• How to spend a weekend with friends. How to spend your weekend interesting and fun


    Everyone has their favorite places to go. What about those parts of the city you've never been to? Weekends are a great opportunity to sign up for an excursion, go to a local history museum, or simply wander through unfamiliar streets.

    2. Gather friends

    True, in the cold season you don’t always want to walk in the snow and piercing wind. The solution is to gather friends. Just like that, without any reason. And it’s even better to invent this reason: the New Year’s rehearsal, the birthday of the Emperor of Japan, the release of a new episode of your favorite TV series. Are you short on ideas for themed parties?

    3. Disassemble and sell old things

    Many people have a bunch of retro junk collecting dust at home, which can either be donated to those in need, or sold at a profit on Avito or eBay. And now it's time to do it. While you're sorting it out, indulge in memories.

    4. Arrange a photo shoot

    The days fly by and you can't even remember what you did last weekend? Try to capture every pleasant moment of your life in a photo.

    Choose something complex and beautiful, buy everything you need at the store and get started. Try to decorate the dish as in a restaurant, light candles that have been gathering dust in the closet since last New Year, mix an unusual cocktail. The weekend is a holiday that is always with you.

    6. Spend time with children

    A weekend with children is a good chance to briefly return to childhood without being branded as an infantile eccentric. Go to a new cartoon in a cinema, a children's show, a zoo, a planetarium, an aquarium, a museum of entertaining science, toys or sweets (yes, not all museums are dedicated to boring things). If you don’t have your own children, you can “borrow” them from friends or relatives.

    7. Take care of your health

    Think about what you would like to change about yourself, what in your body gives you the most discomfort, what doctors previously recommended to you. And then you can either go to the gym or choose exercises for yourself.

    8. Build a collection

    And it doesn’t matter what it will be: a herbarium, a collection of minerals, insects or cups. Creating a collection doesn't have to be expensive. The same plants and stones are easy to find literally under your feet.

    9. Make a family tree

    This is also a great opportunity to chat with distant relatives whom you haven’t called for a long time. There are resources on the Internet that can help you find your ancestors. What if no one knew, but you are a count?

    Get some quiet time with a good book. And if you don’t want to spend money on new books, try raiding the nearest shelves for bookcrossing. Surely there will be something to your liking there. Just don't forget to leave something on the shelf too.

    The task is extremely simple: go into a bar, drink a glass of beer or a shot of something stronger and move towards another drinking establishment. All this, of course, in the company of friends. You can continue either until you lose the ability to move, or until you run out of money.

    12. Learn something new

    Large cities are full of courses and coaches who can teach you anything. And if you don’t want to spend money on teachers, you can be patient and learn a new skill with the help of tutorials from the Internet.

    13. Do geocaching

    Geocaching is a quest on a global scale. Geocachers place capsules in the most different places and leave instructions on how to find “treasures” on their website. To find a “treasure”, you need to solve a riddle, and to solve a riddle, you need to know well the history of the place in which it is hidden. There are probably at least a couple of such “treasures” in your city. As soon as you become more adept at finding them, you can start laying new capsules yourself.

    14. Improve the interior

    Why not rearrange the furniture? It's time to change something in this life. And on weekends there is just time to decorate your home and make the environment more comfortable.

    15. Place a time capsule

    Collect small things that you have memories with in a box, write a letter to yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years and put it somewhere away. It is not even necessary to bury the time capsule in the ground; it is enough to seal the box so that it cannot be opened without tearing it, and put it in the far corner.

    16. Have a movie marathon

    Pick three favorite TV shows or movies that you've been wanting to get to for a long time and watch them non-stop. Popcorn, pizza and other goodies will complement the experience.

    You can go to a farm outside the city, to a petting zoo, go to a pet store, or just visit friends who have a pet. A sea of ​​positivity is guaranteed.

    18. Make something with your own hands

    Things self made are valued much more than factory ones, especially in the era of mass market. You can start with greeting cards, soap, candles - all this does not require any special skills or special artistic talent. And there, maybe you can make money from crafts.

