• What is the 40th wedding anniversary called? What to give for a ruby ​​wedding (40 years)


    Ruby wedding is considered to be 40 years of marriage.. The symbol of a ruby ​​wedding is ruby, which is a stone of love, fire and an ever-burning feeling that will never fade away, as it has already been tested by time. Another explanation for this anniversary symbol is that the ruby ​​is the color of blood. This means that after 40 years of marriage, the spouses have become almost blood relatives to each other.

    On ruby wedding the wife gives her husband a ruby, and the husband gives his wife a wonderful ring with a small ruby. Relatives, close friends, and necessarily children and grandchildren are invited to this wedding anniversary. They bring ruby ​​items as gifts. Also, for a ruby ​​wedding you need to give expensive gifts, including furniture, household appliances and other bulky items that could be useful in the house. It is advisable that the gifts be the color of ruby. Spouses should not skimp on treats in response to expensive gifts. The festive table should be as rich as possible. By doing this, the spouses emphasize their generosity and hope for a rich future life.

    Happy ruby ​​wedding to you, dears!
    Today you are young again.
    I heartily and sincerely congratulate you,
    I wish your family to prosper for a long time to come.

    The two of you have been through so much together.
    Any problems are no longer a problem.
    This is real happiness -
    Fall in love, get married and never leave!

    Family is like good wine:
    First he plays, sings, wanders,
    In an excess of feelings it goes beyond the limit,
    But the endurance must pass.

    And your union is sealed by the gods,
    Tested for forty years
    And your children are with you,
    And the grandchildren have grown up a long time ago.

    You have passed the quality mark,
    And the color of the ruby ​​is a guarantee.
    Health to you, and may you always
    Each other's company intoxicates you.

    Forty years ago you united your destinies, swore love and fidelity. All the years, you have walked hand in hand, building a family temple of love together. You have something to be proud of, you have caring children, amazing grandchildren are growing up. And today, celebrating the ruby ​​wedding, you can rightfully be called an impeccable couple. You carried your love through the years, through hardships and adversity, remaining tender and devoted to your feelings. Let ruby, this bright red stone of love, give you a new spark in your relationship and keep your feelings until the end of your days. Happy anniversary to you!

    There is a reason to congratulate you -
    You have been married for 40 years!
    Symbol of your anniversary -
    Stone of devoted love.

    Let the ruby ​​protect
    Marriage from quarrels, worries, resentments
    And the fire only fans,
    What's burning in your blood!

    Happy Anniversary -
    Happy ruby ​​wedding!
    Your couple is so adorable!
    Ideal, let's be honest.

    We lived together for forty years,
    What else needs to be added?
    You are the creators of your own destiny.
    Bravo! Bitterly! Well done!

    We lived together for forty years,
    It's like we've crossed a field,
    To my joy and honor
    They preserved their sacred loyalty.

    Such a wonderful couple
    Eyes glow with happiness
    It’s immediately obvious that it’s not for nothing
    Their fate was able to connect.

    On the anniversary life together,
    In your ruby ​​dawn
    I wish you optimism
    And good for many years.

    Your anniversary. They walked towards him
    You have been together for forty years.
    They called it ruby
    And now the light of the fire shines.

    The light of love and feeling shines
    And he plays with all his facets.
    Being together for forty years is an art.
    So let love not die!

    You have been together for forty years!
    There is all power in love, without a doubt!
    Catch the bright light of happiness,
    After all, you are worthy of admiration!

    I wish you great health,
    Prosperity, peace and comfort!
    Let it be filled with love
    Every minute is yours!

    May your life be rich
    And, like a ruby, it is pure and multifaceted.
    So that the hearth burns and does not go out,
    So that there is no place for sadness and deception.

    May there be more goodness on your anniversary,
    And your children and grandchildren warm you with care.
    We wish you family warmth,
    May your hearts never grow old!

    Your love is like a jewel
    Keep it for forty years!
    Remaining faithful to each other,
    Fulfilling the wedding vow!

