• How to clean the iron from burnt clothes. How to clean an iron from burnt marks at home How to clean an iron from stuck synthetics


    Reading time: 4 minutes

    If the temperature conditions are not observed or you are inattentive, the question may arise: how to clean the iron from burnt fabric. You can always find improvised means at home.

    Type of coverage

    How to clean an iron from burnt fabric, depending on the type of coating:

    1. Aluminum is prone to small scratches that cause fabric to stick. It is cleaned carefully and carefully.
    2. For ceramic soles use delicate products. The use of brushes, hard sponges, and abrasives is prohibited.
    3. At home, the stainless steel bottom is cleaned with a stiff brush, blade or knife. There is nothing scary about this coating. But this must be done carefully so as not to sand the surface every time.
    4. Cleaning the Teflon sole from carbon deposits is long and difficult. Store-bought pencils are suitable here for cleaning burnt electrical appliances.
    5. How to clean an old cast iron iron? Rub the bottom thoroughly with dish cleaning powder and remove the residue with a dry cloth.

    To get rid of burnt clothes, it is important to know what the surface is made of. Otherwise, you can permanently damage the device.

    What to use

    How to clean an iron from burnt fabric - a description of the products.


    It is inexpensive and suitable for all coatings, unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise. Cleans easily and quickly.

    How to do:

    • heat the electrical appliance to the required temperature;
    • rub the sole with a pencil without pressing hard;
    • the product will melt and drain together with the burnt pieces;
    • Wipe off any remaining residue with a dry, clean cloth.

    When working with a pencil under the influence of temperature, acid is released. The work is carried out with gloves, after which the room is ventilated for a long time.


    How to clean a burnt iron using this method:

    • pour half a glass of salt onto a piece of thick paper;
    • warm up the unit as much as possible;
    • iron the salt until the scale comes off.

    Another way is to pour salt into a cloth bag and rub it on the surface. Salt method not suitable for Teflon.

    Paraffin candle

    The iron is burnt, how to clean it with paraffin:

    1. Wrap the candle clean cotton fabric. It turns out something like a pencil.
    2. Warm up the unit as much as possible and wipe the soleplate with paraffin to remove any stuck tissue.
    3. Place a clean cloth and tilt the device over it. The melted paraffin will drain along with the scale.
    4. Wipe with damp, hard material.

    How to clean an iron with a steam function: pour water inside and release it several times. This will clean the holes, remove any remaining paraffin, and there will be no stains during subsequent ironing.

    Lemon acid

    How to clean an iron from burnt fabric:

    • Dissolve a tablespoon of citric acid powder in a glass of water;
    • moisten the gauze generously and iron it until the soot goes away.

    Clean the steam holes with a cotton swab dipped in this mixture.

    Problems with the steamer

    If the iron does not steam, how to clean it: use a descaling agent. It is sold at the hardware store. How to clean a product with a steam steamer from scale:

    • make a solution of citric acid;
    • Fill a water container with it and heat until high temperature;
    • let off steam several times;
    • fill with clean water and rinse.

    To clean the channels, the sole is immersed in a solution of lemon juice or store-bought product. Other parts must not come into contact with the liquid.

    The iron is clogged with scale, what to do if the previous methods do not help:

    • fill with clean water to the top line;
    • place the device on a heat-resistant grill and turn on the maximum temperature;
    • set the “steam” mode and leave until completely evaporated;
    • unplug and leave for half an hour.

    Wipe the clean device with a dry cloth. Clean in this way twice a month to prevent scale from forming.

    Getting rid of various fabrics that have burned on the iron

    How to clean an iron from burnt synthetics:

    • heat the unit to maximum temperature - the synthetic fibers will completely melt;
    • The product is wiped with terry cloth;
    • how to clean a non-stick iron - remove melted fibers with a wooden spatula;
    • if stains remain, make a thick paste from water and soda and wipe a cold electrical appliance with it;
    • You can try liquid detergent instead of water.

    The paste is washed with a damp cloth. Then wipe dry.

    How to get rid of fur stuck to the surface:

    • remove large hairs with tape;
    • dissolve 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar in a glass of water;
    • moisten a cotton pad and wipe the sole with it.

    Old residues are wiped with a terry cloth soaked in concentrated vinegar.

    Other methods: how to clean an iron from burnt fabric

    Three ammonia products for cleaning the soleplate of an iron from burning:

    • mix ammonia and vinegar in half;
    • add 2-3 drops to the juice of one lemon ammonia;
    • use of pure ammonia.

