• Folklore holiday “Autumn in Rus'. Autumn rituals and customs


    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    Average comprehensive school No. 50 Novosibirsk

    Autumn in Rus'


    Novosibirsk 2016



    Music teacher Gladkikh A.S. - first qualification category;

    Music teacher E. G. Kiseleva - highest qualification category;

    Technology teacher Khasanova O.D. - first qualification category;

    Technology teacher Svistunova N.A. - first qualification category;

    Fine Arts teacher Prizheludskaya E.N. - highest qualification category;

    Technology teacher Selnikhin A.V.

    The date of the: 29.11.16

    Location: Assembly Hall

    Event theme:"Autumn in Rus'"

    Event type:consolidation of acquired knowledge, integrated lesson.

    Purpose of the event: formation of students’ interest in Russian culture in lessons and in extracurricular activities.

    Objectives of the event

    1. To familiarize students with the history, traditions and rituals of the folk holiday “Autumn in Rus'”.

    2. To develop children’s cognitive and creative activity and interest in handicrafts.

    3.To form an idea of ​​the beauty of work, the variety of manifestations of decorative art.

    3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards domestic traditions and the values ​​of one’s people through awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality, and promote the rapprochement of generations.

    Event structure

    1.Meeting guests;

    2. Introductory speech: “Formation of students’ interest in Russian culture in lessons and in extracurricular activities using the example of the Russian folk holiday “Autumn in Rus'”;

    3. Students perform Russian folk songs, round dances, and the theatrical performance “Autumn in Rus'”;

    4. Presentation of an exhibition of arts and crafts, drawings on the theme “People's holiday - Autumn in Rus'”;

    5.Tea drinking at the samovar;

    Teaching methods:gaming, method of conversation and dialogue, method of modeling the artistic creative process.

    Educational technology- information and communication technology.

    Planned results:

    Personal results:

    • the readiness and ability of students to perceive Russian culture, the formation of motivation for its further study, value-semantic attitudes and individual personal positions;
    • awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality based on the study of the best examples of folklore;
    • increasing motivation for the educational and creative process.

    Subject results:

    Know and understand the role of folk music and art in human life, the forms of constructing Russian folk songs and tunes, types of decorative and applied arts and practical use them in everyday life;

    Be able to convey the character of music in musical terms creative activity;

    Form aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

    Meta-subject results:


    Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of an activity, searching for means of its implementation;

    Mastering ways to solve creative problems; mastering methods of practical activity - handicraft.


    Formation of knowledge about Russian folk art;

    Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

    Formation of the ability to find beauty in folk art.


    Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in the process of musical and creative activity.

    Material and technical base:computer, multimedia projector, musical instruments, musical equipment.

    Thematic holiday “Autumn in Rus'”.

    Musical repertoire used at the festival:

    1. Russian folk round dance song “Autumn the needlewoman”;
    2. Russian folk round dance song “We were in the round dance”;
    3. Russian folk song “The Scarlet Flower”;
    4. Russian folk song “There is a viburnum on the mountain”;
    5. Russian folk song "Spinner":
    6. Rx folk song “The Gilded Spinning Top”;
    7. Russian folk song "Subbotea";
    8. Song “Autumn in Rus'”;
    9. Ditties;
    10. Russian folk dance songs.

    Preparation for the holiday:

    1. Decoration of the assembly hall in the style of a Russian hut; an exhibition of decorative and applied arts on the theme “Autumn Fontasia”, drawings on the theme “Folk Holiday – Autumn in Rus'”;
    2. Autumn leaves, artificial trees;
    3. A table covered with a tablecloth, with Russian dishes and a samovar.

    Scenario of the holiday “Autumn in Rus'”

    introduction: The main goal of the methodological association is: “Formation of the spiritual world of schoolchildren, high artistic and aesthetic taste, skills of creative activity, morality, education of hard work and patriotism.” Spiritually - moral development and personality education is carried out through different types pedagogical activity. Therefore, every year our methodological association holds various thematic holidays, in which students’ interest in Russian culture is formed. Such events are very interesting and bright, in the traditions of Russian folk holidays. Today we bring to your attention the event “Autumn in Rus'”, prepared by teachers together with students. Our task was to familiarize students with the history, traditions and rituals of the national holiday. To achieve this, not only the holiday itself is important, but also the preparation for it. In the hall there is an exhibition of works that students completed for this event in class and outside of class with technology teachers, as well as an exhibition of drawings made by children with a fine arts teacher. Besidesa competition was organized in advance for best works from natural material on the theme “Autumn Fantasy”, these works are also on display at the exhibition. Before starting practical activities, each teacher in his lessons introduces students to the history of folk holidays, thereby reviving the culture and ancient customs Russian people and introduces students to their folklore creativity.”

    Scenario for the holiday “Autumn in Rus'”.

    The hostess sweeps the stage and adjusts the decoration of the hut against the backdrop of Russian music.

    Mistress: I cleaned up the hut, baked some pies, and can now welcome dear guests! (comes closer to the edge of the stage).

    I'm expecting guests today to celebrate Autumn. This holiday came to us from ancient times. By this time, the entire harvest had already been harvested and the people were celebrating. We went to visit each other, sang songs, danced in circles(knock on the door).

