• Beautiful statuses for Happy New Year. Cool New Year statuses


    Soon the whole country will be plunged into an exciting New Year's marathon. To get you in the mood for a long and fun celebration, we have prepared quotes about New Year. Start now to recharge yourself in a good mood.

    Short statuses and quotes about the New Year

    New Year is a fairy tale that even adults continue to believe in.

    The best new Year gifts can't be found under the tree. This is family, children, friends and the person you love.

    This is how people are designed, that on New Year’s Day we forget everything that happened and wait for what will happen.

    It doesn't matter where you celebrate the New Year. What matters is with whom.

    On New Year's Eve, be sure to believe in a miracle - and it will definitely happen.

    The best gift for the Christmas tree is the knowledge that you are this gift for someone!

    I decided to celebrate the New Year ahead of schedule - I ate Olivier and watched Home Alone. I'm in a New Year's mood now.

    The more holidays, the better.

    New Year is coming soon - the waiting mode for an incomprehensible miracle is on.

    New Year is a time of miracles, and adults sometimes need a fairy tale more than children.

    New Year is sad parting with old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.

    May the New Year be as kind as your mother’s voice!

    New Year has a smell, it is the smell of tangerine and Christmas tree.

    And now, the New Year, full of dreams and hopes, is almost here...

    We have long grown up, matured, our souls have become somewhat coarser, and our views on life have become more cynical, but somewhere in a distant corner of our soul there is still a small hope for a miracle.

    The miracle that we all wait for on the eve of every New Year, because in every adult there is something childish left.

    And let no one put us under for a long time New Year tree gifts, but we are still waiting for miracles for the holiday.

    We believe that short statuses And beautiful aphorisms about the New Year will strengthen faith in miracles.

    Everyone likes different quotes and different holidays. But as an exception, literally everyone loves the New Year holiday. Therefore, New Year’s sayings should also please everyone.

    After all, this is the time when you can forget about years and positions, ailments and problems. Like children, we can enjoy life and the wonderful moments that our family, friends and relatives give us.

    Funny sayings and quotes about the New Year

    New Year is when tangerine peels begin to accumulate behind the computer, in addition to empty mugs.

    Headphones were invented so that a year before the New Year we would not have time to forget how to untangle the garlands.

    Nothing brightens up the table like a firecracker in Olivier!

    Don't touch me... it's for New Year's.

    I wrote a letter to Santa Claus... I gave it to my husband... I'm waiting...

    In connection with the onset of the New Year, the country is undergoing general mandarinization.

    On New Year's Day I saw happy people - and there were no sober people among them.

    New Year is coming soon... And I’m still ashamed of the past...

    With every tangerine you eat, you bring the New Year closer by 3 minutes and increase your immunity!

    In my opinion, this is blasphemy: to kill a Christmas tree, and then walk around the corpse and sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”!

    The New Year is almost here, so it's time to forget about old mistakes and plan new ones.

    I’m ready to eat Olivier now, if only this year would end quickly.

    Everyone asks me what I decided about the new year. I decided - let it come!

    Those who don't smoke or drink will remember the New Year.

    One miracle on New Year's Eve still happens all the time... The refrigerator becomes dimensionless for several days!

    Just as there are different quotes and sayings about the New Year, there are a great many options for spending the night from December 31 to January 1. Some people celebrate the New Year on the main square of their city, some go to the country with friends, some go abroad, and some go to a ski resort or, conversely, to the sea. You can still celebrate the holiday in clubs and restaurants. And, of course, in the bathhouse - such a tradition.

    But, whatever one may say, the majority (including among you, dear ones) will stay at home for the New Year. And not because a foreign voyage is unaffordable or it’s cold outside at night, it’s just that family celebration who you want to meet with parents, children, at your own Christmas tree, unwrapping gifts, and saying beautiful words and phrases to each other over a glass of champagne in a family circle.

    Well, TV for the holidays is sacred. Anesthesia from the surrounding reality. The TV creates a familiar picture, where you can laugh at the jokes of comedians while listening to Olivier salad, or once again feel nostalgic with Soviet films, which, by the way, were given to us by many beautiful quotes about the New Year.

    You can swear at the TV, you can despise it, you can sometimes ignore it, but during the New Year’s holiday marathon it’s hard to imagine your holidays without a home screen.

