• Birthday games for 8 year olds. Interesting entertainment and competitions for every taste or children's birthday competitions at home: how to organize and conduct


    Outdoor active games for children 7-8 years old will allow participants to throw out excess energy and compete with each other. Team competitions will teach children to interact and come to each other’s rescue. Interesting surveys and quizzes will give you the opportunity to show off your knowledge and learn a lot of new things. Alternating active competitions with passive tasks will ensure a harmonious, fun holiday.

      Game "Straight on target"

      All children who want to play can play. To play the game you will need several balloons, a marker, a chair, a bucket, an apple, darts or snowballs in the form of crumpled paper.

      At a certain distance from the participants, you need to place a chair and a bucket on it. Draw a smiling smiley face on the ball with a marker and place it in the bucket so that most of the ball is visible. You need to place an apple on the top of the ball.

      The children's task is to hit the bull's eye with darts or snowballs.

      Game "Big Billiards"

      Two children participate in the game. It is better to carry it out in a spacious room where there are no objects. In the corners of the room, you need to tip the buckets on their sides, and in the middle of the room, lay out a triangle of 6 or 10 small balls of the same color. Another ball - of a different color - will play the role of a breaker. Each participant receives a gymnastic stick.

      Players take turns hitting the balls with a gymnastic stick, trying to get them into the hole (bucket). You can hit like in hockey or billiards. The one who hits the hole continues to play until the first miss. The child who pockets the most balls wins.

      Game "Kolobok"

      Fun game for children. It is based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”. At the beginning of the game, the leader assigns roles to the participants: old man, old woman, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox. If there are more applicants than roles, then you can secretly appoint other players as koloboks.

      The presenter reads the story out loud. The players' task is to quickly run around their chair after hearing their role.

      At the end of the game, sweet prizes can be given to all children, since there are no winners. Its goal is to lift your spirits and have fun.

      Relay competition. Children are divided equally into 2 teams and stand in 2 columns. The first participants in each group receive a basin with which they will portray a turtle.

      At the leader’s signal, the first players of the teams kneel and on their hands, and place the pelvis on their backs (it plays the role of a shell). In this position, they must reach a certain place and return back to pass the baton to the next participant. The team whose last player reaches the finish line first wins.

      All children participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need nylon tights and a ball. Participants choose a person who will be the “elephant”.

      The presenter folds the tights leg to leg, puts a ball in there and puts them on the “elephant’s” head so that they dangle like a trunk. Participants stand opposite this player. The “elephant’s” task is to touch the children with his trunk. Whoever he touches is eliminated. The competition continues until there is only one child left. If there are a lot of children, you can make 2 “elephants” and limit the time.

    Firstly, it is no longer always possible to celebrate the birthday of an 8-year-old child with the help of familiar customs and rituals: “Loaf-loaf” and traditional round dance.

    Secondly, eight-year-old children already consider themselves independent and mature enough not only to take an active part in the games and competitions of their birthday, but also to participate in the preparation and organization of the holiday themselves.

    Practice shows that starting from the age of eight, children, celebrating their personal holiday, prefer “same-sex” birthdays. The birthday boy invites only male friends to his birthday, and the birthday girl invites only her girlfriends to the celebration. Experienced parents advise in such cases to invite no more than ten people of the same sex to the holiday.

    If there are more children, then it is better that children of both sexes are present, in this way the forces are balanced, and adults do not have to constantly calm down the raging boys and distract the girls from playing with dolls.

    The number of children invited to the holiday plays a role not only in terms of preparing holiday props, calculating the amount of food and gifts for participating in the competition, but also in terms of the number of adults who will be the organizers of the holiday. So, if more than five people are present at your child’s birthday party, then there should be two organizers. If there are more than eight people, then three. In this case, it is advisable that one of the parents of the birthday boy take the main role, so that guests will know who they need to contact if they suddenly unexpectedly need the help of an adult.

    Where to celebrate the birthday of an 8 year old child?

