• Celebrated the New Year statuses. The best New Year statuses about the New Year: original and fun


    We'll soon be on the Internet; we won't be celebrating the New Year, but updating it.

    Grandfather Frost, all whole year I behaved well...and now can I kill someone??? :)))

    If you want to feel like a star, sit on the Christmas tree!

    With every “five minutes” of access to the Internet, you bring the New Year closer by at least an hour and a half.

    Happy new year you can imagine! Let it be so new and successful that you yourself will be surprised by it!

    Hello old fart! I haven’t believed in you for two years now!

    First he made a snow girl, and then he made her a woman...

    New Year. A time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier.

    If a fat guy suddenly turns up at night and starts stuffing you into a bag... Don’t freak out. For the New Year I asked Santa Claus for you!

    Dear Grandfather Frost, I can’t have sweets, please send me a box of semi-sweet...

    We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the most pleasure in the old one.

    Dear Grandfather Frost! In the New Year, let the president, government and deputies live on the scholarship that students are trying to live on... Preferably one more for everyone)

    Hello, Grandfather Frost This is the case... Okay - I brought the bag, I need to hide the body...

    New Year is the only holiday when the whole world happily eats last year's food

    Hello Dedushka Moroz! I'll break your nose! Your gifts have already given me diarrhea for the fifth day...

    The most right relationship start in winter. If you like each other in a bunch of clothes, a hat and a red nose, that’s definitely love.

    Grandfather Frost, give me something for the New Year that, when I saw it, I would say: “Wow, Ferrari!”

    Let's call those without whom not a single New Year is complete? - Let's... - Po-li-qi-ya! Police!

    "Santa Claus, come out!" - the children shouted, dancing near the toilet.

    If you are reading this status, know this! Santa Claus loves you and will fulfill your most cherished dream, the main thing is to believe! :)

    If you celebrate the New Year with an artificial Christmas tree, you will spend the whole year with an inflatable woman.

    Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator on New Year's Eve - they remind drunken guests of the letter F

    Santa Claus, can I have some money this time, huh?

    I’ll order you for Santa Claus for the New Year!!!.. I just haven’t decided yet how... right away or for you to suffer...

    - Dear, is it true that hares are the stupidest animals? - Yes, my bunny!

    My wish list for the New Year...I want: to you, you, with you, from you, for you and forever) like this =)

    You always celebrate the old New Year with your family, so that trouble will bypass your home, and life will be like paradise.

    The new year is coming soon,
    What it will bring, alas, I don’t know
    Perhaps happiness awaits me?
    And I will be loved and happy.
    After all, how many women are lonely,
    Unhappy, tired of loneliness,
    But how can I see my friend?
    To be selfless.
    Didn't ask me questions
    Who have I lived with all these years?
    I don't want memories
    Why stir up all this?
    I will live only by her,
    And I will remain faithful to her
    I will always be by her side
    Cherish her love.
    Let her be a faithful mistress,
    Where emptiness creates comfort
    Where it used to be uncomfortable
    It will improve our family life.

    Let there be life! May there be peace and light,
    And happiness different countries and peoples...
    A wave of goodwill towards everyone
    Let him enter souls before the New Year.

    And let it roll forward
    Without fading after this date.
    Let it fill the whole year with you,
    And not the current moment on the dial.

    On New Year's Eve the chime of glasses
    Goes in circles non-stop...
    Let the true reason be eternal
    Transfer everything best friend to a friend.

    Let the joy grow and let
    Nothing can manifest itself
    And the continuously ticking pulse
    Happy days will not let you stop.

    When the New Year knocks on the window,
    I really want to hope for happiness,
    For the wisdom of loved ones, kindness, participation,
    That joy certainly awaits.

    Let yourself submit to the magic from a fairy tale,
    Hopes turn into reality.

    May a miracle happen in the New Year,
    And everything you dream of will come.

    We wish you good health,
    In the soul - harmony, success in business,
    And a heart inspired by love
    The kind you dreamed of.

