• What to paint after highlighting. How to paint over highlighting and what paint is best to do it (photos and videos attached). How and with what to paint it light brown


    Highlighting is considered a gentle procedure compared to full hair dyeing, since with this technique only individual strands are treated. At the same time, it should be noted that even this type of staining has Negative consequences for hair, as it certainly leads to dryness and brittleness if the necessary measures are not taken.

    Therefore, every woman (and men) needs to know how to restore hair after highlighting, what hair care after highlighting will be optimal and how to dye such a hairstyle a different color.

    Where is the best place to do it?

    If you decide to get highlights for yourself, then it is best to go to a beauty salon and see knowledgeable specialists. You can, in principle, carry out this procedure at home, but to avoid any serious consequences later, trust the professionals.

    Hair restoration after highlighting is a necessary and mandatory procedure. If you do everything correctly, then after a few restoration sessions your curls will become shiny and beautiful, causing the admiration of women and attracting the attention of men.

    Recovery methods

    When treating hair, a variety of products act as “medicines”, such as nourishing and strengthening shampoos, balms, toning masks and gels designed specifically for caring for highlighted hair.

    In addition to factory-made products for caring for curls after treatment, there are many other recommendations on how to treat hair after highlighting.

    • In the pharmacy chain you can purchase ampoules containing a number of vitamins and biologically active substances, allowing for sufficient short time restore damaged strands.
    • To maintain healthy curls, also try to minimize the use of curling irons, hair dryers and straightening irons.

    Note! Very fragile and weakened hair falls out after highlighting, so any temperature changes have a detrimental effect on it.

    It is imperative to follow these tips, otherwise the consequences will not be long in coming.


    Highlighted strands need careful care.

    For this purpose, there are products aimed specifically at such hair: balms, shampoos, masks, etc.:

    • These formulations contain special substances to care for treated curls and help smooth out the hair structure.
    • Experts also recommend paying attention to cosmetic preparations containing wax and its derivatives - they give freshly painted rods a characteristic shine.
    • To improve appearance hair, in addition to wax, you can use a variety of oils that are perfect for highlighted curls.

    Except professional cosmetics There are also a huge number of folk recipes, and if your hair after highlighting is like straw, then a simple treatment can turn it into shiny, healthy and elastic strands.

    Folk recipes

    Here are a few recipes for making homemade masks from... natural ingredients, which will undoubtedly help heal damaged hair.

    Hair mask after highlighting, strengthening
    Ingredients Cooking instructions Recommendations for use
    • 2 l. honey
    • 1-2 pcs. kiwi.
    Using a blender, turn the kiwi into puree and mix with honey. Apply the resulting mixture to the strands, wrap your head in polyethylene and wrap it with a towel. After forty to sixty minutes, rinse with clean running water.
    An old recipe from great-grandmothers
    • 2 yolks.
    Beat the yolks thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the curls. Then wash off after half an hour.
    Hair oils
    • Olive or burdock oil.
    Heat in a steam bath. Rub into the skin and roots with massaging movements, leave under the cap for one hour. Then rinse off with running water.

    Advice! It is necessary to nourish the strands not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Don't forget to take your vitamins.

    How to dye your hair correctly

    Of course, the main effect of fragmented coloring of strands is the uneven distribution of color on the hair. This is the main problem in the question of how to get your hair color back after highlighting.

    The thing is that when carrying out such a procedure, some curls are lightened, others are not. And if several colors are used, then hair coloring after highlighting becomes much more complicated.

    The ideal option, of course, involves gradually cutting off the colored strands until only natural ones remain. They can then be safely painted in the desired color. But not everyone can wait that long, especially if the effect of the procedure is not to their liking.

    So is it possible to dye your hair immediately after highlighting?

    IN in this case Before deciding what color to dye your hair after highlighting, you need to get rid of the shades obtained after the procedure. Hair remover will help you with this.

    It happens:

    • Natural,
    • Bleaching,
    • Acidic.

    You can compare the characteristics of washes using the table:

    View Peculiarities Action
    Natural. You can prepare it yourself at home. Mix castor, sunflower and olive oils in equal proportions. Then we heat the composition to body temperature and apply it to the strands, covering the head with polyethylene for half an hour, then rinse it off. The procedure can be done every 12 hours, but be patient, as there may not be a visible result after the first use.
    Acidic. Does not contain substances such as ammonia and perhydrol. With its help, highlighted hair is lightened by 2 tones at a time.
    Bleaching. The fastest acting and at the same time the most toxic. It helps to achieve four tones of lightening in one session, but the procedure can only be repeated after 14 days, since it greatly harms already damaged strands.