    So the guests came to me! I hear you, I hear you, come in, dear guests!

    Under the cheerful r.n. The younger girls come in dancing a melody. They go up to the stage and, passing by the hostess, bow from the waist. They sit on the benches.

    Hostess: (with a bow) - Hello, dear guests! I'm glad to see you in my room. Not rich in warm days Russian calendar. A hot summer will pass with work and worries about the harvest. Look, autumn is just around the corner. At the end of September, when all the harvest is collected in the bins, you can have some fun.

    1 girl: Who knows what the harvest festival was called before?

    2nd: Ospozhniki;

    3rd: Autumn;

    4th: Name day;

    5th: We celebrated this holiday for a whole week. The richer the harvest, the more fun the holiday.

    6th: They sang songs, danced in circles, did handicrafts(start embroidering).

    Round dance “Autumn is a needlewoman”

    Mistress: You made me happy! Who knows proverbs and sayings about autumn, about the autumn months?

    7th: September is cold, but full.

    8th: October is a cabbage season, it smells like cabbage.

    9th: In October there are seven weathers: it sows, it blows, it swirls, it stirs, it roars, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

    10th: November - September grandson, October son, winter - dear father.

    11th: In November, the man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh.

    12th: Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

    13th: Autumn is coming, bringing the harvest with it.

    14th: Autumn has come to visit,

    She brought us good things.

    In boxes - canvas,

    On the threshing floor - grain.

    15th: Also flax - hemp,

    Rye, wheat, barley.

    Mistress: Smart girls, smart girls! In autumn, the days become shorter and twilight comes earlier. And during these long autumn evenings It's time for girls' get-togethers: some sew, some knit, some spin yarn, some embroider.

    One of oldest species needlework is the art of embroidery; it has a centuries-old history. In Rus', the ability to skillfully embroider was passed down from generation to generation, and children began to be taught at the age of 4-5. By the time she reached the age of fifteen or sixteen, a peasant girl had to prepare her own dowry. In her chest, by the time the matchmakers arrived, up to 100 embroidered towels, many tablecloths, valances, pillowcases, festive clothes and dozens of meters of canvas woven by her hands had accumulated. Hand-made things - their abundance, skillful execution, good quality spoke of the hard work, diligence and patience of the bride, and it was obvious to everyone that a beautiful, skillful housewife and caring wife was entering the groom’s house.

    1st girl: This is how it works in Rus',

    What talented people

    He is both a Swede and a reaper,

    And there is a player on the pipe.

    Mistress: Who knows the sayings about work?

    2nd: To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

    3rd: A small deed is better than a big idleness.

    4th: Business before pleasure.

    5th: Work torments, feeds, and teaches.

    6th: We do the work - we sing a song.

    Song "Scarlet Flower".

    Mistress: Hello, invited and welcome guests! Please go to the hut. For a red guest - a red place (bows to the guests).

    The girls sit on benches and begin to embroider.

    1st girl: Oh, okay, girlfriends. Finally, the time to rest has come. And then in the summer there is not a single day free.

    2nd girl: Father mows the hay, and you rake it! Mother reaps bread with a sickle, and you knit the sheaves!

    3rd girl : Now all the evenings will be ours. Let's sing our favorite "Spinner".

    Performance of the song "Spinner".

    Mistress: Why are the beautiful girls sad? Come on, let's have a fun and dance.

    Song “The Gilded Spinning Wheel” (danced by the soloist).

    Mistress: What sayings do you know about the spinning wheel?

    4th girl: The lazy spinner has no shirt

    5th girl: Like the spinner, like the shirt she wears

    6th girl: The spinning wheel is not God, but He gives you a shirt

    7th girl: The spinner is not a wolf - he will not run into the forest

    8th girl: You won’t be able to weave in winter, you won’t have time to weave in summer.

    9th girl: Don't be lazy to spin, you'll dress well

    10th girl: Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels are apart.

    Mistress: Did you know that the spinning wheel accompanied the girl from birth to marriage? Among the Eastern Slavs, the newborn was handed over to the godmother through a spinning wheel; They put the spinning wheel in the girl's cradle. A personal, signed spinning wheel was not lent, otherwise, as it was believed, there would be a fire or the bees would die. In Rus', a guy who wrote his name on a girl’s spinning wheel was obliged to marry her. Usually the groom gave the girl a new spinning wheel, made and decorated with his own hands.

    Spinning lasted throughout the autumn-winter period, interrupting only forChristmas holidays .

    4th girl: Like a beautiful maiden in a mansion,


    She was sitting in the mansion,

    She sewed with silk and wove with gold.

    5th girl: Under a raspberry bush

    Silk grass is growing.

    Under the rowan bush

    Our Katya is sewing a dress.

    6th youngest girl (answers).

    Needle, needle,

    You are thin and prickly.

    Don't prick my finger

    Shay sundress.

    A conversation about embroidery.

    Mistress: Well, my craftswomen are mistresses, show me your skills!

    (looks, praises).

    Mistress: Where are our reapers, young girls?

    4th girl: The reapers are coming, they are coming,

    They carry spikelets in their hands.

    To the accompaniment of a Russian folk song, all the girls start a round dance, twirling like a snail.