    Let your heart sing when the chimes strike,
    Let your soul be filled with harmony,
    Let your talents bloom like a wondrous garden,
    And life will be easy and good!

    We wish you in the Year of the Dog,
    What is about to step on the threshold,
    It’s easy to solve fate problems,
    Strive higher and forward.

    May the New Year never tire of giving you joy,
    May the New Year bring you luck and success,
    May none of you grow old in the New Year
    And let the sound of cheerful ringing laughter sound in your home!

    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, adults and children,
    Lots of sun and warmth, happiness, joy, kindness,
    Optimism and success, laughter on the New Year's holiday
    And for the whole year ahead everyone - no worries!

    We want to wish you New Year's Eve
    To the brilliant heights of aspirations,
    We wish you to dare and win,
    We wish you talented solutions!

    I wish there were no dark streaks in the life of the dark ones,
    To live joyfully, cheerfully, very happily,
    So that sharp corners could be rounded,
    In a word, so that the New Year is like a little pig,
    Round, kind, worry-free pink Little Pig.

    Don’t slow down and strive for the heights,
    To be talented, daring and free like a bird,
    Give people joy and not go astray,
    Enter the New Year with optimism and happiness.

    May this snowy New Year
    Brings health and happiness
    And wonderful weather
    In any season!

    Soon the whole country will be plunged into an exciting New Year's marathon. To get you in the mood for a long and fun celebration, we have prepared quotes about the New Year. Start now to recharge yourself in a good mood.

    Short statuses and quotes about the New Year

    New Year is a fairy tale that even adults continue to believe in.

    The best new Year gifts can't be found under the tree. This is family, children, friends and the person you love.

    This is how people are designed, that on New Year’s Day we forget everything that happened and wait for what will happen.

    It doesn't matter where you celebrate the New Year. What matters is with whom.

    On New Year's Eve, be sure to believe in a miracle - and it will definitely happen.

    Best gift under the Christmas tree - the knowledge that you are this gift for someone!

    I decided to celebrate the New Year ahead of schedule - I ate Olivier and watched Home Alone. I'm in a New Year's mood now.

    The more holidays, the better.

    New Year is coming soon - the waiting mode for an incomprehensible miracle is on.

    New Year is a time of miracles, and adults sometimes need a fairy tale more than children.

    New Year is sad parting with old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones.

    May the New Year be as kind as your mother’s voice!

    New Year has a smell, it is the smell of tangerine and Christmas tree.

    And now, the New Year, full of dreams and hopes, is almost here...

    We have long grown up, matured, our souls have become somewhat coarser, and our views on life have become more cynical, but somewhere in a distant corner of our soul there is still a small hope for a miracle.

    The miracle that we all wait for on the eve of every New Year, because in every adult there is something childish left.

    And let no one put us under for a long time New Year tree gifts, but we are still waiting for miracles for the holiday.

    We believe that short statuses And beautiful aphorisms about the New Year will strengthen faith in miracles.

    Everyone likes different quotes and different holidays. But as an exception, literally everyone loves the New Year holiday. Therefore, New Year’s sayings should also please everyone.

    After all, this is the time when you can forget about years and positions, ailments and problems. Like children, we can enjoy life and the wonderful moments that our family, friends and relatives give us.

    Funny sayings and quotes about the New Year

    New Year is when tangerine peels begin to accumulate behind the computer, in addition to empty mugs.

    Headphones were invented so that a year before the New Year we would not have time to forget how to untangle the garlands.

    Nothing brightens up the table like a firecracker in Olivier!

    Don't touch me... it's for New Year's.

    I wrote a letter to Santa Claus... I gave it to my husband... I'm waiting...

    In connection with the onset of the New Year, the country is undergoing general mandarinization.

    On New Year's I saw happy people- and there were no sober people among them.

    New Year is coming soon... And I’m still ashamed of the past...

    With every tangerine you eat, you bring the New Year closer by 3 minutes and increase your immunity!

    In my opinion, this is blasphemy: to kill a Christmas tree, and then walk around the corpse and sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”!