    • It will not be easy to return the color of your curls after highlighting, so you often have to color it repeatedly.
    • It is also important to note that after highlighting, the selected color can only be applied after two weeks or more. As for blond dyes, which recolor the curls in one session, it is better to avoid them in this case: they dry out the hair shafts and lead to split ends of the strands.
    • In addition, hair color must be chosen carefully in order to get a good result. It is necessary to use paint several shades lighter than the natural color, because dark color will paint the treated strands poorly.
    • Also, if you dye your hair after fragmentary coloring with basma or henna, these substances may enter into chemical reaction with pigment. The result is the formation of a purple or greenish tint of hair, which is unlikely to please its owner.


    We hope that our article will help you cope with the problems caused by highlighting and look beautiful and attractive. The main thing is to remember that your hair is a full-fledged part of the body, which also requires competent and proper care.

    You can see more detailed information in the video in this article.

    How to highlight light brown hair (39 photos) using various methods

    If you think your brown hair is somewhat dull, then you can transform it - your hair will become brighter and more attractive, shining in the sun with its beautiful shine. And to do this, it is not necessary to completely repaint your curls in some other shade, thinking that this will help get rid of the image of a gray mouse.

    After all, remembering the slightly forgotten highlighting, you can change your image to a more interesting one, without subjecting your curls to harmful coloring, the color of the roots of which will then have to be endlessly adjusted. Or, even worse, having received a bright, vulgar color, look for ways to get rid of it.

    Brown hair looks a little boring... although everyone has their own opinion!

    This procedure can be performed using different technologies, making it possible to obtain a variety of both natural and not so natural effects. Yes, and the opportunity to use all kinds color palette on such hair allows you to further expand the possibilities of the results obtained.

    The advantages of this coloring technique do not end there, and knowing how highlighting is done for brown hair, any owner will be able to choose the option that suits her, having a chance to always look 100%.

    Reference! Highlighting also implies a change in hair color, just like regular dyeing, however, not all of it, but only individual strands. At the same time, on light brown hair, it can either be colored or, conversely, discolored.

    Read more about the pros and cons of highlighting

    Advantages Flaws
    Visual increase in volume. Light brown hair color with highlights helps to visually increase the volume of hair, so this coloring option is especially convenient in cases where the strands are thin and sparse, and no care methods help correct this situation. This procedure takes longer than the usual full dyeing of curls, since in its process time is spent not only on diluting and applying the dye, but also on separating the desired strands from the total mass of hair.
    Excellent gray coverage. Since light brown highlighted hair usually combines 2 or more shades, the gray strands on it become completely invisible. After highlighting, do for a month perm not recommended, as the hair may take on an unexpected shade.
    Financial savings. When roots grow on highlighted light brown hair, the contrast between natural and dyed strands is not so noticeable. This allows you to grow your hair for a long time (3-4 months) without resorting to re-highlighting.

    By choosing it, you can save a lot on this, since frequent visits to the salon (every 3-4 weeks), for example, with a single color change, will significantly hit your pocket, because the price of such procedures is quite expensive.

    It is unlikely that you will be able to do some types of highlighting with your own hands at home, since in most cases this requires certain skills and knowledge.
    Change your image without completely repainting your curls. Brown hair with highlights makes it possible to change the look without resorting to radical change tones. This is very convenient when you like your shade, but at the same time want to transform yourself a little.
    Gentle coloring. During the highlighting process, only individual strands of hair are exposed to the dye, and not the entire hair, so this procedure is considered harmless and gentle.

    Types of highlighting

    This procedure can be performed using various devices. Depending on their choice, the technique of applying the coloring or brightening substance itself changes, therefore, the effect in one case or another is different.

    So, highlighting can be done in the following ways:

    • using foil and a comb with a ponytail;
    • using a cellophane cap with holes;
    • using rubber bands that secure the ponytails, the ends of which are subsequently painted;
    • open method using a special comb;
    • just with your hands(usually done on a finished hairstyle or on wavy, damp curls).

