• The best affirmations for every day for money, love, health. Affirmation - what it is, how to use it, types


    I’m sure you know, and not only have you heard, but also use some of them in your everyday life. This is the prerogative of the aspirant!

    Our thoughts and words are endowed with a certain energy, and repeated repetition of the same thing, along with the addition of emotions, can contribute to the realization of what was said.

    And today we’ll talk about what affirmation is, how you can create it for yourself and how better way use it to activate the law of attraction.

    What is an affirmation? In your own words, this is reprogramming your subconscious to possess what you want to achieve through specific and repeated repetition and manifestation of energy!

    I myself have been using affirmations for more than 5 years and have compiled them specifically for myself in every area of ​​my life. These are health and physical perfection, personal growth and overcoming fears, love and family, relationships, money and business, as well as those that carry the divine principle.

    I declare that they work, the main thing is to do everything correctly!

    You can initially take a notebook or several sheets of paper and break it down into all areas of your life where you would like to achieve certain results and then compose statements for yourself. You can divide the sheet into 2 columns and write what you want to achieve or what is not working out in your life, or what is missing. And write a positive statement in the second column!

    So start composing with:

    Avoid using the word "not" in affirmations. It does not exist for the Universe! This way you teach yourself to focus on what you want, and not the other way around!

    For example, “I’m not afraid of change” to “I like to create new conditions and do things that initially scare me away with their novelty. Or “I don’t want to stay in my current job” to “I’m getting a job.” new job as... with a salary of...".

    Always start an affirmation in the first person, that is, with the word I or mine.

    Always speak your affirmation in the present tense, not in the future. For example, “this summer I’m going on vacation to...” change to “This summer I’m going on vacation to...”

    Use them in a positive way. For example, “I want to avoid conflict with my boss” to “I get along well and negotiate with my boss.”

    Include words in your affirmations that give a certain energy to the expression. For example, “I am happy to negotiate” or “I am happy...” or “I am pleased...” I am calm...” I am delighted...”, etc.

    Know what you want specifically, if you are flying on vacation, where and with whom. Or perhaps you want your salary to be increased? Then name the amount, within reach, of course! Or name the amount within which you want to make repairs. To do this, you need to initially calculate it, etc.

    And finally, the most important thing is the technique of using affirmations:

    The most best time for perception it is morning and evening. Ideally, affirmations should be spoken 3 times a day.

    Be sure to include emotions, as if you have already achieved it. It is very important!

    If possible, repeat out loud and do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

    As an option, you can record your affirmations to music on audio for 15 minutes and listen with headphones in a relaxed state. You will kill 2 birds with one stone!

    Repeat clearly and measuredly 3 times, imagining the image of the final result or the owner NOW of the qualities that you need.

    Also, to be more mindful, try to replace random thoughts with repetition. For example, while driving, in traffic jams or on the subway or in a queue, etc.

    Print out the basic affirmations and stick them on your desk.

    In general, the main thing here is practice!

    What is affirmation Most people know, but not many have the skills to use it correctly and productively. Be careful with yourself! As Jin Ron said: “Affirmations without discipline are the beginning of delusion.”

    At the end there is a short educational video!)

    From today we would like to introduce you to such a technique as affirmations, the principle of their work and the opportunities that they open up for people who use them correctly. It’s no secret to anyone that our thoughts are the main driving force of our lives, so it’s time to get acquainted with one of the most simple techniques use of this powerful force.

    Affirmations - definition, essence and principle of operation

    Affirmations are verbal statements whose purpose is to replace negative thoughts to positive ones. You will say: why deceive yourself and convince yourself every morning that I have a million dollars, when this million actually does not exist and is not expected? If you think so, it means that the principle of action of affirmations is still unclear to you.

    A correctly composed affirmation over time can replace the negative attitudes of your subconscious with positive ones, and, as you know, we attract into our lives what we are filled with from within. Therefore, now I will give you the rules for drawing up affirmations, and also tell you exactly how to use them.

    So, the affirmation:

    • Stated in a positive way
    • Generates positive emotions
    • It sounds concise and very clear (no ambiguity!)
    • It sounds like a statement of a fact that is happening here and now (not “I will become healthy,” but “I am healthy and full of strength,” for example)
    • Does not contain negation
    • Suitable for your character and your specific life situation.

