• Is it possible to give pearls as a gift to a woman - signs and legends. Pearl (stone) - properties, zodiac sign, meaning. Which sign suits pearls?


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    Not only the culture of giving, but also the wearing of jewelry is accompanied by a huge number of customs and prejudices. Some of them are less popular, others are known to almost everyone. Most of them can be explained somehow, and sometimes they don’t fit into your head at all. Most people believe in them, and if not, they at least try not to violate them, just in case. One of these signs, or rather rules, is the question of wearing pearls, namely, how to wear pearls - in a pair or not.

    Pendant and earrings with pearls

    The basic rule is that pearl jewelry is still worn in pairs. However, the very understanding of the couple can also be interpreted in different ways. In the first case, “pair” means exactly a pair of jewelry on the body. But there is another meaning: the fact is that pearls are recommended to be worn by people who have a life partner.

    Why are pearls still worn in pairs? You can find several answers to this question, some of them are related to signs, and some are related to the peculiarities of the rules of fashion or etiquette. Nevertheless, many are convinced that when wearing beads, they must be complemented with earrings, otherwise their owner may soon become a widow.

    Most advice says that pearls should not be worn by young girls who do not have young man, and who are looking for a lifelong companion. It is believed that this decoration is more suitable for married ladies: it has a positive effect on them, while for others it brings a feeling of loneliness and melancholy. But if you don’t believe in these signs, you can safely wear pearls with your favorite clothes, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    If you are wearing a pearl necklace, pair it with a pair of small earrings. Pearl jewelry will look most beautiful with an evening dress; for example, white pearl beads go perfectly with a black dress. Black pearls go with a white suit. But the bravest ladies can wear it with any outfit.

    Black pearls, although considered mourning, are suitable for all occasions. However, it is much less common and therefore its price is higher.

    Pearl jewelry is combined with metals, gold and silver, the main thing is to observe moderation. A short thread and a silver bracelet, for example, can emphasize elegance and femininity. Combine pearl jewelry with an office outfit.

    How to choose?

    If you plan to pair it with other jewelry, it is very important to try on the entire set when purchasing. This is done in order to accurately determine the length of the beads or necklace, the size and shade of the pearls. By the way, such a parameter as the size of the beads is very important.

    Small pearls look great in the form of beads or earrings - they are ideally combined in large quantities. Larger pearls make up the necklace. But beads of especially large sizes look best alone. If you take a ring with one stone, then it is best to choose it for an older woman, because such a ring will help her present herself. Moreover, in this case it does not require a pair, since wearing jewelry in a pair is important especially for young girls who want to get married.

    It is very important to match the size of pearls with the age of the woman. Moreover, the relationship between these two parameters is directly proportional: the larger the pearls, the older the woman. According to etiquette, pearls no larger than 6 mm are usually given to young girls. Women over forty pearls will do from 6 to 8 mm, and for older ladies - more than 8 mm.

    Angelina Jolie wears pearls in a pair: necklace and earrings

    There are contraindications and rules for wearing pearls in pairs:

    • Wearing this stone in pairs can negatively affect creative people, especially actors and travelers. It can deprive them of inspiration and even reduce their sexual activity.
    • When going on a love date, you should not wear matching pearl jewelry.
    • Wearing pearl jewelry in a pair can reduce the manifestation of character traits such as pride and vanity.
    • Married people need a couple - this will help maintain happiness and home comfort.

    There is an opinion that pearls should not be worn at a wedding, not only by the bride, but also by other guests. It is believed that wearing natural pearls at a wedding will lead to tears and disappointment for the bride. This may be due to the fact that many people in ancient times believed that pearls were the tears of the sea.

    When Clients ask me whether they should wear pearl jewelry or not, 99 times out of 100 I will say “no need.” Why? Let's figure it out.

    As a rule, the question is accompanied by a demonstration of specific jewelry. And again, as a rule, these are pearl studs and a string of pearls.

    #so they don't wear it

    Is it possible to wear pearls today?

    I categorize pearls as jewelry that grows up. As a stylist with 14 years of experience, through whose hands many thousands of wardrobes have gone through, I have a very good idea of ​​mine, at its most in the best sense these words, a typical client. This is a girl who stands at a fork in the road: look like a girl, despite the numbers in her passport, or slide into the “ageless aunty” category.