    Let the sun dance on the glass
    And let the house be illuminated with light,
    Let it be good morning yours,
    And the look lights up with joy!

    Let the ruby ​​date
    The tenderness of feelings will stir up in you.
    After all, forty is not enough,
    As long as love lives in hearts!

    A beautiful ruby ​​is a great jewel.
    However love is more important like this -
    Much brighter than the gem itself,
    Giving happiness for forty years.
    We cannot find dearer hearts in the world,
    And everyone will notice the glances of lovers.
    Always be close, always be together
    Again let the groom confess to the bride,
    How he loves her and how he will take care of her
    ... let the bride keep this speech in her soul.
    To the ruby ​​wedding we will shout: “Vivat!”
    I am happy to wish you good luck and happiness!

    Valeria Zhilyaeva February 26, 2018

    Forty years of family life is a serious date. By this time, the grinding against each other had already ended, the children had already grown up, and the husband and wife had become truly family people. Their connection is difficult to explain to others. Even being apart, the spouses feel each other and understand the thoughts of the other half perfectly.

    So, how many years later is the ruby ​​wedding celebrated? A ruby ​​marriage anniversary is 40 years of marriage. Of course, the 40th anniversary should not go unnoticed by family, friends and the couple themselves. This date has its own traditions and characteristics.

    The symbolism of the fortieth marriage anniversary

    Why is the 40th wedding anniversary called the ruby ​​anniversary? It means that marriage has stood the test of time. The gemstone, which is a symbol of the fortieth anniversary, is considered one of the most valuable in the world. The high cost is understandable - it takes a lot of time and effort to form edges.

    Ruby is one of the most precious stones in the world

    This is a red stone, however there are different shades and overflows. Each of the stones is unique. The same can be said about a married couple who have been married for 40 years. for long years. Their family is unique and inimitable.

    Like the ruby, the union of a man and a woman has changed shades many times over so many years. Ardent passion at the beginning of their life together eventually grew into calm, sincere and tender feelings. Such metamorphoses require serious efforts on the part of the spouses.

    40 years of marriage - a symbolic ruby

    The ruby ​​anniversary is proof that the husband and wife have overcome all adversities and created a strong, unbreakable union. Their family stands firmly on a strong foundation of mutual love, loyalty and respect for each other. This is absolutely new facet their relationship, which opens the curtain on the true value of marriage and serves as an example for young families just starting their journey.

    Ruby wedding traditions

    Celebrating a ruby ​​wedding is a must. The spouses are no longer young, so for every year they live together, they need to be especially grateful.

    There are no ancient traditions of celebrating a ruby ​​wedding, since previously people usually did not live to that age

    Despite the fact that there are no traditions of celebrating the fortieth anniversary that have come down to us from ancient times, there are modern customs. There are three of them in total.

    The first tradition is related to rings. According to her, husband and wife change the usual wedding rings for products with rubies. Old rings should be placed in a box or casket so that they can be passed on to their grandchildren. This gift will symbolize wishes true love, reliability and mutual understanding in a young family.

    If forty summer anniversary celebrated in the summer, the opportunity to participate in another tradition opens up. Spouses must eat cherries, which are connected by tails into one whole. Be careful not to break the fragile connection, husband and wife eat cherries and plant the remaining pits in the ground. Over time, two trees with intertwined trunks will grow in this place.

    Woven cherry for ruby ​​anniversary tradition

    The third tradition came to us from the Caucasus. On the anniversary day, the husband and wife break the pomegranate in half and each eat their part. Before putting another grain into your mouth, you must give your second spouse a compliment or list the dignity. However, this cannot be repeated.

    It is possible that your family has its own traditions for celebrating wedding anniversaries. If not, it’s time to come up with them and bring them to life.

    How to celebrate a ruby ​​wedding?

    Table decoration for the ruby ​​anniversary celebration

    What is customary to give for 40 years of marriage?

    We talked about gifts for the ruby ​​anniversary. Presents presented to the “newlyweds” must correspond to the symbolism of the anniversary date. Often used as a gift red things or gift wrap this shade.