    Californian variant

    Blonde hair color with California-type highlights is now at the peak of its popularity. This new product in the hairdressing industry is winning more and more fans, thanks to the possibility of obtaining a natural, beautiful effect that is comparable to strands bleached by the sun.

    In other words, after such a procedure there are no clear boundaries between the dyed and undyed strands, due to which the hair has, as it were, a holistic color with highlights of different tones. This method of painting eliminates the need to adjust the color of the roots, since even if they grow a lot, they will not stand out against the general background.

    This, in turn, reduces the load on the scalp, so this procedure is considered gentle. And the process itself occurs so carefully that the dyes do not cause any noticeable harm to the strands.

    Regarding execution technology of this type highlighting, it is based on the gradient stretching method - a type of shatush (from the roots, the strands gradually begin to lighten towards the bottom).

    During the painting process in this situation, the usual foil or film is not used, and the entire procedure occurs, as a rule, in several stages using the “open method” using a special brush, with which a special paste with wax is, as it were, chaotically applied to the strands (in fact the master knows where it is best to place the paint). In this case, the roots are often specially darkened.

    Moreover, the more shades obtained in such highlighting (up to 6), the richer and more beautiful the result will be.

    More suitable for this procedure light brown hair, on which the following natural tones look great:

    • caramel;
    • sand;
    • pearly milky;
    • ashen;
    • coffee and milk;
    • wheat

    Attention! In Californian hair highlighting, it is advisable to use shades that are similar in tone, because only then can the smoothest transitions be achieved. Dyed strands can be completely different lengths and width.

    French version

    This type of highlighting is very similar to the option described above, but they have a difference.

    It lies in the fact that in this case it is better to perform this procedure on dark brown hair ah, since combinations of the following more saturated shades are used here:

    • golden honey;
    • chocolate milk;
    • cognac-nut and so on.

    Classic version

    This type of highlighting is a technique for uniformly lightening strands along their entire length. This method is suitable for both dark blond and light blond curls. Moreover, it suits almost all types of appearance.

    The width of the strands, which are separated from the main mass of hair with a comb with a ponytail, can vary from 0.5 cm to 2 cm. They are directly set in a zigzag manner on each separated wide strip of hair, skipping one unaffected row.

    1. After each set, foil is placed under each individual element.
    2. Then a coloring compound or lightener is applied to the separated hair.
    3. Next, the foil is carefully wrapped and left for the required time.
    4. The same is done with all the other strands.

    Note! It should be noted that the thinner the strands are, the longer the dyeing process may take, but patience is compensated by a more beautiful result.

    Color option

    Colored highlighting, which is now also at the peak of popularity among young people, means in the case of dark brown hair classic version lightening the strands and then coloring them. If the hair has a light brown tone, then it is not necessary to lighten the strands before applying tint dyes.

    In this case, the necessary elements are simply separated from the bulk of the hair, for example, either in a mirror or in in no particular order, and then a coloring composition is applied to them. Tint dyes from Crazy Colors are excellent for color highlighting, because they cannot harm bleached strands, since such products do not contain ammonia and peroxide.

    Reverse highlighting

    Sometimes it happens that any highlighting done was not to the liking of the owner of light brown hair or, due to their regrowth, the former pattern was lost. In connection with one of these situations, naturally, a dilemma will arise, how to dye highlighted hair in light brown color back.

    To solve this problem, a procedure such as reverse highlighting is suitable, which will help restore the previous shade to the curls.

    This procedure is performed by a specialist in a salon using gentle dyes that do not contain aggressive substances. Such products are not only able to restore the lost light brown shade, but also help improve the structure of the hair, nourishing and restoring it after highlighting.


    Finally, it should be noted that no matter what kind of gentle highlighting is chosen, such a procedure does not require the use of chemical compositions is impossible, so it is not recommended to do it often. In addition, such curls require special hair care using special products, and if you still have questions on this topic, then watch the useful video in this article.

    How to dye highlighted hair?

    Girls, please tell me. how to dye highlighted hair? frequent highlighting... How will it look if the highlighting is dyed a dark color (dark blond, for example) Can you dye it yourself at home or do you have to go to a hairdresser? otherwise I’m afraid that it will show up in spots... and it will generally be visible, and they also often say that there is a green tint!!! I can't imagine how to become a brunette...