    19. Go on a trip

    There is also a lot of interesting things in neighboring cities! Museums, estates and simply beautiful historical buildings are just waiting for you to get to them.

    20. Start keeping a diary

    21. Become a gardener

    You can arrange a small flowerbed near your house and be happy every time you pass by it. And in the cold season, try to grow something on your windowsill.

    In summer the parks are full open lessons dancing: they give you the opportunity to move around and meet new people. Besides, all year round dance schools offer free trial lessons. If you don't like it, you have nothing to lose.

    23. Organize your photos

    Select the photos that are really important to you and order a print from a photo salon. Whatever they say, this way of preserving memories is both more pleasant and reliable than gigabytes of photo archives in computer memory. And you can make a photo album yourself.

    24. Do charity work

    Cleanup work ceases to be a tedious obligation if you organize it yourself. You can also become a volunteer at a shelter, help your disabled neighbors, go donate blood and encourage your friends to do all this. Help people and feel like a good person.

    25. Relax

    And this doesn't just mean lying on the couch all day. For quality relaxation, it is better to master meditation techniques or yoga. Or, at worst, soak in a warm and fragrant bath.

    People always look forward to their weekends to relax after a hard day. working week. And of course, everyone wants to spend these days having fun, so you need to make plans in advance and think everything through thoroughly. Then you will probably succeed have a good rest on your well-deserved weekend.

    How to have a fun weekend:

    1. Camping with friends

    If the weather outside is hot, then this is an excellent reason to gather friends and go with them to relax in nature. To do this, you need to choose a place where you can swim and have fun. For example, you can go to the mountains, if of course they are nearby or by the sea. If the mountains and the sea are far away, then you can go to the lake or just go to a water park or go to the pool. You can also go on weekends with cheerful company fishing, there, as a rule, you can also have a wonderful and interesting time. You can also get a lot of benefits from such a vacation in the form of fish. The main thing is not to forget to take everything you need with you, then your vacation will definitely be successful and fun.

    2. Dacha

    For the weekend you can always rent a comfortable cottage with all the conditions for a fun holiday. Of course, renting such a luxurious dacha is expensive, but if you gather a large group and everyone chips in, you can easily afford such a pleasure. When there are a lot of cheerful friends nearby, the holiday will definitely be very fun, and you will be able to remember such a wonderful weekend for a long time. And if you don’t have the money for such a luxurious dacha, then you can rent a more modest holiday option, and there will also be something to do there. So you definitely won’t be bored among your friends.

    3. Joint holiday with friends

    You can simply go somewhere with friends if you don’t want to go out of town. For example, if you go big companykaraoke or night club, then you can have a wonderful and fun time there. But of course, people cannot always afford such a vacation, because the prices in such establishments are quite high. In this case, you can gather all your close friends at home, set a good table, and then play some fun games with them. Board games. You can also have a wonderful time at home, especially if you have close friends nearby. And if there is no way to get together at home, then on the weekend you can just take a walk around the center, and then sit in an inexpensive but cozy cafe.

    4. Parks and zoos

    If you have children or even without them you can go to the park or any zoo. Believe me, you will have a great time and also take a break from all the bustle of the city. You can also visit an amusement park, which is found in almost all towns.

    5. Sports

    Are you an overly active person who loves to play sports? If yes, then great! You can go to the gym to work out and get in shape. Many people go to the gym just to take a break from everything. You can also visit a fitness club or swimming pool.

    6. Movies and TV series

    Almost everyone loves watching movies and TV series. After a hard day at work, I want only one thing - to lie down on the bed and turn on my favorite TV series. It's like one way to spend a fun weekend. You can also always make yourself delicious sandwiches, popcorn, ice cream or other goodies. Any treats will make watching a movie or TV series memorable, and you won't get bored.

    7. Shopping

    Treat yourself to a shopping day. Go to your favorite store and update your wardrobe. You can also invite your friends or loved one with whom you will enjoy spending time together.