    5th girl: (at the end of the round dance) says: They squeezed the field to the end, to the crown of victory ( everyone bows).

    1st girl: Autumn, you are autumn, guests for eight weeks,

    With strong thunder, with rain, with downpours.

    2nd: Let it rain from the sky

    There will be more bread!

    (One girl carries out bread on a towel)

    Here it is, fragrant bread,

    With a crunchy twisted crust.

    Here it is warm, golden,

    As if filled with sunshine(carries to guests).

    We bring you a loaf of bread,

    Bowing, we ask you to taste.

    Mistress: Skillful hands do not know boredom.

    Who worked from the heart,

    Have fun now, dance!

    Song “Saturday” (older girls).

    Good fellows (boys) enter to the cheerful tune.

    Mistress: And here are some good fellows who have come to us! Hello dear guests!(bows).

    Boys in chorus: Hello, hostess!

    Mistress: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are not starting the holiday!

    1st boy: We drove past, but turned before the smoke.

    2nd: Sitting at home, not getting anything done.

    3rd: We decided to look at people and show ourselves.

    4th : Make way, honest people,

    No dust, path!

    Good fellows are coming

    Walk a little!

    Mistress: Come in, dear guests! I have a place and a word for everyone.

    4th: Don’t worry, hostess, we’re not staying at home, and we’re not visiting.

    Mistress: Well, good fellows, what will you please your guests with?

    Boys perform ditties, playing along with musical instruments.

    1st girl:

    Autumn in Rus' was celebrated with songs and games.

    In the morning people went to the shores of lakes and ponds.

    They brought out oatmeal bread, fed it to livestock,

    So that the milk yield is good.

    2nd girl:

    And then - the party began, have fun, honest people!

    In the villages they brew honey and beer and dance in circles.

    So let’s honor the ancient custom: let’s create a wide circle -

    And with soul, with inspiration, we will sing a sonorous song.

    The song “Autumn in Rus'” is performed.

    3rd girl: Autumn, Autumn,

    Stars in the festive heights,

    These are Russian pictures

    Our life in Rus'.

    4th girl: Life is like this, not different,

    This is our side.

    Everything that happened, remembering

    Let the native country live,

    All in unison: very Russian, earthly, the best country in the world!

    Song “Live our Rus' and soul”

    1 boy: Go around the whole planet,

    There is no better Russian dance!

    Russian dance, including guests.


    This is how people had fun in the old days.

    We sat at the autumn hide-and-seek games,

    We looked at the cheerful craftswomen,

    Where it is merrily sung -

    Life is fun there!

    If it was sweet for you with us,

    please visit us another time.
    And we invite everyone to the table
    We'll treat you to pies!


    According to the cheerful Russian folk style, children enter the hall


    The guest gifted autumn with fruit harvests,

    Drizzling rains, a basket of forest mushrooms

    So let's celebrate autumn with song, dance and games.

    The meetings will be joyful, Autumn, this is your holiday!

    Leading: Hello, dear guests!

    Welcome to us!
    We invite you to the distant past.
    We learn a lot about the autumn holidays.
    Our relatives and great-grandfathers sacredly bequeathed -
    Remember their traditions in joy and in sorrow.

    So that they work well and have fun freely.

    May our Russia be rich and contented.

    Yes, Russian people knew how to work, all work was held in high esteem. But when the holidays came, everyone, young and old, had fun widely, cheerfully, with all their hearts. That’s what people used to say: “If you know how to work, you know how to have fun!” So we're going to have some fun today. The harvest has been collected from the fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. The cellars are bursting with autumn gifts. It's not scary to go into winter. After all, as people used to say, “Autumn is stocky, winter is tidy!” Let's thank autumn today and glorify it with our songs and dances.

    In the old days, people loved Autumn and celebrated it long and cheerfully. Autumn had many holidays: Autumn, Rain, Cabbage, Kuzminki, Pokrov. And each of this holiday had its own traditions. We will remember them today.

    On Semyonov's day the first Autumns were celebrated. From this day Indian Summer began. Autumn- harvest festival. The whole family gathered together at the table and a feast was held. The table had to have oatmeal, eggs, cottage cheese, honey, berry jam, everything that autumn generously bestowed. Then they played games and danced, sang songs, and thanked autumn for its generosity.

    Cabbage"- these are girls' get-togethers, during which they prepared cabbage for the winter. Smartly dressed peasant girls went around all the houses of their village with songs and helped the owners chop cabbage.

    1.Lots of gifts for us this fall

    I brought it with me in a basket,

    And now, Princess Autumn,

    We will honor you.

    2. Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit

    With abundant bread,

    With high sheaves,

    With falling leaves and rain,

    With a migrating crane.


    We'll start a round dance,

    And we’ll sing about the garden.

    Song "Generous autumn has come."

    Look, guys,

    What's growing in our garden bed?

    White and crispy, they call me cabbage.

    Tasty, healthy, I will drive away diseases.

    I am in the soup, and in the salad, in the pies, and in the pancakes.

    Try me, baby! I am everyone's favorite potato!

    I am a bow, I am Cippolino, cheerful, mischievous.

    Colds and sore throats can't handle me.

    Very red carrot. Carrots have a lot of benefits.

    Vitamins, juice and taste - eat boldly, little one!

