• Chemical structure of hair. What does hair consist of?


    Despite the fact that we are accustomed to perceiving human hair as an aesthetic factor, in fact, from an anatomical point of view, hair is an integral part of the protective covering.

    Hair structure

    Each hair has a special structure. The outer shell of the hair is made up of keratin scales that overlap each other. The part of each hair that is located above the skin is called the shaft. The structure of human hair three-layer . The outer layer, also called the cuticle, is designed to perform a protective function. It is formed by thin scales overlapping each other. Accordingly, the structure of human scalp hair is such that if these scales are arranged tightly and correctly, then a person’s hair is soft, flowing and shiny. Both in the photo and in life they look alive and beautiful. At the same time, when the cuticle cells are damaged (they can be damaged by both physical and chemical influences), the hair stops shining, becomes tangled and breaks very easily.

    The next layer of hair is cortex , located under the cuticle. This is the cortical substance that gives elasticity to the hair. The cortex contains a special pigment, melanin, which determines what individual hair color will be. specific person. Inside each hair there is a medulla, which consists of keratin cells and air cavities. According to scientists, the structure of the hair shaft suggests that it is through this layer that useful nutrients flow to other layers of the hair. To examine the structural features of the hair in more detail, a special graphic diagram can be used.

    The piece of hair located under the skin is usually called hair root (also called the hair follicle). The structure of the hair root is as follows: the hair root is surrounded by a hair follicle, the name of which is follicle . The characteristics of his hair type depend on the exact shape of the follicle in a person. So, straight hair grows from a round follicle in a person, and slightly curly hair grows from an oval follicle. Those people who can boast curly hair, follicles are kidney-shaped.

    The general condition of the hair depends on the structure of a person’s skin and hair. So, natural shine hair determines the amount of its own fatty lubricant, which includes a special antiseptic. The skin contains sebaceous glands, the secretion of which is secreted into the hair follicles. This ensures protection of the hair shaft. Therefore, the functions of human hair also depend on how well such a lubricant protects each hair.

    But sometimes the sebaceous glands produce too much secretion. This can happen under the influence of a surge hormonal activity , as well as due to other factors. As a result, a person's hair becomes very oily. If the production of this secretion is low, the hair, on the contrary, becomes too dry.

    How hair grows

    That part of the hair that grows from under the human skin consists of dead tissue. The hair growth cycle continues for several years. After the old hair falls out, a new cycle begins again.

    The hair growth process is divided into three stages. On first stage hair is growing actively. Second stage growth is called intermediate: at this time the hair no longer grows, but the cells of the papilla are still functioning. On third stage hair growth stops completely. The functioning of hair is designed in such a way that under the influence of the growth of new hair, the old one falls out, after which new hair goes through all the cycles again.

    The first stage of hair growth can last 2-4 years, the second - about 20 days, the third - up to 120 days. If we evaluate all human hair as a whole at a certain moment, then approximately 93% of hair is in the first growth phase, 1% of hair is in the second growth phase and 6% of hair is in the third. Hair on the head and body can repeat growth cycles 24-25 times throughout a person’s life.

    Hair grows all over the body, with the exception of the soles and palms. An adult human has approximately 100,000 hairs on his body. The amount of hair depends on what color it is. So, blondes have the most body hair.

    Hair begins to appear in a person in the third month intrauterine development fetus There is uneven hair growth on the body. Eyebrow hair grows the slowest, while hair growth is fastest on the head. In three days, the hair on your head can grow 1 mm. Normally, a person can lose 50-100 hairs per day. Hair loss in normal quantity is a physiological process. Human hair grows fastest in summer and spring.

    Hair properties

    Each hair contains 97% protein (keratin) and 3% moisture. is a protein substance that includes sulfur, vitamins, and microelements. There are several types of hair that grow on the human body. Long hair is the most durable and grows on the head, as well as the hair of the beard, mustache, genitals, and armpits.