    Quotes about New Year are beautiful

    Every year ends happily - it ends with the New Year.
    Sylvia Cheese

    New Year is the birthday of every person.
    Charles Lamb

    Christmas mood- this is when you are glad to see even those who have entered the wrong door.
    Mikhail Mamchich

    They say: on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish will always happen, everything will always come true.
    Sergey Mikhalkov

    On the eve of the new year, we begin to live again.
    Ilya Druzhinin

    New Year. A time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier.
    Janusz Leon Wisniewski

    The meaning of the New Year is not to gain another year, but to gain a new soul.
    Gilbert Chesterton

    On New Year's Eve, all wishes have special power.
    Michael Ende

    Each New Year in a person’s life is fragile and unique, like the pattern of a snowflake, and melts just as quickly and imperceptibly, leaving delightful moments of happiness in the memory and unhealed scars on the soul.
    Tigran Babayan

    Always be at war with your shortcomings, at peace with your neighbors, and find yourself every New Year the best person.
    Benjamin Franklin

    Admit it - you are also looking forward to the New Year! Because it doesn’t matter at all how each of us feels about this holiday: someone, almost since the summer, has been in anticipation of a cheerful commotion: Christmas trees, garlands, gifts, fireworks... Someone, on the contrary, dreams of only one thing: that all this the brilliant bustle quickly ended and a calm and measured life began again without all these queues, meaningless gifts and wishes repeated year after year... And yet, no other holiday is so capable of uniting us all in anticipation of the new, in anticipation of change. After all, no matter who you are: a hopeless romantic or an inveterate skeptic, you don’t care, even in the very depths of your soul, you so want to believe that along with the last leaf of the calendar, everything bad will go away from your life, and the New Year will certainly bring joy, prosperity, love, luck and happiness...
    Oleg Roy

    Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page book. Write it well.
    Brad Paisley

    Every new day is a blank A5 sheet, and the first day of the New Year is a healthy piece of whatman paper.
    Yuri Tatarkin

    Celebrating the New Year is a farewell to illusions and a meeting with hope and dreams.
    Konstantin Kushner

    God grant that the New Year will not be shorter than the previous one!
    Boris Krutier

    But still, many knowledgeable people advise not to turn on the TV if you still believe that miracles happen on New Year’s Eve. Simply because sitting in front of a blue screen negates the possibility of something fabulous. TV will not help a miracle happen either before the hands approach the magic number 12 or after.

    In popular culture, the belief in the sacredness of New Year's Eve is quite widespread. Like, how you spend it, that’s how the year will be. And everyone celebrates January 1 in accordance with their ideas about the ideal 365 days. May all your plans come true in the New Year. Well, how to celebrate the New Year has long been known. Wise Quote, which, by the way, belongs to Peter I, reads: In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults should not engage in drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that .

    Sarcasm about New Year

    An optimist waits until midnight to see the new year come; the pessimist waits for midnight to make sure that the old year has already passed.
    William Vaughan

    Children need the New Year for a fairy tale, losers - as a starting point for new hope, and others - for fun.
    Ishkhan Gevorgyan

    Someone dreams of a new life. And for some, the New Year is enough.
    Sergey Vedenyo

    It’s a pity that the New Year comes exactly when it is most difficult to get a Christmas tree.
    Alexander Ratner

    May your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolution!
    Joey Adams

    Somewhere between the sixth strike of the chimes and the fifth of January, I somehow gained three or four kilograms, which had been disappearing millimeter by millimeter throughout the previous year.
    Irina Chashchina

    New Year's Day is a harmless holiday, particularly because it brings no benefit, and can be used as a scapegoat for disorderly drinking and friendly fighting.
    Mark Twain

    The new year is always better than the old one, but not always for you.
    Karl Schusterling

    If during the New Year celebration it comes down to the cake - the holiday was a failure!
    Mikhail Zadornov

    Time has no divisions or marks to indicate its passage; neither thunder, nor lightning, nor the roar of trumpets announces the coming of the New Year. Even when a new century begins, only we mortals ring the bells and fire the pistols.
    Thomas Mann

    Every New Year began new life, but it didn’t last long, because you have to live!
    Alexander Kulich

    The year of the name of some new beast is coming again... and I really wanted to live like a human being!
    Stas Yankovsky

    Several dozen new years make a person old.
    Emil Krotky

    Wishing “Happy New Year!” the further it goes, the more it means the triumph of hope over experience.
    Robert Orben

    New Year, New Year! New Year is everywhere! We already look at the old year as if it were dead; his property is sold cheaply, like the belongings of a drowned sailor on a ship. He is still breathing, but his fashions have already become last year’s and are sold for next to nothing. His treasures became dust in comparison with the riches of his unborn successor.
    Charles Dickens

    The brightest and most emotional winter holidays will begin very soon. During this period, everyone wants to surround themselves and their loved ones with a special fairy-tale atmosphere, as well as cheer up their friends in in social networks, posting funny New Year 2017 statuses for VK and Odnoklassniki.

