• A comic presidential decree for the anniversary. Quotes from orders


    We offer you another option for presenting a comic memo to the award medal for the hero of the day. Let your anniversary evening be fun and memorable.


    Full name

    Natives of the city:

    For their sensitive attitude towards family, loved ones and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the benefit of the Fatherland and in connection with the “____” anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers decided:

    1. (Full name)


    award a commemorative anniversary medal and wish you good health, happy and joyful days in life and all kinds of prosperity.

    The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the circle of family and friends for festive table, organized at the expense of the hero of the day.

    Medals are given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that the medal can be viewed by all neighbors and those simply interested who have not been awarded such medals.
    This Decree was made in the capital of our country, Moscow, and approved in the State Duma.



    § 1. The medal is a masterpiece of art of the second half of the 20th century and a unique relic.
    § 2. Technical data:


    § 3. Procedure and operating conditions:
    The medal consists of the medal itself, the wearer, and holes for putting it on.
    In order to put on a medal, you need to take it by the donning and insert your head into the contour formed by the medal and the donning so that the donning catches on the part of the torso connecting the head to the body. The medal should be placed on the upper front of the torso with the front side facing out. The user of the medal must make a happy and solemn expression on his face. The bottom edge of the medal should coincide with the top of the belly of the hero of the day.
    The recipient usually wears the medal in home environment on the days of family celebrations, namely:
    - on wedding days of both the awardees themselves and their loved ones;
    — on the birthdays of both the recipients themselves and their loved ones;
    - on days of receiving a salary, winning a lottery, etc., etc.
    § 4. So that the medal does not lose its appearance, and the hero of the day does not lose his dignity, every year on his birthday the medal should be washed with alcoholic drinks of domestic and foreign spills, but with good Russian snacks.

    § 5. The recipient of this medal has the right:
    - carry out all instructions and orders of the spouse;
    - on free pass in the cars of my son-in-law and friends, as a “hare” in any worldly transport.
    - a free flight to the moon;
    - free visits to clinics, supermarkets and other places of worldly entertainment;
    - demand from the spouse reimbursement of expenses for proper care for a medal.

    § 6. The recipient of the medal is prohibited from:
    - to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry, grumble;
    - it is strictly forbidden to grow old;
    - use the medal to make teeth;
    - use the medal as a weight when pickling cabbage, hammering nails, cracking nuts and other work;
    - use the medal as a means of attack and self-defense.

    § 7. The recipient can have no doubt about his friends and relatives - they will always find him, especially on his birthday, regarding the cleaning of the medal (see paragraph 4).

    § 8. The awarding of a commemorative medal of the 2nd degree is carried out on the day of the next anniversary, subject to compliance with paragraph 4 of this statute.
    § 9. Control over the safe storage of the medal is entrusted to police officers, the FSB and faithful children and grandchildren.

    § 10. The manufacturer guarantees:
    respectful attitude to the medal bearer;
    good mood;
    - many long and happy years of life.


    Quotes from orders in the Documentary section of the Perly.ru website
    They (orders) accompany us for the rest of our lives... What we are not ordered to do: accept, fire, punish, less often - reward...

    1. On June 23, combine operator Batko P. grossly violated the rules for driving a combine - he drove onto a telegraph pole without permission.

    2. In connection with the strengthening of labor and social discipline in shifts and in the workshop in general, transfer M.I. Leksin from May 18th. on the second shift under the supervision of his wife.

    3. During the 3000-meter race at the stadium, the “Take your time” record was played. Radio operator Cherpalkin should be reprimanded.

    4. All panel workers will come to the cleanup tomorrow with their floor buckets and sweepers.

    5. All employees of the water rescue station, with the exception of the watchman, cleaner and nurse, must wear shorts. Stricter action will be taken against persons violating this order.

    6. Yesterday, a police squad consisting of Lieutenant Petrov and Sergeant Ivanov detained a gang of raiders. In pursuit of the criminals, the police fired two warning shots into the air, but the criminals did not give up. Then Sergeant Ivanov showed ingenuity and fired a warning shot at Lieutenant Petrov. The criminals chose to surrender. P.S. Lieutenant Petrov was presented for the award.

    7. Allocate 4 vouchers to the sanatorium. Three of them are with children.

    8. Allocate one horse per poultry farm to increase the egg production of chickens.

    9. For conscientious work, buy the janitor Anokhin a new tool and thank him with a board of honor.

    10. For absenteeism, reprimand B. Zaitsev, followed by a day off.

    11. For many years of selfless work, reward the auditor of the OBKhSS comrade. Ivanova I.I. free cash bonus.

    12. For systematic drinking during day shifts, transfer loader Fugasov to night shifts, since they do not sell alcohol at night.

    13. Ignoring the director’s order and safety regulations, the stud bull gored on the farm of shepherd P.N. Nosov.

    14. The following positions are allowed to attend film shows at the club without tickets: 1. Sidorov - electrician. 2. Kosenko - head of the library. 3. Fedorova is my wife. Head club - Fedorov.

    15. Appoint comrade as a cleaner. Tikhonov E. Sh. with a one-month probationary period. Take away the cleaning lady G. R. Semenkina, who failed to meet her probationary period of sobriety.

    16. Severely reprimand P.N. Borisov for using state-owned alcohol for its intended purpose.

    17. Release Nadezhda Vladimirovna Chistyakova from her position for a period of time during the postpartum period and from her husband for a period at her discretion.

