• Summary of a winter walk in the preparatory group “Treasure Search. Summary of a spring walk in the preparatory group


    Walk No. 1 “Observing seasonal changes”


    - to form concepts about the change of seasons;

    — clarify ideas about the features of each season.

    Progress of observation

    There's already a golden leaf covering

    Wet soil in the forest,

    I boldly trample my foot

    The beauty of the spring forest.

    A. Maikov

    At the beginning of September there are warm sunny days. The sky sparkles blue, and the leaves of maples and birches shine through in golden patterns against its background. The air is clean, transparent, and silvery threads of cobwebs fly in it. Such days are called “Indian summer”. “If it’s clear, then autumn is beautiful,” says the popular proverb.

    ♦ What signs of autumn do you know?

    ♦ What does a person do in the fall?

    ♦ How do animals adapt to life in the fall?

    Find the tree that is the earliest to prepare for autumn. (Aspen, birch.)

    Find the most beautiful leaf birch trees, autumn aspen leaf.

    Labor activity

    Site cleaning kindergarten from fallen leaves.

    - learn to create a joyful mood from the work done;

    — cultivate an environmental culture.

    Outdoor game

    "Brave guys."

    - exercise in fast running;

    - develop dexterity.

    Individual work

    Development of movements.

    Goal: develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed.

    Walk No. 2 “Observation of fireweed”


    - introduce medicinal plants;

    — talk about fireweed, its features in the autumn season.

    Progress of observation

    Fireweed in Rus' is called Ivan tea. This plant contains a lot of vitamin C; The root is used for food; it tastes similar to potatoes; leaves and flowers are brewed as tea; leaves are used in salad. Fireweed also helps with stomach illness. Its seeds arrive in the clearing along with the wind in the fall on their fluffy parachutes. They arrived and stayed to live. In July and August, the entire meadow is lilac-pink from the blooming fireweed. By the end of summer, instead of pink inflorescences, the first fluffy plumes appear on the fireweed. These are ripening seeds with parachutes.

    We didn’t notice the clearing

    And suddenly, washed with dew,

    She is wearing a fireweed cape

    Suddenly burst into beauty!

    Research activities

    Compare fireweed with dandelion. Find similarities and differences.

    Labor activity

    Collection of flower seeds.

    Outdoor games


    Goal: to strengthen the ability to move forward on two legs.

    “The deer has a big house.”

    Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text (game with acceleration).

    Individual work

    Jumping on two legs while moving forward.

    Walk No. 3 “Observing the mountain ash”


    — continue monitoring the mountain ash in the fall;

    - learn to find similarities and differences between red and black rowan.

    Progress of observation

    Vase with fresh rowan

    They put it on the table.

    I noticed her right away

    He just entered the room.

    I won’t eat rowan

    I'd better get paint

    I'll draw berries -

    Wet and bright

    There are beads of dew in the drops

    Amazingly beautiful.

    Rowan - this is how people affectionately call this tree. In August, the rowan bushes begin to turn red, and after the berries, the entire bush dresses in autumn attire. At first you won’t notice right away that the scarlet rowan brushes or leaves are burning brighter. At this time, a noisy flock of birds is rushing towards the mountain ash. Not only blackbirds, waxwings, hazel grouse, and black grouse feed on rowan berries, it is a favorite delicacy of pine martens and bears, its branches and bark are readily eaten by moose and hares. Hunters say that clubfooted animals gorge themselves on rowan berries before going to their dens. Rowan wood is used to make musical instruments and is suitable for carpentry and furniture making. The bark dyes the fabric in red-brown tones, the branches – black, and the leaves give a brown dye.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ What animals love rowan berries?

    ♦ What birds peck rowan berries?

    ♦ How is rowan used in the national economy?

    Research activities

    Labor activity

    After harvesting, tidying up the land area of ​​the vegetable garden and flower garden.

    Goal: learn to help adults.

    Outdoor game “Catch the ball”.

    Goal: learn to catch and pass the ball.

    Individual work

    Conversation on the topic “What is the most important profession on earth?”

    — expand knowledge about representatives of various professions;

    - build vocabulary.

    Walk No. 4 “The sun is a source of heat and light”


    - to form the idea that the Sun is a source of light and heat;

    - develop the ability to think, reason, prove;

    - cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

    Progress of observation

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ What is needed for the growth of plants and animals?

    ♦ What does the sun give?

    The sun is the source of light, heat and life on Earth. Light and heat spread in all directions from it. If the Sun became cold, the Earth would plunge into darkness. All plants and animals would die from the cold and darkness.

    The sun is a red-hot spherical body; it can be compared to a burning stove, red-hot iron.

    A hot substance emits light, i.e. shines. The Sun also shines, its light reaches the Earth, which is why we are so warm and light during the day. Light from the Sun reaches the Earth in 8 minutes 19 seconds. The sun shines unusually strongly, so even if we are at a great distance from it, we cannot look at it directly, it hurts our eyes. In addition to light, heat comes from hot bodies. So the Sun gives off heat to other planets, as well as to our Earth. Therefore, we bask in the sun, we feel warm.

    Research activities

    Offer to look at the sun and answer questions.

    ♦ How do you feel when you turn your face to the sun?

    ♦ Is it possible to look at it directly, does it hurt your eyes?

    Place two pebbles. One is in the sun, the other is in the shade, covered with a wooden box so that it is dark there. After a while, check which pebble is warmer. Conclude that objects heat up faster in the sun than in the shade.

    Labor activity

    Help for children junior group in cleaning the area.

    Goal: to develop hard work and a desire to help children.