    To use affirmations, you don't have to say them out loud—you can say them to yourself, write them down on a piece of paper several times, or even chant them during your morning shower. Call on technology to help and place your affirmations instead of the standard browser home page, recite them like poetry, or choose another method that suits you - it's all in your hands!

    An affirmation may not work not only if it is composed incorrectly, but also if, when using it, you unknowingly prevent its positive action. First of all, these are any doubts, up to the opposition of your mind to those emotions that arise when you say “I am beautiful and desirable” or “I love and value myself.” You will likely encounter this effect when you first start using affirmations - and for them to work, this opposition must be eliminated.

    Perhaps, in order to avoid an emotional conflict, you just need to read affirmations from a piece of paper, while thinking about what to cook for lunch, when it is better to pay the rent or load the laundry? No, no and no: we repeat again, the power of affirmations lies in their emotional component, so you must pronounce them with full faith in the wording.

    What affirmations can do

    When we are asked what can be achieved using such a simple technique, we always remember Louise Hay, who was able not only to overcome the negative attitude of other people towards herself with the help of affirmations, but also used these formulations to defeat the disease. Positive experience, supported by books translated into many languages ​​and hundreds of thousands of grateful followers - isn’t this a reason to believe in the power of affirmations and use them to make own life better?

    What areas of life are affirmations applicable to? Yes to everyone. Health and beauty, relationships with people around you, solving financial issues, improving your quality of life... if you spend some time making the right statements and using them day after day, you will surely see the result! Don’t forget that once you reach one level, it’s best to update your list of affirmations to reach new heights, and also that your words must be supported by deeds!

    My close friend Marina took part in poetry reading competitions from early childhood. She was told that she had always been able to read expressively. While studying at school, she began to write her own poems, which reflected her teenage insecurities, the difficult divorce of her parents at the age of 12, and her lack of understanding of why we come into this world in the first place.

    Rereading her poems, Marina sank more and more into a depressive state that seemed to never end. However, as she grew older, she began to understand that this could no longer continue and that she needed to change her perception of life. Marina read books on self-development, trying to find answers to questions, tried different techniques.

    One of the most popular ways to program the subconscious level was the method of working with affirmations. She liked to compose her own positive messages for changing the subconscious in poetic form. At first she doubted whether affirmations worked?

    However, Marina gradually began to notice that she was striving to find something positive, useful in any situation, no matter how difficult it was, to perceive every person on her path as a teacher. She no longer had any doubts about the power of affirmations.

    The implementation of the techniques and the intention to change allowed her to adapt to a completely different perception of the world and opened up new opportunities for limitless self-knowledge.

    What are affirmations and how do they work? Thoughts that repeatedly pass through a person’s conscious level over time become firmly entrenched in the subconscious layer. T

    How beliefs of a negative or positive nature are formed. In many cases, people do not realize why they have certain reactions to certain events, where fears and attitudes come from.

    Learn to track your mental flow and redirect it to the right direction, methods of working with the subconscious help to identify limitations, including reading affirmations - a powerful tool for laying the necessary beliefs and programming reality.

    Many of those who come across the concept of affirmation wonder what it is and what the principle of action is. Let's figure it out.

    Affirmation is a laconic statement of a positive nature, aimed at forming the necessary programs in the subconscious layer. Regular, conscious repetition of positive phrases, supported by the right emotions and state, can work wonders.

    A person who has not been able to correctly orient his consciousness is sure that life is complex and full of problems.

    It's all about a number of beliefs that are firmly entrenched in the subconscious. The mind is plastic enough to logical level find new confirmation of already formed attitudes. If you constantly see only difficulties, are in anticipation of disappointments, are deeply convinced that the world is cruel, then for you it will be so.

    A positively oriented consciousness allows a person to find joy, satisfaction, and comfort in life. Difficult situations are seen as a need to make a responsible decision, an opportunity to learn something useful and new.

    Reorientation of the conscious level is possible through targeted tracking of the mental flow, identifying blocking attitudes, and replacing them with strong affirmations.

    John Kehoe, a famous researcher of the secrets of the subconscious, an entrepreneur, considers a positive statement to be the simplest mental technique that makes it possible to consciously influence the brain. We can say that affirmation is the magic of words. For centuries, sayings have been used in religion and rituals in the form of prayers and mantras.