    Now, setting up accounts in public portals allows you to decorate your page with meaning: themed photos and a beautiful background picture in the style of the New Year. But nothing can make it more lively and interesting than cool statuses.

    Every user of social networks knows that short sayings written by the owner of the page occupy a special place. They are located in a central location, moreover, all friends receive notifications about their change. They are also automatically placed in the event feed. Therefore, if you want to congratulate all your subscribers on the New Year holidays in one fell swoop or simply write what you are thinking about, then change the status and be sure that everyone will see it!

    Now you don’t need to rack your brains and come up with ideas original statuses. They have a huge trailer and a small cart on the Internet. We have selected the best short statements, which are perfect for any New Year's page.

    Funny and comic statuses about New Year 2017

    These expressions will become a distinctive feature of the page of any young member of a social resource. Every teenager will positively appreciate these jokes.

    Guys’ childhood ends when they want their wishes to be fulfilled not by Santa Claus, but by the Snow Maiden. *** Dear Grandfather Frost! I've been very good boy, so please give me as a gift to some bad girl. *** Dear Grandfather Frost! I whole year behaved well. Can I at least behave badly on New Year's Eve? *** I wish everyone not to click through their happiness with the mouse in the coming New Year! *** — What should I give you for the New Year? - Yes, give whatever you want! The most important thing is that it is touch-sensitive and with headphones. *** Childhood is when you wait for the new year, wait... wait, wait... and at half past twelve you pass out. *** Father Frost! Make sure they don't tease me. Vova Kakashkin. 7 years. *** Don’t forget to leave Contact on December 31 at 11:55 pm and celebrate the New Year.

    The following New Year's statuses 2017 for VK and Odnoklassniki will cheer up adults. Short, spicy jokes will decorate your page. Men and women can choose cool expressions to suit their taste and post them on their page along with a funny photo or animation.

    Advice based on experience: “Don’t put croutons in New Year’s salads - they scratch your face.” *** There is no sadder story in the world than New Year and thoughts about diet. *** Dear Grandfather Frost, don’t put a gift under the tree for me. Drive him straight into the garage. *** Only the most strong people On New Year's Eve they fall asleep in dessert! *** Dear Grandfather Frost, I can’t have sweets, please send me a box of semi-sweet. *** And I was so happy this New Year that I forgot to make a wish! *** Dear Grandfather Frost, cotton wool beard, I don’t need gifts! Increase your salary!!! *** I put on a white dress and white tights, thinking that I would be a snowflake for the New Year. I looked at myself in the mirror – I don’t care what the snowdrift is!!! *** I got ready for the New Year, only fingerprints remained in my wallet. *** Health in the body, love in bed, bucks in the briefcase - and no hassle! Happy New Year!

    Statuses-congratulations in verses

    Beautiful words with meaning are always pleasant to friends, relatives and anyone who visits your page. Such short congratulations Happy New Year 2017 will give warmth and sincere wishes best wishes.

    Let snow fall on your shoulders, glasses clink, stars shine, and let every person believe that it is not too late to test yourself. Let's celebrate, friends! It simply cannot be otherwise. I wish you a bright and good fate with all my heart. *** Let all bad things sink into eternity with the last breath of December! And everything beautiful and living will come to you on the morning of January. *** May the New Year bring you more health! May the New Year bring you happiness! And he will leave all the good things and take away all the bad things! *** Let the New Year caress you and bring you happiness in life. Let hope warm you, and let fate protect you. *** Outside the window everything is white, but the houses are cozy and warm. The lights are burning brightly on the Christmas trees, and there are smiles and gifts everywhere... These days the world is full of kindness, these days dreams come true. May your home always be filled with this kind light and warmth! *** Let the old year pass, taking with it misfortunes, and let the new year bring more health, joy and happiness! *** White snowstorms caress the earth, embroidering silver on the windows. The smell of the forest's magical spruce leaves the house smelling with an intoxicating aroma. The garlands shine and the candles flicker, and to all my friends I new Year's Eve I will send you a drop of my soul with love. *** Look out the window, like in a fairy tale, the snow has started to fall, and smile, wiping away your tears - the sadness will pass, the frost will end. Everything will certainly be fine!