    Pearls, like many other attributes of a classic style, must be worn very carefully if you do not want to see the above-mentioned “aunty” in the mirror.

    Because there is no ETERNAL classic, to which many appeal, waving pearl beads and black little dresses with a colorful scarf. Modern is a quality basic wardrobe with modern jewelry and accessories, not a Grandma Elizabeth suit with pearl studs.

    Classic pearl jewelry is perfect for Queen Elizabeth. They are attached to her status and the difficult lifelong obligation to maintain a protocol dress code.

    I don't want to say that pearls are no longer worn - I want to emphasize that they should be from the 21st century.

    In the photo below we see Angie wearing classic pearls. The additional age, solidity and severity of the image speak for themselves.

    A formal suit in combination with this hairstyle and these very decorations tells us that Jolie is attending an event that requires adherence to protocol clothing. As a rule, these are meetings with top officials of states. Do you often meet with Putin? Then you need just these earrings and beads.

    How to make pearls modern?

    Maneuver number 1— change the color of pearls! Black, pink, multi-colored - not so respectable and grown-up anymore!

    Maneuver number 2— take off your pearls and look 15 years younger :-)))

    CONCLUSION: if protocol formalities bypassed you and you are not one of thousands magical fairies no age White T-shirt, jeans and no make up suit more than Irina Shayk, think 100 times before wearing classic pearls. You will look respectable and mature. Are you sure you want this?

    Compare your impressions of the jewelry?

    Now there is a large number of modern, in which you will look both young and modern without effort.

    But if you have an incredible love with pearls, then to brighten up the aging effect, burn it! I'll try to help as much as I can :-)


    DO NOT wear pearls as an accessory (earrings or beads).

    DO NOT wear pearls with floral dresses or frilled skirts, shoes with round toes, shoes with bows or buckles, clothes with round or shawl collars, or clothes with polka dots. The more you “round it up”, the more mature you risk looking and ending up with #womanishstyle.


    Don't be shallow, exaggerate!

    Combine pearls with something grunge and brutal. This will work if you are wearing a long string of pearls and other metal jewelry. Or, for example, accessories with chains or spikes.

    Remember Chanel pearl necklaces? The thread is long and supplemented with chains, ribbons, and some figures. This is already much more fun!

    Another option is clothes and accessories decorated with pearls! It's very fashionable now!

    Re-read the article about jewelry, as well as about. Train your observation skills!

    If your love for pearls is, as they say, “forever,” but you want to look young and trendy, pay attention to modern jewelry with pearls. Please note that pearls do not play a solo role in them and, as a rule, are “brutal” with metal, unusual or minimalist geometry.

    Let's get inspired by the right jewelry, girls, and wear pearls in style!

    By the way, not only pearl jewelry can go out of fashion and make its owner grow up, preventing her from looking stylish and modern.

    And as luck would have it, jewelry brands haven’t heard of this and continue to sell things that have long been out of fashion.

    It's the same story in clothing stores. 80% of the things on the shelves will not help you look stylish and modern, and to find the remaining 20% ​​you need to be your OWN STYLIST and know how to choose and combine things.

    This is exactly what you can learn from me in the ONLINE SCHOOL in a month and a half! It's the perfect investment in your style, budget, self-esteem and personal time. You will shop like a sniper :-) Quickly, accurately, successfully. And your wardrobe will work for you, not you for it.

    I will be glad to see you at the Shopping School, girls!

    Nature often surprises the crown of her creation - man. One of these miracles, undoubtedly, can be called the appearance of a magnificent mother-of-pearl pearl in the depths of an ordinary mollusk, where an inconspicuous grain of sand once fell.

    Despite the soft, almost imperceptible shimmer, an amazing treasure born in the depths of a living being is able to dazzle the eye with its unobtrusive beauty, quietly emphasizing the elegance and sophistication of the owner. This is why jewelers love to use mother-of-pearl mineral in their works, and style connoisseurs certainly have items with pearls in their jewelry arsenal.