    You can celebrate the birthday of an eight-year-old child at different places. Outdoors, in a water park, at home, in an entertainment center or in a children's cafe. If your child loves sweets, then opt for the option of celebrating in an ice cream parlor.

    If he is a fan of active games and entertainment, feel free to go to a water park, game center or amusement park. Or you can remember all the promises you made to the birthday boy before his birthday (going to the zoo, sewing doll dresses, gluing sailboats), and fulfill them on his personal holiday.

    It is necessary to celebrate the child’s birthday at school, because relationships with classmates are of particular importance to him now. Let him impress them. Remember the tradition when the hero of the occasion treats everyone on his birthday with sweets, cakes and tea. You should be reminded about the upcoming celebration to the class teacher your child, so that the birthday boy will certainly not be left without due attention on his birthday.

    The first thing you should remember before you start preparing a holiday for your child is that at this age children are very sensitive, careful and reverent about themselves and, on top of everything else, always compete with their friends in everything. Therefore, parents can often hear phrases such as: “I don’t want the same birthday as Masha’s” and “My birthday should be different from Grisha’s holiday.”

    Try to make your child's birthday as unique as possible. The birthday boy should not only know, but also feel that this is his holiday, his day.

    The solemn event itself should not exceed three to four hours in duration. This time is quite enough for a holiday. The best time of day is the second half of the day. The first fifteen to twenty minutes should be devoted to meeting guests and presenting gifts to the birthday person. The first two hours of the holiday should be devoted to active games, and the second to more creative activities.

    Warn the children in advance so that each of them prepares some kind of homework - a number for the birthday boy: a poem, dance, song, sketch, drawing, etc. You can invite animators to your birthday party, or you can do it yourself.

    Eight-year-old children love theatrical performances, so either a group of animators or you yourself can show the children a performance, dramatizing a little-known or fictional fairy tale. Or arrange a real circus performance for children with clownery, juggling acts and magic tricks.

    After the performance, invite the children to the table, the main decoration of which, as always, will be the cake. The birthday boy will make a wish, blow out the candles, and listen to warm congratulations addressed to him. After the festive feast, invite the hero of the occasion and his friends to participate in a quiz with riddles and comic prizes for correct answers. Having rested, the children will be able to begin more active games again. At the end of the holiday, the birthday boy and you should accompany the guests and thank them for the gifts.

    Birthday games for 8 year olds

    Game "Dreamers"

    You, as the presenter, say the phrase: “One black, black night in a dark, dark forest...”. Children should take the initiative and jointly come up with a continuation of this fairy tale. From time to time you again take the initiative into your own hands, correct the plot, and lead it in the right direction. Children can not only tell what the characters in a fairy tale do, but also show the actions of a certain character: walking, jumping, running, and the like.

    Guess game

    Prepare cards in advance with images that are familiar to children: objects, animals, plants. Place the children at the same table or just in a circle on the floor. One of the guys needs to come up to you and draw any card. Without showing other participants in the game what is depicted on it, he must silently, with gestures alone, try to depict what is drawn on the card. The remaining players must give the correct answer. Then the second participant comes out, and so on in a circle until all the guys take part in the game.

    Game "Fanta"

    Place the children in a circle. Anyone who wishes to be there will sit in the center of the circle. Prepare a bag of “forfeits”, on which certain tasks will already be written, so that when pulling them out, the children do not rack their brains over what exactly they should come up with. The child who took out the forfeit reads the task to the one in the center of the circle. All children who wish to do so must take part in this game. This is a very simple, but no less exciting competition. Give the children pens and leaves in the box. Explain the task: the children need to draw a lot of crosses in one minute. The one who draws the most crosses wins. Invite two or three boys to participate in this competition. Place your back to them on chairs three girls. Scarves should hang on the backs of chairs. The boys’ task is to tie a scarf for “their” girl, accompanied by musical accompaniment, not only faster than the other participants, but also with better quality. Prepare a few not too complicated tongue twisters in advance. Select those who want to participate in the competition. Their task: to speak as many tongue twisters as possible without errors and quickly. The winner will be the participant who completed the task better than others.

