• It's good that I wasn't born a woman, or why it's better to be a man. Who is better to be, a man or a woman?


    Men consider a woman to be a mysterious, beautiful, unpredictable and capricious creature. It is believed that women can never be understood; they constantly confuse men, at the same time causing them admiration, irritation, delight, and sometimes even envy. Many men think that women have a much better life.

    Positive moments of a woman's life

    A huge number of men believe that it is very easy to be a woman. Women do not need such a tedious procedure as daily shaving; they can be late or not show up on dates at all, they can’t keep their words, they can be quick-tempered and even eccentric, illogical and inconsistent. And all this provided that such behavior does not at all spoil the overall impression of the person; on the contrary, it gives the girls charm and makes them very attractive.

    Men need to have a presentable appearance and a good education in order to have authority in society. To impress others, a woman just needs to look beautiful, and the ability to maintain an intellectual conversation is not required at all.

    They try to give way to women public transport, it is customary to give them expensive jewelry and flowers, open doors for them, write poems, music and poetry. Women can freely express their feelings - cry from sadness or laugh. Representatives of the fair sex can look at themselves in the mirror or fix their makeup during an important meeting or meeting. Men are obliged to constantly monitor their step in order to be on guard all the time and not lose face.

    It's better to be a woman. According to statistics, women have a much longer life expectancy, they tolerate illness and stress more easily and adapt to a new environment more quickly. Any change for men is akin to a global catastrophe. Many men experience anxiety when life changes dramatically. A woman cannot afford such luxury, since she is obliged to maintain vital functions and activity during a man’s collapse.

    Girls can wear clothes men's cut and at the same time look great in this guise, men are only allowed to wear skirts in some countries, for example Scotland. Women can skillfully hide the flaws of their figure with the help of a properly selected wardrobe. Women wear skirts, dresses, shoes with or without heels, and tight underwear. In the men's arsenal there are only shirts and trousers. With so much clothing, it is much more difficult to make yourself visually slimmer and younger.

    Women never go completely bald; they can beg mercy from the traffic police inspector even with the most flagrant violation while driving; in some countries, women even have a working day that is several hours shorter than men.

    Representatives of the fairer sex can express themselves in a large number of ways, with the help of tears they can relieve stress and feel endless happiness when carrying a child. Despite their material security and social status, even those women to whom the word “strong” is applied always need care and protection.

    Why is a woman's life difficult?

    From time immemorial, a woman has been considered the keeper of home comfort and hearth, and these responsibilities cannot be relieved even by numerous household appliances that make this work easier. Keeping a fireplace means not only keeping the apartment completely clean and being able to prepare a delicious meal, women also need to maintain mutual understanding, comfort, and calmness in family relationships. Emotional peace in the family requires wisdom, dedication and patience from a woman. Not many girls can boast of these qualities.

    Women who believe that spectacular appearance, intelligence and independence are the main trump cards often remain lonely. Because this position rarely attracts male attention. Men prefer stupid, cute girls because with them they feel like a breadwinner, a brave protector and the head of the family.

    It is generally accepted that strong, independent women are very capricious, prefer to lead and command, so men are not comfortable around them. Usually those around them do not even suspect that such ladies also need care.

    A woman can be luxurious or modest, bold or quiet, bright or inconspicuous, but she will always remain a woman, and her main task will always be to preserve the spiritual essence of all humanity. Maybe for this simple reason the beautiful half of our world is allowed a little more, because women are constantly worried about their family and friends.

    The question of who is better to be still remains open, but it should be remembered that more is asked of the one to whom much is given.

    September 18, 2012

    The question, of course, is rhetorical... the vast majority will give a bunch of arguments specifically for their gender - and this is the heterosexual norm. Men like to be the stronger sex, women like to feel protected. But let's try to figure it out objectively, who is more profitable to be: a man or a woman?

    It's better to be a man because...