    I painted myself. It turned out almost black instead of light brown =) Everyone gasped.


    I painted the flight. In general, I don’t recommend it myself!!! and NOW I MYSELF don’t experiment like that.


    I have green. There was a slight tint when I lightened my hair myself and it was red-yellow and then I dyed it light brown =) in another case. I barely got it out. Now I’ve grown out my color in a year after getting 5 haircuts somewhere and got highlights done at the salon. It looks very natural.

    Jump rope

    I dyed my highlighted hair light blond, myself, because I didn’t like the highlighting, it turned out fine. It washed off quite quickly though. I won't be highlighting anymore. Now I don’t like it on others either)

    Dye only with warm shades until pigment accumulates in bleached hair.

    Paris non-Hilton

    Author, I painted over the frequent highlights myself at home with Londacolor “Dark Blonde” paint. Exactly DARK Blonde, and not medium or just light brown.
    This is the only dye that does not give green color to bleached hair (and highlighted hair, respectively)
    And everything was ok with my friends.

    Paris non-Hilton

    And the color turns out awesome, such a chocolate shade..

    Yes, I saw her answers on other topics, it would be nice to hear her opinion


    You can paint it with any light brown except for ash shades, since it will be green, a week ago I painted over the highlights with light brown-golden...it turned out great


    When I was a bleached blonde, I dyed my hair brunette at home. Nightmare! The color turned out very bad, with bald spots:(The next day I dyed it chocolate again... it got a little better, but not much. In the end I cut it all off:(so it’s better to contact a professional or try the dye on some separate strand first (the bottom one, which is not visible)


    I foolishly dyed my hair with a light chestnut dye, as it was written damn on the box...my master left, I didn’t wait for him to arrive (as a result, almost black hair:(..now I’ll have to do this stupid highlighting again to become lighter, and I decided never to do it again because my hair was terribly dry after it..(With almost black hair I look several years older, damn it...

    Girls, I'm freaking out!! super!! Paris, THANK YOU!! I knitted a dark brown londacolor and it turned out just like you said!! Chocolate shade, and by the way, I look younger with it than with highlights!!
    Guest, maybe you don't need highlighting....? It will be yellow, is it really that bad?


    I can only say about the paint that I work with and that I know - about Estelle.
    Pigment your hair with something golden (where the number /3 comes after the fraction), that is, apply the dye with a drop of water (a little water on the hair for 20 minutes, dye the same tone as the desired one. And then apply the dye AT A SMALL PERCENTAGE OXIDE (1.5%) with the selected tone.
    That is, if you decide to dye your hair light brown (this is a warm color), say, 5/3, then first pigment your hair with it, and then apply dye with oxide without washing it off.
    In general, I always say to get your makeup done in a salon.
    A small percentage - because the hair will not deteriorate. If you take a large percentage of oxide, the paint will wash off very quickly.
    Why do I advise you to go to a salon - if you want to dye your hair in a cold tone or natural, then you need to know the proportions of dye and oxide, as well as different recipes for hair pigmentation.


    I had highlights! dyed it turned out chocolate color hair, and a week later it came out again as if I hadn’t applied makeup at all! Now I don't know what to do...


    Hello everyone =))
    I want to ask for advice... I often have highlights now and I want to become a blonde, how can I do this so that everything turns out gorgeous and without bad consequences?


    What if you wash your highlighted hair with a decoction of oak bark? will everything be okay?


    What do you think will happen if I dye my dark brown hair golden dark brown and apply highlights on top? Honestly very scary! Please advise what to do?


    I also often have highlights and want to dye my hair dark blond.. I’m afraid that I won’t get a normal color..


    But if I had highlights, now the roots have grown very much, I want to paint myself dark with Estelle paint... what should I do?

    Hello. How long before you can dye your hair after highlighting?


    Hair after highlighting needs constant care. Modern means care products will help you look great. IN professional masks For hair after highlighting, a chromoenergy complex is often used, which provides the necessary hydration. At proper care you don’t have to wonder: “How to restore hair after highlighting?” . If a problem exists and the hair does not look healthy, try to reduce hot drying of hair, and increase the intensity of procedures that will help both restore hair after highlighting and revive color. Many women do highlighting too often, destroying the scales that cover the hair. In such cases, hair treatment may be necessary after highlighting. In this case, moisturizing hair masks and serums may not be enough, and then we recommend consulting a trichologist who will prescribe hair treatment.

