• How to find out who sent a Valentine's card in VKontakte. How to find out who sent an anonymous gift on VKontakte


    Hello, friends! Each user displays a lot of personal information on their personal VKontakte page. And if you don’t want guests or page subscribers to see, for example, your age, list of friends, other people’s posts on the feed, and much more, then all this is done on the settings page.

    The General tab will open. We need a "Page Settings" section. In it, check the box next to “Hide gift block”. You can return to your profile, as all changes made will be saved automatically.

    The peculiarity of this method is that the gift block will disappear from the main page. In addition to the fact that none of the strangers or friends will see it, you will also not be able to watch them.

    If you want it to be displayed for you, then you can use the second method. While on the settings page, you need to go to the “Privacy” tab. Then, in the “Who can see my gift list” field, open the drop-down list and select suitable option. All settings are saved automatically.

    To ensure that no one else can see your gifts, select “Only me.” It is possible to leave access to them to friends - “Only friends”, or to certain users who will need to be specified - “Some friends”.

    Now this block is visible only to those to whom you have allowed it.

    From an application on your phone

    If you are used to using VKontakte from your phone through the installed mobile app, then you can easily hide the block with gifts in it.

    Go to your profile, click on the three bars at the bottom right and click on the gear-shaped button - this is “Settings”.

    Scroll down a little and find an item with the same name as I indicated above: “Who sees the list...”.

    This function will be useful for those who have a lot of subscribers and friends who try their best to attract attention to themselves by sending messages, sending gifts and the like. By hiding the VKontakte Gifts block, you will immediately begin to pay less attention, at least to them. Well, or you just don’t want anyone to know who is sending you gifts.

    In this social network there is an opportunity to please another user and give him a memorable gift in the form of a colorful image that will be displayed on his page. Every user has this function, but if previously there was a convenient opportunity to view the list of sent gifts using a special tab, at the moment this option is no longer available. So how do you find out who you gave gifts to on VKontakte?

    You can send paid or free gifts to your friends. They vary in cost, but general principle working with these gifts is the same. Information about who and what gifts you gave is saved in the social network database, but if you forgot what gift you sent to the user and do not want to send him a repeat one of the same type, how can you look at this information to avoid making mistakes?

    How to view sent gifts on VK?

    Answering the question, how to view sent VK gifts? It should be noted that in order to increase security on the social network, some of this functionality was significantly limited for users. At the moment there are not many ways. The key ones include the following:

    • Refer to correspondence with the user. If you did not delete it, then the gifts sent will be displayed directly in the correspondence, and you can always see the entire list of gifts that were sent to a specific user. To do this, you just need to go to the necessary correspondence and use the search to find messages that indicate information about the gifts sent.
    • View the list of gifts on the user's page. But in this case, you can successfully find what you need only if you yourself remember what you approximately sent to this user. And only if you didn’t set a special setting that hides the sender’s name from everyone except the user who will receive the gift.
    • Check with the user what you sent to him. Perhaps he did not delete your correspondence or he can easily look at the list of gifts on his page. However, it is important to understand that this method deprives you of the opportunity to organize a surprise for the user.

    Now you have an idea of ​​how this social network stores information about sent gifts. In order to increase user safety, there are not many of them. Therefore, if you want to be able to view the list of sent gifts accurately, do not rush to delete correspondence with the user.

    We all sometimes, especially on holidays, give various gifts to our friends on VKontakte and receive gifts from them. Not everyone considers it necessary to spend VKontakte’s special currency – votes – on these small images, but almost everyone gives free gifts. The VK administration usually provides such free gifts to its users on every holiday, and we can send them to anyone.

    How to see sent, hidden gifts in VK - an easy way

    If a person has many friends and subscribers in VK, he often does not understand how to find out who he gave a gift to in VK. After all, it is very easy to forget or confuse. And sending the same gift to the same person is not very nice. A friend may be offended, especially if the friend is female. For some reason girls pay attention great attention things like that.

    In the old version of VK there was a special “sent gifts” tab, but it has now been removed for security reasons.

    So how can I view sent gifts in VK now?

    1. If you periodically have to remember what gifts you gave and to whom, we do not recommend that you clear your correspondence history for at least a year.
    2. Go into a dialogue with the user to whom you are going to send a gift, scroll back and see if you have already given him the same gift before. All gifts are displayed in correspondence, including hidden ones.

    How can I view sent gifts on VK if they are not hidden and the message history has been deleted?

    Usually, doubts are only relatively comparatively small quantity of people. To see if you gave exactly the same gift to your girlfriend for her last birthday, you need to:

    It is useful to view all the gifts of the person you are interested in, even if you sent the gift, hiding your name from strangers. When you see your gift with a hidden name in the general list of gifts, you will most likely remember that it was you who gave it.