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    If you gather all your close and cheerful friends, then the weekend will be fun in any case, even if there is no money for entertainment. But it’s still better to prepare a little for the weekend and save money so that you can afford more.

    How to have a great weekend - video

    Yesterday, there was an article about things to do in London that outlined the idea that you can not only save money, but also have fun without spending a penny over the weekend.

    When I first read about this, I thought it was... great idea which I want to bring to life.

    Most people don't follow this concept every weekend just because they don't want to be different from others. This is the main problem.

    If you can't spend, it seems like you can't socialize ().
    Most people think that this is impossible and that they will simply die of boredom. But it seems to me that if you want to improve your life, then you need to move away from common ideals and show people a completely different way to spend time that is beneficial for yourself, your wallet and your health.

    Boredom? Inability to join the company? These are not the things I associate with the concept of a money-free weekend. Below are 15 things you can do without spending a single penny.

    Board games.

    We all have a dusty game stored on the farthest shelf. So why not take advantage of it? Invite your friends over, ask them to bring their favorite board games, learn the rules and feel free to start.

    Prepare a meal from what you have.

    Pull out the food from the back of your cupboard and invite friends over for some fun food experiments. Tell them that instead of a ready-made meal, they should bring items from the refrigerator or cupboard that they haven't used in a while. Examine all the components you collect and start experimenting! Basically, it's free food, but on top of that it's also a good evening with friends or relatives.

    Take a walking tour.

    Visit interesting historical places in your city, but first stock up on food so you can have a picnic in a park or clearing. There is no need to buy food, cook it from what you already have.

    Write a letter.

    A handwritten letter that granny receives in the mail from us always leaves her in awe. Spend time with a pen and paper writing your letter.

    Take up sewing.

    My friend does this all the time. She takes fabric - often old curtains, clothing or sheets - sits down, cuts it all into squares, and then sews it together. The more you practice, the more complex and interesting your products will become. She provided all her relatives with quilts made from a simple T-shirt.

    Play football or volleyball.

    Grab a ball, go to any open court near you and immerse yourself in the game. All you really need is a ball. And don’t worry about playing poorly, it’s the process that matters.

    Do yoga.

    Read a book or watch a video on the basic principles of yoga, and then start practicing them yourself or in a group. Yoga can change your attitude towards life and people for the better.

    Read a book.

    Do you want to be alone? Find a book in the closet or on the computer that you have been wanting to read for a long time and choose a comfortable place to spend time with it.

    Finish old things.

    Make a giant list of household chores that you haven’t been able to do for a long time. This could be painting the garage door or changing a light bulb in the basement. The main condition should be the availability of material. Get together and do everything in one fell swoop. You'll feel like you had a productive day and feel uplifted when you finish.

    Volunteer in your free time.

    What else to do on the weekend without money? Suggest to your friends or just do it yourself. Either way, it won't cost you anything other than your time. However, you will raise your status in society and the world at large.

    Increase your spirituality.

    For example, do meditation or go to a temple service. Think high, open your mind to the new and unknown.

    Blow soap bubbles.

    This will be especially appropriate and productive if you have children. Pour water and slowly add some detergent(a spoon or two) so that no foam forms. Bend the wire so that part of it looks like a circle, dip it in the soapy water and voila!

    Take a musical instrument and learn to play it.

    You have 10-15 instruments to choose from that you can start learning at any level. And the most important instrument is the voice. It can and should be developed too. Go for it!

    Check the city government calendar.

    Check the City Hall website and see if there are any free events taking place on the weekends. Perhaps there's a band concert or ethnic festival you haven't heard of before. Stop by and see what's happening in your city. You can also look at the websites of nearby parks.

    Visit your parents, grandparents, and just relatives.

    Restore family bonds. It is no coincidence that you were born in this family, at this time, in this place. Everything in this life changes. The family was, is and will be. All the best to you and for long years life.