    The New Year is almost here, so it's time to forget about old mistakes and plan new ones.

    I’m ready to eat Olivier now, if only this year would end quickly.

    Everyone asks me what I decided about the new year. I decided - let it come!

    Those who don't smoke or drink will remember the New Year.

    One miracle on New Year's Eve still happens all the time... The refrigerator becomes dimensionless for several days!

    Just as there are different quotes and sayings about the New Year, there are a great many options for spending the night from December 31 to January 1. Some people celebrate the New Year on the main square of their city, some go to the country with friends, some go abroad, and some go to a ski resort or, conversely, to the sea. You can still celebrate the holiday in clubs and restaurants. And, of course, in the bathhouse - such a tradition.

    But, whatever one may say, the majority (including among you, dear ones) will stay at home for the New Year. And not because a foreign voyage is unaffordable or it’s cold outside at night, it’s just that family celebration who you want to meet with parents, children, at your own Christmas tree, unwrapping gifts, and saying beautiful words and phrases to each other over a glass of champagne in a family circle.

    Well, TV for the holidays is sacred. Anesthesia from the surrounding reality. The TV creates a familiar picture, where you can laugh at the jokes of comedians while listening to Olivier salad, or once again feel nostalgic with Soviet films, which, by the way, were given to us by many beautiful quotes about the New Year.

    You can swear at the TV, you can despise it, you can sometimes ignore it, but during the New Year’s holiday marathon it’s hard to imagine your holidays without a home screen.

    Quotes about New Year are beautiful

    Every year ends happily - it ends with the New Year.
    Sylvia Cheese

    New Year is the birthday of every person.
    Charles Lamb

    The New Year's mood is when you are glad to see even those who have entered the wrong door.
    Mikhail Mamchich

    They say: on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish will always happen, everything will always come true.
    Sergey Mikhalkov

    On the eve of the new year, we begin to live again.
    Ilya Druzhinin

    New Year. A time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier.
    Janusz Leon Wisniewski

    The meaning of the New Year is not to gain another year, but to gain a new soul.
    Gilbert Chesterton

    On New Year's Eve, all wishes have special power.
    Michael Ende

    Each New Year in a person’s life is fragile and unique, like the pattern of a snowflake, and melts just as quickly and imperceptibly, leaving delightful moments of happiness in the memory and unhealed scars on the soul.
    Tigran Babayan

    Always be at war with your shortcomings, at peace with your neighbors, and find yourself every New Year the best person.
    Benjamin Franklin

    Admit it - you are also looking forward to the New Year! Because it doesn’t matter at all how each of us feels about this holiday: someone, almost since the summer, has been in anticipation of a cheerful commotion: Christmas trees, garlands, gifts, fireworks... Someone, on the contrary, dreams of only one thing: that all this the brilliant bustle quickly ended and a calm and measured life began again without all these queues, meaningless gifts and wishes repeated year after year... And yet, no other holiday is so capable of uniting us all in anticipation of the new, in anticipation of change. After all, no matter who you are: a hopeless romantic or an inveterate skeptic, you don’t care, even in the very depths of your soul, you so want to believe that along with the last leaf of the calendar, everything bad will go away from your life, and the New Year will certainly bring joy, prosperity, love, luck and happiness...
    Oleg Roy

    Tomorrow is the first page of a 365 page book. Write it well.
    Brad Paisley

    Every new day is a blank A5 sheet, and the first day of the New Year is a healthy piece of whatman paper.
    Yuri Tatarkin

    Celebrating the New Year is a farewell to illusions and a meeting with hope and dreams.
    Konstantin Kushner

    God grant that the New Year will not be shorter than the previous one!
    Boris Krutier

    But still, many knowledgeable people advise not to turn on the TV if you still believe that miracles happen on New Year’s Eve. Simply because sitting in front of a blue screen negates the possibility of something fabulous. TV will not help a miracle happen either before the hands approach the magic number 12 or after.