    Outdoor game

    "Firefighters in training."

    - strengthen the ability to climb walls;

    - develop attention.

    Individual work

    "Hit the hoop."

    Goal: practice throwing at a target.

    Walk No. 5 “Observing carrots and beets in the garden”


    — learn to conduct a comparative analysis of vegetables;

    - consolidate ideas about the characteristic features of vegetables, name the conditions necessary for their growth.

    Progress of observation

    Aunt Thekla -

    Red beetroot.

    You salads, vinaigrettes

    Decorate with scarlet color.

    Nothing tastes better

    And rich borscht.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ What vegetables grew in the garden? (Beets, carrots.)

    ♦ What happened to the plants compared to spring? (The tops grew on the ground, and tubers grew in the ground.)

    ♦ What helped the plants grow? (Sun, moisture, human care.)

    ♦ Name the characteristic features of carrots. (Carrots are an oblong-shaped vegetable, orange in color, with green tops.)

    ♦ Name the characteristic features of beets. (Beets are a round-shaped vegetable, red in color, with green tops.)

    ♦ What can be prepared from these vegetables? (Salads, borscht.)

    ♦ What are the benefits of beets and carrots? (They contain a lot of vitamins.)

    Research activities

    Identify carrot and beet seeds (color, size).

    Dig up beets and carrots for seed planting in a group.

    Labor activity

    Harvesting in the garden.

    - learn to dig vegetables;

    - cultivate a desire to work in a team.

    Outdoor game

    “Name the vegetables.”

    Goal: learn the names of vegetables and catch the ball.

    Individual work

    Improving running technique (lightness, speed, bending your knees).

    Goal: develop coordination of movements.

    Walk No. 6 “Observation of mushrooms on the ecological trail”

    Target: develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about mushrooms, rules of behavior in nature.

    Progress of observation

    Important fat boletus

    I grew up next to the path.

    I'm used to respect

    Mushroom on a strong stem.

    As we see that he is close -

    It's hard for us to pass by.

    We immediately bow low -

    A white mushroom got in the way!

    Cut it off carefully

    Don't hurt the mycelium,

    In this place a year later

    A new mushroom will be born.

    Mushrooms are amazing plants, a free product of nature. We don’t sow or plant them; in the same place where we cut mushrooms today, we get them again tomorrow.

    When the first porcini mushrooms appear, it’s a wonderful summer time. The forest is then unusually beautiful, the air is clean. Warm summer rains create favorable conditions for the rapid development and fruiting of mushrooms. They grow wherever there is birch, spruce and pine. They grow in clearings, forest edges, abandoned forest roads, on the slopes of old ditches and ravines.

    The world of mushrooms is large and diverse. All mushrooms can be divided into edible and inedible.

    ♦ Which mushrooms are edible and which are not? (Boletus, boletus, boletus, saffron milk cap, milk mushroom, volushka, russula, chanterelle, morel, honey mushrooms are edible, and inedible are toadstool, fly agaric.)

    ♦ How do edible mushrooms differ from inedible ones? (Edible mushrooms can be eaten, but inedible ones cannot - you can get poisoned.)

    ♦ Name the medicinal mushroom of moose. (Fly agaric.)

    To ensure that the source of edible mushrooms is not disturbed, it is necessary to treat mushrooms carefully and wisely, even those that are not eaten. It is the duty of every person to protect them from extermination. Everyone needs to know the rules of behavior in nature: “Do not knock down mushrooms, even inedible ones. Remember that mushrooms are very necessary in nature.”

    ♦ What can you cook from mushrooms? (Mushroom soup, caviar, solyanka. They can be pickled, salted, dried.)

    Labor activity

    Tidying up the flower beds on the site; seed collection; cleaning dry grass and leaves.

    Goal: to develop hard work and a desire to help adults.

    Outdoor game

    "Ball to the driver."

    Goal: practice throwing and catching the ball with both hands.

    Individual work

    Development of movements.

    Goal: to develop and improve motor skills.

    Walk No. 7 “Observation of fireweed on the ecological trail”


    — continue to introduce medicinal plants;

    — consolidate knowledge about fireweed and its characteristics.

    Progress of observation

    Fireweed bloomed in the meadow -

    Here is a family of heroes.

    Strong, stately and rosy

    The giant brothers stood up.

    Nice outfit chosen -

    The jackets are on fire!

    Fireweed is also called fireweed, or honey flower. Why was the flower named Ivan in Rus'? Maybe because poor Ivans couldn’t afford other tea? Or maybe they began to call him that because of his character: a brave, strong, persistent flower, like the Russian Ivan. In the summer in July, fireweed blooms luxuriantly in deep forest clearings. Like tall transparent candles, the pointed caps of beautiful and lush flowers burn with crimson-red fire. Fireweed is a very good honey plant. The bees will fly in and ask Ivan-tea for honey. And he will nod to them: “Please, bees, take as much as you want!” A sick person will come, pick leaves and flowers of Ivan tea, drink the hot broth and get better.

    Research activities

    Find two identical flowers.

    Measure the height of the fireweed stem.

    Find the highest (lowest) fireweed.

    Labor activity

    Weeding in the pharmaceutical garden.

    Goal: to develop the ability and desire to work together.

    Outdoor games “Name me.”

    Goal: to develop the ability to create an image of an animal using facial expressions and gestures. "The Fox and the Hares."

    Goal: develop running speed and the ability to dodge traps.

    Individual work

    Throwing the ball over to each other.

    Goal: develop speed and agility.

