here you can do different things: first paint the bottle completely black, and then draw yellow stripes, or paint its entire surface yellow and draw black stripes after drying. Also, black stripes can be decorated with electrical tape of the appropriate color.
  • The face of a bee is drawn on the lid with acrylic paints, and an outline is drawn on the wings.
  • So we have a beautiful bee that fits perfectly into any landscape and makes it more cheerful and positive.

    Craft “Bees with a hive”

    If you wish, you can bring to life with your own hands a whole family of bees with a hive made from plastic bottles. This will require a little more time and materials, but an amazing result is guaranteed.

    For the craft you will need:

    • 1 plastic five-liter bottle for making a beehive.
    • Plastic bottles with a volume of no more than 1 liter for making bees. Their number depends on the desired number of bees.
    • Enamel yellow color.
    • Black electrical tape.
    • Bast brushes.
    • Glue gun.
    • If desired, additional elements for creating bee faces (eyes, beads, etc.).
    • Twine rope.
    • Threads.

    The details of the craft are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • All containers are painted yellow and left to dry.
  • Black stripes are reproduced on the dried paint using electrical tape.
  • Using a glue gun, glue is applied to decorative eyes or beads and glued to the lid.

    Advice! In the absence additional elements

  • , you can simply draw a face.
  • Wings for bees are cut out of a plastic bottle. A thread is attached to the finished parts for hanging.
  • A hive made from a plastic bottle turns yellow or brown.
  • The washcloths are tied with twine.

    The roof of the hive is generously smeared with glue, the brushes are attached to it, and straightened so that the roof looks more decorative.

  • ​Important!
  • When the brush comes off, you can lubricate it with glue again and press it securely to the surface.

  • The finished craft is left until the glue dries completely.

    Making bees from plastic bottles is not difficult. It is very useful and interesting to involve children in the process, who are also able to perform most of the steps to make crafts. With such cheerful bees, you can easily transform your area. They will perfectly complement the green garden or veranda of a country house.

    Bees made from plastic bottles are probably the simplest, but very effective and fun crafts for garden. If the flowerbed is small, you can make small bees from plastic bottles, for example, from mustard bottles (by the way, you don’t have to paint them, since these bottles are usually yellow). And from large plastic bottles you will get large bees to decorate a decorative tree, bush or flower garden.


    • yellow mustard bottles or regular plastic bottles (1-1.5 l);
    • black electrical tape;
    • paint for drawing eyes, nose or small buttons;
    • wire.
    1. Empty bottles need to be wrapped with electrical tape so that you get stripes on the “bee” body. If garden crafts are made from large clear plastic bottles, the bottles should first be painted yellow acrylic paint, and after it dries, make strips of electrical tape or apply them with black paint.
    2. Draw or glue the eyes and nose (black acrylic paint). If the eyes and nose are voluminous, you can use glue (for example, “Moment”) or duct tape two-sided. Glue is preferable - these garden crafts will “fly” in both rain and sun. You can make an even more reliable fastening - with wire, piercing the plastic with an awl or a hot nail. The bees' antennae are wire. It can be bent with pliers.
    3. Simply cut the bee wings from the middle part of a transparent plastic bottle and insert them into the slots made in the top of the crafts.
    4. If these garden crafts - bees - will “fly” over the flowerbed, you will need a support holder. You need to make a hole in the lower part of the bee’s body and insert a long stick holder into it. The hole should not be large so that the support fits tightly into it. All that remains is to stick the opposite end of the holder stick into the flowerbed among the plants - and the bee from the plastic bottle will “fly”.
    5. If it is assumed that these garden crafts will “sit” on the branch of a tree or bush, 2 holes should be made in the middle part of the bees’ bodies (opposite each other). The cord is pulled through these holes. That's it, the bees can be tied to the branches.

    Manufacturers of plastic containers don’t even realize that, along with plastic bottles intended for storing liquids, they gave manual labor amazing material for creativity. With a minimum of cost and maximum imagination, you can make a huge number of beautiful and, most importantly, useful crafts for home and summer cottage.

