• How to make a paper kite. DIY flying kite. How to make a flying kite. Kite "Monk"


    Kite - old fun. Snakes were used by the Kyiv prince Oleg during the storming of Constantinople. Snakes helped scientists unravel the mystery of the ocean of air. The famous mathematician, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonard Euler wrote: “Kites are a toy, despised by scientists, but can, however, make you think deeply about yourself.”

    For children, snakes open up limitless scope for creative imagination. It is also important that kites very affordable and easy to make with your own hands By drawings and diagrams.

    You need to fly kites in an open field where there are no power lines or wires - then the snakes will not disrupt communication, will not lead to misfortune, and will be able to float freely in the air.

    kite on slats

    Take three slats, preferably bamboo, one meter long. Make shallow notches at the ends and secure the ends with a few turns of wire. Fasten the slats in the center and at the tops so that you get six equal angles (see picture). Glue strips of paper folded in half onto a rope. The result was the basis for the future kite - a frame.

    Place the frame on a large piece of paper. Leaving an allowance of 5 centimeters, cut the paper along the contours of the kite. Lubricate the seam allowance with glue, fold it over and let it dry well.

    Make the tail from a rope, the length of which is six times the length of the kite itself. Attach paper butterflies every 20 centimeters. Fix the tail at points E and D.

    Pass a thin twine or a strong thread through points A, B and the center and tie tightly. This will be the launch system.

    Monk kite diagram

    "Monk" is the simplest kite that can be made from a sheet of paper. Its dimensions can be any. The easiest way is to take a square sheet of writing or drawing paper measuring 250 by 250 millimeters and start folding it as shown in the diagram:

    Then a bridle and tail are tied (made of a strip of fabric or sponge, about a meter long). The “monk” will not fly without a tail. They launch it against the wind.

    Kite “Aerial acrobat”: diagram and drawing

    The “aerial acrobat” is made from thin bamboo splinters. The frame of the kite is covered with tissue or writing paper. The size of the kite can be increased or decreased - it all depends on the material you have. This kite can fly without a tail, but with a tail it is more stable in flight.

    Snakes "Flying Dutchman" and "flying fish"

    Flying Dutchman kites are made using the same principle according to the following scheme:

    and "flying fish"

    It should be noted that the “flying fish”, in addition to its own tail, must also have a snake tail for stability.

    Box kites: drawing

    Box kites come in a variety of sizes, but the most common type is the one shown in the drawing:

    In order to make it, you need wooden slats, fabric or paper for covering, thread and glue.
    It is very important that all spars - square bars - have the same weight.

    The upper and lower boxes of the kite are equal in size and therefore are made using the same pattern. When making a pattern, it is recommended to leave an allowance of 10 millimeters on all sides. The length allowance will be used to bend the edges inward to get double seams, through which a thread is passed, giving the covering greater strength. This kind of tight fitting is called lyktros. At the bends, the ends of the lycrop must be extended to a length of 70-80 millimeters so that the covers can be tied to the side members. The prepared strips now need to be glued (sewn) into boxes. To give the boxes rigidity, spacer slats are attached inside the kite structure - bridles and a handrail are tied to them - a long thread on which the kite floats in the air.

    A basic DIY kite consists of three slats glued to a sheet of thick material. A tail with a small weight is attached to the end, serving as a rudder. It is important to place the center of gravity in the middle of the body, then the structure can rise into the air. The lighter the kite load, the higher the takeoff will occur. It is necessary to take into account the fact that as the lift of the kite increases, the thrust from the ground increases. The supporting structure is subjected to air pressure, so the material for manufacturing must be strong and rigid.

    What is a kite

    Initially, such aircraft were made in China in the shape of a dragon - not a single traditional ceremony was complete without this symbol in the sky. And although the manufacture of structures has long gone beyond the borders of China, the name has stuck. Various models of flying devices can be with a base, frameless, flat or multi-plane design. The finished apparatus is held in place by a long rope called a handrail. The aerodynamic shape promotes stability, and the strong thread helps keep the kite at the desired airflow angle.


    The design of a simple kite, from a flying frame with a tensioned covering, can be assembled at home. It won't gain much height, but it will be a good start for gaining initial construction skills. There is a single principle at work here, based on aerodynamic, physical properties items. Slings are attached to the corners of the body and combined into a bridle for stable control. Each model is decorated and stabilized by a tail.

    Maneuverability will be improved by additional cargo or multiple tails.