    For all recipes, there is one way to clean carbon deposits on an iron:

    • wipe the hot device with one of the solutions;
    • In case of old contamination, leave the cold device overnight on the material soaked in the solution.

    The cleaned unit is wiped with a dry cloth.

    How to clean a burnt iron with hydrogen peroxide:

    • heat the device;
    • Wipe the bottom with cotton wool and peroxide solution;
    • iron an old unnecessary piece of rag.

    If you use a hydroperite tablet instead of liquid, remove its remains with a cloth before ironing.

    A burnt iron, what else can be used to clean it:

    1. Rub fresh dirt on a hot product with laundry soap. When cool, wipe with a damp cloth.
    2. A cold device is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover or paint thinner.
    3. The burnt iron is heated and the dirty area is cleaned with the side matchbox(where there is sulfur).
    4. Another way to clean an electrical appliance: lubricate the surface with toothpaste, rinse with water. If ingested, steam. Wipe with a dry cloth.

    How to quickly scrub an iron: combine salt and paraffin chips in equal proportions, put it in a bag and thoroughly wipe the hot bottom.

    Cleaning carbon deposits on an iron is easy if it is fresh. WITH old stains you'll have to tinker.

    We invite you to watch a video with tips for cleaning your iron:

    An iron is a fairly useful electrical appliance in the household. Its main task is to give clothes, curtains, tablecloths and other textile items a more aesthetic appearance. However, the information in this article is not about the benefits of this household appliance. Let's discuss how to clean the iron from burnt fabric, because this kind of incident can happen to anyone.

    Cleaning irons with different surfaces

    There are many ways to clean an iron from burnt fabric. The choice of cleaning method depends on what material the working surface of the device is made of.


    Teflon soles are best cleaned with a vinegar solution. First, prepare a mixture of a tablespoon of vinegar and a glass of water. Next, select any of the following methods:

    • Take any clean natural fabric and soak it thoroughly with vinegar essence. Iron the raw material with a heated iron.
    • Wipe the heated, but not too hot, soleplate of the iron with a cloth soaked in vinegar solution.
    • To clean the holes, use cotton swabs, also pre-moistened in the prepared product. Be very careful and careful not to get burned.
    • Pour the vinegar and water solution directly into the iron container and press the button to release steam. Then wipe the sole with a soft, clean cloth.
    • If you suddenly don’t have vinegar, you can replace it with a mixture of lemon juice and ammonia (a few drops each).
    • Another option for cleaning a Teflon-coated iron from burnt fabric is steel wool. You can buy it at hardware stores.

    The Teflon sole of the iron can be easily cleaned with a solution of vinegar or ammonia with lemon juice.


    If your iron is burnt, how do you clean its ceramic work surface? Believe me, this is no more difficult than in the case of Teflon. And there are much more tools that can be used. The main condition is not to use any hard materials that can scratch the soleplate of the iron.

    So, 4 ways to clean a ceramic-coated iron from burnt fabric:

    1. Squeeze onto the warm base of the device a small amount of toothpaste without abrasive substances and rub it gently. For this purpose you can take paper napkin or a soft-bristled toothbrush. Next, rinse with warm water and dry.
    2. Dampen a cloth with hydrogen peroxide and wipe the surface of the iron. For severe contamination, peroxide will not be enough. More precisely, it will be needed in solid form, that is, in tablets. Take hydroperite (it contains peroxide) and clean the burnt iron with it. Then wipe the working surface of the device with a damp cloth. You can also iron a clean fabric using the steam function.
    3. Dishwashing liquid is also quite suitable for cleaning ceramics. Rub the dirt until foam forms, and then remove with a damp cloth.
    4. Dip a cloth in nail polish remover and wipe the soleplate of the iron with it. Then rinse with water and wipe with a dry cloth. This method is most relevant when polyethylene has stuck to the working surface of the device.

    The ceramic soleplate of the iron can be cleaned with simple, accessible products.

    Stainless steel and aluminum

    Metal iron soles are considered the most resistant to external influences. Stainless steel and aluminum can be cleaned using all the methods described above: toothpaste, vinegar, nail polish remover and other substances.

    In addition, you can make a paste of soda and water and clean the surface of the iron with it, then wipe with a damp cloth. Well, if the contamination is too strong, you can also do the following first: Heat the iron to such a temperature that the stuck fabric begins to melt and remove the synthetic carbon deposits with a wooden spatula.