    Bristly hair is the hair that grows in the nose and ears, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes. Vellus hair grows on the skin of the arms, legs, torso, and face.

    Healthy hair is elastic and has a high margin of strength. Healthy hair stretches easily and can withstand up to 200 g of load. Human hair is hygroscopic: it easily absorbs moisture. They are resistant to acids, but react very poorly to alkalis.

    Most hair is located on the vault of the human skull. Eyebrows on average contain about 600 hairs, and eyelashes - about 400.

    If the functioning of hair is determined by its properties, then color depends on how the two types relate : eumelanin And pheomelanin . These types of melanin are distinguished by the shape of the granules: eumelanin has elongated granules, and the shape of pheomelanin granules is oval or round. Therefore, eumelanin is called a granular pigment, and pheomelanin is called a diffuse pigment. All hair contains two types of pigments in different proportions. Consequently, people have three different hair colors: red, blonde and brunette. But there are many more shades of hair color: there are up to 300 of them.

    Functions of hair

    The function of hair is very important for humans. First of all, hair is a decoration, that is, it performs an aesthetic function. They can both highlight a person’s strengths and hide his shortcomings. However, not only aesthetic functions are performed by human hair. They help to avoid both hypothermia and overheating of the head. A layer of air is created in the hair, which helps retain both heat and cold. Vellus hair, which is located on the body, takes part in the processes of touch. The hair that grows in the ears and nose helps trap dust. Human eyelashes help protect the eyes. Those hairs that are located in the armpits help reduce friction. Consequently, a person makes any movements, and the skin is not damaged. In addition, certain substances can accumulate in the hair. This function is successfully used by criminologists in the process of work.

    In general, the functions of hair in mammals are limited to providing thermal insulation, protection skin from external influences, ensuring coloration (in animals we are talking about camouflage and attractiveness). In addition, animals have special hair that allows them to navigate in space, that is, they are responsible for sensitivity. But in the process of evolution, human hair has partially lost such functions.

    Hairdressing: Practical guide Konstantinov Anatoly Vasilievich

    § 1. Structure of skin and hair

    § 1. Structure of skin and hair

    Leather. Every qualified hairdresser must know not only the anatomical structure of the skin, but also the essence of its vital processes. He also needs to have a clear understanding of skin care and skin diseases.

    The skin performs various functions and plays an important role in the life of the body. She protects internal organs from external influences, protects against mechanical damage, regulates body temperature, produces sebum, removes excess moisture and some protein breakdown products from the body, the accumulation of which in the body is unacceptable, protects the body from infections, accepts all kinds of external irritations, transmits them to the brain and brings to our consciousness.

    The structure of the skin is quite complex. Conventionally, three main layers can be distinguished in the skin: upper - cuticle(epidermis); average - the skin itself; subcutaneous layer, or subcutaneous fat (Fig. 1).

    Each of the three main layers, in turn, can be divided into several components. So, in the cuticle, of the many layers, there are two most important: the upper, stratum corneum, consisting of keratinized (old) cells, and the deeper, so-called germinal layer. The cuticle has neither blood vessels nor nerve endings; in the lower part there are small pigment grains that give the skin its color. Peeling regularly occurs on the surface of the cuticle, and in a healthy person it is expressed unnoticed by the eye. In the germinal layer of the cuticle, cell proliferation constantly occurs.

    In the skin itself (the middle main layer) there are bundles of the finest connective tissue fibers and elastic elastic fibers, between which blood vessels, nerve endings and sweat glands are located. It is because of the abundance of elastic fibers that the skin has the ability to return to its previous state after stretching or squeezing; This layer of skin serves as the basis for hair growth.

    The deepest layer of the skin (subcutaneous fat) can be thought of as a mesh consisting of fibers and loops, between which fat cells are located. This fat layer protects the body from shock, pressure and, most importantly, from cold.