    The method of affirmations is used in the psychology of self-improvement. The subconscious puts into practice everything that is said impartially. For this reason, it is important to include programs for success, abundance, and good luck.

    Research shows that signals from the cerebral cortex caused by a spoken statement are capable of rearranging the tissue of internal organs.

    According to Wikipedia, an affirmation is a short phrase that contains a verbal formula. If you repeat it many times, then the desired attitude is fixed in the subconscious, improves the psycho-emotional background of a person, and promotes positive changes in life. Wikipedia gives a definition of what affirmation is from a psychological point of view.

    Advantages and Limitations

    There is an opinion that reading positive statements is effective for auditory learners - people who are more receptive to sounds. However, there are mostly mixed types perception, so the method of positive statements may well suit you.

    Benefits of working with assertions:

    1. The technique helps to identify deep internal blocks and limitations and replace them with life-affirming attitudes.
    2. Improves emotional condition human, processes of transformation of worldview and surrounding reality are launched.
    3. Repeating statements is also a practice of concentration, helping to stop the endless internal dialogue that eats up a huge amount of vital energy.

    There are rules that are important to follow in order to experience for yourself how effectively affirmations work. These include:

    1. You need to determine to what extent your desire is true and reflects your needs during this period of life. Try to identify what is most important to you at this time.
    2. Desire should not contradict the universal laws of existence.
    3. If you formulate your own statements, then you need to remember that the most effective will be short and simple affirmations aimed at a specific goal, which can be easily pronounced and repeated.
    4. For the subconscious there is no past or future, so it is important to make a statement in the present tense.
    5. The statement should be positive, without the particle “not”, and contain words that evoke bright and positive emotions.
    6. It is important to try to enter the state of having what you want, to feel the emotions that accompany being in the situation you need.

    Mistakes when working with affirmations according to Wikipedia:

    • presence of doubts, negative thoughts;
    • mechanical reading of statements, not supported by emotions;
    • confronting the sensations that arise during the process of performing the technique.

    John Kehoe emphasizes in his books that you don't have to believe what you claim. He states that in case of disbelief, stopping the practice of working with affirmations is a mistake.

    If you believe what you claim, well, great! If you don't believe it, there's nothing wrong with it. Don't think about it, just repeat the affirmation.

    Gradually, persistent practice can break through the wall of mistrust. The question is: how much time resources will need to be spent?

    Affirmations are read out loud, silently, and even sung. Some practitioners prefer to listen to a tape with statements written on it.


    You can find numerous examples of affirmations and choose ones that suit your needs.

    Affirmations in verse:

    1. "I transform everything and everyone

    to luck, money and success."

    1. "We live alone in the sun

    Ready to share joy with him,

    Everything here is given to us for happiness!

    Now it’s coming to me!”

    1. "I day after day

    Lucky in everything!”

    List of affirmations in prose form:

    • “I make my career easy.”
    • "My heart is open to love."
    • “My income is constantly growing.”
    • “People love me and I love people.”
    • “Life supports me in every situation.”

    It is believed that the best affirmations are those formulated independently. With concentration, you can create affirmations that perfectly match your aspirations.

    Maybe you have a poetic talent? Then you will be able to come up with affirmations by rhyming words into poetry.

    If you are interested in what affirmation is, then do not hesitate to start practicing. You can think and doubt for a long time. It is possible to find out whether affirmations help through your own experience. Make up your own unique statements that can change your thinking and make sure of the power of the subconscious.

    These are positive short sentences intended to programming your subconscious to achieve better results in life.

    Many people do not use affirmations to help their subconscious mind achieve more quick results. Because they don’t realize their meaning and don’t know that before achieving a result in reality, you must first create a picture desired result in your imagination!

    Affirmations work, only if you believe in them and regularly use them as a daily ritual.

    If you start believe in affirmations, then at the moment of their pronunciation your mood rises, you enjoy it and over time you really begin to believe in them, in their positive impact on results in life and on the motivation to act!

    Why do affirmations motivate action?

    Every positively spoken sentence is a signal to your brain that you believe in your success, and this in turn creates a positive energy impulse that creates a desire to use it. How more energy accumulates in your consciousness, so stronger desire act. Energy must be used; if you create energy, and then do not give it an outlet, it will not be preserved and will burn out along with the desire to act!