    I'm a pot-bellied zucchini

    He lay down on his side under a bush.

    Like a white pig

    He raised his patch towards the sun.

    The "VEGETABLES" children take their places in the improvised "bed".

    Competition “Test a Vegetable”

    Host: Now we’ll compete. Let's show our hard work and dexterity.

    Autumn brought a lot of fruits and vegetables.

    Guys, we’ll sort them out into baskets as soon as possible.


    We have collected the harvest, now we need to transport it to storage.

    Game “Transport the harvest from the field”
    On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, dummies of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes, 2 pieces of each, are laid out on the floor. Two people play in the game. At a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.
    A more difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.


    We visited the garden.

    Now let's look into the forest.

    After all, in the autumn forest too

    There are many miracles.

    I know riddles about mushrooms.

    And now I’ll tell you about them.


    This mushroom is located under a pine tree,

    like the king of the forest.

    Glad to find his mushroom picker,

    it is white boletus

    This cute little fungus

    I chose a quiet corner.

    You cut it off with a knife - ka,

    it's edible Russula.

    Brothers sitting on a stump

    all covered in freckles, like boys.

    These friendly guys

    are called honey mushrooms

    Game “Who can collect the most mushrooms in a basket”

    Well, well done, you picked some good mushrooms.

    “We are Antoshka’s mushrooms” (boys)

    Hey girls, where have you been?

    We went to the forest to pick raspberries.

    Song "Let's go to the garden through the raspberries." (girls)

    Host: Another wonderful autumn holiday " Cover" was considered the first winter. In Pokrov it is autumn before lunch, and winter after lunch. If you get up at dawn, the roof is in white silver.

    Autumn worries are over, it's time to get down to winter things. Which means it's time to celebrate "Kuzminki" or as they call the holiday of Kozma and Demyan differently. Let the guys cut spoons, and the girls do needlework. After all, skillful hands never know boredom.

    (A group of children comes out with spoons)

    Our Russia is great,
    And our people are talented.
    About our native Rus', craftsmen,
    Word spreads all over the world.

    Child: We cut the spoons ourselves
    Made from birch and alder.
    They were painted with love,
    And there are roosters on the arms.


    Spoons, carved spoons,
    They will ring in a moment.
    Not simple, painted,
    Old Russian instrument.

    So that children don't get bored

    From dawn to dawn.

    We are ready to sing songs for you,

    Our miracles are spoons.



    We thank Autumn for the gifts,

    But the time has come for us to part,

    After all, in November the snow will fall on the ground,

    The cold will come and winter will come.

    “Thank you, Autumn!” - we will all say together

    And we end the holiday with a good song.

    General song “AUTUMN IN Rus'”

    The First Autumn is a holiday celebrated on September 14th. By this day, the peasants had already collected the harvest from the fields. The time has come when we need to thank Mother Earth for her generous gifts. In all the houses they baked pies mixed with flour from the recently harvested crop. From this day on, autumn weddings began to be celebrated in Rus'. This holiday connects two holidays: spiritual and earthly. By its spiritual nature, this is the holiday “Christmas Holy Mother of God”, but in its earthly essence it is a harvest festival, accompanied by games and songs. According to the folk calendar, golden autumn begins on this day, which will last until October 14.

    Autumn people are greeted by the water. On this day, early in the morning, women go to the banks of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. In the old days, there was a custom for newlyweds to treat their relatives, which is why September 8 was also called “Presentation Day.” All relatives and friends came to the newlyweds. Today we have a holiday called Autumn. Since September 21, it was believed that every summer - Amen. Autumn has come into its own. In essence, this is a religious holiday of astronomical autumn equinox. In the agricultural calendar of the Slavs, this day was called “Oseniny” or “Ospozhinki” and was celebrated as a harvest festival. By folk tradition Cabbage parties and girls' parties began, when young people went from house to house to chop cabbage. Autumn's first meeting of autumn. On this day, it was supposed to “wipe” the “new” fire with two planks and begin sit-downs or gatherings with this clean fire. We noticed: if Semyon the day is clear, then the entire Indian summer will be warm, and we must expect a warm winter.

    The popular name for the days of remembrance of Saints Paraskevi, who in Orthodox tradition there are four. The Eastern Slavs especially revered Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, the patroness of the day of the week of the same name. The folk tale dedicated to the Day of the Exaltation reveals the meaning of the holiday in its own way. The church service on this day is given a special “magnification”: “We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your honorable Protection.” In popular understanding, the church holiday of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary appears far removed from Christian legend. Kuzminki (Kuzmodemyanki) is a girl's holiday celebrated throughout Russia by girls on the autumn day of memory of Kuzma and Demyan - November 1/14.

    Korean autumn traditions

    After Christmas came the so-called holy days, which lasted until Epiphany, during which it was customary to go from house to house and glorify Jesus Christ with prayers and chants. One of the most significant holidays of the summer was Ivan Kupala or Midsummer's Day, named after John the Baptist and celebrated on the day from July 6 to 7, the summer solstice. Only with its onset could the ancient Slavs eat apples from the new harvest, which were necessarily consecrated in the church. One of the most revered autumn holidays that came to the ancient Slavs from Byzantium was Intercession Day, celebrated on October 14 (1). On this day, tables were set with treats, gifts were brought to the poor and orphans, attendance at church services was obligatory, and the time for wedding celebrations began.

