• Golden hands medal for a woman. Comic medals and coronations on a woman's anniversary


    Presentation of a medal for the anniversary.

    For services on the anniversary
    Award a big medal
    With a red ribbon with her.

    Wear requires decency
    There's no point in pushing for a medal
    Badge of special distinction
    Only wear on holidays.

    Choose the place to wear sparingly,
    To please people.
    Let it hang above the navel
    And a little lower than the breasts.

    Protect that medal from wax
    Don't pick up greasy hands,
    Make all movements flashy
    Looking into the distance,
    Correct your hair
    And stroke the medal.


    Awarding a commemorative medal.

    Full name

    Natives of the city:

    For their sensitive attitude towards family, loved ones and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the benefit of the Fatherland and in connection with the “____” anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers decided:

    1. (full name)


    Award a commemorative anniversary medal and wish you good health, happy and happy days in life and all kinds of well-being.
    2. The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of family and friends for festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.
    3. Medals are given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that the medal can be viewed by all neighbors and those simply interested who have not been awarded such medals.
    This Decree was made in the capital of our country, Moscow, and approved in the State Duma.

    The recipient wears the medal, as a rule, in home environment on the days of family celebrations, namely:
    - on wedding days

    On the birthdays of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
    - on the days of receiving a pension, winning a lottery, etc., etc.
    So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day does not lose his dignity, every year on his birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with a good Russian snack.
    The recipient of this medal has the right:
    - carry out all instructions and orders of the spouse;
    - on free pass in the cars of son-in-law and friends, as a “hare” in any public transport.

    Free visits to clinics, supermarkets and other places of entertainment;
    - demand from the spouse reimbursement of expenses for proper care for a medal.
    The recipient of the medal is prohibited from:
    - get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grumble;
    - it is strictly forbidden to grow old;

    Use the medal as a weight when pickling cabbage, driving nails, cracking nuts and other work;
    - use the medal as a means of attack and self-defense.
    The recipient can have no doubt about his friends and relatives - they will always find him, especially on his birthday, to clean the medal.
    Control over the safe storage of the medal is entrusted to police officers, the FSB and faithful children and grandchildren.
    The manufacturer guarantees:
    - respectful attitude to the medal bearer;
    - good mood;
    - many long and happy years of life.

    Maya Taturevic October 17, 2018

    An anniversary is a responsible holiday and an important date in the life of every person. Before important anniversaries, men and women often evaluate the path they have traveled, indulge in nostalgia and draw some conclusions about their lives. All this cannot but leave an imprint on the birthday person’s mood, so his or her birthday should be organized in a joyful way, surrounding the hero of the day with fun and only positive emotions.

    They can help you with this holiday scenarios, presenters and, of course, guests. An excellent idea for a scenario for an anniversary would be a celebration with an original award of medals to the hero of the day and guests, because a medal for taking an anniversary is a serious reward.

    What medal should I give to a man or woman for their anniversary?

    A birthday is not only an indicator of the years lived, but also wishes, congratulations, gifts and, most importantly, jokes. That's why many people have anniversaries Only good ones get medals, pleasant impressions. So don’t worry about how the birthday boy will react to such a gift.

    Medal for the hero of the day for 50 years

    In general, comic medals for a woman’s anniversary and medals for a man’s anniversary do not differ much in their characteristics.

    Which there should be an anniversary medal:

    1. Firstly, if the medal is anniversary, it must contain a round number - the recipient's age, but here Only you decide whether, for example, presenting a 50th anniversary medal to the hero of the day will turn out to be an unnecessary reminder of his age, or whether the recipient will only be proud of this figure.
    2. The medal should look solemn: be made of heavy beautiful material(usually brass) to be pleasant to look at, hold and wear.
    3. If desired, make a personal engraving - write your name, your own wishes or other things on the medal.
    4. Comic medals Decorate with humorous lines and a funny caricature of the birthday boy.
    5. In medals for women, it is advised to emphasize the elegance, beauty and intelligence of the birthday girl.

    Match your medal design to the recipient's sense of humor to avoid accidentally hurting his or her feelings.

    Find a company engaged in the sale or manufacture anniversary medals, now it’s very simple. Qualified specialists will do all the work themselves; all you need is ideas and design.

    Cool birthday medal

    Cool DIY birthday medal

    If the services of special organizations do not interest you very much, try making a medal with your own hands.

    Use the following materials to make medals:

    • thick paper;
    • paint-gilding;
    • gel pens with gold or silver ink;
    • ribbon;
    • other decorations or photos in good quality.