    And in addition, here is such a touching verse:

    I’ll write a letter to Santa Claus... I’ll ask for health and happiness for you, and you write to him too. No need to be shy, ask! Ask that children laugh, So that adults don’t be afraid to live, So that wars stop thundering, So that mothers don’t abandon their children. So that there are many good words, So that good people there is more so that there is no malice and falsehood, so that they fear God as before, so that envy and rudeness, betrayal, cowardice and arrogance disappear, and there is enough room in the souls for conscience, faith and honor!

    New Year statuses 2017 with meaning

    And finally, I would like to add a few more beautiful sayings about a wonderful holiday:

    • As we get older, our New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want for the New Year cannot be bought with money.
    • I want Santa Claus to put 3 gifts under the Christmas tree on New Year's Day - happiness for the house, love for the family, health for loved ones.
    • On the eve of the New Year, I want to wish all my friends and family magic and miracles, like in childhood, when my parents’ house smelled of pine, sweets and tangerines. When every Christmas tree decoration, seemed like a small world with its own New Year's fairy tale.

    I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23:59 and January 1 at 00:01. This will be a perfect end to 2011 and a great start to 2012.

    New Year is when tangerine peels begin to accumulate behind the computer, in addition to empty mugs.

    Oh, so much fuss before New Year's Eve. But all this... just because of one thing!!! seconds!!:)

    []The clairvoyant will remember the New Year from a photograph.

    The New Year has passed, but my head is gone :)

    Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year I want your list of boys who behaved badly.

    I want snow, I want New Year, I want tangerines, the smell of a Christmas tree... I want it like in childhood, little one... And a feeling of happiness...

    May your life in the New Year 2012 be like champagne - beautiful, light, exciting and overflowing!

    In the New Year 2012 I wish: 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 366 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love and 31536000 seconds of pleasant moments!

    The tangerines are in use, which means the New Year is coming soon!

    Those who don't smoke or drink will remember the New Year!!!

    Youth is when you no longer believe that Santa Claus will come to you for the New Year, but you still hope that the Snow Maiden will come to you!

    On New Year's Day everything comes true, even things that cannot be realized at other times.

    New Year is coming - and I have only two wishes... it's snow... and you, next to me...

    The New Year's mood is when you are glad to see even those who have entered the wrong door.

    Happy new year you can imagine! Let it be so new and successful that you yourself will be surprised by it!

    And I hope that this New Year there will be many beautiful young Santa Clauses :)))) and at least not many sober ones...

    The new year is always better than the old one, but not always for you.

    And only Christmas trees hate New Year....

    I want a quick New Year.... So that at exactly midnight I can go outside and look at the sky...
    And catching the snow with your lips, realize... life goes on...

    I wonder if anyone wished for me for the New Year? :)

    An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year come. A pessimist stays up to make sure that Old year passed.

    You may or may not celebrate the New Year, it will come anyway!

    I want New Year! I want to make a wish! One and only! I do not need anything else!

    The new year has come, but everything remains the same....((

    It’s a pity that the New Year comes at a time when getting a Christmas tree is quite a serious problem.

    What an amazing country Russia is: New Year's celebrations begin somewhere in the Far East, and end somewhere under the table.

    Friends... let's start preparing the liver together for the New Year!

    I want you, I love you, well, when you come... New Year!

    The New Year will go according to plan: in the morning I make Olivier, at lunchtime I’ll watch “The Irony of Fate,” then I’ll remember that I need to iron my dress, and the rest of the time I’ll look at my watch and wait for 12 o’clock.

    The New Year is rushing towards us, soon everything will happen, everything in our dreams will come true and we will have fun!!!

    I already know what wish I’ll make for the New Year... So that my neighbors’ karaoke breaks down...

    If you make a wish on New Year's Eve, it will certainly come true! The only negative is that it is difficult to formulate it at this time.

    They say that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Now I’m thinking, what if I won’t remember for a whole year?