    Household chemicals

    You already know how to clean the base of the device using traditional methods. Now a few words about what products for this purpose can be purchased in stores household chemicals.

    There are special pencils on sale that are called “for cleaning the iron.” The principle of their operation is to draw on the heated base of the device. Next, you need to remove the product along with any remaining carbon deposits with a clean cotton cloth.

    This pencil can be used to clean the soleplate of an iron with any coating, but you should read the label before purchasing. The recommendations must contain information about what material the product is suitable for and how to use it correctly.

    Fabric fibers stuck to the soleplate of the iron must be removed immediately, and not put off this unpleasant procedure for later. After a while, it will be much more difficult to return the electrical device to working condition.

    • Do not forget that before cleaning the iron, you should determine what material the soleplate is made of. Soda and toothpaste with abrasive substances are only suitable for cleaning metal, but it is not recommended to scrub high-tech surfaces with them.
    • Some housewives try to clean the iron from stuck fabric by scraping, using a knife or other sharp objects. This should not be done under any circumstances. Of course, you will get rid of burnt synthetics, but the sole of the device will become unusable.
    • You can also clean an iron with a metal sole using ordinary table salt. But it’s not for nothing that this method was not described along with others, but highlighted separately. The fact is that salt, when used regularly, can also harm the surface of the sole: microscopic scratches will become larger over time.
    • To keep the iron sole in excellent condition, each time after ironing, wipe it with a weak vinegar solution or treat it with a pencil.

    Video: How to clean carbon deposits from the soleplate of an iron


    Now you know how to clean your iron from burnt fabric. First you need to decide what kind of surface you are dealing with: Teflon, ceramics, aluminum or stainless steel. Next, choose what to clean your iron with. The effect will be noticeable when using both special household chemicals (pencil) and traditional methods. Another important component To any of the above methods - patience. Follow all the recommendations and you will definitely be able to return the electrical device to working condition.

    A high-quality device requires virtually no maintenance. However, a simple violation of the temperature regime can lead to damage to the material, its melting and the appearance of a hard coating on the sole. Dark spots- these are particles of fabric that adhere to the sole. It is quite difficult to separate them.

    The most effective folk remedies are abrasive powders - salt, soda.

    If the iron is burnt, how to clean the metal surface? Regular table salt will help. There are two ways to use it:

    1. Take half a glass of salt and pour it onto thick paper. The device is heated to maximum and the abrasive layer is ironed until the stains disappear.
    2. You can wrap a handful of salt in a natural thick cloth and use the resulting bag to clean the sole of the heated device.

    How to clean an iron from burnt fabric at home other than salt? A paraffin candle will also help. It is wrapped in a rag and passed along the sole. As the paraffin flows down, it will also wash away impurities. For successful cleaning, the surface must be kept at an angle. After the procedure, clean the sole with a hard, damp cloth.

    How to clean a burnt iron without heating? For cold cleaning methods, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are used. They wipe the surface of the sole of the cooled device using a sponge.

    Vinegar can be used both for wiping with a cloth, and for leaving a cold device on a cloth soaked in it overnight. In the second case, in the morning you will need to thoroughly wipe the surface with a hard cloth.

    Burnt fabric stain

    Soda and lemon juice. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid. The mixture is applied to the surface and left for 15 minutes. After which the sole is rubbed with force until complete removal scale Afterwards, the surface is washed with cold water and wiped with a dry cloth. This method is used for steel.

    For mild contamination, you can use regular soap. Rub the sole with it and rinse with a damp cloth.

    Toothpaste and soda. Toothpaste acts as a universal household cleaner. You can use it to clean many things. This product will also help with the question of how to clean the iron from burnt clothes if the deposits are large enough? It is squeezed onto the sole and rubbed with a brush. After cleaning, rinse. There is no trace left of the raid.

    Soda is used for the same purposes. It is mixed until a paste forms and the sole is cleaned. But this method is only suitable for old and not very necessary surfaces, since the abrasive strongly scratches the surface.

    Acetone is suitable as a cleaning agent.

    Solvent. If you can deal with burnt fabric by ordinary means, then how to clean a burnt iron from polyethylene carbon deposits? Such contamination must be removed with a solvent. Regular acetone is suitable as a cleaning agent.

    The soles of expensive high-tech devices cannot be cleaned with soda and other abrasives.

