• The effectiveness of legal education. Indicators of the effectiveness of legal education The main indicator of the effectiveness of legal education is


    Building codes.

    The column spacing along the width of the plot is 6 m. or 9 m., along a length of 6 m, or a multiple of 3 m. you can install a partition. Columns measuring 400x400 500x500 600x600. Doors (openings) 1000 – 1200; Gate – 3 m; Windows from 2m; external walls 520 mm; partitions 250mm.

    1. Pedagogy is the science of

    A) preparing teachers for school work

    C) methods of scientific knowledge

    C) psychological characteristics of the individual

    D) physiological patterns of personality development

    E) education of a person in modern society

    2.Translated from Greek, pedagogy means

    A) repetition

    B) playback

    C) management

    D) consolidation

    E) child breeding

    3. The development of pedagogy as a science determines

    A) the need to transfer social experience

    C) management of the work of practicing teachers

    C) level of scientific and technological progress

    D) the legacy of previous civilizations

    E) increasing the role of the individual in public life

    4.Tasks of pedagogical science

    A) studying student abilities

    C) control and assessment of students’ knowledge

    C) cooperation between teacher and parents

    D) revealing the laws of training and education

    E) formation of a children's team

    5.The system of pedagogical sciences includes

    A) interscientific communications of philosophy and psychology

    C) principles of training and education

    WITH) branches of science on upbringing and education of children and adults

    D) results of sociological research

    E) a system of pedagogical research methods

    6.The object of pedagogy is

    A) psychological characteristics of the individual

    B) methods of pedagogical research

    WITH) pedagogical process

    D) the doctrine of the principles of theory construction

    E) interdisciplinary connections of human science

    7. General pedagogy is faced with tasks

    A) studying the problems of population migration

    C) analysis of foreign teaching experience

    C) study of patterns of perception

    D) coverage of the history of the development of pedagogical theories

    E) education and training of the younger generation

    8. Questioning is

    A) a means of educating individuals in a team

    C) observing the behavior of children on excursions

    C) activation of students’ cognitive activity

    D) teaching method used by the teacher

    E) method of mass collection of material using questionnaires

    9. Methods of pedagogical research are

    A) ways to acquire new knowledge

    C) ways to consolidate the studied material

    C) ways to solve problematic problems

    D) ways to form personal qualities

    E) ways of knowing objective reality

    10. The need to transfer social experience has arisen

    A) simultaneously with the emergence of society

    B) with the advent of technical teaching aids

    C) during the development of educational content

    D) with the development of pedagogy as a science

    E) as a result of the creation of a class-lesson system

    11. Education is

    A) communication between people in informal associations

    C) the impact of the environment on personality

    WITH) transfer of social experience

    D) educational activities of schoolchildren

    E) preparing a person for a profession

    12. A concept that is not a principle of education

    A) rely on the positive

    IN) problematic learning

    C) personal approach

    D) consciousness of students

    E) education in a team

    13. Factors influencing the setting of educational goals

    A) society's needs for human resources

    C) parents' ideals for children

    C) opportunities of educational institutions

    D) interests of secondary school teachers

    E) the desire of students to acquire a profession

    14. An expression that does not reveal the essence of the educational process

    A) commercialism of the teacher

    C) respect for the child’s personality

    C) purposefulness of the subjects’ activities

    D) the two-way nature of the pedagogical process

    E) reliance on positive personality traits

    15. Educational standard is

    A) teaching method

    IN) object valuation norm

    C) teacher’s work plan

    D) a way of studying personality

    E) the purpose of education

    16. The purpose of education is

    A) form of student education

    IN) the end result of personality formation

    C) level of civilization of society

    D) student performance indicator

    E) preparation for choosing a profession

    17. Subjective factors of education

    A) features of the manifestation of heredity

    C) the level of development of science and technology

    WITH) influence of family relationships

    D) influence of climate and natural factors

    E) influence of the media

    18. Development is

    A) preparation for choosing a profession

    C) an increase in the height and weight of the child

    C) a spontaneous process independent of human will

    D) adaptation to living conditions

    E) quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body

    19. Personality development factors

    A) heredity, environment, upbringing, self-education

    C) interest in learning, level of achievement

    C) level of knowledge in academic disciplines

    D) status position of the individual in the team

    E) methods of training and education

    20. Driving forces of the education process

    A) cognitive interests of the individual

    IN) contradictions arising in the development of personality

    C) the process of accumulation of quantitative changes

    D) established forms of relationships

    E) parents’ requirements for children

    21.Qualities passed on from parents to children:

    A) ways of thinking

    C) character traits, abilities

    C) ability for a certain type of activity

    D) social experience

    E) eye color, skin color, blood type, type of nervous activity, temperament

    22. The concept of personality characterizes

    A) interest in the learning process

    B) individual characteristics of a person

    C) natural inclinations and abilities

    D) financial situation person

    E) social essence of man

    23. The position of a teacher is

    A) scientific and theoretical training

    IN) system of relations to teaching activities

    C) readiness for teaching activities

    D) ability to plan the learning process

    E) orientation in various branches of science

    24. Requirements for the personality of the teacher

    A) professional competence

    B) a good family man

    C) conformism

    D) interesting companion

    E) indifference

    25. The object of a teacher’s activity is

    A) learning task

    IN) pedagogical process

    C) parents of students

    D) forms of training

    E) teaching methods

    26. The main sign of the effectiveness of the education process is

    A) knowledge, skills and abilities

    B) academic performance

    WITH) student behavior

    D) individual characteristics of the student

    E) adaptation to conditions

    27. The main driving force of education is

    A) the contradiction between the existing level of development and new, higher needs

    B) contradiction in social development

    C) the contradiction between mental and physical labor

    D) contradiction of individual moral consciousness

    E) divergence of value orientations

    28. An important sign of the effectiveness of the education process is

    A) understanding the essence of the education process by educators

    C) the presence of specially trained people to transfer knowledge

    WITH) knowledge by pupils of norms and rules of behavior in accordance with their age

    D) development of communication skills

    E) improving knowledge in practical activities

    29. Requirement for a personal approach

    A) taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students

    C) participation of pupils in joint discussion of educational programs

    C) rejection of centralized school education

    D) complete freedom of action for students

    E) coordination of efforts of school, family and community

    30. The essence of the principle of unity of educational influences is:

    A) solving all educational problems based on real life

    C) the reliance of educators on the family, taking into account the individuality of the child

    WITH) in coordinating the educational influences of school, family and community

    D) taking into account age and individual characteristics

    E) coordination of mass communications with the school

    31. The pattern of education is

    A) a general guideline requiring a sequence of actions under different circumstances

    C) an adequate reflection of the objective reality of the educational process, which has stable properties

    C) options for organizing a specific educational process

    D) managing student activities through a variety of repetitive tasks

    E) conditions and prerequisites of the educational process

    32. The principle of humanization characterizes

    A) permissiveness

    IN) respect for a person's right to be himself

    C) development of students’ cognitive powers

    D) education of hard work

    E) education of accuracy and thrift

    33. The principle of the connection between education and life and work presupposes

    A) relationship between methods, means and forms of education

    C) coherence between teachers and parents

    C) fight against bad habits, laziness, sloppiness

    D) mastering the content of education

    E) mandatory participation of all children and adolescents in feasible productive work

    34. Moral education is

    A) experience of schoolchildren’s behavior

    C) formation of aesthetic taste

    C) scientific worldview of the individual

    D) knowledge of humanities

    E) mastering universal human values

    35. The core of civic education is

    A) absence of conflicts between students

    C) purposeful activities of schoolchildren

    C) polytechnic education

    D) encyclopedic knowledge

    E) patriotism

    36. The goal of environmental education is

    A) formation of a dialect-materialistic worldview

    IN) formation ecological culture

    C) formation of a comprehensively developed personality

    D) formation of a healthy lifestyle

    E) mastering various types of activities

    37. The purpose of physical education is

    A) formation of worldview

    IN) formation of physical culture

    C) the formation of conscious discipline

    D) formation of chaste behavior of boys and girls

    E) formation of aesthetic culture

    38. The goal of aesthetic education is

    A) raising a rational person

    C) formation of a free personality

    C) spiritual self-improvement

    D) formation of spiritual needs

    E) formation of aesthetic culture

    39. School shapes students’ worldview

    A) everyday

    IN) scientific

    C) religious

    D) ordinary

    E) artistic

    40. Efficiency legal education depends on the degree

    A) penalties for breaking laws

    C) the formation of legal knowledge

    C) control of society over compliance with laws

    D) the need to comply with laws

    E) formation of legal consciousness, rigor

    41. Methods of education are

    A) general starting points that guide the teacher

    IN) ways to influence consciousness, will, feelings, behavior of students

    C) objects of material and spiritual culture that are used to solve pedagogical problems

    D) external expression of the educational process

    E) options for organizing a specific educational process

    42. Punishment is

    A) a method of influencing the student in order to stop it negative actions

    C) a method of education, manifested in the form of demands

    C) requests, stimulation, good deeds

    D) managing the student’s activities through a variety of repetitive tasks

    E) influencing students’ knowledge in order to clarify the facts and phenomena of life

    43. Organized interaction of a pupil with objects of the surrounding world in order to form social and value relations towards them is

    A) formative activity

    B) educational activities

    C) educational activities

    D) gaming activity

    E) social activities

    44. Encouragement is

    A) emotional and verbal impact on students

    C) disapproval and negative assessment of the actions and actions of the individual

    C) involving students in the development of correct assessments and judgments

    D) a method of pedagogical influence on a student in order to stimulate positive behavior

    E) vivid, emotional presentation of specific facts and events

    45. Forms of education

    A) volume of educational work

    IN) options for organizing a specific educational act

    C) a system for the expedient organization of collective and individual activities of students (methods)

    D) lesson - panorama of learning new knowledge

    E) expected results of education

    46. ​​You received a cool tutorial. Where to start

    A) getting to know students, assigning a class asset, becoming familiar with the rules of behavior and requirements of class management

    IN) studying the list of students, social status of parents, place of residence

    C) studying students, drawing up a work plan, bringing this plan to the attention of students

    D) studying students, identifying their interests, drawing up and discussing a work plan

    E) getting to know students, assigning an asset, holding a parent meeting

    47.The developmental function of extracurricular activities is:

    A) identifying hidden abilities, developing the child’s inclinations and interests

    C) formation of needs for self-improvement

    C) the effectiveness of individual work

    D) understanding the child’s inner world

    E) taking into account the age characteristics of children

    48. What should the class teacher exclude when visiting students at home?

    A) promotion of joint projects

    C) high tact when talking with parents

    C) conversation in the presence of a student

    D) complaint against a student

    E) emphasizing one’s interest in the fate of the pupil

    49. Which solutions to educational problems in the family are not effective:

    B) folklore, word

    WITH) national traditions, customs

    D) material reward

    E) the spiritual climate of the family

    50. Developmental function of educational work:

    A) studying the educational capabilities of students

    IN) development of individual abilities

    C) formation of the foundations of worldview and behavior

    D) student activity management

    E) organization of independent activities of students

    51. Re-education is

    A) instilling a sense of national dignity

    C) specially organized cognitive activity

    C) human adaptation to different values

    D) education of the rules of good manners and culture of behavior

    E) restructuring of attitudes and behavior that contradict ethical standards

    52. Self-education is

    A) elimination of circumstances conducive to the formation of law-violating behavior

    C) purposeful activity as a result of active interaction of the individual with the environment

    C) experience in the formation of consciousness, feelings and behavior skills

    D) transformation of negative behaviors that complicate the process of personality formation

    E) conscious, purposeful, independent activity leading to improvement

    53. Self-education is

    A) acquiring knowledge about the world based on independent knowledge

    C) techniques for activating mental activity

    C) self-knowledge, overcoming the shortcomings of previous upbringing

    D) specially organized recreational activities

    E) the process of suggestion addressed to oneself

    54. The principle of personal behavior based on ideological attitudes, ideals and norms is called

    A) self-awareness

    B) introspection

    WITH) life position

    D) self-regulation

    E) self-control

    55. Intensive manifestation of the need for self-education, as a rule, occurs

    A) in infancy

    IN) in adolescence

    C) in adulthood

    D) in old age

    E) in adolescence

    56. The main methods of self-education are

    A) situations of trust, control, self-regulation

    C) self-order, criticism, comments

    WITH) self-analysis, self-esteem, self-control, self-regulation, self-judgment

    D) competitions, showing samples and examples, creating situations of success

    E) persuasion, suggestion, narration, proof, appeals, well-being

    57. The main function of the family

    A) socialization

    IN) upbringing

    C) physical development of the child

    D) development of intellectual initiative

    E) training

    58. The reason for the decline in the educational influence of the family is

    A) decline in living standards

    IN) all answers are correct

    C) decline in morality

    D) worsening generational conflict

    E) social regression

    59. The main task of parent associations

    A) financial support for schools

    C) organized educational influences on schoolchildren

    WITH) organization and implementation of pedagogical universal education

    D) stimulating student interest

    E) formation of a culture of educational and intellectual work

    60. Educational influence of the family in the modern period

    A) impossible to estimate reliably

    B) remained unchanged

    C) increased

    D) decreased

    E) negative

    61. Qualities are not passed on from parents to children.

    A) ways of thinking

    B) character traits

    C) type of nervous system and temperament

    D) skin color, eyes

    E) social experience

    62.The system of raising children in a family is characterized

    A) moral and material incentives

    C) organizing joint work

    WITH) creating conditions for the formation of the child’s personality, behavior and parents’ own style

    D) transferring the experience of parents

    E) permanent and temporary household assignments

    63. Family is

    A) education in which the whole person is manifested in all respects

    B) marriage of two people

    WITH) initial, structural unit of society, laying the foundations of personality

    D) a socio-pedagogical group of people designed to meet the needs

    E) a small group based on consanguinity whose members are related to each other

    64.The crisis of the modern family is characterized

    A) prevalence of civil marriages

    C) narrowing the horizons of parents

    WITH) a sharp change in the social background and slow adaptation of the family to new socio-economic conditions

    D) freedom of marriage and divorce

    65.The main directions of family education are

    A) political, sexual, education of a culture of behavior

    C) economic, environmental, professional

    WITH) physical, moral, aesthetic, labor, intellectual

    D) social, mental education in work

    E) education of conscious discipline, physical education and comprehensive development of personality