    If you celebrate the New Year with an artificial Christmas tree, you will spend the whole year with an inflatable woman...

    New Year's weather, pre-holiday bustle, snow outside the windows, today we decided to wait for a miracle together.

    Smart people start writing lists long before the New Year: what to do, what to buy, what to do? After all, there is so much you want to do, this time is so interesting and multifaceted... Of course, it’s not easy to tune in to such frantic activity, because it requires an appropriate mood, which, as we know, if we don’t arrange it for ourselves, no one will suit us... Or will it suit us? Come on, what did people choose for their New Year statuses?

    Or maybe we should take the bull ourselves for what he has turned towards us at the moment? Although, what a bull there is - the pig is on the doorstep...

    Statuses about the New Year are almost a separate section of art. Those who make wild jokes, those who suddenly turn out to be rare romantics, those who delve into philosophy – this is a milestone, after all, and all that in general... In a word, a serious field for creativity is unfolding. Yes, and in general it’s a serious matter - to convey in just a few words how happy you are about the holiday, to hint at the fact that the main thing is important for you in it and to emphasize something important about yourself on the topic... How to do this if, alas, you don’t Spinoza and not Mark Twain? And not even Ryan Reynolds? Read on and find out!

    Cool statuses for New Year 2019

    Laughter rules the world. It’s not money or even beauty. After all, even if both the first and the second leave us, no one will ever take away the right to laugh from our hearts at something. It’s disgusting to giggle, laugh until you drop, chuckle meaningfully... There is always a place for a smile and humor in life. And even more so, registering on social networks and instant messengers is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate to the world your ardent commitment to this position.

    Whether you will clown around from the heart, putting on such an impenetrable protective mask and hiding your vulnerable soul behind it, or whether you are simply a light-hearted person by nature and inclined to take things lightly, is up to you. The main thing is, don’t forget to change the record more often, otherwise you’ll set the teeth on edge even for the most dedicated admirers of your work!

    By the way, as free examples of witty statuses, or simply phrases that can give you inspiration to come up with something of your own, here are some great sayings:

    • Goodbye childhood! I’m no longer as interested in Father Frost as I am in the Snow Maiden...
    • The main sign of the New Year: “The richer it will be New Year's table, the more money to borrow before the January salary...”
    • New Year's is much cooler than a girl - she leaves without scandals and doesn't take gifts.

    On New Year's Eve I will throw away all the trash,

    And I will wipe the dust wherever I have left behind.

    Only in my head there is continuous bedlam,

    There cockroaches decorated the Christmas tree...

    • On New Year’s Day you believe everything: in Santa Claus, and in what the president promises...
    • May justice prevail this year! Santa Claus's wishes will come true just as selectively as mine!
    • When I was little, I believed in Santa Claus with gifts. Now - to the boss with a bonus!
    • I want a job like Santa Claus: in 364 days!
    • On the morning of January 1, you can find all the best under the tree: gifts, friends, mineral water...
    • For the most talented people, the new year begins on January 2, or even the third. And for the most experienced - 10th!

    Hello Dedushka Moroz!

    Here's the thing...

    In general, I brought a bag,

    We need to hide the body...

    • This New Year, I’ll ask Santa Claus for a list of all the girls who behaved badly, and I’ll help him - I’ll personally punish them!
    • Only on January 1, from 00:00 until the end, an exclusive New Year's promotion from all mobile operators: “Network busy”!
    • Let's start planning where we will spend the night from December 31 to January 10!
    • Ask Santa Claus only for things you really need! For example, a bag of mineral water. Espumisan, Mezim and Aspirin...
    • Dear Santa Claus, may next year Everyone adores me, my life will be carefree, I will sleep long hours and get whatever I want whenever I ask for it. In short, make me a cat, huh?
    • New Year is approaching. It's time to say goodbye to old mistakes... And start planning new ones!