    To make a medal, you need to repeat its shape on paper, using layouts for three-dimensional products. Next, glue the medal itself, and then decorate it as you wish. Don't forget to add the ribbon!

    To make your own medal resemble the real one in weight, think about to put something heavy inside the layout. But not too heavy, otherwise it will tear.

    Handmade medal

    How to present anniversary medals?

    So, after you have thought about what the medal will represent, start preparing the presentation process itself.

    What details need to be taken into account before delivery:

    1. You can give a medal as a separate gift, but in this case you need it to be exactly suitable for the role of a full-fledged gift.
    2. Therefore, it will be better if you give the hero of the day a medal along with another main gift: for example, a beautiful family tree, nice watch or what the birthday boy has been dreaming about for a long time. Don’t be afraid to choose an expensive gift - the anniversary is quite conducive to that.
    3. To prevent the presentation from seeming too boring and ordinary, play the process of giving something in an interesting way, involving all the guests and relatives.

    There are special “instructions” and scenarios for the procedure for presenting the anniversary medal.

    Jubilee medal

    Script and comic instructions for the medal

    The script is the presenters' responsibility, so leave the job to them. If you warn them about their intentions, they will tell you how best to carry out everything and assist you during the holiday, so be sure to coordinate with the leading or main organizers of the holiday the part of the medal presentation.

    By the way, it is possible that the presenters will offer you several ready-made options script. Don't ignore them

    If everything looks right to you, you can simply make a few adjustments of your own and you're good to go.

    The medal presentation script may contain the following:

    1. Humorous poems and congratulatory words.
    2. Some kind of scene - imagine the hero of the day, for example, as the captain of a ship and act out presenting him with this title.
    3. A survey of guests asking how well they know the birthday person.
    4. A survey of the birthday boy with leading questions to receive an award.
    5. Competitions where guests must congratulate the hero of the day in an original way, etc.

    Use as a lead-in to the presentation comic decree about the award.

    Comic birthday medal

    Personal decree on the occasion of the anniversary: ​​awarding a commemorative medal

    Decree on awarding the medal- the main part of the celebration. Don't be afraid to go overboard with formality. Let the birthday boy take this award seriously.

    How to present the ceremony:

    1. The host or the one who gives the medal asks for the attention of the guests.
    2. Next, the text itself is read - the decree on the award, for example:

    “On the occasion of a birthday/anniversary, for loyalty to friends, warm attitude to relatives, a responsible approach to work (other merits, you can ask guests to list them), a gift medal is awarded to the hero of the day for 55 years - (name of recipient). Award with a commemorative medal and wish (wishes, as well as an option, said by guests). In the future, the owner of this medal is forbidden to: grow old, be sad, or get sick. The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of the closest people. A special, central place in the apartment/house is allocated for the medal.

    This decree was made and approved in (city, country) and cannot be refuted.”

    1. During the reading of the decree the medal is brought out and awarded, and then the presenter asks for general applause.

    You can supplement the script with absolutely any ideas and details, write your own poems, competitions, etc.

    Gift medal for the hero of the day for 55 years

    Approach the organization of the process of presenting the anniversary medal with all responsibility. It is important that both this holiday and its main part evoke exceptionally joyful memories for the birthday person.

    We offer you another option for presenting a comic memo to the award medal for the hero of the day. Let your anniversary evening be fun and memorable.


    Full name

    Natives of the city:

    For their sensitive attitude towards family, loved ones and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the benefit of the Fatherland and in connection with the “____” anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers decided:

    1. (full name)


    award a commemorative anniversary medal and wish you good health, happy and joyful days in life and all kinds of prosperity.

    The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of family and friends at a festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

    The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that the medal can be viewed by all neighbors and those simply interested who have not been awarded such medals.
    This Decree was made in the capital of our country, Moscow, and approved in the State Duma.



    § 1. The medal is a masterpiece of art of the second half of the 20th century and a unique relic.
    § 2. Technical data:


    § 3. Procedure and operating conditions:
    The medal consists of the medal itself, the wearer, and holes for putting it on.
    In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the donning and insert your head into the contour formed by the medal and the donning so that the donning catches on the part of the torso connecting the head to the body. The medal should be placed on the upper front of the torso with the front side facing out. The user of the medal must make a happy and solemn expression on his face. The bottom edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day.
    The recipient wears the medal, as a rule, at home on family celebrations, namely:
    - on wedding days of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
    — on the birthdays of both the recipients themselves and their loved ones;
    - on days of receiving a salary, winning a lottery, etc., etc.
    § 4. So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day does not lose his dignity, every year on his birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with good Russian snacks.