    Operating principle The main condition for a high launch is wind speed (3-4 m/s). It is recommended to launch the finished model in an open area where there are no trees or wires.

    A well-made structure will be lifted by the air masses themselves. You need to stand against the wind, releasing the rope 10-20 meters. In light winds, you can run to catch the moment when to send the flying device into the air. It is better to cope with this task together. The smoothness of the flight depends on how correctly the tail and the length of the lines are adjusted to the size of the structure.

    Species There is a choice for your choice a large number of models: flat, volumetric, curved, frameless, triangular or consisting of several links. The latter differ from a flat kite in their high structural stability. Multi-cell form, with a large number of individual links, connected in the form of polyhedra.

    A group of interconnected flying devices looks impressive in the sky.

    The width of such a product is suitable for attaching a small camera to it for aerial photography from a height. How to make a kite with your own hands To make a flying kite at home, you need to choose a model that determines the shape of the frame and the surface material. Determine the number of support rails that support the canvas in tension. Sheets of paper, fabric, plastic bag

    , cardboard.

    The slings can be secured in one or two places on the base. Good aerodynamic force can be imparted to both uncontrolled (single-line) and controlled (multi-line) models. The thread winding spool will eliminate tangling during startup.

    1. From paper
    2. You can make a kite out of paper as follows:
    3. Fold a square out of thick paper.
    4. Label the axis of symmetry.
    5. Fold the sides in half.
    6. Fold the corners to form an accordion.
    7. Pass a long thread through the center of the accordion.
    8. Decorate the free end of the ponytail with bows or rags.
    9. Pull the tail through the hole and secure it securely with a rope.

    From fabric

    Develop original diagram to make a flying kite toy from wire using fabric:

    1. Wrap a piece of flexible wire with threads and secure them at the ends.
    2. Shape the wire into the desired shape.
    3. Trace a piece of fabric along the contour of the frame, leaving an allowance of one and a half centimeters.
    4. Glue the fabric to the wire blank.
    5. Decorate the surface.
    6. Tie the rope in several places.
    7. Bring the ends of the ropes to one point, retreating 30 centimeters from the kite, and secure them together.
    8. Tie the line.

    Made from polyethylene

    DIY kite made of polyethylene:

    1. Prepare two planks, one being twice as long as the other.
    2. Fold them down from the top of the long bar.
    3. Secure the connection point with tape.
    4. Wrap the strips with tape and make small cuts.
    5. Pull a strong thread through the cuts and secure it.
    6. Trace the outline of the finished frame on polyethylene, adding one centimeter.
    7. Cut out and tape the edges.
    8. Tie a 30 cm long thread onto a short stick.
    9. Tie a piece of fishing line to the top of a long stick.
    10. Connect all three ends of the fishing line to each other and secure the thread of the lower corners, by which you will hold the kite, with tape.
    11. Decorate the product with ribbons.

    Dragon Kite

    Design big size, with contours resembling a dragon, is performed as follows:

    1. Select materials for the frame and covering.
    2. Make a supporting base desired shape flying dragon.
    3. Secure the connected structures with thin rope.
    4. Make a drawing of the model on paper, use it as a template.
    5. Cut out the outline of the kite for the airfoil.
    6. Decorate the surface with homemade designs or stickers.
    7. Attach the outer trim to the frame.
    8. Attach the slings, tie the handrail.

    box kite

    The box kite is a multi-plane kite. It's done like this:

    1. Make 4 long wooden slats and 6 half-short wooden slats.
    2. Secure the short ones crosswise with a self-tapping screw.
    3. Attach the long slats to the small ones in the center and ends.
    4. Tie the larger sides at the corners with wire or rope in a crisscross pattern.
    5. Wind the rope around the slats, secure it with tape in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped of the frame.
    6. Attach the plastic strips to the slats, making a complete rotation around the object.
    7. Stretch a rope over the cellophane covering around the perimeter of the square and glue it tightly to the surface.
    8. Make loops of wire for tying the line.

    Diamond Kite

    You can assemble a kite with your own hands so that the design has improved aerodynamic characteristics. The description will help you:

    1. Make 6 long wooden slats and 4 slats half as long.
    2. Make small crosses.
    3. Cover the sides with wire and secure.
    4. Attach long slats to the sides of the crosspieces.
    5. Coat the wooden slats with drying oil.
    6. Tape the frame around each cross piece.
    7. Align the frame perpendicular to the position of the slats in the crosses.
    8. Cover the body of the kite with two layers of tape, being careful not to damage the shape.
    9. Tie a strong thread to each rail and secure with a strip of tape.
    10. Attach the fishing line to the wide side of the diamond at both ends of the batten.


