• Where can a schoolchild earn extra money in the summer? Winter holidays for teenagers: ways to earn extra money Resume is the key to success


    Since the beginning of summer, almost 40 children in Moscow have found work as janitors, landscapers, cleaners in the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik” of Moscow districts and other organizations involved in the maintenance and improvement of the city. And the salary is quite decent - from 17 to 25 thousand rubles. per month. By the way, their parents, if they had taken the same job, would have received 10 thousand less.

    Salary without cheating

    "Department of Labor and social protection the population pays an additional 9,900 rubles to minor workers from the Moscow budget. per month,” explained “AiF” and. O. Alexander Timchenko, Head of the Department for the Implementation of Temporary Employment and Public Works Programs of the State Public Institution “Employment Center” in Moscow. - True, for this, the organization (be it an individual entrepreneur, LLC, budget structure, etc.) must have an agreement with the Employment Center to participate in the temporary employment program for youth. Providing vacancies to teenagers under such conditions is interesting primarily for those companies that have low wages, say, -10-15 thousand rubles per month, and the labor is also seasonal. Many citizens would like to have a permanent income, but schoolchildren, on the contrary, are only suitable summer period . In addition, children can be hired by educational institutions - for example, as cleaners during the summer vacation of the main staff. So the program is beneficial to both employers and minor workers. Despite his age, the teenager is registered for work using a work book, and a fixed-term contract is concluded with him. employment contract

    , and he receives salary and material support on the card. Moreover, once a month the organization undergoes a check to see whether the minor actually works there, and is not just listed on paper.

    Guys can earn extra money during the holidays not only as janitors. As AiF was informed by the press service of Superjob.ru, the most popular vacancies for schoolchildren in Moscow today are promoters (distributing advertising leaflets), couriers, salespeople, waiters, call center operators, and advertisers. The vacancies cannot be called prestigious, the work is not permanent, so there are usually many offers. In addition, most schoolchildren do not want to work all summer - after all, they need to relax. Some work hard for one or two weeks, others for a month. Therefore, jobs are regularly released.

    True, when applying for a job in a private company on your own, you need to be careful: now there are a lot of scammers who can take advantage of the work and then not pay. Finding a job through the city employment service is a guarantee against fraud, because before an organization is included in the social support program, it undergoes an audit: are there any tax arrears, are wages paid on time?

    Know the value of money

    Part-time work in the summer is also useful for educational purposes. “The opportunity to earn money on their own helps a teenager understand how they get it, how the investment labor and its payment, what salary is large and what is small, - considers senior researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences RANEPA, psychologist Kirill Khlomov. - Today, children, especially from wealthy families, often have distorted ideas about this. Therefore, young people often, after graduating from a university, immediately apply for higher salaries than their employers can offer them. A teenager still has time to learn how to manage the money he earns. It’s one thing when you take the required amount from your parents and there is a feeling of a bottomless pocket (and if your parents don’t give money, it’s because they are “harmful,” punishing, educating, greedy), and quite another thing when you earned it yourself: then you compare your needs with how much labor was spent to get a certain amount.

    The social aspect is also important. A teenager can try himself in a profession and understand whether it suits him. Although today Moscow schoolchildren can practice being salesmen, machinists, waiters, etc. in such projects as “Masterslavl”, “KidZania”, “Kidburg”. But there it is more of a master class in nature. And when you clean the street or pick strawberries, you know that this is not a game, that other people will actually enjoy the fruits of your efforts. And this changes the attitude towards work and its results.

    Finally, a teenager, working like an adult, can learn to plan work and leisure time, learn independence and responsible behavior. From parents, essentially, only one thing is required - not to devalue the result obtained, regardless of what exactly the child did and how much money he earned.”

    In winter, schoolchildren have two weeks of free time, which they can spend usefully, while relaxing and changing their surroundings. Indeed, during the holidays you can not only sit back, but also earn some money.

    As you know, advanced young people are not used to sitting still, and they are also not going to ask their parents for money for entertainment. Today, even middle schoolers work hard to achieve maturity and independence. So vacations for teenagers are an opportunity to replenish their piggy bank and establish their status as an “adult and independent person.”

    Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible to find a job during adolescence. In shame, this is real, but again, without departing from the norms and rules Labor Code. But what types labor activity provided for young workers who no longer want to “sit on the neck” of their caring parents?

    Option one. Distributing advertising leaflets is an excellent part-time job for today's youth, since it provides part-time work, hourly pay, a flexible schedule and the opportunity for self-realization. In addition to the fact that the student hands out advertising leaflets, he gets to meet new people and gains tremendous communication experience, which will definitely be useful to him in his future career. adult life. This kind of work is suitable not only for sociable, but also for modest teenagers, since there is certainly no need to practice eloquence here.

    Option two. Promoters are a position that can be held at the age of 14, but in this case the teenager must be endowed with organizational and oratorical skills, and communication skills. The main task is not the sale of a product, but its worthy presentation, that is, the promoter must talk about the product and its main advantages so that a potential buyer would definitely want to purchase it.

    Such presentations are held both outdoors and indoors, and their task is one - to familiarize consumers with new products on the market. This kind of part-time job is very convenient, since it only involves three hours of work several times a week. The pay is hourly, quite impressive, and excellent financial assistance to a state scholarship, for example. So the winter holidays for teenagers will only be useful.

    Option three. A great way to earn extra money is as a nanny. Very often, parents we know do not know where to place their young children for at least a couple of hours to attend this or that event. This is where you will need the help of a teenager, who will look after the young tomboys for an additional fee. To such new job It is important to act responsibly in order to earn praise and improve your reputation. Soon word of mouth will announce a new nanny, and all mothers will ask for help. Such work has many advantages: in particular, hourly employment and payment, a delicious dinner, pleasant communication and the opportunity to feel like adult teachers. However, it is important not to forget about the responsibility that rests on the shoulders of a teenager who decides to inspect small children. So it is important to approach the choice of such a job responsibly and seriously.

    Option four. Many teenagers in free time They are engaged in walking other people's dogs, and receive tangible financial profits from their walks. Indeed, many modern people They simply don’t have free time to walk their pets, so they are willing to pay for the dog to walk outside and do all its “business.” Such work also has its advantages, since four-legged friends are only grateful for such walks. However, increased vigilance is required here so that the animal does not run away, otherwise further searches for it will cost the young worker a pretty penny. But overall the idea is good.

    Option five. During the winter holidays, many schoolchildren prefer to sell Christmas trees for the New Year and Christmas. This is a profitable activity, since during such a period live goods are in significant demand. However, it is also important to remember about all the disadvantages of such street work, in particular, about freezing and diseases that are easy to catch on fresh air upon contact with strangers. That is why, before choosing this method of income, it is recommended to think about your health several times.

    Option six. IN winter time You can make extra money by clearing snow, which is usually abundant in the area. Well, the work is not physically difficult, and special mental abilities does not require. Today, many entrepreneurs and businessmen are willing to pay good money for providing this service, so you can earn extra money. Among the significant advantages, it is worth highlighting increased personal performance, training of physical strength and endurance, high-quality ventilation, as well as part-time work and hourly pay. However, in any case, working outdoors can lead to illness, and it is important to never forget about this.

    Option seven. Many teenagers can make money on the Internet, and this does not require deep literary knowledge. No, we are not talking about gambling and online casinos at all, because your energy can be directed in a useful direction. For example, it is quite possible to rewrite articles on certain topics, participate in blitz surveys, receive money for comments and likes, and write product reviews. On the Internet you can make money even by viewing certain sites, that is, in general, the work is not dusty, so to speak. By the way, this is the most ideal option for teenagers, because the World Wide Web and a computer are available in almost every home today, and a schoolchild from the first grade becomes an advanced Internet user.

    Option eight. You can always start typing or rewriting coursework. Of course, this activity is very tedious and takes up a lot of free time, but it brings real income without leaving home. Some schoolchildren make great money from this activity, while gaining new knowledge and honing their touch typing skills. When the customer base is formed, an unobtrusive part-time job can become your main income. So in this case, the main thing is to start, and then new customers will very soon appear with profitable and interesting, and most importantly, profitable offers.