    What do you think of these options?

    What to do on the weekend: 3 things to do before the weekend + 20 great options.

    On weekends, do you sleep until noon, drooling on your pillow, and then spend another half day wandering around your dusty apartment like the phantom of the opera (you don’t have time to tidy up)?

    If yes, then let me ask: can’t you hear the sound of your internal clock in your ears, measuring the aimlessly wasted time of your precious life?

    It is they, since I was 25 years old, who have forced me to carefully plan not only holidays and long-awaited weekends, but even lunch breaks.

    I am happy to share my experience, what to do on the weekend so that the positive charge is enough until next Saturday-Sunday.

    Preparing for a fight is more important than the fight itself: 3 steps to take before deciding what to do on the weekend

      Deal with household affairs, like the Red Army with captured Germans.

      I am sure that there is nothing good about pretending to be Cinderella all weekend, cleaning, washing and cooking, rather than doing your favorite Pilates or fishing in the river near the country house.

      Therefore, I advise you to distribute all the “hard labor” at home evenly across the working days of the week, involving all household members in socially useful work.

      Surely it won’t hurt your eldest daughter if she “stocks up” in the supermarket on Friday after university?

      Talk to your family about the weekend.

      Ask your beloved husband if he can endure two hours with you at an avant-garde performance by Roman Viktyuk.

      Or maybe your son has a judo competition and you, as a decent mother, should enthusiastically yell at the podium, supporting him?

      By the way, if your vision of what to do on the weekend is different, psychologists reassure: from time to time it is useful to spend time apart so that you can share your impressions later.

      Choose someone with whom you would “go on reconnaissance”!

      Meet or just chat on the phone with the smartest person in your circle, in your opinion.

      There is nothing more satisfying than talking with a friendly and wise person.

      A great solution to the problem of what to do on the weekend.

      “I have a friend who is 10 years older than me, a kind of “energizer” and “super motivator.”

      It was she who, during our meetings on weekends, motivated me to end a painful relationship with a man and go into business,” says Muscovite Anastasia.

    5 ideas on what to do on the weekend to make your soul sing

      Help someone who needs help.

      Moreover, your help is needed not only in children's boarding schools and nursing homes, but also for an elderly father and mother at the dacha, a friend in (who, besides you, will build such chic hairstyle?), a niece who just can’t get through damn algebra.

      You simply won’t have time to worry about what to do on the weekend.

      The owner of a travel agency, Albina, gets up at 5 a.m. every weekend to go to Orphanage and visit your charges.

      The joy of the “little ones” knows no bounds, and the businesswoman, after a hard week of work, has a blast playing “crocodile.”

      Go to the temple.

      Let each of us have a very special and intimate relationship with God, but who knows - maybe this will become the path to it and fill the weekend with special meaning, and this is much more useful than watching stupid TV shows.

      Attend a classical music/jazz concert or listen to them at home.

      And let the whole world wait with your favorite rock this weekend!

      /bachelor party.

      There is no need to worry about what to do for the weekend if none of your friends are planning a wedding.

      Why not good mood and a bottle of champagne/whisky/cognac (underline as appropriate)?

      Take a walk through the bird market.

      Oh, how cute are all these cats, dogs and chicks!

      We do not guarantee that you will not return from there with a new tailed family member.

      From now on, the question of what to do on the weekend will become irrelevant for you.

    5 options to solve the problem, what to do on the weekend for those who are “stuck in one place”

      Go on a bike ride or ski trip (depending on the season).

      So check out the maxims that it is impossible to forget how to ride a bicycle.

      What to do when the sun is shining brightly outside and you're in a great mood?

      Of course, enjoy the sound of the wind in your ears and fresh air!

      Drive around the outskirts of your hometown.

      Do you think that “beautiful is far away” and there is nothing interesting beyond the Moscow Ring Road?

      Oh, how wrong you are...

      A married couple, Sasha and Katya Pronin, owners of an IT company, decided to go out of town every weekend in search of adventure.