    18. Transfer a loader from a loader to a delivery person and a porter for a period of two months.

    20. Having abandoned their tools, Balmesov and Sulakov caught a goat near the workshop. Meeting no resistance from her, they began to milk, thereby violating labor discipline. Reprimand for milking a goat during official hours.

    21. Give a verbal bonus to communications technician Golushkin with double salary.

    23. Drunkenness on the part of senior accountant Sidorova occurs very often. Sidorova, as a woman, should be advised to reduce her drinking to a minimum.

    24. Dismissed due to the fact that he flatly refused an appointment to new position ragpicker

    25. Dismiss O.S. Lantsov due to the complete female performance.

    27. Considering that much attention is now being paid to the fight against drunkenness, the previously planned meeting with sponsored collective farmers and collective farm women is considered inappropriate.

    28. Considering that fig gr. Razumova still did not touch the count’s face. Popova, limit yourself to a warning so as not to allow such mistakes in the future.

    29. Driver Ivanov N.G. deprived of a car for a month, mechanic Petrenko G.K. lower in salary, the cleaning lady Nadya Sviridova be subjected to public censure for drunkenness in the workplace.

    Comic documents and awards

    The importance and solemnity of such an event in a person’s life as an anniversary can be emphasized by documents and awards specially prepared for the occasion. They will allow all guests to see in a new way a long-time and seemingly well-known person who has reached a certain milestone in life.

    Today, numerous ready-made certificates for the hero of the day are sold. For example, a diploma from a supergrandfather, a cool supergrandmother, etc. Using various technical means - a computer, a camera, etc., you can make an exclusive document that will demonstrate your deep respect for the hero of the day and tender feelings, as well as your artistic taste. A mandatory and main design element is the presence of numbers indicating the age of the hero of the day.

    Comic documents will undoubtedly be a pleasant gift, and, most likely, a memorable gift, a gift-memory of good people and a glorious holiday.


    As you know, a diploma is a certificate issued upon completion of a course of study at any educational institution. Everyone knows that going through the school of life is not going beyond the field.

    This means that a person who has managed to cross a certain milestone in life is worthy of a diploma. In addition, this document may indicate the conferment of a title. On the day of his anniversary, a person is awarded the honorary title - ANNIVERSARY!

    The text, beautifully written and included in the elegant diploma crusts, on which the numbers of the appropriate age should shine, may read:

    This diploma confirms
    That the hero of the day is the hero of the day.
    The number of years shines like a marker,
    Like the highest, best score.
    And although it is often celebrated,
    You deserve the most praise.
    Your age is theory and experience,
    Your age is both knowledge and strength.
    No, the path has not been traveled and the century has not been lived,
    The century that fate has determined for you!


    Or perhaps you would like to present the hero of the day with a certificate - a document issued for success in any business.

    A colorfully designed certificate can be awarded for real achievements or those that colleagues, family and friends only dream of (if you are sure that this will stimulate the hero of the day to new feats). Among the achievements noted in the certificate may be success in dacha, gardening, construction, repair, culinary, raising children and grandchildren, as well as in guiding subordinates or, conversely, superiors on the true path, sports records, or just bright thoughts on this matter. ..

    Power of attorney

    A power of attorney - a written authority that one person usually gives to another to perform legal actions - can be given to the hero of the day to dispose of property available at the anniversary celebration. These are drinks, snacks, tables, gifts, etc.

    A power of attorney can also be issued to drive vehicles - bicycles, scooters, skis, sleds, simple and roller skates, garden wheelbarrows and carts, grandchildren's strollers... In addition, savvy organizers, in order to relieve themselves of any responsibility, can issue a power of attorney to the hero of the day. power of attorney to control the course of the holiday, tape recorder and music center (with the delivery of a remote control), etc.


    A contract is an agreement between two or more persons to establish or change civil rights and obligations. In the solemn atmosphere of the anniversary celebration, you can sign an agreement that will set out the responsibilities of the parties to the anniversary and the invited guests. The hero of the day, for example, undertakes to pour water for everyone on time, treat generously, sing the loudest, dance the most, and also be sure to invite all guests to the next anniversary.

    The guests take upon themselves the obligation to praise the hero of the day, flatter him beyond measure or without a drop of lies, carry him in their arms if possible, shower him with gifts that come to hand, etc.

    Bill of sale

    The bill of sale - the act of acquiring ownership of property - can be drawn up for “my years - my wealth...” belonging to the hero of the day. The owner of the document can be not only one hero of the day, but all those gathered at the festive table. In this case, he will not be many years old, which will give reason for additional fun, new jokes and gags.


    A license is, as you know, a permission. Permission to carry out any operations, conduct activities, use inventions or technical achievements.

    What can the hero of the day get permission for? For example, for vacations, travel, excursions, fishing and hunting, for catching exotic animals and growing exotic fruits, for making alcoholic and other drinks with one’s own hands with the obligatory invitation to tastings of friends and relatives, finally, for memorizing poetry, telling fairy tales, and also to read moral teachings to children or grandchildren so that they can grow up to be the same glorious people as the hero of the day.


    A memorandum is usually a diplomatic document setting out the factual or legal side of an issue.

    The memorandum may set out the proposed course of the festive banquet, summary speeches, congratulations and toasts.