    For 40 years of marriage, it is customary to give things decorated with rubies. But, alas, not everyone can afford them.

    Of course, not everyone can afford gifts with rubies. This is not necessary. Bed linen, dishes, and glasses are often given as gifts for a ruby ​​wedding. The main thing is that the gift is decorated in the symbolic colors of the anniversary.

    An interesting gift option - mug or plate with the image of the hero of the day. A template for a mug for a ruby ​​wedding can be found on the Internet.

    Deserves special attention gifts from spouses to each other. For a man at the ruby ​​wedding, a woman becomes not just a wife, but also true friend and a reliable ally in all life's troubles. You should definitely give your wife some jewelry with a ruby. Eg, a good gift will become a pendant with this precious stone.

    A woman should also take care of a gift for her beloved husband. These could be cufflinks, a tie clip or a watch with rubies or just a red or burgundy colored stone.

    Steel cufflinks with enamel, SL(price on the link)

    Parents who have lived together for 40 years deserve special attention. Details about gifts for parents for a ruby ​​wedding we wrote. The best option a present for mom and dad - a trip to a resort or sanatorium.

    Now you know what kind of wedding is called a ruby ​​wedding. This significant anniversary requires organized celebration and attention to the married couple who have reached the anniversary of their marriage.

    Many people are interested in what kind of wedding is celebrated after 40 years of marriage, what gifts to give to parents, and what traditions this anniversary has. This date is considered very important and significant for both spouses, so the choice of a gift should be approached responsibly and seriously. After all, this anniversary is not celebrated every day and should be remembered for many years! Let's look at the best gift ideas for parents, friends and relatives.

    A ruby ​​wedding is a celebration of two loving hearts who were able to maintain their love and mutual understanding for many years, raise children and rejoice in the appearance of grandchildren

    40 years - what kind of wedding is this?

    Ruby wedding is a beautiful name for the 40th anniversary. A noble stone of a rich red-burgundy hue represents longevity, wisdom and strong marriage, preserved over many decades. IN different families there are traditions for celebrating this wedding anniversary– someone organizes a magnificent celebration with guests, while others celebrate with only their closest ones, or even alone.

    What symbols and traditions characterize a ruby ​​wedding:

    Ruby is considered a special stone - it protects against the evil eye, bad people and ill-wishers. Its bright red flame can ignite the flame of love in the soul and preserve it for decades.

    Bright scarlet pendant with ruby ​​as an anniversary gift

    Unsuccessful gifts - what is better not to give

    The scarlet color of a ruby ​​is fiery feelings, the fire of which has not been extinguished over the 40 years we have lived together. This is sincerity and trust, loyalty and understanding. In order to please and surprise the heroes of the occasion, it is important to first of all understand what should not be given:

    1. Any items of clothing;
    2. Personal items and hygiene products (even a set of branded cosmetics);
    3. Bed sheets;
    4. Small kitchen utensils (for example, a set of oven mitts or a tea set).

    It will be better if children or friends of the heroes of the day take care of the decoration and organization of the holiday. Their efforts will not go unnoticed, and the spouses will appreciate the attention and care of loved ones.

    Presents for parents

    Many people know what the wedding anniversary of 40 years of marriage is called, but not everyone has good ideas for gifts, especially when it comes to beloved parents. It is better for them to give something that they will not buy for themselves. Here is a list of the most:

    If the celebrants can find time to travel, the perfect gift children and grandchildren will receive a trip to a resort or health resort. It is better to choose a place where the spouses have not been before, so they will have more new impressions and vivid memories.

    Gifts to each other

    Even if you are not going to celebrate this day, your clothes should still be festive and remind you of important event. The spouse can wear Nice dress or a blouse with ruby ​​shades. Outfits made of silk and velvet look very impressive. An option for a husband could be a shirt or a weekend T-shirt, a bow tie, a tie, a bracelet or cufflinks with red elements.

    What gifts can both spouses please each other on this significant day:

    Forty years of marriage is a wonderful date for a loving married couple. Many families, planning to celebrate this unique anniversary, do not even know what this wedding is called. And her name is ruby.