      And the guys have more than enough of them!

      Just look at their story about how they got lost on a country road 30 km from their own apartment!

      Have fun in a water park, amusement park, cable car, skating rink, etc.

      If you do good photos, then you are guaranteed numerous “likes” on social networks.

      And soon they will be asking you for advice on what interesting things to do on the weekend.

      Organize a picnic or a mushroom/berry picking trip on the weekend.

      Eh, our Slavic man cannot even explain why he is so attracted by the smell of burnt meat on skewers and cheap wine.

      Even Cold winter will not interfere with such a grand event when deciding what to do on the weekend.!

      “Light up” at a disco or organize house party next weekend.

      And there is no need to refer to age, sore joints and lack of suitable company.

      And the amazing home-parties that take place among my friends are legendary.

      In the “archive” there are parties in the style of “Hipsters”, Sicilian mafia, cowboy, naval, and many, many other “interesting things”.

    5 things to do on the weekend for those who believe in the power of art

      Watch a good movie on the weekend.

      And even if you don’t have the desire or opportunity to go to the cinema this weekend to see another blockbuster, the Internet will helpfully provide you with all the treasures of world cinema.

      There is so much charm in the creations of Emira Kusturica!

      And the inimitable lightness of Audrey Hepburn?

      Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, I would risk recommending to you what I liked (from what I recently watched) to solve the question of what useful things to do on the weekend:

      No.Movie name, release year
      1 "I Served the English King" (2006)
      2 "Joy" (2015)
      3 "The Lobster" (2015)
      4 "Home Sweet Hell" (2015)
      5 "Ashby" (2015)
      6 "Funny Games" (2007)
      7 "Now is the Time" (2012)
      8 "Enigma" (2001)
      9 Mr. Church (2016)
      10 "We Believe in Love" (2011)
    1. Make sure that TV series are not waste for the brain, but a separate direction in the art of cinema.

      You may like those that are meaningful, but not boring:

      Plunge into Magic world theater

      If you can’t “breathe in the spirits and mists” and rush off to the premiere, find a high-quality production of your favorite play on the Internet this weekend And finally figure out why “Yorick, poor Yorick” died.

      Cover yourself with cool books.

      Yes, we know that when thinking about what to do on the weekend, the last thing you want to do is delve into the works of Freud, but try to find something in between Albert Camus and the unbearable lightness of Daria Dontsova, for example:

      No.Author, book title
      1 D. Brown "The Da Vinci Code"
      2 B. Verber “Empire of Angels”
      3 F. Begbeder “Love lives for three years”
      4 D. Fowles "Collector"
      5 W. Andrews “Flowers in the Attic”
      6 Ch. Palahniuk “Fight Club”
      7 D.Keys "Flowers for Algeron"
      8 B. Akunin “Azazel”
      9 L. Ulitskaya “Sincerely yours Shurik”
      10 Y. Vishnevsky “Bikini”
    2. Go to an exhibition or museum, go on an excursion.

      Maybe in a 17th century castle or while looking at a strange “mazan” called modern painting, your creative chakra will open, which will force you to leave the hated accounting or also take up drawing on weekends?

    What can you do on your weekend without leaving home? The video contains a lot of ideas:

    5 methods of what to do on the weekend to make sure that a healthy mind is in a healthy body

      Start your weekend with a run, and then start showing off your athletic feats to your neighbors while stretching in your front door.

      Single ladies can leisurely “drift” around the nearest stadium, rather than work themselves to death.

      There is every chance of meeting not only pensioners running away from a heart attack, but also a young businessman who decided to go in for sports on his legal day off.

      Go to a bathhouse or sauna and steam every strained bone.

      So, calm, calm!

      There is no need to stuff a bottle of strong alcohol into your bag along with a towel.

      If you don't like herbal tea yet, then you haven't found your pick!

      And it’s never too late to take care of your health, even if you only do it on weekends.

      Master the complex physical exercise or finally take up some specific sport on the weekend.