    The structure of the skin in individual areas of the body is different. Thus, the skin of the body, in which elastic fibers are most evenly distributed, is particularly elastic and resilient. In the skin of the face, the cuticle has less depth, which is why the entire skin is much thinner than, for example, on the arms and legs. The skin of the palms and soles is the most dense. In the skin of the scalp, the stratum corneum and relatively thin subcutaneous layer are poorly developed. In addition, it contains a large number of sebaceous glands.

    Rice. 1. Structure of the skin and hair root: I - cuticle, II - skin itself, III - subcutaneous layer; 1 - sweat gland, 2 - hair papilla, 3 - hair follicle, 4 - blood vessels, 5 - elastic fibers, 6 - sebaceous gland, 7 - nerve endings, 8 - outer part of the hair, 9 - muscles

    An important function is performed by the glands located in human skin. Sweating is the result of the action of the sweat glands. It helps maintain a constant body temperature. As the external temperature rises, the evaporation of sweat lowers the skin temperature. In addition, along with sweat, they are excreted from the body. harmful substances, such as uric and butyric acids, calcium and magnesium oxides, etc.

    Sweat glands look like coiled tubes going up in a spiral. Sweat is released through pores - excretory ducts, which come out to the surface of the skin in the form of tiny holes.

    The role of the sebaceous glands in human skin is also great. Thus, when the external temperature drops, the sebaceous glands cover the skin with a thin protective layer of fat. In addition, the sebaceous glands secrete sebum, make the skin more elastic and protect it from drying out and cracking. The sebaceous glands are distributed unevenly on the skin. So, on the palms and soles there are none at all, but on the back, face and, as already mentioned, on the scalp there are a lot of them. The excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands often come to the surface of the skin along with the hair. The skin of the nose, chin and forehead is especially rich in sebaceous glands.

    More than once you hear the expression “skin breathes.” What does it mean? Skin respiration means the regular exchange of gases between the skin of the human body and the environment. This exchange occurs through the pores of the skin.

    As an organ of touch, the skin is most adapted to the blind, in whom this sense is greatly enhanced. In people with normal vision, the sense of touch of the skin is also quite high. Massage is based on this property of the skin.

    Hair. The main function of hair is to protect organs from environmental influences.

    Hair plays an important role in a person’s aesthetic appearance. The distribution of hair is uneven and depends on gender, age, nationality and other characteristics.

    Hair is a horny formation. The part of the hair located above the surface of the cuticle (epidermis) is called rod(see Fig. 1); part of the hair located inside the skin - root hair The hair root is located in the hair follicle - follicle, and it ends with a thickening called hair follicle, into which the connective tissue protrudes hair papilla, which is a dense plexus of various nerve fibers and hair-feeding vessels.

    Hair growth begins from the hair papilla, which constantly secretes new cells that move upward in the hair follicle, emerging through the pore opening. At the border of the epidermis, the follicle is connected to the skin itself by the hair muscle. The hair muscles have the ability to contract, for example as a result of emotions.

    In cross-section, hair is composed of three parts (Figure 2): the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla, often called the medulla or medulla. Cuticle- the outer layer of hair, consists of rectangular cells with a scaly structure. Cortical layer consists of spindle-shaped cells containing pigment (coloring matter) and air bubbles; The thicker the cortex, the more elastic and stronger the hair. Core- the pulp or medulla layer of the hair, consists of incompletely keratinized flattened round cells.

    There are vellus, long and bristly hairs. Cannon hair covers the skin of the trunk and limbs. A distinctive feature of vellus hair is the absence of a core. Long hair grows on the head, beard, etc. They are thick, long length And accelerated growth compared to other hair. TO bristly hair includes eyebrows and eyelashes.

    Scalp hair in appearance belongs to three ethnic groups: Mongoloid(Asian) - thick and sometimes slightly curly hair; Caucasian(European) - thin curly or curl-like hair; Negroid(black) - very thick curly, very curly hair.