    A register - a list, list, inventory of business documents or property - can be a solid list of gifts given, compiled in the best traditions of office work (with their detailed description). Something like this: the box is very large, without a bow - one piece, the boxes are just large, with ribbons - three pieces, etc. Or you can make separate lists for just good gifts and for gifts with jokes, comic ones.

    When compiling them, it would be good to have a discussion among the guests present at the anniversary about which gifts should go where. This can lead to an interesting discussion: the true intention of the donor does not always lie on the surface.


    The certificate presented at the anniversary is almost an official confirmation that the hero of the day has graduated, for example, from the “Grandfathers’ (Grandmothers’) Course,” “Big Boss Courses” or the “School of the Heroes of the Day,” or took classes at the “Godfathers’ School,” etc.


    Everyone knows that a prescription is a written request from a doctor to a pharmacy worker, which indicates how to prepare a particular medicine, also instructs to sell the medicine to the patient and tells how to use the recommended medicine.

    An important detail: whether to give advice is a delicate matter. You should always remember: won’t we remind a person of the shortcomings that already bother him? Is it appropriate to talk about problems on a holiday? After all, a holiday is a territory of happiness.
    Therefore, so that no one doubts the merits of the hero of the day, he should be given this:


    A certificate is a document certifying the quality of something. The certificate issued to the hero of the day will perpetuate the excellent qualities inherent in him at the time of the celebration. The certificate can be presented by a representative of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

    In fact, this is a systematized body of information compiled through continuous observations of the corresponding object. The anniversary cadastre may contain a list of the best qualities of the hero of the day, and may also record the obligation of the hero of the day and all the guests gathered for the current holiday to preserve and increase what is listed, with subsequent reconciliation at the next anniversary.


    The credential of the hero of the day is a document with which he can confidently go through life, since his last name, first name and patronymic are not only written into it, but also a photograph is pasted into it. In addition, this serious document is certified by several seals.

    Any mandate confers certain powers. The mandate awarded at the anniversary authorizes the hero of the day to celebrate all subsequent anniversaries.

    All the humorous documents described above can be presented at a gala reception, at a banquet, and during a home feast. They are universal. And they can also be called congratulatory. But documents can also be part of the design festive hall, and part of the script written for THE BANQUET.

    CHARTER of the anniversary banquet

    Everyone who came to the banquet should familiarize themselves with this wonderful document. Because it is intended to regulate the conduct of such a responsible event. The charter prescribes how the hero of the day and his distinguished guests should behave correctly.

    The charter is written in large letters on a piece of Whatman paper and posted in a conspicuous place in the hall. If desired, the host of the banquet can read aloud all the articles of the charter or do it selectively, hoping that the conscientious citizens invited have already familiarized themselves with the remaining provisions. After reading, the host will ask you to approve the Charter by raising your glasses.

    Article 1
    The hero of the day has the right to invite his family, exemplary in all respects, to the anniversary.
    Article 2
    The family of the hero of the day is considered to be anyone who knows how to behave exemplarily, has genuine love for the hero of the day and respect for the rest of the family members.
    Article 3
    The hero of the day is the Supreme legislative body of the anniversary, his word is the law, his wish is the order, his whim is the guide to action.
    Article 4
    The guests of the hero of the day are the Supreme Executive Body, executing the will of the Supreme Legislative Body.
    Article 5
    The Supreme Executive Body ensures the good mood of the Supreme Legislative Body through the presentation of gifts and flowers, as well as timely toasts and various types of congratulations and wishes.
    Article 6
    The Supreme Legislative Body ensures undying shine in the eyes of the Supreme Executive Body through timely supply of strong and soft drinks, as well as an assortment of snacks.
    Article 7
    The maximum possible number of drinks consumed is not established by the anniversary regulations.
    Article 8
    The minimum duration of the anniversary established by the regulations is until the ability to read and re-read the Charter is lost. Maximum - not regulated.
    Article 9
    Memories of the celebrated anniversary are stored in the memory of all participants in the anniversary until the next similar celebration, at which the powers of the Supreme Legislative and Supreme Executive Bodies are restored to their previous extent.
    Article 10
    The jubilee charter comes into force from the moment the first glass is raised to the hero of the day.

    Anniversary oath of guests

    The text of this oath and the material placed behind it are distinguished by such solemnity, such a high intensity of feelings that, most likely, they can be performed in the middle of a banquet if a MIDDLE ANNIVERSARY is being held. Or at the beginning of the banquet, if it follows a gala reception.

    It seems that in a youth group such an event during the holiday will be accepted with more enthusiasm than among people of respectable age, although who knows, you can’t guess everything in advance...

    The text of the oath is copied using copying equipment and distributed to those gathered - for obvious reasons, there should be no unreached people. The oath is taken standing, placing the right hand on the heart. Each guest (or two guests together, or three...) reads out one or two lines of the oath with expression. It is better to say the last four lines of the heartfelt document all together, in chorus.

    We swear by gifts that are from a pure soul,
    I will give you the beauty of all who are so good,
    We swear by toasts that we will hear again,
    We swear by the drinks that invigorate the blood,
    We swear by a big flower bouquet,
    What is there! We swear by the salad, pate,
    We swear by hot stewed potatoes,
    We swear by the plate, fork and spoon,
    We swear by everything we see around us:
    You, the hero of the day, are our best friend
    (You, hero of the day, are a true friend)!
    Just click and we will respond,
    We swear, we swear, we swear!