    Walk No. 8 “Observation of the autumn forest”


    - to form a generalized idea of ​​autumn as a time of year;

    - learn to distinguish between birch and aspen by shape, color of the trunk and leaves;

    - consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of a tree (trunk, branches, root);

    — to cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land.

    Progress of observation

    So autumn has come,

    The leaves have turned yellow

    And, gliding through the air,

    They flew to the ground!

    So the forest is thick,

    Shakes his head at us all

    He gently pulls the branches,

    It calls and beckons us to visit.

    Hello, hello, good forest,

    Full of fairy tales and miracles!

    We won't hurt anyone here

    And we will see your miracles!

    Invite the children to say hello to our good, kind friend - the forest, and answer questions.

    ♦ How can we recognize a birch among other trees?

    ♦ What color is the trunk of a birch tree? (White with black spots.)

    ♦ What parts of birch do you still know? (Trunk, branches, root.)

    ♦ What color are the branches?

    ♦ Why does a tree need a root?

    ♦ What color are birch leaves in autumn? (Yellow.)

    ♦ What color were they in summer? (Green.)

    We easily found the birch tree because of its white trunk with black spots. The black spots are the “mouth” of the birch through which it breathes. Golden autumn has arrived. There are both cold and warm days. The leaves have begun to fall. The birch is the very first tree to prepare for winter.

    The teacher organizes games with the children.

    “Don’t stand still, build a round dance around the birch tree.”

    Goal: continue to learn how to perform movements in accordance with the text.

    We found a birch tree. What other tree will we find?

    “One, two, three, quickly find the aspen.”

    ♦ What is the name of this tree? (Aspen.)

    ♦ What color is the trunk? (Light gray, greenish.)

    ♦ Which branches? What colour? (Thin, light green.)

    ♦ How many trunks does aspen have?

    ♦ What color are the leaves?

    Tall, slender aspen trees are very beautiful. The leaves tremble on the high peaks even on the calmest windless day. It seems that the aspens are talking to each other.

    Research activities

    Collect aspen and birch leaves for the herbarium.

    Goal: to learn to distinguish leaves (by shape, size, length of stem).

    Attach a birch leaf to an aspen leaf. Which one is bigger? (Aspen.) Smell the leaves. (Aspen leaves have a bitter smell.) Let's listen. (The leaves rustle as if they are saying goodbye to us.)

    Good in the forest! And you always remember that the forest is a home for animals and plants. And you need to come to the forest just as politely as visiting relatives or friends.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ Is it possible to leave garbage in a forest clearing? (No.)

    ♦ What should be done with garbage? (Pick up, put in a bag and take out.)

    ♦ Why is it not necessary to cut and break branches?

    ♦ How to help a wounded tree? (Bandage it.)

    ♦ Is it possible to pick flowers? (It is forbidden.)

    ♦What can you do with flowers? (Look, smell, draw.)

    Outdoor game

    "From bump to bump."

    Goal: to develop long jump skills.

    Individual work

    Development of movements.

    — to cultivate, through movements, a caring attitude towards nature;

    - practice jumping over logs, stones, stumps;

    - develop strength qualities.

    Walk No. 9 “Watching leaf fall”


    — expand knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;

    - to develop the ability to express what is observed in one’s speech.

    Progress of observation

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ Have all the trees changed leaf color?

    ♦ What were the trees and bushes like in summer?

    ♦ How have they changed with the arrival of autumn?

    ♦ What color are the leaves on the birch tree? (Golden yellow.) On a rowan tree? (Red.)

    ♦ Which tree changes leaf color first? (At the birch tree.)

    ♦ Which trees retain their leaves the longest during leaf fall? (At the birch tree.)

    Leaf fall! Leaf fall!

    Autumn caulk forest!

    The hemp came,

    The edges have become red,

    The wind flew by

    The wind whispered in the forest:

    - Don't complain to the doctor.

    I'm flying hemp

    I'll tear off all the red flowers,

    I'll throw them in the grass.

    The teacher invites the children to observe the fallen leaves, asks them questions, and makes riddles.

    ♦ What is the significance of leaf fall? (Adaptation to winter cold, protecting trees from damage, releasing unnecessary substances with leaves.)

    ♦ Do all the leaves fall the same way? (No.)

    ♦ Does the tree also die with fallen leaves? (The plant continues to live; in the axil of each leaf there is a golden bud, which gives rise to a young shoot with ready-made leaves in the spring.)

    In the silence of autumn groves

    Golden rain is pouring. (Leaf fall.)

    They grow in the spring,

    And in the fall they fall. (Leaves.)

    Falling from a branch

    Gold coins. (Leaves.)

    Research activities

    Find leaves that, when torn off, immediately fall down. Find leaves that fly, swaying slowly from side to side.

    Find leaves that fly, clinging to branches. Make a pattern on the asphalt from fallen leaves. Labor activity

    Assisting the janitor in clearing leaves from the kindergarten area.

    Goal: to consolidate the ability to work together, achieving the completion of a task through joint efforts.

    Outdoor games "Fox and hares".

    Goal: to form an idea of ​​the lifestyle and habits of animals.

    "Predator - prey."

    - practice establishing the “predator-prey” connection;

    - develop running speed and agility. Individual work

    Development of movements.

    Goal: to strengthen the skills of squatting from a legs apart position, transferring body weight from one leg to the other without rising.

    Walk No. 10 “Watching migratory birds”


    — expand ideas about migratory birds;

    - cultivate cognitive interest in birds.

    Progress of observation

    Birds fly south:

    Geese, rooks, cranes.

    This is the last flock

    Flapping its wings in the distance.