    What to give a child for his 8th birthday

    When choosing a gift for your son, remember that boys of this age are distinguished by the development of independence and responsibility, so their games become more complex and varied. As a gift, you can choose a Lego set: star Wars, police station, Pirates' ship or police station; on new sports equipment: football or basketball, roller skates, skateboard, boomerang, table hockey or mini golf.

    An excellent gift would be games for game consoles and consoles, computer games. No less attractive for boys are Bakugan toys, a music player with headphones, a new cellular telephone. Creativity kits: a pocket microscope and an electronic construction kit will be appreciated by all boys without exception.

    Eight-year-old girls are distinguished by the fact that if previously, when they were in first grade, they had not yet thought about their external attractiveness, now for some of them issues of beauty and fashion are becoming relevant. But an eight-year-old girl is still a child who believes in fairy tales and expects miracles on her birthday. Therefore, gift options for your eight-year-old daughter should be distinguished by sophistication and originality. For example, you can give her a music box, a beautiful silver locket with a secret inside, jewelry storage boxes, or a miniature tea set.

    Maria Vyalykh
    Women's legs.ru

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    When a child turns seven years old, parents have to reconsider their experience of holding holidays at home. After all, their son or daughter is no longer a baby, but a person who has realized himself as an individual. It is necessary to approach him this way: with recognition of his right to his own opinion, taking into account the complex processes that change his inner world.

    Bright, memorable children's party Now you can’t do it without good organization. Children 6 - 8 years old will get bored if there are no interesting games and exciting competitions with their own participation.

    When creating a program, make sure that it is not only fun, but also useful. After all, the company of children under the sensitive adult guidance is an excellent opportunity to show their abilities, practice in different types of activities, and learn to build relationships with their peers.

    What radically new happens to a seven-year-old person that is worth paying attention to when preparing for competitions? Here are the main important points.

    1. Swift physical development . At this age, competitions that require greater endurance and tension are possible.
    2. Active socialization. For younger children school age I really like feeling like part of a team.
    3. Sense of personal responsibility. The child can be entrusted with his own area where he acts independently.
    4. Appearance best friend . Children begin to value friendship and sometimes trust their friends more than their parents.

    Ideas for competitions at home

    Competition "Walk under the bridge"

    A very simple competition game that is good to start with entertainment program. Adults hold the bar by the two ends; children must take turns walking under it. At each stage the level is lowered, so that first, “under the bridge,” the tallest child passes into full height, then you have to bend down and finally crawl. The one who lasts the longest wins.

    Competition "Guess it"

    In fact, this competition is a version of the well-known adult “crocodile”, or game of charades. One participant must show this or that creature, the rest must guess it. Children 7-8 years old it is difficult to depict abstract concepts, so the conditions competition can be limited, for example, by specifying only animals, fairy tale or cartoon characters. If none of the guests have participated in such a game before, tell them that the most convenient thing is to imitate not their appearance, but their actions: how a bear walks, a cat washes itself, a chicken pecks, etc.

    Competition script:

    1. Prepare cards with images in advance: take ready-made ones from children's lotto sets, draw or stick ones cut out from magazines.
    2. Put them in a box.
    3. The first “actor” chooses a card at random and tries to portray his character without words so that others can guess him.
    4. The one who guessed takes his place.
    Advice. To begin with, it is better to prepare cards with pictures rather than written names of animals. The picture will tell children what features of appearance they can play on.

    For experienced players, you can remove restrictions from the conditions and set any objects or phenomena.

    Competition "Balloon Fight"

    This is sports team game which is best done in the yard, on the playground or in a clearing in the park.