    It's no secret that plastic is an ideal material for those who love creativity - it bends, cuts easily, and can take any shape (when exposed to high temperature), not exposed to frost and sunlight. All of the listed characteristics inspire most folk craftsmen to create real masterpieces. Look around: on the balcony, in the pantry, in the country house, you will certainly find empty used bottles of drinks and dairy products. It is from them that we propose to make decorations for the personal plot - funny bees.

    You can make decorative bees different ways. We suggest using detailed master classes to decorate country cottage area no worse than landscape designers.

    Cheerful bee from a bottle

    You can make a spectacular plastic bee from a very simple kit. necessary materials and tools. To work you will need:

    • 2 transparent plastic bottles (one of them should have a large cap);
    • yellow paint;
    • black electrical tape;
    • black waterproof marker or black nail polish;
    • thin wire for attaching the finished craft.

    Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

    1. Take the bottle and rinse it from the inside, and also remove the top label (sticker). Dry.
    2. Once the bottle is completely ready for use, start painting. The workpiece can be coated with paint on top, but then under the influence of rain and sun the paint will crack and the craft will lose its attractive appearance. To avoid this, the bottle must be painted from the inside. To do this, pour a little yellow acrylic paint directly into the bottle, screw the cap tightly and roll it sideways on a flat surface several times. The paint itself will completely cover the walls of the bottle from the inside.
    3. To make the paint dry faster, place the bottle on a warm radiator or sunny side window sill. You can even unscrew the lid temporarily.
    4. On the lid with a waterproof marker or dark varnish for nails, draw a smiley face: round eyes and a smile.
    1. Now apply the stripes to the bee's body. They can be painted with black paint, but it is much easier and more practical to make them from electrical tape. Moreover, if necessary, it will be easier to update them.
    2. Wrap the tape around the bottle in a circle in several places, leaving equal intervals.
    3. The bee is almost ready, all that remains is to make the wings. To do this, draw the details of the wings from a transparent bottle on two opposite sides with a marker. They should be almost equal in size to the height of the yellow bottle. Using scissors with sharp ends or a stationery knife, cut the blanks along the contour.
    4. Make cuts on one edge of the wing and fold them over. You should also make 2 through cuts in the yellow blank, where the wings will be inserted.
    5. After the wings are inserted into the slots, think about how the figure will be attached. It can be hung on a cord or secured with wire (inserted into a flower bed or flowerpot).

    With the help of yellow striped bees, your garden will be transformed and will look bright and elegant even on a cloudy day.

    Bee house

    After making several bees from a bottle, make a hive for them. You will need a large five-liter bottle, a stationery knife, yellow paint and straw.

    You can paint the bottle in the same way as the bees. It will only take a little more paint and drying time. After the paint is completely dry, cut out the window and cover the edges with electrical tape.

    Make a whisk out of straw and place it on the bottle. You will get a thatched roof. Place some straw inside the house.

    The bee swarm is ready!

    Flower pots

    Various flowerpots look elegant and original in garden plots. You can make such decorative pots for planting flowers in the shape of striped bees. Based on the photos and previous master classes, you can make similar pots for planting flowers. They can be placed near the house, on the porch, or hung on a wall or fence.

    It's always nice to have exclusive crafts at home. It’s doubly nice if these unique items are made with your own hands using recycled materials. From plastic containers you can make many useful things that will not only be easy to use and make life easier, but will also decorate the interior and landscape. Personally made items from bottles can favorably emphasize the individuality and originality of the owner of the house and garden. Neighbors and friends will undoubtedly notice your efforts. No less important aspect when working with recyclable materials is that this activity does not require additional costs and investments. Don't be afraid to experiment and develop your own creativity!

    Surely every home has plastic bottles that are a pity to throw away and are used for their intended purpose in rare cases. But these bottles can easily be used as improvised material for handicrafts! With a little imagination, you can make a lot of useful, beautiful and unique things from ordinary plastic bottles, which are considered practically garbage! Following the advice of this master class, I propose to make a Bee - a simple craft that even a preschooler can handle. This work is done quite simply and quickly, and does not require any special financial costs. So, let's get to work...