    The autumnal equinox falls on September 22, sometimes 23. Day and night at this time become equal. From time immemorial, many peoples have attached mystical significance to this day. Conduct ancient rite Buddhist holiday Higan. On this day, the Japanese prepare food only from plant ingredients: beans, vegetables.

    The Orthodox world celebrates Christmastide - two weeks of winter holidays

    Full bins and free time gave people the opportunity to relax.

    Nativity of the Virgin Mary (8.09 old/21.09 new). On this day, Simeon the Stylite, the founder of Stylites, is remembered. This day is associated with the end of work in the fields and the beginning of winter. It is popularly considered a maiden holiday and the cover of weddings.

    The holiday is celebrated with visits and widespread hospitality. 18/06, which is approximately 9 months after this holiday. To escape from snakes, you can read a poem. In Rus', Autumn was depicted as a small, dry peasant. AUTUMN: Do you guys know that people called these months differently? Indian summer, which lasts in some areas for up to three weeks.

    So, in Israel, Sukkot takes place on September 19th. On this day, Jews perform the ritual of raising the lulav.

    Autumn equinox among the Slavs

    The autumn equinox was one of the main holidays among the Slavs. Ovsen is the name of a deity in mythology who was responsible for the change of seasons, so in the fall he was thanked for fruits and harvests. The ritual for the autumn equinox was the farewell of the goddess Zhiva to Svarga - the heavenly kingdom, which was closed in the winter. Our ancestors often used trees in autumn rituals and holidays.

    Bright and optimistic folk holidays are an excellent basis not only for moral and physical relaxation, but also a source of self-expression, an opportunity for spiritual unity, and the birth of cohesion. But how much better is it to hold a folk festival with beautifully dressed people, round dances and songs, with traditional games or secret fortune-telling.

    On St. George's Day, complete calm from the autumn labors was celebrated. Kolyada is of original pagan origin and is associated with the winter solstice. From January 6 until Maslenitsa, Wedding Weeks continued in the old days.

    With an apparently successful harvest, the “pozhinki” sometimes last for a whole week: the more productive the summer, the longer the holiday. On this day, it was customary for the Poles to do the first sowing of winter crops: they sow several handfuls of rye from the ears, blessed in a wreath on Obzhinki. Czechs, Moravians and Slovaks blessed wheat for sowing in the church or blessed bunches of the first ears; both were decorated with flowers. According to Slovak beliefs, on this day snakes go into the ground - to Yuri. They believed that whatever the weather would be like on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, it would then last for another four weeks.

    On January 21, Prosinets is celebrated - Midwinter - it is believed that the cold begins to subside and, at the behest of the Gods, the warmth of the sun returns to the Lands of the Slavs. They glorify Heavenly Svarga. The name of the holiday “Prosinets” comes from “pro-shine”, which means the rebirth of the sun. February 16. Kikimora's Name Day is celebrated - the day when people create amulets for their home. For Christians, this date was the day of Maremyana the Righteous, popularly nicknamed Meremyana-Kikimora. On March 22, the second Calls of Spring (the Alive Goddess) are held, performed from the tops of the hills from which the snow has already begun to melt, popularly called “Yarilin’s bald patches.” The main dish of the great Maslenitsa holiday is pancake - in Slavic pagan tradition symbolizing the Sun. April 16 - 22 Rusalia - with the onset of warmth, mermaids begin their games in high water. Therefore, in Russian folk tradition, the day of Yarila Veshny is also known as Yuryev’s day - the day of the “wolf shepherd”.

    October 22 Autumn Grandfathers, 27th Day from Autumn. October 26 Mokosha Shifts to the 8th Friday from Rozhanitsy. Nov. 1. Day of Svarog. December 4 is the holiday of Dawn (Ushas and Vesta). December 23 - Holy Evening. Christmas Eve. Summer holidays are holidays of the cult of birth, harvest and protection of this harvest from various misfortunes.

    Religious holidays are also celebrated in Russia. They are also popular, because the Orthodox faith cannot be separated from the values ​​with which the country’s culture is rich.

    In December, people could already take a break from hard work and should think about something more pleasant. spring training to new things. Our ancestors loved December 25 (Spyridon Solstice). On the night of it, according to their beliefs, their ancestors came to people in the form of holy spirits. Those who wished the owners all earthly blessings. If they were stingy and did not thank the singers, then they could receive an evil wish for the holiday. All days of the Maslenitsa week with your name and rituals. In many villages the tradition still exists, the figures are called larks, due to the desire to see this particular bird. Yes, and the holiday is often called Larks. Asking for leniency and a mild winter. They rejoiced and thanked nature if the fields were snow-covered that day.

    1. Systematize and enrich children’s knowledge about the holidays and traditions of the Russian people. In the evening of Christmas, everyone went to church, the people, led by a priest, made a procession of the cross. His obligatory attribute was a Christmas lantern. Baptism was considered by the people to be a special day that could bring happiness. In Rus' they have always been loved; they contributed to bringing people closer together and strengthening family ties.