    Hello again everyone! Warmth has finally come to us, and at the same time, our most favorite pastimes - picnics in nature, family active recreation and conscientious feeding of mosquitoes - moved into life with an orderly gait. But we somehow learned to cope with the latter using all sorts of means. We'll get serious about picnics and campfire menus someday. But today we have on our agenda: active games with kids. One of them is launching a kite into space. Therefore, I declare the creative workshop open. And very soon there will be a do-it-yourself kite with drawings and dimensions. Forward?

    Materials and tools that can be used for design

    The beauty of this craft is that whatever material you have at home, you can choose for yourself suitable model. And I will convince you of this now!

    First I will give a small clear example. Windy weather occurs periodically in cities. This is when the wind blows and blows for days, blowing away everything that is not lying right. Various light objects fly up, just as all sorts of things are torn down from the balconies. But one day the wind subsides. And the period comes. Which I call "Chinese lanterns". And indeed, the trees are neatly “decorated” with plastic bags. And why? Yes, because all these windy days the bags were carried on their own, no worse than gliders. Got the idea? Then I will develop it.

    What can you build an aircraft from:

    • from paper;
    • plastic bag;
    • thin tracing paper;
    • old umbrella;
    • from fabric;
    • and even newspapers and magazines will be used.

    So, look around and you will realize that you have the most basic material. But what else is needed in order to make the design:

    • Main material;
    • Thin strips. These can be hollow metal rods, bamboo sticks, or grape branches (they are lighter than usual);
    • Scotch tape or glue;
    • Rope, fishing line or strong thread;
    • Spool to adjust the length of the thread;
    • Scissors.
    • Pattern.

    I want to say right away that the model, as well as the complexity of the craft, will depend on how old our little one is, for whom we are making. And the conditions under which we do this. For example, if the baby is very, very small, and will not be able to run around the field, flying a kite, but we want to give him new emotions, or if we are already in an open field, and before that we did not plan to create anything, because of the materials we have We are not even half the list, you can still come up with something.

    Ideas and DIY

    Craft for kids

    For example, here is the most basic, but no less cool craft:

    1. take a simple plastic bag of a T-shirt;
    2. tie her arms in the middle with a thread.

    All that's left is to catch the wind! It is so simple! But believe me, the little one will be delighted. Moreover, you won’t have to run much, the kite will “inflate” itself and take off, as soon as a breath of wind touches it. True, it won’t fly high, but children under 5 years old will still find it interesting.

    But let's talk about something more complex that you can do at home with our helpers.

    A paper kite that flies high in 5 minutes

    This option seemed to us the simplest and fastest, so we immediately made it at the first wind. I, my son, and even my husband really liked it, although he was very skeptical.

    Details in our video:

    The simplest kite design

    It’s the same package, or rather, I’ll describe it with a package, but instead of it you can use any of the above materials.

    We will need:

    • Package – 1-3 pcs. (depending on their size);
    • Wooden sticks (choose light ones) – 2 pcs.;
    • Scotch;
    • Knife and scissors;
    • Fishing line;
    • Glue;
    • Marker;
    • Coil;
    • Strong rope.


    1. We cut the sticks so that one is 60 cm, and the second is 35. We fold them crosswise. We place the shorter one on top of the longer one, retreating 15 cm from above. We fix them by tying them with tape.
    2. We cut each edge of the stick in the middle to a depth of 1 cm. wrap it with tape under the cut. This will make the structure more durable.
    3. We stretch the fishing line into the cuts and pull it tight.
    4. We wrap it with tape several times to secure the fishing line.
    5. We fold the bags, perhaps if they are too small, they will have to be firmly glued to each other to get the right size. We place the “skeleton” on top of the cellophane “canvas” and outline it. After adding 1.5 cm of cellophane on each side for tucking, we cut out the base.
    6. We attach the frame to the base and tuck the edges. We secure them with tape.
    7. We tie a 50 cm fishing line to one and the second edge of a short stick.
    8. We also tie a 25-40cm rope to the top of the model. Its length will depend on the kite angle you choose. If you want the structure to fly almost horizontally, then its length should be minimal; vertically – maximum.
    9. We tie the middle of the fifty-centimeter fishing line to the fishing line that is attached to the top.
    10. We tie a rope to the junction of the lines. Secure it firmly with tape.
    11. Decorating our balloonist. We tie another rope, small, about half a meter, with cute bows attached to it to the lower end of the frame.