    You will need:

    • Prepare the music:
      laptop with recordings of funny songs
    • music Center
    • or just radio

    Competition script:

    1. Divide the court into two equal parts (for example, by pulling a rope or net), and the guests into teams. Give each team five inflated balloons.
    2. The task is to transfer them to the opponent’s territory. At the same time, you have to hit the balls coming from the other side.
    3. Each round lasts as long as the song plays. The musical accompaniment really enlivens the game and lifts the mood. The one on whose side has fewer balls wins.
    4. Agree on the number of rounds in advance: it should be odd.

    Competition "Collect the word"

    An excellent intellectual game for first-graders. Gives you the opportunity to test your knowledge of letters and vocabulary, train your memory and observation skills.

    Prepare several envelopes of letter cards in advance. The set should include the letters of one long but well-known word for children (January, dining room, computer, dinosaur).

    The competition can be either team or individual. Each participant or team is given an envelope with letters. The task is to assemble a word from them. The one who does it correctly and fastest wins.

    Competition "Collect a picture"

    Another “at the table” competition. Allows you to take a break from outdoor games, develops spatial thinking and the ability to foresee the result of your actions.

    Prepare several colorful pictures (this could be postcards with flowers, illustrations for fairy tales, landscape drawings) and cut them into many shaped parts. Give them to teams or individual players. The task is to assemble the whole picture from these fragments.

    Competition "Who can eat jelly the fastest"

    This comic competition, which can be used for a snack when the holiday is in full swing and the children have managed to get a little hungry.

    Another convenient place in the program is when guests move on to dessert.

    For the competition you need glasses or shallow cups with fruit jelly according to the number of participants.

    Each of them gets their own portion of jelly and an ice cream stick. The task is to eat it without additional equipment. The winner receives a prize, and the rest of the participants receive spoons to finish the jelly.

    Competition "Chest with a surprise"

    This game also has an element of competition, but the main thing in it is the opportunity to please every guest. Even if the child has not won any other competition, he will receive his prize here.

    You will need:

    • A box for a future chest.
    • Make her beautiful appearance: cover with colored paper, decorate with drawings or appliqué.
    • Make a hole in the top for a child's hand.

    Place gifts in the box according to the number of guests plus one. Select them taking into account the age of the children: it can be a toy, jewelry for girls, a notebook, a pen, a set of pencils or markers, a keychain, candy, an apple or an orange.


    Children 7-8 years old are already ready for long multi-stage competitions if the conditions are simple and clearly stated. Therefore, you can prepare a simple quest of three or four moves for them.

    Divide guests into teams. Each of them must be supervised by an adult: he does not help complete the tasks, but checks whether the children understand their conditions.

    At each stage, the team receives a note describing the task. After completing it, participants will find out where the next instruction note is located. The latter must indicate the location where the prize is located. Of course, it must be collective: for example, a cake that the winning team will share with the losing team.

    1. Prepare both individual and team competitions.
    2. When forming teams, take into account the wishes of the children. But try to keep them approximately equal in strength. If there are children among the guests younger age, distribute them evenly among teams.
    3. Alternate different types competitions. After active competitions you need to conduct intellectual game- and vice versa.
    4. Make sure every child wins and receives a prize at least once. Everyone should feel strong, beautiful and smart.

    A child's birthday is not only a joyful holiday. Parents worry and expect it almost more than the hero of the occasion himself - after all, all the responsibility and hassle of preparing and holding it falls on them. Moreover, the older the child becomes, the more difficult this task becomes. For example, what kind of competitions can you organize at the birthday party of a 9-year-old child? At this age, children are already extremely critical of many games that they played with such pleasure just recently. On the other hand, any competition that you hold must be completely safe, both for the child’s knees and elbows, and for the rest of his body.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Detectives"

    Scatter paper cut-out human footprints around the room, the more the better. Invite the children to investigate the “crime scene” and collect these traces. The one who finds the most paired tracks wins.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Who am I"