    On one of the copies of the oath, each guest signs next to the line he said. The document is placed in a beautiful folder or framed and solemnly presented to the hero of the day.

    Oath of the hero of the day

    The hero of the day’s response should be no less significant. Since the organization of the holiday lies on the shoulders of the friends and relatives of the hero of the day, the text of the reciprocal oath is theirs.

    The hero of the day will only have to pronounce the word “I swear” in time when his confidant will read out the prepared text.

    Wherein right hand The hero of the day should lie on the heart, or, in extreme cases, on a bottle of champagne, which can also be a symbol of the importance of the ongoing festive event.

    My anniversary is for you!
    Jubilee: I swear!
    I'm glad to see you here!
    Jubilee: I swear!
    With you I am full of happiness!
    Jubilee: I swear!
    Eat to your heart's content - I can't count!
    Jubilee: I swear!
    I swear three times to stay young at heart!
    Jubilee: I swear! I swear! I swear!

    The oath of the hero of the day is confirmed by raising a glass to the guests and draining it to the bottom, and then - general shouts of jubilation.

    Anniversary order

    If the hero of the day is close to the army theme, if he values ​​commanding notes in his speech and prefers team music to all intimate conversations, you can organize the presentation of a special Order issued to him on the occasion of the anniversary. First, the host, in a well-trained voice, asks those present at the celebration to fill their glasses and stand up, then gives several commands, forcing everyone to quiet down, turn their heads towards him, make “special faces,” and suck in their stomachs.

    A loud voice is heard:

    Anniversary! Be equal! Attention!
    To meet on the right!.. To Kara-ul!
    Look up to the hero of the day!

    After reading the text of the Order (see below), everyone raises and empties their glasses, and then a beautifully designed document in a folder is presented to the hero of the day. Along with it, the birthday person may be presented with a medal (see below), a badge, a ribbon or a certificate with the inscription “AGENT 055”. The serial number of the agent may be different - depending on the number of years lived by the hero of the day.

    for the 55th separate Red Banner Jubilee District
    No. 000 - 01 from...... date......... month

    In connection with the achievement of "Agent 054" the FIFTY-FIFTH level of perfection, I ORDER:
    Assign “Agent 054” a new code name:

    "AGENT 055".,

    Give “Agent 055” unlimited powers in organizing the anniversary, as well as in general in your personal and public life on the territory of the 55th separate Red Banner Jubilee District.
    Prescribe to “Agent 055” a further increase in the level of excellence, with a gradual expansion of powers in the territory of the 60th, 75th, 125th and further up to the 150th Red Banner Jubilee District inclusive.
    “Agent 003” and “Agent 004”, as well as agents whose numbers are from 017 to 052, from the 55th separate Red Banner Jubilee District, take an example from “Agent 055” and receive financial assistance from him.
    Glasses with liquids with a strength of at least 55° (the figure must correspond to the age of the hero of the day) RAISE!

    The order was signed by the commander-in-chief
    All Jubilee districts of the Russian Federation
    (first and last name are classified).

    The reading of the Order ends with the commands:

    At ease! Have some fun!!!

    Commemorative medal

    It is, of course, pleasant for the hero of the day to receive various kinds of humorous documents. He, of course, already had no doubts about his merits, and when they are recorded on paper... All that remains is to even out his breathing - his throat is constricted from the surging feelings. It's a good anniversary.

    But the apotheosis of the holiday may be the awarding of a commemorative medal. The medal can be made from thick cardboard, wood, foil, tin, metal. Depending on the material used, the anniversary date and words being celebrated are applied to it (drawn, burned, minted, engraved, etc.). For example, “For Anniversary Merit.”

    On the reverse side of the medal is the surname, first name and patronymic of the hero of the day, as well as the date of presentation and its number (most likely it is No. 0001).

    Before the medal adorns the chest of the hero of the day (for this they use a beautiful bright ribbon or an equally elegant bow with a safety pin), the text of the “Award List” given below is solemnly read out, selectively or in full.

    Award sheet for the medal “For Anniversary Merit”

    For great services to the Fatherland, as well as Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, Maturity and Wisdom,

    for his great contribution to improving the demographic situation, as well as for deposits in Sberbank, Teschabank and Detibank,

    for personal courage shown on personal as well as on all other fronts,

    for high achievements in increasing the productivity of vegetables, legumes, melons, citrus fruits and other useful crops,

    for the endless desire to always be in the right place everywhere and in everything

    Government of the Russian Federation
    together with relatives, friends and colleagues



    medal "For Anniversary Merit"

    Prepare and present the award immediately.

    Place the award certificate in a frame and hang it above your favorite sofa.

    Wear the award in everyone in public places until the next anniversary.

    Signature Date
    Seal of government and family members

    Instructions for handling the hero of the day

    At the anniversary, most of the documents prepared for this occasion are presented to the hero of the day, and this is understandable. But the organizers must also take care of the documents intended for the guests. We have already talked about some of them, for example about the Banquet Charter, but the list of such documents may be wider.

    So, for the personal safety of the hero of the day, his better safety, during medium and small anniversaries, the following instructions can be distributed to all guests invited to the holiday.