    M. Evensen

    The teacher talks with the children and asks questions.

    ♦ How has the life of birds changed with the arrival of autumn? (The food for birds is becoming less and less, it is starting to get colder - the birds gather in flocks, try their hand at training the chicks, preparing them for departure.)

    ♦ Tell us about your observations of bird behavior in summer and autumn. (In the summer there is enough food for the birds, they hatch and feed their chicks. And in the fall the birds behave restlessly, gather in flocks and fly to warmer climes.)

    ♦ What happens to bird food in the fall? (The food for birds is becoming less and less; first insects disappear, then plants wither, the number of fruits and seeds decreases.)

    ♦ Think about what determines the timing of departure of insectivorous and granivorous birds in the fall? (Insectivorous birds fly away earlier than granivorous birds, since insects disappear and the birds have nothing to eat; then those birds that eat fruits, seeds, and grains fly away.)

    ♦ Why do there become fewer birds in autumn? (From the end of August, birds begin to fly south as it gets colder and insects disappear.)

    ♦ How do birds prepare to fly away? (Gathered in flocks, they quickly rush through the air, practicing before a long flight.)

    ♦ Name the first sign of the approaching autumn migration of birds. (The hubbub of the birds intensifies; they gather in flocks.)

    ♦ Which birds fly south later than others? (Ducks and geese are waterfowl, they fly away last, since while the reservoirs are not frozen, they have something to eat.)

    ♦ Do you know how birds line up when migrating south? (During the flight, birds adhere to a certain order. This makes it more convenient and easier for them to fly. Cranes fly in a wedge - an angle. Herons and geese - in a line. Ducks line up (one after another), some flocks of ducks fly in the form of a gentle arc, and small ones - insectivorous birds - fly in a crowded flock.)

    Invite the children to get together for the “flight”: line up in a wedge, straight line, etc.

    Have you seen cranes fly away in autumn? (They fly at an angle, in two rows diverging backwards, with long outstretched necks, cooing loudly. Sometimes you can see how the leading crane - the leader - changes places with its neighbor. One of them flies under the other and takes his place.)

    The cranes are flying and chirping.

    They send their last goodbye.

    Summer is calling for them,

    They are taken to a warm region.

    Research activities

    Invite children to look at diagram cards that depict: an angle, a straight line, a flat arc, chaotically, crowdedly located points. Give an answer to what type of bird each diagram card belongs to.

    Labor activity

    Collecting seeds of various plants to feed birds in winter.

    Goal: to cultivate compassion and empathy towards birds.

    Outdoor games

    "Swan geese".

    Goal: to improve running technique, achieving naturalness, ease and accuracy of the task.

    "Find your home."

    - develop physical qualities - speed, agility;

    - improve orientation in space.

    Individual work

    Usage various types walk: different position hands, knees raised high (like a stork, crane, heron).

    Goal: develop motor activity.

    Walk No. 11 “Observing the willow in autumn”

    Target: expand knowledge about varieties of willow (willow, broom, vine, etc.).

    Progress of observation

    Swim, swim, golden leaf,

    Down the river like a little boat.

    I’ll put aside work and put up a rake

    To the willow trunk, bent over the water,

    And I’ll wander, little boat, after you.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ What does willow look like?

    ♦ What branches and leaves does it have?

    ♦ Where do willows grow most often? (On the banks of the river.)

    ♦ What varieties of willow do you know? (Willow, willow, willow, vine.)

    ♦ What does willow give to people? (Baskets are woven from its branches.)

    Research activities

    Examine willow leaves through a magnifying glass. What are they covered with? (Light gray coating.)

    Labor activity

    Collecting leaves for making crafts

    Goal: to continue to instill labor skills.

    Outdoor games

    “Migration of Birds”, “Hunters and Beasts”.

    - practice running through various obstacles;

    - develop dexterity.

    Individual work

    Jumping rope.

    Goal: learn to jump on both legs at the same time.

    Walk No. 12 “Observing the flower garden”


    — continue the formation of generalized ideas about seasonal changes in nature;

    - clarify the names of flowers, their structure (find the stem, leaves, flowers, roots).

    Progress of observation

    Autumn has come

    The flowers have dried up

    And they look sad

    Bare bushes.

    A cloud paints the sky

    The sun doesn't shine

    The wind howls in the field,

    The rain is drizzling.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ What time of year is it now?

    ♦ What happens to plants in autumn?

    ♦ Why do plants need leaves and roots?

    ♦ What are the names of the flowers growing in the flowerbed?

    ♦ Is it possible to pick them from the flowerbed?

    ♦ What needs to be done to make the flowers grow again in the spring?

    ♦ What helped the flowers grow? (Sun, rain, earth and people.)

    Research activities

    Compare flowers (how they are similar and different from each other).

    Labor activity

    Collecting plant seeds in different bags.

    Goal: to strengthen the ability to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones.

    Outdoor game

    "Migration of Birds."

    Goal: practice running in a certain direction.

    Individual work

    Exercise with a ball.

    Goal: practice catching and throwing a ball.

    Walk No. 13 “Observing a sparrow in autumn”


    — continue to consolidate knowledge about the sparrow;

    - teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of autumn;

    - activate attention and memory.

    Progress of observation

    The little sparrow is crying bitterly,

    Gray, small, like a ball.

    Cries pitifully. And quietly:

    - Where are you, mother sparrow?

    I haven't eaten for half a day

    Who will feed me?

    Chick-chirp, chick-chivyak, -

    I would like at least one worm...

    The sparrow has arrived

    She sat down on a branch next to him:

    - Hush, little bird, you fool,

    I brought a worm...