    § 5. The recipient of this medal has the right:
    - carry out all instructions and orders of the spouse;
    - for free travel in the cars of your son-in-law and friends, as a “hare” in any worldly transport.
    - a free flight to the moon;
    - free visits to clinics, supermarkets and other places of worldly entertainment;
    — demand from the spouse compensation for the costs of proper care of the medal.

    § 6. The recipient of the medal is prohibited from:
    - to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grumble;
    - it is strictly forbidden to grow old;
    - use the medal to make teeth;
    - use the medal as a weight when pickling cabbage, hammering nails, cracking nuts and other work;
    - use the medal as a means of attack and self-defense.

    § 7. The recipient can have no doubt about his friends and relatives - they will always find him, especially on his birthday, regarding the cleaning of the medal (see paragraph 4).

    § 8. The awarding of a commemorative medal of the 2nd degree is carried out on the day of the next anniversary, subject to compliance with paragraph 4 of this statute.
    § 9. Control over the safe storage of the medal is entrusted to police officers, the FSB and faithful children and grandchildren.

    § 10. The manufacturer guarantees:
    — respectful attitude towards the medal bearer;
    - good mood;
    - many long and happy years of life.


    Anniversary Scenarios, Incendiary and interesting scenario anniversary, anniversary scripts for women, anniversary scripts for men, 50th anniversary scripts, script children's anniversary, the anniversary script is cool, the script for the event original anniversary, anniversary scenario at home.

    Having prepared and decorated the room in advance:
    Hang balloons and garlands. Design a wall newspaper, with photographs of children and youth
    We hand out balloons and crackers to guests.
    We are making a living corridor in anticipation of the hero of the day.
    The birthday girl enters, the firecrackers clap and the presenter begins:
    You are already (50,60...) but it doesn’t matter
    Of course, you are always young at heart!
    Do you know how to protect the warmth of your friends,
    And every year you become wiser!
    You will always console me when trouble comes,
    And in holidays no, more fun than you!
    We want to wish you health again,
    Thank you for being there, we came to tell you!!!

    Then you can seat your guests at the table.
    Dear guests! We have gathered in this hall to celebrate the significant date of our wonderful hero of the day!

    You can give the floor to the main guest at the anniversary table:
    (senior in age, boss, husband, etc...)
    Our summers are running, changing,
    Changing everything, changing us.
    Again (spring, winter, autumn, summer) is at the threshold,
    Worth the _______________th time.

    How quickly the years have flown by
    And then the anniversary crept up,
    We sincerely congratulate you
    We wish you happy good days.

    The feast can begin.....

    Life flies by like in a fairy tale,
    Moving forward
    Days after days float away,
    Year follows year,
    Here's to a glorious anniversary
    He came to us again
    So let's congratulate
    Ours begin!

    Having prepared in advance a sufficient number of copies of the words, the song is sung:
    To the tune of the song "Blue Car"
    We came to congratulate the birthday girl.
    Pour wine into a glass to the brim.
    Let what is planned come true
    May you always be happy!


    May the mood be good
    There will be many sincere friends,
    Let there be funny adventures
    And gifts from beautiful fairies!

    Good riddance, good riddance to the long journey.
    And sadness dissolves in the air,
    Everyone, everyone believes in the best,
    The childhood train rolls and rolls into the distance.

    Further congratulations are carried out by dressing the guests.
    While the song is being sung, several people dress up as hedgehog grandmothers (wide, long skirts, funny baggy blouses, a washcloth, a scarf, a broom, maybe a rake for collecting leaves)
    Running out screaming, ditties are sung to the tune: “Stretch the bellows accordion...”

    Stretch the bellows accordion
    Eh, play, have fun!
    Congratulations to our (Name)
    Pour it into our glasses!
    Our dear is brave,
    Oh! Beautiful and smart
    There's a reason for this
    Brave girl!
    Your anniversary is here
    Pour us a glass.
    Delicious snack
    Your table is like art!
    The anniversary has come to your home
    And there is no secret
    We're celebrating cool
    You're seventeen again!

    We wish you the most earthly happiness
    We wish you sunshine, light and goodness!
    We wish you a pure blue sky
    And stay young at heart forever!