    The appearance of even tiny grooves can lead to gradual damage to the device. First, the fabric will begin to stick to the sole, and the synthetic one may melt. Then the ironing mode regulator may fail.

    Never clean off plaque with a knife.

    You need to be especially careful when cleaning Teflon, ceramic and metal-ceramic soles. The most pressing question is: how to clean a Teflon iron? The main thing is to never clean off plaque using sharp objects (knives, files). You need to do the following:

    1. Unplug the appliance so that it cools down completely.
    2. Moisten a cotton swab with nail polish remover (with acetone) and thoroughly wipe the sole.
    3. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

    How to clean the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron without damaging the delicate material? Special non-stick products are used to clean it. Upon purchase, each model is equipped with cleaning instructions.

    The cleaning pencil will cope with any dirt

    A universal cleaning product is considered to be a cleaning pencil that is suitable for different types metal and ceramics. The main condition when cleaning is to avoid getting the product into the steam humidification holes. Rub the heated surface with a pencil, and after cooling, wipe it with a damp cloth.

    If you have a problem, how to clean a Teflon-coated iron from burnt fabric, you should pay attention to vinegar essence. This liquid should only be handled with gloves, as it can cause burns upon contact with mucous membranes and skin.

    A small cloth is soaked in the essence and the sole is wiped. If this method does not help get rid of the dirt, you need to wet a larger piece (preferably cotton) and iron it with a heated iron.

    Paraffin with salt

    How to clean a Teflon-coated iron from burnt fabric? A paraffin candle, which is grated and combined with salt, is perfect. The resulting mixture is spread on a cloth and covered with another layer of cloth (rags). Then they pass the iron over the resulting bag.

    Other products stored in any kitchen are also suitable for use.

    Lemon acid

    To care for home equipment, it is not enough to know how to clean a Teflon-coated iron at home. Hard water leaves serious marks on the soles, which also need to be addressed. An indispensable tool in the fight against scale and rust. To do this, it is diluted in boiling water at the rate of 10-15 grams per 100 ml of boiling water. Then put on gloves and soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the heated sole. The nozzles are wiped with this solution using cotton swabs.

    Lemon acid

    Old stains

    How to clean a Teflon-coated iron from burnt fabric at home if the device has not been used for a long time? Old heavy pollution Citric acid will help remove. To do this, the fabric is soaked in the solution and the iron is placed on it and turned on at maximum power. After some time of interaction with citric acid the device turns off. An hour after cleaning, the solution is poured into a water container and turned on at full power. After the solution has evaporated, the iron is turned off and washed with water.

    When choosing how to clean the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron, do not forget about hydroperite tablets. Two tablets are diluted in 100 ml of warm water and the resulting solution is poured into a water container. After which the device is turned on at full power and ironed unnecessary thing approximately 10-15 minutes. Then the treatment area is wiped with a dry cloth. The solution is poured back into the iron and remains there until it evaporates completely. After the procedure, the sole is wiped with a dry cloth.

    The following substances are also suitable for cleaning the iron:

    • toothpaste;
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • washing powder;
    • detergent.

    Hydrogen peroxide
    Washing powder

    Regardless of whether it is for home use, the pencil will help cope with almost all stains.

    Pollution prevention

    There are a number of rules that must be followed in order to forget about how to clean a burnt iron:

    1. Always monitor the temperature, which is selected according to the type of fabric from which the clothing is made.
    2. Pay attention to the tags of things. They usually provide instructions on temperature conditions and ironing methods.
    3. Woolen and synthetic fabrics it is necessary to iron through gauze or thin cotton fabric.
    4. We must not forget that the device is turned on, so as not to damage it and ironing board.

    Knowing how to clean the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron at home, you don’t have to worry about the device breaking down. And by doing the cleaning yourself, you save a significant amount on calling a professional.

    Available in all stores selling household appliances wide choose ironing devices, that is, irons. They come in different sizes, weights and even shapes. You can choose them by color, brand, type of sole covering, characteristics and other indicators. Most modern irons have a built-in “self-cleaning” function, but it will never cope with the deposits that have formed on the surface, but will only help prevent scale deposits from clogging the steam holes.

    Carbon deposits on an iron are a defect that appears on the soleplate as a result of the melting of fabric materials. Where does it come from? Most often, when the temperature regime is not observed or is incorrectly determined for a specific item. Usually it is synthetics that actively leave their mark, since artificial fibers do not tolerate high temperatures.