    To maintain color, visit your specialist every two to three months. You may want to add more color variety, but it is not recommended to dye your hair after highlighting earlier than a month later. It is important not to damage the hair structure and then dyeing your hair after highlighting will give a good result. Hair tinting after highlighting – best option for those who cannot imagine their head without dyed hair. Those who like to change their hair color know well that tinting, like highlighting, is a gentle procedure that does not destroy the hair structure and does not radically change the color. Hair dyeing after highlighting is recommended in this gentle way. Try not to do the coloring yourself, but if this happens and the result is not what you expected, contact a colorist. Taking off the result unsuccessful coloring, the master will do toning after highlighting the hair. After such labor-intensive and complex procedures as washing and new tinting, try not to disturb your hair for at least a month. Hair tinting after highlighting in the salon will give the best result and enrich the hair color. If everything is in order with the hair, then after highlighting, hair tinting can be done within a day.

    How to restore thickness to hair after hair loss

    Highlighting is considered the most gentle procedure compared to full hair dyeing, since with this technique only individual strands or ends are dyed. At the same time, it is worth noting that even this method of dyeing has its negative consequences for hair health, as it inevitably leads to brittleness and dryness if the necessary measures are not taken. That is why it is important to know how to care for your hair after highlighting, how to return it to its original appearance or dye it a different color.

    How to restore hair after highlighting

    It is no secret that after the highlighting procedure, which, although it can give the hair original shades and the desired volume, the hair needs special care. To restore hair after highlighting, you must first purchase the necessary care products for colored hair. To do this, there are many nourishing shampoos, strengthening balms, masks and gels.

    In addition, in almost any pharmacy you can find ampoules containing a complex of natural substances and specific vitamins that help a short time restore hair after highlighting.

    It is also important to remember that using a hair dryer, straightening iron and hair curling iron during this period only contributes to damage to the hair. This is due to the fact that highlighted hair is already quite fragile and brittle, and temperature changes have an even more negative effect on it.

    In order to restore hair after highlighting, products are often used traditional medicine. Among the most effective folk recipes are the following:

    • Yolk chicken egg It is necessary to separate from the protein and beat thoroughly. Then rub it into the roots of your hair and cover your head with a cap. You can wash it off after half an hour;
    • Fat homemade sour cream must be applied to the roots and distributed over the hair to the ends, then cover the head with a cap and towel for an hour, then rinse;
    • Rub burdock or olive oil, which also help restore hair after highlighting. It should be washed off after an hour with warm water;
    • Natural bee honey perfectly strengthens and nourishes hair, so it is often mixed with 1 crushed lemon or kiwi in a blender, then the resulting mixture is applied to the hair and kept for about an hour under a special cap.

    It is worth noting that using a hair dryer after any of the above procedures is not recommended: the hair must be dry naturally so as not to be exposed to different temperatures.

    How to dye your hair after highlighting

    Of course, the main effect of highlighting is the uneven distribution of colors on the hair, but this is precisely what becomes a problem later when it is necessary to get a different color. After all, during this procedure, some strands are lightened, others are not, and often even several shades are used, so dyeing hair after highlighting in one color is not so easy.

    Naturally, the ideal option is to gradually cut off dyed hair until only natural hair remains that can be safely dyed. desired color. But not everyone can wait that long, especially if the result of highlighting is not to their liking.

    In this case, before dyeing your hair after highlighting, you must try to get rid of the shades acquired after the procedure. Hair remover, which can be natural, acidic or bleaching, can help with this:

    • A natural wash can be prepared at home by mixing castor, olive and sunflower oils in equal quantities. Then you should heat the mixture to body temperature and apply it to your hair, covering your head with cellophane for half an hour, then rinse. The procedure can be repeated every 12 hours;
    • Acid wash does not contain harmful substances such as perhydrol and ammonia, but it lightens highlighted hair by 2 tones at a time;
    • Bleaching remover is the fastest-acting, but at the same time the most harmful. It helps to achieve 4 tones of lightening in 1 session, but the procedure can only be repeated after 2 weeks, since it severely damages already damaged hair.