    For work we will need the following materials:

    1. Plastic bottles: 1 transparent and 1 dark;
    2. Regular and manicure scissors;
    3. Acrylic paints in yellow, black and red colors;
    4. Brushes;
    5. Foam sponge;
    6. Plastic eyes;
    7. Terry wire;
    8. Glue Moment;
    9. Colorless synthetic thread.

    Before starting work, we get rid of the labels on plastic bottles. For the bee's body we will use a transparent plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters. If you have a factory-made yellow plastic bottle, that’s even better; you don’t have to paint it. And we take a transparent bottle and, using a foam sponge, using “smacking” movements, completely paint it with yellow acrylic paint.

    I would like to note right away that for painting plastic bottles it is best to use acrylic paints, since watercolor or gouache paints will not stick to plastic.

    When the paint is completely dry, use a marker to mark stripes of equal thickness on the bottle.

    Carefully paint the marked stripes black one after another.

    This is what the bottle should look like.

    There is another option for making black stripes on the body of a homemade bee; you can use black electrical tape for this purpose.

    We will make wings for our bee from a dark plastic bottle. Cut the bottle into 3 parts.

    From the middle part we cut out two identical wings, leaving small rectangles on the bottom of the wings.

    In the middle of the bottle - the body of the bee, use nail scissors to cut two holes for attaching the wings.

    We bend the rectangles at the end of the wings and insert them into the cut holes.

    The wings should fit tightly into the holes, but if they fall out, you can lightly glue them with Moment glue.

    Now let’s create a “face” for our insect. Glue eyes to the bottle cap

    and use red acrylic paint to draw a mouth for the bee.

    We will make the antennae from terry wire. Cut two pieces 6 cm long.

    We twist them a little at one end, and fasten them to the bottle cap with the other end.

    If you did everything correctly, then you should get such a bright, funny bee!

    In order to hang such a bee in the garden on a tree or on a window at home, we attach a colorless synthetic thread to it and boldly place it in the desired place! Now she will be able to delight us and give us a sunny mood in any weather and at any time of the year! I hope you enjoyed our master class. Good luck to everyone and creative success!

    Crafts for hell are sometimes better combined into a composition, then the area on which they are located becomes, in some way, a stage where the most interesting action takes place.

    As an idea for a garden, consider an Apiary with Bees.

    Bees from plastic bottles: stages of creation

    Bees made from plastic bottles are not complicated crafts for the garden. To make one Bee, you only need one small bottle, well, maybe some additional material for the wings. And since the wings are also usually made of plastic, you can add another bottle for several bees.

    We paint the bottle to look like a bee (there is material that better paints and how exactly to paint crafts made from plastic bottles).

    We will not paint the wings cut out of plastic - real bees have transparent wings. We insert the wings into the slots on the bottle-body of the insect, if necessary, secure with wire.

    How to make an apiary for bees

    An apiary for Bees is a space for imagination. We are sorting out ideas for the garden. Of course I would like to. so that it is fast, not difficult and cheap. Regarding “cheap” - we use improvised material.

    The simplest thing is to use large plastic bottles – bottles – for bee houses. We cut a small hole in the bottle (through which the Bees are supposed to fly in and fly out), paint it suitable color. With a roof options. The photo shows thatched roof, but if you can’t find straw, you can build a roof from thin twigs, sticks, boards, etc.

    There are different ways to secure the Bees in flight. For example, hang it from the branches of a tree, attach it to a fence, install it on a high thin support.

    Apiary in a flower garden

    And hard workers collecting pollen for honey do not need to fly far. By the way, here it is, honey - in a huge barrel. And we were thinking about how we could paint a barrel to store water. Once Apiary, we paint it as a barrel for honey, but in reality we store water in the container - for watering the flower garden. Very convenient - everything is at hand.


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