    1. A man has the privilege of making the first move. Many, perhaps, will consider this not a masculine plus at all - it seems like a girl should not do anything, but this is precisely a minus. It is men who decide whether to approach or not, whether to call back after the first date or not. The woman can only wait agonizingly for the verdict.
    2. Yes, you won’t be hired “for your pretty eyes,” but the likelihood is that you will be subjected to sexual harassment from his boss, it is negligible and more like a sexual fantasy.
    3. A man is forgiven for his uncouthness, bad habits, belching, and may smell like tobacco and sweat. This is not permissible for a woman. Plus, of course, dubious. But an unkempt man will be condemned by society much less than an unkempt woman.
    4. Orgasm... Every time... EVERY!!
    5. A man can be attractive right into his old age. A woman has much less time. According to opinion polls and statistics, a woman has only 10 years to get married. Then her chances quickly approach zero...
    6. Even a very heavyset man can afford to walk around the city without a T-shirt, and he won’t be filmed. At least he thinks he can afford it... He, of course, hardly attaches a sexual connotation to this gesture, but society does not see anything provocative in this.
    7. A man can fix something himself without taking preliminary courses or attending handicraft classes. Surprising but true.
    8. No PMS.
    9. No painful labor.
    10. He can easily hitchhike alone. For this, a woman at least needs a man: both for safety reasons and to help carry heavy hiking equipment.
    11. A man doesn't have to be handsome to be a big success with women. He can be saved by charisma, charm and a sense of humor. Women are less fortunate here - men still love with their eyes...
    12. For a woman, falling in love with a womanizer is a victory. But no one wants to get involved with a girl who treats sex the same way as a man.
    13. For some reason, blonde men are spared stereotypes.
    14. Female alcoholism incurable... but the male one, apparently, is curable.
    15. A man can eat. That is, always, wherever he wants and whatever he wants. A woman should watch her figure and often watch how a man eats.
    16. A woman who is not satisfied with the role of the weaker sex will have to work several times more than a man and spend her whole life proving that she is no weaker.
    17. Men can fight. It seems like a dubious plus, but sometimes women also want to punch someone in the face.

    It's better to be a woman because...

    1. A woman can wear both women's and men's clothing, and look equally sexy at the same time; man in women's clothing It looks, to put it mildly, shockingly.
    2. In the Titanic, women were the first to be rescued.
    3. Also, men always give way to women on public transport... well, at least they should give way...
    4. A woman should not pay for a man. She may not care at all about how to earn money, but only about how to spend it rationally... well, or irrationally... everything, again, depends on her man’s income.
    5. A woman can be hired only “for her pretty eyes.”
    6. She can like both girls and boys, and she won’t be beaten for it. Moreover, she will be very praised for it.
    7. A woman can be even an hour late for a date, and she will be glad when she finally arrives. A man cannot afford such luxury.
    8. Majority women's problems are solved with the help of tears, chocolate or girlfriends! I have no idea how men solve their problems... By the way, how?
    9. If a woman doesn't understand computers, that's normal. Moreover, there will always be many men who want to help her.
    10. The men accompany the girl home, and then go home in the dark (ahahaha).
    11. I wanted to eat - I went and cooked.
    12. The woman is not at risk of impotence. Sagging breasts, stretch marks, gastritis from eternal diets - yes, but no impotence.
    13. It is the woman who decides whether she will have sex today or not. And if she decided that she would, it’s unlikely that anyone would refuse her.
    14. If a woman rejects a man, she is proud and he needs to pursue her... perhaps even his whole life. But if a man rejects a woman, then he is a boor, a bastard, ungrateful, and all her friends already hate him.
    15. A woman can allow herself to be both strong and weak. weak man- sorry sight.
    16. There is no article in the criminal code for the rape of a man by a woman. It seems like this is physiologically impossible...;)
    17. Many men would classify “I don’t spend 2 hours getting ready” as male advantages, but the point is dear men that women like to spend a lot of time on themselves. They like to feel beautiful, and this is a plus that is difficult for men to understand.
    18. As for small sizes, small breasts are at least aesthetically pleasing... if you know what I mean...
    19. And in conclusion, the most powerful argument: Because of women, wars begin in which they themselves do not participate.

    What are your arguments?)

    Who's smarter?