    Attention! Before you start communicating with the hero of the day, check its integrity, make sure that it is not damaged, and is fully equipped in accordance with its age and the latest warranty inspection.
    Please read this manual carefully, which contains important information By correct use and service to the hero of the day.
    Persons dealing with the hero of the day are required to know the rules for safe handling and carefully study this manual.
    The hero of the day is suitable for socializing with friends, sometimes only at home.
    The hero of the day should be in a room with good ventilation, at room temperature and moderate humidity.
    Sources of soft and strong drinks should be located near the hero of the day.
    For the anniversary, uninterrupted delivery of the first, second, third, as well as other assorted dishes should be ensured.
    The hero of the day must be provided with free access and escape routes from at least three sides.
    It is not recommended to touch the hero of the day with unsterile hands and unpainted lips.
    The hug pressure affecting the hero of the day should not exceed 2.5 atm.
    The weight of gifts handed over to the hero of the day should not exceed 0.5 kg. Larger gifts must be transported on special carts.
    The diameter of the bouquets presented to the hero of the day should not be less than 1 m, and the number of flowers in each individual bouquet should not be less than the numbers of the anniversary being celebrated.
    Moving the hero of the day indoors is allowed only if support and insurance are provided on four sides.
    Moving the hero of the day from one hall to another inside the building is allowed only in a reclining position, preferably on 12 pillows. And at least six porters must carry it. Special request: to be accompanied by a boy with a fan.
    The movement of the hero of the day between buildings is allowed only in special cases, with the permission of Gokhran specialists, in an armored limousine, accompanied by three traffic police vehicles, five T-80 tanks and a crane with a lifting capacity of at least 16 tons.
    It is recommended to reproduce this instruction and hand it to each participant in the anniversary celebrations against signature.
    This instruction must be kept throughout the anniversary celebrations, as well as after them, since the hero of the day, having ceased to be the hero of the day, as a rule, wants to be one again and again.

    If the participants of the anniversary celebrations exactly followed all the instructions in this instruction, then they can be calm about the safety of the hero of the day and have every right to raise their glasses to him with a foamy sparkling drink, the drink of great holidays.


    A pass - the right to enter closed, often guarded objects - is issued to each guest at the end of the anniversary celebration. The pass guarantees that at the next anniversary he will be an invited guest with all the ensuing consequences.

    Congratulatory address

    Well, now jokes aside, because we will talk about the most serious moment in organizing a holiday - drawing up a congratulatory address. And this, as you know, is an official congratulation, that is, presented at a ceremonial reception by officials.

    A congratulatory address cannot be given just like that, on the occasion of an ordinary birthday. A congratulatory address is awarded for special services to the country, native enterprise, etc.

    It has been noticed that these are precisely the merits that the heroes of the day have, in whose honor ceremonial receptions are held. This means that the compilers of the congratulatory address are faced with the task of reflecting as fully as possible the best features of the person celebrating the anniversary.

    If the usual congratulations for the hero of the day, which are simply written on a postcard or presented to the hero of the day in person, consists of two parts: words of congratulations and wishes (and they wish everyone happiness and decipher what it is: health, success, prosperity, luck, joy, etc. . d.), then the congratulatory address, in addition to the two already mentioned parts, contains three more. It also includes:
    characterization of the human qualities of the hero of the day (both as a member of a team and, possibly, as a family man);
    grade labor activity hero of the day;
    gratitude to the hero of the day (most often for the work done).

    A beautifully printed congratulatory address is most often placed in a folder with golden numbers of the anniversary being celebrated, and in a solemn atmosphere, officials read it out and hand it over to the hero of the day. Along with this, they can also present awards, certificates, cash prizes (which for some reason warms the soul in a special way), etc.

    In order to give the hero of the day a complete and correct description, in order to correctly evaluate his activities, and then thank him with all my heart, adjectives must be used.

    There are parts of speech that help us formulate a thought, while adjectives make it more precise and colorful.

    They help us convey our feelings. Therefore, in order to understand how you can most the best way write a congratulatory address, first let’s compose it for the conditional hero of the day Ivan Ivanovich without adjectives:

    Ivan Ivanovich!

    The team of Mechanical Plant JSC __________ congratulates you on your __________ anniversary! Over the __________ years that you devoted to the __________ enterprise, the plant management and team recognized you as a __________ and __________ person and friend, __________, _________ specialist, colleague and boss, _________ family man. The production site team that you long years __________ and __________ led, demonstrated __________ results in terms of increasing labor productivity and reducing production costs.

    Thanks to your __________ and __________ mentoring work, a whole galaxy of __________, __________ specialists and masters of their craft has grown at the plant. It should __________ emphasize that you, Ivan Ivanovich, became the founder of the __________ labor dynasty; today your entire family works in different workshops of our plant.

    The plant management and the team of Mechanical Plant JSC express your __________ gratitude and __________ appreciation for your __________ and __________ work, for the __________ and __________ shown in the workplace, for your __________ and __________!

    Colleagues, students and leaders __________ congratulate you on your anniversary, __________ wish you __________ health, __________ happiness! May your life remain __________ and __________ for __________ years! Once again, please accept our congratulations on your anniversary!

    On behalf of the plant management and workforce, General Director of Mechanical Plant JSC

    Full name ____________ date

    Of course, already in this form the congratulatory address has a right to exist, but at the same time, frankly speaking, it is a bit dry, there is no soulfulness in it. What if you fill it with adjectives that are most appropriate to the occasion? Let us remind you that adjectives should talk about how the youth treats people, what kind of worker he is, as well as the qualities of his character that are revealed in his personal life. And they usually wish the hero of the day happiness with all its components.