    Option nine. You can devote your winter holidays to tutoring. Well, the occupation is very profitable, and it also allows you to refresh your knowledge in a particular science. However, in order to start teaching others, it is important to understand the material yourself, otherwise such lessons will simply be useless. That is why it is important to choose for tutoring the subject that is considered the strongest at school. The advantages of such a part-time job are many, however, unfortunately, not all professors can succinctly convey information to their students. It is precisely this kind of verbal barrier that can stand in the way of big earnings. By the way, reputation and a large client base are also important for tutors, otherwise you may simply end up without a job.

    Option ten. This method of earning extra money is more suitable for girls who are trained in needlework. Yes, you can sew to order carnival costumes, Stuffed Toys, embroider pictures and create truly magnificent masterpieces. Such original works are highly valued and are in significant demand today. However, again in this creative activity you need intuition and a gift for creativity, then you can set up a whole business. Today, girls also sell beaded jewelry, crafts and appliques, which are becoming an integral attribute of the usual interior.

    Option eleven. In winter, you can also earn extra money by cleaning apartments, and both girls and boys can do this job. This service is in high demand today, and “cleaners” are well paid for their work. No special physical strength, but the work is hourly. What is captivating is that the payment is local, that is, the student can roughly guess what funds he can count on. The work schedule is flexible, and also allows you to combine work with study, which is also an important point in modern life. However, in this profession it is also important to establish yourself so that a large client base appears, otherwise such a part-time job, alas, will not bring significant income.

    Option twelve. You can get a job as a courier, that is, distribute correspondence to offices in the city. Today, the courier position is well paid, and the workers themselves are not particularly constrained by their schedule. In addition, to deliver a newspaper, you do not need any education at all, but you will still need physical strength. The work is not dusty, and also provides part-time work and a flexible schedule. You can do it after school, significantly replenishing your budget.

    Option thirteen. Why not ask to work at McDonald's as a helper. Such people are always needed in such catering establishments, since they clear plates, wash dishes, distribute balloons or leaflets, and also replace waiters from time to time. So, at the very least, this is very interesting.

    So work during the holidays for teenagers can be very different, the main thing is to set a goal to find it and tirelessly pursue its achievement. That's the only way in school years you can feel financial independence.

    For many metropolitan schoolchildren summer holidays- this is an opportunity not only to relax, but also to earn money. True, when they enter the labor market, they encounter many difficulties: some employers are ready to accept only adults, others offer meager pay, and still others ask to work without a contract and often deceive. How not to make a mistake with your choice?

    20 thousand in five hours

    The easiest and most reliable way for a teenager who wants to work is to contact the Youth Employment Center, which in two years after its opening has helped tens of thousands of children find work. This institution is subordinate to the capital’s Department of Labor and Social Protection and was created specifically to assist in employment. Young Muscovites are ready to find both permanent and temporary work here.

    Moreover, they try to offer several vacancies to each applicant. Now the center’s data bank contains more than 13 thousand offers from more than 500 employers. To get one of them, teenagers from 14 to 18 years old just need to come to the institution on the street. Shchepkina, 38, building 1.

    Work will be offered not only during the holidays, but also during any other periods free from school, for example, in the evenings. Minors can easily get jobs as a courier, assistant coach, janitor, kitchen or auxiliary worker, call center operator, etc.

    Often you can go to work immediately, without additional training or internship. Employment through an employment center has many advantages. Firstly, the institution acts as an intermediary between the teenager and the employer and concludes an employment contract itself. Secondly, the salary consists of two sources - payments from the employer and material support from the center. As a result, you can easily count on an income of 20 thousand rubles a month - quite decent money for a schoolchild.

    The Department of Social Protection guarantees that a student will receive his first salary no less than 18,742 rubles - this is the minimum wage in the city. In addition, their teenagers will be paid for a maximum of 5 working hours a day, and children from 16 to 18 years old - for a maximum of 7 hours. Such restrictions are imposed by law, and this is why many vacancies for young people mention hourly wages. The employment center, by the way, guarantees the observance of all the rights of young workers and payment of their earnings in full, so there is no need to be afraid of deception.

    With an eye on the future

    For part-time work, schoolchildren most often choose simple work. Among the most popular specialties are couriers, librarians, administrators, and workers. The easiest way to find a job is for high school students in grades 10-11. Moreover, many of them are looking not just for a part-time job for the summer, but for a full-time job and sometimes earn more than their parents, says Alexey Zakharov, president of the recruiting portal Superjob.ru. According to him, guys with programming skills often do this - there are high salaries in this industry and there is a demand for young people.