    However, in addition to its undoubted decorative qualities, this creation of nature is endowed with powerful energy and has amazing mystical talents. At the same time, despite the many attractive features of pearl jewelry, before purchasing it is worth considering that not everyone can wear it.

    Who is pearl jewelry suitable for?

    Pearl is one of those gems that looks equally appropriate on casual dress or refined evening dress, harmoniously combines with classic suit or a shocking youth outfit. However, its energy often has the opposite effect on people of different zodiac signs.

    • Pearl is best suited for those signs whose element is Water: Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio. Pearls help Cancer in moments of sadness and sharpen the innate intuition of this sign, but can provoke an unwanted conflict at the time of confrontation. The mineral enhances mental capacity and independence of thinking of Scorpios, but at the moment of highest concentration it can become a catalyst for an overly extravagant decision or action. But for Pisces, the gem is simply necessary, as it serves as a real amulet for them, bringing harmony not only to thoughts, but also to the emotional sphere.
    • Representatives of the Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) should wear pearls with caution. It prevents Virgos from fully expressing their practicality and rational thinking, it makes Taurus suspicious and overly anxious, and it adds unwanted cynicism to Capricorns in their judgments and unacceptable familiarity in their actions.
    • Pearls are even useful for fire signs (Leo, Aries or Sagittarius). It makes Aries more reasonable in love relationships, cooling his overly passionate impulses. Pearl helps Leos cope with pride and intolerance of other people's shortcomings, but at the same time breaks too strong natures. For Sagittarius, the shining gem reminds them of the value of family comfort, not allowing them to destroy their union with dear person thoughtless actions. However, unfortunately, most representatives of the element of Fire do not have a special attraction to this mineral and rarely acquire products with shimmering stones.
    • For Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), pearls are undesirable, since their energy conflicts with the influence of the air environment. Pearls help unstable Geminis to strengthen their decision, but in an ambiguous situation it prevents them from making a final choice. If Libra shows sincerity and friendliness, then the mineral acts as their faithful ally. At the same time, it does not encourage lies and treachery, only exacerbating the negative qualities of the owner. The shimmering jewelry turns Aquarius into real seers, but when worn for a long time, it takes them away from reality into the world of dreams.

    How to wear pearls correctly?

    • Before purchasing pearl jewelry, analyze your own character traits. If you are overly trusting or inclined to obey, then the mineral will lead you to disappointment and depression, but for strong personalities it will become an excellent assistant, restraining their pressure and aggression.
    • It is undesirable for lonely people to wear pearls, as they cause an unconscious feeling of melancholy and hopelessness of the situation. At the same time, mother-of-pearl beads will only benefit lovers and married couples, strengthening the union and adding mutual understanding to the relationship.
    • Since ancient times, dark varieties of pearls have attracted special attention. It is believed that it is suitable only for widows and divorced people, helping them find a couple again. But for the young and married women black pearls are undesirable, as they can lead to separation from your soulmate.
    • Pearl is very susceptible to negativity, and therefore in an angry or envious person it “dies” very quickly: it becomes dull and destroyed. In the same way, the mineral reacts to deep sadness, inescapable melancholy or death of its owner.
    • Pearls are an excellent choice for a female leader. Such decoration not only gives its owner the appropriate status and elegance, but also helps her to be objective and sensible when making responsible decisions.
    • Even a person who is suitable for jewelry with pearls in all respects should stick to one thing when wearing it: important rule. To prevent mother-of-pearl beads from causing tears and loneliness, always wear pearl jewelry in pairs, wearing a ring and earrings, beads and a tiara, a bracelet and a necklace at the same time.
    • Depending on the desired effect, it would be wise to choose beads of a certain shade. After all, snow-white peas will make you wiser, add dignity, purity and elegance. The pink mineral is suitable for a girl, emphasizing her freshness, femininity and grace. A lilac thread will bring intrigue and mystery to life, and a gold thread will emphasize the high status of the hostess and attract wealth. This rare green variety is a real talisman of good luck and happiness.
    • One of the most traditional reasons to wear jewel Pearls have long been used for weddings. Our ancestors believed that mother-of-pearl beads best decoration for an innocent and pure girl-bride. Ancient rituals included not only decorating a wedding dress with pearls and offering them as an engagement or wedding gift. Among the numerous rituals, there was even provision for entwining the newlyweds with a pearl thread for a strong and happy marriage.