    Children sit in a circle, and a small image of an animal is glued to each forehead using double-sided tape, so that the others see it, but the player himself does not. Each person takes turns asking the others questions about what kind of animal they have drawn. The most important thing is that you can only ask questions that can be answered yes or no. The winner is the one who quickly guesses which animal he is the “owner” of.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Burst the Ball"

    The leader divides the children into two teams and gives each player a balloon ik and a pin or dart. The task of the players on each team is to destroy as many of the “enemy’s” balls as possible, while preserving their own. The team that ends up with the most wholes wins. balloons.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Spoon and Potatoes"

    Relay competition. The leader divides the children into two teams. At one end of the room, two containers with an equal number of small potatoes are placed, and each team receives a spoon and an empty bucket. The players’ task is to transfer all the potatoes from their container to the bucket that the team has as quickly as possible. Using only one spoon. Helping yourself with your hands is not allowed. The team that completes the task faster than the other wins.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Kopeechka"

    Another relay competition. The leader again divides the children into two teams and lines them up in two rows. Two small containers are placed on the floor approximately 4 meters from the teams. The first players of each team are placed on the toe of one foot with an identical coin, which they must thus carry to the placed containers and lower into it. When they do this, the next players from each team enter the game. The team that completes the task faster and better wins. She receives well-deserved prizes.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Find the shoes"

    The leader divides the children into two teams. Each team takes off their shoes and puts them in two large piles at some distance. To make the game even more interesting, you can add to these piles the shoes you have at home. The presenter mixes everything well. Then, at the leader’s signal, one player from each team runs to their piles of shoes and tries to find theirs as quickly as possible. When they succeed, they run to their team and pass the baton to the next players. The team whose players manage to put on their shoes first wins. This competition turns out to be even more interesting and funny if the children have the same or very similar shoes. By the way, shoes can be collected not in two, but in one large common pile.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Who is this"

    The children stand in a circle, and the driver alone sits on a chair in the middle. He is blindfolded and everyone playing takes turns approaching him. The driver’s task is to determine by touch within one minute who exactly approached him. After all participants have completed this procedure. A new driver is selected and so on, one by one. The winner is the one or those who managed to guess the largest number of players.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Whose Shadow"

    One of the players sits with his back to the room and facing a free wall. A light source - a candle or lamp - is placed behind it at some distance. The remaining players take turns passing in such a way that they create a clear shadow on the wall. The task of the player who is sitting on the chair is to determine by the shadow who exactly is behind him at the moment. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Titanic"

    For this competition you will need regular disposable plastic cups and a bucket of water. You distribute the glasses to the children, fill another one halfway with water and place it in a bucket so that it remains afloat. This will be your Titanic. Next, each child takes turns adding water to the Titanic, while trying not to drown it completely. The one who does this is eliminated, and the rest continue the competition. When the last winner remains, he is named captain and everyone goes to eat ice cream as a reward.

    Competitions at the birthday party of a 9 year old child. "Fanta"

    An old well-known game that not only children, but also adults still enjoy participating in. Its essence is extremely simple. Each participant gives away some of their own items, everything is put into a bag, and then taken in turn by the presenter. The birthday boy turns his back to the presenter, so as not to see what kind of object he took out. The host asks what this phantom needs to do, and the birthday boy comes up with some simple tasks, for example, jumping three times on one leg, clapping his hands, shouting something through the window, and so on. And, of course, among these items there should be something belonging to the birthday boy himself.

    It is very difficult to interest a child in something nowadays, so from the very beginning it is necessary to introduce an element of play and surprise. For example, start by buying inflatable balloons and small edible souvenirs in advance, since now their assortment is huge. It could be a chewing candy, a caramel on a stick, or a small chocolate bar. Place them in air balloons, inflate and give to each child who comes - let him take with him a piece of your joy and your holiday. To avoid boredom, come up with some games, jokes, quizzes, and pranks in advance.

    There are many children's games that will help entertain your little guests, do not forget about carousels, hide and seek, round dances and the like. We offer a selection of games for different occasions.

    Games for a child's birthday


    Children join hands and dance around the birthday boy.