    Sparrow chirp, chirp,

    Stopped crying at that very moment.

    Twisted his beak and nose,

    In a moment I swallowed my lunch:

    - Oh, how delicious, but not enough!

    Bring me some more, mom...

    The teacher conducts a conversation with the children.

    ♦ What does a sparrow look like? (This is a small, lively bird.)

    ♦ They often say about him: “gray sparrow.” But in fact, the sparrow is not gray at all. Which one then? (It has a brown back with wide longitudinal black stripes.)

    ♦ What about the tail and wings? (The tail is dark brown, the wings are also dark brown, decorated with a reddish border.)

    ♦ What color is the head? (Grey.)

    ♦ Where do sparrows live? (In the city and countryside.)

    ♦ Yes, they adapt well to human habits everywhere. Why do sparrows love being around people so much? (Near people, birds are protected from predators, they have food and secluded places.)

    ♦ Sparrows especially like to set up their apartments behind shutters or carved window frames of wooden houses. Where can city sparrows settle? (Under the canopy of the entrance or balcony.)

    ♦ Let's see where the sparrows have taken up residence in our kindergarten territory? How should a person care for birds? (Make feeders, pour out food daily.)

    ♦ What do sparrows eat in the fall? (They peck grains and plant seeds.)

    Labor activity

    Organization of a labor landing for the purpose of treating trees.

    — learn how to properly assist trees and shrubs;

    - cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

    Outdoor game

    "Migration of Birds."

    Purpose: to learn to perform actions on a signal.

    Individual work

    “Don’t knock down the flag.”

    Goal: learn to walk like a snake between objects without knocking them over.

    Walk No. 14 “Observation of the first snow”

    Target: teach to notice changes in nature, to see beauty.

    Progress of observation

    It was raining yesterday morning

    He knocked on the glass of the windows,

    There is fog above the ground

    Got up like clouds.

    At noon the rain stopped

    And that white fluff,

    To the autumn dirt

    Snow began to fall.

    The night has passed. It's dawn.

    There's no cloud anywhere

    The air is light and clean,

    And the river froze.

    I. Nikitin

    The teacher asks the children a poetic riddle.

    Stars are falling from the sky,

    They will lie down in the fields.

    Let him hide under them

    Black earth.

    Many, many stars

    Thin as glass;

    The stars are cold,

    And the earth is warm! (Snowflakes.)

    People say: “Snow that falls on green foliage melts in the next two or three days”, “The first snowfall is the first one; The first lasting snow falls at night.”

    Autumn completes its third task: stripping the forest, freezing the water, covering the ground with snow. It’s uncomfortable all around: the rain-lashed, bare, black trees stand. On the ground covered with snow, everything stopped growing. But this is not winter yet - pre-winter. Not yet, and it’s a sunny day. And, wow, how happy all living things will be in the sun! Look, mosquitoes are crawling out from under the roots, flies are flying into the air. The snow has melted... And at night the frost will strike again. While he is still small, he doesn’t want to yawn.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ How long does the first snow last? (Two or three days.)

    ♦ What does it feel like? (Wet.)

    ♦ When does the first solid snow fall? (At night.)

    Research activities

    Catch a snowflake in your palm and examine it.

    Compare two snowflakes.

    Determine the place where the snow melts faster.

    Find a place where the snow has not yet melted.

    Labor activity

    Insulation of tree roots with snow.

    Goal: to reinforce the idea of ​​the protective properties of snow.

    Outdoor game

    “One, two, three - run!”

    Goal: to develop running speed, agility, coherence of collective actions, and ingenuity.

    Individual work

    "Hit the hoop."

    - practice the ability to act on a signal;

    - strengthen the ability to throw objects at a target.

    Walk No. 15 “Observing seasonal changes”


    - to form concepts about natural phenomena (frost, frost, waning day, staying night);

    — consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm).

    Progress of observation

    Not hot, not summer,

    Rising from across the river

    Autumn, last,

    Warm days.

    A. Isakovskaya

    Late autumn is called “silver”. The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars-snowflakes fly onto the frozen ground, icy tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun. At the end of autumn, the sun rarely appears and the days become cloudy.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ What is the name of the pre-winter period? (Silver Autumn.)

    ♦ Why?

    Try to guess the riddle.

    And not snow, and not ice,

    And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost.)

    The teacher invites the children to come up with riddles about late autumn.

    Labor activity: Cleaning up waste on site.

    Goal: to cultivate a feeling of pleasure from the work done.

    Outdoor games

    “Trap”, “Homeless Hare”.

    - practice running without bumping into each other;

    - develop agility and endurance.

    Individual work

    Exercise to develop balance.

    Goal: to teach how to run up a hill and run down it.

    Walk No. 16 “Watching the snowfall”


    — clarify ideas about the properties of snow;

    - consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

    Progress of observation

    Light fluffy

    Snowflake white,

    How clean

    How brave!

    Dear stormy

    Easy to carry

    Don't lift up the azure sky -

    Begs to come to earth...

    K. Balmont

    During the cold season, it snows instead of rain. Snowflakes form in the same way as raindrops. At high altitudes, the vapor begins to freeze and turn into tiny crystals. These crystals combine to form tiny hexagonal stars—snowflakes—that slowly fall to the ground as snow.

    The teacher asks the children questions.

    ♦ Where do snowflakes form?

    ♦ What do they look like?

    Research activities

    What kind of snow can you sculpt from? Try to make a ball of snow.

    Labor activity

    Collecting snow in a pile to build a slide.

    Goal: Continue to work together.