    Schoolchildren can officially get a job only after their 14th birthday. But sometimes the desire to earn money arises even earlier.

    The head of the portal for young professionals career.ru Irina Svyatitskaya advises teenagers to immediately take a closer look at their future profession. For example, if in the future a student would like to become a journalist, you can ask to be a freelance writer for a regional newspaper, and even if there is no salary, the editors will definitely pay a fee for the article. And if you want to become an actor, you can safely go to the set, where there are always not enough people.

    “It’s important to try yourself in different specialties as early as possible, especially if you already like something. You will not only earn money as an assistant director, but also get to know the working process from the inside - how long filming lasts, how rehearsals go. It’s better to understand a mistake at this stage than after university,” Svyatitskaya emphasized.

    Resume is the key to success

    Wherever you have to get a job, the first thing the employer will ask is your resume. For a minor, like any other applicant, it is important to draw up an application, taking into account certain requirements. Specialized job search sites offer to immediately fill out ready-made forms. But the Department of Labor and Social Security advises you to create a resume in Word format once and send it to employers by email.

    A teenager's resume is usually similar in structure to an adult applicant's profile, but some columns will differ. For example, you should definitely indicate experience in participating in academic and public projects, volunteer activities and other types of employment, even if they were not paid for. It should be noted computer skills, as well as knowledge of foreign languages ​​and other abilities. As additional information, it is appropriate to indicate personal qualities, achievements in sports and additional education, hobbies.

    A competitive resume is maintained in the same style, meeting the basic requirements: brevity, structure, truthfulness, literacy. You must attach a photo - high-quality, businesslike, without a distracting background.

    The Youth Employment Center hosts several times a month practical lessons, where they teach how to properly write a resume and behave during an interview.

    By the way

    Employment of young people at the Youth Employment Center is absolutely free. The only condition is that you need to visit the center in person and have the following documents with you:

    passport or a document replacing it;

    for citizens with disabilities - an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled person, containing a conclusion with recommendations on working conditions.

    Detailed information can be found on the center’s website czmol.ru.

    Infographics "RG" / Alexander Chistov / Angelina Zelenkova


    Those schoolchildren who want to find a part-time job for the summer should take into account that most employers are reluctant to hire children from 14 to 17 years old; they usually require adult workers who are responsible for themselves and have the opportunity to spend 8 hours at the workplace. However, the legislation does not prohibit people from 14 years of age, and they can be officially employed by the employment center, which specially makes a selection of vacancies for children during the summer period. school age. Therefore, first of all, those who want to earn extra money should contact this service.

    The employment center offers teenagers temporary work from different employers. Typically these are government agencies or city services. Minors are offered work in landscaping the city, caring for flower beds, cleaning streets, helping with harvesting, working as an assistant in kindergarten or in medical institution. Part of the salary is accrued from the employment center, and part from the employer.

    Teenagers can get a job on their own, without the participation of an employment center. Then they can count on higher salaries, but they must be careful and careful so that they are not deceived when issuing salaries. One of the most common types of employment during the summer and in general during free time from school is working as a promoter. No special knowledge is required for this job, you just need to distribute leaflets or invite customers. Promoters usually work 4-6 hours, there are a lot of vacancies in cities, and they can pay for each day they go to work. The only disadvantage of such an activity is that you have to work mainly on the street, on your feet all the time and in any conditions. Rain or scorching sun- It doesn’t matter, you’ll have to work through the entire schedule in such conditions.

    Another common vacancy is courier. True, older guys, 16-17 years old, are hired for this type of work, since the responsibility is high. It is necessary to deliver documents or orders to clients in different parts cities. Mostly couriers use public transport or drive their own cars, but in the summer schoolchildren can also use a bicycle. To do this kind of work you need to know your way around the city at least a little.

    There are many more vacancies that can be hired during the holidays - these are advertisers, part-time PC operators, call center workers, sales consultants, cashiers in fast food restaurants, social workers. surveys, counselors in children's camps. You can find a job if you ask your parents to place a teenager in their company as an assistant during employee vacations. But no matter what job a teenager chooses, he always needs to be especially careful with scammers offering easy money. There are many of these in advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet.

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