    Today we will give you a brief instruction on the topic “how and with what to clean the iron from burnt fabric at home.”

    The first thing you have to figure out is to find out what material the sole on your iron is made of. Usually, when making a purchase, you will already have to understand what you are dealing with. If it was, for example, a gift, then detailed information is always available in the instructions.

    It is necessary to know the type of sole, since not each of the described methods may be suitable for your specific case. It’s not scary that it can’t cope with dirt, but if it damages the coating, then consider that buying a new iron is just around the corner.

    There are 4 types of irons:

    • With stainless steel sole;
    • Aluminum coated;
    • With aluminum surface coated with Teflon;
    • With metal-ceramic work surface.

    We will learn further how to clean the iron from burnt fabric with all these components. But remember one rule that applies to absolutely everyone: the sooner you notice the burn and react faster, the higher the chance of saving the life of your assistant.

    Durable stainless steel

    Irons with a metal surface made of stainless steel are durable, not capricious and resistant to mechanical stress.
    Some people advise scraping off carbon deposits directly with a knife, but we don’t recommend you do this, as there is a high probability of causing the device to malfunction, because
    With deep damage, it is no longer possible to iron things without consequences.

    • Arm yourself with a metal scraper or wooden spatula;
    • Turn on the iron to maximum temperature;
    • Wait for the stuck fabric to completely melt;
    • Remove the sticky layer using a spatula or scraper. In the case of the latter, we advise you not to be too active, but only apply light pressure.

    The durable metal will withstand cleaning with salt very well.

    • Place a sheet of thick paper on the ironing board;
    • Sprinkle a thin layer of salt on it;
    • Preheat the iron to maximum and start “ironing” the salt;
    • The burnt fabric will gradually come off salt crystals and you will be able to completely clean the soleplate of the iron.

    Aluminum irons

    What are the benefits of aluminum irons? They are light, comfortable, do their main task perfectly and are relatively cheap. The big disadvantage of this metal is that it is very soft, fabric “likes” to stick to it and cannot be cleaned with abrasives or rough materials, as it is quite easy to leave scratches.

    You, as a housewife, are probably wondering how to remove carbon deposits from an iron if aluminum is so delicate?

    1. The first method: use a special pencil that will carefully clean the surface.
    2. Second method: dilute table vinegar in water (1:1), warm up the iron a little, but so that you can touch it painlessly with your hand, take a soft cloth, dip it in the solution and thoroughly wipe the sole. Such a substance is capable of soaking the remains of burnt matter, and they are easily removed without the use of force.
    3. Third method: identical to the previous one, but use toothpaste instead of vinegar solution.
    4. Fourth method: mix 1 tsp. soda with the same amount of liquid dishwashing detergent, apply the paste-like mixture to the dirty areas and rub it with a damp washcloth.

    How to handle Teflon

    Aluminum coated with a layer of Teflon has a unique non-stick ability. When ironing things, the risk of soot formation is minimal, but as the coating becomes thinner (after several years of active home use) the appearance of small spots cannot be ruled out. You can clean a Teflon iron at home using table vinegar. Its acid can oxidize any dirt, and you only need to remove it with a cloth. Proceed step by step:

    • First, soak a cotton pad in pure vinegar (no more than 9%);
    • Smear it over the traces of soot;
    • If the burnt fabric has blocked the steam holes, then use a cotton pad instead cotton swab and reach hard-to-reach places with it;
    • Now connect the device to the mains and heat it at the highest setting;
    • Take an unwanted cotton item and iron it until all the dirt remains on it.

    How to clean the iron if you don’t have a pencil and vinegar? Apply laundry soap. Rub it liberally onto the heated surface, turn off the device and let it cool. Remove frozen soap along with carbon deposits using a soft material.

    The most delicate ceramics

    The most popular irons at the moment have ceramic coating. They iron all types of fabrics quickly and smoothly, glide well over materials and practically do not burn. But if this happens, then you need to act very carefully, because even a minimal chip can lead to peeling of the entire coating.