    It will be difficult to restore hair color after highlighting, so often after bleaching it is necessary to dye it repeatedly. It is also important to note that after highlighted hair is bleached, the selected color can only be applied after 2 weeks. As for strong blond dyes, which allow you to dye your hair in one session, it is better to avoid them in this case. Such compositions dry out the hair very much, leading to split ends.

    In addition, the hair color after highlighting should be chosen carefully to get a good result. It is recommended to use a shade several tones lighter than the natural color, since a dark color does not cover highlighted strands well. Also, if you dye your hair after highlighting with henna or basma, its natural composition may react with chemical dye. This will result in the formation of greenish or violet shade hair.

    Hair tinting after highlighting

    For everyone who does not want to subject their hair after highlighting to additional harsh tests in the form of bleaching and dyeing, there is such Alternative option like toning. Experts also call it color correction, since it helps not only to change the color of individual strands, but also to enhance the overall shade, making it more saturated and vibrant.

    Hair tinting after highlighting is carried out using semi-permanent dye, which is considered to be as gentle as possible. It, unlike dyes that contain ammonia, does not destroy the structure of the hair and acts only on its outer layer, smoothing out the hair scales. This makes the hair smooth and shiny.

    Thus, even repeated tinting of hair after highlighting will not harm the health of the hair, will not spoil or dry out the hair. In addition, it is perfect for women who, due to pregnancy, lactation or allergies, cannot use permanent paints after highlighting.

    Attention! You can paint over the strands after partial dyeing, but not right away.

    Highlighting, of course, is a more gentle method of coloring compared to a complete color change, but it also dries out the curls and makes them brittle. You will have to wait at least 2-3 weeks, this time is allotted for treatment damaged hair. It is advised to regularly apply nourishing protein masks and balms. You can also use pharmaceutical drugs and folk recipes, and temporarily exclude hair dryers, straightening irons and tongs from use.

    How and with what can you dye your hair?

    The main problem after partial dyeing is color unevenness. Therefore, returning to a uniform color is not so easy. Sometimes experts advise waiting until unsuccessful highlighting It will come off on its own, that is, until the hair grows back.

    But if the result is completely unsatisfactory, it is recommended to try to wash off the acquired shade. by special means(acid, bleach, natural), and then choose the color that is most suitable in each case.

    A gentle natural wash is prepared from a mixture of olive, castor, and sunflower oil. The same amount of oils is mixed, slightly heated and applied to the hair under cellophane. After 12 hours everything is washed off. An acid wash lightens highlighted strands by two tones at once, and it is not as harmful as a bleach.

    Bleaching is the fastest and most effective; it is applied no more than once every two weeks, as it causes harm to already injured curls. After such a wash, wait at least 2 weeks before painting again.

    After partial coloring, in addition to paint, also apply tinted tonics, henna or basma. Tints help smooth out the effect of sharp contrast. Of course, it’s unlikely to achieve monotony, but it’s quite possible to disguise heavily bleached strands. The advantage of henna and basma is that these natural dyes treat damaged curls. Herbal remedies used individually and mixed with other components to achieve the desired shades.

    Important! To dye your hair a chocolate color, add cocoa or instant coffee to the henna solution. A significant disadvantage of using natural dyes is that they can react with chemicals, then the result cannot be predicted.

    Paint selection

    Modern dyes allow you to achieve color balance due to powerful dyes that nourish the hair from the inside and create an even visual effect. High-quality paint will help you change the color to dark or light and even out the tone after partial coloring. Proven products that do not damage hair are:

    What color should I use for the procedure?

    To choose the right tone, you need to determine your native shade in daylight. Experts recommend shades that are as close to natural as possible. At the same time, hairdressers do not advise choosing bright colors: red, chestnut, golden. Their pigment is not able to paint strands of different colors evenly.

    Usually they settle on a color that is 2 shades lighter than the natural one, and if you need a dark color, then a chocolate shade will do. If your natural color is lighter than highlighted hair, it is not necessary to dye your entire hair. It is enough to choose the color closest to your native one and apply only to the dyed strands. Light shades are chosen if highlighted strands are much lighter than natural ones.

    How to choose a tone?

    In many cases, For painting to be effective, use two shades. One is the one they intend to get at the end, the other is darker (in case the highlighted part is lighter). When you dye parts of your hair separately, you end up with a single color.