    This method can become too tedious if you are interested in not just one person, or a small group of friends, but more than a dozen. In this case, page verification may take too long. In addition, some people generally hide all their gifts.

    How to view hidden gifts in VK using id?

    On the Internet you can find a way to view gifts using ID. But let's figure out what it is and whether it's worth doing it. First, let's understand what ID is.

    Each user on VK has his own individual number, the so-called id. You can also use it to view his gifts. To do this, you need to know the id. You can do it like this:

    Ready! You can see the gifts. If you sent someone a private gift, and your name was hidden from other users, you will also be able to remember your actions and your gift by seeing it among others and looking at the date it was sent. But is it worth doing all this?

    After all, it’s much easier, without using an ID, to go to a person’s page and look in the section with his gifts for everything that interests you. If a person hid his gifts, no knowledge of ID will help.

    To hide gifts yourself, go to settings, “Privacy” section and set the corresponding option to “Only me.”

    About hidden gifts

    If you are interested in how to view sent messages, hidden gifts in VK, using some special program, should upset you. Such programs do not exist, and sites that offer such a service or similar actions are fraudulent. Try not to mess with them. Virtual gifts are not such a serious thing that you risk the security of your page for them. You should also not trust sites that offer to send paid gifts for free. There are a number of actions that have not existed in VK and are unlikely to ever exist, for example, viewing page guests. These actions also include viewing hidden gifts.

    Many people love gifts - both receiving and giving. But how can we surprise a person who is hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers away from us? Of course, you can simply use a delivery service or standard mail, but the process may take a long time, and such services often take a toll on your pocket. Eat Alternative option, a little more modest, but no less pleasant - gifts on VKontakte. And yes, this is the topic of our article today - read on!

    General facts about “Contact” gifts

    VKontakte is a virtual social network, and receiving gifts here is also virtual. They are pictures and emoticons that have no practical significance, but definitely bring pleasant emotions to the recipient. It's almost like virtual cards, which Internet users actively sent to each other 7, or even 10 years ago. Only more concise, neater and a little less popular.

    It is worth noting the range that VK offers. All gifts are divided into categories, but still, choosing the right one sometimes becomes difficult. You can also give VKontakte stickers as a gift, and in this case we can already talk about the usefulness of the surprise. After all, the recipient user will be able to use interesting, non-standard stickers in messages!

    But what do you need to know about the function itself? Well, firstly, it doesn’t hurt to find out where the VKontakte gifts are. There is no separate section for them, and you will not find them in the site menu. Now look carefully at the contact page of any account - the gifts are located neatly under the avatar. Click on the title and you will be taken to a page with a list of all the surprises received.

    The question is: “Who can I give gifts to?” We answer: “Yes to any user!” Naturally, except for those who have blacklisted you: actions in relation to these people are extremely limited. Therefore, even if, say, after a quarrel you decide to apologize to the person by giving a gift, you will no longer have to do this in the virtual space of VK.

    Another point of interest to many: how to view sent gifts on VKontakte? Unfortunately, we cannot give instructions. For some time now, this functionality has not been possible, although previously it was possible to simply go to the list of gifts and, by going to the appropriate tab, accomplish what you wanted. Or, as an option, you could see the sent gift pictures through your account, or rather through the details of the ordered services. But for some reason the management of the social network decided to remove this function, and you can only rely on your memory. Well, or keep separate records...)

    Actions with gifts

    Now let's move on to the most interesting part, i.e. to the practical part. The first question: “How to send a gift to VKontakte for free?” And here the most important thing is to determine which pictures are, in principle, free. But don’t expect any difficulties: the entire main range is subject to payment. And users can receive free gifts on VKontakte only on certain holidays. For example, on May 9, each social network member has the opportunity to send, for example, 5 St. George ribbons. And if you want to congratulate a friend using internal “Contact” surprises, you will have to pay a minimum of 21 rubles - this is the minimum price of a VK gift at the time of writing.

    And since we've moved on to the financial part of the function, let's talk about payment. To pay for the desired surprise picture, you must first top up your VKontakte account. As you know (you know, right??), the internal currency of VK is called “votes”, and after transferring money to your account, the conversion into these same votes automatically occurs. And only then you can safely purchase a paid gift to subsequently send it to your friend. Well, or not to a friend.

    And now another important point: confidentiality and hidden gifts. Agree, not everyone wants to show off their gifts. And not everyone wants to give something to someone openly. Therefore, the VK system allows you to manage privacy settings for both recipients and senders.

    Most often, of course, the senders themselves use this function - they make an anonymous surprise. What reasons there are for this is a personal matter for everyone. Maybe a modest lover wants to secretly please his beloved, or he even wants to give himself a gift through another account (officially, you won’t be able to send it to yourself). In any case, already when sending a gift picture, you can select the audience to whom your name will be visible.