    Holidays have been preserved, which we continue to observe, having become accustomed to them, without even thinking about their origin. But there are holidays that are again applicable in our modern life. The ancients are reborn Slavic traditions with their unique ethnic baggage. At the end of the round dance, the women brought jugs of mash and treated the girls. In Rus', on Semyonov Day (September 1), tonsures and mounting of horses took place. This ancient rite was performed in some families with every son, in others - only the firstborn. There, in Tolmachevsky Lane, beyond the Moskva River, women gathered around the Church of Kozma and Damian with chickens and held prayer services after mass. In the villages, women came with chickens to the boyar's courtyard and with petitions brought them to their boyar "for a good life." In response, the noblewoman gave the peasant women ribbons for their ubrusnik (headdress). Such “petition chickens” were kept in a special way: they were fed mainly on oats and barley and were never killed.

    Our ancestors believed that fun and satiety give rise to special energy. Having passed through time layers, they organically merged into the rules of Christian celebrations. Orthodox Church on special days, he forbids parishioners to work, swear, and mourn.

    Rituals and customs are part of the culture of every people, be it a huge nation or a small community. We invite you to get acquainted with autumn rituals, the history of their origin and essence. Traditions associated with the onset of autumn different countries interesting and varied.

    There are also holidays, when people not only relax, but have fun, dance and sing, and perform ritual actions related to the thematic component. What is their difference and unity, when did they originate and how are they celebrated today?

    Russian folk holidays are not only beautiful and cheerful, they are filled with meaning and spirituality, the thematic content of each carries an ideological load, which is especially important for young people. The atmosphere of community, a common root and familiarization with people's sacred values ​​contribute to the formation of national pride and patriotism.

    Wine harvest

    Autumn holidays among Belarusians are similar to autumn rituals and holidays among other Slavic peoples. One of the main autumn rituals was held on Dozhinki. Similarly, the Osenins in Belarus celebrated the harvest festival - the rich man. The symbol of the holiday was a popular print with grain and a candle inside. Dziady means “grandfathers”, “ancestors”.

    In Europe, grape harvest holidays are considered traditional.

    It was believed that on this day the first mowing should be done, then there would be plenty of hay. If it rained, they expected a rich harvest of honey. Athenogenes marked the beginning of the harvest. The first sheaf was kept in the hut as a talisman. On this day we spent magical rituals for a good offspring and against the death of livestock. The horses were bathed, their manes were combed, they were treated to selected hay and oats, and they were freed from any work.

    The oat loaf was broken into a number of pieces equal to the number of people present at the ritual. Upon returning home, this bread was used to feed livestock - this was supposed to attract material wealth to the house. On Oseniny, a large meal was always held, in which all residents of the village took part. The obligatory attributes of the festive table were kutia made from cereals and honey, bread, and milk dishes.

    This day belongs the following signs: “Lenten Ivan came, took away the red summer”, “Lenten Ivan is the godfather of autumn”, “No man leaves Lenten Ivan without a caftan.” Dormition Fast, also known as Spozhenki; by consonance and coincidence of time, it is mixed with spozhinki - autumn, the birthday sheaf, the end and celebration of the end of the harvest). September 21 - autumn, the second meeting of autumn. We continued harvesting onions, which had begun the day before. In the villages, the Exaltation is associated with the end of the harvest, this is the third meeting of autumn, the first winter. These days were called thaw, kiselnitsa, October - mud. In everyday life, Pokrov is associated with the end of field work, the collection of the last fruits, with the first frosts and snow cover of the ground. Veil is traditionally a time to attract grooms and weddings. Among other signs about the weather, the following also stood out: “Dmitry’s day of transportation does not await”, “Dmitry in the snow - late spring.”

    Velesen is the seventh month of the ancient year, the first month of autumn, dedicated to the god Veles. Nine houses of Maya. Before giving birth to Kolyada, Maya went through nine signs of the Zodiac, visited nine heavenly houses: the house of Maya (Virgo), the house of Veles (Libra), and on the day of Veles - Ryabinkin they collected rowan berries. Memory of Zlatogor and Bus. On the same day, the god of the winds Stribog and his bird Stratim (ostrich) are commemorated. Ancient recipe was like this: “To cure damage in children, you need to go to three lakes or three springs at dawn, silently, without looking back. Celebration of summing up the agricultural year. Weddings begin with Intercession.

    Slavic farmers considered September to be the beginning of the year, the month when they harvested their crops. The peasants performed a ceremony to glorify the Family and Rozhanitsy, made sacrifices to their ancestors and glorified family well-being. Autumn on September 14 in the pagan calendar was called the Autumn Serpentine - the time of snake weddings. For example, it was necessary to strike a fire using two dry planks. The earth was fumigated with this fire. It was also necessary to give thanks to the earth for the harvest.

    There are several other names for the holiday - Aspozhok, Spasov or Asposov day - a triple derivative of the words Spas, Mistress and reap - after the harvest. This whole week is called Asposova. December 9 is St. George's Day. Yuri is cold. Here’s to you, grandma, and St. George’s day!” - people began to say after its abolition by Tsar Boris Godunov.