    Medicine speaks firmly: the male brain is larger than the female. Moreover, it is greater in those areas where a man can make different decisions at once. In addition, the male sex hormone is produced all the time in the same concentration. Scientists believe that a woman’s brain is a toy in the hands of female hormones, and their levels seriously fluctuate depending on the phase menstrual cycle. Therefore, women who understand that a man is more reliable and makes better decisions are usually happy.

    Who has better skin?

    Women's skin is worse than men's. IN men's skin naturally contains 25 percent more collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin make the skin elastic. Women have less collagen and elastin. Moreover, in women, collagen and elastin are destroyed much faster over the years. This doesn't happen to men. In addition, men constantly shave, and this is peeling, the skin is renewed every day. Therefore, if a man looks good, this is not his merit. A woman’s appearance, on the contrary, depends on how much she takes care of herself.

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    October 27, 2017

    The question of who is better - men or women - has been decided for more than one generation. Many representatives of the stronger sex claim that it was they who made history. On this basis, men conclude that they should be given all the honors and considered the best in everything. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

    Who is the better decision maker?

    It is safe to say that men are leading on this issue. Their logical chains are usually more reasonable, which is why they can plan not only the next week, but also the next 5 years of their lives.

    However, answering the question of who makes better decisions (men or women), we can say that in a critical situation the weaker sex wins. Due to the fact that a woman is able to quickly generate a large number of ideas, she has the ability to implement one of them almost instantly. In a similar situation, a man always needs time to think. But honestly, you have to give it credit stronger sex. Their decisions, according to statistics, are always more reasonable.

    Who has better developed senses?

    Women are definitely winning here. After all, their senses are more developed. Unlike men, women can distinguish more colors. Where a representative of the stronger sex sees pink, a girl can find fuchsia, salmon and coral. Therefore, the answer to the question of who is better - men or women - is quite obvious here.

    Girls are endowed with more subtle hearing. Probably in every person’s life there has been a situation when a woman hears a mouse scratching behind the wall, and a man ignores this sound. Many justify this by saying that a representative of the fair sex should hear the cry of her child in any situation.

    Video on the topic

    Who is better at cooking?

    It is believed that men are better cooks, but is this true? In fact, the statistics actually back this up. The most famous chefs in the world are men. But why then is the kitchen a woman's place?

    It is believed that cooking is not a man's responsibility. After all, even a teenager can cope with this simple task. But here we must again give credit to the senses. Women have better developed taste buds, and therefore girls often pay attention to details. The whole picture escapes their field of vision, so they cannot completely determine the taste of the prepared dish. Definitely, the answer to the question of who is better - men or women in the culinary arts, is unequivocal - men. But it’s usually the ladies who inspire chefs to create gastronomic delights.

    Who copes better with everyday tasks?

    Women, unlike men, tend to multitask. A Russian girl can simultaneously do cleaning, look after a child and talk on the phone. Moreover, she will focus on each of these matters.

    A man is able to concentrate on only one action. But, as a result, the strong half of humanity can always give an account of the work done. A woman, after a whole day of hard cleaning, may not remember all the things she managed to do. Perhaps this is why husbands often accuse their wives of slacking off.

    In any family, sooner or later the question is raised about who is more important - a man or a woman. Usually loving wives They assure their faithful that they are in complete submission to the latter. And despite the fact that the entire burden of household chores falls on fragile women’s shoulders, it will still be a man who will solve global everyday problems.

    Who is stronger - a man or a woman?

    The stronger sex received this name for a reason. Since primitive times, the main job of a man was to protect his family and earn food. And this required remarkable physical training. Since then, the ideal man for a woman is an intelligent and physically developed person.

    But when it comes to endurance, the situation is a little different. A woman can be exposed to physical activity longer, and it will not bother her much. It’s worth remembering who carries huge bags of groceries home every day.

    Who has better memory?

    Women constantly complain about their “girlish” memory, but is it really that bad? Not really. Despite the fact that men's brains are 10% heavier, they remember information much worse. This is primarily due to poor attention.

