• Layout of the road according to traffic regulations in a box. Game layout according to traffic rules


    I'll start from afar, with background. Why did I decide to make a model of “The Road” for Stasik?
    For quite a long time, my son, like many boys, has been fascinated by cars (this passion especially intensified when Mark appeared, and Stas was asked to sit quietly so that his brother could sleep). But he rolled them exclusively on the sofa, not on the floor. Our sofa is 8 meters long and often we have nowhere to sit, because everything is filled with cars. (We have a 2-room apartment, so all our games and toys are in the living room).
    Stasik loves to build trains out of these cars; both the biggest and the smallest cars participate.

    About two months ago, my husband and I noticed that the fabric with which the sofa was upholstered was slightly folded in one place and while driving a typewriter, Stas slowed down and, as if driving over a speed bump, then the driving speed increased. That is, he liked to drive over such a “bump”, sometimes he even created it himself, crumpling the fabric))).
    Many times we asked him to play on the floor, but to no avail. I don’t feel sorry, but sometimes it was just not convenient. Still, I also want to sit on the sofa, and Stas was very indignant at this, because... we created unnecessary obstacles on “HIS road.” And laughter and sin)))
    One fine moment the idea came to create such a path for him, a playground (to free up the sofa)))). Since he likes it so much. I found the embodiment of similar ideas on the Internet. All that's left to do is get everything ready and get started. As a result, I got ready for work after 2 months. It took 2 weeks (naturally, because everything was done at a snail’s pace, but there were good reasons for this - my children)))).
    And this is what happened. Through our joint efforts, my husband and I created this layout.

    Next I will describe step by step what we did and why, in case you decide to do it too and it will come in handy for you))) I photographed almost everything step by step. According to the plan, such a layout was created for small cars (well, of course...)))
    My sister kindly gave us an old board game box. It is flat and large, with low sides. Just what you need. I settled on connecting both the lid and the base of the box together so that the road would be larger. I didn’t measure it, but it was approximately 1 m 80 cm long... and about 70 cm wide...
    The main part of the box had another side divider in the middle. I also decided to partially involve him in the work and made slots - passages.
    Then I collected boxes of different sizes for the buildings.

    On one part of the box there was glossy drawing, later the paint wouldn’t take it, I covered it in places with paper and masking tape.

    Dad was given the task of building a two-level garage (Stas also has a special love for this, all cars must drive into the garage.). both floors of the garage have ramps and exits different sides. It is quite large, so it “settled” in the corner of the layout.
    I covered the boxes with paper. I made signatures for them (after all, we are doing Doman))) The buildings were made based on what kind of cars Stas had - fire, ambulance, police, emergency service, etc.. well, and the school, kindergarten, store and apartment building home is so, for fullness.
    My husband, however, criticized me for the way I drew the windows...: Where have you seen those?... Me: I don’t know, I always draw windows like that)))
    Initially, I wanted to paint all the buildings, but I didn’t really like the effect... so I only did 2 of them - the police station and the store.

    I marked on the box where these buildings would later stand.
    To be honest, all this time I wasn’t much worried that we would do it and my son wouldn’t play there, but he later reassured me that he wanted to play this game when it was still like this)))

    When all preparatory work ended, I “put” all the buildings in place with double-sided tape.

    Started painting. I decided to start with greens, with grass. I painted everything with gouache in two layers. The grass has 2 layers + a third stroke - imitation of grass.

    I also remembered that there must definitely be bumps - speed bumps. I took a sleeve from cling film, it is long and strong. My husband cut it lengthwise and I glued it with double-sided tape along the entire road, as many as 4 “lying” ones.

    The railroad went in a circle for me. We have a small train. Colored her backing

    And the rails. I started painting the road.

    When everything was dry, dad made the markings using a tape corrector, very convenient. And I believe that if he had done this with white paint on black, it would probably have turned gray and it would not have been so even.

    And another feature for Stasik was the barrier that regulates traffic on the main road to the garage from the railway. It was so funny, I told both grandpa and dad that we need a barrier, come up with it and make it for us from whatever you want, and so that it opens and closes. I can only offer the popsicle sticks that my sister collected. As a result, my husband made it from small boards and blocks, this is the base. I made a hole in one, connected it to an ice cream stick with a toothpick, voila. Everything opens and closes and is quite strong, it is unlikely to break.

    Waking up one day after nap, Stas was delighted. With the markings, the road looked completely different, just like the real one. And he already started playing.

    All I had to do was add details: road signs and finish painting the fence.
    The road signs turned out to be the size of a 10-ruble coin. I printed them out on a printer and attached them with tape and a toothpick and laminated them well. These are the crumbs we got:

    We inserted them into the layout itself like this: we pierced the road with a thick needle, inserted the finished sign there, and dropped a little super glue. And everything is secure. At the bottom of the box, these places were taped with tape so that they would not stick.