    The symbol of a ruby ​​wedding is a precious red ruby. It is described as a stone of love, fire, hardness, blood. And if you think about the date “40 years”, then all these words apply to the years we lived together. It is impossible to live such a period without love, and without the fire of feelings and emotions (over the course of forty years, there were certainly cases when emotions went off scale). Firmness - how could we be without it, when I wanted to part with these very emotions, but it was the firmness of spirit that did not allow me to take this fatal step. Well, what about blood? Over such a huge period of time, the husband and wife have learned to understand and feel each other so much that they seem to have grown into each other, and now their blood even flows along the same channel.

    The ruby ​​wedding is celebrated with family and numerous relatives. By this time, the married couple probably already has grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. They will all be welcome guests. When decorating your home, you must have red accessories: tablecloths, napkins, glasses. Dark red roses will emphasize the solemnity of the holiday and increase the emphasis on the fact that the wedding is ruby. According to tradition, fortified red wine is served on the table, which also symbolizes a strong life.

    family life . The dishes on the table can be very varied, but you can decorate them with pomegranate seeds. It is advisable to fill a fruit bowl with red apples and dark grapes. with ruby. A husband may expect his wife to wear cufflinks or a tie pin with a stone, and the wife in return will receive a ring and earrings with a beautiful bright ruby.

    A ruby ​​wedding is beautiful and memorable. You need to approach its preparation and celebration thoroughly and with all responsibility. It is better for the children of a married couple to do this - the parents are no longer particularly young and healthy, so they will probably gratefully accept such care for themselves.

    A ruby ​​wedding is a touching and enchanting event not only for a married couple, but also for their relatives and close friends, and this is not without reason. A long journey has been left behind - 40 years of marriage, during which two loving hearts overcame all problems and adversity together. Such a union deserves the highest praise from others, so it is very important to organize this day with dignity so that it remains in memory forever. We’ll talk about how to do this and what to give for a wedding later.

    The fortieth anniversary of marriage: what is the symbol of the holiday

    The fortieth wedding anniversary is named after the most beautiful, precious symbol of love and passion - the ruby. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to give it to beloved women; it was believed that it brings great happiness. The contemplation of the fiery red color of the crystal is amazing and arouses admiration.

    The ruby ​​wedding worthily bears its name in honor of the very expensive stone, because it evokes the same unique feelings. In addition, diamonds are quite rare in nature and require careful cutting. That is why the analogy was drawn with such a long family union of 40 years, since it is truly an amazing luxury to live with each other for such a period of time.

    What traditions and rituals are associated with the 40th anniversary

    Like many holidays, this anniversary has its own interesting folk customs and signs. By performing these rituals, people become closer friend to a friend, and their union becomes even stronger. Let's get acquainted with the most popular of them.

    A ring exchange involves the husband and wife taking off their old wedding rings and giving each other new ones. It is advisable to choose products with ruby ​​stones. During the process, oaths of love and fidelity to your soul mate should be pronounced. Removed jewelry must be stored as a relic, passed on to the next generation - children and grandchildren.

    A beautiful and simple custom is carried out in the summer when the cherries are ripe. A married couple picks berries from a tree, fastened together by the stalk. After this, the branches with the remaining seeds, without separating them, are buried in the ground near the house. An interesting belief is that if cherry trees grow in this very place, their roots intertwined with each other, then the spouses were happily married and nothing would separate them.

    In the Caucasus, on such a day, celebrants must eat one pomegranate between two people. I absorb the grains one at a time, the husband and wife take turns naming each other’s virtues, trying not to repeat themselves in compliments.

    On 40th wedding anniversary, it is customary to light bright red candles on festive table to keep their fire alive family hearth and long lasting feelings.

    Red fruits are placed on the table, preferably dishes with strawberries, pomegranates, and cherries as a symbol of celebration. There is always red wine, which everyone present needs to drink, and scarlet flowers in a beautiful vase.

    It is considered an excellent omen if one of the guests spills red wine on this day. This is a sign that foretells happiness and joy.