    There are several ways to clean a ceramic iron. Among effective options The following methods can be used to clean carbon deposits from the sole:

    • Using vinegar. IN in this case first heat the electrical appliance, then treat the bottom surface with an acidic substance, and after cooling, wipe it with a cloth.
    • Hydrogen peroxide. Soak a piece of fabric in it and iron it. Wet the material until all contaminants are completely removed.
    • Toothpaste. The hot sole is smeared with white paste, disconnected from the power supply and cooled in this form. The dried product is removed with a dry soft cloth.
    • Ammonia. Mix alcohol and water in equal proportions. Heat up the iron and remove the plug from the socket. Dip a washcloth into the alcohol solution and gently scrub the hot surface of the product.
    • Lemon juice. It is also diluted half and half with water and applied with a washcloth to a heated sole.

    In this article we have collected the most effective means for cleaning carbon deposits. Now you know that it is more than possible to clean the soleplate of your iron at home, but it is still better to prevent it from getting dirty and follow the temperature recommendations on clothing labels.

    As a rule, this situation occurs if this or that item was ironed at a temperature that is inappropriate for the fabric.


    Each material requires its own approach. For example, silk fabrics react to temperature changes more sensitively than things made of cotton or wool.

    However, if such a problem occurs, the most suitable and most common remedy for most work surfaces is a special pencil. It is able to clean the iron from burnt fabric at home as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    To use it, you need to do the following:

    1. First of all, it is important to read the instructions included with the pencil. This way you can understand what is the right thing to do in your particular situation, since burnt fabric can adhere to the surface of the iron in different ways.
    2. Before directly applying the product, you must turn on and heat the iron to the required temperature so that the pencil activates its cleaning properties.
    3. Apply the product from the pencil to the surface of the iron using careful and slow movements. Do not press under any circumstances, as broken pieces may fall into the steam holes and become clogged. This will lead to complete breakdown of the device, and it will have to be sent for repairs.
    4. Once you have completely covered the burnt fabric with the substance, you need to take a cotton or cotton cloth and gently run the iron over it. After these manipulations, all the burnt material will remain on this fabric. If it was originally clean, the fabric will simply come off.
    5. Turn off the iron and allow time to cool. After this, if there are small pieces of fabric left on its surface, you can carefully scrape them off with a non-sharp object.

    Remember that you can use a special pencil to clean the iron from burnt fabric at home only in a well-ventilated room. However, the best solution is to do it outdoors.

    The fact is that with intensive application, the substance of the pencil begins to gradually evaporate, and sometimes even emit smoke. This will not make the iron any worse, but inhaling vapors from the product will be dangerous not only for the person who cleans the iron in this way, but also for the people in the same room with him.

    Using Vinegar to Clean Your Iron

    Not all people have a pencil with a special substance on hand to quickly and effectively remove burnt material residues. The question immediately arises: how can an iron remove burnt fabric at home without it? In this case, on help will come vinegar.

    As is known, acetic acid in high concentration is a nuclear substance. It can aggressively attack the cause without causing much damage to the surface itself. You need to use it to clean the iron in the following way:

    1. Dilute 2-3 tablespoons of acetic acid into one two-hundred-gram glass of water.
    2. Heat the iron to a temperature at which it can still be pressed against an open area of ​​skin without causing damage, that is, the device should be slightly warm.
    3. Take a clean cotton rag or cotton pad, then saturate it with the resulting solution.
    4. Slowly and gently wipe the working surface of the iron. Wipe until there is not a scrap of burnt fabric left on it.

    The above method of using acetic acid is the most popular. You can also treat the iron with a solution using a slightly different algorithm:

    1. Take a cloth made of thick material and soak it generously in the previously prepared solution.
    2. Heat the iron to a temperature that does not cause burns when touched, and then turn it off.
    3. After this procedure, place the working surface of the iron on the fabric and leave it in this position overnight, or during the day for 6 hours.
    4. In the morning, or after the specified time has passed, remove the device with a rag soaked in acetic acid, and then wipe with soap and a sponge to remove any remaining substance.
    5. After this, wipe the surface dry.

    When working with acetic acid, use a special medical mask; in extreme cases, you can use a respirator. The fact is that acetic acid is a rather caustic substance, which during use can hurt the eyes and irritate bad smell. Without protection, you will not be able to work comfortably.

    How to clean an iron with laundry soap

    Many people wonder how to clean an iron from burnt fabric at home without unnecessary movements, quickly and without the help of odorous substances. The answer is simple - laundry soap, a universal remedy in all respects, will help out in this unpleasant situation.


    However, it can only be used if the fabric has been burnt to the iron relatively recently. Tightly stuck pieces of material will be quite difficult to scrape off.