    Ready! Please don't judge strictly.
    I will explain that this layout was made exclusively as a game one and only in some places it can also be used as an educational one. The markings on the road are arbitrary; in many places the traffic lane is thinner than a car.. Not all rules are followed..
    There are not as many road signs as there should be in reality. All because I didn’t want to block the road with signs; it would simply not be convenient for Stasik to play. They are more like that...for the surroundings))) but they practically correspond to their location, as needed..
    We'll learn the signs later, in a different form, but for now we'll play!
    Stas appreciated our work. He especially likes to roll cars down slopes from the garage, drive over bumps and through barriers. Sometimes, however, he doesn’t really drive on the roads, on the grass, he just plays as he wants, he’s still little... he doesn’t care about all these rules)))
    And now a photo of the result from different angles, close, far, from above, from the side and with Stas playing)))

    I will be glad if you like it.
    My husband and I are happy because our son is happy.
    Budget-friendly (0 rubles spent, everything was at home), original, handmade, in which our soul and our creativity are invested.

    Crafts on the theme of rules traffic- visual material that allows children to remember how to behave on the road. Make them together with the guys.

    Crafts traffic rules: 3 options to choose from

    To make a visual aid for children, take:

    To make it at home, cover the box with colored paper.

    You will get a box. Help your child draw rectangles of the same size on paper of a different color using a ruler and pencil that will become windows. These parts need to be glued to the facade of the house.

    To make them more accurate, apply a ruler or outline with a felt-tip pen or bright pencil.

    Windows can be made flat rectangular or volumetric triangular. In the first case, the child will cut out of paper this figure, glue it to the top of the house.

    To implement the second idea, you need to cut out a rectangle, fold it into a three-dimensional triangle, and glue it so that the seam is at the top.

    Make some more buildings with your children. Let some of them become shops, others a school, others residential buildings. To highlight the functional purpose of these buildings, write and stick signs on them. It will be written on them that this is a children's educational institution, a supermarket, and on residential buildings write the street name and house number.

    After that, make a zebra crossing, that is, a pedestrian crossing. To do this, white strips, 5 cm wide, are glued onto a sheet of black cardboard.

    Then the roadway is made. To do this, you need to glue strips of white paper 1 cm wide onto gray cardboard. In the center there will be a dividing strip consisting of two segments. Short strips of the same width need to be glued to each side of the car.

    If you are planning to create great diy traffic rules, then glue as many marked sheets of cardboard as required for the job.

    Place the road markings on a table or tape them to the upside-down flat top of a large box, such as a table hockey game. Place houses, place cars on the roadway, place human figures next to the pedestrian crossing. Then you can play with the children, showing them how to cross the road.

    But for this, one more important detail is missing - a traffic light. You will learn how to do it by reading the next paragraph. In the meantime, look at 2 more ideas that will tell you how to make children's crafts - traffic rules. After all, they may not be voluminous.

    Let the child, under the guidance of adults, glue a house onto a sheet of blue cardboard and make a road, a pedestrian crossing, a car and a traffic light next to the building. In the process of creating this work, you can help children learn the basic rules of the road.

    Create together a fairy-tale city, where figures and houses will be sculpted from plasticine. This material will help make the road. To do this, you need to knead the black plasticine well and spread it between the outlined contours. Thin sausages made of white plasticine are stuck on top to create a pedestrian crossing and a dividing strip for cars. Lawns, paths, people are created in the same way.

    The house can be made from two blocks of plasticine of the same color connected together, or you can exchange this mass in your hands and coat a small box. The windows are made from plasticine of a different color.

    You can take toy cars or make them out of plasticine.

    After you have familiarized yourself with three options for making crafts for kindergarten, look at how to make a traffic light. It can also be created from various materials, depending on what you have available.

    How to make a traffic light with your own hands?

    If you have a plumbing pipe lying around at home, and you also have shoulder straps, a cap, and a policeman’s baton, then you can make a character like this.

    If you do not have such traffic police officer items, then make them from colored paper and cardboard. So, to implement your plan, take:
    • plumbing pipe;
    • wooden stick;
    • acrylic lacquer;
    • whistle;
    • acrylic paints;
    • cap;
    • shoulder straps;
    • a rod, and in the absence of this, colored paper and cardboard.
    To work, you need tools such as a jigsaw and drill.

    Cut the pipe in half crosswise. Draw with a simple pencil where the traffic light will have facial features, red, yellow and green circles. Paint it all with paints of the appropriate colors. Make two holes with a drill at the level of the character’s shoulders, insert a wooden stick here, and glue the shoulder straps. Place a cap on top of the pipe.