    Rice. 2. Cross section of hair: 1 - outer layer (cuticle), 2 - cortical layer, 3 - core

    There are several dozen shades of hair color, the main ones being black, brown, red, blond, ash and gray. The color of the hair depends on the presence of a pigment in it, called melanin, and the number of air bubbles. Melanin is insoluble in water, but dissolves quite well in alkalis and concentrated acids.

    The pigment is contained in the cortical layer of hair in two states: scattered and granular. Scattered pigment colors hair from yellow to Brown, granular - from reddish-brown to thick black. Color largely depends on the mutual ratio of the two listed types of pigment in the hair composition. Over time, hair color changes: it can become darker or lighter and grey; Moreover, lightening is associated with an increase in air bubbles in the hair and a decrease in melanin.

    Hair length depends on many factors, including ethnicity. So, Mongols have longer hair than Europeans, and blacks have shorter hair.

    It has been established that hair on the head grows 1.5 - 2 cm per month. The lifespan of hair on different parts of the body is not the same. Since the length of hair on a woman’s head does not exceed 1.5 m, we can assume that the maximum lifespan of a hair is about 10 years.

    Hair thickness depends on both age and individual characteristics person. In newborns, hair thickness ranges from 20 to 40 microns (1 micron = 0.001 mm), in an adult - from 70 to 100 microns, in elderly people - from 50 to 70 microns. Blondes have thinner hair than brunettes.

    The amount of hair on the head also varies from person to person. Usually it ranges from 50 to 150 thousand. The scalp of brunettes is limited to approximately 100 thousand hairs, while blondes have much more.

    Hair most often grows in small groups (2 - 3). Going deeper into the skin at a certain angle, the hair is arranged in longitudinal rows (strands), running evenly from the back of the head to the crown or forehead, as well as to the temples and crown area.

    The chemical composition of hair is quite well known (%): carbon - 50, oxygen - 23, nitrogen - 17, hydrogen - 6, sulfur - 4.

    The main components of hair are protein complexes - keratin and melanin. In addition, human hair contains a certain amount of fatty substances, cholesterol, mineral compounds and arsenic.

    Keratin is characterized by a high content of sulfur and nitrogen. Like every protein, keratin consists of amino acids, the most important and characteristic of which is cystine. Keratin, being a very elastic and dense protein, promotes keratinization of hair cells.

    Melanin- protein containing nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and a small amount of iron and arsenic. Melanin, as mentioned above, is a pigment and affects hair color.

    TO physical properties hair include strength, elasticity, hygroscopicity, electrical conductivity, etc.

    It is characteristic that the hair is highly resistant to mechanical stress. Thus, to break the hair of a healthy, middle-aged person, a force of up to 160 kgf/cm2 is required.

    Hair has great flexibility and elasticity. It is known that the length of dry hair when stretched can be increased by 20 - 30%, moistened with cold water - up to 100% of the original length. After removing the tensile force, the hair quickly returns to its original state.

    Thanks to the sebum covering the hair, it traps dust on its surface, i.e., it has absorption capacity.

    Hair is characterized by good electrical conductivity; for example, when combed in a dry state, it is easily electrified.

    Significant resistance to decay characterizes hair's resistance to biological influences.

    Human hair is hygroscopic - the ability to absorb moisture, as well as glycerin, animal and vegetable fats; The hair volume can increase by 10 - 25%.

    Substances such as mineral oils do not penetrate into the hair and remain on its surface. Vaseline oil and Vaseline.

    Alkalies and oxidizing agents reduce the strength of the hair, but increase its ability to absorb water, which is why the hair can increase its volume by two to three times. At

    When pulling and twisting hair soaked in an alkaline solution, an irreversible change in its shape occurs. This property explains the possibility of permanent curling.

    Oxidizing agents (such as hydrogen peroxide) thin the hair, making it less elastic, making it more brittle and porous.