    And there are several options here:

    • the sender's name is visible to everyone;
    • only the recipient will know who sent the gift;
    • you remain completely anonymous.

    So, if you want to hide the name even from the recipient, choose the third option.

    As a gift recipient, you can also set your privacy preferences. The list of donated pictures can only be seen by you, or you and your friends, or also friends of friends, or generally all VK users. Many third-party online services offer to view hidden gifts, but we will talk about how functional they are, and especially how safe they are, in another article. And there we will tell you how to find out the unknown sender of a gift in VK.

    In special cases, you can remove the gift. But remember that canceling an action, i.e. You won't be able to get back deleted pictures. Therefore, when deleting, think carefully about everything again.

    Let's summarize. Now you know how to send gifts for free, how to pay for them and hide them when sending and receiving. We hope the information will be as useful as possible for you. Well, if you still have questions, post them in the comments!

    If you are reading these lines, then most likely you have already received a gift from an unknown sender on the VKontakte social network and want to find out who sent it to you. Obviously, the present is not an easy one. Would you waste your time trying to determine the sender? Often such gifts come in the form of a love message with the signature “I love you”, “Be mine”, etc. In this article you will learn about the possibilities of revealing your identity.

    Convenient service on VKontakte - free gifts

    Gifts on the VKontakte social network is a service that allows you to give a gift in the form of different images to another user, which are placed on his wall. To use the service you do not need to do or activate anything. When one of your friends or an anonymous sender gives you such a gift, you will be able to see it on your wall. Gifts in VK are displayed on the left in a special block and remain there for some time. To make such a gift, the sender must have validated votes (the currency of the social network).

    You can present such pictures only to those Vkontakte members who are on your friends list. If you want to send a gift to a stranger on VK, you must first add him as a friend.

    Such gifts are an excellent remedy for congratulations on various events in the life of a person of any age. Gift pictures may have different shapes and contain various symbolic elements. For a girl's birthday - it could be Teddy bears with flowers, on New Year friends - a green Christmas tree and multi-colored sparkling balls. The validity period of gifts is not limited. It will be in the block for one month, after which it goes to the “archive”, where it will be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

    Once you send a gift, you cannot return or cancel it. This can only be done by asking the person to whom you sent it. Because after sending a gift, only the owner can manage it. The sender of a gift, in particular such as a castle or jewelry, is provided with an additional rating.

    Is it possible to find out the unknown sender of a gift in VK?

    If some unknown user sent you a gift on Vkontakte, then you will not be able to find out his identity in any way. If a person set the “Send anonymously” option when sending a gift, it will be impossible to identify the person incognito in VK. You can only guess who could have done this.

    But simple guesses can sometimes determine something:

    • When you receive a gift and you see that “Sender is unknown,” then first of all pay attention to your friends who are currently online. Most likely this is one of them. Think about who could do this;
    • There are unofficial applications for VK that allow you to see who has visited your page. Thanks to him, you can quite more likely find out who came in and gave you this gift;
    • Identify for yourself the accounts of friends who could send you a gift, study their page.

    Those who received anonymous gifts on the social network VKontakte and tried to find out this unknown sender often wrote to technical support in the hope that they would make an exception for them and be able to provide them with information about the anonymous person. But in this case, there is a point in a special FAQ section on hidden gifts, where they make it clear to everyone that this is impossible.

    How to secretly send a gift to a friend

    To send a gift, even if not anonymously, you will need to purchase votes.

    To replenish them you need:

    1. Go to the “Settings” section.
    2. Open the “Payments and Transfers” tab.
    3. Next, select “Top up balance”.

    Sometimes they are available for free as part of “Special Offers”, where they can be found in the “Top up balance” section. Voices can only be purchased on the official website.

    Today it is no longer possible to send a gift to VK anonymously. The VKontakte administration has canceled this option. Now every gift your friends give you has the sender’s signature and is always available. The same secret gifts that were sent earlier will remain anonymous.

    In 2018, on February 14, the administration of the social network made it possible to secretly send only one gift to everyone. This action was made in honor of the holiday. The support says that the gift anonymity feature may be reactivated in the future.

    In addition, when sending gifts to your friends, you can check the box “Show text and gift only to recipient” under the block with a message to the recipient. In this case, no stranger will be able to recognize the sender of the gift, that is, your name.

    The recipient of the gift can adjust the privacy settings in order to hide the block with all received gifts from other users. In any case, the block with gifts will not go anywhere. With certain settings, outsiders will not be able to identify the sender, as well as other details that are visible only to its owner. It is simply impossible to recognize unknown senders, even old gifts, on VKontakte.

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