    We draw a picture on the “front” side of the base.

    According to the same scheme, but with different materials of construction. Cocktail straws, paper and rope are used here.

    Based on materials

    Parchment paper snake

    To work you will need:

    • parchment paper 36*51 cm;
    • wooden sticks or light slats: 2 x 60 cm, 48 cm and 36 cm;
    • colored crepe paper;
    • strong thread;
    • reel with fishing line;
    • glue stick and PVA;
    • small metal ring;
    • scissors.

    Fold the parchment sheet in half to mark the middle line. Place the smallest stick along the top edge of the narrow side of the rectangle, stepping back a centimeter from the edge. Lubricate the free edge of the sheet with glue and wrap it so that the stick is inside, it should be tightly fixed.

    Grease a 48 cm long stick with PVA and glue it to the center line of the workpiece.

    Place the remaining sticks along the diagonals of the rectangle.

    Glue them with pieces of paper as shown in the photo.

    Cut out squares or random shapes from colored paper and paste them onto the front side of the rectangle.

    Make a hole on both sides of the intersection point of the diagonals.
    Using pieces of thread, tie the ends of the sticks along the upper corners of the rectangle, pulling them together a little.

    Tie a long piece of thread to the upper right corner of the kite. Thread a ring onto a thread and it will help control the flying machine. Then thread the thread through the holes previously made in the center of the rectangle and pass it through the ring again. Tie the end of the thread to the upper left corner of the product.

    Tie the end of the line tightly to the control ring.

    Glue long strips of corrugated paper to the bottom of the kite. These “tails” will help him balance in air currents. Their optimal size is 5 cm * 2.5 m.

    The air wanderer is ready to surprise you with its flight characteristics. Have a good flight!

    Simple DIY box kite

    Snake Rokkaku

    More serious design.

    Convenient kite reel

    Draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Cut out two such blanks from cardboard. Cut convenient slots for your fingers on them; they should completely match on both circles.

    Cut several strips 2.5 cm wide.

    Mark the inner circle, use a compass or a suitable template.

    Roll the cut strips along the contour of the cutouts and glue them with hot glue.

    Glue the inner ring in the same way.

    Glue the second circle on top of it.

    Glue the end of a long thread to the inner surface of the spool and wind the thread.

    To prevent it from getting tangled, tie a match to its end and secure it with glue. Thread the thread into the slot on the outer ring.

    With such a convenient device, your flying kite will conquer not only the sky, but also the hearts of your children.

    *based on materials

    Mechanical bird

    Not quite a kite, but it also flies. And even without a motor and wind. Make one like this homemade toy Anyone can do it; you don’t need any special skills or tools. All you need is skewers, paper clips, super glue and plastic. This mechanical bird is very light and strong, and it is very interesting to play with it.

    As you can see, everything is very simple and doable! I wish you fruitful collaboration with your little one in creating a kite! Also, have a great launch! I hope you’ll tell us how your weekend spent outdoors and whether you managed to amuse your baby (and yourself too; I’m still in awe of the flights of this wingless “beast”). I say goodbye until we meet again and remind you to subscribe for yourself and your friends!

    Both young children and adults love flying a kite. However, factory versions are often quite heavy and difficult to manage: it is not easy for a child or a fragile girl to hold them. We offer you an obvious solution: make a simple kite at home.

    The master class will be quite easy, so you can even involve children in creating this craft. This will be even more interesting: if a child makes a kite with his own hands and then tries it out, he will be even more happy. However, at some points you will have to help him.

    Do not give up creating a kite if you do not have children. You can play this toy at any age! If you want to have a great time, but still don't want to shell out for a kite, make your own. This will take very little time, and you probably already have the materials on hand.

    What do we need?

    • newspaper
    • wooden plank with a diameter of 1 cm
    • twine
    • scotch
    • decorative ribbons

    How to make a kite?

    We take a wooden plank and saw it. We need to get two sticks: the length of the first is 50 cm, the length of the second is 60 cm. The planks can be round or flat. The main thing is that they are not hollow, otherwise the kite will turn out too light. At the edges of each strip we make a small transverse cut so that the thread can be pulled over it.