    The floor is given (to friends or family) to present the medal (you can make the medal yourself, from a golden oracal, or buy a ready-made one).

    Memo for the award medals.

    FULL NAME. award a memorable anniversary medal and command her (him) good health, happy and joyful days in life and all kinds of prosperity.
    Medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of loved ones, at a festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

    The procedure and conditions for using the medal.

    Medal consists of the medal itself, the medallion, and holes for the medallion.

    In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the wearer and into the outline, stick your head in so that the wearer catches on the part of the torso connecting the head to the body. The medal should be placed on the upper front of the torso with the front side facing out. The user of the medal must make a happy and solemn expression on his face. The bottom edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day.

    So that the medal does not lose its appearance and dignity, the medal must be washed annually with domestic and foreign alcoholic drinks, but with good Russian snacks.

    The recipient of this medal has the right:

    1. Follow all instructions.
    2. For free travel in friends’ cars, as a “hare” in any worldly transport
    3. Free visits to clinics and supermarkets.
    4. Require your spouse to reimburse you for the costs of properly caring for the medal.

    The recipient of the medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry, growing old, using the medal to make teeth, or as a weight when pickling cabbage.

    Control over the safe storage of the medal is entrusted to police officers, the FSB, and faithful children.

    There are three options for “Memo for the award medal”

    You can proceed to presenting gifts:
    One of the options:

    Men dressed in nesting dolls sing a song to the tune: “What do you need…”

    We chose a gift for you, oh, all together
    Suddenly we got a nervous tremor,
    Even though we all knew what we needed, what we needed
    But where to get it, where to get what you want.

    We're shopping in droves, oh! We went, oh! Went!
    We wanted to get you a diamond brooch!
    Even though we all knew what we needed, what we needed,
    But where can I get it, but where can I get what you want?

    And we bought you a treasured gift
    And our nervous trembling passed
    We bought you what we could, what we could
    Take it whether you like it or not!

    (As well as other remade songs)

    We wish you good health
    More bright clear days,
    And if possible, try
    Celebrate the centenary anniversary

    Time spendingcompetitions and games.

    We wished you today
    Cheerfulness for many years
    Be as we know you
    Always sensitive and attentive!

    Most best holiday for any woman, the one where she feels like the queen of the ball, and if it’s her own birthday or anniversary, even more so! And therefore the most a pleasant surprise for the hero of the day, this is to bathe her in attention and compliments, which will give her the opportunity to feel like herself. There are a lot of options for such surprises, they can be of a solemn and lyrical nature or comic and playful; friends and family know best what the hero of the occasion will like best.

    Here are some examples comic anniversary medals and coronations on a woman’s anniversary, which may help you organize your ceremony or original congratulations.

    1. Comic anniversary medals and titles for women:

    1. You raised excellent children,

    She dressed and fed them.

    You are ready to give everything to them!

    We award you the title - MOTHER!

    2. You take care of the family hearth,

    And you live well with your husband.

    You are for him at all times

    An exemplary WIFE in everything!

    3. You - faithful wife for your spouse.

    But we know for sure that you are still a great FRIEND!

    4. The house is orderly, comfortable, clean

    You don’t wear the title MISTRESS in vain.

    5. You know how to sew, knit and embroider not out of boredom.

    We must give the title again - GOLDEN HANDS!

    6. Nephews are your joy,

    I should give you the title AUNT.

    7. Around the city......rumor is spreading,

    That you are an excellent GARDENER!

    8. If you have a sweet granddaughter,

    We present you with the title GRANDMOTHER!

    9. You respect your elders and look after your younger ones.

    Patient and kind, you are called the middle SISTER!

    10. Generous and rich, like spring,

    She will give us a hundred smiles.

    Meeting her will turn out to be good luck for us,

    And a WOMAN - such a miracle is called!

    11. Let everyone remember it forever

    ………..- GOOD MAN!

    (Source: futajik.ru)

    2. Awarding the title “Queen of the Holiday” and coronation of the hero of the day.

    (Such a “coronation” can be made as a separate congratulatory number, or it can be combined with the original meeting of the hero of the day at the very beginning of the holiday)

    Today you are truly the queen of the holiday! And the queen deserves a crown!

    Today, here and at this very hour

    We'll take out the crown for you!

    May the queen rule with justice

    And our holiday will be beautiful -

    Brilliant Royal Ball

    Today I gathered all my friends!

    To a friendly ovation

    Let's start the coronation!

    The crown is brought into the hall.