    Material for congratulations:

    The best human qualities of the hero of the day
    The listed qualities are not arranged in order of importance, but simply alphabetically. From adjectives, if necessary, you can form corresponding nouns or adverbs:

    Artistic, Noble, Generous, Harmonious, Deep, Democratic, Kind, Spiritual, Soulful, Natural, Mysterious, Perky, Individual (approach, etc.), Intelligent, Sincere, Sociable, Sociable, Beautiful, Inquisitive, Dreamy, Wise, Extraordinary, Charming, Adored, Courteous, Sociable, Optimistic, Cautious, Witty, Open, Charming, Positive, Attractive, Attractive, Pleasant, Even, Romantic, Free, Committed, Passionate, Impetuous, Tactful, Lucky, Respectful, Compassionate, Balanced, Emotional, etc.

    Best qualities hero of the day as an employee:

    Analytical (mindset, approach, etc.), Strong-willed, Brilliant, Flexible, Active, Dynamic, Significant, Mature, Initiative, Intelligent, Intuitive, Critical, Logical (mindset, etc.), Observant, Reliable, Persistent, Independent, Innovative (approach, etc.), Objective, Experienced, Original, Pedantic, Consistent, Pragmatic, Practical, Principled, Direct, Straightforward, Punctual, Versatile, Calculating, Self-Critical, (approach, etc.) , Humble, Meticulous, Smart, Focused, Fair, Creative, Hardworking, Convinced, Assiduous, Purposeful, Energetic, Neat, etc.

    The best qualities of the hero of the day, manifested in his personal life:

    Thrifty, Loyal, Attentive, Hospitable, Efficient, Virtuous, Homely, Caring, Thrifty, Affectionate, Reliable, Calm, Understanding, Practical, Devoted, Hospitable, Reasonable, Thrifty, Calm, Fair, Patient, Generous, etc.

    Material for wishes:

    As we have already said, all the variety of wishes comes down to one thing - the wish for happiness, which is very individual for each person. For some, happiness is in a quiet life, and for others - in the search for adventure, etc.

    Therefore, the first list of words for making wishes is dedicated to such diverse concepts that can be included in the concept of happiness.

    So, happiness is:

    Excitement, Bliss, Inspiration, Delight, Friendship, Sophistication, Enjoyment, Mood, Nirvana, Charm, Fun, Anticipation, Pleasant chores, Joy, Relaxation, Self-affirmation, Sweet experiences, Calmness, Tenderness, Rapture, Joy, Ecstasy, etc.

    And now about one of the components of happiness in more detail. Many in their youth passionately want to achieve success and what is associated with it, and therefore you can wish them:

    Applause, Luck, Taking heights, Victory, Tasting the fruits, Implementation of ideas, Winnings, Achievements, Achieving goals, Conquests, Laurels, Jubilation, Awards, Ovations, Victories, Knowledge, Conquering peaks, Comprehension, Overcoming, Implementation, Multiplication, Addition , Approach, Recognition, Growth, Promotion, Prosperity, Development, Expansion, Realization of plans, Applause, Achievements, Formation, Triumphs, Success, Strengthening, etc.

    But it happens that success in life loses its attractiveness; a person is in poor physical shape. As they say, money is copper, clothes are decay, and health is more valuable than anything else. And therefore they want:

    Cheerfulness, Fighting mood, Be in good health, Be well done, Doctors would have nothing to do, Endurance, Longevity (active, endless, Caucasian), Hardening, Healthy optimism, Health (strong, Siberian), Hello, Body strength, On medications not to work, tirelessness, full health, gunpowder in the flasks, well-being (good, excellent, excellent, excellent), muscle tone, so that sores do not bother you, so that you are like blood and milk, so that no infection sticks, so that nothing takes you So that illnesses are avoided, etc.

    And in fact, everything is great for a healthy person. And therefore it is important to remember: whoever is not afraid of the disease is the one who is afraid of it.

    Friendly greeting address

    And yet, what is a holiday without a joke?! Therefore, let’s think about how to compose a congratulatory address not from big important bosses, but from colleagues and friends.

    When drawing up such a document, people with a sense of humor have room to roam. If congratulations from officials is characterized by communalism, everyone tries to say only good things, then comrades who have eaten more than a pound of salt together can allow themselves some liberties and jokes.

    Therefore, in addition to the above sublime and beautiful words, in a friendly congratulatory address words that often have a negative connotation can also be used.

    This is not about insults, but about playing on words. For example, adventurism is a dubious virtue, but healthy adventurism is something that we probably cannot live without in our time. Entrepreneurship, initiative, as well as courage, if you don’t lose your head, take cities. Hopeless is, of course, very bad, it’s just worse than ever, but hopeless optimism is already very good! You can move mountains with him, if necessary.

    In addition, when composing such a congratulatory address, you can creatively use the possibilities of the union but: hot-tempered, but easy-going; straightforward, but devoted and responsive, etc. In fact, do you ever have to tell a person what they think about him, even though he is the hero of the day?

    These are these insidious words...