    Hair undergoes significant changes under the influence of high temperature. The deformation of hair stretched under the influence of water vapor is also long-lasting. It is on these properties of hair that the principle of cold and hot curling is based.

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    Hair is the natural adornment of any woman. Curly and straight, voluminous and smooth, long and short, light brown and chestnut - what does all this diversity depend on? First of all, it depends on the structure and composition of the hair that is given to us from birth.

    Hair structure

    The structure of hair is not as simple as it might seem. Each hair consists of a visible part - the shaft - and an invisible part, immersed in the skin - the root. At the bottom of the root is the source of life of the hair - a small papilla permeated with nerves and blood vessels.

    Through this papilla, the hair is nourished and maintained. From here the hair begins to grow. The entire hair root is enclosed in a hair follicle.

    The number of follicles is genetically determined in us, so the number of follicles we have at birth is the amount of hair we will have on our heads throughout our lives. The number of hairs ranges from 80 thousand for redheads to 150 thousand for blondes. Moreover, there are more of them on the crown than at the forehead and temples.

    The deepest expanded part of the root is called the bulb. The place where the hair exits the skin surface coincides with the place where the surrounding sebaceous glands exit. It's called the hair pore. The sebum released from the sebaceous gland lubricates the outer part of the hair and maintains its elasticity. If little oil is produced, the hair becomes dull and brittle.

    A small hair muscle, regulated by the nervous system, approaches the hair root from the surface of the skin. When this muscle contracts, the hair takes on a vertical position and “stands on end.” This is especially noticeable when a person is afraid.

    The hair shaft, which gives each of us a unique look, consists of three layers:

    • The outer layer is the cuticle. It consists of 7-9 rows of horny plates arranged in the form of tiles. In the “open” state of the hair, the scales are arranged loosely and move away from the surface. In the “closed” state, the scales are pressed to the surface, the hair becomes denser and acquires shine. Under the influence of alkali (soap), the hair swells and opens its scales, and under the influence of acid (rinse aid), it “closes.”
    • The middle layer is the cortex. It gives hair flexibility, elasticity, and contains the pigment melanin, which determines its color. Melanin does not dissolve in water, but interacts with alkalis and acids. In older people, the pigment disappears and the hair turns gray.
    • The last layer is the medulla. The deepest layer, the pulpy, medullary, consists of incompletely keratinized cells. It may be absent in extremely thin hair.
    The qualitative characteristics of hair are texture, porosity and elasticity.

    The texture of the hair is determined by the diameter of the shaft, depending on which the hair is divided into thick, medium and fine.

    Hair porosity- This is their ability to absorb moisture. Hair with low porosity does not absorb moisture well, which creates some difficulties when coloring and curling such hair. Excessive porosity makes hair dull, depriving it of shine and vitality. This type of hair requires treatment.

    Elasticity is the ability of hair to withstand bending, compression and tension without breaking. Springy, vibrant, shiny hair with normal porosity has great elasticity and, when wetted, can increase its length by 20%.

    The length of the hair also affects its quality. The ends of long hair tend to be super porous. In general, the longer the hair, the lighter and coarser it is at the ends. The length of the hair itself depends on many factors. Some people have hair that grows below their shoulders, while others grow it to their waist. The most long hair- 7 m 90 cm - were from Swami Pandarasande, caretaker of the Indian monastery.

    The structure and composition of hair allows us to divide them into three ethnic groups:

    • Caucasoid. Such hair can be of any color, straight and very curly, very thin, medium and thick.
    • Mongoloid. Such hair is often straight, sometimes wavy, thick, and mostly dark.
    • Negroid. This type of hair is curly and varies in thickness.
    In general, the shape of the hair depends on the structure and location of the follicle. The more perpendicular to the skin the follicle is located and the rounder the hair cut, the straighter the hair.

    Hair composition

    The chemical composition of hair is well known: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulfur. The main components of hair are keratin and melanin. Keratin, being a dense protein, promotes keratinization of hair cells, and melanin, being a pigment, affects their color. Hair also contains some amount of fatty substances, cholesterol, mineral compounds and arsenic.