    66. The set of institutions designed to solve educational problems is

    IN) education system

    C) concept of education

    D) the essence of education

    E) educational space

    67.The creator of the classroom-lesson education system is

    A) Plato

    B) K.D. Ushinsky

    WITH) Y.A. Komensky

    D) Socrates

    E) V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    68. The system of knowledge, abilities, skills, and ways of thinking acquired during the learning process is

    A) teaching

    IN) education

    C) training

    D) education

    E) scientific knowledge

    69. Didactics is

    A) branch of pedagogy that studies education

    B) theory of personality formation

    C) the science of the patterns of personality development

    D) branch of pedagogy that studies learning and education

    E) personality socialization theory

    70. Studying as a means of education, upbringing and human development

    A) school studies

    B) dialectics

    C) dianetics

    D) education theory

    E) didactics

    71. Teaching is one of the sides of learning, and the other side is

    A) understanding

    B) perception

    C) comprehension

    D) assimilation

    E) teaching

    72. The leading form of organization of education at school is

    A) consultation

    B) educational discussion

    WITH) lesson

    D) educational dialogue

    E) optional activity

    73. Determining the content of training means answering the question

    A) how much to study

    C) who to teach

    C) why teach

    D) how to teach

    E) what to teach

    A) purpose of education

    B) moral development

    WITH) learning process

    D) socialization of the individual

    E) education

    75. Teaching methods in which the source of knowledge is the spoken or printed word is

    A) demonstration

    B) visual

    C) practical

    D) illustrative

    E) verbal

    76. Consciousness and activity in learning are

    A) teaching method

    IN) didactic principle

    C) research method

    D) teaching method

    E) pattern of learning

    77. From the standpoint of pedagogy, teaching means

    A) control the correct mastery of the subject

    C) present educational material clearly

    WITH) to ensure that students acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities

    D) force you to study

    E) strive to accumulate scientific knowledge

    78. The rule: “from simple to complex” refers to the principle of learning

    A) connections between theory and practice

    B) visibility

    C) scientific

    D) accessibility

    E) strength

    79. Possession of ways to apply acquired knowledge in practice is called

    A) skills

    IN) training

    C) knowledge

    D) education

    E) good manners

    80. A learning tool is called

    A) part of the reception of training

    C) components of the teaching method

    WITH) Technical equipment

    D) something with which the teacher teaches and the student learns

    E) way of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities

    81. The way to achieve the goal and objectives of learning is

    A) its shape

    IN) his method

    C) self-education

    E) its remedy

    82. Teaching methods in didactics allow you to answer the question

    A) what to teach

    C) where to study

    C) why teach

    D) when to teach

    E) how to teach

    83. The two-way nature of learning is manifested in close interaction

    A) education and upbringing

    B) student and class

    C) families and schools

    D) self-education and learning

    E) teaching and learning

    84. The starting position that guides the teacher in practical activities is

    C) regularity

    D) principle

    85. Basic components of education

    A) skill, inclinations, inclinations

    C) knowledge, abilities, thinking

    WITH) knowledge, abilities, skills

    D) skills, abilities, consciousness

    E) thinking, psyche, memory

    86. An individual indicator of the speed and quality of a person’s assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process is

    A) good manners

    IN) learning ability

    C) education

    D) giftedness

    E) ability

    87. A truly objective indicator of student learning success is

    A) number of textbooks

    B) absence of negative marks

    C) the number of marks in the subject

    D) mastering educational and cognitive skills

    E) number of friends

    88. The driving force of the educational process is

    A) the teacher’s didactic abilities

    C) strong-willed qualities of the teacher

    WITH) contradiction between educational and current levels of knowledge of students

    D) sequential change of leading species educational activities students

    E) students’ awareness of the need to master knowledge, skills and abilities

    89. The essence of problem-based learning is

    A) studying the cognitive capabilities of students

    IN) management of students' cognitive activity

    C) posing an educational problem to students

    D) posing the problem and assimilation of ready-made conclusions

    E) organizing students’ independent search activities

    90. Independent educational work of students is

    A) educational activity of a student on the instructions of the teacher

    B) extracurricular work

    Section II. Pedagogy

    Topic 9. Theory and content of education

    Education as a social phenomenon is a complex socio-historical process of the younger generations entering life, production activities, creativity, spirituality, and the formation of people as individuals and creators.

    The main features of education that express its essence:

    • Education arose from the practical need to introduce young people to the conditions of social life and production, to replace the aging and retiring generations with them;
    • Education is a necessary and eternal category: it appears along with the emergence of human society, ensures its existence and continuity, the preparation of productive forces and human development;
    • Education in its purpose, content and forms is of a concrete historical nature; it reflects the contradictions of its time;
    • The upbringing of young people is carried out through their mastery of social experience, as a result of their involvement by adults in social relations, the communication system, production activities, etc.

    9.1. Essence, goals, types of education

    The concept of “education” is used in a broad and narrow social and pedagogical meaning.

    1. In a broad social sense, education is the transfer of accumulated experience from older generations to younger ones (knowledge, skills, moral and legal norms, ways of thinking, etc.);
    2. In a narrow social meaning, education is a directed influence on an individual from social institutions with the aim of forming in him knowledge, views, beliefs, moral values, directionality, etc.;
    3. In a broad pedagogical sense, education is a specially organized, purposeful and controlled influence of a team, educators on a person with the task of developing specified qualities in him, carried out in educational institutions and covering the entire educational process;
    4. In a narrow pedagogical sense, education is the process and result of educational work aimed at solving specific educational tasks.

    A. S. Makarenko emphasized: “Education is a social process in the broadest sense. It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but, above all and most of all, people. Of these, parents and teachers come first.”

    9.1.1. Educational goals

    Ancient thinkers believed that the goal was to cultivate virtues. Which ones? And everyone understood this in their own way. For example, Plato gave preference to the education of the mind, will and feelings.

    Educational goals:

    1. Formation of an individual’s relationship to the world and to himself;
    2. Comprehensive and harmonious development of personality;
    3. Introducing a person to culture, revealing his creative potential;
    4. Developing civic positions, readiness for life, work, responsibility for the fate of the country;
    5. Formation of humanistic values, creation of conditions for the flourishing of human individuality;
    6. Developing a person’s self-awareness, assisting her in self-affirmation and self-realization.

    So, education is a specially organized, purposeful, managed and controlled process of interaction between educators and students, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of a personality useful to society.

    Features of the educational process:

    1. Focus:
      • The purpose of education should be close and understandable to the person;
      • Ensuring productive cooperation between teacher and student;
    2. Multifactorial:
      • Correspondence of the individual’s internal needs to the objective conditions in which he lives and is formed;
      • The activity of a teacher is art;
      • Dynamism, mobility, variability;
    3. Duration:
      • “My whole life is, strictly speaking, just one long education.” (C. Helvetius - French materialist);
      • Distance of results from the moment of educational influence;
    4. Continuity:
    • Systematic effective interaction between teachers and students;
  • Complexity:
    • Unity of goals, objectives, content, forms and methods, subordinated to the idea of ​​the integrity of personality formation;
    • Compliance with important pedagogical requirements;
  • Variability (ambiguity and uncertainty of results):
    • Differences in the individual qualities of students, their social experience, and attitude to education;
    • Dependence on the level of professional training of teachers;
  • Double-sided:
    • The process goes in two directions: its management is based mainly on feedback, i.e. based on information received from students.
  • The effectiveness of education depends on:

    • Established pedagogical relationships (if you want to educate well, seek the student’s favor);
    • Compliance with the goal and the organization of actions that help achieve it;
    • Correspondence between social practice and the nature (orientation, content) of educational influence on the individual (the unity of knowledge and life, words and deeds);
    • The combined effect of objective and subjective factors (for effective education, proper conditions must be created);
    • Intensity of education and self-education;
    • Activities of participants in pedagogical interaction;
    • The effectiveness of related processes - development and training;
    • Quality of educational influence;
    • The intensity of influence on the “internal sphere” of education (i.e. on the system of motives, needs, emotions, intelligence of the individual);
    • Combinations of pedagogical influence and the level of development of an individual’s verbal and sensorimotor processes (a person’s intellectual potential most often does not coincide with speech and motor development parameters);
    • The intensity and quality of mutual understanding (communication) between students.

    9.1.2. Contents of the education process

    It includes the system:

    1. Knowledge;
    2. Beliefs;
    3. Skills;
    4. Personality qualities (traits);
    5. Habits of behavior.

    Mental, physical, labor and polytechnic, moral, aesthetic education make it possible to achieve the main goal - the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. Currently, a course has been taken towards humanization and democratization of educational institutions, which should lead to a new quality of education.

    At the core modern concept education are based on the following ideas:

    • Realism of the goals of education: diversified development of a person based on his abilities and talents, his mastery of “basic culture” (life self-determination): economic, political, democratic, legal culture; moral, environmental, artistic, physical, and culture of family relations and work;
    • Joint activities of young people and adults: searching for moral examples, the best examples of spirituality and activity, developing their own values, norms and laws of life. All this constitutes the content of the teacher’s work, ensuring the student’s active personal position in the educational process;
    • Self-determination. The culture of life self-determination characterizes the individual as the subject of his life and happiness. His civil, professional and moral improvement must proceed in harmony with himself;
    • Voluntariness. Educational ideas cannot be realized without the students’ own will. You cannot be obliged to “educate”; coercion in this area leads to degradation of the spirituality of both sides.
    • Collective focus. A group, a class in no way suppress the individual, but elevate his moral and spiritual strength.

    Productively organized education prepares a person for the three main roles in life - citizen, worker, family man.

    Types of education:

    • By form:
      1. Family;
      2. School;
      3. Confessional;
      4. At the place of residence;
      5. Extracurricular;
    • By objects:
      1. Ideological and political;
      2. Moral;
      3. Civil;
      4. Economic;
      5. Patriotic;
      6. Legal;
      7. International;
      8. Aesthetic;
      9. Ecological;
    • In relation to the educator - the educated:
      1. Authoritative;
      2. Democratic;
      3. Free;
    • By content:
      1. Mental;
      2. Labor;
      3. Physically

    9.2. Principles education

    The principles of education are the starting points that express the basic requirements for the content, methods, and organization of the educational process. We list the requirements for them:

    1. Commitment;
    2. Complexity;
    3. Equivalence.

    Social orientation of education

    This principle determines the subordination of the teacher’s activities to the tasks of educating young people in accordance with the accepted concept of forming the required type of personality. It is important that the interests of society, the state and the citizen coincide. IN otherwise the implementation of the principle will be difficult and impossible. To overcome these difficulties, in developed countries there is a system of private schools, the interests of certain segments of society are realized, which may not coincide with the official ones (from 50 to 85% of the population prefers to pay for the education of their children on social and personal values).

    This principle requires practically motivated interaction with students. At the same time, it is necessary to get away from slogan pedagogy and verbosity, because education is carried out, first of all, in the course of useful activities, where relationships develop between young people, positive experience of their communication and behavior accumulates. It is important to develop socially valuable motives in students. If they are significant, then the activity during which actions are performed will have a great educational effect.

    When developing social qualities, it is necessary to combine the organization of social principles with the development of the consciousness of schoolchildren with the help of persuasive words, positive examples, which should be supported by good practical deeds, useful experience in communication, interaction with other people and groups.

    One of the productive ways to implement this principle is the introduction of special courses, filling other academic disciplines with new content, creating an attractive image of society and the state, and cultivating a positive attitude towards their ideals and values.

    It is important to start civic education from a young age and carry it out continuously, systematically, consistently, and with interest. It is necessary to overcome the apathy, inertia, and social alienation of young people. Part of her does not seek to take responsibility for the fate of the family, society, and country.

    The connection between education and life and work

    In ancient Roman schools, students were greeted with the call: “Not for school - for life.” Ancient teachers understood the weakness of education divorced from practice. The formation of personality is directly dependent on activity and participation in public affairs. Positive qualities are developed by interesting work and a favorite pastime. The socialization of the individual depends on them. By participating in feasible work, teenagers gain experience in moral behavior, analyze their actions, think about the motives of their actions, improve spiritually and physically, and strengthen their will.

    Parents should know that the younger the child’s age, the greater the opportunity to shape his civic qualities and behavioral habits. The plasticity of their nervous system allows them to achieve good results in education.

    I. P. Pavlov clearly formulated the idea of ​​the influence of the environment and the conditions of its existence on the life activity of the human body. And he called this connection “life education.” All young generations go through this kind of education—the “school of life.” They gradually accumulate experience in communication, behavior, interaction, develop skills and abilities, and develop motives for social usefulness.

    The principle of connection with life is carried out subject to certain rules.

    • Overcoming formalism in social and labor education students, involving them in specific and feasible work;
    • Bringing to each pupil the understanding that his main contribution to social production is educational work, help at home and at school;
    • Teachers and parents take into account the fact that teenagers usually strive for activity; passivity, inertia, and idleness are not inherent in their nature;
    • The formation of civic qualities in schoolchildren occurs faster and more successfully if they, on an equal basis with adults, participate in solving significant problems. This teaches them independence, responsibility, diligence, etc.;
    • The organization of education should be structured in such a way that children feel that their studies, work, and help are needed by teachers, fathers and mothers, and society, so that they bring emotional pleasure.

    Relying on the positive in education

    When implementing this principle, you must remember the advice of the wise: if you identify at least a drop of good in your student and rely on it, you will receive the key to the door to his soul.

    Everyone knows the concept of the “contradictions” of human nature. In an individual, positive qualities easily coexist and exist peacefully with negative ones. To ensure that there are as few of the latter as possible is the task of the teacher.

    Principle requirements:

    • Teachers have a responsibility to bring out the positive in their students;
    • Based on the good, develop insufficiently formed qualities, bringing them to a harmonious state.

    Rules for implementing the principle of relying on the positive:

    1. In education, confrontation between the teacher and students and opposition of positions is unacceptable;
    2. Positive results can be achieved only when the teacher shows maximum patience, tact, interest in the fate of the teenager, and is the first to support him. Collaboration is the name of the game;
    3. You cannot focus only on shortcomings in the behavior of children. It is important to identify and develop their good traits;
    4. It is necessary to rely on the positive interests of schoolchildren (cognitive, aesthetic, love of nature), with the help of which it will be easier to fulfill the tasks of labor, moral, aesthetic education;
    5. Creating a comfortable psychological and pedagogical background: the life activity of students, the style of educational relations, the “spirit” of the educational institution;
    6. There is no need to skimp on compliments, advances towards future productive shifts that are projecting good behavior, inspire confidence.

    Humanization of education

    This principle is closely related to the previous one, i.e. focuses on the positive in the individual.