    New Year's statuses with meaning

    If you leave frivolity at the door, the New Year is always a milestone. Another whole year is left behind, something has changed, something remains unchanged. Some dreams have come true, some have long been overgrown with moss... In a word, this holiday for many people is a good occasion to sum up some results, evaluate their past and think carefully about the future. And if you count yourself among such a cohort, take into account the following clever sayings:

    • Every year my “letter to Santa Claus” becomes shorter and shorter. After all, what you really want cannot be bought with money...
    • The last stage of enlightened consciousness: I ride down an ice slide during the day. In front of everyone. Don't be shy...
    • Ask God not for yourself - for loved one. For example, about your wife trying on a diamond necklace on board your yacht with your Miami mansion in the background!
    • Try at least next year not to become a gift for someone, but to receive the one you want as a gift.
    • On New Year's Eve, everything purchased in the old year automatically becomes old. But not us!
    • Every year you think that you will celebrate this New Year in some special way. But it always ends the same way - banal drunkenness...
    • New Year's mood is when you give your neighbor... a drill!
    • If you managed to try a cake on New Year's Eve, you had a bad holiday...
    • The old year is always worse than the new one. But, not always for you.
    • Several dozen new years make an old man out of him.
    • Wish each other: “Happy New Year!” Don't let experience defeat hope!
    • We are not celebrating the New Year, but the Day of Independence of the Body from Common Sense.
    • As we get older, the New Year comes more and more often...
    • On New Year's Day there are only two alternatives: either spend the holiday without benefit, or with great harm.
    • There is no sadder story in the world than New Year and thoughts about diet...

    Romantic statuses

    Sometimes it seems that even a rotten stump in the forest is ready to be touched by falling snowflakes, let alone download some dreamy picture with a city drowning in lights or a fireplace cozy crackling with coals, all in socks with gifts and Christmas decor, elegant Christmas tree, perhaps no one could resist! And who said that this is bad? Our life is far from being as easy and cloudless as it may seem from the outside.

    So why not cultivate in yourself something that helps you overcome any difficulties and makes you and those around you happier - romance? If this is what you feel is exactly what you and your followers are missing, don’t be lazy and copy this to your status:

    • May there certainly be someone to peel your tangerines in the new year!
    • On New Year's Day, I become a child again: I catch snowflakes with my lips, hug every Christmas tree I meet, forget to put on mittens when I play in the snow, and I'm not afraid of getting sick!
    • To this day, when I run to my mom’s house for New Year’s, I find some “bunny” treats under the tree. Thank you mommy, I love you so much!
    • The New Year launches a time machine that takes everyone back to their childhood...
    • If everyone at the same time strongly, strongly wishes for a miracle on New Year’s Day, it will definitely happen!
    • Urgently! Someone give me a tangerine! I want to smell the New Year...
    • I want to be little again... So that my dad would put me in the sled, my mother would wrap me in a blanket, put a bag of tangerines in my hands, and we would drive home to the Christmas tree...
    • The best sign on New Year's Eve: in the last seconds of the outgoing year, kiss your loved one!

    Statuses in verses, congratulations

    New Year, Santa Claus, a stool, poems, a gift... Approximately this logical sequence is stuck in the memory of many of our compatriots. And strong. No, well, in fact, what can more accurately and vividly convey feelings than rhymed lines? Where can you express yourself as beautifully and effectively as possible, and no one will perceive it as something unnatural? Sometimes it really seems that only poetry can convey the entire palette of feelings that takes over a person on the eve of the New Year. And if you agree with us, please accept the gift of several original poetic statuses about this holiday:

    No gold, no royalty,

    Not those miracles that the people invented,

    But just human happiness

    I wish you, friends, a Happy New Year!

    There is a special and ancient holiday,

    Where is the feast on wide tables,

    Where they ate - forest trees -

    They grow on parquet floors.

    In these wonderful moments,

    Where the night is festive and long.

    And the world is shrouded in colors,

    We wish you love and goodness!

    New Year - sneaking quietly...

    Confusion in my head...

    Either old...

    Either new...

    As long as it's NOT CRAPY.

    On New Year's Eve outside the window

    The snow is falling quietly

    Let at your table,

    There will be joy and laughter

    Let enviable success

    Waiting for you in any matter

    And he will enter without hindrance

    Happiness to your bright home.

    The New Year brings with it the Boar!

    The whole country expects great changes,

    Global changes, for the better,

    So that life is not gray and boring!

    So that everything around you shimmers with colored paints,

    So that the work started can be completed,

    So that the joy of life is daily,

    May this joy be immeasurable!

    Let's raise our glasses to the passing year!

    After all, tomorrow will be just yesterday.

    And to the coming year we will say “Hello!”

    And then we’ll see what he says in response.