    Outdoor game "Crow - Sparrow".

    - learn to listen carefully to the teacher’s command;

    - develop attention;

    - continue to learn how to navigate in space.

    Individual work

    “Don’t knock down the flag.”

    - continue to walk like a “snake” between objects without knocking them over;

    - develop attention and observation.

    Open observation on the walk “Spring changes in nature” (school preparatory group)

    Observing seasonal changes in nature.

    Preparatory group for school.


    1. Consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the signs of spring.

    2. Develop the ability to notice changes in nature; observation; attention; speech; analytical thinking.

    3. Cultivate interest in the world around us; respect for nature.

    Preliminary work:

    Game situation: the postman brings a letter from Dunno to the group. The teacher reads a letter to the children, in which the children are asked what spring is and what its signs are.

    Vocabulary work: thawed patches.

    Equipment: dark glasses according to the number of children watching, chalk for drawing.

    Progress of joint activities:

    1. Org. moment:

    o Guys! Do you remember what event happened in our group today?

    (The postman brought a letter from Dunno).

    o What did Dunno ask us?

    (What changes occur in nature in spring).

    Let's now take a step-by-step look at what changes occur in nature in spring and how spring differs from all other seasons.

    2. Main part.

    Put it on sunglasses and look towards the sun. What is the difference between spring sun and winter sun?

    (In winter, the sun did not warm the earth, but only illuminated it, it went to bed early and got up late. The days in winter were short and the nights were long. Now the sun rises high in the sky, so it has time to warm the earth. The days have become much longer, and the nights are shorter, than in winter).

    You can’t look at the sun for a long time, even with your naked eye, so lower your eyes, take off your glasses and hide them in your pockets. We need to remember all the signs of spring in order to answer Dunno.

    Now let's compare the spring and winter skies. Think about whether the spring sky is different from the winter sky or whether it is always the same.

    (In winter, the sky was pale, cold, because the sun rose low above the horizon and could not illuminate the entire sky, and in spring the sun rises high and illuminates the entire sky, so the spring sky is bright blue, high and very beautiful. Clouds float higher in spring than in winter , more often the weather is clear).

    And what changes happen to the earth in spring?

    (thawed patches appear in the snow).

    What are thawed patches?

    (These are areas of land on which the snow has melted.)

    Let's find thawed patches and look at them.

    Touch the soil in the thawed patch. (damp, wet).

    What color is it? (dark because it’s wet, you can see last year’s grass).

    (If the thawed patch is already dry, then the children can feel that the ground on it is warm, because the spring sun has warmed it with its warmth).

    Let's also remember what the signs of spring are?

    (In spring, buds appear on the trees)

    Let's find buds in our area.

    (children find buds and show them to the teacher, together we run their fingers over the buds, feeling that they are fluffy and soft)

    What other changes are taking place in nature? (birds fly from the south).

    What migratory birds have you already noticed flying from the south? (gulls, hooded crows, swans). That's right, these birds aren't afraid light frosts and arrive very first. Soon they will be joined by geese, ducks, swallows, and other birds.

    What changes are taking place in the world of wild animals?

    (Bears wake up from hibernation, hares, foxes, squirrels, wolves molt. They exchange warm, long winter wool for shorter, lighter ones. Animals have cubs, birds begin to build nests and lay eggs.)

    Now look at your clothes and look for signs of spring in your clothes.

    (Rubber boots - because there are puddles on the roads; thin knitted hats instead of warm fur, thin jackets, knitted gloves).

    Well done, you were able to name a lot of signs of spring. When we return to the group after the walk, you and I will write an answer to Dunno and tell him about the signs of spring that we just remembered. And now I suggest you draw signs of spring on the asphalt with chalk.

    3. Summary of observation.

    (examined children's drawings on the asphalt, named the signs of spring depicted by children)

    Reading the poem by S. I Marshak “The snow is no longer the same...”.

    The snow is no longer the same

    It darkened in the field.

    The ice on the lakes is cracked,

    It's like they split it.

    The clouds are moving faster.

    The sky became higher.

    The sparrow chirped

    Have fun on the roof.

    It's getting darker every day

    Stitches and paths,

    And on the willows with silver

    The earrings glow. source

    Research activities

    By touching metal objects, determine where the sun heats up the most.

    Answer: Which objects heat up faster: dark or light?

    What can you use to look at the sun for a long time? (Dark glass.)

    Labor activity

    Organizing assistance to a janitor in cleaning the curb around the site.

    Goal: develop a desire to help elders.

    Outdoor game"Sun and Planets".

    Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the movement of planets around the Sun.

    Game "Sun and Planets"

    I bring to your attention the game "Sun and Planets". It can be used with older children preschool age and younger schoolchildren.

    Goal: development of reflexive abilities and abilities in assessing other people.

    In the game, a leader is selected - “Sun” and 5-6 participants - “Planets”. The leader stands in the center. For convenience, the center can be designated, for example, by drawing a circle with chalk. Children are told that the “Sun” attracts “planets” to itself. Those “planets” that are most similar in character to the “sun” are attracted by it more strongly and are located closer. Next are those “planets” that are least similar in character to the “sun”. Next, the “sun” arranges the “planets” in accordance with the similarities and differences in characters. It is necessary to give the “sun” as much time to arrange itself as it needs. As soon as the arrangement is over, the “sun” returns to its place and closes its eyes. The “planets” at this time rise as they themselves think about the similarity of their character with the character of the “sun”. Afterwards, the “sun” opens his eyes and names what has changed in the location of the “planets”.

    After the game, a discussion is required.