    Place a whistle on one hand of the character and a wand on the other. Here's how to make a traffic light. If there are no ready-made attributes, then glue black strips onto white cardboard, roll this blank into a tube, and glue the sides from the large edge. You will have a wand. Shoulder straps are also easy to create; we cut them out of blue cardboard.

    If we talk about how to make a traffic light, then the easiest way to do this is to paste over a rectangular cardboard box dark colored paper, glue a red, yellow and green circle here on each side.

    If you still have a box from dairy product- this is exactly what you need. Cover it with black paper and attach circles of the corresponding colors to the sides. To make your child better understand that you should never cross the road at a red light, draw a sad smiley face on a circle of this color. The yellow one will have a straight mouth, while the green one will have a smiling mouth, which means an invitation to move. Hide the top of the box under a cap, which is cut out of colored paper, its parts are glued together.

    If there is no such container, you can make a traffic light from a sheet of cardboard. The next photo shows how it needs to be cut and what dimensions it should be.

    Straighten the cardboard box, cut it out, cut out the circles.

    Glue black paper onto cardboard and cut out red, yellow and green squares. Glue them onto a dark base. Roll it up. Cut and glue a handle from cardboard, attach it to this roll. Insert this blank inside the glued traffic light. By turning the handle, you will change the color, thereby checking whether the children have correctly mastered the lesson about the rules of the road.

    The next traffic light is made of very interesting materials, for this take:
    • three laser discs;
    • three juice caps;
    • glue;
    • lace;
    • scissors;
    • paints and brushes.
    Let your child color the juice caps required colors. If you have yellow or green ones, you don’t need to paint them. Glue these blanks to the center of the disks and connect the elements. Attach a cord of the required length to the back at the top, after which you can hang the craft.

    If you want to make a traffic light so that its elements are voluminous, then use the origami technique for this.

    To do this, cut squares of green, yellow and red paper with sides of 5 cm, from them you need to twist the parts that are glued together.

    The finished balls need to be attached to the stand, after which the work is finished.

    A traffic light made from plastic bags is very interesting.

    For this craft you will need:
    • garbage bags in red, yellow and green colors;
    • cardboard;
    • scissors;
    • colored paper.
    How to make pompoms is shown in detail in the following master class.
    1. To do this, first cut off the handles from the bags.
    2. Then, starting from the outer corner, cut into a long strip, as shown in photo number 2.
    3. After this, you need to wrap this tape around your palm or around two identical cardboard circles, in the center of which there is a lace.
    4. Now the coils on the outside are cut through. If you wound the ribbon around your hand, then tie the resulting blank in the middle with a piece of plastic bag, tighten it, and tie it.
    5. To make a traffic light, you will tie these loose laces, thereby connecting the structure. You can glue handles and a staff from cardboard to the exhibit, eyes from colored paper, and make a cap from the same material.

    If mothers know how to knit, they can make this traffic attribute from threads. You need to knit a black rectangle with knitting needles, wrap it around a kefir or milk bag, sew it on the side, top and bottom.

    To fit the bottom and top, knit rectangles the same size as these sides and sew them to the main fabric.

    Crochet the circles and attach them in place.

    Cardboard and tinsel will also make a wonderful traffic light.

    Scenario “The Adventures of Dunno in a Noisy City”

    After the crafts according to the traffic rules are brought to the kindergarten, it’s time to start the holiday. There are guys on it game form, will study with interest the basics of behavior on the road.

    To the music, children enter the hall and sit on chairs. The presenter greets them and their parents and says that we live in a wonderful city. There are streets, alleys, cars rush along the roads, buses travel. To cross the road in such busy places, you need to know the rules of the road.

    1. Name of the place where passengers wait for transport?
    2. What sound instrument does a traffic police officer use to stop a violator?
    3. The silent tool of a traffic police officer?
    4. On what part of the road are pedestrians allowed to walk?
    5. What is the name of the part of the road where traffic moves?
    1. Stop.
    2. Whistle.
    3. Rod.
    4. Sidewalk.
    5. Pavement.
    Then Dunno comes in and says that when he found himself in a noisy city, he was confused and didn’t know what the traffic lights meant, so he barely crossed the road and almost got hit by a car. Dunno asks the guys to help him and teach him how to cross the road.

    The presenter says that the guys know the basic rules of the road, and now they will tell you how to cross the road. Next, the children come out one by one and read poetry. The first one says that a traffic light is a great help, it warns you when you can go and when you can’t.

    The second child stands up and reads in poetic form that the color red indicates that danger is nearby. Under no circumstances should you walk across a road where there is traffic when this traffic light is on. Yellow encourages pedestrians to wait, the green light turns on and invites them to cross the road. Then the guys recite a poem about a pedestrian crossing, about a zebra. After all, only with such markings can you cross the pavement.