    A list of 11 affirmations to set yourself up for action!

    1. The more I act, the better I get!

    2. I'm an instant person!

    3. Now is the best moment for me to act!

    5. Actions will lead me to success!

    6. I am the best practitioner in everything!

    7. As soon as I learn something, I immediately look for a way to apply it!

    8. The more I act, the more I want!

    9. My actions create joy, happiness and motivation!

    10. Every effort I make is rewarded many times over!

    11. Every action I take leads me to happiness and wealth!

    Set your subconscious mind up for success using affirmations!

    Many people start use affirmations with the hope of getting instant results. And when this does not happen, then instead of the expected result, disappointment comes to the person and he quits this activity. But he wouldn’t give up if he knew that affirmations need to be given some time to take root in your subconscious so that they become your native belief. To do this, you need to give your brain time and not rush. After all, thinking was not formed in a week or a month. And it will take quite a lot of time to reprogram it.

    Set up your subconscious for success, you can by changing your way of thinking. If you are used to constantly thinking in the same way, then you get the same results in life. As soon as changes occur in your beliefs, it immediately changes your behavior, perception, attitude towards everything that happens and, therefore, you begin to get different results.

    And to change your way of thinking, you need to make an effort every day. Like a ship moored to a pier, your conviction firmly holds you back from acting with a rope, and in order to break these ropes and set sail, you must daily grind old limiting connections and create new ones that will lead to success.

    Here's an example:

    Limiting Belief: Money is hard to earn.

    Liberating Belief: Making money is easy.

    A limiting belief is initially stronger than a liberating belief for 3 reasons:

    • Affirmation: Making money is difficult has become habitual and is constantly used by your subconscious
    • This belief is constantly confirmed by action, and this makes it stronger, because the belief corresponds to the action.
    • You have accumulated enough evidence that it is really difficult to earn money.

    But how to free yourself and break these 3 ropes. Many people only manage to break the first rope because it is the thinnest, but the other two ropes are much thicker because they require much more effort.

    People inspire themselves with affirmations, but forget that along with this they also need to act. And I don’t act and what happens? They break the first rope, but either don’t know about the other two or cannot break and conclude that affirmations don't work.

    To break the second rope, you need to start taking action, and even then, there is no guarantee that affirmation and action will help change the results and consolidate them. Because as soon as you stop acting and saying affirmations, the ropes will grow together again.

    To break the third rope, you need to collect a lot of confirmations of your belief that money is really easy to earn and prove this to yourself with actions, and then collect several confirmations when money was really easy to earn. And after you broke the old ropes, new ones automatically began to appear. And now it is necessary to strengthen them and maintain the conviction that this is really so.

    Many people manage to break the first two ropes and it would seem that victory is already close, but due to lack of patience they give up acting and as a result all their efforts go down the drain. In addition, because of their failure, an additional belief is added that their efforts turned out to be a waste of time and therefore there is no point in straining anymore, nothing will work out anyway. And this is another rope from the ship to the pier!!!

    Compose the right affirmations for yourself, to do this, use the rules for compiling them!

    As elsewhere, there are rules when composing affirmations; by following them, you can significantly simplify the task for your subconscious to perceive and use them. If you write an affirmation incorrectly, it will most likely turn into just re-reading a sentence, which will hardly work and will not have any positive impact!

    And here are 3 simple rules:

    1. It is very important that the affirmation is not too long. Most right size hers is 5 – 10 words. It is easier for our subconscious to remember a short sentence than a long one to reproduce it unconsciously! If you take a long sentence with a complex meaning, then before the subconscious mind reproduces it, it will have to think about it, and if the sentence is short, the subconscious mind will use it as a one-word belief!
    2. Affirmation - statement should be easy to read and quickly remembered. The easier it is for your subconscious to accept this signal, the easier it is to reproduce it.
    3. Affirmations must be specific and targeted. The more accurate the signal sent by your subconscious to the universe, the better tuned you are to the wave you need and the faster you will receive all the necessary resources.

    How to use affirmations correctly?