    In popular culture, the belief in the sacredness of New Year's Eve is quite widespread. Like, how you spend it, that’s how the year will be. And everyone celebrates January 1 in accordance with their ideas about the ideal 365 days. May all your plans come true in the New Year. Well, how to celebrate the New Year has long been known. Wise Quote, which, by the way, belongs to Peter I, reads: In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, and ride down the mountains on sleds. But adults should not engage in drunkenness and massacres - there are enough other days for that .

    Sarcasm about New Year

    An optimist waits until midnight to see the new year come; the pessimist waits until midnight to make sure that old year has already passed.
    William Vaughan

    Children need the New Year for a fairy tale, losers - as a starting point for new hope, and others - for fun.
    Ishkhan Gevorgyan

    Someone dreams of a new life. And for some, the New Year is enough.
    Sergey Vedenyo

    It’s a pity that the New Year comes exactly when it is most difficult to get a Christmas tree.
    Alexander Ratner

    May your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolution!
    Joey Adams

    Somewhere between the sixth strike of the chimes and the fifth of January, I somehow gained three or four kilograms, which had been disappearing millimeter by millimeter throughout the previous year.
    Irina Chashchina

    New Year's Day is a harmless holiday, particularly because it brings no benefit, and can be used as a scapegoat for disorderly drinking and friendly fighting.
    Mark Twain

    The new year is always better than the old one, but not always for you.
    Karl Schusterling

    If during the New Year celebration it comes down to the cake - the holiday was a failure!
    Mikhail Zadornov

    Time has no divisions or marks to indicate its passage; neither thunder, nor lightning, nor the roar of trumpets announces the coming of the New Year. Even when a new century begins, only we mortals ring the bells and fire the pistols.
    Thomas Mann

    Every New Year began new life, but it didn’t last long, because you have to live!
    Alexander Kulich

    The year of the name of some new beast is coming again... and I really wanted to live like a human being!
    Stas Yankovsky

    Several dozen new years make a person old.
    Emil Krotky

    Wishing “Happy New Year!” the further it goes, the more it means the triumph of hope over experience.
    Robert Orben

    New Year, New Year! New Year is everywhere! We already look at the old year as if it were dead; his property is sold cheaply, like the belongings of a drowned sailor on a ship. He is still breathing, but his fashions have already become last year’s and are sold for next to nothing. His treasures became dust in comparison with the riches of his unborn successor.
    Charles Dickens

    The anticipation of the New Year awakens the child in me... Like waking up in the morning as a child, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick..

    The shortest day of the year is January 1: you wake up, and it’s already getting dark outside... Russia is an amazing country, we even celebrate the New Year twice - on December 31 and January 13.)

    5 (100%) 1 vote

    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 everyone: Real happiness, pure love, good health and success in everything!!!

    The tangerines are in use, which means the new year is coming soon

    I want so much, like in childhood, to believe in New Year's tale, make a wish with the hope that it will come true and wait for a miracle on New Year’s Eve...

    I wish everyone not to click through their happiness with the mouse in the coming New Year. People, let's communicate in real life, it's more interesting!

    People, why are you so sad? Cool! December! Winter! Funny! New Years is soon!

    The New Year will be celebrated with a bang!!!

    The year has changed on Earth! The country is falling into the Olivier

    Nothing liquefies the brain like New Year's television.

    Promotion! Shop for the New Year in our supermarket, and you will receive a spare liver and a second stomach for free!

    If you want to feel like a star, sit on the Christmas tree!

    Santa Claus comes to normal children, and Wasserman comes to nerds.

    Dear Grandfather Frost, I can’t have sweets, so send me a box of semi-sweet!

    If you see a sober Santa Claus, then most likely it is Santa Claus

    friends, let's start preparing the liver for the new year together!

    Why is it always like this - you wait and wait for the New Year, and March 8th, as always, will come unexpectedly...

    Statuses about the New Year and love

    I want it to snow in big, big flakes and to be warm outside, but I walk hand in hand with him and understand that my New Year’s wish has come true!