    Adventurous, Aggressive, Ambitious, Hopeless, Stormy, Explosive, Hot-tempered, Arrogant, Proud, Hot, Hot-tempered, Rude, Dual, Arrogant, Capricious, Conservative, Slow, Dreamy, Dissatisfied, Incorrigible, Clumsy, Incompatible, Impatient, Restless, Close-minded, Dangerous, Controversial, Indifferent, Self-Confident, Sarcastic, Secretive, Standard, Spontaneous, Evasive, Stubborn, Cold, Ambitious, Noisy, etc.

    In general, if you are connected with the hero of the day by good friendly relations, if you know how to observe moderation in criticism and God has not deprived you and the hero of the day of a sense of humor, then you can safely use the above words when composing a congratulatory address for the glorious anniversary of your friend.

    1. Assign (*name)
    Title " Honorary Jubilee»

    2. Recognize (name)
    further life path.

    3. Considering the great services to the Fatherland
    And to the rest of humanity,
    And also in connection with the holiday
    We order:
    May you be healthy and rich!

    4. From the President and all of us
    Accept a small advance
    In the form of a winner's medal
    From a domestic manufacturer. (we present a medal)

    Wear this medal without taking it off,
    Adding health and happiness,
    And as soon as you increase your wealth,
    On gold medal you can change it!

    5. So that everything is executed accurately,
    We order the reward to be washed urgently

    6. Tasks for forfeits in verse.

    The hero of the day has traveled a wonderful path,
    You can talk about this in the book.
    Come up with a title for your memoirs
    Which he could write.
    Not a complicated phantom, you should know
    About this, don’t go to a fortune teller,
    And now name five things,
    Necessary for fishing
    Now you must show
    How flexible are you?
    Your fantasy is to dance with a chair
    Funny and erotic.
    Perhaps this role is for you
    A little unusual
    Your fant - sing a ditty now
    Of course, more decently
    Your forfeit is quite simple at first glance,
    But it will arouse general interest -
    Tell us the height of the hero of the day,
    And also guess its weight.
    You're lucky, you got a simple phantom -
    You must stand on your right leg,
    And holding my left leg with my hand,
    Raise a toast in honor of our hero of the day.
    You must drink without reserve
    A glass for the birthday girl,
    I'll let everyone line up in order
    And dance the cancan together
    Your phantom is to become a conductor for a short time,
    Quickly organize all the guests,
    So that, according to the order of the hero of the day, in chorus
    Sing all table songs.
    Your forfeit: in the art of achievement
    Show your guests to everyone,
    Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
    Tell a poem!
    As a sign of friendship and mutual respect
    To your neighbor or neighbor,
    Pour wine and loudly with expression,
    Read everything that is on the label.
    Your phantom is successful, let’s say in secret -
    Organize a model show,
    And comment on the show at the same time,
    And recruit fashion models from the guests.
    You need to compose a composition
    From fruits on the table "He and She"
    Add your own explanations to it
    And announce who it’s dedicated to.
    You should applaud
    For the hero of the day, in her honor
    Come up with a fax from the President
    In her name and read it.
    Ability to read words backwards
    It allows you to demonstrate your forfeit.
    You are the name and patronymic of the hostess of the celebration.
    They should say it the other way around.
    Such a responsibility, except for you,
    No one else can do it.
    Your forfeit - on behalf of the guests now
    Say “Thank you” to the hostess of the celebration

    Option 2.Lottery

    · I wanted to win a flashlight, you only got...(ball)

    · Drink from the grounds of things. (Coffee).

    To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week (toothbrush)

    · You received this (SOAP) so that you can wash your hands more often.

    · To find out your income, it will be useful for you (notepad)

    · Finger helmet. (Thimble).

    · In life you have to hope for the best, (glue) take it if something doesn’t stick

    · You would like a piano, but you got (calendar)

    · There is no typewriter, we offer this item (pen).

    · You received a thought recorder (pencil)

    · So that you have Fancy Hairstyle, included (comb)

    · DO NOT be angry with us my friend, it will come in handy (pie)

    · Today you are not the hero of the day and laurels do not shine for you, you better accept from us (a bouquet of bay leaves)

    · We give you (toothpaste) so that you have teeth.

    · For a festive speech, two (Bengal candles).

    · Don’t grieve or be sad, it’s better to look in (the mirror).

    · Synthetic backpack, universal (package)

    · Remedy for anger (bagel)

    · Travel agency souvenir (badge).

    · Right to a car ( lottery ticket)

    · Remedy for anger (donut on a string).

    · Norwegian mohair (spool of thread).

    · A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance (envelope).

    · French cosmetics (pencil).

    · Electric tongs (clothes pin).

    · Spare parts for sneakers (laces).

    · English castle (pin).

    · Antique hanger (nail).

    · Cognac set (3 thimbles).

    · Tool of labor (spoon).

    · Diet food (chewing gum).

    · Crystal chandelier (light bulb).

    · Disinfectant (soap).

    · Weight loss product (jump rope).

    · Aircraft (balloon).

    · Measuring device (centimeter).

    · Bird of the future (egg).

    · Washing machine(eraser).

    · Painting by an unknown artist (postcard).

    · Electric lighter (box of matches).

    · Sewing machine(needle and thread).

    · Factory-made carpet (handkerchief).

    · A remedy for talkativeness (pacifier).

    · Fruit of temptation (apple).

    · Sound detector of the “If you don’t like it, don’t listen” system (huge ear).