    You can make it up for yourself 100 affirmations, and then start investing a huge amount of time in re-reading them. And this is not effective in terms of saving and properly investing your time. It’s better to make 100 affirmations, and then choose 10 of the best affirmations from the entire list and re-read them 5 times in a row, than to take 50 affirmations and spend 10 times more time reading them, and get either the same effect or nothing at all. And don’t forget the purpose of affirmations. They should help you act, but in themselves they are not an action, and therefore simply saying them, even 100 times a day, will not make sense, because they only work if you act together with self-hypnosis.

    Many people consider affirmations to be a magic wand that will do everything for them. People use affirmations consistently and they think they work so easily on their own. But affirmations only work if you confirm what you say with action. If you try to convince yourself of something for a long time, but do nothing, then at first doubts will appear that affirmations work, and then you will stop believing in them altogether.

    Because any technique becomes boring over time and becomes so hackneyed that you no longer feel the positive effect from it. The freshness of an affirmation can be preserved for a long time if you take action. And if you just read affirmations every day, then they become a tired, sad, familiar record. YOU put this record on and sadly turn it on, because you’re used to it and you understand that you can’t do it any other way. You might not do this, but you understand – it’s a habit!

    Affirmations are used by 1 - 3% of all people on earth, of this number, for 20% of people, affirmations work because they work, and for 80% of the rest they do not work, because they are inactive and continue to believe in the magical power of affirmations.

    I remind you once again purpose of affirmation tune your subconscious to the wave of success in order to form a new belief, and then begin to act and strengthen this belief with accumulated confirmations. Affirmation creates energy for action and forces the subconscious to work at the right purity to notice those signals from the universe that our brain has not seen before, but all this is meaningless if you do not act.

    Therefore, use affirmations not only to create energy for action, but also to affirmation to believe in yourself, and then act and success will come!

    Affirmations are popular modern technique positive changes in your life, based on both ancient knowledge and the latest psychological research.

    Affirmations have helped millions of people around the world achieve what they want, change themselves and the world to quickly achieve your desired goals.

    How do affirmations work?

    Affirmations work on the principle of replacement. The mind can only hold one single thought at a time, so the essence of affirmations is to fill and hold thoughts in your mind that reinforce your desire.

    Imagine a glass of cloudy water.
    You take this glass and place it under the tap, turn on the water and start pouring clean water into it. Muddy water begins to overflow over the edges, and clean water flows into the glass. Over time, all cloudy water will be replaced with clean water.

    The same thing happens in the human head. Now the brain (glass) is filled to the brim with thoughts and beliefs. When you work through a new affirmation, it replaces the old one. But the replacement does not happen immediately, but over time. The stronger the affirmation that you want to replace, the more time and effort you will have to spend to make the replacement.

    The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself with mentally positive thoughts that help achieve the desired result.

    Affirmations have nothing to do with the state of current affairs. They are based on how you would like your affairs to be. Emmerson said: “We become what we think about all day long.”
    Using affirmations every day is the easiest way to change your desired situation for the better.

    50-60 thousand rush through our brain. thoughts daily. Why do only 1-5% have an impact on us, while the rest simply disappear into the flow? Because these 1-5% make us emotional!

    Now let's look at how to compose affirmations.

    Rules for drawing up affirmations

    1. Affirmations should always be about what you want, not what you don’t want.
    Affirmations need to be about gaining something, not about getting rid of something. Affirmations need to be about achieving something, not avoiding something.
    You should always say affirmatively. As if you have already achieved everything, as if you are already the best and can already move mountains on the path to success!
    You get what you focus on!

    Wrong affirmations:

    • I don't want to sleep so much
    • I don't want to earn so little
    • I don't want to travel that far to work

    Correct affirmations:

    • I sleep X hours a day, sleep well and feel great (X - replace with the desired number)
    • I earn xxx.00 per month (x - replace with the necessary numbers)
    • I have xx km to my work (xx - replace with the necessary numbers)

    Did you get the point?

    Affirmations should be in an affirmative form, and in no case in a negative form. The use of the particle “not” is prohibited. If you want to achieve success in a certain matter, the affirmation may sound like this: “I was successful in...” and in no case “I did not lose...” or “I did not fail.” Negative affirmations on a subconscious level act completely opposite than we think. They are destroying you. Since you say lost, it means defeat is perceived. To put it simply, the “not” part is ignored by the subconscious. If you want to get positive results, you need to create positive images. Negative images lead to negative results.