    It requires:

    1. Humane attitude towards the student;
    2. Respect for his rights and freedoms;
    3. Presenting humanely formulated demands to the children;
    4. Respect for the student’s position, even when it is not acceptable, it can be corrected later;
    5. Do not forget about the teenager’s right to be himself;
    6. The formation of the required qualities should occur naturally.

    Personal approach to education

    This principle is understood as reliance on the student’s individual qualities (direction, dominant motives of behavior, activities, value orientations, life aspirations, plans, etc.).

    Principle requirements:

    1. Constantly study the abilities, characteristics of temperament, character, habits of children;
    2. Be able to diagnose the level of formation of such qualities as motives, interests, attitudes, attitude to work, life plans, etc.);
    3. Involve students in educational activities that ensure their civic development, make them your assistants;
    4. Rely as much as possible on the teenager’s activity;
    5. Competently combine education with self-education;
    6. Encourage independence, initiative, initiative of schoolchildren, guide them and lead them to success;
    7. Organize teaching work so that the children themselves help the teacher. To do this, you need to make them your friends, allies, colleagues.

    Unity of educational influences

    The principle requires the joint activities of teachers, public organizations, and families to educate the younger generations, so that pedagogical work is carried out jointly, coordinated and productive.

    Rules for implementing the principle:

    1. The personality of a teenager is formed under the influence of friends, loved ones, adults, public organizations, school class, etc. A big role in this belongs to the teacher and student staff;
    2. Family is of great importance in the development of children. Fathers and mothers know them better than teachers. Therefore, it is very important to maintain contact with them, build on them and coordinate your pedagogical influences;
    3. In the practice of education at school, there are also conflict situations when teachers do not agree with the actions of the family or, on the contrary, parents have a negative attitude towards their demands. Misunderstandings should be eliminated by relying not on what divides, but on what unites efforts;
    4. Teachers must support each other’s reasonable demands and respect the authority of the team;
    5. It is important to create a unified system of education both in class and during extracurricular time; maintain continuity and consistency in the formation of personality traits. The activities of the class teacher are especially significant here.

    9.2.1. Education methods

    Education methods– ways of pedagogical influence on the consciousness, will, feelings, behavior of students in order to develop and develop specified qualities in them. There are other formulations.

    The deeper the teacher understands the reasons why he uses certain methods, their specifics and conditions of application, the more correctly he outlines the path of education. In practice, the task is always to choose the most optimal one, which allows you to achieve the intended result with a reasonable expenditure of energy and money. The general principle of choice is the humanism of the teacher’s relationship with his students. Elasticity, flexibility, and attentiveness are important. We must not forget that in education one method complements, develops and refines another. There can be no place for templates and formalism here.

    Classification of methods

    It seems interesting to classify methods based on focus - an integrative characteristic that includes the target, content and procedural aspects of education:

    1. Methods for forming personality consciousness:
      • Story;
      • Explanation;
      • Clarification;
      • Lecture;
      • Ethical conversation;
      • Exhortation;
      • Instruction;
      • Dispute;
      • Report;
      • Example.
    2. Methods of organizing activities and forming behavioral experience:
      • Exercises;
      • Accustoming;
      • Pedagogical requirement;
      • Public opinion;
      • Order;
      • Educational situations.
    3. Methods of stimulating behavior and activity:
      • Competition;
      • Encouragement;
      • Punishment.

    Rice. 1. System of basic methods of education (traditional)

    Persuasion method

    Rice. 2. Ways, means and forms of persuasion

    Conditions for the effectiveness of the persuasion method:

    1. The teacher’s deep conviction that his requirements are correct;
    2. Impeccable logic of the stated provisions;
    3. Unity of word and deed;
    4. Personal approach to education, exclusion of edification, neglect and other forms of moral pressure;
    5. The authority of the teacher.

    Conviction - the main method of education - is the influence of the teacher on the consciousness of students, aimed at solving the main tasks: the formation of a worldview, civic-patriotic qualities, honor, duty, decency.

    It appeals to the mind, logic, experience and feelings of children, ensuring their acceptance of ideas, moral values ​​and their transformation into motives for behavior and activity.

    In psychological terms, belief is knowledge merged with emotional sphere and saturated with strong-willed aspirations.

    In this method you can see two directions:

    1. Persuasion by word;
    2. Conviction by action.

    The teacher's word means a lot. Sincere, emotional appeal creates an atmosphere of trust and helps establish psychological comfort.

    The method of persuasion involves systematic information, explanations on the most important issues of public life, and showing the place of the human factor in the development of the country. The main thing in such work is the truthfulness, sincerity, and honesty of the teacher.

    Conviction is not limited to explanation; it requires proof of their correctness, logical justification, so that no ambiguities or doubts remain in the minds of students. This is best achieved in the conditions of discussions, free discussion of the problem, when the guys exchange opinions, enter into polemics, and jointly establish the truth. To convince, it is necessary to select and correctly present facts, figures, and examples. They have specificity, clarity, semantic and emotional content.

    Persuasion by action can be carried out through personal demonstration, through joint activities, or demonstration of the experience of others. Here perceived ideas are tested by practice. The school class plays a big role in this; its impact on the consciousness of a teenager is very significant. Teachers need to constantly conduct thoughtful work to unite teams. The personal conviction of the teacher, deep faith in the nobility of his work and profession are also important.

    Exercise Method

    In mastering experience social behavior The decisive role belongs to activity. It is impossible to teach how to play a musical instrument by demonstrating virtuoso performance. In the same way, to form the required type of behavior without involving the children in active and purposeful activities. And here exercise is important - a practical method of education - the essence of which is the repeated execution of actions. The result of the exercises is stable personality qualities - skills and habits.

    Exercise in education is not mechanical training. It is carried out in the process of consciously overcoming difficulties in solving vital and didactic tasks provided for in the curriculum and programs of subjects studied at school. A. S. Makarenko noted that in the process of education it is necessary to create such a chain of exercises, difficulties that must be overcome and thanks to which a good person emerges.

    The exercise ensures the involvement of schoolchildren in social useful activity, promoting the development of skills, abilities, habits of cultural behavior, communication and interaction in a team, qualities of diligence, perseverance in study and work. Most students love classes that are rich in situations, requiring independence and intense mental work. It is important to create a holistic system of increasingly complex exercises, in which useful skills and habits will gradually develop and strengthen.

    Table 1.

    Conditions for the effectiveness of the exercise method:

    1. Ensuring a conscious approach to performing exercises;
    2. Creation of normal operating conditions;
    3. Consistency, systematicity and variety of exercises;
    4. Their availability and feasibility;
    5. A combination of individual and group forms of exercise;
    6. Their motivation and stimulation;
    7. Control, correction and evaluation of performance results.

    Example Method

    Example- an educational method of exceptional power. He provides specific role models and thereby actively shapes consciousness, feelings, beliefs, and activates activities. An example is such actions, deeds, human traits, techniques and ways of achieving life goals that are socially significant and valuable.

    In education, examples with rich ideological content and a high degree of development of personality traits are important; they can serve as worthy role models. Children tend to identify themselves with a popular person, the hero of a work of literature, art, and follow their actions, behavior, and lifestyle.

    Based on the type of impact on the consciousness of schoolchildren, examples can be divided into two groups:

    1. Direct influence: personal example of teachers, comrades, people around them;
    2. Indirect influence: examples from the history of one’s homeland, military and labor heroism, literature, art, life and work of outstanding personalities.

    Conditions for the effectiveness of an example in education:

    1. Ensuring the personal exemplary character of the teacher;
    2. Social value of example;
    3. The reality of achieving the goal;
    4. Promoting the principles of life of your team;
    5. Proximity or coincidence with the interests of those being raised.

    Reward method

    This is a method of active stimulation, encouraging the student to take initiative and creative activity. It generates positive emotions, an optimistic mood, forms a healthy socio-psychological climate, develops the internal strengths of children, their life position. Encouragement helps the student to correctly assess his strengths and abilities, develop self-esteem, independence, initiative, and increases authority in the eyes of his comrades; it inspires further diligence in study, work, helping peers, parents, and teachers.

    The effectiveness of encouraging teenagers largely depends on the teacher. He evaluates the results of their studies and behavior, approves or condemns certain actions. Expressing satisfaction with the work of individual students or the entire team, praise, approval, a call to follow the example of the best - all these are methods of encouragement that the teacher uses. This requires him to have the ability to master the methodology of encouragement, actively and competently apply it in his activities:

    • It is important that the student’s behavior is guided not by the desire to receive praise or reward, but by internal convictions and moral motives;
    • Encouragement should not pit the student against the rest of the team; one must also notice those who have shown hard work, responsibility, responsiveness, and helped others, although they have not achieved outstanding personal success;
    • It is necessary that the encouragement corresponds to the merits of the student, his individual characteristics, place in the class and not be too frequent. Excessive praise will lead to arrogance;
    • Encouragement requires a personal approach;
    • The main thing in education is to observe fairness. Consult often and take into account the opinion of the team.

    Coercion method

    Coercion is the application of such measures to a teenager that encourage him to fulfill his duties despite his reluctance to recognize guilt and correct his behavior. Coercion is used in combination with the method of persuasion and on its basis. It does not suppress the will of the pupil and does not humiliate his personal dignity. The effectiveness of coercion is determined by the fact that it forces the offender to psychologically experience the offense and reconsider his behavior and attitude to social values.

    Coercion can be expressed in the following forms:

    1. Categorical requirements;
    2. Ban;
    3. Condemnation of the offender in the team;
    4. Punishment.

    The categorical requirements imposed by the teacher on students must be explained and reasoned. He is obliged to monitor their implementation and take action against those who evade this. Impunity and lack of compliance lead to irresponsibility.

    Students perceive unfounded threats to use repressive measures and frequent complaints about them to school management negatively. The teacher must, first of all, find a means of influencing those who show dishonesty: strengthen control over studies, set deadlines for completing assignments, hold a conversation, organize a conviction of the offender in the team. Of course, this does not exclude the possibility of taking strict enforcement measures against negligent people. In such an environment, it is important to create the prospect of correction, to timely celebrate the successes, efforts of the children, and the desire to rehabilitate themselves.

    Punishment is a method of conflict inhibition, suspension of harmful, immoral activities that are deliberately committed by a teenager, contrary to the interests of the team and the individual. Some forms of punishment: condemnation by public opinion, expression of distrust, dissatisfaction, indignation, denial of respect.

    Correct Application This or that type of punishment has important educational significance. “A reasonable system of penalties,” wrote A. S. Makarenko, “is not only legal, but also necessary. It helps to develop a strong human character, fosters a sense of responsibility, trains the will, human dignity, and the ability to resist temptations and overcome them.”

    Pedagogical requirements and conditions that determine the effectiveness of punishment:

    1. Comprehensively take into account the nature of the offense, the reasons, motives and circumstances under which it was committed, the individual characteristics of the student;
    2. The power of punishment increases if it comes from or is supported by the collective. The offender is not indifferent to what his comrades and friends think and say about him. Therefore, we must rely on public opinion;
    3. It is not recommended to use punishment in a state of irritation, as it may turn out to be incorrect and the mistake will be very difficult to correct;
    4. Group punishments are pedagogically harmful;
    5. The decision on punishment must be carried out in a timely and transparent manner;
    6. Punishment is effective when it is understandable to the student and he considers it correct and fair;
    7. When punishing, one must not insult or humiliate the personal dignity of a teenager;
    8. Do not turn punishment into a weapon of revenge;
    9. Always remember about pedagogical tact and that punishments alone will not help matters.


    Individual educational work– this is a type of pedagogical activity of a teacher (teacher) who carries out a direct educational impact on a student (student), taking into account his personal characteristics and living conditions.

    Education is a complex, labor-intensive process. It requires a special level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, intuition, and talent from the leader. But these qualities are not valid without mastering the methodology of individual educational work. What is meant by this? First of all, a certain set of methods and techniques for educating an individual teenager, aimed at solving a specific pedagogical problem.

    • The specifics of individual education;
    • The complexity and often inconsistency of the student’s personality;
    • The situation in which this activity is carried out.

    The organization of individual educational work includes a number of stages:

    1. Studying the personal qualities and characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the student;
    2. The choice of forms, methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical influence and their practical use;
    3. Analysis of the achieved results of individual influence, if necessary, adjustment of its methods and techniques.

    What information about the student does the teacher need to know?

    1. Biographical information: last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth; who are the parents; the conditions in which you grew up as a child, your circle of friends and comrades; hobbies, etc.;
    2. Moral qualities: consciousness, conviction; compliance with moral standards, behavior, honesty, diligence, diligence; attitude towards elders, the team;
    3. Psychological characteristics: personality type; character, temperament, abilities, inclinations, volitional traits; attention, memory, speech;
    4. Health status: physical development, endurance, level of hardening.

    The following methods are used to study personality:

    1. Observation;
    2. Individual conversation;
    3. Studying documents;
    4. Using the opinions of others;
    5. Constant contact with parents;
    6. Analysis of the results of daily activities and labor;
    7. Survey techniques.

    When conducting individual educational work, the most accessible method is conversation. It allows you to solve a pedagogical problem without time-consuming preparation. During it, you can induce in a student a specific emotional state (feelings of joy or guilt, dignity or shame, elation or depression), encourage him to take positive action, help him develop correct behavior, moral criteria, norms and rules for relationships with comrades and elders. The conversation does not always achieve the desired result. There are several reasons for this. One of them is that this method must be applied competently and professionally; need to know certain rules.

    First rule: the conversation then reaches its goal when the student realizes its necessity and usefulness;

    Second rule: the conversation will become effective when the teacher (teacher) prepares the conditions for mutual understanding, manages to win over the teenager in communication with him, and establishes trusting contact. It is important to create a friendly environment that encourages frank conversation. This is facilitated by the correct method of asking questions.

    • To pose questions that allow us to gain a deeper understanding of the student’s spiritual world and his individual qualities;
    • Formulate questions clearly so that they do not provoke monosyllabic or ambiguous answers;
    • Avoid questions that may show the student in an unattractive light and cause a negative psychological attitude;
    • Ask more indirect questions;
    • If possible, do not take notes, as this may alert the teenager;
    • Do not conduct the conversation in a hurry or in an excited state.

    Third rule: We should not forget that the student can be differently oriented towards the outcome of the conversation. And here the most common options are:

    • The student does not see the meaning in the upcoming conversation and is convinced in advance that it will be ineffective;
    • In the teacher he sees a mentor who must certainly solve his problem, enlighten him, help, etc.