    We place the long bar vertically. At a distance of 15 cm from its beginning we place a 50 cm blank. We do this so that it is divided in half. That is, we stack the sticks crosswise at a certain distance. We rewind this place with twine.

    Then we fasten the edges of our future homemade kite with twine. It needs to be threaded through the same cuts that we made along the edges.

    We put a newspaper on the table (if you want, you can replace it with beautiful cardboard). Cut out a diamond shape. We need to make such a contour so that the edges stick out about 2-3 cm.

    You can add a drop of glue to the tip of each stick for reliability. Next, attach the paper kite blank to the wooden body using narrow tape.

    Thoroughly glue the nose part of the craft - it will be decisive. The kite meets the air with this part, and it must be very reliable.

    Now you need to cut a thread 1 meter long. It needs to be secured to the top and bottom of the kite blank. It should look like a big “handle”. Later we will tie a long thread to it, by which we will hold the structure.

    According to ancient Chinese belief, a kite soaring in the sky takes away all burdens, hardships and illnesses, and the person who flies it is freed from worries and finds peace of mind. Flying a kite is always an extraordinary and amazing spectacle. What could be better than the sincere delight reflected in the eyes of children and adults when they watch a bright and beautiful flying toy spin in the sky? “Daddy, maybe we can make ourselves a snake too?” - suggests the beloved child. And then, finally, the concerned father looks through a bunch of information on how to make a kite at home.

    A little theory

    Before you start designing a toy, you should understand a couple of basic terms:

    A bridle is several strong threads intertwined with each other, used to attach the kite to the rail;

    The lifeline is the main thread through which you can control the kite.

    How to assemble a kite to make it fly

    First of all, the surface should not be flat, but must bend under the pressure of the air flow. Therefore, when you read information about how to make a kite at home, pay attention to the fact that the material of the toy should not be stretched too much. Perhaps you should only fasten the corners of the canvas, and this will be quite enough.

    But the front edge of the kite should be properly glued and strengthened so that there are no turbulences. For beginners who do not yet know how to make a kite at home, it is better to give preference to models with long tail, which will improve the balancing of the flying structure.

    Home workshop

    The simplest model has diamond shape. How to make a toy like a kite with your own hands?

    1. We take two thin slats made of durable plastic, 25 and 50 cm long. We retreat 15 cm from the end of the long plank and at this point attach the short one perpendicularly to form a cross.

    2. We make the frame from strong thread. To do this, make notches at the ends of the slats and thread the thread through them.

    3. The resulting blank is covered with paper, fabric or oilcloth. When cutting out the canvas the right size do not forget to add allowances for fastening.

    4. The cut blank is attached to the frame, well lubricated with glue.

    5. Now you should secure the bridle. It should be pulled to the nose of the kite, and from there to the right corner, to determine the length of the bridle. Cut the thread and fasten the end to the right corner (you get a long thread from one edge to the other). Next, we take the reel again and attach the fishing line in the front part of the structure. Having measured the distance to the left corner of the kite and adding another ten centimeters, cut it off and tie it to the middle of the first thread.

    6. Then you need to make a tail from a thin cord or strong thread, decorating it with bows or paper hearts.

    7. Having attached the leash to the bridle, you can begin the long-awaited launch of the flying structure.

    Kite: launch instructions

    First of all, you need to choose the right place to launch. It should be an open area, without any obstacles. Any buildings, as well as trees located nearby, can interfere and create unnecessary turbulence in air flows. It is also better to stay away from highways, since children and adults who are carried away by the launch may run out onto the highway and not notice the vehicles moving towards them.

    Once the location has been determined, you can proceed directly to launching the toy. Determine the direction of the wind (remember how you slobbered on your finger as a child?) and solemnly present your pride (created with my own hands snake) to children, wife, friend, well, or whoever comes to hand. The assistant holds the kite above his head, perpendicular to outstretched arms. Holding the reel with the line in your hands, you position yourself so that the wind blows at your back.

    Having moved away from your assistant at a distance of 20 meters, while unwinding the leash, you need to command: “Let go!”, and sharply pull the leash towards you. If the wind is strong enough, the kite itself will soar above the ground, and you will only have to watch its unforgettable flight with delight. Otherwise, you will have to run around the field a little until the homemade flying structure “falls” on the air flow.

    Now you know how to make a kite at home and how to fly it. All that remains is to find everything necessary materials and spend a little time assembling it. Believe me, the enthusiastic screams of the children and the feeling of excitement that accompanies this exciting game will fully repay your efforts.

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