    Replacing an old hair with a new one occurs when the active cells of the papilla cease to function. The bulb begins to increase in diameter and is gradually pushed out. This is how the hair falls out. At the same time, new active cells are formed in the hair follicle, giving life to new hair. Hair change is a normal natural process if 30-50 hairs fall out on your head per day.

    Not only the amount of hair is genetically determined in us. Their color and structure are also determined by heredity. But despite this, the appearance of our hair largely depends on ourselves: what we wash it with, how we care for it, and whether we chose the right haircut. Besides, modern means allow you to curl and straighten hair, change its color, influence porosity and elasticity. In general, no matter what kind of hair nature gives you, 90% of it depends only on you and your efforts whether it will look luxurious or dull.

    Human hair is a long, flexible growth that covers the skin in certain areas, such as the scalp. Even in ancient times, head hair and the way it was worn were part of the personality of its owner, which reflected his religious and social role in society. For hair to be attractive, it must look healthy and natural. IN modern society Most women and men also consider hairstyle an important and necessary part of their image.

    Human hair structure

    The anatomy of a human hair on the skin can be compared to a tree on the ground. IN in this case the tree trunk is a hair shaft, which has a thread-like fibrous structure, and the earth is a follicle, which is a cavity in the epidermis. The follicular cavity has a cylindrical shape and a depth of about 4 mm. Every human hair consists of a root located in the follicle and a trunk located above the surface of the epidermis. The root is thicker than the trunk. The area of ​​the epidermis around the root is called the papillary region, which consists of connective tissue and a network of blood vessels that provide the hair with all the substances necessary for its growth.

    As the hair grows, it emerges from its follicle, appearing above the skin surface. That part of the hair in the form of a fiber (stem) that we can observe is dead from a biological point of view. The trunk has a complex structure and consists of a core and a number of outer layers that perform a protective function and are called cuticle.

    The cuticle is the outer part of the stem that is constantly under attack from the environment, such as: wind, rain, sunlight, salt water, chemicals, paint and mechanical stress. . It depends on the condition of the cuticle The health of the hair depends. Currently, depending on the type of cuticle damage, there is an appropriate remedy for its restoration.

    As mentioned above, the papillary tissue, located at the base of the follicle and providing each villi with nutrients, also requires special care. It lies in balanced diet, containing all the necessary minerals, vitamins and amino acids. Vitamin deficiency or abnormal protein levels, due to poor nutrition or hormonal changes, can interfere with the proper growth of villi and lead to damage to the root structure, which in turn leads to the problem of hair loss.

    The structuring of each follicle is such that it has a sebaceous gland, which is responsible for the production of a special sebaceous substance. This substance is a natural lubricant for hair. . Thus, we can distinguish two main parts in the hair structure:

    • The outer part, which is called the trunk or rod. It consists of completely keratinized dead cells;
    • The subcutaneous or inner part, which is called the root. It consists of living, growing cells. It is the root that allows the villus to grow.

    The structure of human hair on the head includes the following components:

    The structure of the hair in the figure and the cross-sectional description can be seen in the diagram at the following link:

    Properties and composition of human hair

    Most important characteristics human hair are as follows:

    Chemical composition

    Hair is made up of proteins, lipids, oligoelements, water, pigments and other substances.

    • 28% proteins;
    • 2% lipids;
    • 70% water, salts and other substances.

    Proteins are found mainly in keratin, which, along with nail keratin, contains more sulfur than in human skin. Keratin itself comes in two types: hard and soft. The first is present in the cortex and cuticle, the second forms the medula.

    Life cycle and growth phases

    Hair is genetically programmed to complete 25 cycles in its life, with an average duration of each of them being 4 years. The cycle refers to the process of birth, development and death of the villus. In turn, each follicle has its own cycle, independent of the cycles of the surrounding follicles. The average human head has 100,000 villi, and they grow faster in young people than in adults.