    Avoid using phrases such as:

    • Never
    • Stopped
    • Got rid of it
    • And etc.

    2. Affirmations are best formulated in the present tense. (when you repeat affirmations, you should feel that what you are affirming has already happened).

    The brain does not understand the past and future. When you say, “I will have a house on the ocean,” your brain understands that “I don’t have a house on the ocean.” When you say “I will,” you are indirectly saying that you don’t have it now. Your subconscious does not understand words such as “I will”, “soon”, “tomorrow”. It only understands what is happening to it right now. Depending on how you accept a certain idea now depends on how quickly it is implemented. When you tell your subconscious that you already have it, it immediately begins to realize it. When you talk about the future, the subconscious does not know when to start implementation and whether to start at all.

    Wrong affirmations:

    • January 10, 2012 I will buy new house(although that may be the goal!)
    • Next week I will have great hairstyle
    • I'll have a wonderful day tomorrow
    • Starting Monday I will completely stop drinking alcohol.

    Correct affirmations:

    • I bought a new house
    • I have great hair
    • I'm having a wonderful productive day
    • I am always and in all situations 100% sober

    3. Affirmations must be specific, because only specific wording can evoke strong emotions. The whole point is that affirmations evoke emotions, and the stronger the emotions they evoke, the better these affirmations will work for you. And what emotions can vague, general formulations create?

    Compare, for example, the following two statements:

    • "We bought a new one beautiful house" And
    • “We bought a new three-story white brick house the size of a football field, and this house is on the seashore.”

    Do you feel the difference in emotions? It is precisely thanks to this difference that your wish will come true.

    Do you want to buy a car? Compare these two formulations:

    • “I have a new beautiful Lexus” and
    • “I have a new snow white Lexus GS 460 with an automatic transmission.”

    Do you feel the difference? You should have noticed that in the first formulations the emotions are weak, and in the second they are strong. All this is thanks to the pictures that your imagination draws in the first and second cases.

    4. Affirmations should be written using words that indicate emotions.

    We have already talked earlier about how effective affirmations differ from ineffective ones, and we came to the conclusion that effective affirmations evoke strong emotions. It is precisely in order to make our affirmations even stronger that we will add emotional words to the affirmations. When composing affirmations, we need to make sure that they evoke joy, inspiration and enthusiasm in us. Any words that evoke strong emotions in you will also have a strong effect on your subconscious. The rule is simple: The stronger the emotions, the faster your belief will change.

    Find words that create a movement of thoughts in your head, that catch you and evoke emotions, in general, very vivid words.
    Here Nice words:
    - stunning
    - fabulous
    - amazing
    - comfortable
    - with great joy
    - simply and easily
    - with pleasure
    - with admiration
    - and etc.

    I will say that affirmations that reinforce your most important life values ​​have enormous power. Think about your values.

    Examples of emotional words in affirmations:

    • I easy and with great pleasure building my own business
    • Every day for 30 min. I With great joy visualizing my future
    • I with awe and admiration I relate to my wife (husband)
    • I with pleasure I do exercises every morning
    • I I love it very much think about promoting your own business

    5. Affirmations should concern only you and the state of your affairs.

    You can only make affirmations about yourself and your affairs.

    Affirmations that are aimed at making someone else do better will not work. We cannot do affirmations instead of someone else.

    If you want to help someone change, think about what change in you will help that person, and direct your affirmations towards these changes in yourself.
    Remember, you cannot force someone to do something with affirmations.

    The following affirmations will lead to nothing. You're just wasting your time:

    • People love and respect me
    • My boss thinks I'm the best employee
    • My boyfriend/girlfriend loves me more than anyone in the world
    • My mom is getting better

    No matter how good affirmations are that apply to other people, I do not recommend using them. You cannot significantly influence other people with your thoughts. Therefore, it is better not to waste effort and energy on compiling them.

    Using affirmations from a book is great, but the most effective ones are those that are written specifically for you.
    Even if you see really good affirmations in a book, you should change them so that they become yours.

    In principle, affirmations created for other people can be useful to any person to one degree or another, but individual affirmations created specifically for you and specifically to overcome your specific situation are significantly more effective and have colossal results.