    Like on Dashin (Anin, Petin)


    We baked a loaf:

    Such a height

    (raise hands up)

    Such lows


    This is the width

    (diverge as widely as possible)

    These are the dinners

    (approaching the birthday boy)

    Loaf, loaf,

    (clap hands)

    Whom you love - choose!

    Birthday boy.

    I love everyone, of course

    But Masha (Lena, Slava) ...


    Masha stands in the circle, and everything repeats from the beginning. It’s good if every child gets to play the role of a “birthday boy.”

    Who hurt it?

    One child is blindfolded and his back is turned to the others. Someone lightly touches him with his hand, you have to guess who it is. If he guessed correctly, the person who touched him is blindfolded and becomes a “guesser.”

    Cat and mouse

    The chairs are placed in a circle, with the seats facing inward. Half of the children sit on chairs - these are “mice”, the rest stand behind them - these are “cats”. One “cat” “mouse” should not be enough, that is, it is standing behind an empty chair. This “cat” winks at some “mouse”. The task of the “mouse” is to run over to the empty chair to the one who winked. The task of the “cat” standing behind you is to hold it with your hands. If she doesn’t hold back, she winks at the next “mouse.” After some time, the “mice” and “cats” change roles.


    A chamomile is made from paper in advance - as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal. Children tear off the petals and begin to perform tasks: walk single file, crow, jump on one leg, sing a song, repeat a tongue twister...

    Guess the item

    Big cardboard box various objects are put together: cubes, pencils, small cars, mosaics... The top of the box is covered with a scarf. The child touches the object and tries to guess what it is.


    Children are divided into subgroups, depending on which subgroup prepared this or that gift. One by one, each subgroup “goes to the store to buy gifts”: the children go to the corner of the room and agree on what imitation movements they can use to describe their gift.

    After this, the children approach the hero of the occasion and say: “We have prepared a gift, guess what it is.” Children show movements, and the child guesses. He is given a gift.

    The game is played several times with different subgroups of children. For the last time, one of the parents joins the game and gives the child a gift.

    At the end of the holiday, the host invites everyone present to the festive table.

    Third wheel

    Chairs are placed in the center, 1 less than the number of participants. Children walk or run around chairs to the music. Suddenly the music stops, you have to grab a chair. Those who don't have enough leave the game. We remove one chair, and everything continues. If there are a lot of children, at the beginning of the game you can put sheets of newspaper on the floor, but when there are 3-4 people left, it is still better to put chairs.


    The presenter throws up a balloon. While it is flying, you can move; if it touches the floor, everyone must freeze and not smile. Those who do not comply are eliminated from the game.


    The presenter announces a topic, for example “Cities”. The child names a city and throws the ball to the next player. When everyone has answered, the topic changes. Sample Topics: flowers, fruits, countries, rivers, cartoons, names...


    Everyone receives checkered pieces of paper and pens. Who can draw the most crosses in a minute?

    Potatoes in a spoon

    At one end of the room there are two chairs, each with a cup of potatoes. At the other end of the room there are also two chairs, but there are empty cups on them. 2 people compete. You need to use a spoon that holds one potato to transfer all the potatoes from one cup to another. Who is faster? If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into two teams and arrange a relay race.


    Attach a poster to the wall with a clown's head without a nose. Everyone takes turns, blindfolded, pinning the “nose” (a foam ball) to the poster.

    Options: attach a nose from plasticine, draw the nose with a felt-tip pen.

    Sweet tooth

    Place leaves throughout the room, back side draw a candy on 8-10 leaves, and a sad face on the rest. Those who want to eat need to collect leaves until they come across a leaf with a candy drawn on it. It can be exchanged with the host for real candy.

    Searching for a call

    On each of the chairs, standing at a distance of 8-10 steps from each other, there is a bell. Two players, blindfolded, each stand at their own chair. At the signal, they need to go around their friend’s chair to the right, return to their place and ring the bell. The one who does it faster wins.

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