    Pearls have been shrouded in legends and myths since ancient times. It was always expensive, elegant and impeccable, but at the same time, popular rumor believed that giving it would lead to misfortunes and troubles, and if the thread broke, it would mean grief. Is it so?

    In Russian folk classics there is a proverb: “Pearls are great with yachts - good is the bride and groom,” which predetermines that pearls are an obligatory attribute of the family, strong marriage, which is combined with thoughts of purity and nobility. The images of the Russian goddess Lada have a lot of pearl jewelry, which indicates its value to the family. In Rus', grooms gave pearls to their brides, which were used to decorate wedding kokoshniks.

    Today it is generally accepted that those who do not have a lover, their soul mate, should not wear pearls. There is a legend that by acquiring the mineral, a lonely woman dooms herself to greater loneliness. But this does not apply to widows or divorced people. The mineral will give such people a new opportunity to find a family.

    Seeing pearls in a dream

    If you dream about pearls or products made from them, then according to dream books, this is a sign of a new, joyful event. Picking up a bracelet with pearls means quick wealth. If pearls are given in a dream, then this means a new acquaintance or marriage. In any case, pearls in a dream mean good luck, and a string of pearls means new events.

    It is believed that wearing pearls is contraindicated for those who are weak-willed and weak-willed, prone to depression and nervous exhaustion. It can reduce activity, suppress, and negatively influence. But for those who strive for power and are prone to vanity, pearls can calm them down and help put everything in its place. People who travel a lot or are busy should not wear pearls. creative work, it can reduce creativity. The energy of the mineral is aimed at strengthening marriage. It is believed that if the pearls have darkened, then there will be either problems or troubles in the marriage.

    Pearls - personal amulet

    It is popularly believed that pearls can predict the future, and this especially applies to the health of the owner. If suddenly dulled and discolored beads appear in a ring, beads or necklace, which is your favorite, then this indicates a health problem or an upcoming unpleasant event. The owner of the decoration must special attention relate to minerals, because pearls are alive and maybe they really know something that you are not yet aware of. Astrologers suggest wearing it only to those whose horoscope is a water sign: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

    Pearls, which appear to us from the depths of the sea or river depths, are the result of the vital activity of mother-of-pearl mollusks, which are found in some warm seas and rivers in many countries of the world. The formation of a pearl begins when any foreign object small sizes - a grain of sand, a small bead, a tiny pebble. Having discovered a foreign object in its shell, the mollusk begins to envelop it in several layers of mother-of-pearl, which, when solidified, forms the surface of a natural pearl so familiar to us with a mother-of-pearl tint and soft shine.

    Many superstitions are associated with the advent of pearls and the wearing of jewelry containing natural pearls, most of which came to us from past centuries. For example, it is believed that you cannot buy pearl jewelry for yourself, because it will lead to misfortunes and tears, and to wear pearls to a wedding means dooming your marriage to constant scandals and quarrels. Often it is precisely such groundless fears that make people refuse to wear such an amazing and unusual stone like pearls.

    Can I buy pearls for myself or as a gift?

    Pearl accessories, contrary to popular belief, have positive energy and carry a charge of confidence, vigor and vital energy. For women, a pearl ring or necklace will help achieve career success and improve health, while men's cufflinks and tie pins with pearls will help improve a man's personal life. If you wear jewelry or jewelry made of pearls on own wedding, then you shouldn't expect negative influence this factor for further family life- on the contrary, pearls decorating a wedding dress are a symbol of the purity of the bride and the thoughts of the newlyweds. Subsequently, pearls can become the strongest amulet of a young family from external adversity and troubles. Just remember that pearl jewelry must be purchased specifically for the wedding, and not worn until that day. Thus, all the positive energy of the new decoration will be directed towards patronizing the marriage and the young couple.

    For yourself or as a gift, you should discard all previously heard superstitions and myths, and focus exclusively on your thoughts, desires and preferences.

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