    Let's summarize...

    So, in order for the affirmation to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. The statement must be formulated as a fact, and in the present tense. For example, instead of"I will soon be successful", should be pronounced "I successful man "
    2. Use only positive words, avoid negative statements.
    3. The affirmation should be completely opposite in meaning to the negative program that you want to get rid of; Affirmation should give rise to positive emotions and joy.
    4. The affirmation should be brief and at the same time bright and figurative. Avoid two-syllable words and vague concepts. One or two sentences made up of words that you understand and enjoy, for example, “I am talented” or “My income is constantly growing.” Short positive statements will sink into your subconscious faster and gain strength faster.
    5. Be specific. To do this, ask yourself what you want to become in order to feel happiness and love. The secret to how affirmations work is to make repeating them simple and convenient. Imagine that your statement consists of more than 10 words. How many times can you repeat it? The optimal number of words in an affirmation is 3-4 words. For example, “I am a successful person.” Only you must clearly know what a successful person means to you. These repeated affirmations can have a significant impact on your life in a very short period of time.
    6. You need to choose an affirmation that suits you personally. It’s even better to formulate it for yourself. Make positive statements in the first person using the pronouns I, me, me, etc. If the statement is constructed from general phrases ("This world is beautiful and it gives people everything they want."), it is unlikely to lead to a solution to your problem. You can repeat affirmations only for your own benefit, do not interfere in the lives and plans of other people, this can lead to the opposite effect.
    7. Believe in what you say. To strengthen your faith, you need to record any of your victories.
    8. At the end of the affirmations, you can add “I get much more than I expect.”
    9. The statement should have the direction: “I accept myself as I am,” (here there is an indication of the attitude in the subconscious: to be like this).
    10. Affirmations should not contain negatives because they are saying what you want, not what you don't want. Psychologists have found that our subconscious does not perceive the particle “not”. For example, when a person says "I'm not sick", on a subtle level this phrase reads like "I'm ill" - involuntary self-coding for illness occurs

    Common mistakes when using affirmations

    Often people make very gross mistakes in the construction of affirmations and therefore do not receive any effect from them.

    Here are a few such blunders:

    1. Constructing an affirmation using the word “can.”
    For example, “I can be a successful person.” Your subconscious already knows that you can, so it won’t even start doing anything. And then, with such an affirmation, you don’t even take responsibility.

    2. You do not work with affirmation regularly.
    If you practice affirmations every day, but repeat different affirmations each time, the effect is greatly weakened. The following analogy can be given: if on a sunny day you take a magnifying glass and point it at one place, thereby concentrating the rays of the sun in one place, you can easily light a fire, but if you take the same magnifying glass and constantly move it, concentrating on different points , you won't be able to do this. This happens because energy is dissipated.

    3. Affirmations are framed in the future tense.
    If you claim that you will have something, this “will” is perceived by the subconscious as the fact that you do not now have what you claim. And thus, you will always “be” in the future and never find in the present.

    4. Doubts and negative thoughts
    And the biggest mistake people make when working with affirmations is that they lack patience. When you are just starting to work with affirmations, you need to break through the concrete wall of your current beliefs. It can take a month of hard work, and people try it for a couple of days and say, “They don’t work.” Of course, they don’t work if you have already taken root such powerful beliefs as, for example, “I can’t see success like my ears,” “All these books are written just to make money. No one is interested in you, and no one will teach you anything,” “I don’t believe in the subconscious, only my logic is real.” What would happen if a person with such beliefs began to use the affirmation “I am a successful person”? This affirmation may go against his entire belief system.
    That’s why it takes time for affirmations to start working. Exactly how long it will take depends on how much you believe in your current affirmation.

    The following errors are also often present:.

    1. Mechanical, without involvement emotional sphere, reading the affirmation.
    2. Confront the feelings that arise during the process of repeating the affirmation.
    3. Affirmations are often confused with visualizations, creating videos of desired images using overlaid (or spoken) text. It is important to understand the difference in application between visualizations and affirmations and, if possible, combine them.