    I'm not asking you to solve it. I just ask you to make a wish on the night of 31st to 1st

    I don't need gifts for the New Year! give me the days when I was happy with him...

    Sad about the New Year

    everyone says “new year, new year”!!! but what’s the point? still the current figure is higher!(((

    And only Christmas trees hate New Year.

    Every New Year, you plan to celebrate in a special way, but it turns out to be a banal booze

    If Dad’s beard hadn’t been pinched by the door, I would probably still believe in Santa Claus!

    You can celebrate the New Year or not, it will come anyway!!!

    Many people are looking forward to the new year for a fresh start with "old" habits

    Yes, break up before the new year, good gift

    Statuses about the old new year

    Old New Year….!!! It’s the same as a “clever fool”... How GREAT and POWERFUL... is our Russian language...

    It is very difficult to explain to a foreigner what the Old New Year is

    The Old New Year is not a holiday. This is a state of mind

    Let's start celebrating the new year, and end with the old one

    New Year is old, but they drink like it’s new.

    What a delight - Old New Year!

    Celebrate the Old New Year! He brings so much joy!

    So the old New Year has knocked on your door, bursting into your door from the pre-holiday hassle!

    According to the old calendar, today is the New Year, I give thanks for the past, the coming one - without worries

    We haven’t sobered up since the new year, and then the old one came along...

    And again the people are happy. Hello old New Year!

    Here's to the Old New Year, honest people!

    Make wishes for the Old New Year - they always come true!

    The New Year crept up quietly, there was confusion in my head... either old or new... as long as it wasn’t worthless

    New Year's bells 😀

    The video is old, but it's always nice to watch it :)

    The New Year is an official chance to start a new life. Only honestly. Cross out unnecessary people, stop being lazy, and do what you promised.

    I really want to walk around the city in the evening on New Year's Eve, when everything will be lit with lights, congratulations on the New Year and the smell of the approaching New Year will be in the air.

    Nothing can save you from a New Year's hangover like a glass of milk, a cool shower and sex. Did not help? Then old, grandfatherly...

    Oh, this New Year's madness! It feels like we haven’t cleaned, shopped, cooked, repaired or dressed all year... And only in December we remembered all this!

    Inevitable sequel festive table- festive chair.

    Cool statuses for the New Year: There is no sadder story in the world than the New Year and thoughts about diet...

    Never stop believing in miracles! Happy upcoming year everyone!

    Grandfather Frost, last New Year I asked you for a boyfriend. So, take this goat back and give us some markers.

    Grandfather Frost, please don’t give me more sweets... no, don’t... semi-sweet is better.

    Well, here it is New Year again. Goodbye my size 42, hello “you’ve gained some weight” and “that’s it, s tomorrow on a diet"

    Well, thank God, we had a blast... We finished the damn Olivier... Fireworks were set off at midnight... I wish I could remember... with whom and where...

    She: – What will you wear for the New Year? He: - Shrek. – Did you buy a mask? - Not yet, but who will you be? - Beautiful!!! – Did you buy a mask?

    My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.

    The frost stings my nose pleasantly. With his hand, diving under the jacket, Santa Claus pleasantly pinches the young Snow Maiden’s butt.

    We are waiting for Father Frost, Santa Claus, St. Nicholas or any other guy, most importantly with GIFTS!

    New Year! As noted, you’ll still get a hangover!

    New Year! Again, the irony of fate and vodka with Olivier.

    If you want everything to be good for you. Put chocolate under your pillow for the New Year and in the morning you will have EVERYTHING covered in chocolate.

    I wish you in the coming year: no worries, no money, love, hope and believe!!!

    I wish in next year freeze your butt to the ice!

    And I won’t watch the blue light on New Year’s Day. It has already become so blue that it is impossible to look

    It is useless to try to give Santa Claus a drink, many have already checked, he never forgets his bag...

    In a red fur coat, with a red nose, Grandfather shows off in the cold: in a hat, with a stick and a bag, and with a drunk snowman. Next to him is a rabbit in heels and a snow maiden on horns. If you meet this rabble, it means New Year is coming!!!