    In some cases, to obtain uniformity, it is necessary to stain several times.

    How to get my color back?

    To return your original color after highlighting, proceed as follows:

    • Take two colors with a difference of 1-2 tones, always of the same brand.
    • Highlighted strands are insulated by wrapping them in foil. The remaining mass of hair is dyed with paint in a color close to natural. After waiting the allotted time, the composition is washed off and the curls are dried.
    • Foil is placed under the highlighted areas and a darker tone is applied. When the desired shade is obtained, the paint is washed off and dried.

    Important! Even if ideal uniformity is not achieved, the highlighted part will differ quite slightly from the natural color.

    How to get a dark shade?

    Painting it dark is a little easier:

    • The paint is mixed with an oxidizing agent in the recommended proportion.
    • The roots are processed, after 20 minutes the composition is applied to the rest of the hair.
    • After 10 minutes, the paint is washed off.
    • With this approach, the clarified part will be a little lighter, so the procedure is repeated after 2-3 weeks.


    You will see a photo before and after dark highlighting:

    How long should you keep the composition on your hair?

    The dyeing time for highlighted curls depends on their condition and structure. Although they usually follow the manufacturers’ recommendations, in such cases better time Check the results from time to time. On average it takes half an hour.

    How to apply and what to wash off with?

    If two tones are used at once, first the paint is applied to the unpainted part of the curls, and then to the highlighted part. Wherein distribute the coloring matter carefully, you can use a brush. It is very important to ensure that the shade intended for undyed strands does not fall on the bleached ones and vice versa. The paint should be washed off with warm water and shampoo. It is advisable to use a mask or balm after coloring.

    How to avoid mistakes when coloring highlighted hair?

    • You cannot use paints from different manufacturers at the same time.
    • The entire process should not take more than 45 minutes.
    • If the strands are too dark, you will have to use a lightener and start coloring after two weeks.

    Attention! You should not use strong bleaching compounds, this will lead to increased fragility and split ends.

    Possible negative consequences

    Fragmented dyeing partially damages the hair; if you apply dye immediately after it, this will significantly worsen the situation.

    The chemical components of dyes have a bad effect on the hair structure. During lightening, the hair becomes empty and dry, repeated dyeing without proper recovery period, the curls will become dull, brittle, and straw-like.

    No matter how women change their image by changing the color of their hair, they should not forget about care. You should use special care products for colored hair. Make nourishing, restorative, oil masks and use a hairdryer and curling iron less.

    Often, after highlighting, girls have a desire to change their hair color. The procedure for dyeing highlighted strands differs from conventional dyeing. natural hair. To achieve desired result, learn how to dye your hair after highlighting at home.

    How can you dye your hair after highlighting?

    Partial coloring allows you to refresh your appearance and visually make your hair more voluminous. The use of several shades allows you to make the color of your hair more saturated and deep. However, the result is not always satisfactory.

    Regardless of the reason why you wanted to dye your hair, it is worth finding out whether you can dye your hair after and how to do it. You can change the color of highlighted strands. However, if ammonia dyes were used for partial dyeing, you must first wait about 2-3 weeks until the hair is restored. During this period, it is recommended to make restorative and strengthening masks that will reduce hair damage due to exposure to potent chemical components.

    The main problem that can be encountered with this type of coloring is that the result is an uneven color. To avoid this, you need to learn how to dye your hair after highlighting, depending on the desired result. It is acceptable to return after partial staining natural color curls, dye your hair one tone or make colored strands.

    One tone coloring

    Dyeing can be done in one tone so that all hair is the same color. In this case, you will need two shades for painting. One should be what you want the result to be. And choose the second shade darker. You use it to color highlighted areas (if you used light shades). The painting procedure in this case consists of several stages:

    • When the dye compositions are ready, separate the dyed strands from the rest and pin them or wrap them in foil.
    • Apply the first lighter dye to the undyed strands.
    • After the time specified in the instructions, wash off the paint.
    • Again, separate the highlighted strands from the natural ones.
    • Place a strip of foil under the highlighted strand. Apply a second darker dye and fold the foil in half so that the colored strand is completely covered.
    • Repeat the same with the rest of the highlighted strands.
    • After the time specified in the instructions, wash off the paint.
    • Dry your hair.