    Fourth rule: a conversation can be effective when the possibility of the main method of education - persuasion - is fully realized in it.

    During the conversation, it is necessary to create a psychological atmosphere that would facilitate the student’s correct perception of the content of the attitudes communicated to him by the teacher. This is achieved due to a favorable, emotional background of the conversation, open goodwill and a strongly expressed desire of the teacher to help the student.

    In the formation of a teenager’s personality traits, two stages of individual education are noticeable:

    1. Direct impact on his consciousness and emotional-sensory sphere with the help of techniques or example;
    2. Teaching students how to carry out actions, behavior, and behavior in various situations.

    Activity and communication are important here.

    The method of individual education has its own techniques that allow one to productively solve the problems of personal development.

    For example, when solving the problem of a student’s discipline, a teacher in one case can increase the intonation in the voice and this will be enough, in another case it will be necessary to express dissatisfaction or an outright prohibition.

    What are these techniques?

    Sympathy, attention, kindness

    The technique is aimed at reducing the distance between the teacher and the teenager and establishing mutual understanding between them. Its use will be effective when a student finds himself in a difficult situation, experiences mental discomfort, resentment, confusion, or has lost faith in himself. It is important here that he feels sincerity, genuine interest, and participation in his fate in the elder’s actions.


    It plays the role of moral training and makes the teacher’s relationship with the children trusting and noble. In this technique, what is important is how the request is made and with what intonation. Here, a certain element of the teacher’s dependence on the actions and reactions of the student is veiled, which objectively, as it were, raises the latter in his own eyes, gives him a new reserve of strength, confidence in his abilities, and contributes to the elevation of the individual. The request is incompatible with pressure, moral pressure, otherwise it loses its educational effect.

    Approval, praise

    This technique is part of encouragement as a method of education. However, even within the framework of individual education, its importance is difficult to overestimate. It is a factor in stimulating initiative, choices made, mode of activity, and reaction to the situation. The forms of expression of this technique consist of short remarks such as: “well done”, “that’s right”, “I believed in you”, etc. In addition, they also appear in the analysis and evaluation of actions, actions, and positions.


    In education, it has the form of an assignment, although the teenager’s qualities are not in every way adequate to the task assigned to him. The approach is based on the principle of education - relying on the positive in the individual. Sometimes it is useful to remind a student of his self-worth and unrealized potential, which will serve as a factor in increasing his importance among his comrades. The technique is effective when the authority of the teacher is indisputable and there is no confrontation between him and the student.

    Personal Advance

    The essence of the technique is that the teacher provides the student with certain advantages compared to his current position, as if anticipating the future level of his development. Advance payments presuppose a slight overestimation of the student's merits. In other words, this is pedagogical assessment not for a perfect fact, but on account of his future merits. In this case, the motivation for behavior and activity is activated, and faith in one’s own capabilities increases.


    This is the abolition of punishment for guilt, misdemeanor. The educational meaning of the technique is that the teacher does not resort to punishment, despite the offense. This decision is prompted by an analysis of the situation (random circumstances, the young man’s state of mind, the experience of what happened and the awareness of his guilt).


    Psychological support

    The teacher must create such conditions for interaction with the children so that they feel psychological comfort in the class, the adequacy of assessments of their behavior and activities. The reception implements such tasks as correcting public opinion in the team in relation to a given student, equipping him with methods of self-affirmation, organizing communication with comrades and elders, clarifying the criteria of moral consciousness, and ensuring the quality of self-esteem.

    Education as a social phenomenon is a complex socio-historical, organized, purposeful and controlled process of interaction between teachers and students, with the ultimate goal of the formation and development of an individual useful to society and the state. Education has its own content, features, principles, methods, forms that should be guided by teachers, parents, teachers, bosses, everyone involved in this important, painstaking, value-based activity. Competent education forms a harmoniously developed personality, prepares young man to three basic roles in life - patriotic citizen, family man, worker.


    1. What is the educational process?
    2. Why does it differ in duration?
    3. What does continuity of education mean?
    4. What is the importance of the personality of the teacher (leader) in the educational process?
    5. What are the principles of education?
    6. What does social orientation of education mean?
    7. What is a method of education?
    8. What is the essence of the methods of persuasion, example, competition, exercise, encouragement, coercion?
    9. How is personal discipline developed?
    10. How is an active life position formed?
    11. Name the methods of individual education.

    Literature on the topic

    • Azarov Yu.P. The art of education. M.: 1985
    • Babansky Yu.K. Pedagogy. M.: 1988
    • Verbitsky A.A., Chernyavskaya A.G. Manager as teacher. Zhukovsky: 1999
    • Gordin A.Yu. Reward and punishment in raising children. M.: 1971
    • Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. Lecture course. M.: 1998

    1. The essence of the principle of unity of educational influences is:

    A) solving all educational problems based on real life

    C) the reliance of educators on the family, taking into account the individuality of the child

    C) in coordinating the educational influences of the school, family and community.

    D) taking into account age and individual characteristics

    E) coordination of mass communications with the school

    2. The pattern of education is

    A) a general guideline requiring a sequence of actions under different circumstances

    C) an adequate reflection of the objective reality of the educational process, which has stable properties

    C) options for organizing a specific educational process

    D) managing student activities through a variety of repetitive tasks

    E) conditions and prerequisites of the educational process

    3. The principle of humanization characterizes:

    A) permissiveness

    C) respect for a person’s right to be himself

    C) development of students’ cognitive powers

    D) education of hard work

    E) education of accuracy and thrift

    4. The principle of the connection between education and life and work presupposes:

    A) the relationship between methods, means and forms of education

    C) coherence between teachers and parents

    C) the fight against bad habits, laziness, sloppiness

    D) mastering the content of education

    E) mandatory participation of all children and adolescents in feasible productive labor

    5. Moral education is

    A) experience of schoolchildren’s behavior

    C) formation of aesthetic taste

    C) scientific worldview of the individual

    D) knowledge of humanities

    E) assimilation of universal human values

    6. The core of civic education is:

    A) absence of conflicts between students

    C) purposeful activities of schoolchildren

    C) polytechnic education

    D) encyclopedic knowledge

    E) patriotism

    7. The goal of environmental education is

    A) the formation of a dialect-materialistic worldview

    C) formation of an ecological culture

    C) formation of a comprehensively developed personality

    D) formation of a healthy lifestyle

    E) mastering various types of activities

    8. The purpose of physical education is

    A) formation of worldview

    C) formation of physical culture

    C) the formation of conscious discipline

    D) formation of chaste behavior of boys and girls

    9. The goal of aesthetic education is

    A) raising a rational thinking person

    C) formation of a free personality

    C) spiritual self-improvement

    D) formation of spiritual needs

    E) formation of aesthetic culture

    10. Educational methods are

    A) general starting points that guide the teacher

    C) ways of influencing the consciousness, will, feelings, behavior of pupils

    C) objects of material and spiritual culture that are used to solve pedagogical problems

    D) external expression of the educational process

    E) options for organizing a specific educational process

    11. Which solutions to educational problems in the family are not effective:

    B) folklore, word

    C) national traditions, customs

    D) material reward

    E) the spiritual climate of the family

    12. The effectiveness of legal education depends on the degree

    A) punishments for breaking laws

    C) the formation of legal knowledge

    C) control of society over compliance with laws

    D) the need to comply with laws

    E) the formation of legal consciousness, rigor

    13. The main sign of the effectiveness of the education process is

    A) knowledge, skills and abilities

    B) academic performance

    C) student behavior

    D) individual characteristics of the student

    E) adaptation to conditions

    14. The main driving force of education is

    A) the contradiction between the existing level of development and new, higher needs

    B) contradiction in social development

    C) the contradiction between mental and physical labor

    D) contradiction of individual moral consciousness

    E) divergence of value orientations

    15. An important sign of the effectiveness of the education process is

    A) understanding the essence of the education process by educators

    C) the presence of specially trained people to transfer knowledge

    C) knowledge by pupils in accordance with their age of norms and rules of behavior

    D) development of communication skills

    E) improving knowledge in practical activities

    16. The main methods of self-education are

    A) situations of trust, control, self-regulation

    C) self-order, criticism, comments

    C) self-analysis, self-esteem, self-control, self-regulation, self-judgment

    D) competitions, showing samples and examples, creating situations of success

    E) persuasion, suggestion, narration, proof, appeals, well-being

    17. Which of the following teachers is the author of the theory of free education?

    1) I. G. Pestalozzi;

    2) I. F. Herbart;

    3) J. J. Rousseau;

    4) D. Locke.

    18. What is moral education?

    1) This is a purposeful influence on the formation of the behavior of the educated

    2) This is a purposeful influence on the development of moral feelings re-


    3) This is a purposeful influence on the formation of moral standards and

    principles of individual behavior in society;

    4) This is a purposeful and systematic influence on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of students in order to form in them moral qualities that meet moral requirements.


    State and law, jurisprudence and procedural law

    Outline the definition of the effectiveness of legal education; analyze the effectiveness and goals of legal education; identify other properties of legal education; analyze the issues of measuring the effectiveness of legal education as a social and scientific-practical problem; identify criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of legal education.


    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

    higher professional education

    "Chelyabinsk State University"

    (Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Chemical State University")

    Department ______________

    Indicators of the effectiveness of legal education

    Graduate work

    Is done by a student

    academic group______, course____

    full-time/correspondence courses

    areas of training (specialties)



    "____" _______________________ 2015

    Scientific director

    FULL NAME._____________________________

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    Academic degree______________________

    Academic title_______________________


    "_____" ______________________ 2015




    Chapter I . GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEGAL EDUCATION..……………………………………………………………………………………….6

    1.1 Determining the effectiveness of legal education………………………….6

    1.2 Efficiency and goals of legal education……………………………......9

    1.3 Efficiency and other properties of legal education…………………..15


    2.1 Measuring the effectiveness of legal education as a social and scientific-practical problem ……………………………………………………………21

    2.2 Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of legal education..................................25




    The relevance of the topic of the thesis research is due to the changes taking place in the economic, political and legal spheres of life in Russian society. At present, when reforming social relations is being carried out, the problems of legal education and raising its level are becoming urgent and require the adoption of drastic measures, the successful implementation of which largely determines the success of state-legal construction in the Russian Federation.

    However, the system of legal education in Russia has not yet been formed; its absence has a negative impact on the implementation of political and legal reform, the state of law and order. In these crisis conditions, there is an increase in the number of crimes and other offenses, which are based not only on the difficult economic situation, the decline of morals in society, but also in many ways on the low level of legal education of the population.

    The legal consciousness of the bulk of Russians, especially the younger generation, was formed and is being formed at the time of crisis. Serious upheavals that occurred in the political and economic systems of Russian society led to a significant change in the quality of life. The immediate result of the lack of legal education is a crisis of values ​​that society was guided by. There is a growing feeling of uncertainty about the future. At the same time, the attitude of citizens towards the current legal system is deformed. A negative attitude arises towards laws that cannot ensure the legal protection of a citizen, his personality, honor, and dignity.

    The ongoing transformations of the economic and political system of Russia require the creation of a legal system adequate to them and legislative support for reforms. Society at present; more than ever, it needs a new value consciousness that meets modern realities. There is an urgent need to form a positive legal consciousness.

    Solving current problems of state policy in the field of legal education is possible only on the basis of a targeted, fundamental and comprehensive study of theoretical and practical problems in this area. In particular, the study of indicators of the effectiveness of legal education is of great importance.

    The above predetermined the choice of the topic of this thesis research, its object, subject, purpose and objectives.

    The object of the thesis research is social relations developing in the sphere of organization and implementation of legal education in the Russian Federation.

    The subject of the study is the criteria and indicators of legal education in Russia.

    The purpose of the diploma research is a comprehensive theoretical study of the effectiveness of legal education of citizens.

    In accordance with the purpose of the study, it is planned to solve a number of interrelated problems:

    Outline the definition of the effectiveness of legal education;

    Analyze the effectiveness and goals of legal education;

    Identify other properties of legal education;

    Analyze the issues andmeasuring the effectiveness of legal education as a social and scientific-practical problem;

    Designate to criteria and performance indicators of legal education;

    The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is the dialectical-materialistic method of cognition, which allows us to consider phenomena and processes in the area under study as being in a social relationship that determines the circumstances and trends in the organization of legal education in Russia.

    In order to obtain reliable results and their scientific substantiation, methods of historical, systemic and comparative analysis, statistical methods and methods of specific sociological research were used.

    The degree of development of the research topic. Various aspects related to the research topic are reflected in the works of E.V. Agranovskaya, P.P. Baranova, A.B. Vengerova, N.V. Vitruka, V.I. Goymana, N.L. Garnet, V.P. Kazimirchuk, D.A. Kerimova, N.M. Keizerova, B.A. Kistyakovsky, V.N. Kudryavtseva, E.V. Kuznetsova, E.A. Lukasheva, N.I. Matuzova, A.V. Mickiewicz, B.C. Nersesyants, V.V. Oskamytny, M.F. Orzikh, T.N. Radko, A.R. Ratinova, I.F. Ryabko, V.P. Salnikova, A.P. Semitko, E.N. Trubetskoy, I.E. Farbera, B.N. Chicherina, T.M. Shamba, V.A. Shegortsova, L.S. Yavich.

    The works of such scientists as V..IN. Golovchenko, I.V. Teplyashin, A.S. Tumanova, V.N. Shubkin, V.A. Yusupov.

    The structure of the work corresponds to the logic of the research and consists of an introduction, two chapters combining six paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of sources and literature.


    1.1 Determining the effectiveness of legal education

    In legal literature, as in everyday practice, the term “efficiency” has begun to be used very often, and its content seems at first glance to be quite definite and clear. However, when interpreting this concept scientifically, we often encounter difficulties related to how sufficiently and accurately the content contained in it can be determined. It should be noted that a unified approach to understanding the effectiveness in general and the effectiveness of legal education in particular has not yet been achieved.

    The term “efficiency” finds its roots in the Latin term, it means “result”, a consequence of any causes or actions.” 3 .