      Did you think beautiful girls from Victoria's Secret are born with such chiseled figures?

      At your service are online lessons from trainers of all stripes, from “old lady” Jane Fonda to Jillian Michaels.

      “One weekend I didn’t know what to do and tried to repeat the lessons from the trainer from the video lesson - that’s how my journey from 75 to 62 kilograms began, and I’m still in business.” – said Odessa resident Svetlana.

      Finally get to the pool and figure it out different styles swimming

      Have you also noticed that staying in water for a long time makes you feel no worse than from a huge chocolate bar?

      Why not do this on a permanent basis?

      Carry out self-care procedures for which you always don’t have enough time, even on weekends.

      Instead of doing “nothing” on the weekend, smear a mask on your face, “feed” your hair with balm or arrange a massage session - you won’t get any more beauty from just one session, but we guarantee an increase in self-esteem over the weekend and a desire to do this the next time.

      By the way, this doesn’t only apply to girls!

    In general, I just set a few directions for what to do on the weekend to make them, if not colorful fireworks, then at least real candy.

    For example, for the next weekend I am planning a trip to an exhibition of paintings made from straw (it turns out that there are no more than 10 artists in the whole country who have decided to engage in this type of creativity), relaxation in the pool and a winter picnic with aromatic mulled wine, which my friends and I will have cook on a fire in the forest.

    I wish you a bright and unforgettable weekend and good decisions on what to do.

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    Don't know what to do on the weekend in Moscow? Are you active and can't sit still? Does your soul require adventure? Then our ideas are for you!

    Museum of Man, "Living systems"

    A family educational and entertainment project that, in the form of a game, will reveal to us the secrets of the structure of the body and the secrets of how the body works. All exhibits can and even should be touched, examined and studied. Here they will tell you not only about how the heart, lungs, stomach, etc. function, but will also allow you to take a journey “deep into yourself” and experiment with your body!

    Kremlin in Izmailovo

    Izmailovo Kremlin - a magical place for a walk in Moscow , a unique cultural and entertainment center. Here you can imagine yourself as the hero of any fairy tale. Painted mansions and patterned towers look as if they have just stepped out of the pages of your favorite books. Here you will find a museum of Russian fairy tales, bread, marshmallows, chocolate, Miracle City, a museum of the history of vodka, animation, the Russian fleet and even a museum of ill-mannered children. This is such an interesting combination!
    By the way, be careful, you need to register for excursions in advance.

    Where: in your area of ​​the city.

    What else to do in Moscow? Visit the majestic cathedral, which is eye-catching! Organ music concerts are often held here. The atmospheric view of the cathedral and the wonderful music of an unusual instrument are two reasons to visit this interesting place.

    Still don't know what to see in Moscow next weekend? Then you should definitely subscribe to our Instagram - @idem_ gulyat, where every Friday we talk about the most interesting and free events of the weekend.

    Maybe you prefer an active holiday?

    If this sounds like you, then be sure to take a look at our selections for active recreation in Moscow:

    Shooting complex

    Do you want to let off some steam? Are you attracted to weapons and danger? You have the opportunity not only to learn how to shoot various types weapons, but also try throwing knives, imagine yourself as a resident of the Middle Ages and learn the tricks of shooting with a crossbow and bow. In Moscow a large number of shooting ranges and shooting clubs, but we want to tell you about another unusual place.

    Play "Strelarium" - this is a game close to paintball, in which your weapon will be a bow with safe arrows. Such arrows with a soft tip will not harm a person, and at the same time will not change the flight path. Team game, in which you will need to “survive” the enemy’s onslaught and defeat him.

    Ticket price from 1200 rub.
    Where: Volgogradsky Prospekt, 32, room 13 and Myakininskoye Highway, 1.

    Laser tag

    Fights with laser weapons and immersion in an unreal space atmosphere, which makes you feel like the hero of the popular game Q-zar. Also, its important advantage is its sports fun game for any age.

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