    The life cycle is usually divided into three main phases:

    Hair types and color

    The structure of the follicle determines the hair type. So, if it is small cylindrical in shape, then the hair will be thin, but if big size, then thick. If the follicle has a cylindrical shape, then the hair will be smooth, and if it is flat, then it will be wavy.

    According to its structure and appearance the following types can be distinguished:

    The smooth type is typical for residents of the east, while representatives of the black race have curly hair. Also found mixed type For example, among the inhabitants of the Caucasus, the smooth-wavy type dominates.

    What determines hair color

    The color of hair is determined by the melanin it contains. There are two types of melanin: eumelanin, which is responsible for dark colors, and pheomelanin, which determines light colors, for example, white or reddish. The mixture of these types of melanin determines natural color hair.

    It is also true that the less melanin the hair contains, the more bright hues he will have, that is, a person with black hair contains more of this substance than a blond or blonde. Color is an individual characteristic that is genetically determined in the same way as eye color or skin pigmentation. Not only the quantity and type, but also the shape of the distribution of melanin granules in the keratin cells of the hair shaft (in its cortex) determine the color of the latter.

    Ultimately, the color of the hair is determined by a combination of the following factors:

    Other factors include the influence of certain medications, poor and unbalanced nutrition, disturbances in normal metabolism, strong emotional arousal, pregnancy in women and others.

    All people want to have healthy hair, but not everyone succeeds. This often happens because most people know little about the structure of hair, this truly amazing part of the body.

    It must be said right away that every person has tiny hairs all over their body. They do not grow only on the palms, nails, feet, lips and on the sides of the fingers. Body hair is a strictly individual constitutional feature. In some areas of the body the hair is barely noticeable, in others it is only one color.


    Before talking about the structure of human hair, we should touch upon such a topic as the structure of the scalp. In general, the skin covers everything human body, its mass is 5% of the total body mass. The skin consists of several layers:

    • epidermis - the top layer consisting of partially dead cells that are washed off during water procedures;
    • basal;
    • grainy;
    • shiny;
    • horny.

    The scalp performs a number of very important functions, without which the vital activity of the entire organism would be impossible. These include a protective function that protects against the penetration of harmful microbes or other microorganisms into the body. It is the epidermis layer that prevents various types of mechanical damage. The immune function is designed to seek out foreign bodies and deliver them to the sites of neutralization - the lymph nodes. With the help of the receptor function of the skin, a person has the ability to distinguish between tactile and temperature fluctuations and stimuli. Thanks to its metabolic function, the skin has the ability to breathe and also produce secretions that create a thin film on its surface.

    The thermoregulatory function ensures that when the temperature rises, blood vessels dilate, and when the temperature drops, the blood flow slows down, and evaporation processes decrease accordingly.

    The structure of the scalp and hair is closely interconnected.

    In order to have healthy and beautiful hair, you need a strong foundation that would hold them. That is why it is so important to eat properly, well and variedly, saturating your body with useful and necessary substances.

    Due to the unsatisfactory environment, most people are recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes several times a year, which will help to improve and strengthen the skin and hair. In some cases, experts advise taking complexes with a high content of vitamins A and E, for example, vitamin preparations like Aevita.

    It should also be remembered that the structure of the hair, its color, growth rate, and the number of follicles are genetically determined by nature, so it is essentially impossible to influence such characteristics. That’s why you can’t blindly trust advertising that promises to make your hair thicker and stronger almost in one go. The main emphasis should be on healthy eating and regular hair care.