    Next, the game begins, which is called “Assemble the puzzle.” Children are given large puzzles containing road signs or traffic lights. They must collect them. You can divide the guys into two teams to have a competition.

    Next comes an outdoor game with flags. At one end of the hall, children line up near the starting line. The teacher stands on the other side of the hall, holding a flag in his hand. If he Green colour, you can go. When the teacher picks up the red one, the child must stop immediately. When the green attribute is raised again, you need to continue moving. The winner is the one who completes the entire journey the fastest without making mistakes.

    For the next competition, you need to make petals and a core out of cardboard, and arrange it all in the form of a flower on a table or carpet. WITH reverse side These blanks contain questions related to traffic rules. If children do not yet know how to read, parents will do it for them, but the children themselves must be responsible.

    You can come up with other competitions to hold a holiday related to traffic rules. They can be studied not only indoors, but also outdoors. When the snow falls, paint black stripes on the cleared path with a can of dark paint to create a pedestrian crossing. Place traffic lights on both sides of it. You will simulate the situation by “turning on” different colors.

    You can also draw some road signs on the snow and study them with your children.

    Such games will help children better learn the rules of behavior on the road, and crafts will become visual material, facilitating the assimilation of the material.

    If you want to see how to make a craft on the theme of traffic rules, the following story is for you.

    Unfortunately, children quite often become involved in various road accidents. And all this happens because many of them do not know the basic rules. It is not difficult to memorize the rules of traffic behavior on the roads and streets of the city. Parents and employees of educational institutions should help the child in this matter. Educational institutions often conduct traffic rules lessons. And these lessons end with the children making various crafts. Therefore, in this article we decided to bring you crafts on the topic of traffic rules for children. Children can easily make these crafts with their own hands if they look at the photo.

    What crafts to make on the topic: Traffic rules

    Traffic light - simple craft. Several variants.

    The simplest craft option is a traffic light. Indeed, even a child who attends can make such a craft kindergarten. In the process of creating such a product, do not forget to remind your child what the colors of the traffic light mean.

    The basis of the craft will be a landscape sheet. It must be painted black. You can also draw a rectangle on the sheet and decorate it accordingly. Cut out circles from colored paper and glue them to your traffic light.

    A traffic light can be made from a box.

    In addition, you can use old CDs to create a traffic light. A kind traffic light who expresses his emotions can clearly explain the rules of behavior at a traffic light.

    A traffic light that has the head of a policeman looks very interesting. Attach arms and legs to the traffic light.

    An old bottle is a great option for making crafts. You simply paint it in a base color and draw traffic light circles on it. Don't forget to attach the legs to the bottle. Cut out pens from paper and insert the basic attributes of a police officer into them.

    Applications on the topic of traffic rules.

    The next simple crafts are applications. Kids can also cope with this task. preschool age. Applications can be made of colored paper and cardboard.

    You can also make applications from plasticine. First, you should apply a drawing on thick paper, after which you should decorate it with plasticine.

    Another picture made of plasticine. She looks very unusual and bright.

    Paper figures.

    Crafting traffic rules for children should be interesting. From paper you can make a wide variety of crafts on this topic. And they will all be interesting in their own way.

    Complex applications.

    It is worth saying that crafts about traffic rules for children can be not only simple. And if children use the help of their parents, then together with them they will be able to make more complex applications that will clearly explain the rules of behavior on the roads.


    As you can see, making crafts on the topic of traffic rules is very simple. In this case, the child fantasizes and remembers important rules, which will further help him maintain his health and life.

    Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten"Ruslan"

    Layout according to traffic rules: “My safe road to a kindergarten"

    New Urengoy


    Nogaeva Razia Mavsarovna – teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten “Ruslan”



    Age orientation:

    This layout is intended for children 5-7 years old

    Target: formation of the foundations for children’s safe behavior on the road, prevention of children’s road traffic injuries.


    1. To introduce, consolidate and expand children's knowledge of traffic rules, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, road signs;

    2. Strengthen children's knowledge of shapes, sizes and colors;

    3. Strengthen the ability to compare “find similarities and differences”;

    4. Develop the skill of writing a short story;

    5. Encourage children to engage in independent activities in the traffic rules corner;

    6. Foster a culture of street behavior.

    Game layout can be used for development fine motor skills, visual perception, social and everyday orientation, orientation in space.

    This layout is a gaming visual aid for studying traffic rules and road safety for preschoolers.

    The layout is disassembled and assembled. In a playful manner, the guys arrange three-dimensional figures houses, road signs, trees, which allows you to remember well the rules of the road, the location of traffic signs, and dangerous zones of the route of movement of children. Playing out various problematic situations on the road, studying the rules of the road, children learn caution and proper safe behavior on road.

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