    Congratulations to all drinking comrades!)

    Cool statuses for the New Year: Happy upcoming everyone! And I want to buy myself a fur coat!!!

    With every “five minutes” of access to the Internet, you bring the New Year closer by at least an hour and a half.

    With whom you will celebrate the New Year, you will get drunk!

    Only here on New Year’s Day the President’s congratulations are broadcast on all channels, but they watch it only on the first one.

    This year, as always, we will not have time to move away from the New Year celebrations before the Old Year arrives. Damn, I'll have to drink again...

    That's what New Year's is like, you're drinking at night, the week goes by!

    Grandfather Frost, come out! - the children shouted, dancing near the toilet.

    Grandfather Frost, last New Year I asked you for a boyfriend. So take this goat back and give us better markers :)

    New Year's Eve good husband decorates the Christmas tree, and a very good one decorates his wife!

    New Year is perhaps the most favorite holiday of many people. This is a time of new hopes, summing up results, receiving gifts and believing in something bright. But the most important thing at this time is to create for yourself Christmas mood. And this mood should be present not only in real life, but also in virtual life. Page in social network should also radiate a cheerful New Year's mood. And here they will come to the rescue funny statuses about the new year. These can be humorous congratulations to your friends, good jokes and hard jokes, gentle and warm regards beloved.

    Only in our country, all TV channels broadcast the President’s congratulations, but people only watch on the first channel...

    No snow. This New Year we will have to sculpt a woman from asphalt...

    The best gift for the New Year is a call from your loved one who says how much he loves you!

    On New Year's Eve, everyone, even those who simply have the wrong door, becomes a welcome guest in the house!

    “Come out Santa Claus!” - the children shouted nervously, dancing near the toilet...

    The New Year is coming soon, and I’m still ashamed of the last one!

    Mobile operators are starting the New Year’s “Network Overloaded” campaign...

    IN New Year's Eve all dreams come true, even those that have no chance of coming true...

    The New Year is already rushing towards us, there will be a reason for everyone to get drunk...

    On New Year's Day, as if by magic, everyone becomes more beautiful and, most importantly, kinder!

    The New Year will come anyway, and no one can do anything about it!

    The most inexplicable magic of the New Year is the speed at which money disappears from your wallet...

    Celebrating the New Year is a luxurious dinner that smoothly turns into breakfast!

    If the New Year's Eve was a success, this does not mean that you will not ruin the whole next year!

    Every Christmas tree tries to look as bad as possible before the New Year...

    Father Frost! Be a real man and come!

    With the arrival of the New Year, the doors to everyone open to better life, but, unfortunately, not everyone is able to get into them...

    Photos will help you remember all the events of New Year's Eve...

    Whether you celebrate the New Year or not, it will still come...

    On New Year's Eve, everyone can feel like a star. To do this, just sit on the tree!

    Even New Year's snow cannot cover up the traces that you left in my soul...

    Don't expect miracles for the New Year! Amazing!

    Every New Year that comes, makes a person a year older!

    Only Christmas trees can hate New Year!

    Santa Claus has the coolest work schedule - 1/365!

    What does New Year smell like? Tangerines and pine needles!

    What is a Christmas tree? This is the tree whose corpse brings a lot of joy to the New Year!

    You may not believe in Santa Claus, but you simply must believe in gifts!

    Each one is like Santa Claus - 100 grams and a red nose!

    Grandfather Frost, if you don’t know what to give me for the New Year, then just give me a magic wand, and I’ll give myself the best gift in the world!

    If you had a good New Year's corporate party, then you will start the new year by looking for a new job!

    Only those who don’t smoke or sing will remember the New Year!

    What is the worst thing for a woman after New Year's holidays? - Step on the scales!

    Santa Claus is the only man who always comes to visit with a gift!

    A real man should decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also his woman for the New Year!

    I am Santa Claus who is looking for his Snow Maiden!

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