    May the passing year bring problems,

    We're already up to our necks with them, leave me alone, that's enough,

    We will congratulate each other on the New Year,

    And embark on a new path with hope for the best,

    Let the rebellious, sorrowful souls calm down,

    The ships from the voyage will land on the desired land,

    So that everyone can live comfortably like this,

    That a year later I had only one desire - to repeat it!

    This celebration is shrouded in mystery.

    This holiday entered my soul from childhood.

    Magic is stronger than everyday adversity -

    Neither life nor experience will destroy it.

    Like children, we wait for every New Year.

    And we secretly believe in Santa Claus.

    Let it be like this: round dance of snowflakes,

    Will spin and fulfill our dreams!

    In a nutshell about the main thing: short statuses about the New Year 2019

    Thank you, Anton Pavlovich, for teaching us a simple truth: “Brevity is the sister of talent.” And even though modern graphomaniacs who have taken up residence in social networks and blogs clearly do not suffer from lapidary behavior, we still must strive for the ideal, as the classic advises. Even if he is the “mother-in-law of the fee.” But, at least on this holiday, let’s not talk about mercantile things...

    • The most delicious tap water - January 1...
    • The New Year has passed, but my head has not.
    • Gentlemen, the future is yours. Move away.
    • Don't iron empty clothes!
    • Masochists are not disappointed.
    • Old New Year - test in the liver.
    • Don't expect miracles! Amazing!

    And most importantly, remember, be yourself and don't try to impress those who aren't worth it. Happy New Year!


    The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

    The brightest and most emotional winter holidays will begin very soon. During this period, everyone wants to surround themselves and their loved ones with a special fairy-tale atmosphere, as well as cheer up their friends on social networks by posting funny New Year 2019 statuses for VK and Odnoklassniki.

    Now, setting up accounts in public portals allows you to decorate your page with meaning: themed photos and a beautiful background picture in the style of the New Year. But nothing can make it more lively and interesting than cool statuses.

    Every user of social networks knows that short sayings written by the owner of the page occupy a special place. They are located in a central location, moreover, all friends receive notifications about their change. They are also automatically placed in the event feed. Therefore, if you want to congratulate all your subscribers on the New Year holidays in one fell swoop or simply write what you are thinking about, then change the status and be sure that everyone will see it!

    Now you don’t need to rack your brains and come up with original statuses. They have a huge trailer and a small cart on the Internet. We have selected the best short sayings that are perfect for any New Year's page.

    New Year statuses in the Year of the Pig

    To give yourself and your loved ones a good mood, we recommend paying attention to humorous sayings with meaning that can be safely used as a cool New Year’s status:

    • “Dear Grandfather Frost, I’m on a diet, so I can’t have sweets. Please send me a box of semi-sweet!”;
    • “If you want everything to be good for you in the New Year, put a chocolate bar under your pillow and already on January 1st everything will be “in chocolate”!”;
    • “The New Year has come, and I’m still ashamed of the last one!”;
    • “You shouldn’t expect miracles from the New Year, create miracles yourself!”;
    • “The most inexplicable magic of the New Year is the disappearance of money from your wallet”;
    • “If you had a blast at the New Year's corporate party, then you will definitely start the New Year by looking for a new job”;
    • “Only those who don’t smoke or drink will remember the New Year!”;
    • “There is no tastier drink on January 1 than cucumber pickle”;
    • “In the New Year, doors to a new life open for many, but, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to get into them”;
    • “The longest night of the year begins on December 31st and ends on the 14th”;
    • “Dear Santa Claus! Last time my letter either didn’t reach you, or I misspelled the word “Ferrari” in it.

    Cool and funny statuses about the New Year

    To cheer yourself and your subscribers up, we recommend paying attention to humorous statements in prose. Among the many short messages, we have selected the most interesting in our opinion:

    • Dear Grandfather Frost, I can’t have sweets, so you’d better send me a box of semi-sweet!
    • If you want everything to be good for you, then put chocolate under your pillow for the New Year. In the morning, EVERYTHING will be covered in chocolate.
    • The New Year is approaching, and I am still ashamed of the past.
      The most inexplicable magic of the New Year is the speed at which money disappears from your wallet.
    • With the arrival of the New Year, the doors to everyone open to better life, but, unfortunately, not everyone is able to get into them.
    • Don't expect miracles for the New Year! Amazing!
    • If you had a good New Year's corporate party, then you will start the new year by looking for a new job!
    • Only those who don’t smoke or drink will remember the New Year!
    • What is the worst thing for a woman after New Year's holidays? - Step on the scales!
    • There is no tastier drink on January 1 than cool water!
    • Guys’ childhood ends when they want their wishes to be fulfilled not by Santa Claus, but by the Snow Maiden.
    • Dear Grandfather Frost! I've been a very good boy all year, so please give me a gift to some bad girl.
    • Dear Grandfather Frost! I behaved well for a whole year. Can I at least behave badly on New Year's Eve?
    • I wish everyone not to click through their happiness with the mouse in the coming New Year!
    • What should I give you for the New Year? - Yes, give whatever you want! The most important thing is that it is touch-sensitive and with headphones.
    • Childhood is when you wait for the New Year, wait... wait, wait... and at half past twelve you pass out.
    • Father Frost! Make sure they don't tease me. Vova Kakashkin. 7 years.
    • Don’t forget to leave Contact on December 31 at 11:55 pm and celebrate the New Year.

    Beautiful congratulations in verse

    This small selection contains wishes for friends. New Year's poems are perfect for those who want to congratulate their subscribers in an original way:

    I wish you good health
    In nineteen!
    So that happiness comes
    Generous to every family!

    Be happy, friends!
    May the Pig help you!
    Scratch your ear gently -
    She will become a true friend!

    If you scratch our Yellow Pig's belly,
    And make a wish - quickly, without hesitation,
    Then, of course, it will come true with interest.
    Good luck is destined to be with you all year long!

    May the Year of the Pig bring good luck -
    All difficult problems will be solved,
    And it will fall like rain,
    Gold and silver!

    Skiing on soft snow
    A carefree, young New Year to you.
    Let luck become closer in life,
    It will bring prosperity and fun!

    Fun, joy, success,
    Heartfelt toasts, songs, laughter,
    Good, like the stars under the sky,
    In short, Happy New Year to all of you!

    Happy New Year, I congratulate you,
    May every hour be happy
    May fate smile sweetly on you,
    And let all your dreams come true.

    May the New Year be happy,
    It will wake you up quietly in the morning,
    Magical doors will open,
    Will awaken all dreams and faith,
    Will give you hope again,
    And also joy and love.

    Let the year not be stingy
    For fun, happiness, laughter,
    Prosperity will knock on the house,
    Success awaits you in any business.

    May New Year's dreams come true,
    The grievances will be forgotten forever,
    And let it certainly happen
    Everything you dream about today!

    New Year statuses 2019 with meaning

    And finally, I would like to add a few more beautiful sayings about this wonderful holiday:

    • As we get older, the list of wishes for the New Year becomes smaller and smaller, and what we really want for the New Year cannot be bought with money.
    • I want Santa Claus to put 3 gifts under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve - happiness for the house, love for the family, health for loved ones.
    • On the eve of the New Year, I want to wish all my friends and family magic and miracles, like in childhood, when my parents’ house smelled of pine, sweets and tangerines. When each Christmas tree decoration seemed like a small world with its own New Year's fairy tale.

    New Year's aphorisms and quotes

    One of the most popular statuses in social networks are aphorisms. Catchphrases are able to stand out among the crowd of different statements with wit and originality. Also, some of them are written in a humorous spirit, so they will cheer up even phlegmatic and melancholic people:

    • Dear santa claus! All I want for New Year is your list of girls who behaved badly.
    • The new year is always better than the old one, but not always for you.
    • I read so much about the dangers of alcohol and smoking that in the New Year I decided to quit. Read.
    • To celebrate the New Year with dignity, you need to rehearse for a long time, and you can start today.
    • If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go visit.
    • December 31st is the day when the Calendar goes wild!
    • On New Year's Eve, fifty people and fourteen snowmen were taken to the sobering center. The reason for the police mistake is being clarified.
    • As you celebrate the New Year, this is how you should do it!
    • The beginning of January for Russians coincides with the beginning of the month of Drabadan.
    • No matter how much Santa Claus drinks, he will not forget his bag.
    • The Old New Year is not a holiday. This is a control shot to the liver!
    • There is no sadder story in the world than the New Year and thoughts about diet.
    • The year of the name of some new beast is coming again... and I really wanted to live like a human being!
    • Celebrating the New Year is a sad farewell to old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.
    • Let in New Year's Eve Happiness will knock on your door... And God grant that you find yourself at home at this moment.
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