    People worshiped the sky and asked it to water the earth for a good harvest. Rich sacrifices were made to the pagan gods, prayers and thanksgiving were offered, and people tried to attract their favor through ritual dances. Afraid of angering them with vanity and insufficient attention, the ancient Slavs prepared for rituals in advance and set aside not only whole days for this, but sometimes whole weeks, if the issue was very important.

    Dmitrov's Saturday was always celebrated solemnly: they went to the graves and served memorial services there, and arranged rich treats. November 27th is the day of St. Nicholas the Saint, the winter and cold St. Previously, in many places in Russia, the so-called Nikolshchina was celebrated on Nikolina Day.

    Look back into the past and return to the present

    The first turning point occurred in 988, when Prince Vladimir baptized Rus'. This epoch-making act changed the calendar and the nature of pagan rituals. When handicrafts and manufacturing became the basis of the well-being of the townspeople, folk holidays and rituals closely associated with the agricultural calendar receded even further into the shadows. In that difficult period As eras changed, paganism moved to the most remote parts of Russia.

    Today, Russian folk holidays in their natural form are exotic. Only in the rural hinterlands, which have not yet been absorbed by mass urbanization, can living folklore be found. People are happy to take part in the colorful action, which has an exclusively historically authentic basis.

    Already somewhere from Ilyin's day, and somewhere from Uspenev, autumn round dances began in many settlements. It is worth noting that the round dance is the most ancient of the dances of the Russian people, and is rooted in the rites of worship of the Sun God. They renewed the fire, extinguished the old one, and started a new one. From that time on, all activities in the field ended and work began in the house, in the yard, and in the garden. On this day we did not go into the forest, because it was believed that a snake could drag us away.

    Calendar rituals, having arisen in ancient times, reflected the worldview of the people; they changed in accordance with the development of society. The Slavs did not create their own fortune-telling systems, but “a holy place is never empty”: they had their own way of predicting the future. The formation and establishment of new holidays and rituals in everyday life among the peoples of our country was examined by L. A. Tultseva. Currently, practical needs have put forward the task of developing modern Russian calendar holidays, taking into account the features that have appeared in the new region. Currently, most of the customs and traditional actions associated with autumn rituals are a thing of the past. To some extent, the old ritual actions are retained in the games of children of those families where the older generation tells about this to the young.

    In the 4th century, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great found the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher. Many then wanted to see this miracle. This is how the Feast of the Exaltation was established. On the third day of November, “Kazanskaya” was celebrated.

    Exaltation moves heat away, and cold advances. The rise of autumn moves towards winter. The bird took flight towards Vozdvizhenie.

    Gogol also wrote: “What Russian doesn’t like driving fast?” And today, during festivities, daring sleigh rides pulled by Russian troikas are very popular!

    The word “mother” is sacred for every person, but the name of the Mother of God is even more sacred... The Mother of God has revealed herself to all of us and is given eternal life - Christ.

    Late February - early March - Maslenitsa. The start date of the holiday “floats”, it is associated with lunar calendar, begins 8 weeks before the first spring full moon.

    Traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people

    September 24 – Fedora-Ripped off. Two Fedoras up the mountain - one autumn, one winter, one with mud, the other with cold. On this day, a ritual called “the wedding and funeral of Kuzma-Demyan” was performed.

    The work done was completed by drawing up the program “Holidays and rituals of the Russian people, as part of the optional course Folk Art”, and a selection didactic material. Trinity Trinity games and songs. Reproduction of Rublev’s painting “Trinity”.

    In the nineteenth century, this holiday was celebrated everywhere among the Slavs, only at different times, mainly depending on the climate. For example, the last sheaf was reaped in silence, and then the women rolled through the stubble with certain words-songs. This ritual was called “beard curling.”

    September 14, according to the ancient calendar, is the first day of the beginning of autumn; in ancient times it was called Oseniny or the day of Seeds of the Summer Conductor and was celebrated as a harvest festival. It was on this day that Thanksgiving was given to Mother Earth. At the beginning of autumn, all work on the harvest was completed; in addition, they greeted autumn with a renewal of fire: they extinguished the old fire and lit a new one, extracting it from the sparks that appeared when striking silicon.

    From that day on, all work in the field ended and began in the garden: they prepared onions for the winter. Usually on this day they served a large festive table and invited all his relatives to see him. For this holiday, beer was brewed and a sheep was slaughtered. They baked a cake from the flour of the new harvest and glorified Mother Earth, who bestowed a good harvest.

    This day was considered a great holiday, and what fun would be without a game song:

    "We're drunk, we're drunk, we're drunk,

    To our side

    There is great freedom on our side!

    And the freedom is great, the men are rich!

    That the men are rich, stone chambers!

    What stone chambers, golden doors,

    What domes are cast!”

    But Autumn is not one holiday, but a series of three celebrations. The first Autumn falls on September 14, the second on September 21, which coincides with the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the third falls on September 27.

    Autumn - this holiday came to us from ancient times and means farewell to summer and welcome to autumn. It is celebrated three times:

    • September 14 – First Autumn or the day of the Seeds of the Summer Guide. On this day, work began in the huts by candlelight or sitting.
    • September 21 is the Second Autumn or Ospozhinki, the celebration of the harvest. It is believed that on this day summer has already passed and autumn takes control.
    • September 27 is the Third Autumn or Exaltation. All signs and traditions on this day are associated with movement. The rise of autumn moves towards winter, “the grain moves from the field to the threshing floor,” “the bird moved to take flight,” and even “the caftan and fur coat moved, and the hat pulled down.”