    English scientists conducted experiments in which they allowed men and women to remember the same information. It turned out that the fair sex was in the lead. Moreover, women not only remembered information better at a certain moment, but they could reproduce it 24 hours later. This fact is confirmed by the fact that female students usually study better than their male classmates. But it is worth taking into account that women rarely use the information received. This is why the best inventors, philosophers and politicians are men.

    Who is the better driver?

    They say that Russian girls, and indeed women all over the world, are not created to compete with men on the road. Is it really? Let's turn to statistics. Over 5 years, 80% of traffic accidents in New York were caused by men. Women's multitasking helps the fair sex not only control the situation on the road, but also at the same time take an active part in the dialogue conducted by passengers.

    As we have already found out, men can only focus on one thing. Many may say that the statistics are unfair, because most drivers are representatives of the stronger sex, which is why they become involved in road accidents. There is some truth in this, but it is worth taking into account that every year more and more more girls gets a license, and they spend less on auto insurance premiums than their other halves.

    Who is better with money?

    Many people believe that men are better at managing finances, is this really true? This is partly true. After all, it was the representatives of the stronger sex who were able to organize a huge number of enterprises with multi-billion dollar annual income. But there is also back side medals. Men take risks more often, so they have a high chance of getting burned. Most women do not like gambling and do not understand how one can invest in a dubious enterprise.

    2. Men don't get PMS, when the whole world seems evilly terrible, and subsequently - and menopause. And a midlife crisis, when many people change jobs for more interesting ones and boring wives for younger ones, is a much more pleasant thing.

    3. And give birth in agony they don't need it either. Whatever one may say, nervously smoking under the windows of a maternity hospital is still somewhat easier than carrying a child for nine months and enduring pain for 12 hours.

    4. K blonde driving will not be fearful or condescending, expecting him to park right in the middle of the highway.

    5.Going to the hairdresser is not for him important event, and the departure of the beloved master is a disaster. And in general, if necessary, you can get a haircut with a clipper.

    6. And certainly to him There is no risk of epilation of legs and bikini area wax (unless he's a stripper).

    7. He may not worry that the wet varnish has smeared or bright - it peeled off at the most inopportune moment.

    8. Also, men save a lot of money on cosmetics, jewelry, underwear and stockings (unless they give all this to their beloved ones).

    9. Romantic dinners are limited for him. buying flowers and condoms, and not standing at the stove for three hours.

    10. He can call first, write first, wait at the entrance and generally advance on all fronts. Those around you will only admire your perseverance, and hardly anyone will say that decent men don’t do this.

    11. The employer, having read his application form, will not be disappointed to say: “ Children? Yes, you will always be on sick leave" or "No children? That means they’ll show up soon and you’ll go on maternity leave!”

    12. If his only signature dish is pizza to order, no one will blame him. And if “Napoleon” or rack of lamb, they will be amazed and will certainly do chef some restaurant.

    13. "Two years as a couple and never had an orgasm"This is definitely not about him!

    14. He will never buy gel for problem areas or waste time on Anticellulite massage- by definition, he cannot have this problem.

    15. Your significant other can easily be 10, 15 or even 25 years younger - your friends will only sigh with envy. And even if she only needs one thing, she can be proud that he has that one thing.

    16.Bachelors always in a better position than old maids of the same age.

    17. As the heroine of the famous film said, after the divorce a man is called free, and a woman is called abandoned. Maybe not so harsh, but there is some truth in it.

    18. For men there are no mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law and fathers-in-law, as a rule, are much more peaceful. At least you won’t meet men on the “sons-in-law dot ru” forum, where they talk about how their mother-in-law ruined their lives.

    19. Workers of housing and communal services, personnel departments, accounting departments and other “paper” companies, exhausted women's team, much more loyal to male visitors.

    20. On the first date, he doesn’t need to feign a lack of appetite by ordering espresso (only without sugar) or green tea. And even more so on the second and subsequent ones.

    21. He will not be tormented by the question, will the girl offer to pay for two or not? and what conclusion follows from this.

    22. And he won’t worry about what he’ll look like. in the morning without makeup.

    23. The first move in the game “February 23 - March 8” is not his, which means you can safely give shower gel in return for shaving foam.

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