    The effectiveness of legal education is a complex and multifaceted problem, mediated by the action of many conditions and factors. Some of its directions can become the subject of independent research. There are grounds for the implementation of the concepts: the effectiveness of legal education management, the effectiveness of legal propaganda, the effectiveness of legal education of citizens, etc. And yet, when highlighting various areas of effectiveness research, it is necessary to keep in mind that they are all closely interconnected and the emerging problem, in essence, comes down to the comprehension, interpretation and evaluation of the results of a specific, but not isolated from others social phenomena activities aimed at the formation of legal consciousness one of the forms of social consciousness, and the central object of legal educational influence is the individual, in whose consciousness, beliefs and behavior the effectiveness of this influence is reflected. All forms of legal propaganda and agitation, legal education, the media, the system of legal education in civil society, the work of government bodies and public organizations, various forms of involving citizens in law enforcement and law enforcement activities are aimed at this. Thus, it is necessary, first of all, to develop a general definition of the concept of the effectiveness of legal education.

    Within the framework of legal science, a fairly extensive literature has appeared on the issue of efficiency research, paying considerable attention to the issues of the effectiveness of state legal phenomena. In the works of D.A. Kerimova, A.S. Pashkova, A.B. Vengerova, V.V. Lazarev substantiates the general theoretical concept of the effectiveness of law, and makes a conclusion about the use of the category “goal” to resolve issues of effectiveness.

    Effectiveness research has been actively conducted in all areas of law.

    Summarizing ideas about efficiency in legal science, it can be noted that they are based on at least two main approaches. One of them is that efficiency is considered only as effectiveness and the degree of correlation between the achieved actual result and the set social goal is measured. 4 .

    Proponents of the second position agree in principle with defining efficiency in this way. But they classify the latter as belonging to the category “optimality,” which, in their opinion, is broader than the concept of “efficiency.” 5 .

    It should be noted that in formulating the concept of the effectiveness of legal education, these provisions are important, since they allow us to state that representatives of legal science, as well as philosophies, economists, and sociologists, put the same elements into the concept of “effectiveness”: “goal” and "result". Moreover, the relationship between them is usually considered from the perspective of the effectiveness of a certain type of social activity, and some authors even specifically emphasize that “the effectiveness of legal norms can only be clarified by considering law in action.” 6 .

    In relation to legal education, this approach seems especially valuable, since legal education is also a type of social activity that is carried out for certain purposes. Therefore, the effectiveness of legal education can be considered as the relationship between the actually achieved result of legal educational activities and those social values ​​for the achievement of which this activity was carried out. In other words, in order to judge the effectiveness of legal education, it is necessary to clearly understand its goals and be able to compare the actual results achieved with them.

    From the standpoint of determining the effectiveness of legal education, it seems advisable to consider the issue of the admissibility of dividing the effectiveness of legal education into actual and identified effectiveness. Actual effectiveness is the real effectiveness of legal education, objectively reflecting the level of legal awareness and behavior of citizens achieved to date, and the identified effectiveness is a generalized understanding of the subjects of legal education about the actual level of effectiveness 7 .

    Thus, the above allows us to formulate the following definition.

    The effectiveness of legal education means its ability to actually, in an optimal time frame and with the least cost, have a positive impact on citizens’ acquisition of legal knowledge, their beliefs, motives and attitudes in accordance with the needs of society.

    1.2 Effectiveness and goals of legal education

    Theoretical justification of the concept of the effectiveness of legal education requires a special analysis of its goals.

    In theoretical terms, clearly defined goals provide a reliable basis for solving a number of methodological problems and serve as the starting point for defining the concept of efficiency and developing its scientifically based criteria and indicators. Abstracting from the socially conditioned goals for which legal educational activities are carried out, it is impossible to detect the overall result of this activity and give reasonable recommendations for its improvement.

    Firstly, formation of a system of legal knowledge among citizens. In connection with the implementation of a broad program of updating and improving modern legislation, establishing the boundaries of legal awareness of citizens acquires important theoretical and practical significance.

    In science, there is, in our opinion, a correct opinion that a rule of law as an external regulator is not capable of causing a certain volitional activity without passing through consciousness. The requirements of the norm must be reflected in the mind, acting as a criterion for evaluating actions. 8 . According to this provision, the question of the boundaries of legal awareness of citizens, at first glance, seems quite clear: in order to achieve a high level of legal awareness, impeccable behavior of members of society from the point of view of the requirements of the law, it is necessary to study and know those normative acts of public authorities that establish generally binding rules of behavior .

    In reality, the situation is much more complicated. The difficulty, first of all, is that legal norms are not the only regulator of human behavior. The issue of selecting the normative material necessary for students is not easy. In reality, there are a huge number of legal norms that regulate a wide variety of spheres of public life.

    Considering the objective impossibility of a citizen knowing the law in full, legal education should be aimed at mastering:

    a) the rights and responsibilities of Russian citizens in the sphere of socio-economic life;

    b) the rights and obligations of a Russian citizen as a subject of public, socio-political activity;

    c) the rights and responsibilities of a citizen as an individual (in this case, we believe that these are the rights and responsibilities that are enshrined in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation 9 ).

    In order to increase the effectiveness of legal education, solving methodological and methodological problems related to the study of levels of knowledge of law, it seems advisable to prepare unified programs or guidelines that establish an approximate minimum and volume of legal knowledge for various categories of citizens. The development of such documents could be led by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Secondly, formation of legal conviction. Without legal conviction, the legal behavior of an individual is impossible, based on a deep awareness of objective necessity, the true value of the legal requirements and regulations imposed on him 10 .

    Forming a firm conviction of citizens in the need to comply with legal norms is not only the goal of legal education, but also the most important way to implement the law. On the basis of personal legal beliefs, a person develops the ability to exercise moral self-control. In other words, internal legal beliefs act as an integral part of individual legal consciousness. On their basis, respect for the law, for the law is formed, the social, ideological and political value of the law and its basic principles are more deeply realized.

    Persuasion is characterized by the presence of subjective confidence in the truth of acquired knowledge, readiness to act in accordance with the idea of ​​​​the truth of certain knowledge 11 .

    Characterizing the content of legal beliefs from the point of view of their connection with the cognitive basis, we can distinguish three elements inherent in them. Firstly, beliefs can be expressed in assessments of the legal phenomena being analyzed. The assessment represents a link between legal knowledge and beliefs, reflecting both the level of awareness of the law and attitude towards it.

    Secondly, beliefs include criteria personal assessments rights, emotional and behavioral attitude towards them.

    Third, beliefs are characterized by awareness. Levels of legal conviction may vary. One person can only state his position, another can justify it, and a third can defend his position, proving and supporting it with appropriate behavioral acts.

    The system of legal beliefs of an individual, which legal education strives to achieve and which must be taken into account when identifying its effectiveness, provides for: the desire to independently resolve legal issues that arise in everyday life; the ability to understand a specific legal situation and make a choice of behavior that would meet the requirements of the legal norm; the ability to apply acquired legal knowledge and ideas as guidance in solving one’s own problems; intransigence to any offenses and the ability to defend one’s legal views from the standpoint of approval of Russian law; awareness of the need for unconditional compliance with the law.

    Conviction as an action, as a method is a purposeful influence that must prove to the subjects of legal education the social conditionality and necessity of law for the normal functioning of society, the general social significance of strict compliance with existing legal norms, lawful, socially active behavior of each member of society 12 . The purpose of persuasion is to achieve a result in which a person knows the laws or understands the law, but also to lead him to internal perception and agreement with legal norms. Conviction affects, first of all, the human mind, his sense of justice. But it also affects feelings, causes experiences that contribute to a more durable fixation in the human consciousness of basic ideas, principles, specific regulations formulated in legal norms.

    The stability and longevity of legal conviction largely depend on the material conditions of a person’s life, on the entire reality surrounding him.

    Thirdly, the purpose of legal education isformation of motives and habits of lawful, socially active behavior. The task of legal education is to achieve such a level of legal awareness of citizens when every member of society would follow the established rules of behavior and comply with legal norms solely due to internal needs, their own convictions, and not under fear of coercion. However, it cannot be categorically stated that even a norm of behavior that correctly reflects the interests of a particular individual and is internally approved by him is able to automatically provide motives for the lawful behavior of such an individual, since in addition to legal ones, in reality there are other factors that influence the choice of specific behavior options in no less than legal regulations.

    Developing the habit of observing legal norms and socially active lawful behavior is the most important and most difficult task of the behavioral goals of legal education.

    The need to comply with the rule of law, which has become a habit, is an expression of an internal strong-willed position formed on the basis of a high ideological and legal awareness of the individual and a willingness to act in accordance with the requirements of the law. The process of developing habits involves cultivating beliefs in the necessity and social value of law, high legal awareness that turn into a habit. 13 .

    The habits formed by legal education are not the same in their structure and content. Some people can be taught only to comply with the rules of law, others - to comply, others - to use, and others - to simultaneously comply, execute and use. Consequently, it is advisable to include in the habits that create an image of lawful behavior and express the actual attitude of an individual to the law and to social values ​​protected by law:

    a) the habit of observing the rules of law, refraining from committing actions prohibited by law;

    b) the habit of fulfilling the rules of law and legal obligations (committing positive actions);

    c) the habit of using legal norms (initiative and creative implementation of the law, flawless fulfillment of duties to society, the ability to apply legal knowledge in practice.

    The goal of legal education is to strive for the simultaneous formation of all these types of habits.

    Achieving the goals of legal education is carried out by solving a number of tasks, among which the following can be highlighted: educating citizens in the spirit of high respect for the laws, their strict observance and execution; increasing the level of legal literacy and public awareness; strengthening law and order.

    Thus, the goal of legal education is an ideologically formulated result that reflects the expectations of society; the main direction in accordance with which all legal educational activities are carried out; the scale of assessing the effectiveness of this activity.

    1.3 Efficiency and other properties of legal education

    c) ideological value;

    d) validity and others.

    The cost-effectiveness of legal education should be considered in terms of the amount of material resources spent on it, human energy, time and other indicators characterizing the costs of society in connection with the ongoing educational activities 14 . This is an expression of a certain ratio of the beneficial effect of legal educational activities and the costs of their implementation.

    Legal education in itself does not require special investments. At the same time, it is carried out on an economic basis, its goals are achieved not only by ideological methods, but is associated with material costs. The means through which these methods receive their formalization have a pronounced economic nature, and it is far from indifferent to society what material costs are invested in organizing and conducting legal education.

    Economic ones include not only methods of material incentives, but also various methods of organizational and educational activities that have a direct connection with economic impact and calculation. By encouraging the social and legal activity of citizens, combining material and moral incentives, spending certain material resources on all this, the state thereby educates members of society in the spirit of respect for the law, for the law, and contributes to the transformation of lawful, socially active behavior into a vital necessity 15 .

    It is difficult to quantify the costs of the state for the implementation of such measures in relation to legal education, since they are only part of the costs within the overall program of socio-economic transformations of society. At the same time, these costs characterize the cost-effectiveness of legal education.

    In recent years, the arsenal of means of influencing students has become much richer. The forms and methods of legal educational work have been enriched with new content and are applied not only to specific individuals (groups of individuals), but also to all categories of the population. This means that among the many means, forms and methods it is necessary to select only the most essential ones for solving the problems of legal education.

    Improving legal educational work associated with conducting mass concrete sociological research, experiments, introducing new forms and methods of educating citizens, and expanding the range of subjects of legal education sometimes requires significant material costs.

    Lasting success and high cost-effectiveness of legal education are achieved when persuasion measures are skillfully combined with coercive measures, supported by joint actions of planning and financial authorities 16 .

    The cost-effectiveness of legal education is directly correlated with the human and material resources actually spent in the process of legal educational activities. It is determined by the specific conditions of the “external environment” (the population of those being educated, the level of general and legal culture of the population, the provision of technical means, etc.). A different ratio between the result and the costs incurred can give different levels of effectiveness of legal education.

    If we talk about saving time in legal education, then the important principle here is to use not a lot of time, but a little, but within reasonable, rational limits. As rightly noted in the literature, increasing the effectiveness of legal educational work requires the rational use of time and effort. Education in a group or at the same time of the general public is much more economical 17 .

    The expenditure of time, material resources and human energy can relate either to the entire system of legal education, or to its individual elements and, accordingly, characterize either one aspect of the efficiency of the event, or the ratio of economic costs itself.

    In this regard, the position of V.V. seems correct. Lazarev, who believes that due to the dialectical unity and interdependence of the goals of social activity and the means leading to their achievement, the economy of the latter should be a measure of efficiency. He supports his position with the following diagram: 1) the activity of subject A is effective, since the goal has been achieved; 2) the activities of subject B are more effective, since the goal is achieved in less time and at lower costs; 3) the activity of subject B is negatively effective, because production costs exceed the value of the achieved result 18 .

    Thus, the cost-effectiveness of legal education requires constant accounting of the funds spent on it in order to reduce costs to objectively possible limits in reducing social losses.

    Utility this is one of the forms of manifestation of the social significance of legal education, its positive role in satisfying national interests. In legal education, utility characterizes the activities of subjects in terms of its appropriateness for achieving positive results. However, the importance of legal education in the life of society cannot be reduced only to benefit, to one-sided benefit. Therefore, the usefulness of legal education should be considered from the point of view of a socially justified, actually achieved effect. Usefulness, as the degree of positive effectiveness of legal education, is one of the main manifestations of its social value.

    The usefulness of legal education is manifested in the social and legal activity of citizens, in their compliance with the laws of the state, i.e. in the positive attitude of people towards state-legal reality, their active participation in social and legal practice.

    It should be noted that in modern Russian society all the necessary conditions are created for legal education to be highly effective and bring useful results, i.e. so that lawful, socially active behavior becomes a mass phenomenon and is of a conscious nature.

    Possible positive social and economic consequences that will become possible thanks to the effectiveness of legal education can also be considered useful. Such consequences may be a reduction in crime, violations of safety rules at work, an increase in the social and legal activity of citizens, etc. Such changes are predominantly qualitative in nature; they can be difficult to link directly with legal education, since the materialization of the consequences of legal educational activities does not occur immediately, but after a certain period of time, the duration of which can be different and uncertain. Therefore, in this case, it is more convenient to use the term “usefulness”, implying that in achieving positive results there is a certain contribution of legal education.

    Ideological valueLegal education consists, first of all, in the fact that it is a socially necessary, conditioned by the objective laws of the construction of society, ideological process that transforms, together with other areas of education, the consciousness and psychology of a person, forming the type of personality of a new formation 19 .

    The value of legal education in this sense is determined by its ability to bring significant benefits to society in solving such problems of national importance as the formation of a legal worldview among members of society, the development of democracy, and the strengthening of the legal basis of state and public life.

    Validity and feasibilitythese are the conditions and requirements, the implementation of which is necessary to unite the efforts of the subjects of legal education and to mobilize them to achieve high results. According to this criterion, the relationship between the goals and content of legal educational activities is considered. In this area, legal education is more effective the more justified and expedient its content.