    Let's bathe the Queen in applause and clinking glasses in honor of Her Majesty! And to your applause, I hasten to decorate another candle with the flame of your beautiful hearts. And our next toast will be to the Queen.

    (Source: scenariev.net)

    3. Anniversary ceremony "Queen's Suite"

    This ceremony can be a spectacular continuation of the coronation of the hero of the day. To do this, the “Queen” needs to be seated on the “throne” in the center of the hall.

    Leading: Dear guests, we simply need to hold another anniversary ceremony, since, according to experts, after it is held, all ailments and sorrows disappear for the hero of the occasion, and an irreversible process of rejuvenation begins. Everyone knows the expression that “the queen is made by her retinue,” I ask those who want to be favorites and ladies-in-waiting of our queen to come to me (those who wish come out - the leader explains the rules to them).

    Leading: In order for our ritual to be impeccable, like at the best royal receptions, the retinue must show attentiveness and courtesy: do everything strictly according to etiquette. Whenever the word “Ladies” is heard in the text, the girls from the retinue make a beautiful curtsey; when the word “Gnights” is heard, the entire male half of the retinue races, with a graceful bow, kisses the queen’s hand and quickly leaves again.

    Text (read by presenter)

    LADIES and GROSS came to the Queen's Jubilee. The LADIES are wearing beautiful beads and earrings. CAVALIERS smell expensive perfume and captivate with a flawlessly shaved face. LADIES are good, energetic, charming. CAVALIERS are courageous, smart, cheerful. LADIES and GRANDS are ready to say a thousand words of congratulations and wishes to their queen. LADIES delight with fun, GAVALERS delight with the article and readiness to fulfill her every desire. And, in general, LADIES are like LADIES, GEAVALIERS are like GAVALERS. Both LADIES and GRANDS are good, they congratulate the hero of the day from the bottom of their hearts.

    (Source: baby.ru)

    4. Presentation of the tiara and title “Lady – 20...”

    Autumn (summer)! Today, (Name), you

    Nature herself congratulates.

    Gold leaves at your feet

    Birch and aspen trees are being abandoned.

    And they bow to you

    Like slaves, rowan trees.

    Childhood and youth are not bad,

    Youth and maturity are already behind you.

    Now comes another era

    The era of maturity is young.

    Name - ...., age - 50!

    Now listen to what they say about you.

    According to a survey among men

    You are “Lady 20...” for a number of reasons.

    Count and be proud

    After all, this is a ticket to a new life.

    Kind (because there is no time to be angry)

    Cheerful (but there is time to have fun)

    Smart (school and technical college behind you)

    Honest (with absolutely everything, especially with me)

    Beautiful (no need to explain this)

    Generous (her motto: let's live together)

    Darling (after all, she’s a woman)

    Modest (but not shy either)

    Strong (both in soul and body)

    Economic (proved by deeds)

    Sexy (this is already clear)

    Tender (the sign “Virgo” is not in vain)

    Mysterious (“everyone has their own zest”)

    Decent (obviously well-mannered)

    Interesting (not only for men)

    Responsible (there are a hundred reasons for this)

    Caring (this is by nature)

    Young (is that really years?)

    Faithful (family comes first)

    Reliable (has its own “code of honor”)

    Slender (the figure is what you need)

    Charming (eye-catching)

    Affectionate (will melt the ice with your heart)

    Necessary (with her life is sweet as honey)

    Bright (like the sun is burning)

    Responsive (like Dr. Aibolit)

    The only one (after all, there is no second one the same)

    Loving (we love you too)

    Energetic (movement is life)

    Hardworking (if you want to live a cool life, work hard)

    Darling (as priceless as the planet)

    Amazing (eighth wonder of the world)

    Talented (manifests itself in everything)

    Dear (we live in your soul)

    Charming (you are nowhere more beautiful)

    Yes, what else can I say? You are simply OURS!

    Did you count? It is not enough,

    I haven't said everything yet.

    Are these words

    Would we be done with you?

    I have words for everyone

    There wouldn't be enough sheets!

    And all these qualities

    Not eccentricities at all.

    For these reasons

    Men like you.

    And that's why I'm glad

    Here to present you with an award:

    Tiara for the winner

    Competition "Lady - 20...",

    That is, the very best.

    5. Comic medalsfor the woman's golden jubilee.

    This glorious autumn (summer, etc.) sometimes
    It's your golden anniversary.
    Believe me, you have become golden,
    Let's be honest, handing out medals.