    Composition and structure

    The composition of hair is a large amount of protein called keratin, a certain amount of water, some metals and minerals. In general, hair is a horny skin formation present only in representatives of mammals and homo sapiens. Their structure is best studied using a microscope. Hair has both internal and external parts. In the outer part there are:

    1. The core, which contains many non-keratinized cells.
    2. The cortical layer is called the cortex. It is this layer that contains a lot of the substance “melanin”, which is responsible for the color of human hair.
    3. The outer layer, called the cuticle, is, upon closer inspection, small scales that resemble shingles. In the presence of healthy hair It is this layer that pleases the eye with its brilliance. The cuticle also protects the inside of the hair.

    The natural antiseptic, which is included in the fatty lubricant, is designed to protect the cortex from infections. The condition of the hair shaft directly depends on the environment in which a person lives. Various diseases can worsen the condition of the hair, since access to the required amount of vitamins in this case is difficult.

    Each hair grows from its own follicle. The root is shaped like a bag. Hair grows as long as its roots, located in the scalp, are alive. A follicle is, in fact, a depression in which such a root is located. It expands downwards and forms a hair follicle. It is to this part of the hair that vessels and glands are connected, providing the processes of nutrition and removal of waste products. On the inside of the follicle there is a hair nipple, consisting of very thin vessels, nerve and connective tissue. It must be remembered that the visible part of the hair is already dead, the living part is located directly under the scalp.

    Thickness and amount of hair

    Having understood what the structure of hair is, let’s get acquainted with the functions of the hairline.

    1. So, the first and main function is protective. Thanks to it, the scalp does not suffer from ultraviolet radiation emanating from direct sunlight.
    2. Thermoregulatory function. It is on the human head that hair creates the optimal temperature for the functioning of the brain. During the cooling process, special muscles provide hair lifting, and they prevent the rise of their own heat from the skin.
    3. Function of touch. It is the nerve endings on the scalp that give it sensitivity to the slightest changes in the position of the hair. This is especially noticeable if some foreign body appears on the head.

    Hair thickness and quantity are strictly individual characteristics. For example, the number of rods can vary from 100 to 150 thousand. The thickness depends on the color. Scientists have calculated that on average, blondes have 50 microns, brunettes have 75 microns, and red-haired people have 100 microns. Hair curliness depends on the location of the follicle in relation to the surface of the head.

    Directly related to this are the types of human hair, which can be:

    • long;
    • Pushkovy;
    • bristly.

    Another classification subdivides human hair for the following types:

    1. Fat. In this case, there is increased activity of the sebaceous glands and excess lubrication. On the scalp there is almost constant greasy shine, hair can quickly become dirty and take on an unkempt appearance.
    2. Dry. On the contrary, the activity of the sebaceous glands is low. The skin is dry, the hair shaft is brittle, and the ends of the hair often split.
    3. Normal. As the name suggests, in this case the skin condition is balanced.

    In some cases, we are talking about “transitional” hair type.

    At the same time, as a person gets older, the density of his hairline also changes towards a decrease. To confirm this, it is enough to compare the hair pattern of a young man and a middle-aged man. The length of one hair can reach 1 m. After this, growth stops within 3 months. After this period, new follicles begin to appear. About 3/4 of all hair develops and grows simultaneously, while the remaining 1/4 “rests”. Healthy follicles are very elastic and strong. They can be stretched by 1/5 of their length, after which they return to their previous state. Their strength is comparable to that of a metal such as aluminum. This is why they are able to withstand heavy loads.

    In addition, human hair is very hygroscopic in nature, that is, it can absorb moisture quite quickly. Thanks to this, the hair is relatively resistant to the effects of weak acids, but the follicles react poorly to alkalis.

    In some cases, human hair can be used as an identifier because it has the ability to accumulate certain substances.

    Little tricks when washing

    While washing your hair, you need to massage your skin with your fingertips to achieve better blood circulation. This will serve as additional stimulation of the sebaceous glands, which create a natural protective layer on the hair. It is better to use shampoo 2 times.

    The first time, try to rinse the scalp itself, and the second time, the hair. It is better to apply the required amount of detergent into the palm of your hand and rub thoroughly so that it is applied evenly over the entire head.

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