    The expediency of legal education can also be considered as one of its positive properties, which leads to a result intended as a goal in the broad sense of the word. The specificity of the manifestation of expediency is that it eliminates incorrect, outdated, obsolete ideas about the law, about the law and forms a qualitatively new, more progressive type of legal consciousness of citizens, develops their social and legal activity, and provides motivation for lawful behavior of people.

    Any legal educational activity that corresponds to the goals being achieved, that meets the conditions of a given moment, the main directions of social development, is expedient and justified.

    Taking this into account, we can conclude that a number of other concepts, socio-legal properties and phenomena are closely related to efficiency, touching it or branching off from it, which give legal education additional “forces”. Studying them helps to penetrate more deeply into the content of effectiveness itself and to correctly understand its theoretical and methodological essence.

    Thus, the concept of the effectiveness of legal education can be represented by two definitions: in a narrow and broad sense.


    2.1 Measuring the effectiveness of legal education as a social and scientific-practical problem

    Attention was drawn to the need and measurement of the effectiveness of the work of government bodies and public organizations in the first years of Soviet power 20 .

    Until relatively recently, the effectiveness of legal education was determined mainly by the extent to which citizens comply with legal regulations, based on the number of offenses committed. That is, based on the facts of unlawful behavior of citizens, which can be counted and expressed in numbers, only one of the functions of legal education was assessed - crime prevention.

    It should be noted that this is a really important specific social function that legal education has. Thanks to a system of systematic, targeted reports, publications, television and radio broadcasts, films, which, by revealing the causes, conditions and motives of offenses, influence the legal consciousness of broad sections of the population, citizens develop internal respect for the law, existing laws, the rule of law, and the conviction of the need to comply with them requirements mobilize members of society to take active action to prevent the occurrence of adverse events. Thus, legal education makes a significant contribution to the prevention of crime.

    However, in order to assess the real achievements of legal educational activities in this regard, the usual statement of facts of offenses and the number of activities is clearly not enough.

    Research into the problem of preventing antisocial behavior, as correctly noted in the scientific literature, should have several aspects:

    1) study of the entire set of antisocial acts, their structure, dynamics and development trends;

    2) study of the causes and conditions of antisocial behavior;

    3) study of positive social phenomena and processes that prevent antisocial behavior, the mechanism of their counteraction to negative phenomena, neutralizing the effects of the latter and eliminating them from the life of society;

    4) study of the personality of the violator of legal norms, the mechanism of formation in the personality structure of negative properties that manifest themselves under certain conditions in antisocial behavior 21 .

    From the point of view of the effectiveness of legal education and strengthening its preventive role, the fourth aspect is of the greatest interest. That is, first of all, the question of the level of legal consciousness of those members of society who retain negative legal views and are prone to illegal behavior must be clarified. You need to know the evaluative attitude of such persons: to the law, its principles and specific norms; to illegal behavior; to law enforcement agencies and their activities; to your own behavior. Meanwhile, it is precisely in these parameters that personality is little accessible to direct observation.

    The very question of the possibility of identifying and selecting for research the bulk of people who are prone to illegal behavior seems very difficult. Criminologists rightly believe in this regard that it is very difficult to study deviant behavior and seems to be highest degree the idea of ​​whether it is even possible to identify and measure such a quantity as “criminal inclinations” is questionable 22 .

    On a general theoretical scale, the solution to the issue is complicated by the fact that not all aspects of a person’s life and its features can be established and expressed in clear, comparable or even describable categories.

    One can only assume that various factors influence the legal consciousness of an individual with a greater or lesser degree of intensity, but establish to what extent the assimilation of legal culture, legal knowledge and their implementation in real behavior can be associated with legal education, and to what extent - with others factors is extremely difficult. Or, on the contrary, to what extent can the existence of, for example, offenses and, moreover, crime, be explained by poor presentation of legal information, if it is known that the causes of crimes are not only and not in themselves defects in the legal consciousness of individual citizens.

    It is especially difficult to determine the effectiveness of legal education by the influence it has on human behavior, and through it on the activities of the entire society.

    It should be noted that the search for ways to solve the problem of measuring socio-legal effectiveness, carried out in recent years, and the results of specific research have turned out to be quite fruitful and give grounds for optimistic forecasts.

    The problem of legal information and knowledge of law is intensively studied. In this regard, quite detailed and valuable results have been obtained that make it possible to carry out legal education and legal propaganda on a deeply scientific basis.

    In addition, methods for measuring legal beliefs and attitudes of an individual have been proposed. 23 .

    Based on sociological research conducted in our country on the problems of legal education of the population and its individual groups, a number of general conclusions have been formulated.

    Increasingly and quite rightly, the question is being raised about the possibility of changing the effectiveness of legal education using quantitative methods. Socio-legal phenomena provide an opportunity for the application of mathematical methods. This is due, in particular, to the fact that such phenomena can have not only qualitative, but also quantitative characteristics.

    The development of mathematical techniques is associated with the wider use of methods for static processing of factual material. The necessary basis for the use of statistical techniques are mass facts of social life, identified through appropriate reporting, mass observations, surveys, questionnaires, etc. Static groupings, coefficients, etc. allow us to find certain patterns behind the repetition of facts.

    Through sociological observation, it is possible to establish a relationship between the intensity of legal education and the increase in socio-legal activity, the strengthening of legal discipline and law and order 24 . Cybernetic methods used by legal science, modeling of the phenomena being studied, and scaling of action may be of some value in this regard. various factors on human behavior, their formalization, the use of logical and mathematical methods of processing, information, testing, expert assessments, etc.

    The complexity and diversity of measured values, their genetic and functional heterogeneity suggest the use, taking into account the specifics of the phenomenon under study, of a set of methods used by scientists to study socio-legal practice and theoretical problems of jurisprudence. With their help you can obtain not always accurate, approximate, but still some kind of knowledge, and it is much more useful than complete ignorance 25 .

    2.2 Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of legal education

    In clarifying the meaning of the concepts “criterion” and indicator,” it seems appropriate to proceed from the following.

    Firstly, what “criterion” and “indicator” have in common is that they are both evaluative terms and are directly related to the concept of assessment. Guided by them, the researcher characterizes the level of effectiveness of a certain type of activity.

    Secondly, if you turn to encyclopedic sources, you will find that the term “criterion” is explained as “a sign on the basis of which something is assessed, defined or classified; measure of judgment 26 . That is, the word “criterion” has two close, but still unequal meanings: “criterion-sign” and “criterion-measure”. Sign is a qualitative property characteristic of different objects combined into one class, or a qualitative property that distinguishes one degree of development of an object from another. A measure is equivalent to the concept of a standard, a sample.

    In relation to assessing the effectiveness of legal education, it should be noted that the approach to such an assessment should begin with identifying the most general, main concepts that would be suitable for “linking” them to different categories of the population and, based on which, the entire problem could then be characterized as from both quantitative and qualitative sides, i.e. find benchmark criteria.

    The solution to this problem is associated with a number of difficulties arising, first of all, from the very essence of the process being measured and its results. It is known, for example, that the legal consciousness of citizens, which is the object of legal educational influence, in addition to its qualitative heterogeneity, has many general and particular (individual) characteristics. It reflects in its structure all the elements of legal reality, various behavioral orientations of the individual, etc.

    The results of legal education are directly related to such spiritual and semantic formations as legal knowledge, legal views and ideas, legal needs, beliefs, motives, habits, skills, ideas about the proper, ideal version of law, etc. Different individuals, social groups and segments of the population have differences in the levels of legal awareness, and their behavior in everyday life and in the legal sphere varies differently.

    In addition, there are many factorial features that characterize the external side of legal education - this is the legal educational activity itself, carried out by government bodies and public organizations using the means at their disposal. Each such means also has its own characteristic features, has a certain degree of intensity and power of influence on the legal consciousness of various social groups.

    Finally, along with repeatable, stable ones, one can observe episodic, rarely and randomly appearing signs and reactions of individuals to one or another educational influence.

    It seems that there is no need to evaluate effectiveness for each objectively existing characteristic. It is quite obvious that the number of such characteristics (features) should be limited to certain limits. To do this, taking into account the specific circumstances and objectives of the study, it is necessary to identify the most typical, frequently repeated, stable characteristics. Of greatest interest are the effective characteristics (signs), that is, those qualities and properties of legal consciousness that have a cause-and-effect relationship with legal education, are the cumulative result of the latter, and on the formation of which legal education can have a transformative effect. This approach allows, to a certain extent, to distinguish between the qualities and characteristics of a person formed due to legal educational influence from episodic manifestations caused by secondary circumstances, random situations and events directly related to legal education.

    The latter has not only theoretical, but also practical significance when it comes, for example, to assessing the effectiveness of legal education in the workforce.

    The need to select for criteria signs of only such manifestations of legal consciousness and behavior of an individual that are characterized by the most pronounced qualitative stability is obvious. Consequently, it would be logical to assume that the overall result of legal education assessed by them can be clarified and specified using other criteria - standards, reflecting individual aspects or levels of effectiveness. The more additional criteria and standards are defined, the more objective and comprehensive the assessment of the effectiveness of legal education will be. Being a component of criterion of the attribute, the standard criterion in this case is a specific and typical exponent of one of the most significant characteristics by which one can judge the level of development of legal consciousness and the legal culture of citizens.

    Among the criteria-signs that reflect the specifics of the effectiveness of legal education, an important place belongs to such recurring qualities and properties of the individual that characterize its stable connections with socio-legal reality and clearly express the results of its habitual actions in the legal sphere. This could be: knowledge of the law, attitude to specific legal norms, social and legal activity, etc.

    If the criteria-signs are filled with the results of a mass study of legal consciousness, compare these results according to the criteria-standards of the same name with the results of previous studies, and then carry out the corresponding mathematical operations, then it is possible to obtain summary indicators of the effectiveness of legal education at the level of the work collective, territorial unit, and society as a whole. Such indicators can be simple or complex, depending on the empirical values ​​used for operational concepts and mathematical methods for analyzing primary sociological information.

    Consequently, criteria-signs are more obvious, more comparable if they are supplemented and revealed by criteria-standards or indicators. The latter represent not only a summary expression of the degree of achievement of goals, but also abstract relative values ​​formulated based on the results of studying legal educational practice. These can be various calculated percentages, indices, coefficients, as well as conceptual definitions, terminological formulations, conclusions, conclusions, etc.

    At the societal level, the performance indicators are the following achievements. In our country, the legal literacy of the population has increased in recent years. The patriotic movement of Russian citizens is gaining widespread development, this is especially important in connection with the unstable political situation in the international arena.

    Indicators of the effectiveness of legal education are also successes in the fight against crime, the growth of the social need of citizens for legal information, for familiarization with the current legislation, its norms and principles, with the activities of government bodies designed to ensure the protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

    There are a number of requirements for indicators of the effectiveness of legal education. They must have the following basic properties:

    1) Representativeness. The number of indicators should be sufficient to describe the results of legal educational work. Each indicator must adequately reflect the work in this direction and be provable.

    2) Reliability. Indicators should serve as a barrier against attempts to distort the results of legal educational activities and exclude the accidental achievement of results.

    3) Comparability. Indicators should provide the possibility of objective comparison of results for each of the performance criteria.

    4) Objectivity. Indicators should characterize different levels of performance. The sustainability of the achieved result will be an indicator of effectiveness, and vice versa legal education cannot be considered effective if its results turned out to be short-term.

    Having established the general requirements for the criteria and indicators, we will consider the criteria for the effectiveness of assessing legal education.

    Scientists have identified the following as the main criteria for the effectiveness of legal education:

    c) legality of behavior;

    27 .

    Let's look at each of these criteria.

    Cognitive activity, being included in the general system of social activity, acts as a condition for further practical activity of the individual.

    Cognitive activity in the sphere of legal norms is a complex phenomenon. Its main feature is purposefulness, but whether the goals of a person’s future activity (behavior) coincide with the goals of a legal norm or diverge from them will probably depend on the relationship of legal cognition to socio-legal activity or whether it is recognized as anti-legal or non-legal activity 28 . From this point of view, the value of legal information is determined.

    It should be emphasized that only a positive goal characterizes the legal cognitive activity personality, otherwise we are dealing with an antisocial manifestation, with the desire, having studied the law, to act in the future contrary to its requirements.

    Cognitive-legal activity is a type of social activity manifested in relation to the process of cognition 29 . It is formed in educational activities and self-education and determines the intensity and character the course of learning and the result of learning.

    The criteria for cognitive-legal activity are: quantity and quality of the legal material being studied, cognitive interest in the field of law, the formation of mental activity techniques, the level of preparedness for teaching law at a given level, the number of legal sources used in training and self-education,independenceand initiative in learning and cognition.

    The manifestation of information and cognitive activity in the field of law, that is, an individual’s perception of the content of a legal norm, is the first step towards the formation of attitudes towards other types of social and legal activity. This is an outwardly subtle process 30 .

    The life experience of an individual, his principles, concepts, ideas about law, and moral values ​​can, long before receiving information about a new rule of law, contribute to the development of attitudes that either coincide with legal requirements or contradict them.

    If the attitude coincides with the requirements of the norm, the individual’s conviction in the fidelity and fairness of the normative requirement increases. The reasons for the discrepancy may be either the antisocial orientation of other individual attitudes, or insufficient awareness of the legal norm, which often operates in conjunction with a whole system of rules unknown to a given person, or, finally, the lag of law from rapidly developing social relations. In order for the law to constantly be at the level of the requirements of society, it is necessary to promptly and accurately reflect in the law all changes in social relations, which can be achieved to a large extent by strengthening the law-making activity of citizens.

    Personal activity in the law-making sphere as a type of cognitive-legal activity, along with activity in the information-cognitive sphere, is an expression of legal awareness of reality.

    A legal norm is not always “born” in government bodies: the practical need to change or create a legal norm often arises in the minds of individual citizens, social groups, and collectives. The presence of a positive legal attitude based on extensive life experience, knowledge of specific social relations gives rise to disagreement with an outdated rule of law or the absence of a rule (a gap in the law), which, under certain conditions, can serve as an impetus for a citizen to show law-making activity.

    Law-making activity can manifest itself in different ways: this is activity in state organizational forms (participation in the discussion and adoption of bills), this is also independent activity of an individual in the field of law (voting in a certain way during referendums).

    Legal conviction and sense of legitimacyare important in the process of legal education of the individual. These categories are one of the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the legal educational process.