    This method allows you to get a uniform shade. As a result, the color is uniform and homogeneous.

    Painting in a dark color

    If you want to dye your strands in a dark, uniform tone, first apply the dye to the roots. After 15-20 minutes, apply the coloring composition to the entire length of the strands.

    Eat Great chance that after the first, the highlighted strands will turn out lighter. Therefore, it is better to use two shades (a dark shade for undyed strands and 1-2 shades darker for strands after highlighting). If you use only one shade, you will end up with an uneven color. But this effect can also look interesting. If you don’t like the result, re-dye it after 2 weeks to get a uniform color throughout your hair.

    Painting in a light shade

    If you did highlighting on light curls, to repaint it light, it is enough to use paint of one tone. It is recommended to choose a shade that is between natural color hair and color of dyed strands. If natural color dark, you will have to lighten your hair first. Choose a shade several shades lighter.

    Painting light brown

    Painting can be done using almost any shade. If you have light color skin, paints will suit you light brown shades. If the natural color is dark, the ideal choice would be ashy shades fair-haired. For painting it is enough to use one shade.

    However, to get uniform saturated color As a result, before dyeing your hair, the highlights will need to be washed off. It is better to wash it two weeks before painting. The hair will need this time to recover. Thanks to the wash, unnecessary pigments will be removed from the strands. The dyeing process after rinsing is similar to conventional dyeing of natural hair.

    Hair coloring after highlighting - basic rules

    Regardless of the chosen color, it is not recommended to dye your hair earlier than 2-3 weeks after highlighting. Even partial dyeing harms the hair. And re-painting will be double stress for the curls. To restore hair, make masks and use special balms 1-2 times a week.

    For painting dark strands You will need to first use a bleaching compound. If you do not remove the dark pigment, you will not be able to lighten such strands. After bleaching, you must wait at least 2 weeks. After this time, you can start painting. Subsequently, use specialized products to care for colored curls.

    Do not use strong bleaching compounds as they are harmful to your hair. As a result, after using them you will not be able to avoid the problem excessive dryness hair and split ends.

    For painting, it is recommended to use products from the same manufacturer, as they combine better with each other. For bleached highlighted strands, you should not use light ash shades, as this may result in the appearance of a greenish tint as a result of dyeing. If the strands are too dark or too light, before such a procedure as hair dyeing, the highlighting will need to be washed off (the washing is done using special compounds that destroy the pigment).

    After dyeing highlighted strands, try to use a hairdryer, curling iron, straightener and other devices that involve exposure as little as possible. high temperatures. If you need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, set the air supply to cold air.

    It doesn't matter what color you choose - first of all, there should be at least two to three weeks between fresh painting. During this time, the hair will recover after aggressive chemical exposure. To help them with this, use special masks and nourishing balms. Since it is difficult to dye a single color, stylists recommend minimizing the difference between highlighted and unbleached strands by choosing a blonde shade.

    For dark hair, dyeing is performed in several stages using a bleaching compound that removes dark pigment.

    A week and a half after bleaching highlighted hair, you can apply the chosen color to your hair. It should be remembered that if it differs from your natural color by more than a few shades, the coloring will have to be done again. It is also undesirable to use strong bleaching compounds that allow you to dye your hair in one go - they dry out the hair and lead to split ends.

    Dye color for highlighted hair

    First of all, you need to determine your natural hair color in daylight. The shade of paint should be chosen so that it is several tones lighter than this color, since dark colors highlighted strands will not be painted over. A light color will refresh the face and cover gray hair along with bleached curls. Also, natural dyes such as henna or basma are not suitable for coloring highlighted hair, since the chemical dye can react with the natural composition and the hair will acquire a beautiful purple or greenish color.

    Highlighted hair cannot be dyed with dye that contains hydrogen peroxide - it deprives it of shine and elasticity.

    If you decide to dye your bleached strands dark, remember the sequence of steps. First, apply the dye to the regrown roots and wait twenty minutes, then distribute the remainder along the entire length of the hair. After ten minutes, rinse off the dye, dry your hair and look in the mirror. Most likely, the highlighted strands will be lighter than the main shade of the hair, so you can re-color it after two to three weeks, achieving a completely uniform color throughout the entire volume of hair. However, you don’t have to dye your hair a second time - lighter strands will make dark hair textured and voluminous.

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