    1. Let's start with the hands, they really are golden!
    On the table - what results!
    These little hands carry bags,
    They pet, cook, caress the children...
    They put things in order everywhere,
    They rule in this house!

    (we present the “golden hands” medal)

    2. And a golden head!
    The work there is not easy.
    Natural intelligence plus experience over the years
    Gave weight of respect to the lady!

    (medal "golden head")

    (medal "golden heart")

    4. This is how you go through life,
    And your soul is golden!
    Broad and kind and rebellious,
    And she is priceless and diligent in her work.

    (medal "golden soul")

    5. Let's say about character: simple,
    But, of course, it is also golden.
    It is both durable and lasting forever.
    You are a positive person!

    (medal "golden character")

    6 And so are you, Natasha, dear,
    Golden all around, golden!
    Do you know that everything is gold?
    Always remain young!

    To the clink of glasses, the laughter of friends,
    Let me take the floor today.
    We gathered for the anniversary
    A person dear to us.

    So we wish you many years to come,
    Love, health and good luck,
    Fate that will take you away from troubles,
    And ours will solve the problems.

    Let all your dreams come true,
    Believe me, they are achievable!
    And as a source of kindness -
    Give warmth to your loved ones!

    May the days, intertwined in a round dance,
    They always bring happiness to your home.
    And every year that comes
    Will add more tender passion!

    6. “All-Russian Association of Family Welfare”

    This Certificate, which reads: “This Certificate was issued to _________________________ (full name of the birthday girl) on the occasion that this lady actually lived N years in happy marriage with _______________________ (husband’s full name), who warmed and will warm his missus with his love, warmth and light. From this day, which is nominated for the title “The Greatest Day of the 21st Century,” the birthday girl must fulfill the following requirements:

    live the same number of years three times in complete sanity;

    to be happy, regardless of any troubles;

    to always be young, no matter what age;

    to love and to be loved;

    always smile, even if your mood is not the best;

    always be beautiful, because beauty is the key to health;

    never need anything and never deny yourself anything.

    The certificate cannot be faked or distributed! Any illegal copying or attempt to sell will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This Certificate is accompanied by a gold medal.

    (During the presentation of the medal and certificate, a tone sounds.)

    7. Before the presentation of the anniversary medal - “Portfolio of the hero of the day”

    Charisma is present.
    Creativity is flowing.
    The figure is appetizing (model).
    The character is Nordic.
    The potential is endless.
    The direction of the vector is only forward!
    Temperament is off the charts.
    The mood is in good shape.
    With friends - open.
    Irreconcilable with enemies.
    The tongue is sharp.
    I am friendly with finances.
    With the authorities - on equal terms after 18:00.
    Relatives love you.
    Friends are in touch.
    Colleagues respect me.
    Summary: you can go into reconnaissance

    8. Coronation of the hero of the day in fairy tale style.

    (For greater effectiveness, the ceremony in a fairytale style can be done in the form of a costume coronation)

    Like in one wonderful kingdom,
    IN like this state (depending on the location)
    Today the holiday has been announced,
    The working day is over!
    Brother and matchmaker, merchants, boyars,
    Sages from the sovereign
    Dressed up, combed your hair,
    The retinue gathered together
    And they finally rushed
    To this fairytale palace.
    To maintain solemnity,
    Please bring the throne here! (throne-chair)

    The hero of the day passes and sits on the “throne”

    Well, the beauty is a maiden,
    This evening you are the queen!
    We ask you to be our queen,
    And we present a symbol of power!
    After all, you are truly worthy of the throne.
    So, the crown is awarded! (crown)

    To consolidate the triumph of the moment,
    All attributes of power should be handed over!
    Sons-in-law, relatives, godfathers,
    Well, in general, the whole huge family!
    Help me dress the queen,
    Quickly bring in the robe! (mantle)

    To your beloved devoted friends,
    With whom do you share joy and misfortune in half,
    Who is easier to be with in this life?
    It is entrusted to hand over this scepter! (bottle of cognac (wine)

    Who (name of the hero of the day) closest, dearest in the world?
    Like rays of light - beloved children.
    You must live to see your great-grandchildren's wedding!
    And drink a cup of wine at that wedding!
    Give the queen a glass of sovereignty!
    And let the audience applaud! (glass of wine)

    And so that in this life forever
    I only remembered the good moments,
    Today, here and only for you
    This is the thunderous applause! (guests applaud)

    Start the feast by royal decree,
    Command your guests to have fun.

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