    Questions for the "sun":

    Is the arrangement of planets very different in the first case from the second? What was unexpected? What surprised you? How comfortable does the presenter feel in the new planetary arrangement? Do you want to change something? Why? Does the presenter's opinion coincide with the opinions of some planets?

    Questions for the planets:

    Are you more comfortable in the new arrangement? Why? Where do you disagree with the “sun”? Do your opinions agree?

    Note: During the game there are children who want to stand in a circle towards the “sun”. This situation also requires discussion.

    Are there people who are completely similar in their qualities to each other? Why? Is it good or bad?

    The game can act as a diagnostic tool. By the arrangement of the “planets” you can determine the rejected children and leaders in the group. Make sure that each child receives at least a minimum of acceptance and approval from the guys.

    Individual work

    Standing long jump.

    Goal: to develop jumping ability, strength and eye.

    Osadcheva Olga Nikolaevna

    teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 38

    Program content:

    1. Continue to introduce natural phenomena. Give the concept of wind. Introduce its properties.

    2. Learn to draw conclusions and conclusions in the process of observation and conversation. Develop cognitive interest.

    3. In the process of work, teach how to finish what you start, and form an idea of ​​the importance of work for others.

    4. Practice running, the ability to act on a signal, and follow the rules of the game.

    Materials and equipment: illustrations of the wind, a sailboat toy, paper ribbons, a plastic bag, paper envelopes.

    Progress of the walk

    Educator: If you guess the riddle, you will find out what we will talk about.

    I'll swing the birch

    I'll push you

    I'll attack, whistle,

    I'll even steal my hat.

    And you can't see me

    Who am I? Can you guess?


    Let's figure out what wind is. Answer the question. What can't a person live without? (Without air). We don't see it, we don't feel it, it has no smell, but it is always around us. We can feel it when it starts to move.

    Experiments are being carried out:

    Experiment 1. Inflate an empty plastic bag.

    Conclusion: Man also has air.

    Experiment 2. Children blow on the sails paper boat. Observe that if the boat floats, it means there is air movement.

    Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

    Exercise "Find the error." The task is to find a mistake in the story.


    One day we were sailing across the ocean on a sailing ship. The weather was calm and windless. Our ship was flying with full sails towards distant mysterious shores.

    Low mobility game “Breeze”.

    Children perform movements according to the text.

    The wind blows in our faces

    The tree swayed.

    The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter

    The tree is getting higher and higher.

    Didactic game “What a wind”.

    Rules: determine the positive and negative properties of wind (based on illustrations).

    Word game "Choose a word."

    Question: What can the wind do?

    Children's answers. (Make noise, hum, rustle, howl, lift, swoop, etc.)

    Question: What kind of wind can it be?

    Children's answers. (Strong, affectionate, quiet, cool, harsh, etc.).

    Sports game “Faster than the Wind”. Children perform a team relay race with a ribbon.

    Outdoor game “Wind, breeze”.

    Hoops - “houses”, the number of which is less than the number of children, are laid out on the playground. The teacher pronounces the words, the children run freely around the playground.

    Autumn, autumn at the gates

    A circle dance swirls the leaves.

    One, two, three - leaves are flying,

    One, two, three - the leaves are circling.

    It's going to rain soon, we need it

    Run home.

    At the end of the words, the children occupy the “houses”. A child who does not have time to occupy the house is eliminated from the game.

    Labor in nature. Children watch wilted flowers in a flower bed. The teacher suggests collecting flower seeds for spring planting.

    Educator: Guys, think about who would like to do what. (Children are offered toys, games, and attributes for role-playing games).

    Independent activities of children are organized, during which individual work is carried out according to the plan.

    Abstract autumn walk V preparatory group


    Compiled and conducted


    Konovalova O.N.


    • Reinforce the signs of autumn.
    • Give children the opportunity to feel the element of air and introduce it to its properties.
    • Clarify ideas about wind.
    • Develop observation skills.
    • Develop research activities, cognitive interest.
    • Activate children's vocabulary.
    • Practice running, act on signals, follow the rules in games.
    • Ensure children are physically active.
    • Develop the ability to work, put away toys, clean them from sand.

    Materials and equipment:turntables for determining the wind; plastic bag; labor equipment (rakes, brooms, brushes); various toys for independent activities.

    Progress of the walk.

    Introductory part:

    Children, we'll go for a walk now. Look out the window, what is the weather like now?

    What toys should we take?

    Today on our walk we will look for traces of autumn. I have a surprise for you.

    Children in pairs go to the site.

    First, let's remember what safety measures we should follow while walking:

    • It is forbidden:
    • hide from the teacher;
    • touch unfamiliar objects;
    • petting animals;
    • approach strangers and talk.
    • Is it possible to fight?
    • Is it possible to jump from a height?

    - Well done boys. We remembered the rules safe behavior and now we can begin our autumn walk.

    Part I:

    Now we will look for traces of autumn.

    What is the weather today?

    - How did we know that autumn had come? (According to signs.)

    What signs of autumn do you know?

    Children's answers:

    1. The sun is shining, but it is weakly warm.
    2. Migratory birds fly south.
    3. People are harvesting.
    4. People dress warmer.
    5. The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red and fall off.
    6. It rains often.
    7. Animals are preparing for winter.
    8. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer.

    - That's right guys, from all these signs we knew that autumn had come. I have this beautiful bag (show). Want to know what's in it?

    The teacher takes a ball out of the bag.

    Didactic game "Finish the sentence."Invite the children to stand in a circle, play with the ball and finish the sentence.