    Examples of affirmations you can use (although I highly recommend creating your own affirmations according to the rules I described above):

    1. Every day my self-confidence grows
    2. I am a genius and in everything and always I apply my wisdom
    3. Now I have more money than before
    4. I need all my wishes to come true
    5. Every day my business is thriving
    6. I am surrounded only by positive, cheerful and successful people
    7. The Universe always leads me to my dreams in the most harmonious way
    8. Everywhere and in everything I achieve success
    9. Every day, everywhere and in everything, things are getting better
    10. Every day I get better and better
    11. Every day my income grows, regardless of whether I work or relax
    12. The Universe guides me through life in the best and most harmonious way
    13. I deserve great happiness, great family relationships and wealth.
    14. I live an amazing life and attract only the best to it.
    15. Amazing ideas always come to me on time
    16. I start every day with love and gratitude.
    17. I attract successful people who help me build my business

    How to use affirmations

    Perhaps affirmations are the simplest and most powerful way to influence the subconscious mind. You can work through affirmations anywhere, anytime. Simply choose an affirmation that expresses your desires and repeat it several times.

    And it doesn’t matter where you are now and where you are trying to get to. It is important to correctly compose affirmations and work with them, and you will notice the effect very quickly.

    For example, you can set an affirmation in your browser as a home page, which will open before your eyes every time you launch it, then the affirmation will work automatically.

    1. To enhance the impact of affirmations, you need to read them with maximum expression, getting used to them.

    2. There are several ways to enhance the effectiveness of affirmations: the special environment in which they are pronounced, the strength of the voice, gestures and other techniques.

    3. It is believed that it is better to say affirmations aimed at changing yourself in front of a mirror, looking deeply into your own eyes or examining your face.

    4. It is recommended not only to pronounce convincing statements about forgiveness of others and yourself, but also to write them on paper or on a computer.

    5. If you want to surround yourself with posters of positive affirmations, it is best to place them according to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. It is better to call for blessings and abundance in the southeast, and to write about creative ideas and family planning in the west. Affirmations on the topic of love, family and marriage, written by a woman, are placed in the northwest, and those written by a man, in the southwest. Posters to increase your self-esteem are best placed in the south, in the glory zone

    Practicing 10 minutes every day can, over time, overcome unwanted patterns that have been acquired over the years.

    Come up with as many affirmations as possible and repeat them as often as possible, and the result will not keep you waiting!
    If you are afraid of forgetting to repeat affirmations to yourself, write them down on paper. Better yet, make an audio recording and record it in the player. Then you won't need to re-read them every time. Just listen to them in the player and that’s it.)))

    If you don’t use a player, always carry a note with your affirmations and give yourself a reminder (for example, every time you finish talking on the phone, take out a piece of paper and re-read the note. Or every time you eat... There can be many options)

    At first, you will be overcome by doubts, since what you say will not correspond to reality. However, regular repetition at the first stage will mechanically implant in the subconscious the mindset for success and health. You may also feel internal resistance - the repressed negative programs of consciousness accumulated over the years will worsen.
    As the resistance of consciousness when reading affirmations falls, the volume of their pronunciation can be reduced, and at the moment when the spoken words and thoughts merge, there will be a transition to pronouncing positive statements with an inner voice. At the same time, a feeling is born that positive thoughts seem to settle inside the head.
    Remember - affirmations are a very powerful technique for increasing self-esteem, and you should not neglect it.

    PS. Listen carefully to your speech. What lines do you say most often, what do you call yourself, how do you speak about your life? If a person says, for example: “My life is a complete nightmare!”, “What a fool I am!” or “Everything I do is in vain!” - this whole program is recorded in the subconscious and produces a complete set of losers. Our subconscious embodies what is said impartially and flawlessly. So isn't it better to put formulas of luck and success into it?

    The basic affirmation goes like this:« Every day I feel better and better in every way.” , its author is Emile Coue.

    For yourself, try to find affirmations that, when repeated once, already evoke very positive feelings. For example, affirmations for every day:

    • My world takes care of me
    • Every day my life gets better and better
    • Every day more and more money comes to me
    • Every day my business is getting better and better in every way.
    • Every day I feel better and better
    • Every day I become a better person

    Affirmations “clean” our thinking, prepare us for amazing changes in the near future and attract them into our destiny as soon as we are ready for it. It is worth changing your thinking and your life will respond to these changes in appropriate ways. Get started new life with affirmations right now!
    Based on materials from www.ysnex.ru/affirmation.php

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