    In ancient times, Osenins were celebrated on the day of the autumn equinox, when day is equal to night and this fell on September 21. By this time, the peasants were collecting all the harvest from the fields and gardens. This day was celebrated by visiting the guests with wide hospitality. On this day they always visited their parents and commemorated their ancestors.

    Autumn is the second meeting of autumn, otherwise this day is also called Pasekin. Bees are removed for the winter and onions are collected, which is why peasants also call it the day of the onion teardrop. There are such beliefs on this day:

    • the earth is preparing for snow-white mornings;
    • if the weather is good on this day, then autumn will be like that;
    • Indian summer has scared away the silence.

    It is recommended to celebrate the holiday of Osenin or Seeds of the Summer Guide near the water. The day begins with all the women going to the shore of a river, lake or reservoir to meet and greet Mother Osenina with oatmeal bread. An older woman holds bread and young girls sing songs. Afterwards the bread is broken into pieces and fed to livestock. In ancient times, it was believed that on this day women conceived strong and healthy boys.

    Autumn - Semyon Letoprovedets: signs

    On this day, wedding weeks began in Rus', which lasted until the end of November - November 20 - Guria. On this day, boys aged 4-5 years old were mounted on a horse for the first time.

    On this day they moved to a new day and celebrated housewarming, inviting all their relatives and friends to it. But in order to live well in the new house, they did not forget about the ritual of moving the brownie. A pot of coals from an old house, a brownie moved into it, was transferred to a new hut, only after that they sat down at the table, without fear that the brownie would get angry and not allow them to live in the new house.

    • if not all the ears of seeds were harvested, it means they were lost;
    • if wild geese flew to Semyon, then winter will be early;
    • On Seeds Day it is a great sin to sow winter bread;
    • Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.

    Natalya Plakhteeva

    Autumn is a folk holiday of farewell to summer and welcome to autumn. This holiday was celebrated three times - September 14, 21 and 27.

    By this day, the peasants had already collected the harvest from the fields. The time has come when we need to thank Mother Earth for her generous gifts. In all the houses they baked pies mixed with flour from the recently harvested crop. The tables were laden with food; it was imperative to treat all relatives and neighbors. Then Mother Earth will not offend you with her gifts next year. People also called the first Autumn Day Onion Day, so it was very important at this stage to collect and prepare onions for the winter.

    According to the ancient calendar, the beginning of autumn fell on September 14. From this day on, autumn weddings began to be celebrated in Rus'.

    This holiday connects two holidays: spiritual and earthly. In its spiritual nature, it is the holiday “Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” and in its earthly essence, it is a harvest festival, accompanied by games and songs. According to the folk calendar, golden autumn begins on this day, which will last until October 14.

    On the day of the autumnal equinox, September 21, the second half of the “Indian Summer” begins, and popular belief Whatever the weather will be like on this day, so will autumn be. In Rus', the day of the autumn equinox was considered a holiday and was always celebrated with pies with cabbage, lingonberries and meat, as well as folk festivities.

    They are dedicated to church holiday“Exaltation of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord”, this is the third meeting of the fall.

    All signs, proverbs, and sayings were associated among the peasants with the word “move”:

    “The Exaltation moves autumn towards winter,”

    "The grain moves from the field to the threshing floor"

    "The bird has moved to fly away"

    "The caftan with the fur coat has moved"

    "The cap has come down."

    This is how they greeted Autumn in the old days in Rus'

    On the day of the autumn equinox, September 21, I invite you to make a “Day - Night” doll with me.

    The “Day-Night” doll is a doll that protects the home. These are two identical dolls, but one is made of white fabric (day, and the other is made of black or blue (night). The dolls are connected to each other with one rope and form a single composition. People believed that the doll protects the change of day and night, order in the world .

    Whoever woke up first in the family turned the doll to the bright side. The “Day” doll made sure that the sun shone all day and helped the household.

    And before going to bed, the one who went to bed last unwrapped it dark side so that the “Night” doll protects sleep and everyone wakes up rested and healthy in the morning.

    The dolls are different not only in color, but also in character. The "Day" doll is young, lively, active, hard-working and cheerful. The “Night” doll is wise, quiet, thoughtful, calm.

    To make this doll we will need:

    A piece of white fabric

    A piece of blue (black) fabric,

    Threads for tying – blue (black, white.

    We will make this doll the same way we made the Kuvadka doll in the old days.

    Take a rectangular piece of white fabric and gather it towards the center

    Now we twist it several times

    From the twisted part we form the head of the doll and secure it with a white thread

    We fold a small piece of white fabric and form the doll’s hands.

    We secure the doll's hands with white thread

    The result is a “Day” doll

    In exactly the same way, we make a “Night” doll from dark fabric. We connect the finished dolls using a blue and white cord. Now this is a single composition, one “Day – Night” doll.

    And I made this doll “Day - Night” the old fashioned way, with which Russian women made a “twist doll”.

    Dear colleagues, I hope that you liked these dolls. Following simple techniques, You can easily make such dolls as original gift as a keepsake for your loved ones.

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