    Persuasion in legal science is considered as a method of legal education or legal influence on the consciousness of a subject of law in order to induce him to useful legal activities (lawful behavior) or to inhibit his undesirable actions (illegal behavior). 31 .

    The main goal of persuasion measures is to prevent destructive
    phenomena in the social and legal sphere, development of legal means,
    techniques and methods of legal persuasion, legal education of legal
    awareness of the population, as well as the creation of measures to prevent and
    prevention of tort 32 .

    The structure of legal persuasion includes:
    legal knowledge; subjective recognition by a person of the truth of legal knowledge, the absence of doubts about the correctness of legal knowledge; understanding the correspondence of this legal knowledge to the legal interests of the individual, awareness of the vital importance of legal knowledge for a person and
    their necessity for practical activities; subjective readiness
    act in accordance with the acquired legal knowledge.

    It should be noted that knowledge and belief differ mainly on a functional basis: if the predominant function of knowledge is reflection, then in belief the assessment takes on the main importance 33 .

    The process of legal persuasion is a complex system of interaction between people, during which the object of communication, under the influence of logically sound argumentation of the subject of communication, changes his value judgments.

    The process of persuasion includes the following elements: the subject of persuasion; object of belief; means of persuasion; persuasion procedure.

    Conviction is understood as based on an assessment of evidence.
    the decision maker's feeling of confidence in the legality of his
    actions. At the same time, the concept of “conviction” is revealed as a special
    quality of a person that determines the general direction of his entire
    activity and value orientations and acting as a regulator of it
    consciousness and behavior.

    Legal conviction has a rather complex content which includes: a rational component, an emotional component, and a volitional component.

    Legal conviction is a special quality of a person that determines the legal direction of all his activities and value orientations and acts as a regulator of his legal consciousness and lawful behavior.

    Legal conviction is expressed in the subjective attitude of an individual to his actions and legal beliefs associated with deep and well-founded confidence in the truth of knowledge of law, legal principles and ideals that guide him. Personal needs, value orientations and legal norms, realized on the basis of legal conviction, are organically included in the objective content of the forms of a person’s life activity and determine his lawful behavior.

    Legal conviction depends on the experience of the individual and his relationship with society. Legal conviction is based on legal knowledge, primarily legislated, which is closely intertwined with the will, constitutes the content of the motives of activity, and forms the legal attitudes of the individual.

    The adoption by the subject of law of a sufficiently motivated volitional decision corresponding to the legal opportunities and requirements provided to him crowns the formation of legal conviction. This opens the way to his socio-legal activity.

    In Russian legislation, there is a legislative definition of a concept that is hyponymic to the concept of persuasion, namely “internal conviction.” This concept is contained in the norms of all procedural codes devoted to the assessment of evidence.

    In legal science, internal conviction is traditionally considered as, firstly, the cognitive, mental, mental activity of subjects in assessing evidence and, secondly, the result of such an assessment 34 .

    At the same time, internal conviction is an individual category, depends on the generally accepted attitude to legal knowledge, concepts and ideas and can be differentiated only depending on the amount of professional experience.

    Sense of legitimacythis is an internal urge formed in the personality structure to act in accordance with the law in any situation. In this case, a lawful variant of behavior is chosen even if it in some sense does not suit the addressee of the norm, does not meet his interests at the moment (say, under the condition of imperfect instructions).

    Based on faith in the law, respect for human rights and freedoms, the sense of legality is an irresistible and strong attraction of the person applying the norm to act always and only in accordance with its requirements, to act not contrary to, but in accordance with the law.

    Lawful Conductthis is conscious, socially useful behavior of individual and collective subjects, consistent with the rules of law 35 .

    Law reacts only to human activity expressed externally. However, there is a certain limitation here too. The fact is that behavior regarding the law can be lawful, unlawful (illegal) and legally neutral (indifferent, indifferent). The latter is not regulated by law and does not cause legal consequences. After all, as you know, law does not penetrate (and should not penetrate) into some spheres of public life. Lawful and unlawful behavior are legally significant types of behavior and can be combined into one phenomenon - legal behavior 36 .

    Lawful behavior has the following characteristics.

    First, lawful behavior complies with the requirements of legal norms. A person acts lawfully if he strictly complies with legal requirements. This is a formal legal criterion of behavior. Lawful behavior is often interpreted as behavior that does not violate the rules of law. 37 . However, such an interpretation does not entirely accurately reflect the content of this phenomenon, because behavior that does not contradict legal regulations may be carried out outside the scope of legal regulation and may not be legal.

    Second, lawful behavior is usually socially beneficial. These are actions that are adequate to the lifestyle, useful (desirable), and sometimes necessary for the normal functioning of society. It also plays a positive role for the individual, because thanks to it freedom is ensured and legitimate interests are protected.

    Thirdly, lawful behavior is characterized by a feature that characterizes its subjective side, which, like any other action, consists of motives and goals, the degree of awareness possible consequences actions and the individual’s internal attitude towards them. At the same time, motives reflect not only the direction (violates the law or not), but also the nature, degree of activity, independence and intensity of behavior during implementation. The subjective side indicates the level of legal culture of the individual, the degree of responsibility of the person, his attitude to social and legal values 38 .

    The social role of lawful behavior is extremely high. It represents the most effective implementation of the law, which is protected by the state. It is through lawful behavior that the ordering of social relations is carried out, which is necessary for the normal functioning and development of society, and a stable legal order is ensured. Lawful behavior is the most important factor in solving the problems facing society. However, the social role of lawful behavior is not limited to meeting social needs. Its equally important function is to satisfy the interests of the subjects of legal actions themselves. 39 .

    Since society and the state are interested in such behavior, they support it with organizational measures, encourage it, stimulate it. Acts of subjects that interfere with the commission of lawful actions are suppressed by the state.

    At the same time, the social significance of various options for lawful behavior is different. Their legal status is also different.

    Some types of lawful actions are objectively necessary for normal development society. Variants of such behavior are enshrined in mandatory legal norms in the form of duties. Their implementation is ensured (in addition to the organizational activities of the state) by the threat of state coercion 40 .

    Other behavior options, while not so necessary, are desirable for society (participation in elections, marriage, appealing against unlawful actions of officials, etc.). This behavior is established not as an obligation, but as a right, the nature of the implementation of which largely depends on the will and interests of the person authorized. 41 . Many variants of such behavior are enshrined in dispositive norms.

    Lawful behavior, like illegal behavior (and like any other behavior), has two sides - objective and subjective.

    The subjective side of lawful behavior, like the subjective side of illegal behavior, is characterized by the subject’s intellectual and volitional attitude towards his act and its consequences. However, if the subjective side of an offense is characterized by a specific intellectual-volitional state of the offender, which is called guilt, then the behavior of a law-abiding subject is characterized by a different motivation. And depending on the nature of the latter, lawful behavior can be divided into types.

    Thus, the first type can be called lawful behavior, in which the subject realizes the necessity, validity, fairness of the requirements of legal norms, realizes the usefulness of his behavior and desires a socially useful result. Thus, this type of lawful behavior is characterized by the subject’s conscious attitude to the law and his behavior.

    The second type of lawful behavior from the point of view of its subjective side is conformal (or conformist) behavior, when the subject subordinates his behavior to legal regulations only for the reason that “everyone does it.” This type of lawful behavior is typical for social groups with an insufficiently developed legal culture and legal consciousness (for example, for minors).

    And the third type is when the subject fulfills and complies with legal requirements under the threat of government coercive measures or as a result of their use. The literature rightly notes that this is an “unreliable” type of lawful behavior 42 . In the event of a weakening of state control, it is likely that behavior will change from legal to illegal.

    The objective side of lawful behavior can be considered on the basis of the same elements (categories) as the objective side of illegal behavior. We are talking about behavior, a certain result and a causal connection between them, only for lawful behavior everything comes with a “plus” sign, that is, the behavior and its result must be socially useful, in any case not harmful to society 43 .

    On the objective side, lawful behavior can be divided into two types:

    a) necessary;

    b) socially acceptable.

    It seems that an important role in ensuring the rule of law is played by the attitude towards the law, its principles and norms, and their observance, since it is the negative or indifferent attitude towards the law that is the most common reason for violating the requirements of the rule of law.

    Of no small importance are legal skills and abilities, as well as stereotypes of lawful behavior, the absence of which is a fairly common reason for committing offenses.

    Considering lawful behavior as a criterion for the effectiveness of assessing legal education, it should be noted that the higher the level of legal education in society, the higher the level of lawful behavior will be.

    In order for the subject’s behavior to be lawful, it is necessary to avoid the main problems along the path of the legal educational process, which are:

    Lack of access to legal information at different stages of education;

    Strengthening in the consciousness of “everyday” views on law;

    Reluctance of citizens themselves to legal self-education (lack of motivation, lack of faith);

    Restatement of legal information by the media, its incorrect interpretation and presentation;

    Lack of unified legal education programs at different stages of education (pre-school education, school, university) and education programs for the adult population.

    Legal education is carried out at the state level and is expressed through tasks that must be implemented in the behavior of the subject of law. These tasks are:

    Formation of high citizenship of a person, his general legal culture and social activity;

    Obtaining special legal knowledge by students in the process of preparing for their chosen career;

    Early crime prevention.

    Thus, acting as a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of legal education, lawful behavior is the conscious, socially useful behavior of individual and collective subjects that complies with the rules of law.

    Social and legal activity, i.e. purposeful proactive activity of the subject to suppress offenses, counteract lawlessness, maintain law and order and law-abiding in society, overcome legal nihilism, is one of the characteristic features (components) of the legal culture of the individual 44 .

    Social and legal activity as a personal quality includes a combination of the following elements.

    1. legal behavior the presence of initiative in the application of legal norms, reliance on the requirements of laws, various legal acts in their actions.
    2. legal relations the ability to generalize and convey one’s own legal experience to others (possession of analysis of one’s own and other legal situations, possession of skills and abilities to convey one’s experience to others).
    3. the socio-legal activity of an individual should be considered as an intensive activity of an individual in the field of law, including both positive (approved by the state and society) and negative (negatively perceived by the state and society) factors.

    Social and legal activity is characterized by a number of characteristics.

    Firstly, the socio-legal activity of an individual is always manifested in actions, since the essence of activity lies precisely in action, in the active behavior of a person.

    Secondly, actions are performed by free individuals. Freedom in this case is seen as “the guarantee that each of us can do something without interference from another, prohibiting us from doing it, or forcing us to do something else.” 45 .

    Thirdly, these actions occur in the field of law and can be both legal and illegal. Illegal behavior is also legal behavior (but not lawful), therefore the illegal nature, like the lawful one, is its component.

    Fifthly, socio-legal activity in the process of its functioning should be focused on close interaction with universal human values and come from its proper subjects.

    It seems that the socio-legal activity of an individual can manifest itself in the field of knowledge of legal phenomena, in the field of law-making, in activities directed against violations of the law.

    When determining the significance of socio-legal activity in the information and cognitive sphere, the following circumstances should be taken into account:

    Activity in the knowledge of legal phenomena is the most important part of an individual’s social activity;

    This type of activity is the implementation of the cognitive (cognitive) component of the legal attitude;

    Social activity in the field of law is a fundamental factor that predetermines the nature of the legal activity of an individual as a whole;

    Before receiving legal information, it is necessary to form (develop) an individual’s attitude towards obtaining such a solution to a legal problem that would be in full compliance with the norms and principles of law and morality, i.e. orientation towards activity, and not pseudo-activity (or antisocial activity) in the sphere of legal reality;

    In order to form an attitude towards social and legal activity in the information and cognitive sphere, it is necessary to take into account which social stratum this or that group belongs to: workers, engineers, doctors, teachers, managers, students, students, etc.

    The social and legal activity of an individual can be considered not only as an element of legal life, but also as an indicator, a criterion for the effectiveness of legal education. Because how much more actively a person behaves in the sphere of law, including in the political life of society, the level (state) of his legal education is also determined.

    Since the level of legal activity of an individual is currently very low, the level of legal education of Russian society is low. This can be confirmed, for example, by the low electoral activity of citizens.

    Social and legal activity is one of the most important characteristics of a person in the legal sphere. In most cases, such activity is aimed at achieving a legitimate goal in a lawful manner. But in real legal life there are numerous cases of manifestation of legal activity in a direction that lies next to the official ways of human behavior in society or does not coincide with what is officially recognized and acceptable. This is the so-called “negative legal activity” 46 , which usually manifests itself in illegal actions.


    As part of this thesis, a comprehensive theoretical study of the effectiveness of legal education was carried out.

    The effectiveness of legal education is a complex and multifaceted problem, mediated by the action of many conditions and factors. Some of its directions can become the subject of independent research.

    The effectiveness of legal education means its ability to actually, in an optimal time frame and with the least cost, have a positive impact on citizens’ acquisition of legal knowledge, their beliefs, motives and attitudes in accordance with the needs of society.

    The goals of legal education are the following.

    1) formation of a system of legal knowledge among citizens

    2) formation of legal conviction

    3) formation of motives and habits of lawful, socially active behavior.

    In general theoretical terms, effectiveness can be more clearly imagined if we examine other positive properties of legal education, such as:

    a) efficiency (i.e. the ratio of the means of legal education to the practically achieved result;

    b) utility, i.e. the degree of its “positivity”;

    c) ideological value;

    d) validity and others.

    Analysis of the relationship between the effectiveness of legal education and its listed properties made it possible to define the concept of the effectiveness of legal education in the narrow and broad sense of the word.

    The effectiveness of legal education in a narrow, or “target” sense is determined by the relationship between the actually achieved result of legal educational activity and the social goals for which this activity was undertaken.

    In a broad, or qualitative-targeted, sense, the effectiveness of legal education is: a) the ability of legal educational activities to actually produce a socially useful result in an optimal time frame with the least cost; b) progressive success, an important achievement of government bodies, public organizations, labor, educational groups, and the media in the formation of deep and sustainable knowledge and ideas about law, beliefs, motives and attitudes among the population that meet the requirements of modern legal development of society, instilling citizens of a high legal culture, skills and habits of active, socially useful behavior that complies with the norms of current law.

    Measuring the effectiveness of legal education is not so much a legal problem as a socio-legal one.

    There may be several or even many performance indicators. These include, first of all,:

    a) the degree of achievement of the goal (or goals);

    b) time spent to obtain a certain result;

    c) the volume of organizational, material and spiritual costs;

    d) trends towards strengthening law and order;

    e) public satisfaction with the quality of legal information;

    f) the ability of citizens to apply acquired knowledge in life;

    j) positive public opinion about the rules of law, etc.