    Grandma, thank you for being here
    this light that you have always protected,
    loved and understood me. Your concern
    made a part of me who I am.
    And at 75, I really want you
    lived to be at least 100 years old or
    even more. May that wisdom and experience
    that you received during your life
    years do not leave you and make your life
    special. Health and long life.

    | next lecture ==>
    Operating order of the K-750 engine |

    1. Assign (*name)
    Title "Honorary Jubilee"

    2. Recognize (name)
    further life path.

    3. Considering the great services to the Fatherland
    And to the rest of humanity,
    And also in connection with the holiday
    We order:
    May you be healthy and rich!

    4. From the President and all of us
    Accept a small advance
    In the form of a winner's medal
    From a domestic manufacturer. (we present a medal)

    Wear this medal without taking it off,
    Adding health and happiness,
    And as soon as you increase your wealth,
    You can exchange it for a gold medal!

    5. So that everything is executed accurately,
    We order the reward to be washed urgently

    1. Lottery with tasks for guests “Chamomile”

    (the presenter lays out large paper chamomile petals on the floor in a circle, on which numbers with tasks for guests are written below. An empty bottle is placed in the center of this circle, everyone takes turns spinning it, which petal she points to, the task is completed. List of tasks is in the hands of the presenter, she reads them out, according to the numbers played. The played petals are removed so that there are no repetitions)


    Tell a joke
    Make all the people laugh!

    We are waiting for you funny toast,
    Although it may not be easy!

    Jump rope
    But don’t be silent at the same time -
    Sing to us about your birthday,
    Raising everyone's spirits!
    (if it's a holiday New Year, then the last two lines will be as follows:
    Sing to us about the New Year
    And please the people!)
    When a participant sings while jumping rope, you can please him with an unexpected reward for a difficult task, i.e. the presenter says:
    For your beautiful vocals
    We'll pour you a glass of wine!)

    Who is the hottest brunette here?
    Hug him - my advice to you!

    Who are all your blondes?
    Kiss him right now!

    Find the mustachioed ones among the guests,
    Take me by the hand,
    And kiss him prickly
    Shake it off just in case!

    Lucky number for you -
    We'll pour you 100 grams, my friend!

    I don't think there's any need to be embarrassed...
    After all, you got Lambada!
    Will you dance it for us?
    To the musical clamor!
    (if there is no recording of such a melody, then the guests themselves will perfectly sing this simple, familiar tune)

    And you are responsible for the task -
    Tell us all your wishes
    And especially for the birthday girl!
    We will listen to you all!

    Climbing up on a stool,
    Forgetting how old we are!
    Tell us any poem,
    Prove that there is no sclerosis!

    Scratch your back
    To everyone who craves kindness!

    Your task will be to
    To treat all the ladies with wine!

    To the brotherhood ceremony you are the hero of the day
    Offer a glass to a couple!
    (or: To brotherhood, my friend, drink
    Hurry up to the birthday girl!)

    You must catch all the guests
    And tickle them lightly!

    Give us a riddle
    This is necessary for order!

    To make it more fun
    Pour it for the presenter!
    Yes, bring some snacks-
    Thank you in advance!

    Don't refuse our request -
    Sing us a song from your heart!

    You are like a little doll
    Congratulate the birthday girl!
    Have a nice moment everyone
    Provide this!
    (or: You are like a little doll
    Congratulate all guests now!
    Have a nice moment everyone
    Provide this!)

    If you tap dance -
    You will earn money for vodka!

    Your task is simple -
    Have a snack and drink while standing!

    2. “Merry Daisy”

    It is necessary to cut out a large daisy from paper in advance. Then the leader writes tasks on each petal. The hero of the day should not know what is written there, so the chamomile must be turned over.

    At the moment when the guests are sitting at the table, the host brings out a chamomile on a tray and invites the hero of the day to tear off all the leaves one by one and read out loud what is written there. At the same time, warn the guests and the hero of the occasion that everyone must unquestioningly carry out everything that is written in the tasks.

    1) Well, guests, did you sit down, didn’t get drunk, didn’t eat? Maybe you’ll sing for me, and then pour yourself a drink? We will sing “Loaf”, come on, ___________ (name of a friend) start singing...

    2) Hey, beloved sister, it’s time for you and me to have a drink, quickly raise your glass, let’s drink for brotherhood!

    3) Guests, feel free to get up and smile at each other, get up like a train, let’s dance the lambada!

    4) You girls, don’t be shy, get up from your chairs together, take me by the hands and take me out to dance!!!

    5) Eh, dear girls, why are you so quiet? Each of you will now show everyone a super class, sing a ditty or read a poem.

    6) I’m having fun today, oh, I’ll probably get drunk, well, in order not to get drunk, I need to start dancing RIGHT NOW. I will dance, and you will sing along with me. Hey, DJ, play the music, turn it up loud, I’m already going to dance, I’m in the public eye today!

    7) I love everyone today, I personally will pour it for everyone now, we raise all our glasses, we drink to me!!!

    8) I want the left table to hit the floor with your foot, but open this edge of the mitten and shout at the top of your lungs: “Happy birthday!” We love you very much!!!"

    9) Unmarried guys, probably screwed up, go out dancing and entertain the girls with a striptease!!!

    10) Oh, my beloved bro, let’s drink 100 grams each, and then we’ll pour another for my health.

    11) I’m a man no matter what, I’m always ready to drink, let’s drink a glass to my wife and mother...

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