    Each guest can be presented with a commemorative medal with the image of a ruby. Such symbolism will be a tribute of respect and gratitude to the guests.

    What a fun way to celebrate your 40th wedding anniversary

    You can celebrate your wedding day in the banquet hall of a restaurant or cafe, with your closest friends and family. To do this, you need to select a suitable place in advance, which will become a symbol of the upcoming event. The decoration of the holiday should be appropriate, worthy of such an event. Guests are invited in advance by postcard or in person. You definitely need to think about what to do with little children, because they won’t want to get bored either. Many establishments have a children's room with animators or a nanny.

    Perhaps the married couple will want to get rid of the fuss and unnecessary eyes on this day. In this case, elderly celebrants can arrange a dinner for two with romantic notes. Then you can just take a walk in the park, go to the theater or cinema. You can celebrate your wedding at home by inventing delicious menu and accompanying decor in ruby ​​shades.

    A great idea that absolutely everyone will like is a picnic trip. Fresh air, good weather, delicious kebabs will no doubt give a boost of positivity and Have a good mood to all guests.

    During the banquet dinner, the spouses tell their love story, remember how they got married and share secrets about how to live together for such a long time, shoulder to shoulder.

    For the ruby ​​anniversary, it is important to create a special, noble atmosphere around, including symbols gemstone and a lot of red. The room is chosen with a red interior. This could be wall decoration in red tones, scarlet furniture, textiles and curtains. Everywhere you need to place decor reminiscent of diamonds. A label with a red crystal is placed on a bottle of wine in the center of the table. A poster with a design of rubies, flowers, and rings is attached above the chairs of the celebrants.

    The tablecloth can be red, burgundy or scarlet. Vases with bouquets of roses are placed on the table. Red fruits are placed in dishes. Decorate glasses for couples original decor using beads, stones, ribbons, bows, sparkles. Satin red ribbons are attached to the backs of chairs.

    Garlands made of paper or inflatable balloons are hung on a chandelier or wall, which will look like a symbol of 40 wedding years. Guests are encouraged to wear ruby ​​tones to maintain the appropriate atmosphere and respect the family.

    What is relevant to give for a ruby ​​wedding?

    A significant date is an excellent occasion to present the heroes of the occasion with original and useful surprises, purchased or made with love. It can be anything, for every taste and budget. It is advisable to display the symbolism of the ruby, and also for your gift to remain a symbol of the memory of such a celebration. As an example, gifts for a 40th wedding anniversary could be as follows:

    • Natural jewelry made of ruby ​​or its high-quality imitation, for example, rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, watches with stones, will be a worthy present on such a special day. Of course, not everyone can afford such an expensive surprise.
    • Any household items or decorative accessories inlaid with red crystals will always leave a pleasant impression.
    • Spouses will find it useful to have various household appliances for cleaning and cooking, which simplify household chores. You need to choose products with a red body.
    • Unusual and simple a great gift there will be 40 bottles of high-quality red wine, the favorite variety of the celebrants.
    • A photo album with diamonds on the cover is sure to remind your family of you years from now.
    • For a man, a dagger with a handle inlaid with rubies is suitable. You can give an ashtray or a cigarette case if he smokes.
    • For a woman, jewelry, slippers with red fur, a notebook with red binding, scarlet flowers in pots.

    Beautiful congratulations on the ruby ​​wedding for the anniversaries

    As congratulations on a wedding anniversary, heartfelt, nice words, spoken from the heart or written in a card. Be sure to select several options for poems that the married couple will be pleased to hear and that will be remembered for many years.

    Statuses and SMS

    “The anniversary shines with rubies,
    What marked forty years together.
    Among all the many families
    I have never seen anything better than yours in the world!”


    “A ruby ​​wedding is a reason for the spouses to remember that heady and dizzying feeling of falling in love that you experienced 40 years ago and to light a spark of passion in your eyes!”


    “Like rubies, fiery and bright
    Hearts lit up with a torch.
    Everything is for you - congratulations and gifts to you.
    You will go through life together until the end."

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