    It is recommended to use laundry soap in this situation as follows:

    1. Take a glass of water and place a spoonful of liquid laundry soap or grated soap there. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous liquid.
    2. Heat the iron slightly and apply the resulting solution evenly to the area where the fabric is burned.
    3. Leave in this position for half an hour, and then remove the remaining soap with a damp cloth or napkin.
    4. Wipe immediately with a clean, dry cloth or towel to avoid leaving streaks on the surface of the iron.

    Cleaning your iron with salt

    Sodium chloride, which is also called table salt in everyday language, is an excellent cleanser, and not only a pleasant taste addition to food. Often, every person has salt stored in their home, even if they do not use it as a seasoning.

    In order to clean the iron from burnt fabric at home using salt, you need to do the following:

    1. Take a glass of salt and a sheet of cardboard. Pour salt over it and spread it to form an even layer. It is best to use coarse salt, since in this case the effect will not be long in coming.
    2. Heat the iron almost to maximum and place the burnt surface on a layer of salt.
    3. Iron the salt until the burnt fabric comes off and the stain it left on the iron disappears completely.

    If your iron has a Teflon coating, use this method very carefully, as this material is very sensitive to this kind of influence. If the iron was purchased recently and was used only a few times, then it is better to refuse salt as a cleaner.

    How to clean the surface of an iron from burning with a candle

    Paraffin or wax also have cleansing properties. If the burnt fabric has damaged only a small part of the surface of the iron or there are small spots on it, then an ordinary candle will help you remove them.

    In order to clean the iron from burnt fabric at home, you will need to go through several basic steps:

    1. Take your iron and heat it to the highest setting.
    2. Wrap one side of the candle with a thick cloth or rag.
    3. Carefully, with smooth movements at an acute angle, move the candle from top to bottom along the surface of the iron and back. Repeat these movements until the burnt stain disappears.
    4. Leave the iron for a while until it has completely cooled down.

    Fact! Do not place the candle horizontally or at 90 degrees when using on the surface of the iron, as you risk pouring some paraffin into the steam holes.

    Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

    If enough time has passed after the surface of the iron has burned, then plain soap or candles are not enough here. More help is needed strong means. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will successfully cope with this task. It is best to protect your respiratory system before use or carry out the procedure outdoors to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    To clean the iron from burnt fabric at home using the indicated substances, you must:

    1. Take a glass and fill it halfway with water. Add five drops of ammonia to it and stir thoroughly.
    2. Leave the iron cold and position the surface as conveniently as possible. Wipe gently first with hydrogen peroxide and then with the resulting solution.

    Use thick cotton fabric as an intermediary, which will need to be washed thoroughly after the procedure. It’s best to use some kind of rag that you won’t mind throwing away later.

    How to clean burnt fabric from an iron using toothpaste

    Another effective remedy for dealing with burnt surfaces, which is always at hand, is toothpaste. In addition, the structure of the paste is such that it can be used on almost any surface.

    All cleaning particles are very small, and the paste itself is convenient to distribute evenly.

    1. Heat up the iron. Its surface should not be hot, preferably warm.
    2. Apply a little toothpaste to the working part and distribute as evenly as possible. Using smooth movements, applying light pressure, wipe the surface until the burnt stain disappears completely.
    3. After completing the procedure, wipe the iron first with a damp and then with a dry cloth so as not to leave the paste on the surface and create streaks.

    Cleaning the iron using solvents

    One of the most effective means Acetone is used to clean surfaces. It can help out in some unusual situation, for example, if not only fabric, but also cellophane or other material has stuck to the working surface of the iron. In addition to acetone, you can use nail polish remover, but the former will cope with the situation more successfully, although it will act rather aggressively.

    To properly use acetone or nail polish remover on an iron, you need to do the following:

    1. Turn off the iron and allow it to cool down, as working with such odorous and caustic substances should be carried out on a cold surface.
    2. For work, it is better to use some kind of natural fabric, since it can slightly soften the aggressive effect of the substance on the working surface of the iron.
    3. Dampen a cloth with acetone or nail polish remover and wipe the iron thoroughly. It is necessary to rub until the burnt stain is completely gone.
    4. Once the job is completed, take some detergent and wipe the surface of the iron until the acetone residue is completely gone.
    5. Remove soap with water and wipe with a dry towel.

    There are many ways to clean an iron. Special attention pay attention to the Teflon coating, which should be handled with the utmost care.

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