    The most important indicator of the effectiveness of legal education is the compliance of the achieved results with the tasks arising from the decisions of public authorities.

    The following were considered as the main criteria for the effectiveness of legal education within the framework of this thesis:

    a) knowledge of law, cognitive-legal activity;

    b) legal conviction, sense of legality;

    c) legality of behavior;

    d) social and legal activity 47 .

    In conclusion, it should be noted that in modern Russian society there is an active the process is underway improving legal education.

    Assessing the effectiveness of legal education is not an end in itself, but a kind of way to identify weak links in this activity and improve its effectiveness.

    The data obtained and their comparison will make it possible to more convincingly develop the planning of the necessary legal topics, forms and methods of legal education of citizens.


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    3 Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 1957. T. 49. P. 284

    4 Yusupov V.A. Law enforcement activities of government bodies. M, 1979. P.118-120.

    5 For example, see: Samotsenko I.S., Nikitinsky V.I. Study of the effectiveness of current legislation // Soviet State and Law. 1970. No. 3. pp. 3-12; Samoshchenko I. S., Nikitinsky V. I., Vengerov A. B. Towards a methodology for studying the effectiveness of legal norms // Soviet State and Law. 1971. No. 9. pp. 70-78.

    6 Lazarev V.V. Efficiency of law enforcement acts. Kazan, 1975. pp. 90-93.

    7 Dolgova A.I. The effectiveness of legal education and problems of its assessment: Issues in the fight against crime. M., 1978. Issue. 28. P. 53.

    8 Kaminskaya V.I., Mikhailovskaya I.V., Radushnaya I.V. Studying the legal consciousness of citizens and issues of legal education. M.: Legal literature, 1972. P. 19.

    9 NW RF. 2014. No. 31. Art. 4398.

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    Melkostupova Natalya Leonidovna


    “If a person is taught goodness, the result will be goodness.”

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky:

    The current stage of development of modern Russia shows the relevance of the legal education of a person, a citizen of a rule-of-law state - a person ready to carry out socially useful actions, possessing a high level of self-awareness and culture. Modern reality determines a numbercontradictions betweenthe needs of society for law-abiding citizens and the legal nihilism of young people; democratic rights, human freedoms, their non-compliance at various levels and legal illiteracy of the Russian population; between a high level of awareness, realization of one’s own rights and a low level of formation of a civic position in fulfilling duties among the younger generation; between the normative and legal consolidation of legal education in educational institutions and the growing number of offenses in children and adolescents.

    In Russia, minors commit crimes of various forms and degrees of severity. Juvenile offenders are a reserve of crime for future decades. 76% of adult criminals committed their first crime in childhood.
    Persons who committed crimes as children in the future, as a rule, rarely stop their criminal activities. Thus, 70% of pupils and 75% of female pupils of special educational institutions committed their first crime before the age of 16, only 10% of those who committed a crime as children subsequently behave lawfully.Despite the fact that currently, compared to the nineties, juvenile crime has decreased slightly, however, the decrease in the number of crimes committed by minors, according to Yusupov M.R., indicates the so-called latent crime among minors, evidence of this is in the increase in the percentage of delivered minors for committing administrative offenses.

    The reasons for children’s deviant behavior are the unformed conditions of legal education, the imperfection of the legal education system as a whole, taking into account certain problems: heredity, family upbringing, psychological and age characteristics of primary schoolchildren and young adolescents.

    Education should be aimed at the need and organization of the formation of conditions for legal protection and the actualization of the task of human responsibility for one’s actions and behavior, the awareness of the individual to ensure one’s own life safety by improving the system of legal education and education of children, starting from the first stages of education.

    The main task of legal education is the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of legal culture as a set of legal knowledge, beliefs, attitudes of the individual, realized in the process of work, communication, behavior, as well as attitude towards the material and spiritual values ​​of society. Legal culture is knowledge of legal norms, a developed moral and legal sphere, the ability to use legal norms in the interests of citizens and one’s own; civil need for legal education and the fight against crime. The core of legal culture is the legal consciousness of the individual. It includes the direct actions of a person, his behavior in various, often unforeseen life situations, it presupposes the ability and willingness of an individual to solve his life problems, live among people, communicate with them, focusing on the rules of law and without going beyond the law in the general sense words and moral law.

    It can be noted that the components of legal culture areknowledge about the law, legislation of the Russian Federation, the existing legal order, methods of its protection; an attitude towards law-abiding behavior and active rejection of violations of law and order, conscious implementation of one’s rights and freedoms, within the framework of current legislation.

    Finding themselves in the endless flow of society, schoolchildren often incorrectly assess legal issues. Their relationships with peers and adults are based on inaccurate concepts or erroneous views, which makes it difficult to resolve controversial issues, conflict situations, creates misunderstanding between people (generations), leads to the accumulation of experience in violent conflict resolution and the acquisition of dangerous forms of behavior (smoking, drinking alcohol, committing offenses), failure to comply with personal safety rules. It can be argued that the legal views of school graduates are superficial and not sufficiently conscious.

    A modern child must learn to choose socially safe conditions and forms of behavior that directly depend on the effectiveness of forming the level of legal culture at the initial stage of education.

    The effectiveness of the formation of the legal culture of junior schoolchildren is ensured by a number of conditions:

    1. The formation of the legal culture of junior schoolchildren should represent the first stage of a holistic, continuous, successive system of legal education for students;

    2. The integrated approach to legal education in primary school involves an optional or elective course; not all educational programs involve the study of social studies and the formation of legal knowledge into an integral system;

    3. Contentslegal education in primary schoolshould not be limited to just teaching rights. The analysis of the proposed programs for primary schools is based on the study of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (New York, November 20, 1989),Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child (adopted by the League of Nations in 1924) and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child (adopted November 20, 1959). Basically, these documents define the social rights of children, which are certainly important. However, it should be understood that these rights are still secondary. Because they were recited, in fact, no special changes occurred in relation to children (but again, it is pointless to deny the importance of the adoption of such documents, because the form also affects the content). If we want attitudes towards children to change for the better, then first of all changes are needed in the spiritual and moral sphere. At the same time, it would be nice to listen to the children themselves. Let's imagine that the children of the whole planet came together and adopted the Declaration of their rights. Perhaps this Declaration would look like this: “We, the children of the whole Earth, declare that we have the right: to parental love, to love for parents, to respect, to be ourselves, to choose our own path, to fulfill our (personal) ) purpose, on your own shortcomings and advantages, on your own vision of the world, different from your parents’ vision of the world, on your own creativity, on your own mistakes, on your own faith.”

    Legal education programs for primary schools must be developed to a single standard and have the necessary conceptual basis. Variability gives the teacher the opportunity to choose a program that meets the requirements and possibilities for effective formation of the legal culture of children, and the interests of the teacher himself.

    Let us note that the content of some developments and manuals on the formation of legal culture reflects the author’s subjective position on the problem and does not have a conceptual basis. There are also no meaningful connections with academic disciplines primary school, there is no continuity with legal education at the middle and senior stages of education, there are no standards for legal education, although the Federal Educational Standard for Primary General Education includestarget and content guidelines:

      love your people, your land and your homeland;

      respect and accept the values ​​of family and society;

      be ready to act independently and be responsible for your actions to your family and society;

      be friendly, be able to listen and hear your interlocutor, justify your position, express your opinion;

      follow the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for yourself and others.

    We assume that the content of the effectiveness of the conditions for the formation of legal culture in primary school should be built on:

    1. Taking into account the requirements of modern society (tolerance, respect for people, social interaction skills, etc.);

    2. Based on an analysis of the problems of development and education of primary school-aged students in conjunction with taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, family, society (neglect and homelessness, child violence and aggressiveness, anxiety, lowering the age threshold for committing offenses, etc.)

    3. Taking into account the content of educational work, because the solution to the main “tasks of age” (A.V. Mudrik) is based on the integration of spiritual, moral, labor, environmental, legal, and patriotic education: mastering the requirements for a school student, family member, friend; rules of behavior in public places, in the family, school, cultural institutions, outdoors, in transport, etc.; awareness of the rights and responsibilities of the child in the family and school; compliance with the rules of personal, public and environmental safety; rules and regulations conflict-free interaction with children of different nationalities and religions.

    Legal education in primary school is an organic continuation of moral education. Fostering humanity, responsibility, and the ability to compare one’s behavior with the opinions of others can prevent people from committing dangerous actions and from coming into conflict with the law. It is no coincidence that many moral requirements for individuals are the basis of legal regulations and protective legal norms. A person who has mastered legal norms acts more clearly, confidently and effectively. And here it is ethical education and the moral education carried out on its basis that constitute the foundation for the formation of the legal culture of students;

    4. Based on cultural, activity, axiological and subjective approaches;

    5. Taking into account regional specifics: the national composition of the region, traditions of interaction between representatives of different nationalities.

    The use of a set of forms and methods, technologies for teaching and upbringing younger schoolchildren should be based onprinciples:

      freedom, equality, partnership, cooperation, protection and protection of individual rights to full upbringing, education and development as the basis for socialization and civic formation, proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(approved and proclaimed on December 10, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations)Convention on the Rights of the Child (New York, November 20, 1989), the Constitution of the Russian Federation (December 12, 1993), the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (which entered into force on September 1, 1913), the Law “On Fundamental Guarantees of Rights child in the Russian Federation" (as amended on December 2, 2013), National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation (dated October 4, 2000);

      the integrity of the pedagogical process, the integration of educational efforts, which involves the implementation of legal education of younger schoolchildren in the unity of education and training, the relationship with extracurricular and extracurricular work, family education;

      social hardening of children (M.I. Rozhkov and others), which involves the inclusion of pupils in situations that require volitional effort to overcome the negative impact of society, the development of certain ways to overcome this, social immunity in relation to nationalist and chauvinistic sentiments.

    Verbal methods impoverish the process of effectiveness of legal education, lead to the separation of theory from real life activities, therefore it is necessary to useforms and methodsstimulating social activity of children:

      gaming (simulation of real situations “Pedestrians”, “In transport”, “At the library”);

      socially significant (fulfillment of socially significant assignments: participation in the “Mercy”, “Clean Yard”, “New Friend” campaigns; development of a system of self-government in the classroom with the development of laws for children’s life; carrying out environmental actions)

      project, research “Child - rights and responsibilities”, “We are all different - we are all equal” “The city in which I live”, “My neighborhood”, etc.).

      creative (exhibitions creative works“The Constitution of the Country “Childhood”, “My Friend”

      discussion (discussion of real problems, exchange of ideas, opinions);

      situational (consideration of real situations);

      reflexive (self-analysis, comprehension and assessment of one’s own actions);

    Implementation of taskseffectiveness of legal education conditions in primary schoolin elective classes will promote compliancea number of conditions:

      taking into account the psychological and age-related characteristics of the development of younger schoolchildren;

      children's life experiences;

      maximum use of gaming forms for children to understand and assimilate legal and moral norms;

      creating an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and trust during classes, because Legal education classes are not ordinary lessons, but conversations about tolerance. They reveal the child’s personality, his spiritual world, his relationships in society, that is, the inclusion of younger schoolchildren in various types of activities that will help in practice understand how to build relationships in society, based on moral and legal norms;

    The most important directioneffectiveness of legal education conditions in primary school is to provide socio-pedagogical and legal support for children, aimed at overcoming and preventing illegal behavior and activities, self-knowledge, self-determination and self-realization of younger schoolchildren in various types of activities in a multicultural environment.

    Carrying out diagnostics of the level of legal culture of junior schoolchildren is a necessary link in the pedagogical process, providing information on the implementation of educational goals, which is essential for further work in order to increase efficiencyconditions of legal education in primary school. Diagnostic activities should also be aimed at studying the nature of interpersonal relationships in a multinational school environment, identifying the child’s individual problems and their causes, studying the style of family education and the nature of its influence on the civic development of the individual.

    Informative methods for diagnosing the formation of the legal culture of junior schoolchildren are:

      observation (involved, open and hidden),

      conversation with the student (interview, interviewing),

      conversation with parents,



      studying the products of children's activities (written and creative works, etc.).

      experimental methods (creation of educational situations, situations for modeling behavior, etc.),


      graphic and drawing tests, projective tests, essays, etc.

    At primary school age, the material for diagnosis can be the nature of the child’s behavior in play and work, collective and individual activities, and in communication with parents. Despite the difficulty of recording the results of a study of the legal culture of a primary school student, at the first stage of education this is feasible, since there is close contact between the teacher and the child and his family.

    An effective condition for legal education in primary school is the personal and professional readiness of the primary school teacher for this work, which includes: personal qualities, corresponding to moral standards of behavior, the formation of skills of tolerant, conflict-free interaction with various categories of the social sphere, the required level of legal knowledge, possession methods and technologies of legal education and education.

    Based on the above, we note that the effectiveness of the formation of legal culture at primary school age is a very urgent and complex task. Its solution depends on a number of conditions, the most important of which are: competent construction of the content of legal education and upbringing, the use of a set of forms, methods and techniques that stimulate the child’s social activity, the teacher’s readiness to implement legal education.

    The effectiveness of legal education for schoolchildren is possible by creating pedagogical conditions: motivational, meaningful, operational.

    Experimental work at the Municipal Educational Institution ShR "Secondary School No. 2" showed the need to conduct classes on moral education with primary schoolchildren. In experienced 2nd grade “G”, theoretical knowledge prevails over practical skills, yet work on the formation of morality must be continued so that theoretical knowledge enters the zone of “actual development” (according to the theory of development of L.S. Vygotsky - psychologist, philosopher). The program “Moral education of schoolchildren in educational activities” can help improve the level of educational training of students at school, ensuring the development of moral qualities of the individual in educational activities.

    The significance and function of the primary school in the system of lifelong education is determined not only by its continuity with other levels of education, but also by the unique value of this stage in the formation and development of the child’s personality. Psychologists have found that it is the primary school age that is characterized by increased susceptibility. This allows us to timely lay the moral foundation for personal development. The core of legal education is the formation of a humanistic attitude and relationships among children, reliance on feelings, emotional responsiveness.

    The pedagogical meaning of the work on developing the legal culture of the personality of a primary school student is to help the child move from basic behavioral skills to more advanced ones. high level, where independent decision-making and moral choice are required. Moreover, each age makes its own contribution to the formation of the legal consciousness of the individual; The social situation that has developed in our country leaves its mark on the formation of personality.


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