    • The leaves turn yellow and... (fall off).
    • Birds fly away to warm... (edges).
    • Insects hide from... (cold).
    • People are reaping a rich... (harvest).
    • The trees stand... (bare).
    • Wild animals in the fall... (molt).
    • People dress in warm... (clothes).

    Well done, that's right.

    Part II: Observing the wind.

    Look at the clouds. They are moving. Let's watch the trees.

    Guys, why do the branches on the trees move? (Children's answers).

    What is wind? (Children's answers).

    Let's figure out what wind is. Answer the question. What can't a person live without? (Without air). We don't see it, we don't feel it, it has no smell, but it is always around us. We can feel it when it starts to move.

    Research activities.The teacher shows an empty plastic bag.

    I'll fill the bag with air now. You can touch the air in the bag.

    Conclusion: Man also has air.

    Here are the turntables for you. If there is wind, they will spin. Let's run, walk with them, blow on them.

    How do the pinwheels spin? (quickly, quietly).

    Conclusion: Wind is the movement of air.

    Now let's play with the turntables.

    Relay race with pinwheels.

    Part III.

    Labor activity.

    Guys, you saw how strong the wind was recently. Look what he did on our site, even the last leaves fell off. Let's put things in order on our site.

    Independent activity.

    Guys, think about who would like to do what. (Children are offered toys, games, and attributes for role-playing games).

    Independent activities of children are organized, during which individual work is carried out according to the plan.

    At the end of the walk there are outdoor games:

    • "Mousetrap";
    • "Golden Gate"

    Bottom line.

    Guys, the time for our walk has come to an end. Please tell me: Did you enjoy the walk? What was interesting on your walk today? What new have you learned? What useful activity did you do during your walk? (children's answers).

    Guys, I want to thank you all very much for your help in cleaning our playground! Look how clean and beautiful our site is! Well done! And now we are returning to the group.

    Nomination " Teacher's methodical piggy bankpreschool"

    Main stages of the walk:

    1. Observations in nature.

    2. Outdoor game.

    3. Individual work (in subgroups).

    4. Role-playing game.

    5. Labor activity on the site.

    Remote material: balls, crayons, equipment for playing with sand, brooms, rakes, garbage bags.

    The progress of the autumn walk in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

    1. Observations in nature.

    Goal: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn as a season; combine familiarization with seasonal changes in nature with the formation of aesthetic ideas; develop cognitive interest, thinking, memory, speech, attention.

    Guys, today we will take a walk around the territory of our kindergarten. Let us begin our journey with wonderful verses:

    The rain is pouring, cold as ice,
    Leaves are spinning across the meadows,
    And geese in a long caravan
    They fly over the forest.

    What time is spoken about in Ivan Bunin's poem? (About autumn).

    What autumn months do you know? Name them. (Children's answers).

    What do people call September, October and November and why? (Children's answers).

    Let's all remember the proverbs about autumn:

    • Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.
    • Late leaf fall means a harsh winter.
    • There is no turn from autumn to summer.
    • In September, even a leaf does not stick to the tree.
    • There is no September without fruits.
    • September is cold and full.
    • October alternately cries and laughs.
    • September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.
    • In November, winter and autumn are fought.

    Now let’s see if you can solve autumn riddles:

    1) Came without paints and without a brush
    And repainted all the leaves….. (autumn. Draw the children’s attention to the foliage of the trees, note color palette autumn).

    2) Leaves are falling from aspen trees
    A sharp wedge rushes in the sky……(flock of cranes)

    3) In the spring they grow, fall into the canopy………(leaves)

    Well done guys, you solved the riddles easily. And now I’ll tell you a little about folk signs. All of them were noticed by the people on the basis of constant observations of the life of nature:

    • There are a lot of rowan trees - autumn will be rainy.
    • The clouds are low - expect cold.
    • If the leaves, falling off, lie upside down - to warm winter, face up - for a cold winter.

    Let's check what kind of winter we can expect. ( Children examine the position of the leaves and draw conclusions. If opinions are divided, point out to the children that the position of the leaves can change due to the wind).

    Guys, do you think we can check this sign? How? (Children's answers).

    2. Outdoor game.

    Goal: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, attention; develop the ability to play in a team, give in to each other; foster a sense of camaraderie; follow the rules of the game; develop speech and memory.

    In autumn it gets cool outside, so to keep us warm, let's play a game together. ( We offer a choice of games “Mousetrap”, “Third Man”, “Trap”, “Find Yourself a Mate”).

    3. Individual work (in subgroups).

    Goal: overcoming shyness, developing observation skills, speech, mental abilities; practicing basic movements, education moral qualities. One subgroup does math tasks (you can use crayons), the second subgroup plays “Dodgeball” with a ball or does exercises with balls individually or in pairs.

    4. The role-playing game is chosen at the request of the children.

    Goal: to create and maintain a calm, friendly environment during the game, to provide children with the opportunity to engage in activities that interest them; pay attention to withdrawn, shy children, help them find their place in the game; Involve overly excited children in activities that would help calm them down. (“Ice Cream Parlor”, “Fortress Builders”).

    5. Labor activity on the site.

    Goal: teach children to work with tools (rakes, brooms), teach them to work in a team, help each other; appreciate your work and the work of your comrades, learn to negotiate on controversial issues; be able to see and appreciate the results of your work; respect the work of the janitor.

    Guys, look how many leaves we have on our site. Let's put things in order here. (Give the children a tool, give a specific task. Summarize the work, praise the children for their diligence and hard work).

    And now for everyone who has worked and is tired, lunch hour has come!

    (Organized group care).

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